TOKYO TRAVEL VLOG 🇯🇵 | FIRST TIME in JAPAN | 4 day itinerary | best foods and activities

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[Music] keeping with [Music] the [Music] what's up guys we did it we're in Japan Japan finally here we've been wanting to come here forever since I was a child Y and we finally made it here we got in late last night and today is our first day here we're going to be here for the next 3 weeks starting in Tokyo then to hone Kyoto Osaka Hiroshima and back to Tokyo so it's going to be an amazing 3-e trip make sure to hit that like button subscribe for More Travel content to [Music] come it's honestly so nice just walking through here it's a really nice change from the city you know it's a good way to kind of get away get in touch with nature again and you just hear all these birds tripping and everything so so nice [Music] [Music] [Music] peace [Music] [Music] what' you wish for Sophie got my wish in here I'm putting inside my elbow I got to put some money in there little monetary [Music] offering [Music] so we just finished up a m jingu pretty cool uh really nice kind of being around uh all the really cool traditional uh Temple Buddhist type stuff but we are ready to go into the city we're going to Haru now and we're going to do a little bit of shopping [Applause] shopping big fan of the uh the cauliflower on it yeah look at all the fruits and veggies [Music] mushrooms [Music] somebody's looking for a skirt I want my skirt at home and I love that all their skirts have shorts in them now we just got to see if it uh FS over my tripping hips [Music] all right somebody's going to get a little capsule toy I think I'm going to get this one the cat stealing the fish he's got a little wheel under so whenever you pull him back he runs forward as there side between either that or the cater cat I don't know I think I like the uh this one got motion we'll do I like this one all right here we go these over here are 400 Yen total which stepen will tell you uh how much that is and then here we go uh it's like two something $2 and something oh oh what do we get slide up yeah it's the mean guy my little fishy dude he's got [Music] wheels so we decided to get a little little takoyaki and Harajuku first bite and it's probably going to be [Music] Lava so good how is it my so guess where we are we're in the otter Cafe always seen OT from afar but now I'm going to get to hold them and they're going to get crawl all over me and stuff I'm so [Music] excited [Music] n so we just got out of the otter encounter thing so much so freaking cute and so soft little little tit to yeah they're they're definitely much softer than you would expect like when you pet them so soft and they're super energetic super playful really cool experience it was like 11 bucks per GL they didn't got some strawberries from Strawberry finish first [Music] one oh it's hard hard like candy so is it not like strawberry texture at all so the outside is like a hard candy but like very delicate enough where it just cracks just like glass and then the inside is like perfectly soft normal strawberry these are really ripe so it's like extra sweet it's really really good how am I going to eat this all the way [Music] up oh the outside just like the candy syrup type of uh flavor but then the inside is just like a regular strawberry the strawberry is extremely R it's really good and it's only 650 Yen so like $2 and change not bad at [Music] all oh [Music] yeah [Music] so we just finished having dinner here at this udon need shop really great soup only 14 us and it includes green tea really great meal after a long day walking around in Tokyo so now we're just walking around shuya visiting a couple shops just exploring we made it my a child is screaming Nintendo store [Music] [Music] swich [Music] [Music] [Music] oh even better I didn't know there was a Capcom store in here look [Music] at all right so I got a Pikachu keychain it's got a little s on it for my name or your name or my name and then I got some stickers so I got Magikarp and Hunter Stephen got Gengar and Cubone oh yeah so we're going to put them on our cups at home oh yeah the purchase of the day what the Mach CYO P Macha sof ice cream wow wow is it good like pure matcha I think we need another really strong it's really good M yep good stuff so good it's pure matcha get a matcha D fuku oh cold is it like AI Moi ice cream thing ice cre in the middle on super super earthy [Music] thank you so we got some craft Cola Yoshi Cola go and take a swig whoa It's like peppery like a peppered Coke interesting lemony peppered lemon Coke interesting it's good holy cow that's good with like a hint a very small hint of like licorice it's like lemon peppered licorice Coke delicious but look at the bag it's so cute you can see the little pepper flakes on the top yeah honestly you pass the craziest things whenever you're just walking down the street you got to stop in all of [Music] them [Music] you see that you see that it purposely didn't pick it up it didn't even CL until it com to the middle I get cheap one more all right I'm out I'm out that is that's so lame [Music] money for it we're going to go for [Music] it got chicken nuggets I got to eat I'm starving it's kind of nasty looking it kind of is that's why I [Music] wanted not today face I need a Slowpoke so we're now making our way to shabuya shabuya trying to get to shabuya Crossing see what it's like for the very first time Resident Evil res is about to start as soon as we walk in there yeah the breakouts happening right you ready for the crossing ready for the crossing it's crazy here so many people there's like 14 different directions and like people aren't just going straight this way straight that way they're intersecting and all going all over the place it's it's chaotic but it's organized chaos I so we're having a second dinner at M M that's uh don't look at that time all right guys finally got back to the room we brought our McDonald's back about to show you that in a second but we've been out all day finally back in the room and uh we are tired long day of walking around we probably hit probably 25,000 steps or so but I also just realized I didn't get to show you the room well this is the room here not really much a whole lot to see just the bed um actually I can show you the bathroom there's a little Hall pardon the mess but we got a little little haul here and the bathroom got the tub little sink toilet and it's got the whole B functionality that is really useful we are staying at Hotel sunro Plaza Shinjuku really nice room really nice hotel it was about maybe a little more than a 100 bucks a night so really not bad especially since it's so close to Shinjuku station so it's like maybe a one minute two- minute walk and it's downstairs is a um a 7-Eleven so really convenient spot to uh to post up at meanwhile I got the uh the 10:30 pm Munchies we just got a fry and a spicy chicken sandwich I'll open that right now interested to see if it is like the chicken sandwich back home we got some spicy sauce I think it's just a regular chicken sandwich and then they put spicy like Buffalo looking so a little bit different but does it taste the same or similar oh that's good but spicy you ate the fries how are the fries oh fries are exactly the same yeah I would imagine so exactly the same and I'm sure the chicken is a little bit different though fry mhm pretty much the same exactly the same rub that sauce on there a little there we go yeah pretty good for 10:30 it's pretty decent we're going to share it you're going to eat this too you're you got to suffer all right guys first day in Japan in the books see you guys tomorrow straight for the onion giri a yeah pickle Plum spicy po spicy kelp soy sauce red salmon salt red salmon salt so I'm going to do spicy cro what do you want Ste tuno or salmon row and soy sauce uh I'll do uh red salmon and salt Sal you don't want what was this one Salon sounds that sounds good too though you want the spread same insult both you want both yeah hey all these Ready Foods available to be heated up you got some like small little sushi rolls available do not Kimi and sesame well it's Prett good so we had a late start to this morning but we're getting a quick breakfast so we can get our day on quick stop at 7eleven you don't know 7-eleven here is a completely different Beast it's not it's not even the same store honestly here like they have really high quality stuff and so many different snacks on giri I mean something like this you can't even really get back home without going to like a specialty shop and this is so cheap it's only like a couple dollars for a few of these a uh-oh you're littering no salmon R never mind so yeah pretty late start this morning but now we are out and about and our first destination is C soji Temple it's about 40 minutes away from here so we have a little bit of a hike and now I'm going to take you through shuku station and I'm just going along for the ride simple so many all right so we just made it to in soji Temple it's extremely busy here right now incredibly crowded but this is kamani gate one of the most famous picture spots in all of too as you can see all right we're hoping to get some really good eats here I always see a bunch of f stall along the side here get some food so let's see what we can find [Music] we got some sweet dangle and it's uh I don't know what's on the outside it's like a kind of a Sesame Sesame thing but powder it smells really sweet and tastes sweet it's like Emi yeah got chewy kind of rice consistency and what else we get matcha matcha drink drink refreshing for this hot day today oh it's very good not sweet or anything it's just like Macha flavor Macha flavor very good especially on hot day really quite quite flavorful nice like sweet treat it's like peanut butter yeah you mix that with this very nice and refreshing also in this area they're very strict about not eating or drinking while walking around you have to stay near the food vendor to eat or drink whatever you just bought so walking throughout this place I'm just going to see food and I'm going to grab it and I'm going to buy and eat it so I don't know what this is but it's kind of like a it smells like a pancake smells very sweet it's hot temperature wise I'm just going to dig right in okay yeah it's like a pancake what is that inside it's like um the red bean oh red bean okay really good oh such a delicate sweet I know like Japanese aren't they love sweet stuff but they don't it's not like America but they literally just like douse everything in Sugar it's like a very mild sweet but it's just enough so good all right we're going to try our first Savory Dongo we've been having sweet dongos and now now time for Savory one it's a soy sauce flavored Dango soy sauce flavor that's nice this one was grilled and you can taste like the grill like grill marks Grill burs but this one really good like barbecuey it's got a melon it's like a melon soda Flo but it hasn't been mixed yet but I'm excited it looks very sweet and refreshing what's the uh what's the soda you try it melon soda oh that's delicious very melony it's like the melon um those those Japanese swords with a little marble on the inside SW um but he told me to mix it but I just wanted to take a [Music] sip all right so we are trying out this big Taiwanese spicy fry chicken yeah have a spicy version It's essentially just like a powder with a spicy powder this spr on top take a bite and it's really really hot and burn my fingers but uh y hot the spicy powder it hits in the back of broat that good tastes like a SP Ramen actually the flavors on our ramen at home but really good really nice and tender crispy it's really like kind of thin so it's easy to to chew it's always right that's flavoring on the spice kind of tastes like a Ramen you find like a spicy Ramen flavor a mighty fine chicken do the flavoring on the bottom it's Chron peppercorn so when you get hits your tongue totally numbs it but it's so good [Music] uh-huh he wants my [Music] [Music] chicken [Music] all right we finally made it to the front of sji Temple Tokyo's oldest Temple going back, 1400 years all right so part of this Temple what you got to do is you give a little uh give a little Yen and you'll get a little stick the stick you pull out is associated with a certain fortune and then you can read that fortune and take it home with you but if it's a bad one you got to tie it to the rack so let's see what I get see it tells you a little thing on here you got associate it with 37 all right see what to say after reading this a little bit more carefully it's a half Fortune so it's like you're going to get what you want in life but it's going to be late [Laughter] [Music] whatever you get a stick now I got to match it up I have no idea what that [Music] says yeah bad you got a bad one I'll come back later pleas only if you draw a bad fortune please the oh no you two oh man I got a bad fortune so we got to tie it to the rack to leave the bad fortune here yeah please don't follow me home everybody's smelling the incense so maybe it's a thing to do [Music] so [Music] good okay so we're finally leaving the sori temple area now we're making our way just around asakasa but I see something ahead we're going to do a little bit of shopping and bruising at donot there's an e just like a giant Walmart mix with a flea [Music] market so we didn't actually get anything from Don hote I think we're going to wait till the end of our trip so we don't have our suitcases full of stuff when we're walking around and traveling to different places but now we're on our way to Akihabara so we just got to a m Cafe in a and it's uh it's been something so far it's a very high energy very uh High happiness like artificial happiness so you're going to be happy yeah it's just so much energy I love it so they charge you like six bucks or so per person just to be here per hour and then after that you got to buy a drink or some a meal some dessert something while you're here and then they have other add-ons like you can pay to take a picture with them stuff like that [Music] so [Music] so we got some takoyaki and we got a omo rice with a uh handrawn cat it's a kitty cat [Music] got a matcha pancake looks delicious so in order to get the pancake he has to do that yeah they make you say something before uh before you eat so we just finished up at the maid Cafe what an experience super high energy in there love it they performed a couple songs uh you have to pay to take a picture with them uh you can order drinks uh alcoholic or just like soda you can order uh French fries takoyaki you can order Curry so a couple of different things that you can order in there overall had a good time ended up being about 25 bucks a person or 50 bucks total uh and it was quite fun quite [Music] [Music] experience it before we leave I will get it she's dedicated I'm dedicated you know I'm go to the store and buy she has a gambling addiction I do I want it I want that color all right so we finally won something the first try I'm so good at these games where you do the cut yes it's all about the eye and I got the eye now need to get my B off oh my God I finally finally got it there's the her full body wow can't believe it all I wanted was something only took about how many tries going to talk about all the other machines those stole my money but this one you can legitimately win one try got it we are back at the hotel what a day between asakasa and akaba we are wiped see you guys tomorrow all right guys day three in Tokyo we're wanting to get some breakfast we're trying to get some dim Su some so we're on the hunt for that feed me let's go [Music] all right that dim suum really hit the spot hit the spot but now we're going to explore shuku today and just go around and do some shopping Happy Bellies let's go look at what this kid did look at what he did look at what he did I was so careful too but I got soy sauce on my shirt all right so since we were only like a minute away from the hotel uh from dimsum I end up changing my shirt the stain is missing I can't have the stain all day it's [Music] embarrassing [Music] so if it's anything I've learned is that Japan love their arcades they love these claw machine games everywhere you go you can see them anywhere any City you go we've seen probably like 20 of them and we've been each one and they're just always packed I mean this right here is like a little Alleyway so it's kind of secretive but overall it's super popular look at him he's mocking me they have him on the outside this time so you can touch it I'll get you Slowpoke we got our booth all right guys we made it to cure Sushi super excited to be here I've seen a ton of Vlogs on this place on YouTube and I'm super excited to come here you have to wait about hour and a half or so maybe 2 hours to actually get a table but now that we're here let's dig in so you can grab sushi off the conveyor belt but you can also order from this little iPad thing they have here so I see a lot of the stuff is kind of taken so I might order some stuff on the screen here all right so I see some wild minc Pacific blue fin tuna that sounds good so I'll order one of those yours heard you know the cool part about this is that it's only literally less than a dollar for some of these Sushi plates I mean it's obviously only like two pieces of niri but less than a dollar that's insane all right so we got our tuna that we ordered just it has a little uh extra conar but up top so I have no idea what it is but it looks good to me right so one p thing they have is they actually have MOA powder on the side you can just make this up a little little green tea cover that back up real quick and we got a little hot water on the side here I got a little powder in there stir up my tea got some tea on the side awesome here it [Music] [Music] goes all right so we got the piece down in front of us we got a couple things from the conveyor belt and we ordered a couple things so let's dig in [Music] good wow Super Fresh this tuna So Fresh So [Music] Good here we go I don't know how they're going to do it but they're sending me a soup oh oh they had a cover that's how they're going to do it makes sense sense that makes a lot of sense let's take out the waa oh that smells so good that's going to be really homey that's going to hit the spot that looks like it's going to be real homey man even the shrimp Tempur udon noodles it's so good so flavorful and the shrimp is really fresh as well and it's only like 2 something 250 maybe what a [Music] deal the last piece of sushi what was your last piece was it a salmon salmon and some ginger so we got 23 plates we got this job so on average that means if each plate had about two pieces of sushi we had 46 pieces of sushi I guess we were hungry all right so now that you're done with your plates they go into this little bit over here you slide your empty plates in into the slot below kind of fun honestly [Applause] and another and another and a few moments later and last baby plate goes to bed all right so we just finished eating so time to check out let's see what the damage is so C total [Music] amount so we finished putting all the plates in so it's finished calculating 4362 Yen that brings it to $29 for 46 pces of sushi plus the soup plus hot tea that's a steal can't believe it not bad at all not bad at all [Music] right so yesterday was a bit of an expiration day didn't have much in the itinerary but today we're starting things off with a pretty fun activity [Music] aah it's like it's just like a big [Music] [Music] pillow [Music] it's a little bit nasty it's kind of [Music] warm wao [Music] w [Music] spe all right so what' you think of Sophie I love the the flower room was my favorite movie you could just lay down and just watch the flower Universe falling around you so so pretty my favorite I think my favorite was probably the light experience all the lights hanging down definitely the most instagrammable spot um I just like the music they play with it and all the different color lights they have so we ended up spending about an hour in there and I think that's really all you need I would recommend you come here as early as possible we had the 9 to 9:30 slot and uh I think that was a perfect time because now people are waking up and now they're all showing up here at 11:00 lot people in mine also this exhibit is only 25 bucks a person so I think it's well worth it all right so now that we're done with Team lab we're going to make our way to the sui outer market for some food for those of you wondering my shirt intentionally says [Music] potato [Music] all right so we got a beef and potato croquettes and then we got some loin Skewers Japanese wagu beef wagu beef about 150 or so for the croquet and then 13 bucks for the skewer yeah here we go first bik it's like a potato like a mashed potatoes on the inside with some beef that's good exactly how I imagine it would taste and here we have the beautiful it's all like glisteny and straight off the grill I'm excited smell so good here you go first one M the fat just melts oh I got some sauce it's kind of like a kind of like a A1 steak sauce no they said it's a soy sauce based doesn't taste anything like a one stick SAU soy sauce based uh more soy sauce steak sauce but it smells like it it smells like Coca-Cola when you take a bite it's like soy sauce it's good though we're good by the way this is the A1 steak sauce he talking about bro it smells like it but it does not taste like it I do have some rub done this we going in on it oh wow it's good right it's so tender and that fat that was grilled it just like kind of melt in your mouth that wag you has got a good amount of fat in it so it's so tender and juicy wow it's good oh wait onto the next skewer Adventure we got some scallops off the grill scallops are one of my favorite and what is that thing there um this my friend is an eel a triple eel skewer that I'm going to take a bite up and then stud's going to eat the rest so scaff was about 250 and then the eel on the grill was about 650 is so not bad let's see how it tastes got a nice marinade on it slightly sweet Smoky from the grill it's really good mhm all right it's eel time for me we yeah they got that kind of eel sauce on it once again kind of sweet Smoky and it it's uh has a consistency of like white fish so it's really soft and buttery mhm so good [Music] look what I bought I bought a fossilized shrimp so we waited probably like 25 minutes at least for this and they have a long line and we finally got it and we bought some uh shrimp with uh insulation it's like old drywall drywall but it's essentially like this it's like a cracker that they make with the shrimp inside and they use like a lot of pressure to make it like really flat and cracker like my turn to eat the shrimp dry surprised cuz actually the white part even the white part has a lot of flavor definitely tastes like a shrimp Che $630 not bad got to the actual shrimp it is still Shelly like chewing on the shell pretty much but it's flavorful all right the finishing off we got some ice cream I got white peach Ste got yummy oh wow there's chunks of peach that's really peachy oh I love it really [Music] refreshing [Music] so I got some souvenir in a tin box from my little sister since she can she got me some souvenirs so I'm returning and this is my strawberry uh curvy pudding strawberry pudding that for myself I notice any time I get something to go they always tell me about the expiration date they're always like they make sure to point it out so it's like hey you're taking this to go you got a day to eat it or you got you know two days to eat it but they always I've noticed that they've always like pointed it up pretty [Music] neat [Music] four and one [Music] all right we're about to eat our first romin in Japan super excited give us a BB I'm ready all right my first good so smooth and so homey it's after a long day [Music] so [Music] good first option [Music] yeah so first R in Japan that place hit the spot I will say only $8 for a bull Ramen insane it's like double the price in the US yeah new from JK we're in Tokyo this a Tokyo Tower but it's literally the Eiffel Tower except make it Japanese literally I mean it looks just like it so inside they actually have some shopping there's a food court and you can pay I think seven or eight bucks to go up to the top but I think the view is better from below than up top right if you're up top you can't actually see the tow so we a good down out here all right guys today's our last morning in Tokyo but don't worry we're going to be back towards the later end of our trip after this we're going to Mone Kyoto Osaka Hiroshima and then all the way back here to Tokyo all right I'm doing Steven's job now make sure to like subscribe for more content to come Japan has been a dream for us and we're super excited that we're going to be here for the next two weeks all right we got a bull train to catch see you guys in the [Laughter] con [Music] see for 46 of sushi a mad oh plus soup so not bad at all plus T not bad at all so overall not bad at all also they make it very [Music] very wait is this a jamsport [Music] commercial [Music] so all right I'm doing Stephen's job this time so make sure to like hit that subscribe button [Music] what baby girl my and I like me too no roof on my in my bab see through
Channel: Sofie & Stephen
Views: 53,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, tokyo, tokyo japan, japan vlog, tokyo vlog, tokyo japan vlog, japan food, japan food vlog, tokyo food vlog, tokyo shopping, tokyo eating, tokyo adventure, tokyo exploration, japan exploration, japan travel, tokyo travel, travel vlog, food vlog
Id: YsqZAkRqe2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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