Daisen Street Food Fest & Japanese Performances

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[Music] hello everybody I'm live from your Naga City and pitoni prefecture this is kind of far from Tokyo I came here yesterday by airplane let me show you on the map right here I'm down there so it's about a 70 minute flight from Tokyo you can see the red mark is Tokyo and I'm down on the other side of Japan on the Sea of Japan so this this area of tilt Oni is famous for vegetables so Japan has some of the best vegetables in the world I think because of the volcanic soil that they have here and this festival is famous for the vegetables in in Dyson now I'm kind of early for the festival some but I'm gonna take you inside where they've started some pretty cool performances so if you like Japanese traditional music you're gonna like what you what I'm gonna show you in a second now Dyson is considered the Mount Fuji of the West it's it's half the size of Mount Fuji but it kind of looks like Mount Fuji so I'm going to go into the convention hall here you know we get some utakata some Japanese mascots let's take a look inside here this is a sample bushi so they're kind of doing like a Kimiko MIDI and musical act there's a bunch of media here as well so it's it's a pretty big event now this event is taking place in your Naga City vegetables from nice egg which is the mountain and there but we're gonna be eating some food real soon because I'm starving let's take a look at what he's doing bring it over here I got a mosquito so no Gozen working on that anymore yakitori masquerade Oh yo yo hey thanks now st. Joe st. Joe banana candy kept more attractive as mama Dee nice cat person is talking about the prefecture and all the stuff that's found around here it likes vanilla Daihatsu remember he did so that crazy man said he [Laughter] so let's wait until these are plates of music boys are featuring them because I don't want to translate everything he's saying to be honest with you but they got all kinds of food here from all over all over over this area I want to say all over Japan but Wow [Music] this is yakitori from Dyson Dyson has some of the best chicken in Japan study- sauce put in Ikeda stuff Wow [Music] Oh getting really hungry that smells so good we'll be back this must be a vegetable but yes I Fest is your yes I assure justly vegetables oh look at that cotton candy [Music] laughs I got she let that guy see will they have mango flavored that's crazy [Music] oh they're playing the music so I'll go push your time let's check out some of this uncle pushing music and then you'll move on telling a story [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] doesn't want to do it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's on the crowd [Music] [Music] [Music] to tell this story of about the farm the defendant they're gonna been doing this for a while just go out let's go ahead and see some food oh they're doing mochi check it out [Music] very cool cuz though there's a lot of that going on here so this this guy behind me is it's a tasty busan he's room to your neck or your naga city from you're not going yeah hi he's showing me around a little bit so makes it easier you have staff with you right this is a pretty fun event so far it started out pretty good hey so this is staff from the city from the prefecture here today this is a beat event and you wouldn't say in where I'm from I don't think vegetables are celebrated like this this is all a celebration of vegetables and yeah they take a lot of pride in their farmers in this area of Japan again this is really far from Tokyo this is a 70 minute flight or if you take the train it's like like eight hours by train so and I'll tell you the Shinkansen so let's take a look at some some food and some utakata and maybe we'll try some stuff oh man look at this well I get the grills going this is my gun boots all my got a few petaca oh the character's name and this is yaki soba Thank You Carlos all right everyone take out your particular yakisoba whoa that's not vegetables [Music] they're taking him in to make a steak out of them put him on they're making steaks over there be careful [Music] they're cooking they're cooking beef over here and there goes a eudicot I character go walking past here it's really cold it's a mascot from one of it from Dyson which is the local mountain I started saying Dyson is the Mount Fuji of the West it's the Mount Fuji of this area of Japan it's just this amazing mountain that Springs out of nowhere there's no other real of mountains around that area so it's very has a big impact when you see it it's also famous for having a lot of the balls like Negi look at that I'm gonna start buying some stuff in a second but I want to show you around before I start to buy stuff that I think so do it Nanako hi - oh right Hamid Agha did so this rice inside of that quite good I'm gonna come back we're gonna just take a quick look around and then I'm gonna start eating and then we're gonna go go to the station cuz there's more events happening over there yeah if you can see up here and the other way that the weather's really looks like it's gonna be there's a typhoon coming in so I'm trying to get this live stream in before the typhoon hits haha the wind has picked up you can see the flags going so if I go out here we're gonna lose the audio maybe last year there was an earthquake this year typhoon so there's always some excitement around this festival okay we got some kuroky that's also interesting these are kuroky or kind of them they're made from potato there are so many things you say they're an icky icky other apples okay Dyson turning God these are really big apples I have a feeling this is gonna taste like an apple no Qi thank you very much soon uh no this is it's another sweet typo so the variety of Apple is soon on oh oh just what I see look at the Hat it's like a miso Minji katsu kuroky Baga but one thing stop Wow [Applause] whoa and this one is a broccoli so broccoli is very famous and dicing they say you made it man broccoli Wow [Applause] this is Nagy which is very famous in this area as well donal abruptly croquette in Tunica intima so I'm gonna try I'm gonna try the broccoli croquette Oh I whoa okay I got it in my hands I'll look at the little little mascot they have for it I don't got the yeah there's a croquet team so here it is so it's deep-frying it looks like you've made a potato and it's got broccoli in it so let's try let's give it a try not bad pack [Applause] uh-huh CUDA thank you very much I'm having a wonderful trip look at the broccoli in there this is so fresh ah no it's just so good I'm never gonna be able to - I'm gonna be so full at the end of this though they got more stuff okay lots of vegetables here potatoes this is another kind of potato so these are these are these are the potatoes that we know and then this is another like a mushy potato so these are this is Negi and negative Negi mmus in your Nago not gonna get cheaper which is that that's enticing you can see it says here from Tottori stories from this town haha they even write the town that it's from right-hook town so all these vegetables this produce comes from the town here no yeah and you can see the beautiful team bean this beautiful people from from the town make all these vegetables so wonderful I love the yeah what a car I deserve I'm fine with Canada spicy car I mean spicy in Japanese I'm fine with spicy stuff okay Oh me some oh wow she be there Wow so we have miso here wonderful this is all me so is like a fermented bean paste that salty it tastes so good it's soft and this is what you put in miso soup this is the base of itself it's very nice accordion on disc imoogi hata awesome whatever well honey knows every weasel oh you could see inside inside the miso they put some barley and rice oh yes I and there's vegetables in there this is interesting looks like suppers looks like something a bird left behind on my hand but we're gonna give it a try let's see here let's check that we're going to go mini okay I kind of dropped it trying to push the camera room so here we go let's give it a try oh geez oh boy you got a muscle it's got a lot of flavors just the me so you can't really eat me so by itself but when you add another stuff it enhances the flavor but Miso's got like this kind of sweet and salty taste on the area a wet sit here it's got like the sweet and salty taste to it when you eat it you definitely know this is miso all right this is miso and they all make this local here this is all local and this is G Peter I know G betta yoga studio G video studio you up that's a nice about the side and it's K days Jody's shoes I see must stop oh wow you can see this is Dyson G Peter they use the water and they make the beer here it's one of the original Japanese craft beers Dyson deviator they started about 20 years ago and I featured the center in an NHK show about three months ago yeah in June and I said you vide you can see all the ingredients a lot of the main ingredients come right here from here especially the water which is some of the best in Japan oh really okay ready got some ha 30 system era okay Wow so I guess we're going to have a beer after all how do you got the let's try it let's taste this here this is the yog all yeah gold so this is this beer 7% oh my gosh 7% alcohol it's kind of lighter dice and GB it also has a pilsner yeah and this is the wiesen which is a kind of a German white yeah this one is very famous it's won a lot of awards but we'll try that later I have a feeling I'm gonna be here for like 2 weeks I got a feeling I'm gonna be drinking a little bit a lot of dice and GBS of comeback [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is not this is no ordinary beer like when I had it it was really refreshing but now it's really complex there's so many different ingredients with beers like wine in many ways I mean at least a craft beer can be [Music] any segi it has so many different flavors it takes you on like a ride so you're starting you drink it you start here and then you're going like this all over all over your taste buds in your mouth yeah it's you can taste week week it has some wheat in it I can taste very fresh but Dyson has the best water in Japan that means you get some of the best beer in Japan so we're gonna be drinking a lot more you got any of those any what stop and yet though mutt that you want that sunny that was good hahaha I wasn't expecting to drink up here look thankfully was just a little bit so let's go take a look around there's a lot more going on over at the station because because of the typhoon coming I'm sort of rushing the livestream a little bit whoo Keenan is here but you know I like heating however I have to go with Dyson G beter when you're and I stand in this area because that's the local beer that was so good haha beer time and it's by the way it's like 10:30 in the morning here just just so you know that's why I was kind of as it it to drink a beer it's pretty early I apologize for the wind if there's any wind noise I'm out here in the elements it's it's a little bit of windy out here ok there's some more stands let me show you what's happening all right so this is bread and bread and tea coffee let's see what let's just take a look at a quick look at what they have here this is like the coffee corner ah nice - so that they make a stew here and this is a hot tub McGee Tata muggy - Wow they've got all sorts of different kinds of foods here let's just make it something on the waffle iron Wow takoyaki - gonna bubble waffles awesome look at that these are like bubble waffles I think it's gonna take a little bit of time to go I smell curry cut it uh-huh that's I knew I smelled curry there you go I mean I'm not gonna leave here hungry so let's take a let's take a look over at the station I'm gonna be in this area for for a while at least until past November so into no into November so you'll not go this is maybe my sixth time here in the last three or four years and I come here a lot especially in the summer because they have so many wonderful festivals and yeah this is my first time in the fall right now the leaves on the trees are just changing in Japan you can see the color there's some orange spots shocks of orange and the trees here so we're getting pretty close we're getting pretty close to fall yeah I want to get some of that curry I see some of the comments coming in the curry looks really good they're making mochi in there I think they're finished you missed it [Music] hahaha we missed it I apologize for the wind noise if there is any we're going over to the station it's about a one minute walk maybe two - if you run but if this really is a big event I'm kind of shocked this is just for vegetables what so I put a link I put a link in the original description for this video you could see where you'll Nago is on the map it's president of the television company here pss-pss I did a VSS show last year was it last year two years ago it's hard to read over time - flies so yeah your nago is a 70 minute flight because they go straight over the mountains by train it takes like eight hours and it's it's quite far on the Sea of Japan this is Negi pear look at this so queen Agena Wow yo this is the mascot for the area yo that's a lot of you can see just all of the Negi that they have here this is crazy that's a kono mama that's something I don't see every day that's pretty cool so they're grilling the the lease these are what we call in English leeks but we call it Negi here they're a little bit different and you can see that you can eat it like this so I'm gonna take a leak here stop it max I saw that comment max you can see how the yokai are enjoying it yeah yeah yeah no kitaro yokai enjoying some Negi because Sakai minato is nearby bye bye Negi will be back he said bye bye very cool all right so this is your now go station right over here this is sort of a landmark again I apologize for the wind noise y'all not go station people watching in Tokyo hey no we're this is far away this is quite far away from Tokyo Osaka is much closer actually the closest city on the on the Pacific there but the wind is starting to pick up there's a typhoon type of typhoon rolling in some of the public transportation the bus is here they run maybe once once an hour their heart that many but the buses to the bus it's kunai in there kudamon I thought that I to the Titan who stepped away now I'm in the process of getting my Japanese driver's license I've been living in Japan if your resident Japan you cannot use an international driver's license you need a Japanese driver's license because I'm American I have to take the driving test and that's not until next month which means that I don't have a car around here which means I'm a hostage I can't go anywhere wow there's some double wow that's a big dongle okie Nick that's a big dango this is all mochi look at it steaming you're live so quit wananga skosh Ichigo Ichigo thanks Wow that looks so good they call it the Yoshioka jewelry box it looks like it looks so good honey got the Wow Yoshioka very cool we got crepes here I gotta start eating some more I'm still kind of processing that coat okay I have to pace myself whoa what do an undiscovered cheap potato wow that's a unusual guilty' hahaha never sign a you get that close that gyoza has some really interesting stuff inside my what the Korea that's cut again that's really good too they kick in I got a pace myself oh my gosh oh this more food it's all food this is crazy oh yeah do neji's so I featured in the utakata episode I did for only in Japan about two years ago I came to your Naga and they introduced me to the yo neji's and I showed you just about five minutes ago do you remember I showed you the Negi the big leeks the green vegetables they're here the neji's KO Nate Yona is right there that's a yo Negi things are gonna get a little weird from here on out he's all the way up to the stock now what what is really what is really interesting about about this utakata is you see liked it it's all puffed up right it's because there's a miniature generator inside that puts air in that makes it poppy you can see that's pretty cool he's that boys up to no good it's really but uh just a happy face yay haha and then over here we have the character do you remember we were showing some of the chicken this is the mascot for the chicken in the area a totally mascot he doesn't want to go haha Wow look at that kisser there's a new sheriff in town and I'm shooting chicken no that's like he's shooting his own kind aha did you see that did you see that so this is this is a yo Negi one of the Yankees and that in this in the baby carriage is the mascots baby it's a Nikki Nikki call Nikki Nikki Paul that's the baby there's the happy lucky father and there's the baby and they put him in a stroller how crazy is this and then he could a that's the cutest thing in the world every mascot should have a baby with the stroller right that just makes it so much cooler but this is how much Nagy means to the area Negi is very very famous in your Naugle and dyson this is yo yo meaning yo Nagaraju and nikki meaning ground eggy I gotta share up in the background [Music] yeah the chicken has duck lips chicken has lips she stopped wow that's a big bird skinnylegs I look he's getting he's going for a ride very cool Okinawa okay they got some food alright ok so there's a line because people are waiting for free crab soup but I don't want to wait in line online and see the guy is holding this is the end of the line in Japan everybody lines up really really nice excuse me you can see there's this where they're getting the free crab suit and there's the line you see and the guy and this guy with the sign he informs everybody this is the end of the line wait here so the system is really good I I want to get the crab soup but I don't want to wait in the line Tiny's you know we do hide we'll sit there oh yeah everyone is waiting for the soup looks like the soup soup if you've seen the Seinfeld episodes like the soup Nazis really haha no so far you because I could not wait in this line whoa whoa look at that that's up big crab in there Wow with a crab soup that's a big suit Donna non-dairy creamer this is a crab dawn the crab bet on rice that deadline no wonder the line is so long they're waiting for the crab soup and that's it and if they're giving a treacherous thank you pay someone to wait in line for you ha ha I want you I have to end the livestream my battery is getting low but this is amazing and everybody for free is getting a like a big crab leg this is kind of crazy I wouldn't I don't see I've never seen that they'd never do this in Tokyo I think that's a big credit that's expensive these people are insane and I think this is the crap from a coal economy home chi Chi Omega yeah this is from the sieve Japan if you're following my hitchhiking an Instagram I put a picture from the Japanese that crack crabs from the sea and he was in Fukui Prefecture which is not too far away from chill toady it's a couple of one one or two Prefecture ZUP but the crab in this area so good you can see down there I just I don't want to wait in the line I'm and treacherous I don't think that was enough to make people wait didn't be honest with me whoa he's like wow look at Cravath should we take his trekkers maybe I can just buy his what do you think I could just buy his uh hi okay alright they got something to show me let's go inside this train station Wow okay all right all right I think you might have just already seen it but I'm gonna first I'm gonna show you what Dyson looks like okay I said is the mountain are you did there it is on the right this is Dyson mount Dyson and it looks like Mount Fuji because it's just it's just so big it just juts out of the other skyline out of nowhere it has that shape to Mount Fuji a little bit you can see right it kind of reminds you of Mount Fuji right so they call it the Fuji of the West die sent and yeah this is a vegetable festival as I've been telling you so of course of course made Dyson out of Negi and it kind of looks like it you can see the white the white caps the snow on the top if you can see how it gets darker the mountain they even put broccoli which is famous in this area Wow now that's a mountain take a really hungry person to climb that thing Wow it took them like ten hours to make this one last look at Nagy dice and you won't see this anywhere else I mean it kind of looks like it looks like the mountain right kind of yeah because they did a pretty good job I can see it I can see it look behind me what's behind me more utakata alright let's check it out so these are the mascots for another local area mo mo mo mo Chon and yucca ah cute look at their starry eyes what have they been drinking touch that's I like the little ribbons on the Wow and here comes here comes their friends they've entered the station with baby and on board it's so funny it's so funny this is normal for Japan this is like normal this is everyday life okay and every mascot has it has a friend to help them around this is the yo net uses back in town this is my station no not go on don't forget the baby everyone's getting the pictures here [Music] okay so we got some high school kids here Alisa junior high school junior high Oh Oh even nanny yet they musta let me cut Oh what wonder is gone teacher tea ceremony teacher wonderful shall we try some tea ceremony tea made by a junior high school students yeah okay let's try some some high school and some junior high school team oh look they are doing it look what's the going there they're making much up [Applause] look at the dedication and the focus in those eyes they're really focused on their job [Music] okay let's try some yeah so you sit down and I guess they bring you some tea all right this is pretty cool Aikido not gonna this is not normal this is we're inside of the junior you're not go station and they have they've have like this little TT room corner this is pretty cool I've been to this station many many many times and it's just like just like today and the instructor is telling them how to serve and how to make it a tea so it's pretty it's pretty good it's pretty good to get that kind of instruction tea ceremony it's something that [Music] I'll tell you man okay I think it does I Wow so we got this Oh cut it in half okay I'm getting a tutorial and then you chow down oh gee oh ah super definable okay let's try it okay that's really convenient all right this is like a made from bamboo to chop it in half okay they're not new agey nah see nah she nah she dr. Jung a jiggle my machine mingle Nessie it's it has the taste of Japanese pear yeah he didn't know the word ha ha ha oh [Music] honey Oh David I had a Japanese pear taste I'm not it's called naxi Oh how'd you get those I must wow that's much so they just made it the students very cool all right let's try this here we go matcha but do me better naked I don't know how to drink it there's a certain way to drink it [Music] ah sigh go somebody [Music] which gotta talk so the taste of matcha is Amarista [Music] this is real Japanese culture we're like getting the real Japanese culture here so much of it the taste is really bitter and it's got that foam to it which I really like but it's it's bitter it's it's got tons of caffeine in it I'm probably not I'm gonna be hyped up all day like this okay okay all right do you want to see the children's land let's go take a look at the at Kitty land and then we're gonna end the livestream or maybe I'll end with some food maybe you can always end with some food so the kids over there so anyways about the matcha that's pretty cool the junior high school students are learning how to make do the tea ceremony and one way to to learn is to prepare it and just keep doing it and do it in good doing it and then drinking it it's probably better to to give away the tea while they practice right so it's good to come to an event like this everybody wins so they get to practice the tea ceremony and we get to drink it and they get the practice serving the tea to the customers which is also every little detail is important the way that you serve it the way that you presented the way that you turn the cup these are things that are beyond me a little bit I probably should take some tea ceremony lessons to be honest with you I've been your way too long not to know enough that's so cool is that sunrise Izumo no way sunrise express they've juniors like main a little train thing this is the coolest thing I've ever seen Wow we have this sounds as well that sunrise Izumo a bobby-boy thank you very much from Canada no I'm not paid by anybody to come here this trip is is totally because I get I came here when I was hitchhiking and I promised some of my friends that I would be back and what I wanted to do instead of just going and making a video on an area for like a couple of days I wanted to go and live there and I'm trying to test out this theory that it has if I live in the area I'm gonna make better content I'm gonna learn more about it and then find more original stuff stuff that other people aren't aren't introducing on YouTube and that's why I'm here for an extended period of time now look I guess you can go in and out through the here this is really cool and then I think I might be too big for this but Wow what happens if you push the button self-destruct button yeah hahaha I like that's pretty cool very cool this is you're right in front of your Naga station so the event for this bet this is all a celebration of vegetables so yeah very cool I can't I the first time one of the most popular videos on the only in Japan channel is the sunrise Izumo it's the night the Japanese night train episode I did a couple of years ago it leaves Tokyo at at 8:10 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 or 10 p.m. Tokyo Station it arrives in yonago in the morning around 8:30 in the morning and it's the last sleeper train it's the last every day used sleeper train in Japan so I highly recommend if you're in Japan and you want to take a sleeper train try that one sunrise Izumo all right but one piece of one piece of information that you that a lot of people don't know in Japan this is once again this is your Naga station right and you'll now go has this statue in the front you see this this has a meaning all right this statue has a meaning does anybody know what this means is there anybody out there who knows what this what this statue is so if you know the kanji for yo na go in it is comment or rice that's a piece of rice and they put this out in the middle of the station you can see welcome to your Naga or right here but rice is important vegetables produce it's all really important to yo na go in this area Dyson and Dyson is the big mountain in the area that provides all of the water provides all of the fertile soil for all of the vegetables it provides so many things it protects it from typhoons that the the typhoons aren't as strong because Dyson knocks down a lot of the clouds and that line for the crab soup has not gotten any shorter I was kind of hoping but no it's still pretty long we get Sargent chicken out here with the duck lips Wow this is a new one what the heck is that it dot err dad chicken sunrise easily warm a spot hey goat on yes this is the junior mascot it's a train so everything needs a mascot in Japan mind you this is the train go through you can see it sort of looks like the train that we saw back there right very cool look at the hand looks like a big wrench it's Helen Ellis ah so this is also like for fixing the train you can see it's a wrench very cute and just in case the track still going out he's got wings to fly away I guess very good is this ah yeah run away see sneaking up on me that was a lot of fun okay so I've gotten a chance to try and a lot of foods even beer at in the morning which is crazy but this festival is a lot of fun there's lots of stuff to eat lots of stuff to try here eat an okonomiyaki wow this is like pizza wow this is like local pizza this is how Peja pan makes pizza shrimp and brown pizza well he's making cut again cut I'll get this stuff whoa Oh it's a new problem so he puts in in this cut I gave it it's not you it's not your normal karaage this one has herbs and lots of other stuff in it oh yes that looks so good [Applause] so we're eating the chicken the chicken mascot it's pretty funny the chicken mascots walking by and they're eating chicken right here this not really that's not nice is it Wow lots of meat being grilled being [Applause] [Music] Wow just like I like the sounds of the festival right I like the sounds that you hear the music the feelings you get being surrounded by a lot of people if this was Tokyo you probably couldn't walk there'd be so many people here which is another reason why I like this area of Japan it's not as it's not as crowded it's a lot more relaxed mind you it's not as convenient to get around there's no subway here there's there are buses but they're irregular you need a car but this is a sort of a freedom that you get the streets are not as crowded as [Music] Oh [Music] so as I was saying this is really it's it's just the people are so friendly and relaxed compared to Tokyo or Tokyo it's all I don't know I always feel a little bit more stressed out because of all the activity around and when I come out out to to toady or to other places around here I feel so much more relaxed might be getting hungry again there's less usually going on for an hour so I'm gonna cut it right here it's been a lot of fun I got to see quite a bit we started at the convention center the station is in front of me right here and we walked we started the livestream in here this is the convention hall it's all located pretty much in front of the station and there's one of the EON shopping malls here this one that one's some kind of an old one but it's a nice one so I'll be here for a couple of weeks doing live streaming and making episodes for only Japan so obviously I'll be in touch this is not the end of the live streams we're gonna have one maybe almost everyday so something happening something's happening here maybe not later today because the typhoon looks like it's gonna hit us the clouds are moving really fast so wherever you are in the world have a good day have a good night I might go back and try that that crab soup if I do check out the Instagram I'll have some photos up there see everybody bye-bye you
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 43,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Street food, Japan, Only in Japan, Streetfood, Tottori, Daisen, Yonago, Mascot, Tea ceremony, Matcha, Negi, JR, Japan rail, burger, yakisoba, 大山ワンダーフォーラム, 米子コンベンションセンター, yonago station, daisen brand, 大山ブランド
Id: 2phKEG2tl_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 33sec (3813 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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