Tom holland interview! With dome

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you're on guys okay you're recording yeah so thomas um thanks for having us out to berlin yeah of course in your make a cool flat i know uh the dominic holland in vision show has never looked as cool as this i know you should build this in the studio can i take this back to london that speaker that speaker is worth like 50 000 euros or something like that is it and we were told when we removed when we moved in don't use the speaker did you use it no not once i tried to look how confusing that remote is look at that as someone who can't actually turn my tv on at home there's no way you can figure this i would look at that and think you're not interested he has some amazing records though it's pretty incredible do you know the guy who lived who he is and he actually owns his place yeah he came over one day did he was like oh hi he goes can i come in and then he goes can i make a coffee i said yeah it's your coffee machine and he came in he made a coffee and then he was this like really he must have known you the yeah he knew who i was and he knew that i was renting his house right and then he told me he said the one thing that i ask is that you don't have any shower parties in the shower well here in berlin the nightlife is quite crazy and i think it's probably been a good thing for the filming that the nightlife has been closed captioning not available the nightlife here in berlin is is arguably the best nightlife in the world i see i think shower parties is just a casual wednesday in berlin and did you um stick to that rule no i'd love it so it's been a brilliant weekend tomorrow i'm just going to just call you before you go off to barcelona to complete the film um it's great being on set yesterday it's it's what all big films are they yeah i i'm so impressed with the scale of this film what happened to me when you remember the script i was in dubai and you said to me dancing with easy i don't know why i thought it was going to be easy i don't it seemed to me there's more action in this i've done more action i've done more wire work i've done more fight scenes in this than i've done in all of my films put together okay like that daisy chain sequence there is unique i've done it yeah more [Music] of that more wire work in that than both of the spider-man films put together and how did it take to do that whole sequence we were probably shooting that sequence on two units for four or five weeks and how long that be in the film probably be seven minutes maybe maybe less seven minutes but isn't just seven minutes of filming seven is an incredibly complicated film yeah it is by far when i saw the previews i was like oh man that is going to just be the hardest thing yeah anyway it's gone really well like oh i know you're very tired you're working really hard when was your last day off our last proper day off was 14 days ago and i was with you yesterday and i know you get there early in the morning and we left at 2 30 to go and see some of berlin and see the wall what have you and then you finished filming at 7 30 so we were having dinner last night nicki and i at seven he was still at work am i still in the water so funny yesterday was our last day of shooting in berlin and at the end of the day typically like the crew who aren't coming to barcelona or ask for pictures it's like sort of one thing on the last day i see with you yeah yeah because i've been you've never asked during is that production it's like a sort of like unwritten rule yeah and then on the last day that rule is lifted okay and also like you want to take pictures with the crew yeah yeah you get to know everyone with their kids right for their kids or for them if they're fans yeah um but because i'd been in the tank all day you were shriveled like a proof i was yeah shriveled like a prune and my eyes were so bloodshot like like i've never had such bloodshot eyes and i basically look in all these pictures i'm in like trackies a hoodie with bloodshed i look so stoned you look like it's from cherry yeah so all of these pictures are inevitably going to come out in a year or two when this film comes out and everyone's going to say wow tom allen was really stoned at the rat party which i was gonna have to say i um we played golf this morning which is played so well today when i saw you this morning tom my parental instincts kicked in and it was [ __ ] tom's had a big night no i didn't have a big dog i mean we drank we had a few beers and stuff and we hung out with the crew but like you've been you look like you've been at one of those shower parties you've been there all night no the shower parties tonight that was chlorine yeah it was all chlorine okay well that's good for me to hear as a dad because i was worried about him not worried but i thought i want you to you know if i woke up looking like i did this morning from a night out then i've got a problem i look here though god he looks terrible that's what i was thinking it didn't smell that alcohol looks really bad um can we just tell my patrons how well i played yeah dad did play really well today it's the best i've ever seen you play and then the back nine happened and then it was just right back to normal for that front line though i'm thinking i'll tell you what which means that you've got it in you i tell you what tom you could be i'm late for a career change what's your handicap 14 15 15. you could be a strong 13.5 i just delighted to be playing on a lovely cause it was nice that we got to play actually because once we go to spain and atlanta it was fantastic we weren't i won't get to see you no that's why that's why nikki said listen dom off on a plane because you don't want to see time till march hopefully you can come back at christmas but anyway that was a good deal so came out and saw you'd like to do that and talking movies and this one was hard to make and really hard to make i saw you scared of it yesterday so the devil all the time must have been a piece of piss no i wouldn't say it was a piece of piss well compared to i mean physically it wasn't nearly as demanding but then again the scenes in uncharted i'm never having to go to a really dark place in uncharted right all of the scenes are about finding the treasure and and exploring the world and me and mark having banter with each other sure whereas on devil all the time there's no room for levity there's well no no i'm saying the actual process of making the film oh yeah i mean it must have been much easier it was so much easier um what was the what was the length of that shoot that was a long time i think i was in alabama for oh yeah we shot it in birmingham alabama so he wasn't filmed in that knockout no in ohio no it was she's not a single place yeah we've been there i love that it's called knock him stick have you been there no no but it was though norris birmingham from knock himself not a clue not a scooby i it was helpful though being in alabama because of the answer by the accident surrounded by people in the bars the alabama accent is actually different to the ohio accent there are slight subtleties and that's where rick was really helpful working with rick throughout the process um she's got the action really down um and i think you have to get the accent down because if you're gonna do it if you're gonna do it and if someone watches a film if your accent's off immediately for me as an audience member i like switch off i'm like oh you're not ready you don't sound right and then i can't see past that or hear past that well if you couldn't get the accent obviously i'd be thinking he's a punter he can't do the accent why can't the actor from yeah totally i said this is samuel they were attracted to sam about the devil all the time and i was saying how the americans are kind of agreeable about the number of british people playing dragons in their movies because yeah the americans make most of the movies that we all watch yeah you know um it's interesting though to my understanding english people have an easier time speaking with an american accent than the other way around because watching their films and stuff well there's an element of that but also we pronounce it all of our words more than they do oh i mean letters letters so we use our tongues a lot more okay so like our tongue theoretically like if your tongue was a tricep it would be stronger so when we when you do an american accent you have to relax your mouth but when an american's doing an english accent they have to work harder so sometimes if you're working with an american who's doing an english accent you'll see them at the end of the day and they look like they've been chewing toffee all day that's all right yeah so because you know and also like we almost have a staccato way of speaking like we pronounce each word individually but in america you can kind of fluidly roll through the words and it doesn't have to stop okay okay well i'll tell you what on the film tom i watched it there's some trepidations i've seen some bad notices yeah i wasn't worried but i was like i always want i always want the film to be something i've enjoyed and i always want you to be good in a film and i straight away i said the sound didn't for a second think it was you in the film which is good yeah that's good i was really pleased and i was never nervous sometimes in films i'm worried but i was saying to sam in civil war it was terrifying before he turned out i was so stressed i was thinking oh my god this is good but in this movie i didn't think about that at all and i really loved the film i am even though even though it was pretty it was tough subject i thought you had a great job that was one thing again about the accent is because you get to a stage where you know i'm lucky enough to be in these marvel movies you become so recognizable your voice becomes so recognizable immediately when you see me start i had you to start talking like this and i'm from down south people will go you don't sound like that you're doing an accent so part of it is doing it so you have to do it to a point where you trick them that they forget that they know what you sound like already right okay and and and you must be pleased with the film i'm so trapped in the film so it's so nice for me to be in a film like that you know the last five years i've been and i love doing this but doing family movies you know like onward and spice into skies and spot yeah avengers like these kind of household films sure and it's quite nice to do a film by devil all the time in like cherry um which i got to kind of push myself in ways that i haven't had to with the marvel movies or the animation movies i've been doing it's very satisfying there all the time because the people who you meet uh punishment to entirely deserve it yes and i redemption i would say revenge because i love to see the bad guy get it and if you set up the bad guy well like i did win that film i think he did it really well but the bullies and the the deviants i punched that kid in the face so hard which one the one you know the kid who has the bag on his head he didn't punch him in the face not on purpose was he a stunt man no he was just this character and i'm going and i'm and i'm obviously stacking it yeah like if the camera's behind me here do it short one it won't look like i hit you yeah so i'm doing this i'm doing this and antonio was like i need you to hit the back because it looks so fake because the bag's not moving right so i was trying to like move the bag off of his face and still hit him why can't they cut it and then they've got a sack in the bag or a and this was totally an accident and he was really cool about it i drilled him like right in the mouth and that's the one that's in the film it's very convincing um and as i say it was very rewarding to see those guys get it well the press for this film has been so stressful because it's obviously an art house film yeah so the journalists like to pretend like they're really clever and ask art house questions like really arty farty questions yeah so it always relates back to the book and i i didn't read the book so what was the actual how has peter kuzminski the director made a parallel between politics then and politics today and i just said ask me another question well i'll tell you do you know my story no we went to hampton court nikki and i yeah to see a talk by nikki's friend tracy right okay and tracy is an eminent historian she's giving a talk about the institutions okay how much dropping off the lady next to me is it indignant and she said um you know someone i don't eat up she got chatting to me anyway and it got to the point the questions i was asking why are you even here so well i'm here because i answered i said because neither my wife she knows tracy and i said my son was um he was in ball four you know and i said i thought you might i said who was he and i was really i thought god who was he so i said i think he was gregory oh i loved him i loved gregory she said what do you think of wolf hall i went my friend david earley you know he said he loved it he said to me the other day he said we're playing obviously we've watched it again yes he said you're in love now he said we watched war fall again said bloody out there you want to see doggie king wait i'll tell you what i really enjoyed that show no no no um wall fall making it was really fun mark rylance right and yeah but mark was lovely really nice guy but me tom and joss it was like it was basically like we went on tour around england like every two weeks we've moved location to a different part of the country we don't get the train together you came up to see us in bath and it was really fun we don't you know i remember just drinking loads of those cans of guinness going to um back to drinking then did you have red eyes the next day was it chlorine yeah we're drinking chlorine where was that place called bradford haven't you don't you know that house in bradford that beautiful house you lost your ring didn't you i didn't lose my ring over the kid you gave the rings yeah okay so that house that stunning property guess who owns that i might have told you the fullest family brewery oh really fuller's fan famous british or english brewer back in the day they know his property including massive pubs in london but they own that building love it so how's that i heard you did a um a gig can you do a gig to a bunch of people in cars nightmare you know what okay so i did this gig i remember we've done two gigs since much right two gigs since march yeah my this is my patriots might is my go-to now all right so i'm doing this thinking new free race course okay middle of the race course you know like sand down yeah golf ball so imagine the same thing massive space state stage the comedy stores toy store oh it was the comedy store yeah so they've got the comments for backdrop and um there's four comics on i'm one of the comics and um and everyone's in their car so they drive in and they park up and it's two meters apart not allowed to get out and then they feed in the um you have to tune in dude there's radio tunes so they tune into your audio so i'll do a line i'll do my act and it goes into their radio into their car okay you can hear nothing okay what i'm doing my gig is pouring rain so i'm turning it's about three minutes and i did my opening line with the line on kobet okay because you can't hear any reaction i don't know whether it's so i've done the line obviously i don't know what i expected i hear nothing because of course there's nothing to hear because there's only i think oh god that light just stiffed so i just panicked [Music] we're like dude just sort of on stage you just sort of maybe what they should do is they should flash their lights well there's nothing there's nothing ordered or structured about it it's just sort of you know i tell you i would have if i was there i would have died laughing it was a point of rain i was sitting in my car how many cars were there i reckon 300. for oh 300 cars yes i taken 300 cars and no laughs for 20 minutes and then i did a gig there about two weeks ago on sunday after three o'clock in the car park outdoors in the car fun in that theater so that's the sum total of my live work since march so that's why i'm writing these blogs and doing it you you've been working like a trojan top and i'm just that's why i played the golfers one mate because i haven't been doing anything i still beat you then yeah you would have done that back nine i'll let you wins i know you've you'd like to win right speaking of drinking i think you're gonna get a beer yeah so thank you everybody uh good fun i'm glad to catch up caught up with tom in berlin and uh good luck in barcelona good luck in america and we'll see you on the other side see you later
Channel: MsLunaCake
Views: 226,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TfPSTEBfas4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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