Tom Cruise's Secret to Staying Fit for Action Movies #tomcruise

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would you please welcome Tom bloody Kurt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in case you missed it Australia's quite happy to have you back time I'm so happy to be here I am so Happy's beautiful Dave's just saved such you know so many great friends here I love it it's been a little while since we've seen you've had much on a little busy but you know yeah it's been all right um well I want to talk about this new film right it's fantastic and the mission impossible films they are um famous for their action obviously but this one's also really funny a lot of them they have a lot of comedy in them as well what do you enjoy more the the action the incredible stance or do you enjoy the comedy as well oh I love it I love it all you know we're we're constantly looking for that kind of character Drama character comedy and Hayley Atwell really inspired this kind of action you see the kind of talent that she is and that Dynamic that we have together a lot of these things we you know we know the space that we're going to work in in Rome but we're creating those characters as we're going so we're writing you know I'll be there with her and I'm watching and I'll be throwing her lines and McHugh will be working with us so we're trying to mind that kind of character while you're doing like a 360. actually Yes actually yes I just keep saying the tires are on fire we're on fire we're spinning around I know and I was like I'm just look at Rome they didn't know we were going to do that so they gave us that area and then when we started you know I said look this is action so when we were spinning they said you can't you know you only have one more take so we kept pushing we need another take we needed to take so while we're spinning and doing things and Haley was amazing I'll be throwing her lines I'm going to say we're on fire say we're on fire you know I said wait wait wait for the smokes the tires to say it against it because I was waiting for the smoke to come in into the scene you know so yeah we do stuff like that you're never allowed back to Rome though obviously never allowed back to Rome you know what they did allow us back but I thought at that moment they were going to ask us to leave is there any trepidation for you though Tom like you could choose any kind of role is there any like thought of I'm gonna just get beaten up for three hours doing this you could like sit back and do a rom-com you know yeah you know what I kind of put a little rhyme come in these things too you know but uh no I just look this mission of pass was the very first film that I ever produced back in the 90s so I love this this franchise and it enables me to be able to you know really show the world to people and and take people on a great adventure so I like all that stuff I like producing it I like the challenge of the physicality the development of character and structure uh it's from a storyteller's point of view it's very interesting an actor's point of view it's very interesting and you know you get to be able to have and create this kind of task that we have in this film so it's really lovely I think it's what makes you my favorite Action Hero I've been on record I'll say it again what I love most about you is yeah people can do stunts they can ride motorcycles and do all that sort of stuff you have the most impressive jaw Flex yeah I like my life to be you but but what are they doing good I break very easily so I don't want to do the stunt stuff but could you could you teach me how to flex my jaw okay you know I don't let me just see it takes a little bit you got to loosen up I'm not really ready for it but [Laughter] it's freaking yeah this is making me laugh [Applause] it's got to be a little bit enjoy it you know that's good do you in those moments though do you have something that you say to yourself Tom to be like okay this is the part that the fans are going to love robe's going to love this let's get in there yeah I had no idea I really had no idea you brought back Maverick you brought back Ethan hand are we going to see maybe a Revival of what could be happening with the kid from Risky Business do you think that's very interesting asking for a friend can you imagine that could you imagine you know what when years after they wanted to do it and I wasn't ready to do it I don't know I I don't know what that story would be actually I don't know do you have any want to pitch me an idea oh gosh do we have time yes he's gone into corporate law and also on the side solves crime still dancing still dance still dancing Tom a lot of people have credited you in bringing back top gun Maverick um getting people back into Cinemas getting really excited about going in seeing it on the big screen and I know that was important to you but it seems like since then there's actually a whole bunch of them and more people excited about obviously going to see this film as well but in the cinemas why is that so important for you it's a beautiful art form I make my movies for Cinemas and I know it's like they come out and the other platforms that's fine but to have that experience I love that experience I love seeing movies with an audience and it's a it is a different art form and there's just something about that community and what we can deliver for an audience on a big screen with the sound I mean I've always I didn't want them cutting the screens up smaller into cineplexes I remember in the 80s that's why I started shooting you know I started pushing large formats of 65 millimeter and big screen experience and I've always been really studying what we're doing with sound and Visually to immerse an audience in the story so I personally love it it is a different mindset in making a film like that and what's better than all of us together in a theater together experience we can all have different problems walks of life everything we're all experiencing something together it is a cultural uh beautiful thing and I know that everyone you know we're talking about what we've all been through uh collectively as as Humanity uh I think more like I don't like Zoom meetings [Laughter] don't like emails I don't want zoom meetings I tell my crew it's like guys we're you got to come talk to me we're all going to zoom anything to the big Cinema production meetings Okay I want to see your face I want to talk to you that's the fun of making movies you know to be all be together and do it it's a very tactile physical uh art form and it's that's that's what I like well you love the audience the audience loves you anyway there's four audiences that's I've always have no matter what genre you know and I've always wanted to make movies I I go and I make it and I'm studying film all the time so I love it be honest was that actually you it was it was it was it actually you I don't believe you actually have you got to ask that come on you know yeah yes I can tell you honestly that was me every every rev every foot every second it's a lot of fun true that this is one you had wanted to do since you were a kid I used to build ramps and I used to figure out how I could jump bikes and stuff and motorcycles yeah I want to do that but of course McHugh designed it in this epic style so we had to figure out we picked that location because the ball is Visual and then I had to build the ramp um and then I met that morning there was ice on the ramp so we had to clean the ice off yeah that helicopter you have to worry about that helicopter coming across and blowing me off the ramp because I know I know I thought this is we got to get this right so we did a lot of a lot of prep a lot of prep for this now I should remind you you're Tom Cruise you know that yeah you don't need to be doing this yeah that's a good thing I say we're gonna do it and they let me do it reptile what what went into this right because it seems like you've there's one thing to plan it but then you've got us then he got a helicopter then he got all this other stuff then you have to be you to be able to do it like how we just kind of said we're going to do it and then we backed up from there where do we shoot it how do we shoot it uh that kind of training I did lots of skydiving uh tracking um working again on the motorcycle lots of motorcycle jumps and then I practice a lot of unusual attitudes when I was skydiving so that I would and I would jump very low I'd start high do unusual attitudes and see how fast I can recover so then we brought the helicopter down so I was at lower lower uh altitudes with no altimeter so that I know so I was basically counting out seconds in my head as I was going um well yeah because you look if anything happened when I was cutting across we actually built a ramp in England because I had to test to see what what's it going to be like what's how's what's the bike how's it going to behave we tested wind direction and drones because we also had to figure out how are we going to shoot this what piece of equipment do we use and at the last second we decided to use a helicopter when we were in Norway and I didn't train with the helicopter we had a great helicopter pilot and he he was watching me train so that he saw my rhythm so there's things that I I didn't you know I didn't have a speedometer I had to have the feel so that I'm consistent that everything that I do is very consistent and then when I leave the bike we didn't know what was going to happen on the mountain for the real thing so I would right before I did the jump off the ramp I would go in over a helicopter low altitude and jump off the skid so that I could get in the bowl to feel what that wind is going to be like so I would jump into the bowl and then I would open my parachute in the bowl so I was used to you know because also once the parachute opens you have to watch you're not going to get turned into the side of the mountain just it sounds so complicated and there's a thing called CGI nowadays but I feel like before you were talking about like wanting people to come and see the movies in cinema and so are you putting yourself through these physical risks as a kind of like a temple to be like hey come and see me this is why you're paying to come yeah I want to give everything and this is you cannot I don't care and I you to have that experience to see that for it to it communicates to an audience when it's real it's different there's Stakes There's real stakes and it's also all technically all the things that I'm handling and there's performance so part of that is they can put cameras in places with me that you might not think of when you're doing CG or it just has a different emotional Vibe as talented as those guys are it has a different emotion for the audience it has a different quality and I grew up watching practical action and thinking about ways that how can I how can I you know like we use old technology and we're creating new technology with these whether top gun Maverick I spent a long time because I'm a pilot I fly aerobatics I fly Jets I fly propeller airplanes and parachutes and I spent years evaluating aerial photography and developing aerial photography that we used in American made a movie that I did and then Fallout with the helicopters all of that was prepped for top gun Maverick and each film that we've gone from topic on Maverick to dead reckoning part one and dead reckoning part two so you'll see all that kind of Technology applied and the way that I train the actors to prepare them for these movies not just for stunts but to be able to act and perform within that because watching a stunt is you know you can see that on anywhere you know you YouTube or whatever but this is one immerse you in a story you talk about character you talk about story structure so how do we where do we put the camera how do we involve them in that I'm still on training wheels this is incredible there's a lot of moments in this film where I think to myself has Tom ever heard of a helmet I know yeah it just doesn't look cool I wear helmets you know when I ride motorcycles and I'm training and I wear pads but when you start to go film all the pads come off so I train and jumping and you know race bikes and high speed bikes but then it's not cinematic there's parents of eight-year-old boys all over Australia right now are saying don't listen to time no I don't here's the thing when you're making your movie that you know that's but I train with helmets I we all wear pads you know I wear that stuff but when I go when I do it I have to take it all off how do you reassure everybody not to just that's a very good question because we just have a rule I treat every it's like just calm easy it's another day you know you don't want people looking at you like you know before you go [Laughter] [Applause] you feel like that we don't want that I want everyone to be you know and I'm very relaxed just chill and everyone and and just so we go through it and we rehearse these days so everyone is just really calm but can people actually be that way with you Tom if we're mission impossible one of my favorite bits of tech in that in that right and the reveal if you could have a mask of just an average person no one knows who you are and you could walk about your life no one knows that you're Tom Cruise what are you doing what are you doing like it's not what would I do yeah what would you do no one knows it's you they can't be there no but I guess I just do the same thing I always do go watch movies go watch movies go make movies tour of the world uh you know I feel very look it's a privilege it's a dream of mine my whole life to do what I do and travel the world the places where I was in America and just work in these environments and the kind of welcome that I get I never take it for granted it's very beautiful so I I enjoy it I enjoy people you know and people are so kind to me and I I really cherish those moments I really do and it's something that um I like having a chat I like sitting down hearing about people's lives and it's also a privilege because when I'm here people will share that with me and it's very nice we have a commonality of movies and culture going I'm sorry tomorrow Georgie and I are going to see you at the premiere also your birthday yes it is 61. [Applause] I'm either working I'm on a Sound Stage mixing stage making movies or promoting movies for my whole life okay that's that's how I've spent my birthdays most of them well we'll show you the birthday cake out of the helicopter mission impossible dead reckoning part one it is in cinemas this Saturday July 8th please put your hands together for Tom foreign
Channel: Learning with Jojo
Views: 507,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ihy0__6JyEw
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Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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