Tom Holland on 'Cherry,' COVID protocols, if Spider-Man's mask counts as PPE (FULL) | Entertain This

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here's our full one-on-one conversation with tom holland in cherry holland plays a troubled war veteran who funds his drug addiction by robbing banks he talked about the role with our brian truitt while filming spider-man 3. how are you brian you will good have yourself how you doing i'm good thank you i'm really good we're uh shooting spider-man 3 at the moment it's going really well um it's very exciting and uh yeah life is good life is good by the looks of your instagram you seem to be enjoying the comfy and casual world of virtual press these days oh yeah check out my legs one of the downsides of going back to normal at some point down the line be doing interviews and pants again i actually do have pants on i'm wearing lululemon shorts if you must dark but uh but yeah it's so it's such a luxury the only problem with doing press at home is that i know that through that door is a couch with a television and a blanket and i could be so comfortable right now watching television but i can't because i've got to work so that's the only thing is that knowing that just through there is is a very comfy spot for me to sit down i'm sure you're doing long hours at this point yeah it's tricky um obviously we're shooting at the moment and we have slightly slightly strange work schedule we work wednesdays through sundays so obviously monday and tuesday is now being filled up with with lots of work for cherry which is okay because obviously i'm very proud of the movie and very proud to be a part of it so doing the press is very important um but that said it can be very tiring i heard that you first caught wind of cherry when working with the russos on avengers what one thing most drew you to playing this multi multifaceted role i remember i was doing an adr session for avengers n game and uh joe took me aside and sort of said to me look we're making this film it's a small independent film we would love for you to play the lead are you interested and that was it there was there was no like pitch there was no what the film was about and and i said yes because i love the russos and i really look up to them i admire them as people and i also admire them as filmmakers and i was really touched that of all the people that they could work with they'd asked me to work with me and then it wasn't until i read the script that i realized the opportunity that had been sort of given to me and how amazing it was you know as an actor you always try to figure out ways to push yourself and challenge yourself um and this film looked like it was gonna push me and challenge me in ways i couldn't have even imagined um so i was very excited that said also very apprehensive and a bit nervous about the challenge um but it was a pretty easy decision you know working with the russos again a film that is something i'm really excited about so it's a bit of a win-win i was gonna ask you if you had any doubts at all and you know if you did you mentioned some apprehension was there was there one thing that gave you the most apprehension about playing i was really nervous i was really really nervous um i was even more nervous when i got the chance to see sierra bravo's audition tape and i saw how talented she was and how amazing she was and what she was going to bring to the film so i suddenly thought like wow this this girl is going to act me off the screen and people are going to forget about me and just want to watch her so i i definitely realized the stakes were pretty high but for me the thing i was most nervous about was just the sheer workload the maintaining that type of um emotion physically sort of getting myself to a place where i could be convincing in this character and just maintaining that over the course of making a film um and you know i'm really proud of what i achieved and i feel like i did the best job i could i did i left everything on the field um but uh but yeah i think that the actual workload was the thing that worried me the most well you play this character from college kid to army recruit to iraq vet to dope fiend to bank robber you know which of those of those all which challenge you the most as an actor it's a very interesting question and obviously the uh story of dope life the chapter of the movie that's called dope life was physically and emotionally unbelievably difficult like so draining day in and day out it was it was a real grind and one that you know took every bit of my strength to get through um but then mentally the scenes in where emily and cherry were falling in love and they were young kids were really really difficult because we started off with the dope life we then finished that section of the movie and then went in to start shooting him falling in love in the beginning of the movie and because i've had so much to do with my physicality with the props i was using with my costume with how different i was from myself it felt like i was doing a really good job but when i had to just do simple naturalistic acting and having a conversation with someone the workload was so much easier that mentally i kept thinking i wasn't doing a good enough job and i remember saying to the russos i'm really worried that i've lost touch with what i'm supposed to be doing and i go home and i'm not tired and i wake up and i'm ready for work and i just i feel like i'm not working hard enough and they were like dude just remember that for the last eight weeks you've been playing a drug addict and now you're playing a young boy falling in love it's very very different so the mental aspect of that was difficult um and it took me a while to get over uh but then when i see the film i don't see any of those worries in my performance seeing yourself in a superhero costume for the first time is i'm sure a visceral feeling like you know i am this person now was there a similar experience seeing yourself for the first time as cherry when he's in that spiral of addiction yes it really was it really was the opening shot of the film where cherry runs out of his house and he i sort of looked down the barrel of the camera and look at the audience and i sort of that moment is basically saying to the audience i buckle up if you want to come along on this journey with me you can it's going to be really hard to watch but i'm here to help you um but when i first saw that shot in the edit room with joe and anthony i really sort of was like oh my thought my immediate thought was wow my mum is gonna hate this movie um but uh but yeah it was it was quite an amazing thing to see and my my amazing makeup artist rachel speak we did so much work and properly in preparing you know different prosthetics and eye bags and and we we designed this whole look it took months months of making mistakes and months of tests and all sorts of different things um and she really absolutely knocked out the park so it would not be half the film without her amazing work and you probably lost some weight too right didn't you yeah the the skinniest i got i lost 28 pounds um did you have 28 pounds or lose not really and i i had to convince my mum to not call the russo brothers and shout them down the phone um but yeah it was you know it was necessary it was absolutely necessary um i had interviewed lots of different people who had been through similar experiences and and it seemed like the right thing to do and i think when you're telling a story that has elements of truth to it and is representing real people you have you know a duty to do justice to those characters so the pain in which i was going through to lose the weight was only a smidge of what the people would have gone through in real life so i was able to kind of use that as a fuel to to keep going throughout the process of making the film did you need a pair of filmmakers like the russos who obviously knew you quite well by then to look out for you in in in going through this movie where you have to lose weight you have to play all these different characters through all these different you know pain and pain and you know character development all this kind of stuff that you do go through i mean how much did you lean on those guys every day i was leaning on those guys every day and they were so gracious and and caring and they're like my dads really well they're more you know what they're more like my older brothers they were like these two guys who were there to help me through this process had i worked with a director who was not as caring and as kind as them i would have just punched him because i was giving so much of my soul and my life and into this film and i felt so vulnerable at times and it was it was painful at times and and to have them be there and respect you and to care about you and to kind of carry me through the process was so valuable um so so yes i was very very lucky to have those two in my corner do you take what you've learned about yourself playing cherry into a part like peter parker coming back to him since he is a character with a fair amount of gravitas especially considering what stuff he's seen in his life and where we left him in the last spider-man movie you know i think sometimes unfortunately people forget you know you look at a superhero movie and you go oh it's just a superhero movie you just show up you say hi i'm spiderman and i'm gonna fight the bad guy but there is so much to it you know it's the same as any film we we build these characters we we have an arc that they progress through we have an arc that exists over three films and many ones that exist in the film um i don't know i think one of the big things for me that i've learned from cherry which i will take with me for the rest of my career now is that vanity means nothing you know on every film i've done before jerry you go back and you watch the monitor and then you say to your hair makeup artist would you mind just making my hair look a bit neater or would you mind just covering that spot up a little bit and cherry was the complete opposite you know at times of the film it was about making me look as hideous as possible and having that freedom and taking away those insecurities of how do i look do i look okay has allowed me to just be much more confident in my own skin and also allowed me to kind of portray characters in a more truthful way because i'm not trying to make them look good i'm just trying to make them be truthful i think that has probably been a very valuable lesson i've had throughout making that film now you also have this movie chaos walking which i just watched the other day you know you play a character on a futuristic world where all the man's inner thoughts are heard out loud would that be good or bad if everybody got to hear what was going on in your head uh i mean it'd be there'd be something good there'd be some bad you know um yeah same with everyone well it's an interesting concept because you know it's it's visualized so well too but it's just like you know what would happen if we all have to listen to each other all the time and it's any you know and there it is like the you know the noise i mean that's a good that's a good word for it well it's interesting we do listen to each other all the time with social media and and the press you know everyone is trying to like push out content and their lives and all this sort of stuff but the difference is is that lots and lots of people push out what they want you to see you know the life that they want you to believe that they live or lead um but uh but yeah no it would be a bit of a disaster if there was no privacy we're already living in a world where there isn't much privacy um so it would be worse if it got even worse you also get a franchise role with uncharted as a globetrotting fortune hunter nathan drake what's the coolest thing about being that guy and you know where does that take you that we haven't seen from you before it was actually a really exciting challenge you know one that i didn't i think i um underestimated how big of a challenge it was going to be um the luxury of playing peter parker is that he's a superhero but also a 15 year old kid so he kind of gets to play on the side of being the clumsy like juvenile happy innocent young man and whereas nathan drake is very different to that and it was for me to try and step into these shoes of being like a commanding kind of young man and someone who can hold themselves in a situation and uh it was a lot of fun it was a lot of fun i'm lucky to be working with mark wahlberg um you know he's done that time and time again and proved that he is he is so good at that so i was able to kind of watch him from afar and kind of pick up on some of his things one thing that i picked up on which i had to very quickly get rid of within the first two weeks of shooting was a boston accent i let coach was like why are you why are you saying cat why are you why are you saying that you're not from that um so so yeah so it was a real big challenge but i got a text message from mr rothman the head of sony yesterday who saw the movie and he's over the moon and thinks it's fantastic so so that's a great that's a great piece of uh that's a great text to receive well we haven't had a character like that in a while i mean obviously indiana jones back when you were like you know before your time and when you were a little kid but we have in in and you know tomb raider to a certain degree too but like that's an old-school kind of hero you know superheroes are a big deal right now and he's an old school kind of hero yeah he absolutely is and it's and it's you know when i sat down with tom rothman i don't know three years ago and we sort of pitched ideas of movies i'd like to like like to make and he sort of had this idea of like well why don't we try and make a young nathan drake film and we sort of sat there we had lunch then we ordered another lunch we sort of sat there for hours and we were picking our brains apart and figuring it out um and it's exactly the type of movie i loved watching growing up and that's why i was so excited to make this film um and yeah he is kind of like an old school super old school hero if you like the way i imagined it the way i tried to create him was like imagine if indiana jones and james bond had a baby that would be nathan drake that's cool so that's the way i sort of tried to bring him to life so what has it been like playing spider-man again during a pandemic it's been amazing i keep saying this you know the pandemic has been so horrific and so traumatic for some people and it and it's really sad to see so i have to constantly remind myself of how lucky i am you know i've made two films now in this in this pandemic uncharted and now spider-man 3. um and yeah it comes with its complications everyone has to wear a mask and everyone has to try their best to social distance and and and all that sort of stuff but everyone recognizes how lucky we are to be there and everyone's doing what needs to be done to make sure we're all safe and healthy we get tested every day and we have a great team of people the covered team who are there testing us they've done a fantastic job so you know we've just got to do what needs to be done and it slows things down but it means i get more time on set i love being on set i love the people i get to work with so the more time i can spend with them the better i am does spidey's mask count as ppe or do you have to have another mask underneath like a double masking situation no the spiderman mask does not count as ppe so i have to wear two masks and they have to just paint it out no that's not true um obviously when we're in the teens we have to take our master we have a light system a blue and yellow system when the blue light is off on the actors are allowed to take their masks off to obviously perform and when the yellow light comes on we have to put our masks back on and then leave the set so crew members can come on and move things around and do things that they need to do and at first when they told me that system it sounded exhausting but it works really well and it hasn't there's been no problems so far i saw the instagram with you and your brother the other day now is that the same brother that you you took to the civil war premiere no that's i took sam to the war premiere um that is harry my his twin brother okay yeah what has that been helpful just having him around and you know just having somebody you know your family going through this with you i i cannot explain to you how valuable it is you know doing this for a living you can very very easily get lost in this business it's a very it's a it's a it's deep water and to have your brother there with you every step of the way is a real luxury and and you know he's he's one of the only people in the world who'll be like tommy you've been a bit of a yeah i think you should go and apologize you know if he said that then i must have been you know um so it's absolutely been an amazing amazing thing for me and i've been so lucky that he's been so okay with sticking sticking with me um but uh yeah i love him to bits and i don't know what i do without him really doing doing a role like cherry because there is so much going on it's an adult role you know really adult because of where the you know the story goes by the end um does that kind of level level up your own bar of what you want to do i mean kind of obviously you know maybe you'll do another you know spider-man film maybe he'll get to college age by the time you know you get you get there but i mean do you want those kind of adult roles now more because you did cherry yeah i absolutely think so you know my agents and i have been very strategic about when we wanted to make that step into you know becoming an adult um i'm you know very lucky that i look young and i can continue to play the 17 year old web slinger and i will do that for as long as they will have me you know as if they want me to make 10 spider-man movies you better believe i will be there i absolutely love making these films but yeah cherry was our you know our big leap it was our first step into a new world of making different types of films i'm really interested to see the types of doors that it opens and the doors that it closes i'm really excited to you know be able to present to directors i really look up to a piece of work that i'm really proud of and a piece of work that i think that they would really enjoy um and uh and yeah i'm excited for the future it's an exciting it's an exciting thing to have a film like this coming out and uh and it couldn't be i don't know i'm just really i'm happy i wouldn't talk to you about some of the war scenes that you have to go through was that was that a lot of physical stuff or was there you know was there some cgi in there i mean there's probably elements of cgi though i'm not too sure how much i do know that when we were on set you know we were firing blanks and we had 50 cows going off an explosion going off and we were running away and drones flying and humvees driving five feet apart 60 miles an hour across the desert so you know there was it was it felt very real and uh and at times was really scary really really scary um but it was very physical and it required a lot of fitness and training and getting in the gym and running every day and and just making sure that i was healthy and i was able to do take after takeoff to take and there's a scene in the film i have to run really quite a long way i must have ran i must have ran a marathon i i am convinced i ran at least 100 miles because we just were doing it again and again and again and right at the end of the day i actually tried to change direction and i dislocated my ankle my right ankle and i felt it going and i saw it down and my foot was all it was like looking at me i was like ah broken my ankle that is so annoying and then i sort of tried to stand up and as i stood up and put some weight on it it kind of popped back in um and then at that point i went i've just distinctly i should be fine but you know they sent me home um but uh but yeah it wasn't the best that wasn't the best moment wasn't very heroic of me at all that's a great scene though because you know he runs into the fray like he know you know something's happened to people he cares about and like he you know everybody's like don't do that but he does it because he has you know he's just like he's running on adrenaline at that point and it's it's a really great scene yes thank you i appreciate that and the and then there's the basic training things where people you know he's showing you with ears um what was it was that was that i obviously you go through all this you know the fitness and the stuff to play spider-man but going through like having a taste of like actual army basic training what was that like it was really interesting it was really interesting um i know that i would be a terrible soldier you know i'm not i'm not afraid of working out and and pushing myself in that sort of thing but when we were doing the scenes in um morocco it was doing the the combat scene you know it really it freaked me out and it was something i i really didn't like it but the basic training stuff it was an interesting time for me because we were transitioning obviously from cherry and emily falling in love and now we're into this sort of really absurd strange sequence and i thought the russos have totally jumped the shark i was like what are you doing like why are you shooting it on one lens why is my food like five sizes too big for me like i really really thought that this was really strange and then and then the robot thing that i do with the bag i remember sitting down with the roosters and being like guys this is ridiculous like why are we doing this weird sequence and they basically sat me down and they said we're just expressing how absurd it is the training that these young men and women go through and i sort of clicked and was like oh oh i get it and when you watch the film like really really you feel that you feel that kind of that choice they made um but i just for that whole process that whole four days i think it was i was like this is the strangest sequence i have ever been a part of um but it was it was great what's so when you're done here what's uh do you go work somewhere else or do you take a break finally i'm gonna take a break i'm gonna go home and just enjoy some time you know it's the first time since i signed on to spider-man one that i don't have a contract with someone wow i might go skiing because that's something i've not really been allowed to do because it's obviously a dangerous sport and i have to make sure that i'm fit and healthy and ready to work so i think we might try and go skiing somewhere i don't know i'm just going to go home and just see where see where the wind takes me does the marble contract not allow you to ski well whether or not it says in it you're not allowed to it would be pretty irresponsible of me if i went snowboarding and broke my leg and then suddenly had to save the marvel like and so i'm sorry guys i've broke my leg snowboarding you're gonna have to halt production um so i've been very careful over the years with what i've been doing outside of work which is why i've become a perfect golf because it's the only sport i can play without getting injured you get are you good i am obsessed with golf i'm like it is i'm absolutely obsessed with it it's my one luxury of the week that i just can't wait for i go i turn my phone off i play with my brother and my friends and i love it i am good i'm pretty good i'm getting better uh but uh but definitely room for improvement now are you so are you are you such a golf nerd now are you gonna go like hit up you know skyland and ireland you know some of the old school courses well you know when things get normal absolutely absolutely yeah my brother sam um works up in scotland at a golf resort um which is arguably one of the best in the world um and we all can't wait to go out there and visit him and and see how he's getting on is that gonna be a cool day you know obviously you know we're gonna finish this spider-man movie it's that's you know you're going to feel the sense of relief from that but just finishing up a contract you know being yourself being a 24 year old finishing up a movie contract which there's not that many movie contracts really anymore in hollywood is that going to feel like special for you yeah i think it really will i mean it's a strange thing i've been so lucky that the since the day i got cast with spider-man i've always known that like next year i have a movie to do or next year i have a movie that comes out and this is the first time in my life where i have nothing to do and i need now need to go and find a job you know so i'm really excited to to just explore the business and and find a piece of work that i'm really excited and passionate about and also just take a break and enjoy life and travel the world and and meet some amazing people and and just do what i want to do really um so yeah so i'm very excited about it do you have you know do you want us now that you've got you've done superheroes you've done you know you've done all you've done like five movies in one with cherry is there something that you want to tackle is there something that you you know in terms of challenging yourself i really want to do a courtroom drama i really want to do a courtroom drama uh a sort of why am i blanking what's the tom cruise film oh like a few good man or promised yeah you might be in a circle drama yeah aaron sorghum if you're watching mate i'm you're going um but yeah i'd love to do a call and drama i think that's to be something that i've really enjoyed doing um have you ever done thea i mean do you want to do theater again or a musical i mean obviously you did you know from billy elliot i mean is that something you obviously you're a good dancer you know we've seen you dance you're kind of a viral superstar in that in that sense i would love to i would love to it's been really tricky i've been looking for theater to do over the last few years and just not found the right project or if i found the right project i'm working elsewhere um so yeah so i probably will take some time to focus on finding something to do back on stage i absolutely love being on stage and looking back at my memories of billy elliot are some of the fondest of my entire life um so yeah so i i absolutely would love to get back on stage one last thing we'll let you go what do you want to take when you finish up spider-man what do you want to take with you do you want to take like a mask do you want to take like a web shooter what is your dream thing that you want to take i think one of the most amazing things about being an actor or being someone that works on a film is that unlike any business or any job when you finish work there will always be this film which is this tangible thing that you can sit down and watch and reminisce so i have so much that i've already taken just from being able to watch the film because it's all up here but if sony and marvel don't let me take the spider-man suits home i am going to steal them i'm just going to walk out in them i'm going to wear all of them at the same time and i'm gonna walk out and be like if you want them you have to come and take them off me because i want them i haven't been able to keep one yet and i am going i'm probably gonna just stop to steal cool man thank you so much for taking time i really appreciate it thank you appreciate it hey thanks for watching if you like this video check out these other videos from usa today entertainment to stay up to date on all of the latest celebrity news
Channel: USA TODAY Entertainment
Views: 48,091
Rating: 4.9939852 out of 5
Keywords: usa today, usa today entertainment, tom holland spiderman 3 on set, how much weight did tom holland lose cherry, tom holland spiderman ppe mask, is tom holland done with spiderman, does tom holland golf, does tom holland ski, tom holland new interview 2021, why did tom holland do cherry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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