5 Days in Kyoto and Osaka on a Budget 🇯🇵 JAPAN

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hey feeling good [Music] we're here in Kyoto Japan we've got just five days to explore as much of Kyoto and Osaka as we possibly can we've only got a hundred dollars per day budget for the two of us so we've definitely got our work cut out for us right now we're in the cheeky market and we're just gonna grab some quick breakfast before we head on up to the Imperial Palace let's go for like three and a half dollars so we just flew into Osaka International Airport yesterday and we did all the normal getting into Japan things we got our suite of pasmal cards which you can now get on your phone and it's awesome topped it up with like 2 000 Yen using Apple pay nice we got our ubiki e SIM for like ten dollars so that way we'd have data while we're here in Japan picked up some cash from the convenience store using our Charles Schwab debit card so that way we don't get any of the crazy ATM fees of course had to buy some food at a convenience store hopped on a train and made it all the way here quick order some guton from a vending machine restaurant and then just passed out [Music] [Music] so tasty [Music] [Music] it seems like a thing to get here is tougher yeah really eagerly awaiting it so we're in line also we've been here for like all of 10 minutes and we have all these coins so gotta use them up okay so it looks like the price differences are just like what comes with the takoyaki green onion a little bit more expensive stuff inside a little bit more I think I'm just gonna go with the standard [Music] yay so I got the jumbo which is six pieces of most basic takoyaki which has octopus I don't know if there's egg or tofu or some kind of battering and they put this like sweet glaze on top and they give you a little packet of mayonnaise pictures is going a lot differently in my head [Music] it's good to be back [Music] okay so now we're at the Imperial Palace grounds and this place is massive and also totally free to get into it's almost a mile from north to south and about half a mile from west east it's a really big area to go through there's so much to see here there's so many cool buildings it's just such a beautiful day so the first bunch of years the Kyoto Imperial Palace was by reservation only now you can just show up and do a walking tour and they have two different tours in English every single day and then a whole bunch of other ones in Japanese every day you can also just do the self-guided tour which is what we're doing right now I have always wanted to guided tour because I feel like I'd learn a lot a lot more than me just kind of wandering around and looking at pretty buildings just we never seem to get here overlapping with the time of the tours are if you plan better you could totally get in on a tour [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've been in Kyoto now for all of 12 hours and we have not had any sushi yet time to change that oh [Music] Lisa cut this out I put the water in first don't show my foolish ways Lisa make me look smart and handsome Lisa [Music] Hello Sushi is a chain here in Japan and also as it turns out in California and it's Kaiten sushi so there's things rolling around in conveyor belts and you can grab any that you want and add it to your bill or you can use this handy dandy iPad we know it's not like the most fancy sushi but it's our favorite kind and it's affordable real Wasabi it's awesome that's the almighty plate Tower vegan Construction [Music] we know Kura Sushi might be you know popular chain restaurant here in Japan but it's so good and it was only 9.73 for 10 plates and 20 pieces of sushi now we're gonna walk through Kyoto along the river make our way to Guion see some of the more traditional parts of Kyoto [Music] all right [Music] what this is so beautiful I've never been here before and it's so so gorgeous so we just kept wandering East until we found another Riverwalk and then we followed that Riverwalk and then that thing was there so now we're heading to the temple that's behind it which I just found it was called heyon jinju I think I'm sure I'm saying that wrong but looks incredible I think it's only open for like another 10 or 15 minutes so we'll see as much as we can there it is [Music] [Music] I'm so glad we made it just in time it's all pretty in a fun setting the colors are incredible wow okay left again this is so cool like every single turn we take there's something interesting here and oh look at this tiny crazy bridge is it gonna hold me okay okay commonly known as the gyoza Bridge built by a pilgrim this is a very beautiful walk it's starting to get a little dark and the lights start to come thank you [Music] okay so now we're right in the hearts of Dion on Hanami Koji Street the main street that goes all the way from like where we were in the western side of uh Kyoto straight to the big Temple that you see at the end [Music] Keon has always just been this beautiful quaint old part of Kyoto that I love so so much even though we probably can't afford to stay or eat here now someday we will have dinner and a cocktail at one of these fancy restaurants but for now we have some pretty cool plans [Music] I had to get to the end of this yeah I made a reservation for this a month ago that's how exciting I am about what we're about to do we're kishikishi Omar rice and I'm just I'm not gonna say anything else I love this menu it's just like do options [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] laughs yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good job myself [Music] that's right though [Music] [Applause] [Music] so creepy the gravy is so good I was worried about the ketchup look at this it's so good foreign [Music] [Music] and I loved how he took his time for every individual person like every single person got the show you know like nobody was left out just what what a showman what the food was so good I wasn't I wasn't convinced at first that the food was gonna be good but it was actually really good like the gravy was good the rice was good and I was worried about the ketchup and the ketchup was great I mean we did spend almost as much on that as we did for the hotel that we're staying in tonight totally worth it this is my favorite place to end every single night right on the river grab some super cheap sake from a comedian store let's do this what a really cool first day in Kyoto tomorrow we head to Osaka we're just gonna head back to the hotel up to sip of some more sake here and watching the lights see you then all right so we're on the way to Osaka right now and we're just gonna day trip it's only a 30 minute train ride it's only five dollars to get there and it runs all day and all night so we're just gonna hop on the next train and we'll be there in a little bit now not ever trained to him from Kyoto and Osaka is so cheap there are some options on there that are like thirty dollars per person or fifteen dollars per person just go into your Google Maps app search between the two and then go into options and hit search by the lowest cost if you want the cheap one [Applause] [Music] oh hidden Alleyways behind the train station we're just trying to find a place to eat there's tons of restaurants we gotta find something good here this one seems to have a lunch special and we kind of spent a lot of money yesterday so we're trying to like keep back on budget so set meal maybe is the way to go I always feel a little bit guilty using one of these even though I know it's absolutely the right thing to do here just I just feel so needy [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you as we were just walking around by the train station I saw all these businessmen in suits going to their jobs and it made me realize that Osaka is a lot like a mullet it's very business in the front and very business forward it all seems kind of like very serious but then at night it's definitely a party in the back there's a sort of like grittier Edge to Osaka that I really love [Music] so this is the big old line for Osaka Castle to get in it's 600 Yen per person like five bucks not too bad but I kind of see it as like going into the Eiffel Tower like you're paying a lot of money to go into the Eiffel Tower but the thing you really want to do is be in a beautiful place that's looking at the Eiffel Tower foreign [Music] oh yeah and also use that same suica card that we got the first day that you can get on your phone you can get the plastic version of pasmos another version of different company that same thing but that works everywhere in Japan that works on every form of public transportation that I've ever tried and it also works at 7-Elevens and you can buy food at it in some restaurants and it works in most vending machines it's amazing and to get anywhere basically throughout Japan we just use Google Maps every train line it's all here it's pretty great [Music] I don't know what the options do [Music] just like walked up to us it's just like wandering the streets because we have to get out of this way [Music] it's a red bean fish cake it's actually dessert inside is red bean and it's really sweet it's kind of like a waffle in the shape of a fish it's not so good sauce thing [Music] this is just a huge Nostalgia hit for me so obviously I'm a pretty big nerd and I play video games basically all the time when I was growing up there's just something about that like 8-bit sound from that area that brings me immediately back to me and my brothers sitting in the basement around Karen's house like way too late at night and just playing video games all night and feeling like we had nothing else to do in life like that was the most important thing that we had to do in life just it was so simple coming here brings me right back I remember when you had to take out the cartridges cartridges and go when it got too hot when the dust got in them so one of the amazing things about Osaka is they're just shops like this that just have the exact thing that you're interested in and they go so deep into that exact one tiny Niche so no matter what you're into search for a shop into it in Osaka and you're able to find something really amazing for whatever you're into come on win me one of those DS cards [Music] oh [Music] okay so as we were walking around we made it to the tombari area the famous street food Street and I think we're just gonna get some food here maybe some takoyaki and I'm gonna go grab some drinks from Lawson's it's such a beautiful day outside might as well eat out here that was super fun okay Lisa's in line for the takoyaki hopefully she's got it the line's getting pretty long though I think for everything around you [Music] guys made it yeah [Music] foreign [Music] this looks great whoa [Music] what an exciting news for you wow takoyaki round two this is not from a vending machine but from that really really big red octopus calling to us here we go I got the the second most popular which is soy sauce sauce on top of the takoyaki I mean I have to be honest I wasn't expecting much because of the long line but it's really good and the octopus is actually substantial and crunchy I like [Music] so we can't come to osako without visiting Don Quixote it is the store that you didn't know that you needed until now they have everything a salmon plushie nail clipper Sushi keychain a Charmander flocking doll [Music] an electric kettle [Music] the six piece futon set with cover a blow dryer [Applause] my favorite face lotion [Music] caramel pudding Kit Kat green tea kitkats he's been crazy KitKat and of course dried octopus and dried squid if you haven't tried them it's so good actually really good and also this is one of those stores where like anything can be bought tax-free as long as it's over like 4 000 Yen total so if you just pick up a whole bunch of stuff here they'll give you a big form that you show at the airport and then you'll be able to take all the tacks out of it and you'll get a bunch of money back before you leave it's a great way to buy a whole bunch of really cool stuff right before you leave Japan which we're not about to but we will be shopping for a lot more of this later [Music] I'm actually terrified of Ferris wheel but seems like a really good way to seal Kaka Skyline and that sunset [Music] [Applause] bye-bye [Music] this is the coolest Ferris wheel you can't even call it that because it's all worth turning we're literally tilting this I don't mind it feels like we're in a really slow elevator actually [Music] I think we were going to do for sunset today was that you made a sky building it costs like 1500 Yen per person absolutely awesome but for 600 Yen I think this is better and we're in this cool rickety capsule thing we're turning oh my gosh wait so we're going this way I do not like that we're summoning the top it almost feels like we're in a fishbowl like if you were to take a fishbowl and put it on a zipper in slow motion in Osaka this would be it we are the fish [Music] seriously one of my favorite stores of all time super fun now though it's night time it's time to see Osaka [Music] at night [Music] it's your little soccer is the kitchen of Japan I think that right here is exactly [Music] apparently the thing that we have to have while we're here is kushikatsu which is like the fried vegetable fried tempura like meats and vegetables on a stick that's what we're on the hunt for we really everywhere we go including here no matter how many times they always forget to look up but there are a ton of restaurants upstairs and I think we found some kushikatsu for some more affordable prices [Music] so we ended up this pretty cool kind of hidden very hidden third floor Izakaya bar slash restaurant that sells kushikatsu I was a little bit intimidated coming upstairs it was really creepy and I was like not even sure that anyone was up here and it turns out there's tons of people we have this entire space to ourselves it's private with curtains and they have an iPad ordering system with English kushikatsu for affordable prices 100 to 150 Yen which is cheaper than any of the places that we saw down there I'm feeling pretty happy we chose the staff choose 10 skewers for 1480 dealer's Choice I'm excited for the food we'll see what they give us [Music] foreign [Music] sizes so I'm not even sure what's in these but they're very fried and very beige and I'm very excited about that [Music] the sauce is this sweet savory sauce very light I really like it the crispiness is Super Fresh whatever this is [Music] maybe mushrooms this is like a total roulette every single time you pick them up absolute mystery could be chicken last one was sardines you never know what's this I have no idea it's red it's Ginger Red Ginger that is a surprise [Music] so is this just like a common thing we didn't know about izakayas uh I kind of feel like I just got a glimpse into what it's like as a foreigner coming to the United States where we're from and ordering a meal one and two in Izakaya we ordered some food for like 1500 the end Bill ended up being closer to 3 000. and it turns out that there was a seating fee at the restaurant and it reminds me of this thing that now we kind of like take for normal in the US which is just like you get a bill and you're like oh I'm ordering pancakes for eight dollars and then at the end when you're done eating you're like okay now there's a service charge and this other random tax and this like employee health tax and there's a 20 tip oh my eight dollar pancakes are all of a sudden 16 it's annoying I get it we made a mistake because we didn't know the system I think the lesson learned here is that if you're going to an Izakaya especially here where it's just so busy probably expect a seating fee probably expect that seating fee to be like five dollars per person anyway anyway letting all that go it's night time we're on Osaka there's only one thing to do now I want it bad away tell me what an incredible night super fun we're gonna take the half hour train back off [Music] pocket sticks baby what's the train stop running at midnight we're getting pretty close to that but either way if you're doing this we're staying in Kyoto but coming to Osaka to hang out and stay out a little late make sure that you're back on the train by like 11 30. or else you're taking the next train at 5am oh my God okay we're back in Kyoto we just got a little walk back to the hotel I realized that we never talked yet about this hotel room I'd give you a room tour but here at all is this is the whole thing we decided to stay in Kyoto this entire time because of how close it is to Osaka you know we're not switching hotels back and forth that takes a lot of time during the day like you have to check out at 10 A.M and then you're just like stuck with your backpack you have to go all the way to the other hotel and then you can't check back in until three soon I'm going back and forth to the hotel like five times this room cost 55 per night which is actually one of the more affordable places it's been nice for us to just leave our stuff and have a consistent place to come back to I'm getting ready for bed all right tomorrow we're going to be biking all the way around Kyoto seeing all sorts of beautiful things I'm super excited for it see you in the morning are you excited yeah [Music] it's day three we're in Kyoto and we rented bikes for the day we're gonna go see all of Kyoto we're on our way to Fushimi Inari right now already a really cool way to see the city [Music] and they have these huge bike paths on either side made exactly for what we're doing these are e-bikes that were 2 000 Yen each which I think is a great deal for just how far you can go on them [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] once you get past the first little bit this whole section becomes a lot less busy and quieter which is really really awesome not today monkey not today okay so because we got a late start to today we're unfortunately not going to make it all the way up to the very top which is amazing and you should totally get up earlier than we did start your bike trip at like seven maybe eight a.m get here right when it opens and then go all the way up the top it's totally worth the time [Music] just a quick lunch stop on the way to the next Temple beautiful day today perfect weather got these sandwiches from a place called masumino Sando at least that's what they're called on Google you need to get a close-up of that guy yeah that's what I'm talking about I got a Cheesy pork cutlet and it's so good each half sandwich is about 400 Yen so like three bucks a little bit pricier than you're like you know combini store sandwiches but these are really really good forgot to intro you to our bikes here now you might be saying it first I didn't know the Panasonic made bikes I didn't either this is one of the city e-bikes that they have big old battery goes pretty fast they did have cheaper non-e-bike City bikes for like I don't know 1000 yen eight dollars for the entire day I think the e-bike's best for how far we're going and how infrequently we bike uh I've lovingly named her toddy because she's a hottie toddy this is a great beach cruiser for cruising through the beaches of Kyoto there's just three settings it's power saving normal and then go baby go foreign [Music] up here along the river was it was like lunch time for all the kids at school and it was amazing to me to see just how many of them were along the river or up in the town just enjoying the city I just think it must be so cool to grow up in a place that feels like so safe so easy to get around that during lunch break if you're like a eighth grader or something you could just go out with all of your friends hang out at a river middle of the day in the middle of summer just seems beautiful I'm a little jealous [Music] the following series of Ritual Evolution should be performed in order to purify your body and mind there's no Dipper so I'm guessing you just do right hand first and get a little bit in your hands for now I think we are clean and uh I'm pretty wet [Music] foreign [Music] not that anyone was upset about that I've been here last time and it was so good [Music] it's like thick it's very Savory just a little bit of sweet it's got like the perfect level of heat not enough that you've ever regret eating it but just to let you know that it's alive and it's there that it knows it's occurring we have a bit of a long bike all the way up to the golden Pavilion maybe another 30 minutes or so let's go [Music] yeah for sure so we just parked our bikes and we just got to the walkway up to the golden Pavilion this is a place that I have never been but I've always wanted to go and I just kind of always assumed that every time when I came to Kyoto was way too far it's totally bikeable so a thousand yen to get in 500 per person we could be super cool [Music] [Music] [Music] wow it's so pretty I always thought that you know it couldn't be as pretty as the pictures it definitely is thank you [Music] thank you [Music] it's interesting to think about just how much the intention has changed and how much the feeling of this place has changed from like a peaceful getaway way out in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of Kyoto into one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world definitely the mission was accomplished of make this thing available for as many people to see as possible but just it's changed by the way I'm just really glad that it's open to anyone so that way we could come and see it because it is incredible the greatest ice cream available in Japan oh yeah oh yeah let me see that thing green tea I think this might be the best ice cream you can get in all of Japan thank you thanks so much guys okay bye-bye awesome I love that bike shop what a great day my legs feel like jello we're just gonna hang out for a little while rest for a minute and then we're gonna head out back to the river then go and see this awesome Temple that they light up after dark it's so cool [Music] okay so we are up and out again into the world we're trying to find some good comfort food but budget friendly comfort food because we have been definitely over budget in the last few days this restaurant looks cool but silver menu starts at 6 000 Yen like 50 bucks what about this one this place feels like a Japanese Diner like a Denny's but with way better food so I think what I'm gonna get is one of the six pack here of beyoza that says it has a massive increase in garlic and then one of these it has just regular amounts of garlic this Yaki silver thing and I think with all those Powers combined it'll be like 900 yen great like six bucks for the two of us I think the bigger question is like why are we doing this why do we care so much about the budget here why do we talk so much about money why are we limiting ourselves to only a hundred dollars per day and I think there's there's a couple of reasons but the first one is that this is just the budget that we're on I think the other part of it is that the whole point of this video and the whole point of every video that we make is to show travel in a way that real people do it we just want to get the most out of a meal to travel for as long as possible while spending as little money as possible doing it but still having a good time in the process and every time that we're watching videos on YouTube all we're seeing is kind of the precise opposite of that thirty thousand dollar private train ride forty thousand dollar insane seats on airplanes nobody that I know travels like that and we just wanted to show this trip at a reasonable budget of like a hundred ish dollars per day showing the way that real people would actually travel anyway off of my soapbox just want to talk about that foreign ers [Music] [Music] I love the feel of this place it feels like I'm eating at home or at a relative Auntie's house that's awesome [Music] so we just crossed the bridge over to Keon all the lanterns are lit people are out and about still walking in like 9 30 p.m and even though we biked a ton today and my legs feel like jello luckily there's still more to see here in Kyoto and it's only a 10 minute walk down this beautiful Road thank you [Music] it is incredibly incredibly peaceful and quiet here and there's like a fragrance in the air that I love it smells so good and it's nice to just walk around and there's only a few other people here after the golden Pavilion I went deep on Reddit of people's experiences visiting temples Bamboo Grove and a lot of these shrines late at night when no one else is there mixed reviews I gotta say some people said it was great got some beautiful shots other people actually most people said it was actually really creepy luckily this place isn't completely devoid of people and and wow that's a big horse [Music] thank you very much I think I'm gonna wrestle this man in the street feels like the right thing to do pulled my stuff go go let's go thank you thank you for wrestling are you sure keep it open I don't want to stop it before you throw me yes [Music] [Music] pleasure [Applause] okay [Music] is it wrong though that I enjoy this way more than the Sumo tournaments ending of the night at our favorite place cheers to wrestling a sweaty Japanese man in the street for money I was just gonna say cheers to you for being bold and brave enough to wrestling like bloody Japanese man on this one of many many people cheers he picked me up like a little baby and he was so strong it was so strong it brought me so much joy we got our Hokkaido milk cream roll got some beer it just wrestles Japanese sumo wrestler what a perfect day I think tomorrow we're going to need a little bit more rest and Recovery [Music] okay we're back in Osaka and one of our favorite breakfast restaurants in yoshinoya's udon beef bowls it's like this really thinly sliced beef with a nice sweet and savory sauce and it's super affordable too high value you get a lot of food for like five bucks today is kind of a self-care day and I think we need it because we've been walking like 10 to 15 miles every single day plus after biking all day in the hot sun we're ready for something a little bit different so today we're going to do our favorite thing in all of usage [Music] we're here at spa world and it looks like a pretty generic nondescript building from the street but what's inside of there is eight floors of Onsen relaxation incredible restaurants it's just this is the best thing to do in Osaka to help explain the whole process of how going to an Onsen works and maybe to alleviate some of your fears we got you first time that I went to an onset I was pretty terrified honestly like I didn't know what to do I felt like there were so many rules and regulations and so many things that I needed to know before I went in and it was my first time really being naked in front of a bunch of strangers I also thought that that was pretty weird but now it's not only totally normal it's awesome so I figured that before you go to Spa world I would just kind of go over this like how to Onsen 101 for people who have never been naked in front of other people before I don't know I'm working on the name okay so the first thing to know is that we're in a hotel right now in Nagasaki this hotel is awesome I'll put all the info down here and they agreed to let us film in the Onsen when it was closed that way it's just just me in there don't bring a camera into an onset it's not a place for selfies don't record anything and they don't take pictures in there that's not what it's for this is just a special thing that they let me do so that I could show everyone else how onsen's work all right you'll notice that I'm dressed up in this super Chic Alpha I mean look at this thing pretty Chic huh nice nice if your hotel has an Onsen built into it like ours does uh this will generally come in the room with it it's kind of like sweet pajama looking thing this is what you're gonna wear up to the spot and then also your slippers that come with every room that you're staying in Japan make sure that you bring a towel if you're using the one in your hotel at spa world they're going to provide tools for you okay the first thing you got to do once you get in take off your shoes as always now you're gonna take these shoes and you're gonna put them in a locker that usually these lockers are going to have a little like 100 coin slot inside of them so whenever you go to Johnson especially at spa World bring a couple of hundred Yen coins with you you gotta put them in and then it'll eject the key for you here they don't do that it's just you know it's a hotel okay so your shoes go in here in the lockers so you know all of your clothes no I just want to talk for a second about like the nudity and the Onsen thing like one it's so that the clothes that you bring in like if you wore a swimsuit and then worn into the onset it would just get the water in there dirty which is the opposite of the whole point of the thing and two it's like it's gonna be fine like it's gonna be totally fine I get it at first I felt really self-conscious and I was like hiding everything and I was afraid to go in but after like five minutes it's just everybody else is naked too they're gonna be fine but come on okay good to go now there are two different kinds like there's an Onsen and a Cento now the Onsen is one of the ones that has like special water that's locally sourced and it's a generally dangerous territory to be filming they're both public bass and they both kind of feel the same but they're totally different so in an Onsen the water is volcanically sourced so it comes locally usually directly from underground whereas with a Cento like the one we're in right now it's just kind of like super nice water that's really hot [Music] first thing that you got to do is take a shower shower before you get in so it's got a big bucket this is for making yourself aggressively and you got knobs on the side but one of them is to so the bucket the other one is to hit yourself in the shower the fanciest shampoos are always in the onsets [Music] okay once they're all showered up just hop right in amazing [Music] okay this is the Outdoor one here uh so this one you can see it's a little milky this one generally has like some sort of bubbly stuff in it okay so the next thing you gotta do get yourself dry before you head out you don't want to go get the water all in the entryway and stuff like that and then just come on back in grab your stuff get dressed and head out foreign [Music] I think it's this optimal level of clean that I don't know if I've ever felt before I came to Japan for the first time and I know I get it this whole thing can feel really really weird especially the first time you go in especially if you're from a country like the US where I'm from where getting naked around other people was just just not a thing you did but honestly you should really try it and don't worry so much have fun in Spa world yeah I'm just coming down here to meet up with Lisa pretty Chic huh nice have a good time [Music] okay so we looked at table log and we found a ramen restaurant just like right up here that I'm pretty excited about let's go [Music] thank you they saw us struggling [Music] how to enjoy Keel Ramen first have a sip of the soup and especially made noodle soup after eating half of the ramen add some ginger garlic and pepper on your preference finally hold the bowl with both hands bottom up and finish the soup I do that all the time so I'm glad [Music] that was great and so spicy my hubris got the best of me normally when I'm at like ichiron or other restaurants I'm ordering like uh I don't know a six out of ten or an eight out of a ten this one I ordered the medium blasted it is still pouring [Music] nothing [Music] I found this cute little stall in the middle of shinzakai Market covered which is great and it looks like they have meat on the stick and beers what else do you need let's go this is apparently a local specialty that was fun what a cool part so we ended up being here for a lot longer than we thought we would we sat down we started talking with the people next to us and then like three hours passed and now it's night time so it's also still raining yeah you know yeah it offered us some shelter and we made some new friends some beer and come on [Music] okay I just think that we should acknowledge real quick I think we're over budget like we budgeted a hundred dollars per day for all five days I think we're over that 500 Mark I don't know I haven't done the math yet but it feels like it I think we're kind of stuck in between this thought of like should we spend more money or should we just like stick to that 100 a day budget we also probably shouldn't have spent like 2 000 Yen on sake and buying our friend that we just met at the bar some sake it was only 1200 it was only 1200 but stuff happens stuff happens we're still doing this on a budget thing I know you're looking at that thing in the bottom corner the whole time like taking down and we're probably in the red by now but if you thought that the rain would deter anyone you were wrong nothing can stop people from shopping here in Osaka [Music] at least we're not in a dark alleyway we can't always find the best places to eat but we're gonna eat it right in front of Pablo got the plane don't drop it don't drop it crunchy graham cracker crust cake is very nice and dense was it worth the wait I don't know so Saturday and there's a lot of energy out here in Osaka I think we're just gonna walk around for a little while probably head home after that we got to get up super early to make it to Nara Osaka is super fun [Music] you ever feel like you know when you're at home it's a Friday night we should go out to eat but I have no idea what to eat I feel like that would never be a problem [Music] I feel like Osaka is one of those places that is just endlessly cool and there's so many awesome places to explore I wish we had more time we got to get going before the train stops [Music] it's a cold beautiful rainy day here in Kyoto and we are going to Nara today but first we're gonna get some breakfast we're staying in the krasuma area in Kyoto and we're always smelling really freshly baked bread there's so many bakeries around here foreign [Music] with a hole in it cheesy soft bread really good [Music] thank you hi bud [Music] so you can feed the deer here but you're supposed to only feed them the special biscuits that you can buy from the vendors here at the park they know you got something now hi okay oh my God it's not very friendly oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we got your corner now [Music] that's it they rocked me I definitely got bit by a deer that's in style now right that's definitely the cutest cuddliest robbery of all time but definitely still a property I was gonna help foreign thank you [Music] [Music] guys tired of the shots of like from behind as we're walking into a cool place yet so hold on let's try that we'll try something different [Music] thank you so I was wondering why are there so many deer in the park and I started looking into it and turns out that there was a huge Shrine called kasuga Taisha and the god of that Shrine rode a deer all the way from northern Tokyo apparently to here in our park and ever since then the deer here have been considered sacred and sacred messengers of the Gods and from our experience so far it seems like that messages were hungry this one's got major RBF [Music] foreign [Music] I was wandering a little bit worried like is this a tourist trap and so many like tourist specific things to do here but I don't think it's fair to call it a tourist trap especially because like none of this costs any money I think the only tourist trap here is probably the deer biscuits because it just causes a riot among the deer as soon as you buy it I think at its core Nara is an incredibly beautiful incredibly culturally important place it happens to have a lot of tourists like us that being said this is such a special place I just can't imagine not coming here especially being so close in Kyoto and Osaka and plus there's no more beautiful place in the entire world to get bit by deer than right here [Music] oh I think this might be my most favorite place in all of Nara there's something about this place that's so quiet ancient so peaceful you have such a beautiful view I don't think we've been to any place like it and I know we've said that a lot throughout this entire week this is incredible okay we're headed out of the shrine here today we are leaving now to try and get a little bit of sake tasting in [Music] if you definitely don't have to go far to get out of the tourist hustle and bustle in the main Temple area of Nara you walk maybe like two blocks out of the southern part of the park and all of a sudden we're just in this beautiful quiet Town it was really nice I read that there's a liquid store nearby that apparently does sake tasting and I'm not sure how that works but we're gonna try and figure it out I think it's just right here foreign yeah one more small company [Music] that was a really cool experience I have no idea liquor store is here fake liquor stores allowed tastings and I wonder if that's true across the whole country but it was a really affordable way for us to try several different types of sake the people there were super friendly and helpful could speak a little bit English and tell us what everything was and what he recommended and there was an English menu and it was all super affordable about one to three dollars per tasting can't beat that feeling nice and toasty and ready for a train ride back home [Music] that's it foreign here we go [Music] okay so we still have to go to the best ramen bar in Kyoto but we just wanted to talk about like the things that we thought were not so worth it and other things that we definitely thought were absolutely worth it favorite things I would say overall I'm still glad that we went to Small World the sake tasting today was super fun and actually really affordable I'm still glad that we also rented those e-city bites for 2 000 Yen per person totally worth it we got to see so much in just a short day I think I would have even done it for longer I wish we had more time I genuinely think like 10 days between these two places would be like good and you feel like you'd be able to do everything but instead of staying all four nights five days in Kyoto I think now I would have done the like three nights in Kyoto and two days or one night in Osaka just feels like it would save time and money on the trains back and forth they are close to each other like Kyoto and soccer are close to each other but we were spending an extra twenty dollars per day between the two of us just getting to Osaka and getting back and it added up to like 60 or 70 extra dollars so close to that 100 per day but we we didn't make it 100 ish dollars yeah 100-ish dollars and yes the ramen will put us even more over the budget but you win some you lose some it's our last night here and we're winning with Ramen yeah it's our last night here we're gonna we're gonna live it up a little bit let's get some Ramen officially been two hours since we got in line we're down to the last three we are the very last ones on the waiting list I know you're worth it I really don't know I really don't know this was Josh's choice [Music] foreign
Channel: Lisa and Josh
Views: 957,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, lisa and josh, josh and lisa, lisa josh, josh lisa, kyoto, japan, tokyo, osaka, traveljapan
Id: f1zqNIAxRgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 10sec (3970 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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