Japanese Baby Registry Unboxing

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to my apartment this is the final chapter in what has been an incredible uh japan baby registry uh where i allowed a lot of viewers to everybody to just go into our registry on amazon and and pick some things that uh that either you had suggested to me to add to the registry or that i kanai and i thought maybe we would need actually we had two already of these as the packages came in we had to open them because our apartment is not that big behind me you can see you just check this out for a second this is crazy behind me you can see what just came in over the last um 72 no no the last 36 hours it's absolutely crazy i'm just panning around here i can't say thank you enough to everybody and there's an important message uh that i want to say in a second hold on a second this is so many boxes here it's incredible and it goes behind some of these boxes too i didn't do a very good job of of showing how amazing it is but this is all because of of of you so i i have to say thank you to this and this is an important lesson i think for for our baby leo is his name uh it's actually i i want to um do when can i and i talk about parenting in japan in another live stream when she comes back right now kanai is in the maternity home which is an amazing deal the city of tokyo subsidizes at least the ward that we live in to award subsidizes the stay in the maternity home by up to i think it's like 80 or 85 percent of the costs are covered by the local government so it made a lot of sense for canai to go to the maternity home where she gets massages three um like gourmet like meals that are really good uh for breastfeeding there's certain benefits to that so she decided to leave and i can stay here and get some work done and go to visit them because the maternity home is actually it's just kind of down the street it's about a 10-15 minute walk for me which is great um again one of the conveniences of living in tokyo but yes if you don't know already i i uh kanai and i had a baby about two no about 10 days ago wow it's getting bigger every day his name is rio rio in japanese which could be loosely translated as leo in in english so it kind of is a name that that straddles both america and japan the west and the east coming together rio has kanji and again kanai and i will explain the meaning of the kanji in another livestream coming up parenthood fatherhood has been pretty incredible the first thing i realized was that there are a lot of fathers that are watching and a lot of them a lot of them have reached out and given me advice all of it is very welcome and if you have some advice leave it in the comments below because i can definitely use it um i'm not getting a lot of rest i'm now reading a book about the first year of of being a father being a parent it's really important to be prepared kanai is learning some skills at the maternity home that she's going to teach me when when she comes back here she's taking classes there it's just incred japan is incredible like that i guess because we don't have as many babies as a lot of the west the population is declining here in japan however there is a baby boom going on thanks to the pandemic so there's something good that came out of this rio okay rio and i also want to ask your thoughts on one more thing uh what do you think about the name should we keep it rio which means river in spanish it's no longer a boy or a girl name it's just sort of a a name like chris or pat rio it's sort of a kind of feels like rio de janeiro has a fun feeling to it um his middle name will be james or we might just switch it i don't know how the us birth certificate works with in regards to the japan names or should we we take because that would be the literal translation r i o um the is the japanese um alphabet hiragana so li o so it would be r i o or l i o but ours seems to be more standard internationally uh for daddy dude and um i don't know just leave me some of the comments because i will read them after this live stream keep the name i i you know i i think i love the name rio rio rio grande there's a lot of real speed there's a lot of it's not r e o r i o l let me just make it uh in japanese they call it this is i i really want to get to the boxes but they call um leo for example leonardo dicaprio we say leonardo they say le leo so it's it's reionardo leonado reonado so it's kind of like re became rey i don't know how this happened i just know that it's a little bit confusing so it might be good to be consistent with rio and instead of leo but i i don't maybe i'll let the kid decide you know let him decide yes keep rio is is different because uh i think there's gonna be a lot of kids in school that have the name kai we almost thought about the name of kai but i just got a feeling there's a kai boom and it seemed to be better to give him a name that was more unique and he came out i i just felt like that was the name and i i didn't want to name him until we met him that was another thing we didn't we had some names but i didn't want him to name him until we saw him and get a chance to feel out his personality i think that that was kind of important to give respect to the kid let him you know and see what situation arises when he is born too because um in the native american world if you see like a wolf in the background that the boy might be named wolf which is actually a pretty cool name all right let's get to the boxes i i you know okay let me give you this message and the internet is saying rio keep it um this is something we'll definitely consider this is why i ask you this registry has been overwhelming we received over um and i can actually show you the registry we received over a hundred and how many it is a lot of stuff 120 gifts here i'm going to put you down here for a second and show you the uh show you the registry here um including aaron buggy we called because aaron got that and this just came yesterday the mamaroo 4.0 like there's some really amazing items i actually bought this the mandela like i couldn't let anybody else buy that so i actually bought that the panasonic um baby monitor some of the prices actually went up but we we um put this on the registry and every item was purchased i don't know if you can believe it it's incredible there's even this baby kimono which is so cute that we're going to be using um in the one month um ceremony that we take them to the shrine this is a baby warmer a nice mat of course we got some totoro items that were a favorite some really nice stuff and i can't say thank you for baby milk baby wipes a lion that he can chew apparently this is great um of course we gotta have to have richard scary books for a little bit later on breast pump holder i think kirsten bought that one in hawaii so some really good stuff and i can't say thank you enough uh for all of this we don't have we actually don't have an address a p.o box if you want to send stuff to us and i apologize for that danny's here hey danny danny writes in here um oh my god people are so generous you're awesome everyone hi john hey danny have a wonderful day i probably fall asleep soon yes sorry about that it's kind of late on the um east coast in the u.s tortora porco's here rio was born with many pre-existing virtual aunts and uncles he absolutely was and this is the message thanks thanks for reminding me this is the message that i want to tell everybody a lot of you who contributed to the registry have children of your own if you do have some items by the way please email me um or leave it in the comments below and i will actually add it to the registry if this is something that you want to purchase we don't know what more we could use and after you see the unboxing and the things that we have you'll kind of get an idea that maybe this was this is a lot of stuff i i can't imagine what more we would need but i think you can as parents so just let me know in the comments and i will add this to the amazon registry it's ongoing unfortunately i don't know how this happened but we these ducks um there we reached the maximum order of ducks so we have ten of these um this one was purchased by kiki and i have a feeling that there's more in there basically this kid is gonna be surrounded by ducks leo the lion with ducks it's gonna be really cute this is gonna be really fun it's gonna be really fun the message is a lot of you are parents and um again i've been getting advice from you but but i want leo to feel loved and i want him to understand what i do and i want this i want our son to have a great appreciation be able to say thank you and be able to share and this um registry has been overwhelming can i and and our family um kanai's family my fa i cannot believe how generous and kind our community is it just was we've done some really great things like the fireworks project we we raised sixty thousand dollars to help um the fireworks industry here in japan to put on our own show up in omagadi and akita prefecture we've contributed a thousand dollars to npo florence which is helping um little babies and kids that might not have parents or are struggling to take care of their kids we've been able to really help with a community-wide thing and we're going to do some more with with all of the generous people that we have here in japan hopefully more stuff up in tohoku i would like to do people who suffered after tsunami and earthquake 10 years ago are still hurting up there um but i really want leo to to understand this moment and another reason why i'm live streaming it is he is loved by so many people and in this pandemic especially in this pandemic i know a lot of people feel alone or lonely or not not loved or they can't meet their loved ones but through technology we can um we are so connected globally it is every every month every year every day i'm amazed how much more connected we are and this pandemic has brought a lot of people closer together in different ways and when he grows up and he sees this and he sees these things and he's five or six years old i'm going to have to explain to him you have a lot of virtual aunts and uncles like tortor porco just said and we have to really um um i i really have to explain this to him so he understands um i don't know to be to to say thank you to be to be humble and to share and maybe these gifts i'm going to allow him to maybe give to his friends after he's done with them and i want to kind of help him understand what it means to share what it means to um to also give and to give to charity to give to other people to help other people and not just think about yourself and this ex this registry has has opened all of our eyes i think because you're going to see some amazing love in these packages and some fun stuff too which is kind of cool um and if you have some children i want them to hear from me thank you so much you're what you and your parents have done is is amazing you've brought so much joy to our family and it's just because you are thinking about other people too and i think if we just keep doing this and if i can focus on on the stories of other people and focus this series and community to do some more good i think this is a community that i am so happy to be a part of until the day i die which will be never okay thank you there's my beef okay there's my into there's my speech for the day uh tanya r from mexico thank you thank you guys and gogeta 13 have a fireworks shell built in rio's honor i actually have i actually i think we sort of did but maybe we didn't give the message one of them was for was for family but i actually bought we actually bought two uh shakodamas um yeah it's it was a pretty cool story the fireworks project and we're still not sure what we're gonna do today without further ado let's get to this because i'm this is gonna take for a while this is gonna be a while in the making um if you have any questions again you can try to chat it's very hard for me to see the chat so i will maybe put it onto the screen here maybe i can put put this onto the screen and do it at the same time by the way i do have a new channel if you don't know if you're not subscribed to the new only in japan uh channel this last video is doing quite well with 100 and almost 160 70 000 views and this one you're going to want to see this condiment video is amazing um yeah there's some good episodes this one not a lot of people saw this but this is one of my favorites a story down in nagoya yeah uh where do i want to do oh i wanted to see the um see it right here okay maybe i can see the chats um go by here it's on the other side all right here we go i'm gonna try to some of these might not have the cards in it and i um they might have not have the cards in it so hopefully i'll be able to say thank you from a card in here this comes from jade jade s thank you so much jade this is cool i used to work in a factory i've got strong hands from opening cardboard boxes a fact that i've said like 16 times that i unbox it ah this is really important this is um oh okay this is a bat bassinet for the baby to catch him and we actually needed this for the bath that we have because he kept slipping down and this keeps him from falling in there so in a way you probably have saved our baby's life jade thank you this is a great gift j and b thank you from from jade yeah you guys are great i i i i'm gonna do my best to say thank you to everybody they're coming in hot and heavy so peter when it comes to children some surprise always show up let this help cover anything that might not be in the registry love from uncle pete thank you and we're already discovering that we we actually didn't have enough diapers and i'm already doing diaper runs one of the things in the registry we had diapers but they were a little bit bigger they're going to be really handy in about three months but he was under size a little bit he came a week early so we needed the smallest diapers so i'm already making diaper run so peter uncle peter i appreciate look we already have digital uncles this is awesome uh spring knicks congratulations missing you and the family all the best and covert bebop your channel has obviously meant a lot to the people i'm sure you will be back at a million subs sooner or later starting over has been so hard cobra bebop but this is the this is the thing that i want the kids to know like sometimes in life you have to work with what you're what you're what you're given and you have to find the route that makes you happy and i had to do that this uh last year to swallow something that i didn't want to but instead of complaining your dream your wishes are i was just saying we need a tight person look at this there's diapers here this is awesome all right alicia alicia l sending loves and support uh from mrs quills mrs quills thank you so much this is exactly what i'm taking this to kanai when i go to see her in about um in about an hour because i think that's what this live stream is gonna this is so and this is the perfect size thank you for this and we might put put a little bit more in the registry if anyone is interested in helping out really appreciate it um this squeals wait there's more no mrs claus did you get this too ah this is the richard scary book um that we all loved as a kid but look at this this is this is what makes this book awesome okay check it out it's in japanese this is gonna be so much fun for me to read too look at this i love richard scary's illustrations i remember as a kid i couldn't stop looking at them they're fascinating but they're in it's in japanese thank you mrs quills i know some of the books are in english and some are japanese because we want to raise them bilingual but i learned japanese through reading um chibi marakochan and children's books at first because everything is in in hiragana not in kanji and this is kind of really good for for babies and um foreigners learning english so thank you so far we're off to an amazing start i don't know how we're gonna how i'm gonna deal with all of these packages here um mrs quill's right in here i love richard scary you're welcome john i can't believe my stuff came so soon yeah amazon japan sometimes delivers same day all right because tokyo is so small i used to work in a factory but the tape is hard this is going to take a while oh wow amazon did did a really good job of gift wrapping this one here matt angstrom look up and add the shuster device it will help the baby sleep extremely fast all right um i hope you will live stream peter and his family meeting the baby yeah you know peter was in town recently but i was over visiting um kanai when he was in in the area so hopefully he'll come and meet the baby really soon i don't know if we're going to live stream it because we don't want to put the baby on on the internet so much but we kind of already have you know uncle peter is much beloved by everybody or almost everybody so cobra bebop yeah thank you again and uh wow the gosh you guys are coming in uh paddy highland for the diaper fun you got it patty sake of breakfast is here again not in registry fund you thank you hope you guys are staying safe down there in mexico we love we love uh um king wong i heard diaper run diaper fund incoming actually we'll be stopping at the diaper store is there a diaper store um kaizen 2013 v hello from canada thank you for all the content throughout the years congratulations to both of you thank you so much for watching for all those years and if i missed any i do apologize i will go back and and um try my best the youtube youtube app's been a little bit weird there's been some bugs a lot of bugs um where i can't read some of the comments or it starts late or it adds a weird time but uh i'll do my best to try to go back and and say thank you to everybody because uh oh uh oh this is from somebody who didn't want to name wanted to name the baby nosh bands d real selects thank you from d real selects two four feed lots of yummy food drinks all the time surrounded by amazing friends oh that's a nice card so it did come boom all right nagoya john's here i will be at wholesale store type oh gosh no way no way is this the box this is the box okay one you did not you did not two what how did this and they individually wrapped each one three you individually wrapped each one of these ducks oh my gosh what can i say maybe we should have named the baby something else it's crazy i was not expecting a duck to be individually wrapped although that's the way they do things in japan they individually wrap everything all right next up um who's this from christopher christopher k all right vic vic thank you from canada oh yeah this is something that can i had added and we really needed thank you so much these are um baby brushes here and she wanted something natural that was easy thank you john wakamatsu children are expensive and still support them for the for more than 30 years john there's no way we're gonna support little leo really i'll support him until i until i until he doesn't need support of course but did i just say that is this on the record forever can he use this against me no i had my fingers crossed i don't know this is really helpful thank you so much for this brush um it's a natural organic brush for his head because babies have have unusual hair i noticed they it's different than my hair so i appreciate it and um congratulations from ting and christopher k thank you thank you tang thank you christopher wow lot and lots and lots of gifts and i learned of my lesson break down the boxes while you can because afterwards it helps a lot all right next up i started i stopped using the razor blade because somebody said i was gonna destroy myself and never have kids again you know what i mean all right this package is individually wrapped is uh wrapped up like this it's beautiful they've done a great job with these um this comes from another leo this is from leonardo p.s iii uh jerry cho chang 2006 thank you from i can't see the the the country but uh i'm gonna say maybe philippines which is pretty cool sorry if i got that wrong yeah i appreciate it very much what could it be actually i kind of know but i we were just talking about this lee was wondering if the hat had come it has it's right here this is the cutest hat in the world it's got little cars on it and and check it out it's beyond just cute there's one of the cars a panda is driving it so you can see it's kind of a unique little hat kawaii yeah he's gonna be wearing this get the sun out of his hat uh sun out of his eyes thank you so much for this you're gonna see him wearing this i am sure of it it's a useful hat um next up is from uh margaret margaret w i will try not to say everybody's real names i was like is this another duck no this is so cool this one i saw on the registry is happy for you too much love johnny and maggie thank you johnny and maggie look at this so i'm gonna have to kind of open him out of the box here this lion and is so colorful i saw this and i said that if i was a kid i'd be fascinated look at the different patterns on it circles very colorful different textures and then his face is just so cute it and and leo is latin for lion so i thought that this would be really cool to put in his in his crib or suspend um for him to pull on or play with so we're going to put put the good use this is wonderful and it is not it's made in china but it uh hey in china but yeah so nothing that will destroy his health this is good it's a french company i think taggies i don't know awesome thank you so much guys i appreciate it awesome there's no end to this how long 27 minutes we got a double time okay mr das is in the house if only i guess lunch time is is if it's lunchtime it's a time maybe not enough maybe maybe tonight i am planning to to try to see some cherry blossoms this evening so if you want to tune in this evening if you're a subscriber you will have a wonderful time from cameron v enjoy your gift thank you cameron from cameron and let's see here okay and cameron actually has rio in his address which is pretty cool thank you cameron we're gonna see what it is in a second here break down the box your gift came in a beautiful bag cameron it's another duck all right so that makes five there's five ducks thank you that was a big box for one duck that was a big box for one duck so we have five ducks now we have a real zoo in this house all right next up is a um smaller envelope but in here size can be deceptive size can be very deceptive because leo from ravi a thank you robbie congratulations loads loads of love and good health wishes to baby dob from ravi in singapore thank you that's really kind of you and wow it is a gift card from amazon i appreciate it very much um we these gift cards um also will help us when we have things that aren't on the registry that we need to buy um sumida rubber duck parade or is it race nosh i don't think they're gonna go very quick depending maybe we'll do it in a typhoon i don't know how about a bathtub right i don't know we'll see we got so many ducks i think we can spare a few that's not that's actually really cool to say we can't spare any thank you ravi i appreciate it very much this allows us to buy things that are not on the list that i know are going to come up as well as the super chats here which is super appreciated from our virtual aunts and uncles and cousins this is like better than going to the gym wow so this is from sometimes they write it on the box hey from saint joe lee sang hyo thank you believe it or not it's a drama from the 1980s that i wish they hadn't have canceled do you anybody remember that drama the greatest american hero no i think it only had like one season one of my favorite dramas unfortunately didn't last as a kid congrats on the birth of yourself thank you got the card put that up here what could it be believe it or not it's uh yes it's a wooden train this is so the kanai really wanted to get this for the baby sun kyo you got it thank you so much this is gonna be something we're gonna be playing with um probably really really soon um if at least i'm gonna be playing with it and he's gonna watch but eventually he's going to this is uh um great we wanted to get wooden toys uh stuff that wasn't made out of plastic and this is exactly what we were looking for thank you so much it is made with no lead in the paint and we checked online appreciate it awesome my gosh this is huge i think if this is a duck in here i'm gonna be a little bit upset this is a big box for a duck i think we can do it less than three hours oh hold on i think this is stuff that this is kanai's stuff all right this is all right this is private what is this all right this is like for women okay never mind this is for girl stuff you didn't see that i opened that it's kind of it's actually kanai's there's no luck hard whoops i forgot she's still ordering amazon two for things she does it's feminine things i said too much all right moving along let's erase that sorry we're gonna have a lot of these for your daimyo packages by the way [Music] you're gonna make sure this is a lot in here where's the card oh hey this is from our friend kristen in in hawaii honolulu message um congratulations john and can i enjoy your gift thank you so much a lot of the things on the registry uh came from kristen and i cannot say thank you she's a mother herself and has been giving us um giving us a really great advice um with that uh hawaii the spirit of hawaii a lot of aloha coming in from kristen thank you and in here we have this is a really important um um safety um thing that floats in the bathtub so the baby doesn't go under the water so you put it around their neck don't worry you're still holding them but it makes sure that they stay uh upright and this is this is something that we wanted it's not just for the pool because you have the the wings as well but it keeps their head above in in the bathtub too um this is something that we we definitely a parent should put on their list thank you and this is a baby nightlight that we wanted because in our in our room we didn't have one this is something that um we're really going to use a lot i appreciate this it's it's kind of you touch it and you can change the change the um strength of the light another richard scary book yes this one's in english um i love these books the illustrations my favorite is lowly worm i don't know don't know why but i always connected with lowly worm because he was in every picture just somewhere in this background has richard scary's got a great sense of humor um this is important this is the mandela breast pump um shirt it looks kind of funny when you look at it but it's super practical the pumps go through it so that you don't have to hold them both on there um the shirt does that for you this is so useful i'm so thankful somebody got it kristen appreciate it tonight this is diaper number two so i'm bringing them all to the maternity home thank you and here's diaper number three i think these the pampers might be a little bit bigger um but super necessary because leo's getting really big thank you so much for all of the gifts from hawaii mahalo all right this is kind of fun but it's it's really is hard work here it's hard work uh image ali gave the ducks their own names we're gonna name the ducks after the people who who um purchased them which means d real selects gets his own duck you will be your name will go on something should be proud uh ec udi wish you kanai and leo the best thank you so much i see jason's in the house nice to see your buddy jason that means carrie's probably here too having lunch in australia who's this from hey this is from joanne a joan a um thank you so much joanne always joanne's also a supporter on patreon and i appreciate that so much for so long you're part of the family big time and this is a gift card a little something for baby dobb to treat yourselves from joanne a thank you thank you very much it's um in a beautiful envelope i want to hold the thing so it's in a beautiful envelope and we're going to open this up and use this for items that we haven't thought of um i appreciate this very much baby is is i'm feeling loved here too and i'm promising you right now i'm not buying beer with the with the gift money okay it's all going to leo i promise you there's no beer getting bought with this mr das okay all right i know he's he knows that i wouldn't do that but peter writes in here when it comes to children okay that's before but thank you peter for that super chat i'm trying to just to make sure that nobody is everybody is uh i say thank you to everybody which is hard to do i'm i'm not gonna buy beer with it i'm gonna use my own money for that i gotta oh hey this is from kenneth um kenneth h i believe it's sort of it's hard to read there's a smudge on it but kenneth thank you enjoy your uh hope you enjoy this uh dbz gift congrats on the baby johnny kanae from justin s thank you justin appreciate it very much from san fran awesome we have so many viewers from california gosh we have to go to california even though everybody seems to be going to texas we like california and texas texas is our second biggest i guess because they are the biggest states in the us texas and california and alaska but we have so many viewers from alaska as well which is which is great um justin let's see what we got here oh yes and i was like can i was like why did you order this and i go when you see it on him you will know this is a dragon ball z shirt for babies this is gonna be awesome justin thank you so much when we when we get them on and we'll get a picture maybe and then put it on there come on you had to get some some fun gifts i don't think kanai understood she's like we're never gonna use this and i said yeah we are and look if it's a registry we gotta put some fun things in there because i'm we're fun people i don't wanna be parents that aren't fun okay that was fun this one comes from diego diego l congratulations jonathan i really happy for you guys thank you thank you diego what do we got here oh no what so there's two of them this one's from diego how did that happen sometimes in the registry i only put one but we ended up with two i guess you ordered it at about the same time but this is the same one look at how cute that is isn't this cute come on this has to be i don't i don't know how we got two but that's i'm i'm not not gonna complain at all in both of these it's got snaps off so you can change diapers although you think if he's wearing a dragon ball z outfit he'd be able to change his own diaper you'd think but it's okay that's way too cute yeah kanai has to understand that we need to have some fun stuff although the duckies might have been too much having fun here whoa this comes from matthew h um i believe this is california it's a 4 9 zip code uh dear jonathan i can grant you the new addition to your family from matthew h this is this is pretty big let's see i'm gonna have to open up this plastic wrap and already i've destroyed my living room with with wrappings here oh wow i think this might be the what is it what is this matthew just taped it on here wow yes look at what they've done a really good job at making this dramatic here this is another richard scary book in japanese this is a hard cover and um it has things like hey there's lowly worm this has a lot of this one is bilingual okay so i kind of liked this because my cardboard here check it out you can see the words are both in english uh and in japanese and this is kind of good for him to learn both right it's nice boshi hat nice thank you so much for this book i i'm so happy that we got we got some books because uh for me this is gonna be a lot of fun to read them my one of my greatest memories as a kid was having books read to me and brought me a sense of adventure um to go to places that i never thought i would ever go to and another reason why i i came here was because of i think because of those books because i i love to have a sense of adventure and books can do that again another reason to turn off uh the tv and to start to pick up a book and i want the kid i want the kid to i want the kid to um to read a lot because reading is fundamental somebody said that was that bill cosby no reading is reading is good is this one of kanai's oh no this comes from this comes from uh amy i hope this isn't one okay this comes from amy w i don't know what can i order and what i don't want to open up kanai's gifts here um this is kind of neat is it it says from from amy w from lifelit i guess this is there's no card inside there's no card inside um i got more questions than answers not emailing me to say don't open it so that must be okay it's like i don't know if she's even watching she could she's probably sleeping we should be smart this is going to take an hour to clean it up so what's inside oh yeah amy thank you this is um a cloud-shaped bowl and um silver uh silverware not silver plastic wear for the baby and we this is something we can travel with i believe this fits inside this yeah so we can travel with these thank you so much for this this is something that kanai wanted to get for the baby and um they're gonna be really useful in the last unboxing we we got these baby chopsticks that the baby can use to pick items up without having to have the chopsticks fall out of the hands that's useful for beginners um with chopsticks thank you for that i appreciate it very much i guess it came from a reseller so i was a little bit confused the amazon marketplace is filled with small businesses so we supported a small business and that means i'm pretty happy because i'm also a small business owner this comes from james i thank you james i don't know why chopsticks weren't in that set but we we do have them sometimes they're sold separate james thank you so much these are right here um some baby sheets and i think james bought some more bedding for the baby i can't think this is so useful um we've gone through we have two of them but we we're washing one while we're using another one so these are super helpful um now like literally now i'm gonna wash these and start to use these now um hey maria congrats to you and kanai get the baby baby einstein i think we had a couple of stuff from baby einstein in the in the thing but if you can recommend anything out in the comments um after the video i will go and add it to the registry hello from from the greek in cali yeah yeah chicago african my family are immigrant from the u.s when my little brother was born my mom got a gift from an american that she thought was weird but ended up liking the most it was a diaper trash can right there right there uh even when full the smell was magically done you need to get one can i got a diaper trash can right here but i believe that there's some deodorizer as well and apparently gets rid of all of the odor and in the summer which is coming up really fast this could get this could this could go this could be bad so the the actually the diaper trash can it's gonna be a lifesaver maybe it'll smell like lifesavers thank you for that uh much appreciated and that's a good it's a good story the best present was a diaper trash can that's smart there's a lot of things that we just don't think about this comes from it says here amaz let's see let's open it up and see if there's a card inside i have a feeling that i'm opening up oh right this was something that we needed that was hard hard to to get purchased here um i don't have a name but i know i know this was purchased from someone we said amaz is written on here these are um these help to sanitize the the baby bottles and and nipples and pacifiers and you put this in water and we needed these very very important but it's not as fun but it's very very important so thank you for this i appreciate it very much i'm gonna send a big thank you i don't know why there's no letter on here um but that was definitely needed this one comes from it says aichi prefecture so it was sent from far away however there's no address on it but i used to work in a warehouse so this big box for this little thing this is a pacifier with a little teeny bear on it it's like a white bear and kanai likes polar bears obviously she's never met one in person um these d real selects we just opened your package like 20 minutes ago where were you just kidding no message what this comes from uh james so james thank you so much for the pacifier um i will be using this maybe really really soon for the baby and uh i appreciate that very much this is actually super it looks like almost like i gotcha pond in the back they should put some pacifiers in the gachapon machine this would be pretty cool the packaging is kind of outrageous all right let's get some of these smaller ones here uh this comes from miho k mijo this is from australia i believe i know who it's from thank you miho and matthew 2 and haruna so this comes big congratulations to johnny kanai we are so happy for you guys this is our friends from australia they come to visit japan um and i know miho going way way back matt miho and haruna thank you so much our friends down in australia good day mate hope to come down and visit uh to visit you guys appreciate the gift card i think it is yeah thank you thank you very much we'll put it to good use this one comes from hey another one from yeti uh yeti r um let's open it up it's from it says papa poo pool so you know it's got to be good awesome this is a towel that we that can i wanted it's a thin towel so it's easy to dry i believe it's a towel is it i'm afraid to open it up you have no idea of the mess that's in front of you i will show it to you turn it around oh right this is a um it's waterproof so when he does it so this this happened to me just the other day i call it a pinami it is where you're changing the diapers and then just pee start spraying out like like dude why not go in the diaper why would you just do it and sometimes on himself because of the direction the angle of the dangle and it was such a mess not just on the wall and i'm telling you this this his muscles are in one place because that stream was like a geyser all right and it got these wet so this is going to be so useful like right now all right it's a beavis and butt head thing and they said the angle of the dangle is directly proportional to the heat of the thank you wow from john w thank you john let's see what's inside i do i do need a face shield i probably do depends on the on the angle of the dangle hey john from from our friend from brooklyn congratulations thank you put the card over there more of these for a daimyo feels good when you get bags of air doesn't it well it keeps everything nice and compact inside the box all right thank you for the card and the ribbon say thank you to somebody here elvis camera hi johnny can i after unboxing relax and enjoy rio from xander ziara and ziaren thank you our three x's wonderful from elvis camera whoa jason i think not this is awesome we actually have one from kiki one for each room this is gonna be fun actually you know what having two is not a bad thing you know why because you can put two eyes on one now you could put two hats on one you could put the hat where his nose used to be this is gonna be so much fun and this is gonna scare kanai i don't know why kanai is scared of mr potato head i just know that she is it smells awesome thank you what's better than one two two two is better than one that's it's just kind of true story here all right get moving along moving along this one comes from james i as well thank you james all right thank you james oh yes this was so needed look at this look at these socks these are so needed um because he we've already lost like three socks i don't even know how um he kicks them off and they disappear and we don't know where they went i don't know it's like losing a sock in the dryer but it's so much easier to lose them when they're small like this so thank you and we're going to put gps tags on them don't know where they go i don't want to open i don't want to open canai's gifts and you know what let's move you let's move you to over here so i'm moving you to a new area which is good here a little bit closer to the boxes and i can i forgot that i have coffee oh my gosh there's so many boxes oh no look at this look at this there's so many more boxes to go hey katayama i just saw that pop up on the other screen the dust bunnies are using the socks like the sweaters i think it could be and the disc is disappearing again like that that stephen king show when i was a kid called i forget what it's called but the little they left the closet door open and these are no there's like a rabbit hole or something in the wall and these trolls came in and stole the breath of little kids and they had little daggers and they just sucked it out and while you're sleeping check it out you can google it stephen king baby death trolls cat's eye serious that was seriously freaked me out for years even now i make sure that closet doors are open it's just a habit before i go to sleep could be in the closets you just don't want anything that was in there to get out and also if you watch that movie halloween you know hiding in the closet michael meyer still finds you um congrats jk and baby dobb which is jkl like the alphabet abc jkl you get it john can i leo from siam thank you saya awesome hey yes this is i we we researched a lot of um a lot of gifts online and talked to a lot of people what what are some of the things that we definitely need this is one of them it is a baby carrier that you can use in the front and on the back this is a really good one that was recommended babybjorn um i guess the scandinavians really know how to take care of kids thank you for this this is gonna be used like daily when we start to take them out um not too long from now that's a great gift saya right from from california [Music] california mike writes in here congrats john use the boxes to build a fort i kind of am it's over there you have no idea it's i can't even get in i couldn't get in my house from before just i couldn't get out the amazon guys this is it wasn't even the same guy this but the same guy came a couple of times and he said he looked when i opened the door he could see all the boxes in there he was just adding to the to the incredible uh uh load and his he's just smiling he didn't say anything but his smile said all that needed to be said laura this is from our good friend laura kobe and and um randy down in ecuador wow laura has laura is coming to japan um to study with her son kobe kobe thank you john kimura i just saw that pop up with the message john and kanai emoji it's moving so quickly do you see that boom that's pretty cool i can see it on the big screen and laura who's also a mother of of of kobe a beautiful beautiful handsome 18 18 year old who's coming here knows exactly what we need baby wipes this is exactly what we need we have enough baby wipes till the end of time which is actually very important thank you so much laura this is a lot of baby wipes smells smells good smells good all right how many are left too many and we're 60 minutes in if somebody if somebody wants to take down the time codes of this i will put in a chapter playlist a chapter uh chapter table of contents but this is going to be a hard one there's so many gifts all right this one comes from scott scott m thank you scott sometimes they have the name on the outside do you see this box this box is for for this which is so flat it's weird that they just don't put in an envelope sky high nick thank you here's a gift via super chat congrats on your baby from ohio go bucks o-h i heard it i heard it you know it's hard for me to see the team up north in the sweet 16 but i do cheer on the big ten but reluctantly this this year wow look at this big album i love the packaging but then just so much of it um a lifetime of blessings to leo and your family that's a great message this the last thing that was in here was a book so i'm guessing that this is a book and this one is the english version okay so we have two of them one in japanese and one in english this book is the world's best a world the best word book ever it's the 50th anniversary i love this one because uh um again like the pictures in here are amazing and we're going to be using this for a long long time um not not just in in maybe leo and any other child that we might have in the future and these are also good to pass along and uh we let leo himself hand it to another another baby or another mother to teach him how to share and passing down books is a really good uh good tradition i think so thank you for that um we don't we don't have a p.o box or anything um yet but i'm working on it so if there's things that you want to send just keep in mind that we don't have the biggest house in the world but we're working on it if the new channel i used to have a channel with one point something million subscribers but i had to had to give that up um and start over and if if the new channel can get back up and we can make more income out of it then i think we can move to a bigger apartment but we're doing our best that's on me to make more and more and better content which i think i can do because i've done it before i've done it before i used to work in a factory i get excited over the things that we need right now these are this is formula in capsules that are so useful and so convenient um kanai is breastfeeding but maybe not until not forever and this formula is going to be come in handy and it came with little baby wipes this is the second one of these that we got so we are set with formula between zero and one thank you so much for this huh has any adult ever tried formula i wonder what it tastes like i mean what are we feeding our children shouldn't we know ourselves it seems like it could be they could make it where it is as good as a coffee there must be tastes like milk writes in jc i think i'm not i i don't i look i bring it up because i might try s f s m e m writes in horrible donna writes in try it jko adventures writes in barf mark [Laughter] herman writes the smell is terrible i know it stinks so why why do babies like it then you know maybe that's why babies don't like vegetables they you know so much because the the formula that they've been drinking is not good hey this is from penny i love that name penny maybe it's because i watch a lot of james bond and money penny is one of my favorite characters um so that was actually on our baby list penny as is a wonderful name and penny from from the uk i really appreciate this enjoy your time together as a family so whenever i send penny a postcard for the postcard club i get excited because i'm like penny i actually say say penny's name out loud because i get excited hey penny i say that with kiki too because i had a hamster named kiki and whenever i send kiki who's quarantined here i always go kiki every time i put every time i put the label on your postcard it's kind of it's kind of funny dear can i uh many congratulations so penny and kiki get extra extra shouts in my apartment i'm quite loud which kanai is used to oh right penny these are things these are yeah these are things that we definitely wanted again like we wanted to have wooden uh toys these are oh good lord these are hinoki these are japanese cedar these smell you have no idea how good these smell do you remember the like um uh sake cups um are made from hinoki our sucky barrels and there's a beautiful scented smell to them i'm gonna close the box and open it up just to smell them until he's old enough to play with these which is probably gonna be really soon thank you for these these are like building blocks for kids um we wanted something basic and this is what it is and they're made from japanese cedar which is uh really good japan has a lot of hinoki i love the smell of hinoki it's a very aromatic wood so so penny thank you for that this is i wasn't hitting didn't hit penny it's hitting other people enjoy your this time with your family it stinks i hope kanai is watching kanai if you're watching you can call you can call on facetime to say hi if you want but do so quickly because it's at six percent agrees with me hinoki is good hey baby bjorn is back oh look at the way that they do these boxes they really know how to do it here all right so this is another set um with bib fork and spoon and cup which will complement we know we we have enough babywear for for this baby and the next um i don't think we need a pink one if it's a girl i think they're pretty cool with with blue all right i put it over there thank you so much penny for this i appreciate it very much and the next writes in michael watson we're getting to the big items here we're getting to the big ones that would work if you have twins did you get a diaper bag um i think so we we have a diaper pail right here which i'm gonna open after these small ones okay actually the big item ones are kind of fun we're almost at the end i can't which is unbelievable and by the way if you did some send something from the registry there are several items like grace's uh uh grace from hong kong ordered um something that's gonna take a little bit more oh this is something i needs today this comes from ranjid hey uncle ranjeet from the uk it's here i'm taking these to the baby uh today okay these are little teeny gloves and we we buy these gloves because the baby was um we're cutting his nails but he would scratch himself and cut himself and not know it so the gloves come in handy and these are so helpful thank you uh ranjit we can tighten them a little bit and tie little bows here so we'll put them he's gonna be wearing these uh today awesome from uncle ranjit who i talked to a lot on the patreon check in and see what's happening over there in the united kingdom this is from sakura congratulations john and kanai oh only in japan item there are a lot of baby items that are extraordinary um in japan and and you can you can't find them outside this is one of them there's a couple of them i think maybe you've seen them in the other the first two unboxings this one check it out turn around this one is a um noodle cutter for udon and stuff and you see how it works here so you can just put this onto a tray of spaghetti and then you cut it up into little pieces so then they don't choke this is a lifesaver and it came in a little case that we can travel with which is great take it to a restaurant only in japan for sure noodle cutter for babies it's for udon and spaghetti and soba yeah thank you for this i love it only in japan item next up is jeremy alright damn your bubble message um congrats john and kanai may the family be blessed with laughter and joy always from d real selects finally you're here for this one what they said they put your card in twice because they loved it so nice so the duckies came in a completely different package little box nice package if this is a pancake duck i will be somewhat upset if you smooshed a a duck and put it in here because we have we have like five of them and there's probably more [Applause] hey all right and i'm gonna be saying hey for everything because this is super exciting there are more gloves how do we we we could use more of these so uncle ranjeet and dc and d real select you guys have now made our made glove paradise so we have two of them i don't know i guess on the on the um registry some things were thing but more gloves is good actually this is not a bad thing this is a good thing um and they're so cute too i could put this on the totoro that we we got as well thank you for that very much wow where do i start the bigger items here this comes from uh what looks like daniel daniel m kind of smudged daniel i have a feeling i know what daniel really what's the message here gift for baby dog from daniel m daniel mc um thank you thank you daniel i think i'm gonna pan down for this you have to see this here you know what i don't even know how this got on the registry so many times daniel didn't just get one oh no he got three now that brings a total up to eight eight ducks that have been received thank you daniel this is gonna be really fun for bath time all right if this is ducks again too i'm gonna be somewhat quacky ah ducks you know what because the other night when i was doing a nighttime cherry blossom i we raided there's a ducks duck area where all of the samida river ducks go to sit and uh in the middle of the night i went there i knew that they were going to be there and we raided them and about 20 ducks started going quack quack quack and flew off into the night i know who this is from this is from uh katayama who is is like a brother um katayama right one of our moderators he writes enjoy your breakfasts plural actually we went through these quite quickly this is kenai needs this because almond milk is delicious and if she eats the almonds it makes do the math may you have a healthy child for every duck received no nosh i was having a such a wonderful day until the thought of of five children came in and i'm i'm hoping that that um this experience with one is enough to make can i realize five is a lot all right let's see what we got here by the way thank you everybody so far this has been so much fun and incredible it's a it's been like a non-stop 75 minute party i don't know [Laughter] ah nosh really hey this is from our our good friend um from uh ted td str also known as tdstr on on um on the chats here might pop up here thank you so much for this let's see what it is inside i love being able to receive the gifts from everybody who is who's watching kanai is actually awake now she was sleeping my phone might be dead that's at four percent hey kanai if you're watching can we call you she's eating lunch i can try to call her let's see i don't know oh no that's somebody else um it would be kind of funny to call her i don't want to call her and then i want to use the i want to use the um facetime don't stop until you get a girl those are dangerous words my mother herself uh felt the same way and she ended up with three boys so how how much do you gamble do you try for the fourth apparently she did not agree with that i think a lot of parents probably stopped too oh this is the um this is gonna be this is somewhat private but this is going to be um very useful because you you take the breast milk and you can freeze it and then reuse it for when she's away or something this is really um uh a very useful gift thank you so much and there's a label on here so you can write the date on it and um um something very very very very necessary i think um thank you for the freezer bags did i read out the name who brought it here all right we're now we're getting to the big items oh we're getting close to the end and i need lunch this is from cheryl p cheryl p who's gonna i think might be here in the chat tobert dobb is that a real name tobert is a girl's name really a dozen ducks no i'm kidding cheryl p writes in here uh congrats i hope these help you to like oij discord help my trip to tokyo hugs from cheryl p um if you don't know about discord this is a an app that has connected this community like like none other again like we on patreon we have a community there but discord is just set up so much better um that we have a patreon only discord where i post a lot of photos and notes and we also have a general place that i also pop into where you can talk with everybody else after the chat there's a place for food there's a place for travel there's a place for anime and manga japanese learning where you can talk with everybody else who's in the chat here we have one of the best if not the best community on youtube about japan i feel strongly about that because you're seeing it right here right now it's amazing this was very much needed this is a boiling disinfection set so we can boil the bottles but we can also use this for the tablets that we received without having to boil them so this is super useful for so many purposes we also have a bottle dryer i believe is coming in really soon but thank you for this boiling set this is something kanai wanted very much to make life easier but wait there's more i used to work in a factory ocean spray a lot of boxes a lot of boxes i used to um i used to work in a factory in new jersey in south jersey and during the blueberry season because south jersey blueberries are great i'd be throwing the blueberries on the conveyor belt for people to pick it and it was a really intensive job but also i would be re-boxing uh the packages it was always every day through high school and college working there because the money was good in the in the factory but uh i learned a lot of stuff the people in the factory they know a lot of stuff about life too they gave me all these life lessons on things i should do and not do it's not a book this time in the envelope but it's a really good um uh i believe this is for for mama this is for mama so kanai would know what it is sweet mama from tokyo milano i think this is a cape so that covers uh for breastfeeding maybe so this is super useful um and i think she'll need it if she's around the presence of other guys and stuff like this but for me personally i don't see why mothers can't just openly breastfeed i'm not everybody's different i know but for me it's a natural thing and uh but we we should hide some things too i guess the older i get the less important it becomes to me i just don't care uh it's a super mom cape it very much is here we go they can openly do it but some prefer the privacy yeah i think in japan people and prefer the privacy i like a pda public displays of infection of affection is not something people show either in japan this comes from [Music] i can't read it haley hayley k maybe it's kind of smudged where the name is we'll see hopefully there's a card inside oh my word that is like a bobsled slope of packages all right this comes in a lot of plastics this is more this is the baby formula that was recommended by the hospital so we have a lot of baby formula here too for drinking thank you this is by hi hi baby formula this is the one that's very popular in japan there's a couple of them um this is the one that's recommended and i believe the capsules too are are similar but trust me these will all get used oh yes we so needed this and this is the baby sham uh laundry soap that kanai also likes called baby arau and we use this all the time um so this is super super helpful the refills are are good it's very very soft light soap for the baby and there is a card here um haleyk photography.net h a l e y k photography dot net free baby session awesome really from and there's another one here from the kuzniaks here in tokyo hey awesome thank you congrats on leo there's a third message here for each one of these had a message here so thank you uh haleykayphotography.net here in tokyo much appreciated for this gift of food again there's so much of it i might have to try it to figure out what this tastes like it's a great gift all right ramsay silent flowers to help you on the way to number two uh ramsay's silent but i did not say that because i was never here i know ramsay silent keeps me honest and keeps our house smelling really good we love ramsay silent nicholas g enjoy your gift um our friend from new york nicholas right i i was just i got a message from you just recently i believe we have a lot we have a lot of friends and a lot of friends and viewers in new york and i did every time i go home to visit family i stop in new york city because it's just you have to stop in new york it's although tokyo is the greatest city new york is the greatest city they're great cities so new york isn't new york is an extraordinary city let's put it like that and you have to stop in new york just to say hi and usually we get all of the new yorkers new york gets a bad rap for people they say people aren't friendly there i i disagree we have the people who come to say hi have huge hearts it's not everybody the city of new york is a very friendly place i love it new york has got so much energy ah but we still gotta go california new york's got a lot of energy thank you nicholas beautiful bag it came in oh nicholas this is great this is great yeah so this is the album that we want see these packages here these are packages that we mix and the baby will stamp his hand in it so we can more like um uh keep his hands and then after he puts the stamp of his hands in there we put it in this baby frame and we can frame it up there so when he's like 30 or 50 or 100 he'll have a 150 i don't know look i think kids in the future are probably going to live to like 600 years old because they can like 3d print their own hearts and and livers and stuff probably hopefully they'll come when i get to six age 100 too this is great present um we're gonna we have a little decorative little decoration on the side nicholas thank you for this um and this is going to be cool because when he does get to like age 100 and he sees and he shows his grandkids what we did today nicholas you're going to be a big part of that much appreciated and do not bang the photo album the photo frame on the thinks it's made of glass now we got we're down to the big items here uh siam just got home was so sure i missed the live not not this unboxing not this one was so happy to see it's still going on but happy to see uh i caught it at you're getting so efficient at opening the boxes i thought this would take two hours somebody said it would take three but guess what hour and a half looks like is what it's gonna be all right uh i'm turning you the other way for a reason here let me bring this down cause it's on the sofa there you go all right now we're into the bigger items we're gonna start off with this here this can i really wanted to get this um so we got we put it on the registry and it came this is a baby steel diaper pail that we're gonna be using immediately oh it smells like a steel diaper pail wow oh this is the cardboard that you can get paper cuts from you have to be careful thank you for this gift of gift of of preventative nasal disease all right this could be really bad without having something like this this is really cool because it has like different compartments and stuff that you can lock it and keep the smell in it's locked it's child proof so there's lots of little things to make sure that you can keep the diapers orderly i think this is a um a deodorizer uh pale uh place for the deodorizer maybe or you can just you don't have to open the whole thing you can just open up the top here you know what i'm just gonna move on kline knows how to do it mj my today's you shouldn't be wearing a hat inside and i try not to but you know i'm not good at combing my hair here we go this one oh let's go with the big one here let's get it out of the way ah this one comes from an unknown person all right so maybe hopefully there's a card inside whoa how do they come up with with wrappings that are this big hey from kathy z congrats john and kanai from rich and kathy thank you rich and kathy awesome all right and the gift wrapping is beautiful i think it's going to be hard to break this box down so i'm just going to put that over here all right come on over here all right that's good all right this is a big big big big bag wow it would have been more fun with kanai but seriously i couldn't keep the boxes here i couldn't get in and out of the house and the weekend seems to be really good for a lot of you to be able to join us okay oh okay okay okay okay okay i know what this is now this is the um high chair i believe hi chair i wanted you know i always wanted to get a high chair for my desk not like a high chair for babies but like a high desk so i'm kind of jealous that the baby gets a high chair it's not fair it's all right i'm not i'm not the jealous type really not really sort of okay this is something we'll be putting together really soon okay yeah it's a high chair i'll take it out i like this also i think it was was it made of hinoki i think this is made of wood which is another which is something that we were really uh what's really important to us i like the fact that it's not made and made from ikea because it takes forever to put those together oh did i just do that with brute strength i haven't even been going to the gym all right here it is oh right so this what i liked about this was that um you can make this a baby chair that sits on the floor or you could use this to raise it off the floor for another um like half meter so that becomes a high chair so i like the fact that you could do that you have the flexibility to to use and in more practical ways so thank you for this baby chair that turns into a high chair that's a really cool uh idea and it smells really good the wood smells better than what this house smelled like before oh like it smelled like yesterday's dinner all right all right now we're here at the big item uh big packages here not heard but the scissors are over there hold on they're all underneath stuff where'd it go i can't find the scissors anymore it's all good i used to work in a [Music] if factory use brute force usually things open or you break a finger now fish your price i've heard of them oh this is the jungle this is a um was just here hey waiting for the day john starts teaching karate to leo meanwhile john find yourself mr miyage mr miyagi actually there's a mr miyagi down the street i can tell because it says so on his door i think it's a different mr miyagi but you never know unless you knock this is a um i don't think i'm going to open it up but i want to show you guys thank you so much for this this is going to be so much fun for me and for and for the baby so it's um how do i say this here uh it is it is a a jumping jumping jungle gym of of a fun and apparently he can has bungee cords so he can after my bungee experience i thought i would share this with the baby uh fortunately it's it's a lot less than 100 meter drop and he gets to just drop for like five centimeters or something looks like fun doesn't it like he looks like hey i'm budget jumping we can attach things here to make it really fun yeah and interactive but i'm gonna be jealous too now i wanted do you see do you see this here um i wanted to get when i was a kid one of my my favorite things that i sort of remember was having a like a a door jumper like a wall um door door frame jumper um but like people got really people said it was dangerous so they don't do it anymore you can attach it to like right here and the babies jump i remember doing my little jump jumping uh from the door but apparently it's dangerous so we can't get it i don't know um but we got this instead for now if if we decide we i guess we'll just buy it with the gift cards which is really cool um jump johnny jump up i think that was what it was called yeah this is from the 1970s and 80s like yeah 1970s i think they bought it but i have pictures of the johnny jump up on the front of it and i was it was summertime and i was like naked and i was you know we didn't have a lot of clothes back in the 1970s apparently hippies and um there's there's some pretty nice photos of that yeah thanks yeah cool all right next up is this one here that i actually would put it on the registry then i took it off and then i put it back on there um this is something that was recommended uh from my friend um from my friend lindsay who lives here in tokyo she's got three three kids there's one two three i think three two girls and a boy and she said this thing is so useful get get this um i don't know if this is if this is the if this is um if i should open it up here but i should say who this came from and there's no label ah why you used industrial glue no no no ah all right you know what there's no there's there's no um card here it's something so satisfying with just destroying something beautiful this catch line from from uh fight club all right you know what hold on a second i'm gonna get my iphone and then see from the registry who gave us something that's a nice one can i not call it's very disappointing uh your registry this one is a main item let's see here oh this came from all that it's gonna say maybe doesn't say who this came from what is it is it um i don't know oh you know okay i'll figure it out but there's no card or anything it just is listed as purchased and nothing so thank you for this um secret santa i am john's empty box craig porter writes in here i used to work in a factory that's for delorean james just to make you happy all right thank you for this what this does is it rocks the baby it rocks the baby uh by bluetooth or something i can control it it's it's it's extraordinary um technology and um you can mama can cook put the baby here and then it'll go like this and makes the baby happy i think it plays music and does other stuff thank you we'll figure out who this came from and say thank you i'm getting cardboard dust in my lungs i did not learn that in the factory this comes from armando b thank you armando armando b oh awesome these are um blankets that are are very 100 cotton blankets they i think blankets used to be 100 cotton in the past right and then they became polyester but these are our cotton blankets that we definitely wanted thank you armando these are lifesavers because we're going to wash these in the baby detergent that we got and i'm going to take it to kanai today thank you i'm trying to move along because i want to get this done in an hour and a half which i think i failed you do not want to see what my house looks like right now i'll show it to you in a minute hold on hey this is from katayama again hold on is this what i think it is i think it is what i think it is i think it is what we think it is i think i think it is okay at least for the baby these are really good so not for these are not for s'mores are they these are for hummus or something else that's why you were asking me the other day he asked so katayama takes care of us with with um important important vitamin issues like almonds and whole wheat crackers but then he asked how the whole wheat crackers are it's like well we don't really eat them here in japan and it's a little sweet so we got these thank you for these actually i'm going to have that for lunch which is was 30 minutes ago that's funny that this one came in last it's not duck foo who wrote that my friend indy duck food i am not giving katayama's gift to ducks unless he commands me to here and he's okay with it all natural he said unless he says it's okay to give to the ducks i'm not gonna give it to the ducks it's human food that's weird you don't do you really feed the ducks human crackers really some weird weird people food no moshi that is not going to the crows at all toby does get nothing toby gets nothing i can see the screen over there uh hey uh naveen r thank you for this this comes from naveen a very very needed gift one one that i'm taking to kanai in the maternity home today so i'll be taking one of each of these she asked for three bags that's how much elite leo is a poop machine all right he's a poop machine and i actually have songs i'm thinking of recording an album actually where i've created songs based on the situation that i'm in regarding the baby one of them is called poop machine enjoy your gift from navy r i don't think i'm going to personally i navy i won't personally enjoy this gift but i can say leo will very much appreciate it i love having plenty oh that's not good i'd love to have fun here all right this is the last one i believe believe it or not this is the last one this is not good look at this look at the destruction kanai look at your house can i look what i've done this is the eyes of a madman this is how i can't believe i've been doing this for an hour 106 minutes the asian nerds rights in here for diapers look each one of these diapers that you purchase i have to change okay but it's greatly appreciated actually the the more diapers you change the more efficient you become just throw it you become with the diapers this one comes from janine janine b thank you there's only four numbers in it so i'm guessing this could be australia don't be wrong in australia the the zip codes only have four numbers and in america they have five so sometimes it gives it away it doesn't say the country um but enjoy your gift this could either be a book or something similar i appreciate this very much janine very nice packaging put it in here it is a book it is the book hold on this is one that was ad asked asked for me to to add in to the hey craig porter i'm curious is it easy to recycle in japan it is it's very very easy all these boxes on thursday or is it wednesday or is it friday at the end of the week which is a really long ways from now i have to store these on my balcony and then when they come to pick it up uh the night before i put it outside then they come in the morning while i'm still sleeping they wake me up with the cardboard man this is called shinkansen de ico nosho like this is somebody who plays um denchadeiko this is a book about shinkansen um all right a lot of these gifts people asked me to add them and then i added them and then somebody else bought it before they could this is crazy right this is what i this is what i call love like when people are that excited to contribute and again if you have some ideas for the baby registry what you didn't see here or in the the other two videos put it in the in the description put it in the video uh comments and i will add it in there and this will be the last round then because um it's just do you really enjoy these baby videos if you do click the like button let's even get a thousand likes uh from a a baby unboxing if you do maybe i'll do a fourth round for anything that comes in because this is kind of it's kind of fun but it's also insane all the big items are done for sure there's this is the tohoku shinkansen on the back we are riding this on april 3rd with peter japan rail jr east is giving us our own qing content and we are going to ride it from tokyo to shin aomori and along the way there's a celebration on the platform of eat station before only in japan i don't know how we swing these amazing things this is going to be a cool experience and i'm going to live stream the celebration from tokyo station's platform we have permission from jr japan rail this is what you subscribe for and the more subscribers we get the more access we get and as the pandemic comes to an end i'll be able to take you live streaming into some really cool places by getting access to do that live streaming is a way to bring you with us and experiencing it which is so cool i can taste the cardboard dust it's reminding me of my days when i used to work in a factory introverted otaku john i haven't been able to tune in lately as much but i saw the news when i got the notification from youtube last week congratulations to you and can i i'll catch up on the videos i missed recently it's only like it's 12 hours of videos too it's a lot i realize that and uh reich uh ray ray ch writes in here i love your videos congratulations on your precious baby boy it goes by fast enjoy every moment thank you for that thank you all for the super chats i i know i probably missed some lisa oh once things settle down i'd love to see a blind baby food taste really we could we might be able to put that together maybe i should invite my friends uh satoshi and shinichi for a i think they're getting maybe they're getting tired of convenience store food and perhaps they'd like to try some baby food from around the world i don't know somebody could recommend it to our to my good good friends uh at the tabby eats channel um maybe baby food would be pretty interesting to put onto the uh to the channel i bet you that would get a million views i'm just saying it's a good idea i'd love to see and i would eat with them too if they want a collaboration i'll try the baby food all right i will try it um baby food challenge that's that's pretty nasty let me just look inside this book here oh look at this it's like a conductor i love that i you know what when i was a kid being like a bus driver a truck driver i wanted to be somebody uh who who drove this is so beautiful look at this book for kids with the shinkansen this is awesome wx turbo is in the house i saw that look at the map of japan with the shinkansen i think i want this book dr yellow and a full complete map fold foldout the greatest book ever look at that oh man i know what i'm reading tonight never mind that big book on your first year tonight this book is getting a good reading and it's all in hiragana so i don't have to know kanji thank you for this this is an amazing end to what has been an epic can i use that word epic unboxing of epic proportions um rynic ldd ld please remember to give us a tour of the entire train when you're in the private shinkansen i will totally do that and i will see if i can walk from one end to the other um there are 100 people coming to ride this train i guess there's going to be the whole train is for us and there's going to be a lot of social distancing but it would be pretty cool in a live stream to walk from the grand class and we get access to the crane class which is awesome walk from the grand class all the way to the other side of the shinkansen train i don't think anyone's ever done that before because they didn't have permission but we can do that and then say hi to everybody in kind of a party shinkansen train a celebration for the jr east new rail pass which is uh started it's a tohoku pass i got to give a shout out to jr east they've done something amazing they're so good because there's not a lot of tourism in japan but there are millions of foreign residents living in japan a lot of them in the tokyo area so this tow this jr rail pass the tohoku toku rail pass is five days of unlimited shinkansen travel up in the tohoku region starting in tokyo and you can um uh and tohoku is a huge area this ticket will save a lot of money and really encourage tourism and it's a jr makes i think i think it's 20 000 yen for this pass which is a steal because one trip to aomori costs 15 000 yen like 14 600 yen i think so almost the whole price but you get five days of limited travel and you can be a resident of japan you don't all you need is a foreign passport so i think um you know jr east is doing some really cool things to try to help tohoku and encourage tourism up there and i'm really thankful for the opportunity to work with them on this uh we're gonna do a live stream peter and i at the jr rail cafe at tokyo station they're giving me access to these amazing things i'm going to try to live stream once a month from the jr east from the jr rail cafe in tokyo station bringing you stories um from travel around japan in live streams it could it might be uh i don't think it's gonna be twitch probably something here on only in japan go maybe twitch too i don't know but i think it's gonna be pretty cool to connect up for my love of trains with the help of jr east and the japan rail network it's going to open up some amazing amazing stories and as the new channel grows i have no doubt we're going to hit a million subscribers again we have the best community a lot of you don't know about the new channel because 80 percent of the people who watch aren't subscribed yet i know it is confusing but the the channel that i used to produce i don't make videos for them anymore um we just didn't have i i've already explained this but we just didn't have didn't see the same direction in the future um the brand is mine only in japan is trademarked by by me i trademarked it so it's it's not something so they had to change the name of that channel but there's no there's no anger it's just something look i'm i'm too i'm i'm now at an age where i don't really get upset that much there's nothing i could do about it for my own happiness and for what i wanted to do to help japan which was i didn't i don't do this just for the money i do this for the love of the story i love to chase stories there's no better feeling than to come up with an idea and to see that come to fruition to the end and then upload it and that's and then have a viewers enjoy that work that you put a lot of love into just like a chef making food it's the same with creating a youtube video you need to collect ingredients and put it all together in this beautiful edit which is the uh only in japan channel and i wanted to do high quality videos and i didn't didn't need to do like 20 a month um we just had different different ways to to go about it and it was a it was a sad situation but 2021 has brought up brought in so many um so many wonderful things um is today thursday today's trash day oh my gosh i gotta go take out the trash uh so many wonderful things and i'm so thankful for um for this uh for the goods here and for your support once again we're so connected if you have children tell them that somebody on the other side of the world is so appreciative of your kindness and giving and sharing is i guess this is something that maybe we forget a little bit in the modern age but something that we should definitely teach our children as we become so insular based on social media um this is something that we are we that all brings us together so thank you see you in the next live stream everybody have a good day have a good night wherever you are leave me any questions in the comments below see you next time everybody i do need some sleep i do need some sleep and i need to do a lot of cleaning i did a lot of cleaning i'm can i i'm very sorry if you're watching this it will not look like this when you get back baby it's gonna be fine it's
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 28,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, baby, Shopping
Id: uWqLk8aaMv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 49sec (7069 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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