24 hours in Tokyo Japan travel itinerary! πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ (No stressful stuff)

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[Music] [Music] is the one ready for Tokyo babe yes thank you so much Papa for bringing me and little bean back here in Tokyo guys I've been craving for Japanese authentic Japanese food since I don't know for months now and Martin he was like you know what we should go to Tokyo we should so we decided to make a little like 2 4our Vlog from Tokyo just to show the stuff that we get into nothing's going to be like super planned but still going to give people watching an idea of what to do a little bit what the feeling is like when you're here in Tokyo whether if it's a layover or you're here only on a business trip you only have a day to experience Tokyo City yeah we got you we got you so food a little bit of sightseing but also like we're becoming parents so we have a little new baby on the way down here so you can kind of like expect a little slow intinerary I think people are going to like that this our second time in Tokyo yeah together together how many times You' been here I don't know a lot we're here in Ginza this is currently where we're staying it's more quiet that's why I love it here yeah and it's close to a lot of cool places as well so I need to go to donkey hot very quick because I want to buy a film camera maybe something to keep me warm great dony hote [Applause] [Music] success you got it so the last time we were here remember I asked you to take a photo of me when we found out that we're pregnant we took a photo of this spot and I want to redo it again but I have a bigger belly now for those wondering a is 5 months pregnant this is probably one of our last International trips for a while yes because once once we have a little one it it will take a while yeah will and I'm also in that stage of my pregnancy where I don't get so nauseous or I vomit on wood I hope it won't happen here I am taking you to an area where you haven't been oh yeah so many good food options here in Japan yeah I don't know about you I feel like Japan is more lively at night it is it's one of those cities that's just it doesn't matter if you're there in the daylight or in the night time still just as exciting but if you are looking for something very cheap a good place to eat check out Yoshi Noya AA showed that to me and it's like one of my favorite places to go and eat here in Japan right now go in there and spend less than 500 yen and come out [Music] super this is so Japan check it out it's like a huge culture here in Japan for everything that's gamified even when you're eating dinner you can win games you know have you seen that I'll show them that later well you're lucky because we're in the central of the gaming area here in Tokyo all right let's go play game a lot of stairs in Tokyo yeah how does that affect a pregnant woman I mean at least I'm working out I've never seen you smile as much as when you're were in Japan OB a it's like of course what's not to be sad about there's nothing to be sad about you're [Music] right I want to show you something okay so here in Japan you can still do your thing even if you have already checked out or waiting to check in in your next hotel right they have this luggage coin lockers that's amazing in every station mostly in big stations so what you do is like yeah you just put your luggage in and go around the city great without even have to carry I've been looking for that even in Oslo it's so hard to do oh that's good to know so it's instead of a package or luggage counter they have this instead woo oh welcome to n where are we now welcome to Gamers Paradise yeah this is Namco you know Nam like I have never heard of Nam yeah so this is like five floors full of gaming things yeah pretty exciting uhoh all right can we win stuff yeah we can if we want to do claw machines or we want to buy some game stuff oh my God five floors of just gaming wow it's huge mind blown by Japan love it here though only my second time but it's like so much to do W I'm actually really at this last time I won a teddy bear for AA on the first try oo cute okay we're going to try to play a little game here 100 yen yeah 100 yen for one game okay oh let's try never tried this before though I get play now [Music] oh how do you feel about that yeah that was crazy I think it's perfect for anime lovers right yeah it's just fascinating to me how such a culture exists because we don't have that where I'm from not even where you're from actually it's not actually common in most countries to have an area specifically for gaming Gamers right but I can see there's a lot of people in there that enjoying their time you know like even live streaming what they're [Music] doing 11Β° in Japan January 28th 2004 haven't experienced winter in a while but I'm not going to lie I love it I bought this jacket on like a trift shop yesterday for 343 Yen that's like oh sorry that's like less than a dollar they also have a lot of secondhand toy stores here that are probably hard to find in other countries and but here it's quite affordable like some collector's item as well like some Legos for 7,000 yen like a big Lego like this fascinating how they're so good atle thing the boxes like most cultural just tear them apart and throw them away well I think I do that too a lot of PlayStation games you know some figurines stuff toys so if you like to collect these things maybe you will love it here in Akihabara oh I had these when I was a kid I love these I know actually right this is one of the few things I've ever collected of it cuz my mom used to buy me this every every Saturday that was like my Saturday candy mhm right now we are heading to a restaurant here in Akihabara it's quite popular okay it's beon katsu you grill it just like what we did in Osaka do you remember that yeah yeah so we're going to go there I not so sure if there will be a line but there might be because it's Sunday night dinner time oh most likely then let's see we'll see first there's a lot of other options another thing here in akab is that you can find some restaurants with cosplayers so you dine in with some women who dress up in Cosplay right I've seen that yeah kind of interesting fetish to have I haven't been in one but might be interesting yeah for sure L to the restaurant we actually have to wait across the street the restaurant's over there pretty interesting okay what time is it now 5:51 5:51 yeah okay let's see how long it's going to take us this is very normal here in Japan if it's a very good restaurant it usually has a line can't get away from [Applause] that guys we decided not to wait in line for that first restaurant because it was just too long yeah some said that it'll take an hour yeah and if we have a baby she doesn't want to get right because the baby keeps kicking when she's hungry so we went to this other place called The Miyazaki ATA shop and it was really good chicken KATU so it's right here highly recommend that if you're in this area what is it like taking public transportation there's a pregnant woman in Japan well it's nice that there are priority seats and then sometimes people will let you have their seat see when they see they pregnant it's hard when it's winter time because the boat is so thick they don't get to see it right away that I'm pregnant right that's true that's true so you have to like open up show it up so where we going now after we've eaten such a delicious meal yeah we're going to [Music] Shinjuku hi we survived the Metro holy just talking about it how of a big undertaking it is to even understand that we did it freaking did it you did it you're amazing thank you but you helped me guide us well also you might have been seeing in this video we've been using these and it's like aoka card it's like works like a credit card you top it up and then you can use it for a lot of things in Japan like public transportation taxis can you pay for food for this too yeah in some restaurants it makes it a little easier okay so we are about to go to an allei and I'm pretty sure once we're there we're very close by the way once we're there you're going to recognize oh I've been here before no you haven't ah but you think I'm going to recognize this from the from the movies maybe or photos let's see winter in Japan I think I got caught off earlier I was going to say I bought this jacket Thrift chopping for 370 Yen it says PRS on the back oh by the way we are in shinel pool and this is the street I was telling you about yeah it's called oh my God check that out I'm not sure if I've seen this before even it's my first time to see so there's a lot of small bars small restaurants like Yori here oh cool oh that makes me hungry again AA I'm so happy you brought me here it's so cool you're welcome it's like so many restaurants everywhere people just yeah having beer look at [Music] that we might have found one yeah this place looks cool as well it's cash only though usually it looks super cool super all right we got lucky two seats opened up [Music] that was fun that was I'm happy that you like it that was amazing and we met some Filipinos there had a great time Filipinos from Canada it's so easy to connect with Filipinos when you're abroad you just ask are you Filipino and then instant connection I don't know it really is it really is they were like yeah but you know why are you asking me that but it's so fun like you know this is modern Tokyo and then small step away a hidden world and that's why we love you so much Tokyo we are going to head home and then tomorrow you don't want to miss it we'll be right back Tokyo morning outfit Check Yes mama chck oh I drifted this amazing colorful sweater yeah me too this uh red coat yeah we've been thrifting also this jacket thrifted who say style should be expensive no it doesn't have to be and it's also eco-friendly sustainability we're pretty excited for today and the weather's looking amazing Tokyo let's do it Tokyo you have your know yeah you might lose it h i have it don't worry about it love just keeps on [Music] walking it's a matter of time and it's a matter of heart take a look at my let's go back to you know how much I love coffee of it and this is the way it was prepared it's like a very look like art form it's my first time to see a machine like that D oh was it good yeah super good what did you get I just got they had one blend that was more dark and one that was smooth and since it's a morning I was like ah smooth sounds great so I highly recommend this check it out Northern Wood in [Music] Gin what are we going to eat our favorite fast food chain Yoshinoya Yeah we actually eat her a lot yeah because it's affordable and the food is good they even have like good portion I I really like it as well okay guys we're going to show it to you right now no it's a food chain here here it is so cool because you you usually eat at the bar [Music] feel a picture perfect kind world with you world with you it's a I am full the baby is full for 1,27 21 Yen like less than $10 I think for the two of us for breakfast so if you are on a budget here in Japan check out this food chain Yoshinoya delicious recommended by Martin and a and baby and the baby the baby is not part of the recommendation if she doesn't kick it means she's happy she's not kicking right now I love breakfast here in Asia why because you can either have Ramen for breakfast or or bread or rice noodles who makes the rul H that's true you know that's [Music] [Music] true when we taking a train here in Tokyo a is usually the one that like is guiding us through everything it's mostly correct I'll give you a couple of tips so it's easy to find a restroom it's easy to find places like this that symbolizes how to get there once you've done it a couple times it's also easy to find a platform but it's really hard to find public trash cans in Tokyo so you need to be a little bit more aware than we are in Western cultures as to how you dispose of your trash that's the only thing that's very different [Music] here what's happening with the yeah so it's like this and then straight and then it keeps going down again I've never seen that in my life yeah see it goes back I love it escalator walkalator [Music] escal [Music] so fascinating how it's so quiet here on the streets everybody's just so respectful you know it's the biggest city I've been to where you don't feel stressed about being there it's all the time even if it's so busy especially in the train space everybody's just quiet quiet keeping respectful it's really nice I think it's one of the big cities I could actually live in I think if I ever had to yeah it's way different than a big city like New York or Manila there's like always some like honking or there just stuff going on while here everybody wants to get ahead of each other here they make way yeah everybody's like you know what it's going to take the time it's going to [Music] take did I ever tell you're the most pretty thing I've seen wow and our little girl I think she's going to overthrow me you think Mama the most prettiest girl going to kick you out now in 4 months yeah here you can actually go like a human Carriage like that that's fascinating they'll take you [Music] around welcome good job look at that and right over there's the Tokyo Tower oh two in one yeah not bad yeah this is one of the places you have to visit if you have 24 hours in Tokyo photography [Music] time [Music] a so when you enter the temple it's super crowded really hard to take photos there with no head but only a few meters if you walk to your left you'll see this this Tower right here it's a courtyard no one is here and you can get a photo if that matters to you to get a photo without any people really nice right here can you use some photo yeah let me get a photo of you we'll publish this to our patreon page oh video getting it hi Tokyo hi Tokyo you see we didn't battle with anyone there to take sh I will admit in reality it actually took 15 minutes to just get that shot and when the funny part was when we actually filmed we got it right away we got lucky it's a nice place here what's nice about this place it's also for free yeah and if uh you can also see some people wearing kimonos wear that you can rent you can rent it rent or buy oh wow this Temple is probably the biggest one check this out [Music] wow it's interesting over here it's uh looks like the locals are blessing themselves with the smoke put the smoke on yourself like this that's how you do it oh aa bless yourself wow I've never done that before and here is another form for blessing I think the mouth of the Dragon isn't it the a of the Dragon now yes our baby our bab our baby is the year of the dragon which in this Asian culture which in a lot of Asian cultures actually a benefit let's it with some Dragon water man [Music] hi i ooh what is this it's a cream puff but matcha this is for God 510 Yen I use our coins because we have a lot of coins we do yeah it's one of the things in Japan I only got one so we can share it and we don't get full mat Experience Store it's just right behind the Temple Place oaki what's takoyaki it's a like a Japanese pancake but salty with octopus ayaki how much for for um the six pieces 600 Yen for six pieces okay so oh careful remember the last time you it was really warm no this is not that bad actually okay a yummy yeah this is one of the things you have to do when you get go to Tokyo yeah yeah yeah find a place in Japan it's like sweet food type of style but so good is it super hot no this was not really hot okay that's good it's cold in Japan right now so it's uh doesn't stay hot that long we now met up with Yoshi and Kevin yeah so Yoshi is local here from Tokyo our local Tokyo friend yeah he's actually the one touring us around who toured us 5 months ago and he's also the first person who knew about a pregnancy that's true that's so funny Yoshi is a a local living here in Tokyo it's becoming our friend it's the second time time we're meeting him up and we always get to like go to local places hey sorry for waiting you guys yeah finally and Kev is also here today hey what's up what up Kev how you doing how you doing we got sun sun over there we got soul over there triple sun over here the sun fam where it all started no what's that that's a special fish man I never seen that I don't know if I introduced you yet on the Vlog oh what's up hey how's it going how's it going good uh I last time I saw you I think I was um I've been up on the side of the mountain since uh since 2017 I think I think it's been it's been hard you know it's been a while Martin was just saying hi to the the the friends that I got to hang out with for a long time I found them up in the creek in the in the mountains of Hawaii you know like he told me I was his soulmate and then you know all of a sudden he was gone like you know like Kevin what brings you to Tokyo oh man just trying to wash away the pain of uh missing my boy Martin you know uh but brought to Tokyo just living life you know got to explore explore got to experience the world know out here uh yeah there's a lot of lot of stuff going on you like Tokyo yeah I love I love it love it love Tokyo and now we are going to go for lunch so we leave that up to Yoshi the local to show us lot of Asian cultures there are really lucky numbers lucky numbers yeah for example in Hong Kong you know a license like that would go for a million dollar more than and when people die they would um they actually the state will take it back which is super insane right and I'm sure it'll go up with inflation so you guys heading him back I'm going to sit in here with you Yoshi I was going to sit here with you he's going to sit up here this is luxury you happy there look at this so happy this the highest highest model of this car yeah wow nothing but the best from Yoshi yeah guys if you want to see the last video we did with Yoshi check check out my Japan video from Kamakura I'll link it up here amazing day yeah he took us to this amazing place outside of Tokyo which is like a surf Town coming in the summer month really really nice best PR in Japan for sure what's up what's up what's up class yeah we're just yeah yeah first class you know I'm just going to start serving champag soon [Music] is bringing us to this one oo look at here Valentine's Day oo just rub it in 14 single boy yeah making you feeling o than you yes first you can pick the ingredients oh wow so we're going to choose what type of meat we want to deep fry yeah I thought you understand yeah guys here they have ice cream machines you can also get like a sof drink here oh ginger ale apple juice and then here it looks like you can make your own premium coffee this is a cool place yeah very cool yeah super cool and here make your own sauce yeah you choose whatever sauce you want look so what you do is show us you put it in the butter first then the Pano okay yeah it depends on how much you want how to it m you dip it here yeah the easiest way to eat this one is you can dip first then after you cook you can put here ah when it's finished yeah you you make apparently you're not to put everything at once like I did well you learn so now I have a lot to eat at once the correct way to do it is to slowly introduce it over time it's fun look at that [Music] F do you know gandam no oh you know B this spip no I'm horrible okay well you're about to see gam man now oh is it like an anime thing yeah it's a robot than I [Music] it [Music] the subway you saw pass over us there it's the first driverless Subway in Japan meaning fully autonomous and it's right by the mall what was the name of the mall again right now we're in aqua City OA okay the area is called odba OA and it's that beautiful view of the bridge of Tokyo nice beautiful thank you it's a nice area where you can see the whole city of Tokyo in one shot so this is to our future daughter when you see this just know that you were here with us we were traveling together when you were in mama's belly yeah and we went to Tokyo in Tokyo that's exciting though we love you and we can't wait to meet [Music] you night time we're actually past the 24-hour Mark so if you watch this video and you're disappointed that I'm going to make it more than 24 hours in Tokyo I'm sorry but we are now out again this time with a new friend another Japanese friend of us called tat that a has met on tourism board trips around the world yeah we're very excited whenever you hang out with locals in other countries you always get a better experience they always be able to show you some stuff that you as a tourist would never ever see yourself so that's why we like it and we always try to do that link up with people are locals and if you're new and like if you're new to traveling and you don't really have any local friends friends around the world try to reach out on Instagram try to go to forums that's usually how you can meet cool people or you can use sites like even if you go to something like clo or you go to get your guide for example you can book like an a session with photographers for like $40 to $50 and they'll take you around their local cities and really show you some of those hidden gems I think it's one of the most affordable trips and it's really bang for your bucks cuz you get to go to those cool places check this out by the way hell sir wow such a cool area bringing us to a Yakitori Place Yakitori by way my friend from Tokyo he's a photographer deep Sky yeah thanks for showing us around Tokyo Todd yeah just for dinner he said he will check if there's an availability this is the best thing about having a local friend a local friend here I asked him is this place good it's full he was like but there's so many bars here wow under the railway there's a bar epic over here too what I like in Japan is that even though I can't read Japanese I can point to the pictures and that's how I'm kind of able to navigate people tell me that it's hard to go to Japan as a tourist all right usually also in Japan the restaurants have two floors check this out wo that looks so good inside a lemon box smell it yeah wow I'm so sorry you cannot okay one day he's the one ordering for us do you also notice that there's really not much tourist here it's mostly local yeah I like that um it's on the second floor so you actually see the subway the trains coming in my yeah no no no no you cannot eat that I'm just smelling you can eat this you can [Music] eat tats what are we going to do now uh we are going to a bar I always go to it's so really low key it's a local bar yeah local bar nothing better than that no English menu That's when you know it's good when there's no English menu actually that's so true even wherever you are in the world if there's no English menu yeah it's only a local spot right H this is it this is it it's a b I always go to so key I love it oh wow oh holy how are you going to go get down there it's okay there's a yeah be careful oh I love this in Japan if it's going down it means it's good if it's going up don't even bother yeah if it's underground if the street is there and it's going down trust me it's good I'm drinking juice juice good grape juice how is the whiskey 17y old whiskey so the local Japanese farm at right now he takes Bourbon Whiskey In general super serious and you have this one which I've never seen alcohol percentage 64.2% oh no oh my God that's fine shouldn't be fine it it should be fine like whiskey is something that what's the name uh Blanton Blanton whiskey so we have it on the Rocks right here I think this is part of it should be part of your Tokyo intinerary go to a local whiskey bar so we had Japanese whiskey earlier now we're going with American Che Cheers Cheers come by Water by water for the lady oh wow thrift shopping I think this is the best place to go thrift shopping in vintage shopping here in Tokyo and this is actually our favorite um vintage store Second Street go let's go we even brought a a suitcase Moon tun tonight put you in that mood you like Spirit moving now loosen you up you don't care who cares look at you now it's magic filling up glasses looking like an actress you just want to listen to a classic bouncing like a mattress man I'm about of practice sick of how slow just living been hard to get right being limited you just want to go where the rhythm is be in the crowd under B
Channel: Martin Solhaugen
Views: 36,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlogger, norsk vlogger, travel vlogger, avelovinit, travel guide, martin solhaugen, patrice averilla, couple vloggers, travel vlog, solhaugen vlog, tourism, travel tips, vacation guide
Id: OALaCccztMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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