"I have to...Jump?" | The MI7 scene everyone talked about

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Yes. I see the train. What about it? -And you have a parachute. -Got a parachute? What do you expect me to do? Well, just, you know… jump. -Jump? -Yeah. Benji, it doesn't work like that. I'm not that high. There's ledges sticking out everywhere. I'm gonna hit them before the parachute even opens! Even if I could get the parachute open, I don't know if I can make it across the valley and intercept and land safely on a moving train! -Do you copy? -Yes! I copy! Look, I am just trying to help you, okay? I need you to take a step back and pull yourself together! Because I am under a lot of pressure right now! Okay, just think, just think. What do I do? I've got to get away from this mountain. Did you make it? Are you okay? I'm trying to get away from this mountain! Alana? I just had the strangest feeling the key wasn't the only thing I'd be selling. I don't understand. I'll sleep better just knowing now it's in the right hands. Goodbye, Mr. Kittridge. -It was a pleasure to see you again. -And you. Don't let him out of your sight. Keep him safe until we get to the station. -Alana? -Don't worry about me, Zola. Alana? Who the hell else would it be? The key. Where is the key? -She's got the key. -Who? The other one! Move! Out of the way, move! Please! -Turn around! -Please. Okay. Okay. Everybody out! Now! I see the train! I don't think I'm gonna make it. The key. The key! Or the next one has your name on it. On the table. Kill her.
Channel: Boxoffice Movie Scenes
Views: 3,192,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mission: Impossible 7, Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Hayley Atwell
Id: C1X4joevHsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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