Tokyo’s Ameyoko Market — The Vibe

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greetings everybody welcome to amelio market this is okachimachi station behind me i gotta be here to buy some things i don't wanna spend a lot of time here obviously but we're gonna take a look here in the market and you can make a decision on yourself uh if this place is safe to go to on uh on a sunday afternoon now it gets really crowded around 1 00 p.m it is now about 12 almost noon time so we're gonna have a quick look-see and then move on i gotta come here to buy uh candy or goodies for my patreon supporters this is a great place to do that because you can find everything in one spot now ameyoko this market actually has history going back to uh after world war ii when this was the black market of tokyo where a lot of gis came here which is maybe where the name ameyoko america comes from yoko meaning kind of like a like an alley or a side place along the yamanote line ame also is the word i mean is also the word for candy so this could also be where it was very famous because of candy there's a couple of really famous candy stores uh not too far away oh they have those pita masks here how cool is that he said dining they're not the most protective masks but they do keep the droplets in and you know the times that we we are in if everybody wears one you know it's also a great place for a kaisen dome this is a where you get a really good bowl many could say it's like sashimi on rice but this place has been quite famous and has loads and loads of different varieties here here's a toto samon and maguro don for half size but 300 yen and that's crazy cheap one of the reasons why is because this is a uh an old market up in stamachi they also have like clearance items i'd say many of these things are clearance items that have been sitting around for a long time so they can undersell everybody because the volume of sales is also really high now again almost everybody is wearing a mask a few people are and you just stay clear of them but in these times that we live in you have to be really careful everywhere that you go eugene holbrook's here thanks eugene it wasn't very long ago that we had another street view episode in inuyama just two days ago where i got to eat a5 wagyu sushi from hiragyu hita up in near takayama it was so good so every now and then i'm going to swoop around and show you right now matsutake mushrooms are really in season for the autumn taste they're a little bit expensive but down here they're more reasonable you can see the prices have been slashed maybe like half price they won't tell you the prices you got to ask them but that's those matsutake are all from japan [Music] i also came here because i wanted to see what shops are still in business some shops are not in business and this place that always has kind of a military military goods like you get that that cool retro green vibe from here i i maybe there's history going back where this shop was selling stuff after world war ii old gi clothes and things like that not really sure see the cahin tohoku line making its way to ueno station up there market looks right now it's not as crowded but there are more and more people here so our visit will be short i'm gonna wrap around here let's go let's go um through here and then we're gonna come back around to see the other side uh in in better times i would hang out here for a really long time because it's an amazing market [Music] the stars and stripes there still a very beloved country always will be here in ameyoko america underneath the tracks of the yamanote line inside here and a lot of people don't know that but you can go underneath the tracks and there are markets and more sellers in here do keep in mind that bargaining is acceptable at amioco but not a lot of people like to do that mostly in japan japanese culture the price is set in osaka they're a little bit more flexible with the price i like the looks of a lot of these restaurants you still have that kind of stamachi showa era feel to it and they they preserve the the signs the way that they were back in the day and it's i like that so when you do come and eat here you get a pretty authentic experience hey jennifer french is here love these live streams thank you john thank you jennifer fretch i just put a i i just uh ordered the postcard club postcard for november and you're going to love it it's from my trip in nagoya i know everybody knows so many people's names because i put the labels on for the uh postcard club i say oh there's jennifer french's oh there's nothing broads it's kind of cool all right so the fashion has changed from summer to winter a lot of these places if you're looking for exercise gear and stuff you can find it here usually there's bargain bins right there 990 yen and you just pick your way through the bargain bins i'm not sure i'm gonna do that in these times but that option still exists what do you think you see anything good in there anybody want to dive in there hey brendan walker i'll tell you what brendan i'm gonna i'm gonna circle back around and then take you into the uh uh back to the place where they have that those cheese dogs how about that i'll we'll see if they're still in business and how things are going i'm kind of walking through to see if anything has changed as well because i'm thinking seriously of making a episode at ameyoko from a different different point of view as i've done in the past america it's nice to see stars and stripes representing you can see the sign of the times here as well probably doing good sales on some of these t-shirts and masks as well in the front here oh peter peter it's something he'd wear interesting what is that i've never seen that before there is there are restrooms up there i didn't know that it's good to keep keep your mind on the always the available restrooms so all right so they they're complying with the the rules of tokyo to have alcohol and gel pumps in the front here that's good to see they're doing the best that they can do yeah well i'm i'm kind of scoping it out and seeing what is available i haven't been here in a long time and it's interesting to see the options and how they've changed there's so many new businesses that i'm seeing as well i'll try to point them out this was not here too long ago this looks new sponge cake caster a little uh not these again peter this kind of stuff he wears at home like his pajamas well it's cool united states navy very cool whoa top gun only in japan vending machine i know this would be the perfect place to put it too seriously considering it i know the i know the perfect person to help me do it too so i'm going to give them a call uh when things settle down a little bit because i got so many projects coming up this month jnto seminars um gosh i'm doing something with japan rail up in tohoku i'm going i'm starting that next week i have the fireworks festival on wednesday by the way you're not going to want to miss that oh this is hamachan they have a really good tempura you get mountains of it for a pretty affordable price and i like the fact that you can eat outside here oh he was waving at us i didn't mean to single him out [Music] a lot of old uh shop signs are still there so that means uh this one looks like it's going out of business they're closed on a weekend which is unheard of oh kubo i yes i hate seeing mom and pop shops going under this place has changed hands this taiyaki place a couple of times they look like they're just starting to open up um prepare for the lunch rush if not people are coming here to eat early this is lunchtime right now so uh yeah it's you know if you do come here back in this in the spring or the summer or next year when things are a little bit better this is an amazing place to come at night um like come here early at like five and stay till 7 30 8 o'clock just drinking with the locals and stuff a lot of people who live in the area they still come here it's really an authentic area i think and that hasn't changed um ever i like that i've been to this shop as well for nhk to do compi with the locals in an episode 10 years ago that was my second tokyo eye episode that i came here that was a good one too [Music] more kaisen dom but this is from a chain so it's a little bit more expensive maybe 30 more all right this is this is a chain too i think that this might be might have changed hands or renovated but you can see the business is back in tokyo business is back not the same scale but you can see people are really starting to gear up and get ready for the boom there's a thai restaurant up there it smells so good ricardo ortiz of course we're live welcome [Music] it's very very hard to uh social distance so i'm just doing a walk through are we gonna wrap around towards the entrance here [Music] we're gonna wrap around towards the entrance here and show you this and see if my friend's business is doing well oh there he is he's doing good hey shimoda [Laughter] uh yeah please come here if you're thinking about getting 1 000 yen he fills a bag full of chocolate you got to come here arigato [Music] [Laughter] oh he has been at that location he just gave you bag for just being oh man these kinds of things make me want to cry a little bit um first of all i'm really glad that he's doing really well um what am i gonna do with this can i i just got a bag of stuff of chocolate yeah one of the one of the nicest guys not a lot of tourists have been coming here so i'm gonna say um if you do come to this to ameyoko probably come and say hi to shimodasan and he puts on a show and for a thousand yen you get more than you bargained for it's crazy i'm so i'm so happy i can't believe that we'll in a second we'll take a look and see what's inside that's nice i get a lot of friends here not just from doing any the nhk show cause i've i've known him for shimonasana oh my gosh maybe yeah 11 years i've known him but i've no i've walked past his shop for 20 so i didn't have to do that i'm just coming to say hi you got you always make sure i leave here i remember walking by once oh look at that karage i walk back once just just say hey ximena and he said wait and then he gave me a bag of chocolate i have to be careful if i walk by there that looks really good this set too they make the plastic designs for these um there's a place where they sell them at kapabashi which is just about a 15 minute walk from here wow that's a lot of nuts it's a nut tower pineapple things like this this is the place to get it and it's always really really really competitively priced or this will be the cheapest place this is wayno station here and uh we're going to wrap around now and i want to see if that cheese dog place is still in business uh it was it was doing a lot of business because of the tourists and now that i think we're down to like point zero one percent of the numbers we had last year a lot of these businesses that have relied so much on tourists have been in the in the red for quite a while eugene hobart get something to eat i i'm getting that vibe here one of the reasons why i haven't is because i have to remove my mask and that's kind of worrying for me in crowded places so we'll we'll see if the cheese doggy place is there and maybe snag something the takoyaki place next to the cheese dog place is incredible this is the street uh wayno zoo you would go up here these steps and then take a right this is where we came for the cherry blossoms every year and um not too long now before the colors start to change yesterday it was raining really hard the temperature dipped so low it felt almost like winter and we we thought about turning on the heat almost which is i usually don't like to do that until december 1st because japan is pretty temperate not too not too hot not too cold that's tokyo anyways what the heck what is that that's like dead pigeon gachapong what toby did that what is that why is this they had crow ones i'd get it pigeons hello i found a toby emoji you members get that wow check this one out this is uh just buttons please wait all right let's try one we can get one of these how much is it 300 yen what peeing kids it's just that's nasty oh there's like oh look statue of liberty in sexy poses that's awesome that looks like kanai who wants one of those all right i gotta get one this these buttons look kind of fun they even have a halloween one let's see if i got coins here sometimes i don't have okay it looks like i'm gonna be okay i'll let you vote the internet should i get should i get a button or should i get a sexy uh statue of liberty which one should i get statue of liberty and sexy poses lady liberty or should i get a button if you push it it tells you to do something all right non-non-writing button gem defensor writes in button ufo bob says button adam says button jackson skizzy button wow looks like button here the chomp pigeon i can't live with that where am i gonna put it i'll put it on my on my jacket to show the pigeons that i mean business now or the crows will think i'm one of them all right i guess i think button talk button it looks like it's button anthony says pigeon though all right we're gonna go with this button and can i give me alcohol to use afterwards so if you touch anything she said oh it's a 50 yenner they don't take 50 yens all right so we're getting a button and apparently it works so hey now no it's 100 yen what uh what's up with that take my take my money no it won't give me any of my money back i thought it was gonna take me for a ride there for a second ah what do you think it is how do i do this with one hand hold on a second [Music] jimbo needs a tripod all right we're just gonna do shimmer and give me all this all this candy all right here we go i'm opening it up i'll give you play by play [Music] all right first of all it's a let's oh i got the halloween one awesome that's the halloween one this must be rare that lady said there's not a lot of tourists that's so quiet here all right oh maybe you have to turn it on hey say something say something is there a button i gotta it's not talking is that it it's just a button it's weird it says i thought it says talks okay okay means candy please it's supposed to really talk okay hold on i'm reading the paper now maybe the battery's dead there's one with ramen yeah i guess it's i guess it's supposed to be uh say uh orimasandi don't eat it all right i'm gonna send them a twitter thing it's broken is there an o no well there's no button to turn it on it is what it is there's no on button there's no piece of plastic to separate the battery just the battery's dead i don't see the battery tab do you i'm pushing it target okay pretty candy please it says oh all right we'll try to fix it later let's take a look and see what um shimodasong gave us oh these look really good oh he didn't give me one he gave me like eight all right i'll put some of these in the daimyo pie in the daimyo packages you'll know where they came from um one of the weight one of the reasons you can give so many snacks is because they're usually quite close to the expiration date but these look pretty fresh actually he just gets really good deals off of all these products oh these are mint choco things the mint is not too popular in japan and i saw you put a bunch of these in here yeah mint that's why mint is not popular so these are probably oh look they got a pretty long expiration date all right i can send these to some of you from shimodasan yeah i like mint too but it's not japanese don't like it so much all right you can put these uh capsule toy capsules in here all right that was weird oh look here's a counter anyone need a counter it's weird you'll find all sorts of stuff like shrooms kinoko clips these are clips little games oh i got kanai it's one of these rings before she was not impressed these are cat food rings this one looks pretty neat this is this is the um sounds of the yamanote line i believe or one of the train lines interesting so there's some good ones here maybe i should have gotten that yeah next time uh there's some really there's some new places in alcohol i only use my right hand you can come here directly on the narita express and get your gachapon right there all right let's go in and take a look and see if we have uh the cheese dogs are available miss antiflow from canada welcome densetsu multiple respect and mutual respect right here wow it's nice to see gem defense store it's been a while from the philippines and g-man threefold it's going pretty good michael sasano is here these are here's for serving takoyaki i'm hungry i'm gonna go check it out i don't want to be in a place with a lot of people though and i'm kind of cringing here let's go let's go walk about now so for those of you who had to cancel your trip february march april may june july august september october i never thought i would be seeing all those dates and then probably november december january february march gosh it's already been so quiet uh this is what you're missing but things are getting uh things are getting okay here but they're not in the rest of the world and and it's not a time to be complacent oh there's no masks over there all right just keep walking kind of take a wide arc i know it's overkill but trying my best to stay uh healthy here i came here because i have to buy some things uh i should probably wait until monday sunday's a tough day all right let's get back inside here the market usually doesn't get crowded on sunday until around one to one or two pm oh those look realistic [Music] those are not japanese booties right there those aren't japanese booties so that's from another another area oh look at the queen what are you doing here she stayed at the imperial is that the queen of england she stayed at the imperial hotel in tokyo when she was here back in the 1950s i believe not sure when the last time she was here 60s but when she was here in japan they still have her menu available they've been cooking it at the imperial hotel i think you have to ask for it or they serve it on special occasions maybe but you can get the same menu that queen elizabeth had when she came to visit the imperial hotel they prepared a meal for her for the most part it's just young people who aren't wearing any masks all right we got some some chopin playing in the background i don't know some sort of piano music it's sort of creepy too it's kind of got a halloween creepiness to it [Music] hey brian chavez must be working in the diamond industry because yeah jewelry is also very very famous here if you know your jewelry you can you can you find a lot of shops in ameyoko so that diamond that is significant for where we are sean 808 have a beer with your cheese dog trying to stay healthy sean i'm trying not to drink before 5 p.m it's hard to do [Music] but i do know that um travelers are coming to japan a little bit more than before but they still have the uh 14 day quarantine period however a lot of that is on the honor system and oh this shop is closed down so i'm seeing a lot of shops that aren't here anymore it's kind of sad [Applause] if you like this definitely click the thumbs up button and encourage me to do more walk throughs around i'll be outside of tokyo most of november by the way i'll be up in tohoku and i'll be taking you with me so it's a reason for you to subscribe to the only japan go channel and the new only in japan channel john dob produced by me it's my channel got a new video that i i believe is going to drop tonight from when i went to nagoya very fast turnaround on that one really cool story whoa i like how like kabuki people like good shoes shoes are important to people in the kabuki world they really like to rock it [Music] and welcome darren martin new traveler awesome you've unlocked the hanabi emoji for wednesday oh my god that's true wait wednesday monday tuesday wednesday in three days we're doing another fireworks festival up in katakai i gotta start promoting the app tewasaki oh japanese chicken wings it's gonna be good for those of you who are getting ready for nfl tomorrow all right this is the road where the cheese dog is brendan we're gonna take a quick look see let's try to stay safe usually this is so jam-packed with tourists you can't even walk so it's got a little dog dog baby how you doing doggy you know i see my friend dean on on a lot of advertisements that's not dean but you'll see these foreigners who are modeling that probably were like english teachers that just got lucky or something sometimes i see people that i know and dean he's actually a professional model dean newcomb i see him all over the place in these ads he doesn't promote himself a lot so when you see it it's it's kind of cool like whoa that's dean there's one where he's getting married at daibas a uh a billboard at one of the hotels that's funny when you see your friends uh in advertisements or when you hear peter's voice writing the ana airlines seat belt safety video that is so wrong that is so wrong i hate mosquitoes and they have a gachapon where a giant-sized mosquito will look like it's stinging your hand that's so wrong [Music] this temple here uh sorry this is temple i believe the temple here has been in ameoko for a very long time and it's nice that you can go up here and get a little kind of a bird's eye view down on the second floor and on the left and the right are okay shops okay shops candy shops that have been here for decades i'll probably go in here and take a look and see what they have for our our daimyo inside of here i don't i don't like to buy stuff at don quixote kind of support the local businesses if you can not that there's anything wrong with don quixote oh no brendan brendan no [Music] it's been closed because of the uh coven all right we'll get some takoyaki but there's a line guys all right it's too crowded she's been making the takoyaki here for for ages there's quite a line i can't i can't get it today it goes around the corner too i gotta get out of here there's a lot of people john's got to stay stay safe unfortunately um this this location is now out of business it says they're looking for a new tenant so it's on sale that's kind of sad oh man darren martin new member have a pint of cheese dog i want a cheese dog but it's out of business darn it let's see what let's see what kind of kitkat flavors they have today they always put the kitkats on the side here all right nothing too unusual here what check this out that's new all right i might have to get i might have to get this for our daimyo supporters whenever a new flavor breaks i try to get get a bag cheesecake looks interesting so what do you think daimyo you can sound off right here if you want to darn it why is the takoyaki place so long i should have started with the takoyaki i always burned my mouth on that too i'm trying really really hard to stay out of crowded places and um this is this is getting a little bit too crowded she just started another takoyaki here this is going to take 10 minutes for me to get get some because the line is too long and they put massive slices of taco octopus in there it goes around the corner i'll just it's just gonna be a live stream of me standing there all right there you go there used to be more takoyaki places but they're all closed down what i'm noticing is what i'm noticing is that a lot of the street food has been is is off of the street now and the stands that used to be operating we i've walked by them they're all kind of shut down you see these these are closed down so a lot of the food operators that relied on food are gone the takoyaki place is always going to be in business because it's famous but i'm the cheese dog is gone it's kind of i was i'm kind of shocked by that jws old school busy day today indeed bible 2022. appreciate that we had a we had like a super chat thing going on where people would give five dollars and then they'd write in a million dollars it didn't work like that had to i went back and watched it with peter and we were both cracking up i like the color of these these are the waterproof bags but um you you curl it up there and the water doesn't get in i like the color interesting camouflage you can't find it if you lose it though whoa indiana state police anybody from indiana recognize that it's pretty cool very cool all right no cheese talk just no street food without a line looks genuine kind of all right so we got some anka going on here this would be a great shop to come to they still they still sell the albums the way that they used to in the showa period and i do see old timers locals still come in here and they do release enca stars their videos their um their work on like records and stuff so it's kind of neat to get it in the authentic way a video on anka would probably require coming here or shimbashi to get the real authentic experience there's a line over there too so i guess the lunch rash has started hey i saw your kind in the gotcha machine and you did not look so lively just be careful watch yourself you might end up in a gachapon machine or in hello hi 821's kitchen it's the dark side dark side of our [Laughter] moderators sorry that was uncalled for all right folks um yeah this wasn't supposed to be too much of a street food exp experience i don't want to wait in that line all right i'm gonna let's go take one one more look at that line maybe it's gone down i don't want to stay in one spot gotta get the goodies for the daimyo and get out those cheesecake kitkats look good what do you think yeah this is the part of the live stream where you give me a thumbs up if you want to see more content like this maybe if we get to a thousand thumbs up i'll wait for the takoyaki but i don't know i need a lot of support for that it's i don't want to i don't like lines kanai's not going to be happy cobra bebop's here hey have you ever done a video on the space boat i have several live streams but nothing on the history of it so it'd be an interesting topic one gazillion dollars that might be the biggest it's the biggest contribution we've ever received never received a gazillion anything thanks to that cover that was generous no it's only getting longer that's the line it doesn't it's just a cluster it's a cluster i don't it's kind of scary i'm sorry is the takoyaki if you decide to get some queen of tacos i want to get some um maybe not on a sunday somebody coughed one two three four five six seven eight so there's 12 people here there's 12 people here in front of me and there's all right maybe it'll go faster the line's really long though you know what i'm gonna have to 86 that i'll come back queen of tacos put that on layaway trust me there's gonna be a ton of street food episodes up in tohoku too and i'll be back here because i came here for the daimyo action dang it i'm gonna go up here and check it out and see if they have anything but i'll take you up to this up to this shrine which is a temple which has less people is it a shrine i always get confused because there's no on new year's they do ring the bell 108 times so this is the temple the air is nicer up here it just feels a little bit safer yeah guys i'm really trying hard to not put myself in too much of a compromising position sorry folks still pandemic i'm not sure why 108 that's a good question i think it's just something in buddhism that is uh that people do all right folks uh i i thought this was a really interesting um walk through because we are still in a pandemic we do have to be careful now there's nobody around me so i can kind of take a little bit of a break we wear the masks to protect each other within the community not so much to protect ourselves because you really need glasses and stuff to do that but i'd say 90 97 only 3 out of 100 we're not wearing any any kind of covering and i think that um yeah people are a little bit maybe too complacent because the numbers are not so high like in the west here but you know that's not a reason to not take as many precautions and i i'm not going out because i got some really big live um big episodes to film in november so i really have to stay safe that's why i'm not gonna wait in line um i think i gotta i gotta keep making content and stay healthy i get a feeling about that waiting standing there with all the crowds around us stay on the move uh keep my wash my hands 20 times a day don't touch my face things like that mask is okay hide up here in the temple i get some foreigners right here oh that some in vietnamese interesting everybody has some sort of prayer they'll put here on the board including this guy i guess he drew a self-portrait it's interesting yeah prayers for everybody uh somebody's with their family member but that's a good message right there so stay safe everybody um i'll begin here for another live stream probably in about uh maybe tomorrow i'll do another live stream um and coming next week on wednesday i'm going to be going to katakai for the fireworks festival in nigata kanai and i are renting a car so expect like three live streams in like two wednesday and maybe thursday we're going to be doing some videos in niigata and then i got so many uh episodes to film next next week so just get ready for some big releases and some drops because only in japan is back [Music] back bye guys
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 54,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, market, Shopping, Street food, Ameyoko, Ueno, Street view, View
Id: rbCzDX8tCF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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