TOKYO Like You've Never Seen Before | 2024 Tokyo JAPAN Travel Guide 🇯🇵

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Welcome to [Music] Tokyo good meet you all welcome back to our channel it's the choose here from choose to explore where we teach you guys how to see the world and save a dollar so we're here at a bucket list country we are in where live we are in Tokyo Japan so in order to get here we actually booked this trip 2 days ago so we don't have everything planned yet but we plan to have 7 days here in Japan where we'll be exploring and doing different things so in order to get here we use credit card points and was only cost us $5 per person in order to enter and we're going to really get around and explore this country yes so our entry requirements we had to fill out a form online and you get a QR code that takes you through custom so I will have that Linked In the description below so we're at the airport but we have to head out to Tokyo now it's about 50 minutes to our next SWOT so we just got a pasmo card yes so the pasmo passport is how you guys get around and it's basically like a metro card that we use in New York City um we paid 1,500 yen in order to do it and you can keep refilling it so let's go on to the city let's [Music] go so to get around we got a 72-hour Tokyo train pass it cost us about $10 per person in order to get it um so we're walking around now we just got off the train what I will say First Impressions is this while it's a huge City being the biggest most popular city in the world it is super super clean while I'm here it's also really quiet yeah I'm the loudest one out here let me stop being American [Music] now all right and right off the train we had to get a coffee because it's technically 2:00 a.m. in New York and we're still kind of tired so we didn't want to get just any kind of coffee I wanted to get hat coffee because they have these 3D coffees and you can get whatever kind of design that you want I got a basic dog but you can literally come in with your own design your own picture and they'll make it for you so it's really cool I got a nice little caramel macchiato and it's so good I think it's really cool because even if you don't have reservation you can come and get a takeaway you may have to wait a little bit but it is definitely worth it cuz where else can you get one of these but if you guys do come bring a picture of a loved one bring a picture of someone that's super a picture Beyonce do something don't get just a little dog I mean it's cute though it is cute it is cute now let's [Music] go so right from ha coffee we walked about 15 minutes right in the same asakusa region and Tao City and we got into our place now this is a nice humble place it's a bed it's clean it's nice and it's close by to the things we want to do and most importantly because Capital One had a promotion for Tokyo for 20% off we got this one for $43 a night so we're here for two nights so let's [Music] go [Music] all right so about a quick 15minute walk we're here at nakam Dory Street and they're centuries old vendors and shops where they have different souers different food different costumes all different kind of things that you can come and get here and it's beautiful we came here right after Sunset so we're here and we're walking and let's see what we can get into [Music] all right so at the end of nakami Dory street is the Seno G Temple which is the oldest Temple in all of Tokyo it is beautiful it's a bright red and it's designed for the goddess of Mercy Canon yes and so there are people behind us they're going up towards the goddess of mercy and they're throwing their coins in and also bowing so lots of cultural experiences going on here definitely cool to see but listen there are a lot of people here which is cool just not the best place to get a photo [Music] up so Liv got a nice corn on the cob yes it has soy sauce on it they grilled it up right in front of me it's really good she enjoys the corn on the cab you know [Music] live it is night time and we are at akih habar which is also right by us they actually like a big gaming area so people come here they have like five six seven story buildings with different claw machines they have the racing games they have retro games they got all the games and prizes that you can do Liv and I actually got into a Mario Kart and guess who won I had to whoer you know I can't I was winning but then he came out of nowhere at the end but I was winning but who won who who cares who came in second place let's go [Music] guys good morning good morning day two here in Tokyo and it's 6:00 a.m. actually it's like 5:40 and nowhere on the map or nowhere on the weather did it say that it was going to rain but as you can see it's raining so we're heading to go to 7-Eleven to get some breakfast cuz the convenience doors are open at this time 7-Eleven is open 24 hours so we'll get some breakfast and then we're heading to sjuku station so let's [Music] go so Japan has a really cool and unique convenience store culture where they have tons of food and it's super affordable you can get it it it's usually cold or frozen and they'll heat it up for you here so you can get full meals especially like Olivia who is really particular with her food um a lot of the meats Foods here have meat and things like that you can really choose what you want here at the 7-Eleven in the convenience store so I highly recommend coming and visiting [Music] here so we're here at the Shinjuku bus station which is on the fourth floor of the Shinjuku station and we decided to take the bus because it's a lot cheaper it's about half the price of taking the train and it takes around the same time it should take about an hour and a half to 2 hours in order to get there depending on traffic Olivia and I decided to buy the bus tickets literally when we got here and there were two seats for a bus that leaves in about 10 minutes from us and we went right up to the counter and they were able to do it for us we tried to use the electronic um counter but it's really difficult for me at least to try to figure out where I'm going when I want to go and things like that and the person at that te encounter was helpful and was able to sort that out for me so see the world save your dollar we're going to go and take the [Music] bus all right so we just got off the bus from Shinjuku station and we got dropped off like literally on the side of the road it's not even like a station even though it does say shimo station it's beautiful that ride over here was amazing right now because of the full foliage you see a lot of different colors you see the rivers here we were like in the clouds so it's beautiful here but let's head out in [Music] shimo from the bus stop we walked about maybe 10 minutes on this road and you just follow the signs and it'll take you right to the entrance at akasu yaka Park sorry if I butchered that but you'll have it right here where it actually is called all right so we just went through the T Gates and we're here at a first Viewpoint and it's beautiful right there should be I mean it is Mount Fuji but it's just not there yet it's still in the clouds it's not it's not woken up yet it's still 9:00 in the morning so we'll give it some um time to wake up but let's go by the time we get all the way up top we should be able to see it right Li I hope so let's go all right so this sign says there are bear so be careful for the bear no drones sorry guys I can't give you that Drone footage no cigarettes no drones again what let's go my love lead the way all right and about I don't know 2 three 400 steps later I thought like 2,000 steps honestly it's cold outside but as you can see I'm halfway out of my jacket like uh it was a lot of steps you need to take a lot of breaks if you're not fit like I'm not fit cuz I couldn't breathe walking up there but we made it here it's the chetto pagota and it's yes it's worth it it's worth it it's beautiful you can see the whole village City area right from here beautiful views but we still got somewh to go but we'll admire the pagota while we're [Music] here and right behind the pagota you have some amazing views it's an observation deck Unfortunately today we thought it was going to open up but it's still behind the clouds you still can see a little bit of the the snow caps but you can't see the top of M Fuji but if it does open up we will come back I don't know about her but I'm coming back I'm coming back might have to make [Music] it [Music] all right so we just made it here at Fuji Q Highland Park and it was about a 35 minute walk from the chereta Pagoda it was actually well worth it because we got a free admission ticket we literally just scanned it took a picture ask them for the free ticket cuz we want to go to the Naruto world and the Naruto world is free you just have to pay if you want to go on any rides so we're here and it's absolutely stunning they have all of these roller coasters and the Beautiful Thing is right behind it is M Fuji come on you it's so cool here but let's go to the Naruto [Music] world my boy gar what's good Gar [Music] man all right so we're at ichiraku Ramen and I'm going to get Naruto's favorite meal and I'm super excited to try it um it's a little bit on expecting side but the flavors the Naruto experience I'm going to tell you guys if it's actually good cuz I don't know [Music] Roi all right so I just had the ramen and my God it was amazing I thought it was just going to be for the photo op like people just come here to have the ramen cuz now Nar has it but this one was celebrating Naruto's birthday and I can't lie I see why Naruto eats it so much because I may have to come back here and get some more every single bite he was like this is so good this is so good um and you know I had H KN it to my side so you know it was it's fantastic Ramen it's really small it's really a place for photo ops but it is free so if you guys want to live out that Naruto fantasy that you had in your whole life I would highly recommend doing that they also do have some paid for Rise that you can do with the free ticket um and you don't have to pay for them if you don't want to do that so right from Fuji Q we took the train to kawaguchi go um station and now we are walking we got about a 15-minute walk and we're heading to the ropeway you ready my love I think so let's go all right so I just had Pizzeria Anda and the pizza was actually really delicious I I know it's not what you expect for eating in Japan but it was really good really highly recommended we're on our way to Lake kawaguchi yes so on our way to Lake kabuchi try to get some of that pizza [Music] and so we just got to the CAG guccio line for the ropeway and I say we just got here but really we've been waiting in line for probably like 35 minutes but the line actually moves pretty fast um the line was so long it was literally out of the building and now we're in the building we paid 1600 Yen and that's the round trip Road play and it also includes a sightseeing boat which we're going to go on next but we're here in line and we hope to get the most amazing views of le kawaguchi as well as Mount [Music] Fuji as you can tell pretty packed up let's go up the ropeway [Music] so we made it here all the way up top the cable ride was super nice cenic about a minute and a half Liv you were a little nervous I was just a little bit but it was really pretty it's nothing to be afraid of but all the way up here there's beautiful views you have Lake kawaguchi go on one side and then you look on the other side and it's Mount Fuji just check out these [Music] views [Music] [Applause] took the cable ride back down and now we are here at the sightseeing Cruise or boat or I don't know whatever you want to call it but let's [Music] go okay and we're just getting done with the scenic boat ride and it was Surly beautiful in Scenic we saw the Mount Fuji we the top was a little bit still covered in clouds but it still was beautiful it's cold it's late October and it's cold out here bring a coat bring a hat I don't know it's cold it's a little chilly I say it's like high 50s something like that but it's cold but a beautiful ride I defitely recommend doing both the ropeway as well as the uh boat [Music] ride good morning good morning another beautiful day here in Tokyo we just checked out we got our stuff here because we got to drop our stuff at the baggage collection a good thing about Tokyo honestly there's a lot of different places where you can put your bags down and store them and it's relatively affordable like $1 or $2 for the day so that's what we're going to do um we got a lot to see because this is our last full day here in to Tokyo so let's see what we get into let's go let [Music] go all right and we made it to our first stop of the day which is the Tokyo Tower and it is beautiful right Liv yes it's so pretty it's really bright red I was just in Paris last weekend with my mom and I saw the Eiffel Tower and the Tokyo Tower is actually 3 m taller so it's really really cool out here I'm loving this attraction she says it's actually the Eiffel Tower looks bigger because it's whiter but I love the red color of this one with the white it is beautiful to see right here in Tokyo [Music] so [Music] so we got off at yoobi station and now we are walking to the Magi Shrine it's about like a 15minute walk and let's go you ready [Music] [Music] ready [Music] okay and we just made it here in the middle of Magi jingu which is the Magi Shrine and it is so beautiful here it's like literally being transported outside of Tokyo um because it's so big and it's in the middle of Tokyo and it's big green spaces the only reason why I know I'm in Tokyo is cuz right behind the Shrine we see some big skyscrapers but it is phenomenal all the different wood elements and and the Beautiful ornaments we definitely know that we're here celebrating the Autumn Festival yes it's very peaceful and S likee as you walk through the nature to get to the shrine and then once you get up to the Cento Shrine you have the option to um give a coin and clap and bow and pay your respect to the culture so that is what we did unfortunately you can't have a camera but it's all about the experiences so let's head on out of here now so right behind us we have the otori which is the grand Shrine gate and this is the biggest story gate in all of Japan of this style it is over 12 M tall and 15 M wide and is made out of Japanese Cyprus which is marvelous it's [Music] huge so look how crazy this is right behind us is the green space and as we turn around here we are in Tokyo in the middle of the city that's crazy right [Music] so we just made to takaido street right in haruku and this is a world famous street Li could finally live at her childhood fantasy with Nicki Minaj and be a haruku Barbie this street is so crowded there's so many people for a good reason so let's come out and let's [Music] explore all right so we just stopped into tassi Candy Factory and my favorite thing is cotton candy so I had to get this extra large cotton candy it has six flavors and it's bigger than me honestly it's so good it 1,000 yen but well worth it the lines here are a little long but definitely you'll get you some cotton candy treat [Music] yourself 10 out of 10 so haruku street is so busy is so crazy there are so many people here I can't even believe it and here's the crazy part it's Monday at 11:00 and there's so many kids why they in at school where these kids parents at I need to call child protective services and somebody need to take these kids away cuz there's way too many of them to be out here on a Monday morning school got exist I don't know so as we walk to Harajuku what we do realize is right now is a perfect time to shop especially if you're an American because number one things are taxfree here and number two it's a favorable currency exchange so the US dollar is strong right now so come here buy designer buy sneakers buy Jordans buy whatever you need so right in shabuya we just went to Flippers and it's a famous Japanese light sule pancake shop um we waited in line probably about 30 minutes or so and we got a table and I got the caramel butter sule pancake and Liv got I got a strawberry sule pancake and let me tell you guys it was honestly I would say not worth it in terms of the waiting in line I think it's really like cool for Instagram but to be honest with you they are light and really don't have a lot of flavor I'm hungry still if you haven't ate anything old day like we have you're going to need something else and you're going to be high on sugar just made it over here at the government building number one for the observation deck because it's supposed to have beautiful panoramic views of the city and most importantly it's free so let's go [Music] out so we made it up to the 45th floor and we are at the government building where they have beautiful free viewpoints and there's so many beautiful buildings and what I loved is earlier today when we went to the Mei Shrine you can actually see it it's just a green space in the middle of the city and it's so beautiful the views here are phenomenal it's really cool also because they have a long line of people who want to play the piano and as you can hear there's a volunteer playing the piano right now so it's really cute really cool people showing off their talent if you guys subscribe right now I will perform right now I'll perform but you guys have to subscribe right now subscribe anyway please [Music] than so after the government center we were so hungry so we put in our GPS to go get some food and we were super surprised because it said we were in the Shinjuku train station so we actually walked in and it was a shopping mall luminest and it was really cool because okay so the first floor you're on the train station and then you go up and there's different sections for clothing and then as you go up to the very top the 7th and eighth floors has food options so right now we're on the eighth floor and I chose this restaurant in Kudo because it has plant-based Ramen which is very rare here in Japan so I'm excited to try it so in luminest there's so many different restaurants and it's International Cuisine there's so many different choices we're here to get the r so live the vegan ramen but I'm not too cool with all that vegan stuff I need some meat so we're here I'm chilling as you see chilling out maxing relaxing all cool I'm here at Ichi Bohan and I got the three-piece dinner set so I got rice I got a soup I got pork with eggs I got fish and I got shrimp with broccoli and it is phenomenal lots of flavor here highly recommend this place especially cuz it's really cool and has nice vibes [Music] so we just walked from luminest and we are here in Godzilla Road guess why to see Godzilla check it out right there only in Tokyo Japan all right so we just went through Amo Yak COA which is memory Lane and it really feels like you're going through a time capsule so there's a lot of small places to eat lots of fire lots of food lots of people enjoying the culture and it's a really cool place to go through and and check out so if you guys want to know what it was like in Tokyo in the 607s during that era come over here and check it [Music] out [Music] all right and our last stop of the night is shabuya crossing and it is not typically what shabuya is like because there's a pig and heavy police presence here for it says something about terrorism so the cops are out here with um ropes and whistles and telling us which directions we need to go so it's not our typical shabuya Crossing experience that I would think we'd have yeah either way there's a lot Crossing and like in New York City everybody's really aggressive but here everyone's really just staying in their Lane going across the street very easily very [Music] organized so our time here in Tokyo is almost done we decided to take a overnight sleeper bus which is 8 hours to take us from Tokyo to Osaka but only $17 which is a lot cheaper than what it costs to take the bullet train so let's go all right and we just made it here in Osaka that was a longish eight hour bus ride but we didn't have to pay for accommodations we slept on the bus it was blackout nights they had usb chargers so overall I thought it was a pretty good experience and we saved a lot of money being only $17 but if you guys want to know what we get into in our next part of video where will be in Kyoto Osaka and Nara please be sure to like comment and subscribe and check out our next video bye-bye [Music] I
Channel: Chews to Explore
Views: 18,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SeeTheWorldSaveADollar, Japan Travel, Tokyo travel, Mt Fuji, Shimiyoshida, Churieto Pagoda, Arakura Shrine, Mt Fuji Ropeway, fuji q highland, tokyo tower, meiji jingu, meiji shrine, takeshita street, japan vegan food, tokyo vegetarian, omoide yokocho walk, Senso Ji, nakamise shopping street, taito city, tokyo vlog, mount fuji, chureito pagoda, kawaguchiko, 明治神宮, tokyo 2024 vlog, tokyo travel guide, day trip to kawaguchiko, oshino hakkai, 忠霊塔, things to do in asakusa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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