Tommy & Dream In Minecraft Championship!

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hey today i'm with dream for minecraft championship and this was so much fun like seriously this is just oh my god listen this is a long one so i encourage you to put this button on the background when you do stuff and just enjoy our shenanigans please before that starts if you just double check the subscribe button since it's completely free and we're close to 3 million anyway enjoy this stream guys guys guys guys guys guys downloading file i love downloading that it's one of my favorite things sound lapis live oh island hello hello oh you are old so are you in a different kind of way hello knoxite knoxville it's me can we call suggestion for you don't oh god don't oh he just called me god he just called me god i have a god complex knocks like can we call i've got some notes for the tournament that is [Music] i just i just not his personal life i do i have not delved into knock side that much let's let's let's let's let's i won't decline the call okay okay okay guys guys guys so i was trying to get the helper role on the practice server in order to moderate the chat let me just see if it's still up for grabs hello hello hey don't hey don't make fun of me sorry i'm very sensitive sorry that is your voice and it's very personal to you and i shouldn't i shouldn't ridicule it are you happy knock site it depends i'm happy about many things or if it's certain things that i'm not happy about but every day i work on them what about you please can i have the senior moderator role because i can moderate this chat really really really well i'm gonna make sure that no one swears than people if need be i know we discussed it uh in depth it thank you for longer yeah my mouth is gonna cry please oh please can i have just the tag i need authority i need to turn this server around it's you know what people say about it on reddit don't you knocks like they say it's a [ __ ] they say it's worse than invaded lance yeah yeah yeah can i please have even if it's just on the practice server the little tag look um junior moderator so i can just make so i could just i could just make sure i understand we we got your application i have been looking into it my application was me calling you a bastard in dms i'm looking right now oh god now now now where do we stand i am looking at you now please stop looking at the message you bastard i'm not looking at the message right i'm not i'm not looking at the just give me just just just just i just need the tag i just need to i don't i'm getting my donald trump jazz hands right now just please oh please ali all your burgers um i've passed it to my superiors to look to i just i just want the cosmetic tag in perhaps temporary mute perms so in the event that someone you know [ __ ] up and there's no staff online i can go hey excuse me you're breaking the knox crews rules mute four days yes yes and that would be absolutely lovely i think thank you i am absolutely lovely yeah i remind me of me it's very wholesome of you thank you thank you about players in that way i am hosting i might yes yeah i might i might add this to my thought process when i'm thinking about your application thank you how long will it be how long is the turnaround oh wow we are well well we have to code in the moderation system yeah yeah i'll code it i know coders no dream we might have not done it since we last talked but you told me you were doing it i did and then we got busy with more important things than tommy being a moderator yeah yeah okay okay but it's about reputation isn't it knock site and if you lose that no one's going to play in the i'll make my own event and no one will play no it wasn't a threat it was he just threatened did you just say are you threatening to to destroy mcc's reputation if you don't get moderator tommy i love it we need more people yes yes you need more like-minded innovative young souls give me junior look you have admin i just need a aggressive i just need the yellow little tag senior moderator and now get out of your heels yeah so you know what tommy you've convinced me you know what we'll do it just we can't it's actually physically impossible to do it now that's fine but that's right okay so when i do a practice stream i can have my little tag and you know yeah i'll extra think about it definitely thank you thank you you have like the mcc rising thing coming up as well you could even moderate i will i will i will oh god yeah i just i didn't think about that who is gonna moderate them just give me my tag okay you know i've got to go uh you know uh network and bond with my team not you knocks right i'll pass it to my superiors that i definitely have okay okay and we'll you know we'll get it i'm [ __ ] in i'm gonna i'm gonna turn the server right yeah yeah yeah we're both busy today we've got our own endeavors we're gonna turn this we're gonna we're gonna turn this whole place up down right yes yes yes all right i'll speak soon all right cool i'm gonna start my moderation journey i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna do unspeakable things through discord dms oh my god oh my god guys guys can i get a pog champ in the chat right now can i get a a we've just hit the sub goal again guys i'm going to cry i'm going to cry and then i'm going to say something [ __ ] up and then i'm going to apologize and then i'm going to cry again where are my tea oh [Music] hello punk no we got this we got this why do you why did you just do an american accent punk you just did an american you went we got this we got oh i just wanted to know why why why did you just do an american accent i went to an international school my accent's [ __ ] up tommy all right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you know where they only come with me punk we're the only brits on this team i wouldn't say i'm a bricks don't put me in that category you live in england very much yes well if you don't well that's not that's complete would you consider yourself an english man like me punk you don't have to you don't of course you know but but mean well why don't we just say living in england yes we both yes yes and they they they aren't adjusted to what i call the superior culture of mining we when we say let's go down to the chippy g that is foreign to them but to me and you punk that is our everyday language yeah we need to stick together this tournament and and quite frankly we need to throw yo i gotta join oh wait okay ignore that hey carl what's up carl dawg what's up man yo what up yo what up carl we were talking about the carl's grilled cheese and how it tastes like your mom what the heck carl you sound high or tired i'm neither i'm neither dude you know what's crazy what we're literally about to get a season two coin together right now maybe just maybe well it's all 50 50 though carl we don't know that's not for sure [Music] wink wink wink wank come on what did you say me i said wink wink i say wink wink with car is what he'd tell me to say i say it where are you carl let's make eye contact [Music] where are you oh where are you carl i want to make [Music] i'm trying to find you carl and yet my eyes remain contactless i see i see i see i see where are you coming i want to make eye contact oh why are your eyes different colors in each one i don't know i found the skin and i thought it looked cool but your eyes have you can't just change the color of your the pigment car that's not how it works carl it looks like it is how it works though you know what i mean wait one second one second up here back he's doing american stuff let's make sure we throw all right this guy this guy he's being classic american assuming our time is worthless he's like one sec well let me just go and sell some more oh these it's [ __ ] punk punk he assumes our time is worthless he deafens mid conversation this is the equivalent of texting while driving and running over a child punk here's what i need us to do me and you we need to literally throw this tournament hello [Music] hey my good friend my good friend how about you my friend oh yeah dream dream it's all one of those classic misunderstandings how are you my good friend dream you're very uh you know potent today [Music] are you being mindful ah imagine this space is your limited space and no one is here but you and god now breathe in now breathe out now breathe in oh i feel so much more limited now and meaningful i don't know why i thought this team was going to be fun i i just how are you how are how are you dream i am good how are you punk how are you yes yes i am dream i'm i'm so glad punk i have done i've been telling everyone i'm going to throw all day but really oh wait actually phil just went like no no really i don't think i'm going to throw i think what's what's the stakes dream if i win what do i win from you what do you want what do you want tommy yeah i want something ten thousand dollars okay that's fine no that's cool just do the same thing that dream promised me what was that he promised me one thousand gifted subs one thousand gifted subjects dream you are like scrooge but not individually that's not that's 30 that did not happen yeah yeah yeah like i was like top 35 that seems pretty easy but all right that didn't happen tommy i will say one sentence of your choice if we win okay there you go what no matter the context of it you will say anything i want you to say as long within reason but well reason is dependent on the person dream oh not depending on the person i'd say as long as the majority of people would consider it well the majority of people it really depends from okay anything i want understood reason right with rhythm approves that's within reason that this though you wouldn't even approve a butterfly carl just no no no no no anything that punk approves all right sure no i'll have you know tommy that i've cursed on stream before now i know i've seen the clip and you know afterwards you professionally apologized and i just feel so bad i just felt so bad [Music] i just i don't like anything within reason anyway do we get we why don't we get burgers i just felt so bad i got it i ain't cutting line all right here i'll give you a burger where are you a gentleman i was right there i have three propositions for you all this this fine evening yes can we refer to our team as the scion comers because coyotes is so lame and i am so i'm i'm in you will become a cow [Music] that is a completely different question to are you on the team sign come as my good friend what did you say i think you need to be aware they just posted like mcc rules and one of them was that you cannot try and evade the filter or say things inappropriate in chat so if we're calling ourselves the comers i don't think that's not very that's not very gummy of them is it now dream dream dream what does the word comey mean to you can you please keep chat yeah yeah yeah on it i'll be moderating knoxville don't you worry i don't care what you say yes sure sure what you say in this game i would never say the words i i only assumed just what about coomb what about you that was close to sounding racist okay okay what about them stop it stop it what about swear down what about cayenne shimmers we'll be the chummers baby hey trimmers dab me up dummy up fellow chumpsters i'm a chomper i'd be trimming all night me and my girls we stay chumming oh this is going to be a fun time can you guys hear this yeah okay i'm going to keep this on for the whole summers he said it's good right we're good to say chumbers right yeah we're good i think i think i don't think he's technically good but he didn't say no so i think i will take that we'll take it didn't say no so that means we ask for forgiveness [Music] yo we're music and also this they they collab really well no i have the mcc music off because i can't oh oh yeah yeah yeah but but this will stay on no the system stays on during the session should i should i say that our team's ready by the way where did he yeah i said that we are ready whoa tommy didn't ask me but he was just like you can't really talk to everybody that's not a chummer move yeah you're right that wasn't very chummy of me it kind of is a challenge never mind it's very chummy of me i'm still waiting i'm still you know trying to understand the definition of this word i came up with so we're we're developing it as the story i kind of i'll be honest with you guys i kind of need a piss but my bathroom is on the other am i allowed to swear on you guys that there's going to be lots of swear words already i already said oh yeah i have i haven't told my stream yet that's the good call hey stream gonna be a couple swears tonight i hope you guys can handle that i'm gonna be you know just just letting you guys just think you can in my chat as well carl's chat there's going to be [ __ ] [ __ ] just hey i'll i'll promote your hoodie through the stream as long as we all agree that we have to call it yeah you know that wasn't that wasn't a giggle moment boys i love how i love look listen this what happened tommy carl carl released the hoodie which is up his skin and now he's not even wearing the hoodie do i have time or not go go go okay but i might just pee in my garden all right one second fellow comers okay i need a p as well we need to call dream we messed up in america by calling our backyards backyards instead of gardens that's so cool this garden sounds like so much more like sophisticated i like it much more i yeah i do oh god he left mcc to be fair when you say you're gonna piss in the garden that sounds a lot worse than you're gonna piss in the backyard dude i pee in the backyard all the time i really well just my backyard and the safety of my backyard i feel like that's fair wow come on you don't have to it's only during the night time with a nice breeze you know what i mean holy cow look at the fireworks you know that smell i smell a victory yeah i smell victory and morning dew mixed with some pee yeah look at puns he's ready he's ready for his job at mcdonald's afterwards it's the chubbers maybe you're here just in time ten seconds can i can we get schumer's stay come in number one trending boys coming wow we truly do i'm glad we do though to be fair also from now on we're all calling each other our names but with ch i just i literally won that race there by the way i thought dream you got thank you you got back pretty good and then you won oh my goodness yeah that is a good omen that that means tommy's gonna get i'm a good owner like like the hp woman yeah yeah yeah okay what's the strat with the extreme as as my team leader um i i don't think it really matters to be honest like i think we just voted i will be playing that [Music] we need a speech all right we're going to win yeah that's all let's go thanks dre you just changed my life all right sure we can vote soon i don't care i was just kidding i was just kidding i was just kidding that's fine i don't know hey good job we actually i don't know people are probably going to vote great great runners yeah let's do grid runners it's the most unstable game that no one really knows about it's so true so our dream we are so insane we are the dream scene oh my god dream let's just hope you're a genius oh why is it coming you should do grid runners shut the [ __ ] up carl that's a dumb idea that's such a dumb idea okay that's such a good idea i was about to say that you took the words right out of my mouth what's the strat with voting what's the strat with voting dreams i don't think it doesn't really matter like i'm going to vote grid runners i'm going to grid runners that's fine i get it sometimes there are synchronization issues that's that's fine that's fine that's fine look it looks like it might be hole in the wall maybe or something oh all right they don't want me at all maybe yeah they don't they don't know what i can do when i get out my knife all right hold on hold on would be pretty good switch the competition playing hole in the wall we didn't play last twenty did we no that's quite wide oh yes yay baby that's a good first game that's i think that's what's don't just say number stream that's how people get into wars that is so true thank you carl you are your whole face is true that was a compliment by the way it was unclear if that was a compliment or an insult i was actually pretty aware of it we're good i'm giving oh man i've spent the past i've spent eight of the past 24 hours i was in charge of calling out you know whether or not okay it's nimrod wimrod iamrod and simrad you cut me off the one rule of the chamber is no chumming over another chuma i was about to i was about to say dream i've watched eight hours of the past spent eight of the past 24 hours watching the show sex education how was that yeah yeah it was really good oh i am now i like guys he had to become to become my chummer to become a chummer i could make this many jokes on a stream without getting a little more educated i'll be honest how does it feel guys i'm only a mere like six months away from you guys being able to make penis jokes and not feel weird around me how incredible is that that's true oh that's true well i said drummer as well you said i'm actually the only one typing in [ __ ] i could spoil it i'm just upset it was great i just sat you know i'm so scared carl carl wait let's do this you can fall off you can't fall off right away but you can fall you can well you can fall off right away but you can't fall off right now let's get some ones now people can start saying what are they going to get distracted and why is no one's okay [Music] these words are getting like actively making me lose oh what are you kidding me you guys got this look in the game that's fine that's fine you have to carry it too hot right now guys i'm sorry we're bringing it back we're gonna win the next two rounds and this round i am so i'm literally tilted right now guys guys they've got this come on i'm not even worried midway through we chummed a little early this time no no no chum is a good word not a negative word let's not give the word i'd call it a preacher yeah we gave it a little bit of preaching you're right carl you're right a little bit of pre-trib in there but you know it comes with the job that was not very baby of you talking about pre-chubb on a minecraft guy swimrod it's wimrod beware holy crap you guys are still alive you guys are doing great oh nicky [ __ ] sorry oh wow where did you live no no i went okay go ah wait oh he got you got fifth carl i got fifth well you got you got six i got six this fine evening okay i'll get all right okay okay i'm actually concentrating that guys focus up guys i'll start getting toxic otherwise you don't want to see that listen i think dream needs to he didn't even have to jump yet i know i i i couldn't see in front of me because we were all lined up and i couldn't see it oh because we see each other i see i know it's an em rod by the way everybody i'm gonna need you to stop i'm sorry it's so instinctual it's nora thanks dream i think what his name what the [ __ ] is a nimrod man no no no no no it's not only is it funny it's cringe don't say it okay i'm literally gonna stick the simmer on your ass carl you're on the wrong side they can come from behind you there dream are you familiar that's right no no no no no it's gonna jump from behind fellas that's my bed again again maybe another rimrod okay oh a crazy playlist don't worry about it crazy carl is very confusing do you want call-outs from here enough no we don't need call-outs i don't think okay again how many times is that all going to come up i'm fine with that south geez all these sounds it's fine do you like it oh it's swim rod huh again [ __ ] you man you don't miss anything why are you saying oh no that's once below tell me you're good just keep going i hate that they don't don't worry don't worry well back up to sick though that's that's fine that's good that's good sorry guys you're not being the most [ __ ] player on my team dude i'm gonna get so angry and i'm gonna take it out on you like in a note how are we boys see the problem is we're doing too good that we all see each other and we all mess up no that makes sense that makes sense actually i'll jump off the start that's a great idea that's a good i might solve the problem oh my god i'm sweating i'm actually sweating right now i feel a drip of sweat going down me i don't know him rods in a row by the way a real a good man never sweats what i've literally i haven't moved yet it's a nimrod play uh it's looking like an em rod by the way look at that look at look at everybody but we're gonna we can't be too sure you can never be too sure just keep chumming guys that makes no sense but it does you know what i'm saying what if i'm tired out of chumming yeah you like that one i don't know too much this is why we're failing we're having too much fun it's here oh my god that actually got people holy cow first time i had to jump in a while scared the hunk out of me just like hunk hey man we gotta focus dude sorry hey man hey man sorry man but that comes that comes no god dude sorry come on drink all good find it for this that one gets me me and you dream first a second we got this well done find you know behind you a lot of people out right there your top five let's oh my god we got it that's good okay wait where are we overall oh my god pretty good who's beating us who's beating us so i'm glad we got this game first wilbur of course will be when it of course wilbur when he's around shoveled is good to impress his mom rambo got first what the hell that's effort he's epic he's an epic dream he's pretty happy actually i actually hate positivity oh no okay third sorry i just said what you said back to you i'm sorry i'm sorry i've got teenager humor you know i'm just i'm just i'm just a happy i'm just an angry kid paddling through the angry time all right that was great good work good work uh science that's awesome can we get them to change i think our worst games are our build mart that and then i i think nothing sense of time i think that could be one of our least confident ones i think that that could be one of our best potentially i'm like i'm just i'm not i've never been good at sound sometime which is why we're all above average at yeah we're all above average at parkour tech it's just your confidence you just gotta just be more lose my confidence is my car you'll get it you're good i watched your vod you were very good at standard time you just you're just not confident for some reason how do i get more calculations like parkour that i wouldn't even have done i wouldn't even attempt it and you did like that lever parkour like i wouldn't even have gone down that and you did it last last mcc and i was like what the hell and you did it perfectly how do i how do i get more confident dream you just believe in yourself how do i believe this i will be very communicative with the sand yeah a dream i believed in myself now i'll buy your merch i'm sorry tommy i'm trying to form a parasocial relationship with you wait is that why i'm wearing his shirt right now i'm going to be honest sometimes i can see my nipples through this shirt what why are you wearing this wearing one of my shirts why is there a grown man talking to me in dream merchandise about his nipples i said dream i was talking to dream [Laughter] he had to clarify he had to quit he just saved himself there you okay punk yeah yeah decision don't look dude that's probably that i'd say that might be our worst game out of the way so like i really feel like my blood is shrunk because i just need like double the amount of weeds at the moment and i i don't know why maybe it's a puberty thing maybe it's like i just don't know it's a nerve it's nerves it's nerves no no i think it's you're nervous what you reckon how do i cure it you know just pee more do i need to pee more for you dream well for me what i don't want to please rephrase that that's what you said that's what literally i i did not i did not say it's not anything similar to what i said yeah i just don't know i'm just i'm just so overwhelmed guys coin multiplier this one's big sometimes when you have thoughts keep them up there pal please just please that's just i feel like you're not acting like a fellow chummer i feel like we're supposed to work together okay how do i don't make me use this vote egg what are you implying that okay grid runners because everyone's going to go for sky battle and we don't want that this early because that's quite a powerful game for okay okay we're going to have skype we'll vote on us like just in case but yeah everybody threw their egg in there oh quigg really wants it i mean it's kind of good to get early because okay i'm winning no it's risky like we could do really well in it we could do really well in it or we could do you know really bad in it so it's like everybody threw it into grid runner right yeah okay it could be parkour attack i think it's it's i think it's guys let's go we got this here we go okay okay um so okay so the strap for this one should we just re-go over it yeah it's so the map's the same rather than me being the bridger to the first island dream is gonna bridge to the initial island uh and then we'll go over and craft the armor spot on all of us get armor stick together we want to be the strong and scary team off of the spawn you crack you just grab those iron blocks and craft leggings uh leggings for you and for uh leggings for you and um do you want to be the bridger or should i dream no i'll bridge i'll right okay and the big thing is we should stick together as a team and don't especially if you're gonna die communicate and if you die you then become the most powerful player on the team because spectating is so important in this game punk tower up and get the chest right off the swan like right right above you as well and just dude i'm gonna need call outs i don't know where to iron carl just follow me just follow me what's what's in the chest um there's a pearl and there's some arrows and stuff i think just just grab it and then uh yeah just describe we will win okay guys don't worry i play skywars for years we just we can't lose if we oh okay remember when you grab the iron blocks off swan crap you grab the sticks from the chest craft yourself an iron sword and two leggings so you already have already spawned with an iron sword oh no oh wait oh no we don't okay wait so what what what iron am i mining the one at the end the iron right behind us right here go to the left arm go to the left iron you think there's the blue blue tour left no no no all right yeah i'll find okay your wig's over there this one's straight this one's easier are you sure okay yeah okay go straight then yeah yeah definitely definitely go to blue definitely go that way yeah okay sorry all right so quality you're going to be rubbing the power up and carl you're gonna craft [Music] oh i'm lagging just don't do that instead okay all right we got this uh crossbow head over now head over now do you want to do you want a crossbow or a bow dream tommy here uh do you have to iron left still or no uh yeah too okay here take this you can make yourself there's a crossbow in there if anybody needs it should i take it i have leggings okay we need to go to the next um you need to go to this island here yeah yeah we need to go dream okay yep let's go watch out for boas okay and jump jump over jump over we want to get the upstairs chest and then we want to hold up here this tower what do you want from it tommy um the tnt tnt okay i want the creepers you take the fishing rod dream you're really good with it all right okay remember bloxy almost powerful okay i'm just gonna you guys start bridging in i'm just gonna hold the bow on this team so they think that i'm gonna bow them now while we're doing this bridge but i'll tell you when to get back i'm getting shot from the side get back yep we're getting shot back oh i died i died [ __ ] okay okay stay on this island stay on this island i almost landed stainless steel i didn't learn that that's fine that's fine oops let's find dream dream dream you're now the spectator you're really powerful yeah i'll get to it and now we push up we push up actually just remember they're going to try and both off now it's both solidarity all right two more rounds we got this dream tell me when they're bowing and when they're not okay we go now we go now go go go go go go go across everyone go across ponce okay you're good everyone oh okay stay here remember blocks your most powerful weapon and the tnt stay open hold the screen off keep building a platform down boys i want a platform and i want us to slowly we're going to conquer essentially this area and start slowly moving it in all right i'll watch i'll watch around you guys now in a minute the biggest thing we're going to try and do is clean up okay okay did you find yourself how many hours how many hours below your side your sides your side to your side to your right behind you okay here's what we're going to do drop drop t drop team [Music] do you have any arrows wait stay back here stay back here nice guys water porter border border push in towards mid all right start building oh my god you're running holy [ __ ] keep bridging the whole trip keep building build a thing over here overhead and keep going keep going boys build your wall first follow tommy follow tommy stop get back okay [Music] i fell i'm sorry it's fine that's all good that's all good we got you guys we got a lot of points we got a lot of points right now wow nice job tommy nice okay so all we need to do we did so good that boys all we should have done is kept the pressure on green as we move towards them but punk you when you were gonna die you probably should have jumped down and used your pearl to jump onto mid aside from that you did amazing that team boyce that was so good i have a suggestion can we switch uh after i get to the second island can punk tower to mid from there absolutely let's do that maybe keep talking as we're going forward and keep talking about what you want if you can yeah will i be able to use the end of my discretion yeah when if you have the pearl if you have the remember kills are more worth it i'd like the two right okay we're gonna go right we'll uh dreams is gonna bridge i'm gonna get this iron here same strategy as last time you did amazing boys that was so good and then dream you want me to bridge the mid or like though just when we say i'm following dream again i just have now i'm sorry you're okay dude i almost just stopped playing lovejoy with tournament keep going keep going oh really good job there's loads of good okay keep going go go go go we're getting shot but that's fine go ahead and now to the right okay stop bridging stop right okay sure uh no no no you're right you're right left out left tower good cold dream up here up here can i have the tnt in the creepers please dude that was such a good call by the way we were like about to die i'm gonna take the fishing rod and i'm gonna take the arrows can i have the arrow i just have a building okay okay so this is the bridge we want you to do so if you can there's people there's people here they might block us slow do it slow yeah we can hold this ground for a little while we can hold in fact in fact you're in it you're getting everyone stay here everyone just hold this ground we're fine here's what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do everyone come down here we're gonna rotate to the other tower do we have enough time on the border yeah we do we absolutely do i'm gonna go up here i'm just gonna craft the diamond sword can you just cover me dream tell me if i need to move because of the zone should we use dream dream and dream and pop follow me and come on follow me are you sure yeah yeah yeah all right go go go go go now we go along here now we go along here now we're going along here okay i'm fine we're fine i'm getting shot i'm getting shot okay just make the run when you can't make the room when you think about it dream dream iron sword i installed for anyone take the iron socks i got it i got it i got it okay i got it cool here's what we're gonna do we're gonna hold this ground and then we're gonna okay uh when there's not people above us we're gonna go up i think not yet okay uh now no no no no no no no no no everyone up here look to our left twilight punk up here oh yeah get up go look up behind us behind us everyone up everyone up we hold this ground like we did last time dream dream close close go stay close let's just make a bit of a platform for us to stand on george is there george he's got a boat he has a boat to be careful he's got a boat that's remember good work so this let's get a bit of a roof as well on our platform this is going to be where we hold now for a little while we want to sort of slowly build this in and make sure we especially where we still have floor under us this is like where we're least likely to get shot yeah just build a wall here so they don't they don't come over here yeah good cool okay so look behind below behind behind these guys okay so this is where i'm getting stronger we need to build in more we need the borders coming too quickly okay nice job uh if you have a rod and that's a really good time whoever has the rod okay now hold this angle for a little while um i'm off sorry sorry i'll get it's all right [Music] i was gonna drop tnt sorry sorry from i got [Music] break the tt yeah all right look the only thing we're doing wrong we need to get a little we need to get a little more ground towards mid early on yeah you're right oranges oranges you know yeah you were right dream on that call to go up faster even though it was a bit of an aggressive play i think we should have done that yeah we just need to get forward because otherwise the border is going to close in on us you can't jump to the mid is basically a suicide i'm now realizing because if you go down there you just can get there's tnt yeah yeah it's the last second thing it's like you have no other options like i had no other like that was the right call for me it was the right call for you um carl yeah yeah i'll we'll tell you when but once you get to mid so punk will do two mid and then you'll do once we're at mid you'll do towards kind of mid we still want to be careful like you can build out really one of the things as well if you know you're gonna die spam down tnt and creepers because it kill points above survival points by long way but i don't have um any of that okay we're gonna go to the left we're gonna go to the left yeah you don't carl but it's fine dream dreams maybe left are you sure yeah yellow yellow yeah yeah i'll go left to go left okay all right i'm gonna grab the iron this time you think you could drop dream the pearl when you get it [Music] uh tommy find you yep thanks king like i'm going to try and bait trouble just wait don't don't just don't shoot okay branch now bridge now i got trouble do that bridge dream trousers trousers here take these two okay kyle you're gonna brush the mid while me and dream hold this sorry jim do you want some errors i have uh yeah can i have a tnt please just one or two no you know okay a bridge now bridge now whoever's bridging [ __ ] it okay i've got a pearl that means that me we have a wall because of you tomorrow we have a wall oh good work okay okay up here everyone now we're gonna hold this up ground okay i'm getting shot i'm getting shot who needs arrows um i could use some mirrors tell us something for them okay now get back because you don't know but look i got this so now we can make a wall as we go out that's why i did the initial speed bridge okay so what we're gonna do now we're gonna fight okay team behind us really we're in a really weak position let's fight these guys you should surely have get hurt cover that [ __ ] blow up i think so get the harming position back back up this punch responds with puns coming back up back up it's fine it's fine we've got a really strong position on this game now so all we really need to do is get no let him go don't fight don't fight puns is low he's really low okay he's getting some gear he's gonna die the tnt punches one hit punches one hit punch is one hit okay let's get back get that punk nice this time i just killed punk i i couldn't get up get back back up back up it's fine dude it's fine hello is yours how low is george what's going on okay that's fine fine let's keep this keep this dominance going stay up here stay back i've been pushing to the middle yeah really good workout uh just keep an eye on these guys oh come on you're still alive yeah i'm all right you should use your rod dream use your rod if you can crouch right into this rodding oh turbos keep this one in because i could maybe drop a tnt on them do i want to go for this tnt place get back yeah look out left as well left as well [ __ ] get up call get up can't play cnc and [ __ ] if you have it he doesn't have any [Music] nice job carl that's all good you gotta kill nice job guys we did good we did good we did good we did good how far behind the yeah we didn't do amazing but we did good it's cool look these are the early games that's good it's pretty happy with that cobweb clutch boys that's pretty sprig got some got some sneaky kills we didn't really engage any fights but what would you do if i had seen the tnt then oh that would have been we would have been able to uh we could have uh let's go it's cool it's all good so what game do you want to play next um i don't think again i don't think the game order really matters i think i i genuinely think that we're pretty good at every game like right now obviously we've gotten fifth and fifth right and we'll actually it's not over yet we might get lower than this are these been our games that we're accelerating in i think that hole in the wall was a game i expected us to do bad in and we did we did like right around what i thought maybe maybe a little better um so that was good this one i think we did a little bit worse than i thought we would do um so i think right now we're in a good spot these are early games so these are the two these two games are games that we i'm glad we got earlier because this one i feel like i feel like our strongest games honestly everyone thinks ace race can be one of our weakest games i think it's gonna be one of our strongest games i spend a lot of time reviewing vods and stuff with carl and punk um and i think that oh yeah there we go as well nice job tommy nice to meet you you got fifth dude congrats you got like how many kills did you get that first round that first game i got six in one game and then the rest of it that was epic that was nice i feel like again i think this is i think that i i'm i'm i'm actually i'll say i think this this makes me more optimistic she's like fifth is right behind fourth guys don't well i'm saying like in terms of points yeah yeah it just sounded funny you know yeah oh i'm eight i do dream overall right now that's epic that's that's what you were predicting right like i'm top 10. i thought yeah well i thought if you'd get top 10 that that we that there's a pretty damn good chance we win okay well i'm pulling my weight right now man i'm you are where are you 25 and i'm 26. where are you on the right hand side i'm 34. that's all right oh it's it's i think i got the first game and then that game i don't i don't think i did as well like the only times oh probably because you survived longer because i died quit i died the first round that's what screwed me like the first one you get points for surviving longer yeah i got the first round i shouldn't have i don't know why i ever bri i never bridge to mid i don't know why i did i was just like oh i can do it i've been doing good right now and then i just did it and i got shot off so that was really good i'm sure that's good that was like yeah nice that was good that was good i thought yeah i feel like the only the only real thing that hurt us was i died early those two around like the first round that was the biggest thing that hurt us because even if i got extra strava points like i feel like we would have moved up to like third probably so we did we did really well like i got four like in terms of kills like i got four kills how many kills do you get tommy yeah what i did i built over these guys placed a tnt and just wiped blue oh yeah yeah that whole team i think i think that i think i saw a post the other day about how many sky battle aces i think there's only been like four people that have ever gotten a sky battle ace and now you're right now there's five [ __ ] guys i need to get on my swear counter for this mcc because i [ __ ] [ __ ] want to be on the [ __ ] swear to this last time [ __ ] chat manifold beat me and that's [ __ ] sorry just go ahead and say okay we give you 20 seconds of [ __ ] just go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm like jitter clicking the word this is so weird just watching the vod cpm just go and all the vod channels that like that rip the content are like no tommy what are you doing punk punk you choose the game this time king punk game punk game what game park grid runners great runners punk says great runners we grid run for punk great run okay you want to wait so they don't move off but it's okay what am i voting grid runner yeah punk just sounds good just just sounds like you said it sounded weird it sounds it sounds like what are the dreams why are there hearts oh mega chicken you silly folk why are you there oh it might be two to the side move out come on oh no it was so close oh that's no it's not a mega streak it's a pink chicken so i think that i still think it's sticky to the other side probably is that bad no that's fine all right because they changed they changed this massively to be very team based so i think it's good again i think this is a good one to get early this is where we all scream over each other i was about to get early just just so i know um i think i think we we would prefer having ace race and parkour tag later if we can get it later okay okay then again like i'd say that from now on we're past the early games like this is the final early game so yeah after this it counts this sounds like we've just been warming up it's just warm up oh look this is the first map this is the lava you can place blocks on the lava so [Music] actually right away does everyone just uh carl try and follow somebody and then me and tommy are just gonna be like jitter clicking you know running running oh wait so we can just click the lava okay yeah you can the lava is one block you guys don't need me to i would just keep the music going yeah keep those keep going just want to get punched in the lobby i think if you touch the lava then then you reset that's fine holy cow okay do you see me i'll go okay punk punk you wanna come with me actually just try and follow anybody just just like wait a second okay yeah i know i got you well don't even wait a second but just try and follow those people i got sticky keys i got sticky they were good oh you can't touch lava all right yo thanks for the boost nimrod whoever hit me [Music] oh my god someone punched me in the water guys dude's so good oh he's doing good i'm punching in the lava [ __ ] okay what you just placed the block and i please to the into the lava i can't see i'm sorry wilbur i don't want to punch you did wilbur just fall out last second punching me in like 16 i literally had four okay first of all team second full team all right punk get it go kyle i know i'm like so behind her now oh you're going to calm up punched me like an ass i literally i like had first i was so far ahead of everyone else and then yeah oh well oh no dude i'm so sorry sorry first one you got this this is the first round this is the newest map too and this map is kind of it's actually harder than i thought cause like the little divots you can't place blocks on oh oh man i've gotten five seconds 15 seconds don't count come on call punch somebody nice nice okay okay okay we're fine i got it i promise everyone everyone from this you got it dream motivational speak please we got this we got this this this round here we go okay okay this is the elytra okay oh carl carl just just literally right off a spawn go to one of the first quartz platforms tower up as tall as you can go and then just jump and then glide straight like look at straight as you can and just glide to the thing okay the finish okay okay okay just do that like from the beginning right here not from the very beginning because you won't make it go to the first quartz platform that you can okay nice tommy thanks king you [ __ ] oh man i just got punched [Music] i got third i keep glitching get out of fun go up carl you're so close nice job carl tommy thank you tori in it no full team yet no full team yet you're right there you're right there yeah nice there we go that's fine that's fine that's fine you're fine you're fine okay all right now we get more now we get now we get first now we get first and we got a bonus for me getting third two so cause if you get top four there's a bonus as well so if any of me or tommy get top four or any of you guys then we get him almost two why is touring in it well freaking guys it's it's chummy treme chunk and charles [Music] everyone was pulling that like shut up kyle face now and he didn't prompt anyone oh sorry gumiho everyone follow me left everyone follow me all the way left okay okay i think sam's following me too what do we do what do we do i'm gonna do this i told him last time just follow me just follow me if you can get people off other than uh me than do um and then just yeah just just follow me and then if i fail just just continue what i'm doing basically cps [ __ ] i messed up sorry carl oh wait you're fine first oh second fruit got right before me nice tommy right there he's through that wall oh my through the wall lower lower up you're good you're good you're right there you're right there second team a third no he just barely turned one every time i place a blocker glitches me into it that was good that was good it's just it's your ping or something that's it's all right okay she was paying attention yeah nice nice job carly i i fell i'm sorry i i the plan didn't work there the eleventh is good it ended up working eleventh is amazing eleventh is amazing he's eleven's amazing second faster i was like are you like i drink so i was so i was so far ahead i could i could see everybody so i was like slow bridging so i just gone a little bit faster i would have gotten first that's so annoying dude my sort of thing is whatever route you go dream taking a slightly alternate route and then i always do like just about fifth or something okay what's the rule all right okay this one's hard okay rocket launch is hard but just just okay i think tommy you know you kind of i don't remember the internet dropped last time you just have to jump between the the pads so i mean it's not there's not really much you can say other than that i hate that it was depressing i don't like this anything [Music] no no oh what i got third oh what how did i get this oh it's right there i was right there i'm doing poorly on this one i got third guys come on come on if you like look into the corner of each one and then just right click you go right into it dream you don't have to like tf2 it oh my god dude i did the whole thing backwards everyone's struggling on this the top team is in eighth punk you got this man just take it slow no one's trying to hit you at this point in the game so if you just like do the tf2 you only have 20 seconds so just just run i don't think i don't think you can make it i don't think is anything to get the bonus i don't think anything oh no yeah i don't think anything's gonna get the bonus unless oh purple got it come on please no one else get it [Music] i don't think anyone else is going to get it unless unless green's the last one here and he didn't get it all right nice only one team got team bonus that didn't even affect us that much all good nice try funk i'm sorry dude don't worry you're a king punk remember this you were apologizing too much your last spot when i watched it and i don't want to hear you you have to pay money in the square every time you say sorry look you're doing so good just talk to us punk you're doing so [ __ ] well my my g we can go get mcdonald's in london after this if you want it'll take me two and a half hours to get there this one yep i'm sure you guys have this one you actually didn't show me the mod i didn't show you i showed them okay okay dream whoa oh oh i'm getting beat these chubbers of course one i went to didn't open rng oh and i hit a cobweb i don't like how these have rng in them you guys are so close you guys are so close tommy carl we can get first team bonus maybe [Music] where is anybody in the other caller and icon in the corner oh my god that's so unlucky that's so unlucky that is so unlucky here's what no we wouldn't we could've gotten if he was on the other side we could've gotten first team bonus oh that's unlucky all right one more game [Music] all right let's get first team buddhist here that'll push us up at the end literally i think it'll push us up to like second or something if we get first team bonus on the last one okay let's do it let's do it okay that's the goal that's the goal i got stuck in that anything for you right there and that was a oh what's the strap for this one this is the parkour this is parkour there's there's not really a strat just try not to punch anybody if you punch people they'll get mad at you and they'll punch you back if you run first or last i i i try and run first i try and jump ahead of everybody that's all i usually do but okay you want me to boost you or something oh i can't punch you can i you can but all the punching i can't see anything i'm playing an f5 oh my gosh oh good idea yeah i should [ __ ] oh are you kidding me i think just i think quick just owned me oh that's so annoying i hate punchers we're fine though punch people off if you can i guess hey mate i hate putting guys just punch people off this part of the strap yeah well now we can because people fell all right now we got it we got it carl get it go [Music] didn't i yes once dude what let's hey hashtag true must be champion number one trending if you please let me please if you please hey chummer's chum come on schumer's just stay charming hey who's the chamber who's the chummer in the chat right now come on give us an eye if you're a chimer yeah one in the chat if you're a trumpet one in the chat sorry i should have said just a simple one in the chat if you're a chummer like us look at that all you have to be to be a trimmer is buy the new car hoodie woody it's so well it's sold out never mind you can oh good drink good work nice it sold out because you started talking can i have one can i have one of course i was i was ahead too and then i got knocked down i'm going to sell mine for hassan nine amounts of money on ebay i'll give you two i'll give you two of them oh thank you i'll show you i'll sell two of them can i have like 20. carl was being a team player carl was sitting at the end trying to punch people off so they didn't get full team before we yeah that was good i was like i was like i was actually pretty proud of that i mean it was smart because like you couldn't get knocked off so like and we wouldn't get full team bonus anyway even until i got there so like you waiting until i got there was smart like that was good how are you guys on the uh oh my dream look at us right now seventh and what's your favorite eighth and seventh man oh there's gold let's go dynamic duo my man holy [ __ ] all right now my theory now is that we go for parkour tag that's my theory i think people don't like parkour tag and there's a new map so i think that we might not get it later if i don't go for it now yeah we have the two times the two times multiplier and we vote i think and we vote for we're going to have bill battle and hunger games late game which is kind of bad yeah but the build battle strat that i have i think will give us a good chance at least getting placing high like at least we won't place the last like people would think we would so hopefully unless unless we do can we afford to place last that late game um not last we can't we can't no and that's why and that's you know that's yeah that's why we're not gonna do it who's above us then so it's red and orange or like uh and i suppose actually yellow is pretty close yeah red and orange and yellow yellow is really close and red and orange are right above us but do you think orange is quite a bit above this man look out look how good orange is doing yeah weren't you yeah i don't like them they're almost a thousand above us but then again yeah i guess they're almost a thousand above us i'll be right back i'm gonna go to soda we're 800 above 10th you know so it's like it's pretty it's so pretty it's pretty close this time it's not like one team that's like us yeah and it's kind of about about what i was thinking i think i think that this is i could totally like i thought these three teams are probably gonna be the top teams i think these like these late games are gonna be like way more important than usual because look how close they will they'll be very important i think that the thing is is pete's team is gonna be really good at santa time as well so like i'm scared of pete's team in santa time like so unless i feel like unless they if they like fall out unless they're like player number one and we're trying to go for number two then we probably want to we might want to avoid standard time this time if we can yo coin multiple player guys we vote for park this time because i think people will want to play ace race but i don't think people will want to play parkour tags though okay i think a lot of people yeah i i just that's just what i think yeah i'm alpha i don't know how to aim can i throw you guys my egg no no would you just when we throw after you like stand up i just don't know how to aim for it there i think it's going to be growing through the ground yeah you should just throw it towards it man just like go really close and then just right click you got this carl yeah welcome king i don't know if you guys caught that i did the oh he go to ace race um it's all right oh maybe it won't be possible oh they did on par quarter okay that's fine that's fine like i said i don't think people want it which is what which is what is scary wait do we want to do battles they're scared of me it's about the grave yeah i think it's either it's it's grid runners i think good owners all right we got this i don't even know what to do okay so one of the point straps i know it's the grid runners boys this is just a thing i've noticed is the um no there's this it's new and the way they do it is between each game when you start on that round it's the speed of doing it so we should maybe like sing actually that doesn't really matter i guess i'm so confused it's just a challenge-based game carl that's it it's just challenging like it's very easy challenges you'll be fine so try and tell your part we'll just do what i say basically do what you're saying it'll also say it'll pop on your screen like kill the animals or whatever and just maybe the awkward ones are like the uh the coordination one so when that happens just listen to like minor dreams call out someone yeah like i feel like i don't know if they'll mix it up but if they keep it the same i want to try and go on the left if they ever split up because i feel like i'm really good at the communication part in terms of like place a block here or a block here so i'll try and stay on the so tommy you go on the right i go on the left i don't want to be the placer i'm bad at placing well you can have punk with you okay nice punk so it's me and dream are going to stick together thomas yeah if we if we have our duos or you and ponca and me and carl so okay okay and i want to go on the left because i think that'll be if unless they could switch it up but i just think it might if it gives us a better chance i'm trying to look at it there's a zombie there's like a little build over there it's just going to be like really clear so but the trick is carl doing speed and everyone working together carl and punk dream yes yes guys i think the first one i have a theory the first one might be uh tridenting to kill uh what's it called like like the mobs with the guardians they're like they like hide in the tunnels up in the air if that's what it is i don't know if they're like if you guys are behind just [ __ ] shout over and be like i don't know what's happening and then we cause we gotta do it it's so teamwork based okay let's do it okay you know this guy if this first one's trident killer the mobs then just make sure that you like check like up in the high tunnels if there's high tunnels with like a full of water because they hide there i don't know if it is all of us have got to be on the pressure plates to start a new game by the way so just as a heads up just make sure you get into your different ones different ones nice car get on here get on the thing get on the green you're lagging all right nice shoot the target oh am i lagging i don't know you look like you were a second hit i mean i was standing on the thingy for a second and it didn't count it are we missing any yeah a couple i have like oh there's one type where yes i can okay there's four over there where are the last ones i'm shooting them guys where are they here we go we go we go let's go go go go it's all fallen on the middle one so come on okay go go go okay clean the statue or get the dirt off get the dirt off break the dirt how do you get up how do we get over there i i see there's loads of dirt around here okay carter all right i can't get up there's some dirt still on the top okay i don't know i don't know where dirt is we're good we're done okay okay we go we go we go we're in the four in the main bit four in the main bit forward forward car cover though just run forward run all the way forward run all the way forward as soon as we start this one at speed voice we've got this end go oh eat the cakes okay we gotta go okay there's a different way to get in there's a different way to get in everyone look at the way in and then and then parkour over here maybe okay you gotta dream you go over there okay oh okay all right i'll let you guys in i'll let [Music] worry just a morning what we're done we're fine we're fine all right go go go copy the paintings painting okay okay um okay oh for me is it it's fine no it's fine yeah you have to copy it okay um to fall right to purple wait what no no we have to we know we're you you we copy them ourselves i think right oh really yeah okay 100 people wait wow so you go to the chest wait wait you got to talk you got to toss me will you toss me with me oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what on my side as well i've got a painting here green for me yeah i have two green blue just two blue i need two give me one green give me one green i don't have any somebody said for them for them yeah yeah what everybody said in punk blue and then i'm done mine's done turn around turn around get the blue ingredients get the blue turn around send it to me thank you just two okay uh i need three glue i need three okay but guys what about my painting i need okay what do you need i need one pink two green uh and three orange light the lamps okay you have to flick out the levers i just fell oops that doesn't help flick all the levers jump up parkour and stuff and flick all the levers i got them i got the phone call you get that one [ __ ] i haven't i'm so i'm so useless right now got it probably one up here how do we get up to the one in the yellow background right i'm one over there way over there oh i got it i got it i got there any over here i [ __ ] it i flipped that flicker i don't know how to get up to this one as well as the yellow tower uh okay i've got it i've got i've got i figured out where is it up here look very nice wait wait where do i go is that all there's probably more hidden did you [ __ ] it or not did you flick it go we're good it's up here guys all right go go go now nice shot carl go go go go come on well right now we're in there but that doesn't mean we got it guys don't worry punk let's do it fish pork cake bread melon i get melanin bread dream get cake who knows how to make who knows to make a cake who knows pork pork smoking cake um i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it guys put in chat how to make a cake now uh it's one egg sugar three of each fish three of each fish what do i do one you cook it you cook it look at it milk wait don't wait dream you [ __ ] you can just google on the side bit look three milk one egg two sugars and three wheat on the bottom i've got the wheat you need milk egg and sugar all right i have it dropped drop the wheat drop the weed here you go here you go oh we need the cooked fish and the cake i have the cooked food click the book then type cake on the left have you got your milk wait what okay can you just drop it drop me the stuff i got i got it everyone come over here so we can quickly get on this one stream's in it come on guys go go go paw unlock the exit we have to figure out how okay oh always pressure place the open ship okay look this side was punk just in case oh wait parkour but just make me parkour all right carl tommy you go do it i'll do the parkour okay green is that good what is going on no don't don't step down don't tell me don't move don't move okay don't move please don't move is it move one move one over move one over time okay all right um i'm trying to oh you can come up wait how do you unlock it do i get a key somewhere was there a key in there there's a key in the chest thing above got it there's why are you swimming yeah to the exit this is like parkour or something over here go down maybe underground wait how do you do this it's teamwork again somehow i don't know how wait there's like little coloured bits on the left you think they're there to do with probably do something do we have to piss and push or something can you guys can you boost me no can you punch punch just in case skull blocks down there maybe it's behind uh wait what the oh wait there's barriers there's barriers there's barriers yeah are we talking on barriers yep shift shift shift follow me wait it might not be oh look at me where are their bear where where are the barriers that's why something marking them on the ceiling no you guys follow me no wait is the pattern above i'm going oh it's not are you sure where did you just go i'm just sprint jumping forward and just like it is it is it is wow okay you have to jump so um then jump right to your right to your right to your right tommy just straight to your right and one over left straight to your right and one over left okay nice all right now go straight straight and then go all the way left as far as you can and then all the way to the corner all the way to the far corner we can probably make that jump can't we yeah i have to make it over i think too i needed to go above and beyond oh yeah all of us need to okay okay yeah yeah we can we can explain to you from above now we have to explain to them okay okay okay so look now now it's the jump on your left jump on your left dream now like like a little c shape keep going then uh okay now now make now can you make that jump from there god i hit punk or something all right just jump to your left you can make that jump oh you can't okay okay okay i'm sorry okay keep going now along that yeah yeah now left now it's like a c-shape just follow that and then the entire corner now you can make that jump you can make that jump okay okay all right go go go second place there we probably have to just park over there now park go to the end park to the end let's go let's oh go holy do you think that was good i think our points are i think we might be like third place in points on this but we got second place in finish so i'm happy with that we recovered we were covered but maybe not we'll see we'll see what happens maybe we didn't but maybe we didn't i feel like i feel like we probably got third place in points i feel like we probably got third place in points that's why but we'll see that's good because i this game is such a question mark like i had no idea i was scared of playing this game i didn't we didn't practice it at all none of us had any practices guys it's about the time spent on rooms so us doing first generally means that we've spent less time per room which is an indication that right we didn't do first we did second but but yeah but yeah i was doing second was good i feel like we we had a couple a couple rooms we did like first that room was confusing man that was like huh yeah i liked that good spot on the batteries we had awesome teamwork we had awesome teamwork you guys like when we were on the barrie one and i just went i just [ __ ] sprinted forward i'm not gonna lie i think i was lagging because i watched you like go so far ahead i was like there was one thing where your microphone just lagged out i was like what now it's so funny is we never would we were thinking of so much longer to find the berries if carl hadn't like accidentally walked off they've been walking on invisible blocks like what the hell like you know you're like oh they're gonna bury you bad you're gonna be so mad but roblox parkour there's parkour maps where they have invisible parkour and that's why i thought of that i'm not even when it starts with yeah but guys don't worry in roblox parker [Laughter] when it starts with that you know i knew you'd be mad i knew you would be mad no that was pretty good boys i'm chuffed with that i was pretty that that was so tense sorry punk if i shouted you at you a bit now i was like what the hell oh that was really good [ __ ] i'm pumped now okay wait question for us all cause we could we we're going to be the vote riggers um what what do we want i will we have to see what's on the vote [Music] yeah he can't i can't watch now can i because yeah of course well i mean you know okay i could i want to go to my room and just get on the telly and just sit there for an hour you know just but i suppose now probably isn't the time well what's up what's up wilbur sir that's me throwing him off okay okay now we see the points you got this bestie [Music] his brother what does that mean oh so first oh wait what was let's see all right game breakdown nine we started slow we started slow on that one that's on the first one second we got first first okay [Music] i think i think we might i think we might get points based on and we took long getting between the rooms third third we might actually be first we could be first third look at our points right now get rid of the same second [Music] because when you got stuck on that trap door it was after we completed it tommy so it didn't matter like when you got trapped around that trap door it didn't matter because it was after you already completed it and then when pogba fell in the water it didn't matter nice we're the first in the reverse of the event right now the point changes for this event that saved us there you gotta say we stay [Music] okay okay wait what's the what are we ringing what are we rigging again i think we vote for a parkour tag until you i do need a p but i like it takes me about a minute and a half it's the break it's fine just go pee go pee no i want okay dream can you stand in front and like entertain do a little show i'm at the uh the wall of fame um run towards the the the no you you want some uh the red carpet in the middle yeah we are i have been like malcolm right here live i'll entertain and then they're doing the vote so i'll talk about the vlogs wait actually just a bit over here so we don't get you know mainstream stand here stand here and entertain all right okay one minute one minute what do you mean elevator what's the twitter championship i want to see the vote it up already it is okay the ones we can vote for or we want to vote for we want to we so we want four quarters we want to vote for everything else so i'd say that everybody right now everybody right now that's watching tommy's stream just think in your head either 50 50 just just randomly pick a number one or two pick a number one or two if you're on tommy's stream and then either vote battlebox or sans of time okay if you thought two vote stands a time if you thought one sorry if you if you thought one vote stands a time if you thought two vote battle blocks that's an order of the poll okay pick a number one to two you already you should have done it and if you are on tommy's stream not on my stream if you're on my stream vote ace race everybody vote ace race on my stream okay everybody's on tommy's stream 50 50. or we'll save carl and punk's viewers carl and pogba don't do anything yet don't vote don't vote yet we'll we'll give you guys we'll give you guys an order later you guys are our faithful servants i've put so much time and effort into ace race if i don't yeah tommy tommy's uh is it being spammed in chat can tommy's mod time to p or is this a fake yes go pee go pee it's a bro hurry just just be quick be quick all right there you go thank you tommy swans all right remember if you're on my stream vote ace race if you're on tommy stream either vote santa time or battle box um and then all right right now it looks like parkour tag because there's not enough votes there's not enough votes we need to vote we need to vote battle box and ace race dude you didn't tell me that the tweet already went out dude these are free likes hold up i'm gonna say vote anything guys guys guys huge news yep i got my oreos right for my mid-snack break and i thought why are they covered in a layer of what looks quite frankly like [ __ ] and i realized it's because we're the cyan comers baby oh well chummer all right on paper everybody all right our plan is we're working right now okay guys if you're watching right right now if you guys are watching either punk or carl stream vote battle box okay you're watching punk or carl stream vote battle box on the poll please er please spam it in your guys's chat right if you can't battle box everybody in the chat what about it i we already did it we already talked about your chat but tell me like tell me your 50 of your chat is voting center time and 50 is voting battle box and then my chat is voting ace race and so the goal is we get parkour tag off of that so guys 50 right now right now battle box we just need we ace race we need uh we it's fine for now it's sometimes fine so battle box we need some votes let's say let's see let's see what's happening battle boxing battle boxes right now we need battle box so it's right now chat come in clutch come on we need the votes now all right everybody it doesn't matter what stream you're on everybody right now vote battle box everybody right now vote battle box they come betrayed me and it just it just it oh i'm back i just started crying there on stream man did you want me to put a lot of faces for commentary channels right now yo isn't it crazy everybody's voting for battle box right now right now right now it's working right now it's working come on it's 26 20 it's not already zero minutes left but it's not over yet it's not over yet keep voting keep voting guys come on boys make a twitter role right now signing to your private horny account i know you have one come on wait look guys guys i'm gonna log on to all three of my twitter accounts right now and vote because i'm because that's how much it counts tommy alt battle box i think it's almost almost over no no no we need to hold out a little bit longer hold on a little bit longer guys hold the line tom simons doesn't even follow it battle box come on boys these are my three accounts come on holy cow dream dream you have two accounts don't act like you don't get on your own i did i did i voted i voted oh i just realized dude parkour tag is going to take you voted on your and your main of course i own all three i have a private all too don't even worry about it no we're voting you really are you ready let's see i'm refreshing it still says zero minutes holy cow negative one minute wait wait i think i think stand the time save the time send the time vote stands a time now everybody switch from battle box to sands of time santa time and i think park i think park i think we get parkour tag i think we do oh but everyone goes all the time everyone vote santa time if you can are the science trending not number one come on guys hashtag signs needs to be back punk needs to be back okay nice nice all right i think yeah i think the 1 000 bits haley [Applause] come on let me get down there come on come on come on it was so close i think we did it i think we pulled it off i think we pulled it off i think we did good job chats all of the chats thanks kritios in the chat if i remember i'll if it's work i'll see you i'll say what whoa that's wrong it's wrong it's wrong is it wrong it's wrong it is wrong dream you sound like donald trump right now oh no it's not wrong it's not yeah yeah yeah oh yeah good change good job real quick you're running underneath you're going you're grabbing the blue key underneath okay i think the red key will be over there on the right side okay um the blue tone i'll tell you if i see it when i'm looking for a tunnel tommy um call it remember run around and grab all the sand so you just need to swim under there right so i'm starting out thinking about trim tweets wait really explain what so i go through that hole yes grab the blue key that's underneath there yes and then just look around for the blue tunnel i if i see it i'll tell you when i'm looking i'm hyper focused on this what is it it's the the election is rigged i swear something like that what is the tweet guys someone in chat tell me all right so i'm just not going to be i'm just not going to concentrate this game close by a lot guys it was i promise you ignore ignore the results right now we're fine because we're about to go i don't even care okay wait so i go into that wait wait what do i do what do i do i get wait i get the blue key and then okay listen swim under there get the blue key and then just look around for the tunnel that has a little blue like lines on the wall okay if i see it i'll tell you okay i'm going to call you i'm going to tell you guys you know what you're doing whenever it's all the way filled without with me having no sandwich and then then we'll dream and then we'll spawn uh and then just and then just run through that tunnel and just try and clear it out and try and find the blue vault and then uh punk again you're just finding the red i think it's on the right side but it might not be it might be somewhere but it's just a room around this town though you don't have to go deep for this beginning you don't have to go in so don't worry just just run and find that room it's it's a room that doesn't go deep at all it's like right around spawn so you're all good okay [ __ ] yeah man i follow my homies let's watch this watch this watch this we don't mind the sand around the middle we need it hurry do not mind the sand carl remember remember use your markers on the levers okay yep i know yeah i can't remember that like marker thing that you put in the disco by the way it's one one whenever you enter a tunnel one whenever you enter tunnel and then two you only want the red tunnel you want the red key room okay it's very different really cool how do i find the blue oh i found the blue tunnel already i found it i found it [Music] a little bit into this just to get um just to get the sound uh okay that's fine that's fine let's smart oh oh i forgot to take fall damage i have a ton of arrows by the way do you regen hearts very fast what does it look like it's got like little little like red bits around this around the wall no no no no i'll look at that he's looking for it'll just be a little cage that like you have to do some puzzle it's like a puzzle room it's it looks very different there's like a bookshelf right when you first walk in you'll find it on the right side so okay check the left side check it off let go okay you're fine no no check the left side you're fine i don't know if you guys need these rusty keys but i have a ton of them you'll find it if your chat sees anything call it out guys you know he's looking for the red key okay it's off to spawn [Music] [Music] dude i didn't do the marker thing but i it's so much harder in the moment i'll hold my challenge where did all these where did all of these zombies come from jesus christ [Music] [Music] fine we're fine dude i have a ton of uh sander now don't you worry by the way [Music] i have three sand so i'm like going all the way down this blue toner is that what i want to be doing right yep you want it you want to search the entire thing and just until you find the ball which eventually you will and just like just just clear as much of it as you can like you want to get gold and stuff on the way insane just did i just find the vote i just found the vault i just found the blue vault now get it get it planned working so far nice job holy balls okay now walk now finish finish clearing the tunnel finish clearing the tunnel and then [Music] them filled with seven filled with certain secrets uh turn around i'm dropping uh i'm dropping arrows i dropped three stand behind you carl okay feelings all right so why wait so what am i doing dream i'm just like going down the other tunnel um yeah just no go down yeah just go down other tunnels or this tunnel as well like all the tunnels that i'm in so like little bits of the blue one yeah okay cool yes until you clear out the whole thing and then leave okay it's quite a lot it's quite a lot to clear out though you know right all right that's fine you can always come back if you if you want to but it's fine that's you should just do it as long as we have sand yeah it's cool santa's time i've filled with ten so all right nice i'll tell you if i see oh this is the red one punk come over here you see me to your left behind you go over here yeah yeah i see you're seeing all right you see right here it's the one right next to this chest over here okay okay don't get the chest but go down i marked it with one blue little thing okay go down there i'm covered i'm going i'm going and i should really not be risky because i have like a lot of the [ __ ] there's a green vault uh off of uh on the on the thing that you can get lots of sand in carlson yeah don't be don't be don't be too risky don't do like lava parkours or anything what are you talking about it's fine it's it's just just so you can what's it called um there's just lots of sand in it you'll see um uh it's filled with with three excess okay nice i have i have more sand to gather though i haven't gone on the second floor yet okay nice so there's tons of sand so just go and collect a lot more right now [Music] okay i'm just peeking in here you need to place [Music] you get them that's brilliant there's still i see it here right now i'll grab it on the way out okay guys i'm done with my with the blue blue vault very nice cool i've done it all okay i'm going to drop me nine sand carl all right come to me yeah just drop it in the middle okay i'm just finishing this really quick where should i go now just down another random tunnel just down yeah another title doesn't have a marking in front of it okay i've dropped it do you want me to place them in as well no no you're good just throw it in just throw it [Music] um filled with four plus tommy's uh filled with four plus i mean wait there's a puzzle here i don't want to do that to the top you want to grab that guys i'm grabbing i'm just doing i'm filled with 12 so i'm fine right now yeah but there's just a lot of sense just just have it so you have it okay just get the sand first before you do like the the corn stuff okay okay right it's just more important okay um okay so i'm down this red thing i don't know where the the thing is you just gotta go explore every corridor and you'll find it just yeah just keep just keep exploring you're fine it won't be easy to find it will not be easy to find you'll just have to unless you'll make just grab gold just grab gold and everything and whatever [Music] it's my best signs of time like ever thank you don't ruin it oh wow that was what i wanted [ __ ] awesome it could be your worst it could it could it technically could okay thanks guys let's see don't take it for granted i'm just kidding um filled with seven extra oh god it actually was kind of helpful oh you doing all right sound wise cal uh yeah i'm filled it's filled up with seven so with seven like in the bank um i don't know if i i have a few more dispenser things to go through [Music] i just found a load of blazers what the [ __ ] those are super easy to kill trust me no i have to like jump across a platform to get to them i don't know i'm just kidding don't be risky with this many coins i've got oh actually they don't have a spawner i have a bow all right kill them and then go okay okay dude i don't see any more sand i'm not gonna lie um so i think i'm fresh out i'm gonna fill this up and try parkour you're just just looking you don't see any more by the like up up in the top but did you did you ever go in a room that had a big bolt or no no okay there's a one with tons of sand that's a big vault from the left side from the portal i found it but it's really risky parkour do i want to do it or not it's the golden key okay no no no no we're not going to find the golf ball anyway just don't just don't risk it okay unless you're very confident okay i'm not very confident i just don't know just be safe do you need more sand anymore yes i do need some more sand guys let's bring it home coming back bring me some sun come on come back i need to know i'm out of sand it's at um 100 seconds are you gonna get back soon or no yeah yeah yeah uh i've got six zen coming up thank you thank you all right okay how's it going cause he only has 60 seconds you said 100 seconds or on the second floor on the second floor there's there's there's a green next to the party if you enter no no i'm not coming out no no i'm off the side you're not coming out anytime soon wait wait i'm coming now i'm coming out okay we need you out now i have seven do you need me to go back sometime the entrance i have seven seconds all right go back go back tell me ah we probably won't find it i'm telling you it's just keep exploring there's enough trust me okay there's enough stuff there's enough stuff we're back to like 100 seconds okay i'm coming with seven sand cal if you want to meet me thank you thank you it's okay king i'm trying to see where he's i'm so sorry dream i literally came no and my whole chat's saying go back and i really want to but dream said now right here we can you know what you know no dude it's not a late game we shouldn't go back like we could afford to not get first but instead get third as opposed to getting like seven yeah exactly exactly exactly but also i don't think we are like it's nobody gets gold i don't think anyone's ever gotten gold vote like we probably won't get goldball anyway so there's no four plus three wait actually carl carl do you want to do the particle because you didn't have any coins on you do you no no no no no please no no no no no no wait i found the green vault you found the red vault the green vote grab it okay nice grab it that's fine yeah the green ball just stand there tommy grab all the sand okay yeah i am oh oh thank you thank you for a lot of coins all right strategy is working so far i'm gonna once i get that back i'm gonna try doing the parkour okay the close part you want to get good okay unless we find the gold vault at least i know where the key take this out drop it just drop it you're good guys i'm not even in the gold block corridor am i stupid where should i be going now dream just down different hallways yeah just stay close to spawn so you can help and carl be communicative how much sand you have um it's full plus oh it's 100 seconds plus four sand guys this isn't i already went down this there's not a gold vault there [ __ ] all right i'm coming back i'm just gonna i'm just gonna ignore you guys because i feel like yeah the chitchat's probably trying just get your monster spam dream get your master spam that's what i do when you're i think mods are is did i pass the ball do you know any of my mods they're there dude i can't do this sorry uh half going back i'm not in the half order i haven't gone underwater should i go underwater in the center no no tommy went there there's nothing down there yeah yeah there isn't 5k coins is really good overall does it in the water no we only have 4k coins overall but look um yep yep i mean not tommy just drop it just drop it you're going to stand take this okay just drop it you're good how are we doing for some time because that's what i'm getting a bit worried about no you're fine we have a lot right now is this the quarterback no do you want me to take your shot no no this is fine should i come down here with you or you can unless you really want how many coins you have on you i have a lot i have a thousand but okay let's maybe not do the gold i'll call them all right that's fine we'll be safe because if unless we find the gold vault in which case we could go back for it all right grab that sand i'll just clear this out with you real quickly we can be yeah we can just be efficient here here you go left i'll go right okay okay don't worry please don't worry 90 seconds plus 9 extra right now i'm not so i'm not going away there's two ravages down there are they risky to run away from the red one yeah yeah no they're fine i think i i think i left them down just don't don't let them come out to like spawn around guys i have arrows i have 14 arrows and i have five rusty keys i don't know if anybody needs it i'm just letting you know i'm doing parkour against raj ridges because they don't look that scary if i'm quite honest oh never mind never mind they do damage yeah they they do that a lot of damage don't don't be riskier with them wait they are kind of pitting me down here how good is that i don't know why i came down here oh filling it back up right now fill it up that was scary fill it up no no you're good you're good i got it i heard the [ __ ] the scary oh no all right fine go back you're fine you're fine it's only 20 it's only 20 tommy i was on the other side to where you were but there's two ravages guys 110 seconds no sand party can you hear me oh god he doesn't have a sand he doesn't have sand okay the opposite side to where we were a dream it's like just down a corridor i'm going i'm going you mean to where i was the opposite side yeah there's like there's cobwebs down this way um at the entrance tommy do you remember where tunnel you're i'm stupid i'm stuck in the hole so i can't get out all right i have eight's in carl come come come to me do you see where i'm jumping i'm jumping right now i'm just so sorry you see me over here you're good you're good i'm dropping sand go there the coins are in lava though the coins are in lava get tommy out use one sand or two sand to get tommy out of and then go fill out the rest okay i'm going to go get thomas wait should i should i do the gold thing because i have zero coins no you're fine you're we don't need it we're not going to get the gold vault though we're fine okay did you is it up with the ladder or is it no no i was fighting it's in the light with the ravages the lava pit with the thank you the lava pit with the ravages i died there but my stuff is like sort of in lava it's in lava yeah because there's like little lava pots that i went in one but i could probably go in if you had a splash potion of healing and i have a gap i haven't gotten the apple juice okay we're gonna have to kill the ravages dream and then i can get this i got i got i got coins i didn't get your coins um i don't see a lava pit i see 10 seconds and no sand 110 seconds no sand i'm hurrying i'm i'm literally at the level of it right now tommy just try and find sand tommy just don't come down this tunnel try and find sound okay no no i get your stuff you're fine i don't know where i don't know where okay where's sand gonna be just look anywhere just go down any tunnel and try and find sand okay okay okay isn't this where you've been though i'm dreaming i think i'm where you've been sorry nothing [Music] um 80 seconds left no sound dream i'm gonna come to you because i'm just like yeah i i know where to dream i'm just gonna come to you because i'm running there i think it burned i think it burned no i'm really nervous i know i see stuff burning i see something let me come to you let me come to you no no because i've got a gap so i've got no coins i mean as well i killed them all look here here is that it's that wait dream dream i've got a gap should i just go in can i get out easy yeah get out and swim get out and swim eat a couple first eat gobble first go in hurry i'm heading back uh oh i died i just died in the same wall you can't get out of that i just i just fell in we have 30 seconds oh no 30 seconds left lean dream of stove i don't have any sand yeah we can't we we're screwed here guys just get out both you get out okay get out just just get out it's all right it's all right how do we get out look it is recoverable oh [ __ ] i'm sorry man i i totally thought you could get out that lava like i had no idea oh hurry guys get in the port again the portal go to the port again we need some coins get in the bowl oh my god okay look we're fine we can we can recover from this we can't recover from this look like we were in first place okay oh we do but we just we dropped to six we dropped to six we can come back it's fine we're good wait were we the last team oh we were the last team oh that's oh we would have been like third we would yeah we no we wouldn't have first we've been first we were going first well we're full though we would have been yeah well we had four thousand a couple hundred who would win um but to be fair it looked like red rabbits was pretty low too and they were okay so in the lead okay i should have just once i saw it in the lava i should have just left it yeah i'm sorry man like you know in that drop you could you would assume you could get out really easy wouldn't you right like when you hold space yeah i'm so sorry everyone there's no point in the lead with red rabbit you know you know the ravager area was like so easy for the first bit and then it was getting out there i just tried to this is what happened i just tried to um i when i i saw you in the lava i saw i saw you in the eleven i knew you're gonna die and so i tried to run over as quickly as it could to like hopefully maybe when you when your coins drop to get them right and i just like missed a jump and fell in the lava too oh [ __ ] you know in like the rap because the first bit of that right you could just totally avoid them and then i got like pinned down and was like oh [ __ ] wait wait what and then they just did this man what's your place uh 12th look we're 11th and 12th and there's still a lot of games left luckily we played that early we have six seven eight dude we have three games i genuinely think that we have we actually look what we're 400 coins from third guys we know yeah no we're throwing it yeah we're 300 coins from with 300 coins from the p so battle back oh yeah hurry dude we got we still got one that was stuff we got this we got this we can come back like that game if that game was played later then we had no chance but the thing is this this was played at a perfect time it was just before the up in the multiplier so we're all good [ __ ] we're all good okay go get it good game i think the thing is i wouldn't have gotten back anyway i'm sorry guys i feel like i let us down there i got i got a little dude there was so you know i i know now like for all of it like there was the gold vault and i was like should i get it and my whole chat was like yeah my charge is the world's worst influence like and that one was like that one wasn't even risky like because i just went around them you did you see they're out of the two ravages like i just totally went around them and then then that ai was like [ __ ] tracking me it's you'll watch them oh it is like you know i jumped on the first one i almost died too like before i even got to where your stuff was i had to use a health pot and i was like i would have died if i didn't have the health plot like it was it was really close dude well you watched the vod after and see i want to know what you thought of that because i was like [ __ ] yeah i'll i'll i'll watch it i will just get it i think i think i think it's fine it doesn't matter i think it doesn't matter like to be fair we probably should the only thing i would have done differently is i just would have i just would not have gone down there at all like when you saw the two ravingers like i saw two ravages at another place i literally just left them yeah i did not i did not go near them not terrible now um parkour tag we want to keep keep pushing parkour tag ideally our final games would be parkour tag ace race and then battle games probably they they change they change the now i feel like it's too like i like hunger games but they even they even nerfed kills even more like we could maybe do i think the only thing you don't want is built but then again maybe we could win i'm just saying there it is almost always build mart when there's a top three like it's it's barely ever not so it's totally gonna be built up let's just throw our egg don't throw it yet just wait until like 10 seconds left and then throw it out parkour attack let's just throw parkour tag until hopefully i'm sorry kyle i'm oh [ __ ] i'm not surprised why are you sorry dude don't apologize thank you that's my one rule okay thanks anyone could have made this thing you had so many coins like we pulled we pulled it off perfectly we just made one mistake like pete did the same exact thing last time pete's one of the best of times just say sorry for stressing me out so much by the time we get to this is probably one of those thanks guys this is like the most fun i've had them this is just really fun like ages it's brilliant dude i'm like i mean to be fair like you'll take that in the future in mcc you'll do well they really don't want jesus christ just just go for it just go for it oh ace race oh are no it's three to four so it's it's it's ace race okay okay i want a series dude give me ace race that's the public let's go let's go all right guys let's go we got this we got this we got this boys let's get some [ __ ] primes for all the boys all right all right look look we're gonna we're we're all getting top 15. like that's what that's what's happening here we're going to shock the world okay we're going to shock the world by all going forward are you going to get [ __ ] [ __ ] the entire time i'm not going to talk the entire time are you getting top 15. i'm getting top 10 i'm going to dream are you going to get top one maybe i will try my best okay i'm gonna mute up during this one i don't know i never mean no no don't mute up but just don't just everyone be quiet everyone everyone we're focused we'll focus yeah shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up you do not talk okay wing rings okay this is a pretty like i remember this one being much oh and you can do the minecart trick if you want to where you right click actually it's probably yeah yeah they all know so scary and they turned off punching off the beginning the only thing there's no punches that was the biggest thing in the first game i was like well it's gone the only thing uh with uh what's it called with the minecarts it's like also what everyone's going for them you might want to try and go for one that like other people might not go for like maybe on the right side or something at the beginning is it could it glitch or something no because like they could be in it when you try and click it or something like basically with with this game play it safe because it's so much like if you fall you go so many far back in places yeah yeah you can't really overtake it don't cut you can't really overtake or undertake people you just sort of want it don't hurt the first time carter play just play at safeguard literally just try and carve but i think i'm just gonna be i'm gonna be ahead enough to carve but you're sure there's no punching i feel like just literally take it so slow like we're all see-through so it's probably fine there's no question it's ace race that was that was a foot race oh yes like oh yeah this is weird for some reason i thought it should be fast oh what i missed the car i'm right behind oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no oh [ __ ] oh nice joke pretty good we're all right here i think we're all doing good [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] you're fine [ __ ] oh no [Music] all right this is my redemption lap [Music] [Music] [Music] what places are we all 17 11 17 just because i [ __ ] up i'm getting back [Music] [Music] there we go pog ass [Music] so i want to move my mic up because it's literally in my face but i can't [Music] [Music] [ __ ] nice [Music] don't say numbers anymore [Music] [Music] oh no you're fine you're fine upon doran oh wow that really didn't take me back at all [Music] well done tommy i see you in front of me thanks king [Music] oh i passed my car that's not the teamwork i was looking for come on look at this sorry my chummer [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] up [Music] 19 18. [Music] [Music] let's go 18. all right nice nice you got this punk coming up on the finish keep going dude i [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] take it slow you got this king [Music] come up with [Music] third second second place and only by a little bit let me buy a couple points oh i think pink was below us on the leaderboard as well so maybe i don't know we'll see second [ __ ] second that was good oh well done boys well done box hunger game and park gold tag we have one only two games three we'll we'll play three dream we'll play three i'm a moderator yeah i think we win if we play three more games to be fair but oh man oh okay yeah we popped off [ __ ] yeah man that's brilliant um [Music] oh the reddit said this is our last place game it's not worth that you are wrong and i hate you when did you start swearing this is brilliant i've never heard you go i never think i'd hear carl jacobs go suck my dick ready you're a [ __ ] no longer baby you're going through puberty man oh my god no the reddit is lovely it's just you know you know the i saw ironically i saw a reddit post telling me to stop reading the reddit and now so really all it all comes back round to them really [Music] that was great oh yeah man this is [ __ ] cool i'm pretty dude i haven't played minecraft for like an entire month so like immediately being in the top 20 is pretty like it's good let's go boosted me mc self-esteem client okay okay cool i'm gonna urinate on stream that's punk thank you [ __ ] got this got this look we got some game we got some games left we got some games left we got that what's your favorite game so far punk [ __ ] what's your twitter handle i'll send you a break i'll send you the free remember youtube just someone tell me after the stream and i'll send you all the remember youtube just for that preference is fun like i'll get all three of them i think grid runners that's all yeah like we need more than member represent come on boys once we actually start playing it hey i found someone in the mamburg skin so now i'm [ __ ] chuffed is nikki still going let's go okay i mean it's a new map it's a new map he got he got wow he just really didn't that's crazy this is like pete's map it's just it's first third and fifth okay come on come on come on come on overall event overall event i think we're going to be oh good word dream good [ __ ] work eat fruit berries let's go come on you're trying to kyle you yeah it was nice it was nice i got to watch this right all right six 300 closer we're even closer dude we're 300 we're only now now we're only 600 points for what 900 900 points from second they were 900 points from second not even we're 800 something points from second and from third we're only 300 i'm gonna go for a weight i'm gonna go for a weight one second all right let's we're almost 250 like any game can make that up we got this what what what do we want next parkour tag we just wanna just keep pushing it we almost got it last time because of the because like people messed up just keep pushing it they want battle box we could do battle box there might be more teams that but the thing is our team's going to vote build mark there's only one game after that bill maher might be the last game if uh that's okay we have a strategy we get battle box we do have a strat we do a strat i think we have a good chance if we even if there's build mart but we definitely i think we want parkour tag we want parkour tag parkour tag is one of our strongest games i think people know that that's probably why one of the reasons why they don't want to play i tensed up that whole game i got so lightheaded right afterwards oh oh hello hello why's the timer froze dude i'm 21st overall oh my best performance is 36. oh you're doing good carl we're all so proud of you carl buy my od carl um what are you looking at tommy what's your overall i am 13th right now i'm pretty tough where's dream has he gone on we're ready no i'm here oh hey boys we're doing i'm i'm welch okay what do we want to be playing guys because the left and the right of that is battle box or survival games we want battle boxing for core tags so just where's bill bill mars in such like an awkward place that i don't think it's like on the board can you um move for a second punk schmidt wait it's going to a question mark one what is going on oh no it's it's bill maher it's build mart it's built mark we have a straw we have a shark we have a strat we have a strat look we got this look billboard's gonna be the reason we win that's gonna be the funniest thing ever that's gonna be the best thing of all time what was your say your statistic say your statistic about it what oh we have to finish if we finish seven builds if we finish seven builds no i was gonna say i think all of us are like the worst ranked oh yeah we all yeah literally every one of our performing games on this team okay dream can you tell us the strat again because i strategy we all we pick one bill of spawn i'll tell you which one and then we all work on that build only and then basically we both we decide who's getting what if there's like a lot of one block then like maybe two or three of us would go get that one block so we can get it as quickly as possible and then get back as quickly as possible the goal is to everyone works on the build together everyone collects the blocks together and everyone can kind of like check the build make sure we're placing in the right places um and then we just stay ahead on that bill cause we'll get first place finishes every time keep the calms clean but we only have one we have a lot of communication okay what will we do if like midway through it's not working do we just stick to it am i walking we stick to it we stick to it because it's also a long it's more of a long game strategy as well because you get you'll get to the golden build really quickly and you'll start getting you'll get first point finishes it stacks up over time because everyone's not going to be getting first place finishes like over and over we are so okay here's what we're going to do for each one dream you go on you go on to the build and you allocate everyone to get that block you do that immediately we go we get the block we regroup you also tell us generally how many okay which one all right i think the hardest one people to do is probably going to be uh this this one here right there's three i guess there's three different oh this one has flowers no this one this one wait frick which one we got 20 seconds we'll do this one all right look uh tommy tommy you get you will get the red and punk you go with them and get the blue okay the blue one of nether warriors what am i me and carl are going to go get burt's wood okay okay you get red i got blue you ready just get we just need like i just got a bunch of random supplies too no no no no no no no no no no no the goal is speed the goal is speed sounds good remember we fly up on this thing so go to the wood section and get birch me and you're have you got enough i got 17. it doesn't look like i needed a lot turn it all into play start building turn along the planks and start building [Music] oh wait no it doesn't do it like this i did it wrong it doesn't not yeah there's not on that side okay it is on this side okay then we need uh is do we need more are you going to blue have you got enough fluid fire i need we need more uh cover yeah we need one more there we go nice good okay allocate the blocks all right okay tommy you get golden emerald um and right and red zone okay we're all gonna get go get spruce okay so i'm getting gold emerald redstone and you're gonna yeah and then all three of us are getting spruced which one's spurs again oh [ __ ] it's dark but not super dark oak is at the very front yeah it's oh no this is oh what oh you're gonna go where i we need a lot we need locks we have trap doors okay i'm getting i have uh i have 15 plugs logs all right head back head back head back head back 21 head back um the trap door recipe is just uh four uh six plant planks uh in a row okay i don't know what the heck is happening i'm like i got shot you're good okay i have 20 trapdoors all right how you place these is weird so um it's it starts on this one i think excuse me just help punk help what we do um okay is that how you do it i think it's nice nice that's nice and it goes all it goes it's one block from the back so it does go all the way to the back but it goes like this like that and then there's ones on top yeah i'm trying i don't think it's that one right do you think yeah it matters what direction in their place you don't need to break i don't think it matters what direction their place get them down i think it does oh one in this corner dream here dream dream jesus corner you're fine carl don't don't break it hey you break down the other side where where call yeah here hear your dreams place it here oh here yeah place it now destroy the gold all right well done okay all right tommy okay uh i'm gonna get red stained glass and tommy you get red you get the oars get redstone iron gold i've already got most of the oils what the [ __ ] all right okay all right um then okay uh i'm gonna get red you get yellow carl yellow stained glass punk you get white and and then green tell me whenever you're finished go get green okay i'm gonna get green and iron like green stained glass and iron yeah okay i'm getting red you said well what dream dream tell us you get which one are you getting white white i'm getting white okay then what's the other color yeah green red green i'm getting green no i'm getting green so yellow is yellow green red and white which one am i getting i'm getting yellow you get it you're getting you're only getting the iron you're only getting the iron okay okay are you sure yes for each one you only need six you don't need you can get like eight get eight i'd say all right come back come back come back now everyone go back what's up what the oh god this is slow nice bunk okay i'm sorry it's okay need the red and the yellow dude like that where's the green and yellow carl did you drop the yellow here's the yellow green did anybody get green someone craft i got green someone craft the yellow some craft yellow okay i am i am how does the green go okay who's this nerd who's this nerd that's here speed boy speed hold on okay all right we need okay uh i'm gonna get okay you get a frick there's a lot here tony do you still have iron do you still have iron uh no okay i'll get the woods i'll get the woods spruce i'm gonna get spruce i've already got spruce iron i'll get jungle and okay drain towers iron carl i'm gonna get purple and yellow um punk get pink and tommy get red okay and then get the red and jingle jingle what am i getting again i forgot already stop getting pink right what am i getting someone tell me [Music] okay i think you only need like one right i don't know why i'm getting a lot is it concrete or glass concrete or glass it's concrete concrete okay i got air on the concrete floor i don't know in a bar how do i do that again i really like wandering iron bars like a like a trap though oh my god i figured all right um we got everything then i have yellow and purple is that all i needed are yellow please do we have the jungle yeah got it i got it i'm just crafting all right place it place it place it all right crafting it nice is that in the right place it is that right nice purple yellow there's one too high for y'all there's one twice it's just two so sorry sorry so sorry hi you're good well done okay what okay we're done with this one okay we completely we completed everything okay well now we got to move it to these stone stones i'm gonna get to get the i'm to get all the colors okay we need something rainbow you guys get stone and then you get uh carl get flowers okay and just tell me uh read him the flowers okay okay what you just want me to okay lily over here stay here and tell me just stay here and tell us what you need okay okay all right i don't think you can run out of builds stone and stone slab so the stone is so slab and then there are what do i need crap you need stone and stone smooth stone slab right okay i'm getting stunned i'm getting stoned no i'm not getting stoned i'm getting the other one okay i'm getting colors okay i just need uh who's on flowers yellow a bunch of other flowers if you're doing flowers you need white cotton this one you need white concrete as well for the colors okay i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it see any white concrete in the colours now flower boy flower boy you need that's me lily of the valley so the white one ali um which is the pink one orange tulip and orange yeah those three hear me so the white one the pink one and the orange one dream you need um red orange yellow basically all the colors but with glass you only need three you only need three for each um so and then white concrete um then you've got the stone you place it [Applause] [Music] any white concrete okay is this finished or is it just that the build is quite stairs and white concrete in the middle is there i'm [Music] remember you need to cook the stone to make these tub bits yeah yeah yeah it's taking oh what am i doing i'm getting too much of everything i'm taking too long it's fine get your flowers down king thanks drop me to help punk i think i am good on the flowers also i have a ton of iron i'm just gonna throw everything i have in my chest okay i'm gonna make the smooth stone yeah everyone's saying it to build dude with the quartz stream at the end it is okay i'll do it that's what everyone reckons do we need am i getting quartz what the hell it doesn't look like a build no we threw the strategy do you think i just need a ton oh tell me i need more than three each and do it right that's more than three right no one two okay i need course for that drop me the white concrete drop in the white concrete okay white oh crap okay uh there's that purple light blue i'm not going to risk that bit let's just do these ones because it's so unclear get that yeah definitely get the other one because it cuz we could whatever green did i not get green how do i not get green i got lime is that lime i'm not really sure what what to do lime it is lime yo we need more chords yellow try and get back if you can yellow one two three one two three bits we can half finish because you have more points for finishing if you can get the quartz back then yeah put an iron block here maybe do you have iron if you have wood no spruce i have jungle yeah i feel like i've just stood around sort of in the base a little bit for that one like i feel like maybe yeah it was a build look yeah i know i know 50 percent of what's the best we oh if we did that we would have kept getting first oh that's so that's actually really annoying that's so annoying i don't know if we would have gotten first we would have done we were doing a lot better than we did of course build more okay so for the last game do we need we need to do hunger games then hunger games or parkour tag i don't understand why they'd build the base out of the same thing that then this build connects to and they like put the stairs lined up in there dream for points wise to get 2k points what's the what's the optimal games for us to play now uh um i mean what we only have one game left we have two games left one game left so is it hunger games or the runners i guess basically just not battle box oh that's so frustrating no it's cool hunky games has got a really clear strap to it that i'm pretty as long as we get good rng they nerfed the points now you can't get that much the differential is like so close like i don't know maybe it's even maybe even like parkour tag would be the best that that build that is so well why would they do that that doesn't make any sense ah all right i'm think i'm thinking about what we can play to get the most points so i think i mean like battle box differential is like nothing parkour differential could be big if we like parkour has a lot so we we could do really good on parkour we really could um but i'm not sure the differentiators said that the difference there's like a lot of pressure for us to get really good differentials differentials on that i think hunger games for fun and for win i think we should vote for that like i think it's much more likely we could win on that um because what we need for that is is like if all four of us survive that's a [ __ ] ton of points and lots of people won't but if we get kills and play a bit aggressive which we can as we we have the full like if we push red purple aqua those teams are going to be afraid of us like especially like me me and you dreams we have quite a powerfully to get kills but they nerfed kills though i mean but we have quite a we just it's a like how in sky battle we have quite a powerful thing of as long as as literally as long as we get good gear and me and dream are wearing it like just from a psychological social point of view we have quite a powerful lead and that people are going to run from us which usually means we can throw off teams a lot more so i i think it's like i think that the only way the problem is like the people are scared of us that like they when we get killed survival points are really big so like it's just like i feel like it's impossible now i feel like there's no i don't know i feel like maybe we just want to pick what we think would be the most fun like genuinely i think survival games is the most fun for me okay which is the best like opportunity for us to potentially get back in hungary i don't think so i think i guess rally games probably is but the thing is i don't know they just nerfed the point so we'll vote for other games though okay so all right yeah okay it will they're both in parkour tiger next to each other which is good ah that is so frustrating they build one it was worth their strategy was working too dream dream honestly don't give up to the final game if we all four survive in home games and do well i know i know that like we are basically on 14k we need to get two 2k points to be in second it's really hard but yeah we need yeah we need two point two point four okay is that possible i mean they sticky battle box i think the top teams want to play battle box because it's whatever all right vote travel games yo i think it's survival games wait come on oh it's surely survival games now it's gotta go up it's gotta go up they're leaving they're leaving they're leaving come on mega chicken okay dream you have to have hope now you have to have you have to all of it all of your motivation has to leave right now your knowledge out the window we need to play aggressive okay okay no no no drink my knowledge can play aggressive king the way the way to win all pvp games boys is the is the rank sky wars hypixel strat all right this is how you win every pvp game it is you do not listen listen you do not start the fight the second you see two fights you go in so all we have to do is get good gear until the early mid game and then we [ __ ] go into everyone else's fights that's how you win pvp it's all about cleaning and being the one that gets the kill not the one that has to take the damage in 1.9 pvp you almost never can like combo someone out of it but you can go in with potions lava it's about game sense and we have game sense as a team we also other teams are going to be like logically scare afraid of our team which means if we group together and fight people like that we have a big chance of being able to corner people and throw them off especially if we like if we pick off one member of a team the rest of them aren't going to be like let's go help them they're going to let them die in my mind this is what this is this is what i'm thinking i'm thinking that people are always so annoying but the biggest thing get the airdrop get the airdrop that's it yeah sorry guys just listen people are so non-aggressive off the spawn of the last like five survival games that's gotten too it got to the point where there's like 36 people living at the end um i feel like people just like don't look for fights and try and stay as far as the way they can people so if we if we just like play aggressive again i think i think we'll catch the team off guard yeah yeah like not right not right off the run towards the middle right afterwards we don't go mid we don't okay follow me here's what we we follow me but dream i want you to call out more strouds this time i want you to be you you be my aggressor okay guys here's what we're going to do everyone listen to me we're going to go to the left bit we're going to go to that warehouse but we're going to loot up do not stick with the team you can die so easy off the bat all right this is the game that we can [ __ ] going back as well i say we go right i said we go right we don't go okay okay yeah to the right to the right good cool because that's what next to us isn't that stronger than puns so here we go just stick together make sure you don't die and [ __ ] here's that's how we do it [Music] everyone follow carl stick just always always stick as close as you can to somebody on the table there's a loot right here i'm staying with them down here is everyone with me i'm with you i'm not but i'll literally dream is that everyone's together like everybody yeah but there was a chest oh wow okay i got a really good off the bat loot so if no no one can if you stick with me no one's going to initially kill us which is the big one of the big things okay so two chests right here you want to grab them those two okay we're gonna push to this guys guys guys we're gonna [ __ ] this is this cool whether this is the game where i i take a bit more to the lead is that cool you're good 100 okay so um guys everyone come over here we're going to lose these ones okay we can afford to split up slightly now but we want to just in this looting area do not go far if you if you see a team near you scream you you are the priority and again if you die you become incredibly powerful as a team member so please don't underestimate that no there's no be demotivated and sad after this game this game we [ __ ] win i'll grab this one oh okay uh i'll go to this one over here i have a yellow like chest you need a stun sword iron axe iron axe and a potion swiftness uh instant damage i need a chest plate does anyone have a spare chest plate i have a leather chest i see a team over there so everyone let's regroup there's a group hey i'm uh we go to them we go to them thank you thank you oh jesus you need help listen listen i say we're aggressive now tommy like okay i see ponk i see me i see you so i see [Music] come with me come with me this is the fight we push we're coming yep let's push him they're all fleeing immediately they have considered better than our believers and for us has to sharpen sword do we what do we want to do dream ant is good um here stop for a second we just need it they're running let's just let's just loot up a little bit carl take this take this iron helmet um uh here uh take a cake i want to give you a cake okay can you need tnt anybody need tnt tnt is going to be your best friend right i dropped i dropped an instant damage point i don't know who would use it is it lingering thank you yeah that's really good okay give that a dream give that dream potion of swiftness anybody need a potion of swiftness uh yes please yes i got one okay all right let's look we need we need to get you to a chest as well oh can i have the the iceberg swiss drop loot airdrop okay go to the edge go to the edge 98 blocks i don't know it doesn't show a chest but where is the box oh someone oh it was looted it was looted oh look over here you can see in the sky look to the sky um areas over there all right let's go clean stick together now stick together as a team stick together as a team now nice nice okay no sat nap sorry oh he's probably oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm getting out i'm getting out help me how they help tommy get over here can you get over here oh i died okay it's all good it's all good okay we can't win now the best players on the team stand upstairs for a good armor oh crouch hold crouch dream dream go back you can get good stuff before these guys gonna push you okay you need to okay they're coming up on you they're coming up okay you gotta go you got you gotta get go go they're going after you they're going to tell you for a while i think i think they're going to be enemies they're literally right behind you guys follow around here george is taking shots here going to this bridge make sure you're moving left to right when you're running punk they're getting close on you punk they're getting so close on you i think i think they're going to target puck dream go towards a mid-dream go towards the mid oh i'm almost dead okay punk stud it's just you it's just you and you've got stand up and george on your tail what you're going to want to do is follow down here and try and run into another team dude this is literally manhunt this is literally [Music] kingdom there you go [Music] no no no definitely not that okay okay hold that ground hold that ground dream because you have good armor you could maybe start trying to just message me team with me and george wait wait the yellow team's pretty weak they don't have good stuff dream where look just running along the bridge yeah yeah okay oh that's what i can do dream this will be very heavy all right let's just just let me let me do my thing and just just tell me what we're doing okay keep going forward the smooth there's two dead loop there just behind that tree there why did you just ponk yeah i'm gonna okay guys spectators let's keep an eye out for dream we're the best players in the game right now all right nothing good all right where's people i wanna okay i'm gonna tell you where the nearest person is so you are here oh you're to your right yeah to your right as a whole team it's green um i don't think i want to fight a whole team you don't you do not want to fight green green be aware they're coming towards you okay i i'd head into the mid dream and just sort of hold it like hold just keep circling around the outskirts of mid what you what you sort of want to do now the best strat is do do you have harming parts do you have harming pot stream i have one so what you want to do is get a team chasing you and then get them into another team so for now okay uh dream and draw georgian sap up there so hold that ground there hold that ground i'm just not going to try and kill them you can still do it dream you just need to annihilate most of the teams yourself that's it dude come on do it otherwise man is rigged this is where you can start thinking about cleans all right you're gonna get your harming part of the ready pick off the weakest link at the back of the team nikki get nikki sorry nikki now puns is gonna turn on you and fight okay no but remember harming part okay full team coming for you now now oh no you're fine okay on the other side he's got slightly better armor so don't don't put he's not gonna work okay you want you're gonna want to run past sap sap nah yeah oh wait he's not killing me i'm just i'm just running if you do just [ __ ] deep okay go to the right up up there you go okay yeah yeah keep going [Applause] okay eat now eat now eat right now eat right now whatever you're doing stop and eat okay nice holy cow keep running go go go i pulled out my camera oh wait oh god we're taking shots oh that was so fun yeah that was fun other than bill maher i need to get my name i upload my webcam and share excitement remember just screaming that is the most i i forgot i had a gap in my inventory i should have you i should have moved to my hotbar i got got it from the chest right when the team like pounced on us oh dude i definitely fell out of top 25 right there it feels bad oh that was so great yeah well i probably fell out of top ten so dang uh it was just yeah i think if we had parkour tag and there wasn't santa in the center time the debacle didn't happen oh i forgot about it though he wasn't a bug it was on me man don't worry about it i didn't say the bug i said debacle oh okay the ball see look you see these teams fighting now if you had a harming pop tnt and a dream this is where you get eight kills look at them look at them go now bye bye i feel like i can take out this whole team myself like s major rambu wilbur like they're so weak they have like you say that but you did fight them and die i don't know i don't i didn't fight them there see look at that they had nothing yeah i mean we could if the thing is like if we wanted to win like our strategy was bad like if he wanted to win then that was only strategy we could have we just had to be aggressive and try and kill teams right away i guess we shouldn't just split up i chased after george dude you know the next battle box you should like watch some wilbervods because he's so good at it like that's his game that he sort of gets every time for some reason [Music] come on team green team grind come on grind just look to my twitch stream and it just says over the top prediction result is no sorry gamblers sorry believers come on team green come on green don't die gregory 2v1 can you pull it off no team green green's the underdog in all situations ever nice gg that was brill we came eighth as a team oh yeah well i mean i feel like i don't know i feel like i feel like in terms like our actual performance that we we didn't we didn't perform eighth i feel like we genuinely performed like top three we were first for a bit and that was awesome it's just it was just i mean it was literally just like we messed up instead of times and we messed up in like both seven seven we messed up in seven times and then we messed up it and then build mark just screwed us like oh than that i feel like we pretty much got first or second in every every game so top 20 baby that's [ __ ] [ __ ] i got it i told chat that i'd give 200 subs if i didn't get top 25 and i'm 26 30 [ __ ] wait who's last all right team green yeah are we team green oh is it really wait pink got to dodge what what oh it's just the survival games got them to dodgeball that's crazy i mean i guess i i guess i i probably prefer pink one is like the greens would win oh yeah but also pete's on that team and it's like he's gone to like a million dodgeballs it's fine but grind i think it'd be cool korean if green one has green greens one before too much one or the other i'm too cool i'm too cool for carrying i just i just yeah yeah me too me too yeah i don't know i just i don't have any strong preference like i feel like illumina hasn't won a canon event has he i think he has it i think he's i think he doesn't want to came about i know fruits one one um and then obviously there's the simmers who've never even it's like them going to dodgeball is really cool for them and then so neither of them have won what is the simmers in uh all-stars question mark oh it could be i just had no blade down there well done boys that was brilliant i'm chuffed that was fun i had a lot of fun that's my favorite mcc hut that was a lot of fun i had a ton of fun bill maher always just takes the energy out of me so it's not even like a team thing like this team thing it's just like build mart just yeah build my is like stressful and out of your control it's like the anxiety interesting one you're like that's the one i get nightmares about ah just think this is just don't enjoy it's just like ah every time it pops i'm like all right you can try something and try something it just doesn't work there we go i mean at the start of the tournament when you heard that you were like yeah yeah he's playing it again now you're like ah there we there we go again no he's doing it he's doing it again he's do he's doing it he's doing it again [Applause] thank you oh am i what team are we thinking boys orange or pink i'm rooting pink but i feel like it's fair to root either i think they're pretty i just want i think the simmers winning will be so funny you know who's really winning the fans the odeons [Music] well they're not shooting first neither team now illumina decides he's going to go is there a time limit what if they just signed for the next yeah good work green good green don't have any of this [ __ ] and that's lauren think of the five gifted um i feel about turning right i realized after last time because i was missing fruit every single time i was like oh well it's just because my strategy of aiming at him is doesn't work like there's two different aim strategies and most people aim one way and i aim a different way and so there's like techno and some other players and fruit the way fruit dodges just doesn't that kind of counters it in a way how does he dodge yeah well i mean it's like what i'm doing where it's like kind of prediction based dodging where he kind of baits your shots and stuff and most people don't do that most people just do random dodging and um so uh like if you're if you're trying to just if you sit in name which most people do then you you'll miss him a lot but if you if you follow if you attract a name you'll hit him more which is why i feel like other people will do a lot better against fruit than i would [Music] you can swear and slash msg guys they said don't get around the filter that's one of the only everyday everyone press f3 and d they oh oh oh come on [Music] oh [Music] how many people start doing accents when dodgeball starts because that's like the [Music] how many people start a new [ __ ] that only lasts for the duration of dodgeball and it's never mentioned again think about how pokeman called me her son over there whoa you've really got this green you've really got this in bag i truly do believe in you good work green nice shot you did was a good hit by green though dream spoke to my grandad earlier true he came in while i was gaming he was pogba's and he went and i went yeah yeah i'm just speaking to dream but he went all right it's just this it's just the simmers versus these three come on doesn't cat can they can the simmers pull it off come on simmers which one's this well is kritika simmer yeah they both are there's a team that plays that that that plays the sims i think and they play only like every other event or every two events and they like they're no they're known for always getting last place oh well this isn't the last place at all well they put two of them on the team with aluminum fruit who are cracked so oh i seriously [Music] said dream based i could just hear him saying it he's going to be like i do not sound like that so when you're about i don't know it's the only person all right i can hear that as well [Music] see when nicki types you can't hear in her voice but whenever jack types you can just hear it no no no no no perhaps like she's not very she's not very loud you know [Music] she's not very loud oh dream i'll drink i'm so upset that we didn't play parkour tag that that is so upsetting i practiced so much and i am so i am i also i'm so mad at sapna if you're not playing parkour tag the only reason he did it because he probably thought our team would win that's the only reason that but for more of his wrongdoings grind grind you got this screen brian griffin from lad to lad you [ __ ] you never fail to astound me check this out based carl shut up jack oh an unhappy egg i feel like we might be uh taking the spotlight right now when it perhaps who would have thought you're being in the middle and feeling like you've got everyone's interest and we're just talking just be like i am not an egg are you here yeah don't sound too excited punk [Music] don't sound too chirpy about the lost punk [Laughter] all right kiddo next time you're right jam pop off [Music] punk are you here [Music] i love you where is this man punk where are you you need to find a punk there he is grind you got this lad don't fail me now wait green's dead [Laughter] last round i can't let that happen again [Music] he's pr if he wins now it's because of you don't ruin your name the great name is not one to be ruined jump like you mean it green you know why [Laughter] don't end up like like in green or him grin that weren't very good now was it i just wanted to snap now green what did i just say it's about to be all tied up unless false can pull off a one before false can pull it off i think force can backseat gaming that's so true admit just banning from the event forever maybe i'm giving some tips shut up dream hey guys hey guys if you've seen my video minecraft manhunt it only has 100 million viewers [Music] all right all tied up i'm looking downstairs all tied up you know what let's not even count those past four rounds let's just make it a better hold on me grind come on now land no i'm like i'm like a really unsupportive father i've seen better don't mess up a lot of us i hope grind's doing all right on his oh no [ __ ] what you're [ __ ] playing at [ __ ] i'm looking at you yes you rain don't end up like him green is a perfect example of what you should not be green this is what i trained you for ain't it lad why me cause you're green in it grind time all right green now this is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate your kit your skills to the rest of the stream don't let us down grind because if you do you're paying for your own scram you know it's kind of a crazy situation it's a 1v3 versus fruit and illumination you're so uninterested in one well i'm just i this is interesting oh great oh that was so close green's fine he's [ __ ] green man no he's got this he's got this i think it'd be epic to see him see look he's i have no worry in my blooming mind oh my god oh my gosh don't then grind no way imagine this is how green gets his win holy [ __ ] wait what watch right here what the [ __ ] shoot illumina twice he only needs one you don't want to look like a simmer now do you grind hit your shots you can grab the arrow oh oh i thought you just jumped off holy cow green green oh my god there's no way there's no way no way oh [Music] [Applause] my gosh she's gotta hit one of these he's gotta hit one of those this is like the two worst arrow in the middle they're just gonna go listen can we just like stop this now [Music] i was rooting for them all along what did i wanted [Music] that is very true so when you think about it i accomplished my goal which means i have a 100 win rates oh shut the [ __ ] up green holy [ __ ] well done lad gg well that was a lot of fun guys buddy i was fun to team oh that was real i hope that you know we can we can team again in the future you know we probably won't build a team as a whole that's not really how it works you know bits and pieces of off you can yeah you you'd go out again that was brutal that was [ __ ] broke that was awesome come round for a little scram whenever you want green that was [ __ ] brilliant that was absolutely brutal all right are we ending up head out all right me too see you in a minute boys oh yeah oh yeah am i proud of my boy i'm so proud of my little lad i am my little my little grigor eye why did i become green's father figure it's unclear to me but that was oh man all right what what song do you want to end the old stream too oh reshop channel chill what's this gonna be is this any good [Music] oh fella i need to get out of my my green mode oh [ __ ] yeah man that was eight boys boys thank you very very very much for watching i'm just seeing if there's any that was real yeah dude by the way if you want to join our sub minecraft server uh you're more than welcome to uh it's in the little thing me admin says blue can you talk about it so i there you go boys that was really fun see you in three weeks nah dude listen i have been enjoying the content so much at the moment like going out doing [ __ ] but logan paul boyce i'm gonna go review that vlog now and hopefully get out tomorrow uh so there's so much cool [ __ ] coming out on the vlog channel did you guys guys do you see the tweet i did imagine if i imagine if we made a group channel that would be so weird and quirky right we would never do that right my main goal is to blow i i don't anyhow listen boys thank you very much for watching all right you know i love to do a bit of a looting [Music] what about the streams oh dude it's just i'm not i don't really game as much at the moment so i haven't had [ __ ] like me [ __ ] like i don't really play on the dream smp that much i'm more i'm out filming vlogs and going on podcasts all the time which i think gives you all what you come on but boy i really do want to stream i want to be back here it's it's really really fun so i'll um i'll try and get on on the on the old pc more uh but dude i've been having so much fun streaming this has been just with everything at the moment i gotta thank you all this has been absolutely just brilliant uh i'm gonna raid the tubster the tub stick you can't go wrong with the tubster go give him your love thank you very very very much for watching i really do appreciate it you guys are just brilliant really really do i hope you're enjoying the new office too that person on twitter if you i'm gonna uh if someone could just i'm not sure how you thought being the name but i'll i'll get you in contact with youtube and get your [ __ ] oh boys thank you very very very much for watching i'm going to raid the tubster oh that was just that was probably one of my most fun mcc's ever this is brilliant thank you all so much for watching that's really just happened me up uh gonna host the turbo go follow him you know you know the deal are gonna be you some more streams coming soon as well as well as a [ __ ] youtube so boys see you all later yeah all right thank you all for watching everyone have a good night now all right good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 511,452
Rating: 4.9708261 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, minecraft challenge, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, mcc, mcc 17, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, tommyinnit mcc, tommyvods mcc, minecraft championship 17, Tommy & Dream In Minecraft Championship!
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 44sec (10604 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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