Tom Segura Worked With Jared Fogle

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I love this story I heard you tell about how you almost got pitched as Jarrod's oh fish La Biche younger meatball eating brothers and I love this story so much because basically you were like you thought it was your big break I knew it was my big right I knew I was 25 mm Matthew 25 you're doing a day job here what were you doing at the time I was working in post as a reality shows you were editing no I wasn't editing I was a at first I was a logger like transcribing what's a logger there's so many jobs it's crazy it's the worst job you want employers write a [ __ ] no no they sent you the raw tape so they you know when they shoot a reality for seven cameras run so they send you every single tape comes in and it's transcribed verbatim so that when the story department puts together a reality show an episode they can manipulate all the footage so you're just a field discovering every dumb thing they said if you say I don't know I guess I'll go I have to write I don't know like that Wow and then you know they do these things called Franken bites you know what that's where you cut a line mid-sentence and piece something else together to it so that you can say because we making bits because we always say like this a Frankenstein sequence you know when we haven't always [ __ ] it up yeah the a building a mall they do horrific stuff with it you know cuz you would say like I love shredder and then I hate you know I don't know pumpkin pie and then they'll cut it to it I hate shredder and then everyone the audience like like I hates his dog and then they show their actions from other people from a different clip you know yeah exactly and then that's the episode there's and then the reactive people are like oh my god I always think about that because it's like you're filming people doing nothing yeah you've got it needs work yeah he's a lot of work and he's a lot of work then those there's people who in that Lane that is their specialty they it's the story department while reality your Frankenstein they [ __ ] Frank and bite this I'm just typing and really sounds like really rough it's horrible and I'm doing stand-up at night and then going on sometimes on commercial auditions when I go on this one and I got a callback which I thought was cool and then they're like hey this isn't just for a commercial this is for a campaign meaning this will be airing and massively and all the time and it will build and grow and then the next thing they tell me is like it's gonna be it's with subway and the idea is you're gonna be Jarrod's brother Jared Fogel from Subway and and Jared because he lost like 500 pounds can only promote healthy subs and we need someone that can promote unhealthy subs and you look like you can do that I love that I love you know it's like so they erect like and at first I know me that I was like yeah great and they're like so he'll be like get the turkey sub and you'll be like get the chicken parm and like that'll be the ad yeah and then they're go and you're gonna be like his derelict [ __ ] psycho brother so I go to this one audition where this is like now the third or fourth cuz this is a huge commitment from them this one that's like all improv and they're having me improvise and with like this director do they have you in would you know your outfit would have been no because at first they just go they're just like you know just show up and you're a pig basically you know I'm just for a t-shirt and and jeans and and I'm riffing and I and I remember my friend drove me to the audition even though I don't know why he drove me but he was outside and I left he goes you're booked in this job I go why he goes man they were laughing in there so hard and I was like yeah I don't know man I don't know so we leave and then I have another callback and it's with the director and it's just weird it's just doesn't it's just weird he's like like do what I tell you to do do okay be like uh hey yeah this tastes pretty good good you want me to say yeah that tastes no no say hey that's tastes pretty good hey that don't say hey like hey like hey he's pretty good hey hey hey that's how he's talking to me during it so I'm like I'm sitting there like this guy's cutting me off every other sentence to say like things taste good you know like it's not like I'm doing a take and he's like try it from this angle he's doing line reads as I do them so I just go alright and I walk out of there I'm like that was one of the weirdest experiences it just didn't feel you know like this man interaction no and it wasn't good chemistry it wasn't good a good vibe I leave whatever and the next day I get a call and they're like so we heard it didn't go well in there and I was like what did they want from you I don't know I don't know what I'm supposed to do Hey I started to do it like that tastes really good is that it and so then they're like but you did so well on the audition before that and the producers and the advertisers are so on board with you from that that you booked it the director hates you so you got the job yeah and then they go I'll just tell you I don't think I've ever said it but so the the the what I got was a guarantee of 250 grand for the whole campaign no no just like peak for shooting this and having one air Wow Wow but then some cheddar then as soon as the residuals exceed so no more money until the residuals exceed 250 and then you get residual checks and then I'll start getting checks for live appearances where Jared and I will go like insane and Jared holds up his pants for a lot of parents I don't know I think they were saying like you're gonna get something like 10 or 15 grand abyss show up but mind you your sub wait then 25 years old transcribing it's a huge oh no I'm betting like $600 a week to do that yeah so when I when they booked it they go you know I'm kind of waiting for it to come together and then they said we're gonna start shooting commercials in Jersey they fly me out we shoot three commercials over the course of like a week what were you wearing I'm curious so the first ad where they just like be yourself man if you know uh know they're like a you know that song round and round yeah I forget who sings that round baby right not right not right baby round it's like a rocks a hat or something yes yes yes yes so I pull up in a Trans Am this song is playing and they're having a family reunion and I pull up that song's playing and I have like a leather vest on and like maybe like a like a leather wrist thing and some chains love it and as I pull into the it's like a park and they're having a family reunion I kind of have pull onto a curb you know like I pull too far yeah and then I get out I'm like you're almost like a bad boy yeah kind of a bad boy but totally and chicken parmesan the in pad boy yeah the chicken all right bad boy kind of but also lost in time I'm like where's everybody at you know like about this angle yeah like who's gonna want to be that guy they're like eat chicken parm like this guy right it's a weird angle that is a weird angle and like you want to be this guy and kind of and he's and they're kind of that kind of they are being telling me like be be dumb you're kind of the you're the goofy brother right that's like that hasn't seen Jared in a while of course their name you're strange from the family yesterday yeah and now you just came back to eat bad food and then of course they gave me oh the name your Jerez brother Jerome that's dumb and which is you know and the fact I brought up to them I was like yeah that's the recipe playoff to say were you nervous about bringing up cuz you said to the producers or the director yeah Jerome seems like a black name yes let you guys know yeah Jermaine no they I was I was not nervous to tell them that I was not nervous I was like you're doing the right thing I just thought I was I go like we're about to launch onto a this is gonna be what people yell at me on the street and further and you know they told me they go you know we're shooting three right now we're slated to do ten if these have any these are Jared's in them so if this is following the trajectory there's gonna be shooting like 30 commercials a year or whatever your life or year I'm like Jerome I'm like - come on so I just want like dude that's a black guys like it is and I mean I know the the people would be like it could be anybody's name that's true so can Connor that could be anybody's name but it's not it's a [ __ ] white guy's name yeah so they go alright you know we'll think about it we'll talk and we'll talk to you and then they came back and they're like we think you're right I love that they yeah the great minds yeah together the subway might have indeed confirmed we have our own room use blah excuse black you nailed it anyone could have it yeah but it's like use black excuse black yeah we got your new name - Jermaine and I just sat there I go are you serious and they go yeah I mean this 10 times blacker yeah and they were just like that's your name final answer final answer Jermaine's here worse way worse which was like okay so then we just we shot that one in that Park then we shot one where I was like oh yeah I remember um I was having I had a basement band I was like guys come on and like you know I had like we were just like a shitty basement band I was the lead man and like chair would show up be like what are you doing Jermaine and I'm like [ __ ] let's eat we we shot okay that one I remember there was another one and then it was just you know then you're just like playing the waiting game like a flew back I'm they pay for those because well you I got paid all the the day rate stuff to do those the 250 grand I would get as soon as the first one where I heard right and it was like a few months later and I remember one of my friends texted me he was like sucks about Subway he found out before you uh-huh and I go what do you mean he's like you're not doing those ads I'm like how do you know that wait was this the sex scandal no oh no this is way but when you know I don't know how he found out but what happened was the VP of Marketing yeah retired Oh the new VP came in and wasn't doing it well he just killed everything that that guy was doing it was the greatest thing that ever happened was no no they were just like I have weird new there's a new marketing team and that's it's very common in corporate world where if the new guy doesn't want your old idea succeed you know he wants it to be on yeah on him so and especially if it sucks he can't be you know he got to be like I I scratch that but anyways I informed my agent I called him and I was like so the subway things that happened he was the [ __ ] are you talking about and I'm like dude I just read this article and then he called me back he's like yeah yeah I just called him and they that break your heart at the time yeah I mean it wasn't like this you know life-changing breakup thing we're but I remember just being like wow that was right here it's gone and 1,000 I mean like yeah that but in retrospect surely you're just like thank come on Jermaine everybody branch man as I walk down the streets another like yeah but not only that I mean you'd be associated with the greatest Fogel the greatest Fogel of all time mr. mogill I hung out with him after one of those shoots huh you get it weird vibe what was Fogle like in person yeah I mean no I can't I mean he's not not just like a normal loose dude okay you know I don't know how to describe I mean he's one of those guys that should never became famous and yeah it's weird that he's what I think is right I think he's just so used to being probably looked at and asked for a picture or something and there's not a lot behind that you know that you know it's just because you lost weight and he's on these commercials so yeah he's just kind of like do you think we heard those tapes were you like surprised so really dude I just remember I remember you know the the things I remember was that like for the for the commercials that I got a shitty trailer like a real shitty one he had like a multimillion-dollar bus he was like do you want to come on this bus and I was like I want to see it for sure yeah and I remember he just had it was in the summer in Jersey that we were shooting these commercials and his his bus had like 60 degree AC on it and I was like I stay in here it was remember that was amazing and then I remember his friend was with him and he was complaining about that the subway execs were talking about how he was gaining weight they were upset they were like I love that like it's [ __ ] man is but he's like you look great Jer to Jerry he was like he's got yes but being like you're not fat yeah and then he goes do you want split a pizza yes for real yeah and I go okay what so we're at the W Hotel and he ordered pizza Wow yeah I have bet there was something in his contract was like you can eat pizza of course yeah yeah yeah and they were like you can't be seen eating other fast foods the whole Jerry phenomena is so crazy like they're treating him like royalty he's just a guy that lost weight any sandwiches it just blows my mind to this day like the phenomenal Jerry did you I was by Darrell I've never seen it it's why I think that marketing campaign really did a lot for Subway cuz I was during the 5 foot dough fight alone if I don't fall those thunder loves those things do not continue without being successful yet I'm saying that a campaign yeah he was their spokesman for 58 a lot of Subway during those years yeah and it wasn't healthy subway either no you got your the Jermaine so I got how they didn't eat your man yeah Ethan doing it [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 1,823,052
Rating: 4.8456492 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, tom segura, tom, segura, subway
Id: 0dGVRi4angY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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