Tom Cruise interview on Australian TV

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well the time has come to welcome the biggest movie star on the planet Tom Cruise is the Hollywood Mega star behind some of the most memorable films of all time Top Gun Jerry Maguire Risky Business Minority Report Rain Man and the list goes on well now he's back with a brand new Mission Impossible the seventh installment in a franchise that grows more than five billion dollars worldwide [Music] listen to me the world's coming after you his fate is written shall we write yours too if anything happens there's no place that I won't go to kill you of that the biggest most dangerous mission of them all Tom Cruise's epic action franchise is back with Mission Impossible dead reckoning part one yes it's so huge it's been split into two movies Ethan what's your objective what's your ultimate objective [Music] always matter more today than my own returning to his iconic role as Ethan Hunt Tom does Things No Ordinary man would ever dream of attempting there's a thrilling car chase through the streets of Rome the key is don't crash [Music] [Applause] who is that person I have no idea there's a fight on top of a speeding train [Music] and the biggest stunt in cinema history Tom riding a motorbike off a mountain in Norway and it is all very real on set director Chris Macquarie and the crew held their breaths and that's exactly what you'll be doing in the cinema too [Music] [Music] foreign and Tom Cruise in the flesh is here with us good morning to you Tom welcome to Sunrise it's great to be here spoiler alert you made it you survived yeah I think so I'm here yes take us through what it means to do a stunt like that to you and how much work has to go into it that was day one and that was look I've been riding motorcycles since I was a little kid and I've always wanted to do something like that but to break it down I mean I go through and I Skydive I fly Jets I fly airplanes aerobatics helicopters parachutes all that but this stuff like this is very very technical and so what I did was I just broke it down for each department where I was training on the motorcycle and I just did a bunch of jumps and then I trained skydiving and base jumping and you have to I had to do it at very uh unusual attitudes exiting the the aircraft at different unusual attitudes just so that to see how fast I can recover because as I'm jumping off that so many things go wrong um and I had to be able to recover very very quickly because I had about six seconds before I opened the Chute in about eight to eight and a half seconds before I hit the ground so there were things that I had to really think about because I don't want to get tangled in uh and that bike uh don't want to get tired of the bike have to watch and also when you open if I open my shoulders high or there's certain strange winds there and I open in a particular one you can see in this when I'm I test in the morning right before I go I do I take a low pass with a helicopter I'm jumping out right into the bowl and you can see when I open I turn into the side of the mountain which that that can happen so you have to be ready you got to be ready for anything absolutely it really is and um you say you did a bunch of jumps we've watched the making of oh more than that yeah thirteen thousand uh Motocross rides and 500 skydives yeah it was more it was actually more skydiving than that I had to do a lot more so this is just your prep work how long did that take that took you know what it's just kind of Decades of training and then it was really months to figure out how to do this because it's not just me doing it it's the story behind it where do we put the camera how do we how do we shoot it in a manner that's cinematic and that's that's what we're looking for I mean we're going to have to talk about it because it's a huge quote that's amazing that's amazing so when you're putting these IDs for these stunts together and you have to enact it um I can't imagine insurance is easy to get yeah I don't ever worry about that it's not that's not my problem so there's certain things I produce these films which are saying guys you're just gonna have to do it I'm going we're doing this so you better figure it out you said that someone else's Department someone else's Department there's like you want to know like even though I'm producing it there's certain things that just I have to say that's not my problem I can't think about that right now do you ever get scared yeah I do I just don't mind being scared that's the difference you know I I feel as I'm breaking things down you feel I like that feeling I like that feeling of uh what's gonna happen and and I've trained I trained trained train for everything I mean I even movies I I want to make movies my whole life and I was when I was 18 on my first film audition I actually got second film audition I got the movies and then I would go in and I would just study every single Department um and I still do that so it's just something that I'm I'm constantly work to be competent at things and so I'll study every single Department from writing to cinematography wardrobe like every Department I'll go through it and what do you think as I went on I studied the studios and then I studied distribution and I just want to travel the world to the audience and and you give over to your craft like no one else does for the audience what is an eight-year-old Tom Cruise say to himself as he drags the plywood over to jump those trash cans oh my gosh what do you think he would think now wow that you're doing these stunts either you just wouldn't believe it that this actually happened I just you know it's something that I just never take for granted such a privilege and I I do I make my art my movies for audiences no matter what kind of film I'm making I'm constantly thinking you know I want I want to satisfy that audience and I'm look I'd make a wide range of films and different kinds of genres but when you see that eight-year-old kid who's going through and I just wouldn't believe it honestly just wouldn't I just I still don't believe it the train stunt we built that train to go down we had it in Norway uh and we had it in England we built that train did you ever play you know with train sets and stuff like that so McCue and I were like we played with train sets and you yeah that's what we're doing because that slow realization the audience I haven't said it yet but when you realize hang on it's still going it's going one by one and you guys are on it how did you come up with that idea how's McHugh Christopher McCrory just great ideas and then we just developed the stunts and then the progression through that as we're going to find the story as we're doing you know the way I was trained the way I make movies is it's not just you have a script and you kind of cast the actors in that and have them kind of fit we're looking at the cast and we're building the characters and developing the characters throughout the story so and when you have someone like Haley you find that kind of character Dynamic that allows that kind of humor you know because you do all the stunts in the world but if you don't care about the characters you're not investing the story I'm not I'm not interested in that so I love that train scene wow I know she's hilarious oh she is yeah you look at it look at us playing Two Shots now it I know I just want the audience to enjoy the film but when you're looking at her to be able to perform in that manner when we're in the same frame high speed her first time she's done car chases first time she's on these things it's I I just I watch her when I'm when I'm we're editing the film when I'm making the movie you just see your performances funny magical engaging phenomenal um Tom I've got to be honest with you as a kid growing up I was a sprinter I went to the Olympic Games I did oh thank you so much here what year were you in 2000 I went to the Sydney games yeah yep yes um what was your event which one 100 meters and forever in a day wow I said if I ever meet Tom Cruise I'm gonna ask him do you work on your running from your running system I saw you run yes in the Olympics I saw that we've got a few pictures so man my question is did we have any formal training did you have a coach did you like because when I look at it you're a good runner thank you thank you look at that you're a great Runner I'm a good runner you know I uh I've just been an athlete my whole life gymnastics and I'd love to Sprint since I came out running you know I was like that little kid that was just I get a new pair of sneakers and you just got to hit every puddle and you're sprinting and I've had not a lot of training you know but sometimes through the years I just get a little bit of coaching and I had different coaches when you were growing up not not like not like dude amazing no I've always wanted because it's always impressed me always impressed me you know what I do I watch people I study and I then I try different things of my own and I I really I'm someone who I'll watch someone and then I'll imitate them and then I read about other people's training and and I'll train with different Olympians or you know I'm constantly stunning well if you ever need a coach thanks man thank you let me know thank you I'll tell you for a ride yeah nice any other sprinters in your family or Olympians uh future yeah potential potential athletes right through yeah yeah no pressure no pressure we'll set up a training yeah let's do it again right let's do it let's do it I love going to the track and Sprint I mean you still Sprint I'm sorry a little bit I do yeah it's like anything right when when you do something for so long going back to what makes you feel comfortable and and confident and yeah I do like going back and doing a little training session yeah it feels good doesn't it yeah it does it does I did my Sprints this morning did you did you 4 a.m I was doing my Sprints and it's printing day whereabouts just in my room yeah one thing yeah I still like to keep that fit obviously oh I have to I have to when we finish here I go back and I'm we're in England to finish the next one so I'm training I've always trained my whole life but I train you never have a moment off one thing you do love is sneaking into a theater don't you I like going and watching as an audience member I'll go from with my movies but I'll go see other films I like going and watching I like Friday night or Saturday night opening weekend to see a movie with that packed audience those people that love the cinema love love the movie that they're about to go see it's really fun love that do you dress up like how do you or how do you do it you know I just go in and wear a cap I'll wait and do people recognize it I'll sit down and then to look over at me and I'm like there you go yeah they do sometimes sometimes if I go in they'll say hi Tom and we're all there to watch it it's only like hey everyone a few selfies then everyone settles down we watch the movie together that is cool it is fun yeah you know it was six years ago you were sitting right here I don't know if you remember you announced the Top Gun 2 was coming yes yes I just said I was going to make that movie yes yeah it was kind of big so yeah we did it yeah yes it was pretty good so uh oh thank goodness um and he reveals anything you want to share with us this time in this very yeah you know what we're making another mission impossible are you which is amazing let's have a good we're doing part two yes we can't wait for um any anything anything on the Top Gun front don't know I'm not decided would you like to you know it so it all depends on story it all depends on what story and look it took a long time to figure that one out and I really when when we started working on it I knew that I had it had the potential to really deliver for that audience so it kind of did oh thank you I'm so glad we had a relief there's always pressure but yeah that was Top Gun the one of the most amazing things I think for anyone watching on was your interaction with Steven Spielberg where he said you saved Hollywood's ass by releasing that into Cinemas that was very imagine like take us through that take us through what sort of a respect that is and then also the power a view being able to have that and to do that you know look I just distribution is very important I think it's important to our industry and I want their now they're wishing me it's coming not just for me but I want I want other artists to have that opportunity I think it's a beautiful thing for society that we share these the common environment for us all to experience some it just it's this I love this art form so and we love you before we go we would like to wish you happy birthday thank you very much thank you so much thank you congratulations thank you I appreciate that thank you very much thank you congratulations amazing dead reckoning a phenomenal film we're gonna have a Premiere yes I spent most of my life which is really beautiful on making movies I'm either on a set or I'm out promoting a movie and that's how I'm lucky that's been my dream and and to still be here doing it as uh very special will you have some kind and I love it here I love the city you know I love Australia so we're gonna have a lot of fun and now you've got a running coach so you're awesome tonight Tom don't forget don't be careful try to be confident yes thank you so much that's a pleasure yeah thanks so much thank you all one last little plug for you Tom Mission Impossible dead reckoning part one opens in cinemas on Saturday
Channel: Sunrise
Views: 631,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunrise, morning show, breaking news, seven, entertainment, current affairs, australia, channel 7, news, tom cruise, tom cruise interview, tom cruise movies, tom cruise stunt, mission impossible
Id: xFZoajSvir4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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