WOW! This Jewish man turns to Jesus and explains why in a way you never heard before!

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here's what you need to do you've got to first shave your head you dress fallen black you've got to wear a white robe eat only kosher foods you've got to become a vegetarian you face Jerusalem you've got to face India when you pray you pray only in Hebrew and you grow a nice green beer and if you do all of those outward cultural things you'll discover the God of the universe I'm thinking this is crazy that someone thinks that they can force their culture on God and that God's going to be impressed by what you wear what direction your face when you pray what you eat all these sorts of things it seemed to me that if there was a God out there who could be known he should be able to be recognized no matter where I face no matter how I'm dressed because he's God growing up we always understood that we had our Bible and the Gentiles had their Bible in the New Testament and that they were two completely separate books because the only people I knew who were believers in Jesus were all people in our public school or Italian Catholic I imagined that Jesus was Italian and so the understanding that he's actually Jewish was was a shock and then to hear that the New Testament was written by Jews I couldn't believe it my expectation was that the New Testament was like my grandparents had told me it was a a book on how to persecute the Jews and it's something you should stay away from of course when you're told you should stay away from something curiosity gets the best of you and you've got to see it when I opened the New Testament I was expecting to find a handbook on how to persecute the Jews my grandparents had warned me that it was written by people who killed the Jews that's what I was expecting to see and yet when I'm opening it I'm reading a story written by Jews about Jewish people the New Testament was a fascinating and so as I open this book in the library I kind of looked her found made sure that none of my friends had seen me up taking a Christian Bible off the shelf I open it here's the first sentence it says this is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David the son of Abraham so three people are mentioned and they're all Jewish I was very shocked and as I continued to read I'm reading the story of the Jewish man who was born in the Jewish village in a Jewish country and one day walks into a synagogue and announces that he is the Messiah the more I read the words of Jesus the more I became attracted to him it was as beautiful as anything I had ever read in any other part of the Bible as I came to faith that Yeshua that Jesus was the Messiah it was clear that that was the most Jewish thing I could do this is not the person is a renegade to our people this is the one who was promised in our Bible the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah it is astonishing if you would just read that chapter just without the Bible being around that you would say oh this is some Christian Bible this is Jesus when he realized though that it's in the middle of our Bible our Jewish Bible when I first came to faith I dared not tell my father because this is a time period in the 1970s when there were lots of gurus and cults and he was very concerned about me getting involved in some crazy sect and going off someplace so I waited for months and when I finally told him he was very skeptical on his own then he started to read about Jesus as well about a year and a half later I told him that the fellow who wrote one of the books that he had read that this felt was giving a lecture in the city of New York and he agreed to come out to hear that person and one of the most amazing moments of my life was the speaker said would everyone here who is a Jewish believer in Jesus would you raise your hand and I raised my hand my father also raised his hand and I said I looked over I said pop he didn't say what all the Jews raised their hand and he said with all the Jewish believers and Jesus raised their hand and my father looked over and he said yes I heard what he said the decision to come to faith in Jesus as the Messiah was not something that was a momentary lark it wasn't something that was a passing fad and I could see changes in myself but I knew were not from within myself I had kind of tapped in to a truth for our Jewish people that was very powerful [Music]
Channel: ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry
Views: 2,801,810
Rating: 4.8696079 out of 5
Keywords: Jews, Yeshua, Christ, Judaism, Christianity, Christian, Jewish, Jerusalem, Bible, saved, Israeli, Jesus, i am second, testimony, messianic jew, Gospel, Hebrew, witness, Israel
Id: 5sMEkGoojbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2015
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