To Know God's Will, Know Gods Wheel: Pastor John Kilpatrick. Brownsville Assembly of God

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how many have you brought your Bibles this morning hold him up let me see them oh I'd love to see those Bibles you're not great look at this you like a car hey all right that's great now let me share something with you this morning this is going to be a little bit unusual out of the ordinary because like I said we're going to be reading some many scriptures but I want you to know when I get up here like this folks we don't have anything to prove and we're not here to try to impress anybody my main concern today is that I want to see you help to minister to and I know what it means to go through trials I know what it means to go through fiery persecutions I know what it means to be on the will of God I know what it means to be on the satanic attack I know what all that feels like and I know many of you are there how many of you would say today that you fit in one of these categories number one that you're either under satanic attack number two or that you're being shaped and molded by God for something our number three your suffering because you've done what's right because of your hand please Wow okay so I think we've got the right sermon I'll get to the messages in just tomorrow's the scriptures in just a moment God told Jeremiah he said Jeremiah want you to go down to the potter's house he said I don't want you to buy it I don't want you to buy the potter's house I just want you to go down there and learn something God said I've got a man down there working and he's working on a wheel and that wheel is turning it's spinning and the Lord said to him he said I want you to watch that Potter he said because what that Potter is doing with that clay that's what I'm endeavoring to do with Israel and with you and you know it's a strange thing whenever the Potter sets down that was probably the invention of the first wheel because the potter's wheel goes back a long long way as a matter of fact did you know that just about everything that God created he puts it in a rotational mode even the planets rotated the nearest star and the farthest star the constellations the planetary the interplanetary systems even the moon rotates around the earth the seasons rotated the months the hours the clock goes in the form of a wheel so I don't understand why but I do understand that God at times will put us in situations where he's going to try us and God at times will let us go through situations where we're going to experience pain I remember reading a long time ago about a man that was out fishing and he was sitting out there in his lawn chair and he's fishing off of a dock and he noticed as he first sat down there and started fishing that there was a butterfly coming out of a cocoon and it was struggling the cocoon was moving the butterfly was beginning to struggle and it got little tips of its wings out and it was struggling so hard as he noticed he sat down there was fishing for a number of hours before we had to go to work and as he first sat down he noticed that just the beginnings of that butterfly was coming out and after watching it and fishing for hours he had to go to work and only just a small portion of that little butterfly had made its way out of that cocoon and so he thought well I've watched this struggling how long enough and before I go to work I think I'll just help this butterfly out of its dilemma and so I took his fillet knife out of his scabbard and he took the rest of that cocoon and just sliced it to help the butterfly out when he did the part that was developed and the part that was not developed fell like a blob of mucus onto the slats of that dock and what he tried to help he actually destroyed and there's times as a pastor that I've seen people struggling there's times that I've watched and I've seen people going through things and I could see some development but boy I hated to see him go through the pain my own children my wife people in my church I just hate to see people go through pain I'm a fixer always have been if something's wrong I want to fix it if something's about to go wrong I want to keep it from going wrong I've always been like that can't help it and even pastoring a church I've noticed before people going through financial straits I want to bail them out people going through marriage problems I want to fix it but I had to learn a long time ago that I didn't have the money to bail everybody out and I didn't have the wisdom and counseling to get everybody out of their marriage problems and I didn't have the wherewithal to help everybody go through the things that they had to go through as a matter of fact I watched it so much until it almost got me down and I finally had to learn that I had to put my filet knife back up and not cut any cocoons because you see if the chicken can't pick its way out of the egg it won't make it anyway the chicken has to have the wherewithal in that egg to pick its way out to make it and that butterfly if it can't go through the struggle and work its way out of that cocoon and give it time to develop it let nature take its course in the other way it's going to fail and I've had to learn in the kingdom of God that there's times that we're going to go through things that we don't understand struggles tribulations persecutions onslaughts attacks misunderstandings some of it will be continual some of it will go on for a long long time some of it will be over pretty quick but I have to understand that there is a Potter and I also have to understand and you do to that that Potter has a wheel and if he's going to make out of you what he wants to make out of you you're going to have to submit to some suffering now in this revival we're having a wonderful revival people are being saved coming into the kingdom of God but it's one thing to be saved being saved and delivered from darkness to light is a great event and a person's life but the new birth alone will not perfect you the Bible said let us go on to perfection let us go on to perfection salvation is like digging the hole and pouring the slab but are you going to stop with the slough getting saved it's what it takes to get to heaven but most of the time it takes God a man or woman's whole lifetime to get them ready not for heaven but to get them ready for life and to make them liveable in a marriage and to make them parents that are scriptural and to make them workers in the kingdom of God that are able to help other people I noticed David after David went through the hell that he went through God called him God blessed him but God broke him for 15 years he went through persecution trial the heat of adversity and after he went through his heat of adversity after he came into his blessing his provision where God wanted to give him to the nation gave him Judah and Israel to rule over first before he ruled over all the tribes but as soon as he became a ruler and God gave him as a gift to be a ruler one of the first things he did was he wanted to bring in the broken Mephibosheth and he wanted him at his table because he wanted a reminder of those that are weak and those that are unable to help themselves because David want a reminder that that's where he was and I think friends that many times whenever God brings us into our provision we must not forget where we came from God told Israel he said Israel I want to give you a land of milk and honey I want to give you all these wonderful things but he said now when I bring you in don't forget me don't forget me I don't know what it is about blessings that makes us forget about God and I want everybody listen to this if you forget about God that will necessitate a problem amen if you forget about God and if you start going into the power of your own flesh that will necessitate a problem and Holy Spirit will Taylor make a problem for you to bring you back in line he will Taylor make it now I'll tell you something about the wheelwright quick before we get into all these scriptures you really can't know God's will until you embrace his will and I want to ask you a question everybody in this room needs to answer this which prayer do you want Lord put me on your wheel use me prepare me make me and send me is that your prayer are when the wheel gets to spinning will it be your prayer Lord take me off this thing I can't stand it how many has ever said I'm gonna fast well god saves my whole family and before supper you've had a t-bone steak amen you see your prayer is oh god I'm willing to faster you save all my whole house but when the pain sets in I'm hungry lord save them quit you didn't perceive what was going to happen to you I tell you Prentiss a great blessing for us not to know everything that's going to happen to us you see you can't perceive whenever you pray that prayer God put me on your wheel matter of fact whether you pray it or not God is going to do it anyway but you can't perceive what's going to happen to you and every time you draw near to God I want to warn everybody in the chapel listen up every time you draw near to God you must understand and get ready that things are going to start going wrong perceiving it and get ready for it every time you draw near to him God will start the wheel spinning he'll put you on that wheel and you'll begin to experience things you can't believe now last week since that hattingh was here it was good what now or didn't you rejoice in what she had to say uh-huh [Music] Oh wonderful didn't that sound good Oh everybody here heard that and they said who bill Renee god I feel that let's see how you feel six months from now [Applause] in other words this thing is going to move from revival and the healings everybody says oh glory to God well it won't happen right off because God's gotta get us ready for it how many has ever been blessed and it rend them how many has ever had a miracle happen through their ministry and it destroyed them you got to get on the wheel and God's got to fashion you and get you ready for that to happen to you you see friends God's not making a bunch of plastic folks and God's not making some stocks made out of vegetation God's making a Church of steel that will be able to stand whenever the blessings come and the trials come God is making men and women of steel now I want to cover some scriptures with you today and I know that these are going to be a blessing to you turn to Matthew chapter number five we're going to go to a lot of scriptures a lot of them I may stop after each one and talk about them a little bit look at Matthew 5 verses 10 through 12 how many I wonder how many people God really has that he can trust with powerful gifts I wonder out of the whole body of Christ all of us worldwide I wonder really how many people out of the body of Christ is God have that he can really use not trust necessarily but that he can really use without it destroying them sometime if a person has a miracle happen in their ministry the first thing they want to do is write a book on how to do it you know and then they want to build a great ministry off of that miracle but you know miracles ought to be commonplace and they ought to just slow these signs shall follow them that believe but there's something about the American Church I think we've been so Americanized and we've been so successful oriented that whenever God begins to bless us and he gives us a miracle it winds up destroying it pride moves in we get an elevated self-image we blow up to begin to boast we begin to be invited to conferences and conventions we walk up and strut up to the platform like listen to me I'll show you how it's done amen and I really wonder how many people God has that he can use and that he can trust with major healings before revival broke out at Brownsville we preach strong holiness but I began to preach strong holiness whew I begin to get some rebuttal major rebuttal was attacked by a few by a few overwhelming majority this church powerful wanted to move on in the things of God willing to pay the price there were those that attacked just asking God for revival now revivals here and the quality of the revival is getting better and better and deeper and deeper and it's wonderful and in order for the revival to continue we all have to stay under attack for the revival to be successful amen Paul said lest I be elevated there was given to me in other words there was assigned to me by the mind of God Almighty there was a sign to me a thorn in the flesh and then he explains it a messenger of Satan to buff it me I don't know if it was a demon or I don't know if it was a person but he said it was a messenger of Satan to buffett me in other words he kept him so occupied and it kept his flesh so round then his spirit God could use his spirit so it wouldn't get puffed up in Pride and God saw fit and his wisdom to assign a man that he was about to use tribulation and persecution to be able to use the man without him being blown up in Pride and did you know matter of fact I'll give it to you if you want it right now since we're going to be going a lot of scriptures did you know that in places in the Bible where it talks about a thorn in flesh it always talks about people let me show you this turn to numbers turn to numbers quickly chapter 33 how many of you want to be used by God really how many of you want to be used by God you see I don't want to just be an observer of what God is doing but I want to be used by God I want to be used by him and let me tell you something else before we turn there I sense real strong in my spirit that we have a little inkling and the curtains been parted just enough to peep through the curtain that we understand in part that God is about to move mightily in the nations just like what happened was with Diana and her boyfriend and the chauffeur you know that being killed what I heard commentator after commentators say listen to me folks when I heard commentator after commentators say was they said Britain I've never seen Britain like this crying openly I fell on the streets I heard him say that commentator commentator Peter Jennings and different ones that were saying we've never seen this even different ones from the BBC with making comments like Britain will never be the same after this they said there was more flowers thrown in the streets at her coffin than there was at Churchill's more people watched worldwide than other great funerals of American past and British past many people set their clocks and got up at 5 o'clock to watch the funeral they were enamored and awed about what had happened and God I believe we've had preacher after preacher come up here on this platform from Great Britain and what they say is they come to the parade of Nations as they say is God is about to do something powerful in Great Britain now I'm not saying that the Lord killed Diane I'm not saying that at all but I'm saying that through this they can have such a broken heart that God can touch Great Britain God can do it and I want to share something else with you in North Korea for the first time they're suffering such a famine a nation that has atomic weapons and they held the plutonium and things necessary to make the new the nuclear weapons now they're going through such a famine and such pain that they had to lower their pride and ask the world for help there's another nation that's being brought to its knees and we our people come here all the time from Korea South Korea that's praying for those in North Korea well you can't pray long without God getting ready to do something god it's about to do something forever so God is about to move in Great Britain God is about to move in Korea God is about to move in the nations of the world and I don't want to be a spectator I want to be a participator if what God is about to do and friend unlike revivals of other centuries where God would move under Jonathan Edwards our God would move under George Whitfield or God would move under a moody or if any and that area or that nation was in revival what seems like about this last day move of God is it's not a nation but it seems like it's the nations of the world that the holy spirit is getting prepped and ready for a mighty last day outpouring of the Holy Ghost and I want to share something with you friend I don't want to sit here in Pensacola in this revival night after night look out over the crowd and say oh this is it friend we haven't even got our foot through the front door good yeah there's more there's more there's so much more if God got us ready for revival that we're now experiencing through persecution and through prayer if he got us ready for this because of that if we're going to move on it will not be without a price but I don't want you to fear the price I want you to look forward to the price and embrace the price because the price that you pay will be minimal in comparison to the harvest that God will give but friend I want to tell you something else God everything that God's got requires a price and those that are flagellated and blown up in pride and arrogance and step righteousness will never get what God's got but in fact if you look in the Bible there's a precedence that's established Jesus the Bible said he took bread he busted he break it and he gave it took blessed broke gained did you know the name Moses means the one taken out off he was taken out of a bulrush his mother put him in a bulrush in the river God had Pharaoh's daughter take him out god bless Pharaoh raised in Pharaoh's house wrote in his chariots educated in his schools god bless Moses he took him out of the bulrush he blessed him but before God could use him Bible said he was a meekest man and before God could use him he had to put him on the backside of Midian for 40 years and God had to break him had to put him on his wheel and God had to prescribe and tailor me something promoters that would get Moses out of Moses so God could use Moses and he broke him and then after God broke him and took a process of 40 years he rose up he killed the Egyptian buried him in the sand had to flee for his life and after 40 years of a breaking process finally God said I want to give you as a deliverer to the nation of Israel so God took him out of the bulrush God blessed him in Pharaoh's house God then had to break him for 40 years and after he finished breaking him and Moses submitted to the breaking God then gave him as a deliverer to a nation same thing with David if you read it in Psalms the Bible said God took him from the herds the sheep it says he actually took him from the sheepfold as a shepherd God blessed him he killed Goliath women danced and they said Saul has killed his thousands and David has killed his tens of thousands god blessed him but then God had to break him he was chased for fifteen years by Saul 15 year process of breaking and then God let him rule over Judah and Israel God gave him to be a king Joseph we can take all of them through the Bible look at it there's a process God God took him from Rachel's barren moon his mother was barren God touched that womb and she gave she conceived and gave birth and God took it out of that Barren womb then God blessed him and gave him dreams and visions then God had to break him and he was put in prison and for many years if you had to go through that process before God could give him as a gift right under Pharaoh to be a blessing to his own nation of Israel so they could have food God takes God blesses one of the reason why he blesses you first is so that you won't lose heart that you'll have memories that God is a good God and I don't understand this but he's a good God and I trust him job said don't God slayed me I know he's a good but I won't curse him I'm gonna trust him how many of you will say that this morning so you're going through the devil and I want to tell you friend join my club I'm in it with you we're all going through the devil all of us Steve all of us we all go through the devil but if God has to keep us going through the devil to keep revival going I say Lord let us keep going through the devil he revival going amen watch this let me show you about these thorns in the flesh and the Book of Numbers look at this real quick chapter 33 verse 50 it said the Lord speaking to Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho you got it numbers 33 and verse 15 and the Lord spake unto Moses and the planes a blowout by Jordan near Jericho saying speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them when you're passed over the Jordan into the land of Canaan then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you to destroy all their pictures destroy all their molten images and completely plug down all their high places and you shall dis possess the inhabitants of the land and dwell therein for I have given you the land to possess it and you shall divide the land by lot for an inheritance among your families and to the more you shall give more inheritance and to the few you shall give the less inheritance every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot falls according to the tribes of your father's you shall inherit but if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you it shall come to pass that those would you let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes and thorns in your side and shall Becks you in the land where you dwell is talking about people I have other scriptures I could go to but I won't do that let me just let this suffice I have three other scriptures about in the Bible where thorns and the flesh are people even job said or even Paul said he said it's a messenger of Satan to buff at me and I just want to say this before I move on if there's somebody in your life that is there that won't go away [Applause] why are you laughing they won't go away and they are prick and a thorn it may be that God is allowing it to help you to remain in a place where God can continually use you beware when all men speak well of you can you imagine if all men spoke well of Steve and I in this revival which friend not in your wildest dreams okay but can you imagine if everybody spoke well of Steve and I those guys down there in Pensacola God's using them they're touching the world and you didn't have any rebuttal and you didn't have any critics and you didn't have any bad magazine articles written against you can you imagine after a while you start reading this stuff and then you throw your chest out and after a while we come walking out on the platform we walk out with our chest throat out and we sit down there and cross our legs real dignified and we're somebody revivals over revivals over the Holy Ghost the Dove flew he's gone but God may see that it's necessary for there to be some critics God may see that it's necessary for some preachers that we love and respect to jab at us and the hit us from time to time and find fault it may be necessary that that happened to keep us in perspective and I just want to say this to you friend and I know this is completely different this morning but you just need to hear what I'm saying to you there's a reason for everything there is a reason for everything I got cocky myself I got cocky because this revival was assaulted by critic and I lashed out what I thought I was doing in the name of the Lord and it took me several weeks to realize it wasn't the Lord it was me I was defending I was a fixer I was trying to fix this guy from hurting this revival and the Holy Ghost said but I allowed it and so Kilpatrick had to Humble himself and I had to eat humble pie which is very very tough for Kilpatrick to do that and there's people that yet to this day think that that was not really true they think that it was just damage control but friend God knows my heart I learned a good lesson and I'm not gonna respond to ever again because if God lets some curses I'll embrace it and say I need that amen hey man let's go to some scriptures look at Matthew chapter 5 we're going to go through these quickly these are also good Matthew chapter 5 and verse 10 blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake so theirs is the kingdom of heaven do you understand yet this morning ladies and gentleman that there's going to be times you're going to be persecuted for doing what's right when you're persecuted for doing what's right why are you surprised everything in Joseph wanted to yield to Potiphar's wife she was beautiful everything in that young man able bodied strong virile beautiful woman reached out and tried to seduce him she touched him everything in that boy wanted to do what is natural but he turned and he ran and when he turned around she pulled off a piece of his clothing and she made up a lie and she said he tried to come on to me and I got a piece of his clothes they put him in jail for years and he suffered for righteousness sake don't be surprised when you suffer for righteousness sake friend don't be surprised if you have to pay a price for doing what's right and don't get mad at God don't get mad at in because God many times will let you go through things when you do what's right and you have to suffer for it which leads me to another scripture go quickly to Romans 8 many of you know where I'm headed look at Romans chapter 8 verse 18 romans 8 and 18 for i reckon that the sufferings I didn't know Paul was a southerner look at verse 18 he said for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be contented paired with the glory which shall be revealed in us notice he didn't say that the glory that will be revealed in heaven you see that you know some people want to die and go to glory in heaven that's easy that's easy just have a heart attack and you're in glory in heaven the hard part is getting glory revealed in us down here how do you get the glory revealing us down here look at it one more time verse 18 for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time and didn't say suffering he said sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us so look at this two words suffering equates to glory being revealed in you if you want glory revealing you you're gonna have to be willing to suffer and if you're going to suffer you've got to get on the wheel and when the wheel begins to spin don't get disoriented and bad God to take you all when the will begins to spin stay with it [Music] endure as a good soldier Grich atif close your eyes ride the full ride take the pressure of his thumb take the cupping of his hand take the flicking of his nail getting lumps out of you but get on the wheel and stay there and let the Potter do what the Potter needs to do and the wheel is likened to life's experiences the wheel spinning is like life's experiences I don't understand why we have to go through experiences that we do I don't understand why we have to go through circumstances but I do know one thing as long as I'm on the wheel I'm under his eye amen as long as I'm on the wheel I'm under his watchful eye and I want to tell you something else listen to me closely everybody in the chapel listen up this is so important the Bible said we're there when you come under attack God said he will make a way of escape with every temptation doesn't it he said I'll make a way of escape with every temptation so if God's going to make a way of escape and he's going to help you why wouldn't you be willing to get on it now if he won't let the fire hurt you let me let me back up and say this there will be times God will let you be hurt but not be harmed and said that there will be times God will allow you to be hurt but he won't let you be harmed there's a difference between hurt and harm when I spanked my kids growing up I hurt him but I didn't harm him because I mixed it was love I was a firm disciplinarian I was a firm father but I always followed it up with love and they grew up to be basically normal healthy kids basically basically that's questionable but anyway but God will not let you be harmed but he will let you be hurt so if God lets the fire be kindled under you why wouldn't you be willing to get in there he'll make a way of escape why wouldn't you be willing to get in there knowing that he's not gonna let you be overwhelmed and overpowered by that fire now let me share something else with you you see I think there's a I think there's a big gap today in what we say we believe in what we really believe you say we we say we believe in signs and wonders and miracles we believe in the book of Acts but I want to ask you this why aren't they happening it's worth the happening oh I believe that Jesus is the Savior sure but why aren't miracles happening signs and wonders and miracles and these kind of things why aren't they happening you ever notice what Jesus or what the believers John said he said there's one coming after me said he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire you know what the church did it stopped on the Holy Ghost and it forfeited the fire we got in our comfort zones and we accepted the Holy Ghost we accepted the tongues and we accepted the prophecy and we accepted all these other things but we rejected the fire oh we talk about the holy ghost yeah holy ghost but what about the fire you know what Jesus said look at this turn to Matthew this is real quick this is different but let me show you real quick Matthew I think is Matthew chapter 20 I'll find it mic where is it what yeah Matthew chapter 20 look at verse 21 jesus answered and said you don't know what you asked are you able to drink the cup that I shall drink off and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with they said unto Him no were able and he said unto them you shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but it shall be given them for whom is prepared of my father look back at verse 22 he said are you able to drink the cup that I shall drink of and to be baptized with the baptism I'm baptized with well I thought Jesus was just dumped by John and was baptized in the water is that simple he's talking about something here more than just being baptized in water he's saying are you ready to be baptized in the suffering and are you ready to be baptized in persecution and having your dogs to having your tracks dogged day by day are you willing to be baptized into suffering can you take it they said yeah we're able you ever notice how quick sometime we respond to God and say yeah we're able but I really wonder how many of us in this building today are able to be baptized with the baptism that he was baptized with and what she was saying was Lord I want my boys to sit in prestigious places in your kingdom and the Lord said if they're going to sit you want this request if they're going to sit are you able to go through the baptism that I've been through because whenever I sit on my throne in my kingdom I will have come through some things that I'm ready and qualified to sit there but what about your boys here are they prepared to be baptized with the same baptism that I've gone through an Orton to sit there you see Suzette hadn't came in this church last Sunday and everybody who hollered and it was great and I Suzanne had was right now I believe every word of it but I want to come in here today and I want to bring some reason to this congregation don't think that you're going to live loose and fleshy non sacrificing and we're gonna come in here one night and the Lord's going to show up signs and wonders gonna start taking place the same way we got revival by paying a price is the same way we'll have signs and wonders start happening in this church the same way it has to be burst and in order for it to be birth a price must be paid go to Philippians this is a good scripture look at Philippians chapter 1 I want you to really fasten your eyes on the scripture Philippians 1:29 for unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ look at this this is so powerful so poison for under you Philippians 1:29 for unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake you see that look at that friend let's look at it one more time for unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ look at that for unto you look this way unto you me you unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him to be saved and have your sins forgiven not just to believe on Him but look at this but to suffer for his sake to suffer for his sake what preacher what book what mindset ever convinced you that if you're gonna live for God you're not gonna suffer let me tell you something there's some of you in this building and in the building across the street a pastor has to stay on top of a congregation all the time because just because you get saved and you've been going to church 15 or 20 years doesn't mean that you're beyond growing sour and bitter and falling back if you don't embrace the sufferings of Christ and you don't remember that you're under the watchful eye of the Potter you will grow bitter you'll get resentful and you'll say dear God if you love me you wouldn't be letting me go through this but you've got to remain humble and trust the admissions of God that God knows our frame and he's allowed this for some reason and when you take yourself off that wheel that's when you begin to grow bitter you know one of the things that troubles me and breaks my heart the most in pastoring is to see people move out of the choir out in the congregation up in the balcony out the back door I've seen it so many times until the think about it nauseates me I see it as a man of God I sit on the platform and I see it and I say Jesus and you know he says to me leave your filet knife in your scabbard this is not anything to do with you John Kilpatrick this is between me and her this is between me and him put your filet knife up don't try to fix it and I have to trust God and I stand behind that pulpit and I see them set out there blowed up like a toad blowed up the smiles gone the joys gone the peace is gone the fellowship is gone and they come for a little while and the first news you know there in the balcony out the back door you call them up they're cold with you on the telephone I don't know if I'll ever be back they try to blame you they try to blame the church they try to blame this they try to blame that and they try to blame the other why not say Lord what are you trying to say to me friend when something happens you can either curse it our bury your head in the sand or interpret it three things when something happens you can curse it and say oh I rebuke you devil Joseph could rebuke the devil in prison all he wanted to but he was still put there by God why because God was sending a man to Egypt to be under Pharaoh to feed Israel and when he's in that pit when you're in a pit there's nowhere to look but up and friend there will come a time that God will put you in a pit where you can't look anywhere else but up you gotta look to God and when you begin to grow bitter and resentful that will necessitate a problem anytime you began to grow rebellious or resentful or independent it will necessitate the Holy Spirit tailor making something to bring you back in line and when I see that happening everything in me is the man of God wants to pull my play knife out and help you but I can't see friend I'm not your Savior I'm your pastor I can give you directions and I can help you to understand the book the manual I can help you to understand a stop sign I can help you to understand a caution light and I can help you to understand a green light but I can't live with you 24 hours a day you say but over the Kilpatrick sisters doing so hurt me and hurt me deep well big deal big deal most of the time pastoring there's always somebody mad at you and somebody's giving you the devil somebody's tearing your character apart most of the time when a man of God walks up behind the pulpit he's got so much junk out there in the church fighting against him it takes all into the square shoulders and preach but somebody set a little bad something about you and now you're out of the choir now you're in the audience then you bend about the out the back door well fuddy-duddy you know what I say get back on the wheel the poorer class the Potter is stopping the wheel long enough to see if you'll get back on but let me share something else with you no I'm gonna close in just a second it had interesting that whenever judas denied the lord and he revealed me betrayed him he got thirty pieces of silver do you remember what happened they took that thirty pieces of silver the Bible said they went out and bought a potter's field in that interesting you know what a potter's field is a potter's field is a place where all the potsherds are it's a place where all the broken pottery is it's a place where the the Potter was endeavoring to make something but the pottery refused to cooperate with him and so he had to flick it out in the field broken pieces of pottery that would refuse to be molded we share something with your friend as a man of God as a pastor you try to open up your eyes sometime and shut your mouth and just listen a lot and watch a lot just observe you know one of the things I've noticed in the Simmons of God and other denominations I've noticed that usually church is split and a church becomes a bunch of fragmented pieces of punchers because the leadership the pastor the board are an element in the church gained position and that church wouldn't stay on the wheel and stay submitted to God and after a while it's not a vessel anymore it's just a bunch of pieces of broken pottery broken split messed up hurt feelings resentful bitter I've been in those churches and priests i pastored one thank god I've never by the help of the Holy Spirit I've never had a church split on me and all these years thank the Lord but I passed for the church one time that had a split and you've never seen such hail complicated hell in your life it was not a vessel it was a field upon chance because they refuse to stay on the wheel and let God have his way this one wanted her way not one wanted his way the amount of God wanted his way the Lord wanted their way and after a while you walk in there and you feel heaviness darkness and oppression bitterness unforgiveness I went to Pastor one church I preached one morning on the root of bitterness after I got through my message I walked back to my office man knocked on my door a very wealthy man he had a house that looked like the Holiday Inn a huge house a mansion he was a very wealthy man he knocked on my door I said come in he walked in hung his head and I said can I help you he said yeah your message this morning really touched me I said good thank you he said no it really touched me I said well what do you mean he said before you came here a pastor he said I was playing the bass guitar here in the church and he said the music director took me off of it and he said I became so resentful that I started putting back some cash and I had already talked to a hit man to have him killed Lendl take notice [Applause] I said you're kidding he said no he said to hear you sermon this morning and when I measured myself against the sermon he said it's shot to me that I had money bread' am i telling truth he said it shocked me that I'd had cash put up that couldn't be tracked and he said I was going to have the music director snuffed out I said why so because I've been in this church 30-something years and he said it was my church and I wasn't leaving how many times have I heard that it's my church and I'm not leaving and so they stay there and become a bunch of fragmented pieces of potsherds and the beauty of the vessels gone but I got news for you this morning Jesus loves those fragmented pieces of pot sherds and the Bible said with the money the blood money that Judas got for betraying Christ they bought a potter's field and I want to share with you this morning and closing if you're here and you're broken and you're a pot sherds and you become resentful and bitter unforgiving malice in your heart you've lost your joy you've lost your vision you've lost your burden I want to say something the Lord is not through with you yet as a matter of fact he said a bruised Reed would he not cast away and a smoking flax he'll not put out he said brother Patrick I've lost my fire yeah but you still got a little smoke you still got a little smoke Samson had his hair cut off but he still had the rooms amen he still had the roots he had the potential for a comeback setback yes a comeback is always possible and I want to close this morning by saying this had a lot of other scriptures to go through but I think this is a good place to close whatever you're going through he that endures to the end shall be saved stay with it and if you have left the choir get back in it if you've left for all Rangers get your uniform back on if you've left mission it's put that uniform back on and pick up your manual and call the coordinator and be back Wednesday night and that's an order and if you're here and if you're here this morning and you stay but bless god this is my last Sunday I'm fixing to find another Church good I'm glad I had a chance to get you four you left because because if you leave like this from here where you're going that's gonna turn sour too because the problem is not where you're going the problem is you I remember one time reading about a guy they've been eating some Limburger cheese and then cut it with a knife Limburger cheese and he had a big mustache and after he ate it they went in and took it now when he woke up he said my god this room stinks and then he walked to the hall he said Lord the hall stinks and he walked through the living room he said my god the living room stinks and then he walked outside on the porch and he said dear Lord the whole world steamed so friend I'm going to tell you there's some cheese stuck in your mustache let's stand together I love our pastor I believe this morning I want everyone in the chapel to stand those of you at home I believe there's some repentance going on matter of fact about a third way through the message it started people started looking inside rather than looking around and before we partake of communion before we pray together I remember one of the earliest lessons and his pastor just what you're talking about I was 22 years of age and I was in Teen Challenge and I was one of the most serious persons in Teen Challenge I was going after God I loved I loved the Lord and the director of Teen Challenge put me over put me in the garden to plant vegetables and tomatoes and squash and I was 22 when he put a 16 year old kid over me they didn't had never planted a car and I had planted acres of squash and watermelons and pumpkins and tomatoes I knew had a garden and he put this kid over me and we went out to plant and that kid said you're doing it all wrong and I could not understand what was going on inside me I mean he was I was tormented with this kid and he said big the whole a foot deep puts a seat in there but I had learned friend that everything and I had never heard the terminology father filtered I have the first timer that was from Pastor John Kilpatrick but I had learned that everything goes for God and God knew that that runt was gonna be kept there with me and he was gonna be getting at me let's see how was already a man of God I was growing but there are some areas God was gonna work on to see if I was gonna buck up over this kid and I remember out in that garden I got so mad at him but you know what I did I dug those holes a foot deep I dug those furrows and I've never dug deep friend but I dug those furrows so deep I mean we hit bedrock and planted those seeds and waited and waited nothing came up weeds and I endured that and at the end of it I'll never forget the director coming up to me and he said to me I heard what you did Steve that you followed that kids commands that I put over you and I know that he was dead wrong and I remember the director put his arm around me and he said Steve this is the making of a man of God and he said you have passed you have passed Fred a lot of times it's just character building that's all God's up to God over all the tomatoes in the world man all the pumpkins all the watermelons he was gonna get the fruit the vegetables he wanted to make Steve hill he wanted to make me right now my communion before even the ushers kind of want you to remain at your station just for a minute we're gonna give you the opportunity to repent now I know there are some people here today I've already seen you that have no clue what's going on you don't know the Lord you may ask how can you know that friend it's part of the giftings of an evangelist and a pastor you wouldn't believe what goes on sometimes to through our memories and sometimes John Kilpatrick to myself will up in the pulpit and we'll say something like do you feel that and I say yeah and we'll say something like there's hundreds of people here that don't know the Lord can you feel the oppression and there may be exuberant worship going on but you still feel something and it's like a shepherd that might be lying under a willow tree chew it on a straw and all his sheep are out there just grazing and he just jumps up and he feels something's wrong and he looks across his flock and it's nothing out there no wolf no lion no nothing but he feels it and he gets up and starts roaming around and sure enough one of his sheep has wandered off and there's a pack of wolves out there about to devour that sheep but he felt it never saw it but he felt it and I feel it this morning friend and I even saw it on some of your faces there's people here that don't know the Lord God's brought you here today friend what are you gonna get right what are you gonna get right with God September 1997 here we go blink your eyes will be around the Thanksgiving table you know it's true Christmas is right it right before us won't be alone matter of fact I was in a store the other day and there's already decorated with green reds and I mean they were playing Christmas songs here comes Santa Claus I'm going nuts yet man it's still summer now here he goes he's coming but this year is winding up and you're still not saved you're still not saved did you know there's only two summers before the year 2000 two summers left we've already gone through three summers in the revival there's only two left before the year 2000 summer of 95 summer of 96 summer of 97 we've gone through with revival only two summers left that's that's scary to think about for some of you here thank you still not studied still not right with God what's it gonna take what does God have to do we can hold our you let that trial you're going through let that suffering that some of you they don't know the Lord that you're going through let it be the very thing that brings you to Christ let it be what brings you to Christ we're gonna ask the Lord right now to forgive us and I want to ask you to be totally honest in this revival meeting this morning in the chapel on what you're listed up those of you in this place you know there's something between you and God something that's crept up it can be bitterness and I want to tell you friend bitterness will kill you it will kill you some of you have been hurt by other people welcome to life I've had more Judas's in my ministry I've had people that you trust and they turn on you John Kilpatrick could name them off one after another people you trust people you believed in that turn on you what do you do throw in the towel no friend that bitterness has gotten ahold of you eating you alive shake it off shake it off what do you want the Lord to forgive us others of you are hung up on pornography you're hung up on unlost sin is anything Jesus wouldn't do as a matter of fact right now with this bad and it's what it's becoming it has become a fad and I hope it doesn't lose its impact the WWJD it's becoming so commercialized you know what would Jesus do it's on t-shirts it's on belts it's some bracelets I mean you it's everywhere what would Jesus do what would Jesus do I hope it doesn't become so phattest that people forget what it really means and I find myself with the kids all the time now when they'll be in a little argument I'll turn I'll just I'll be sit driving down the road I'll go WWJD and they stop immediately they stopped fine what would Jesus do with Jesus be arguing like that which Jesus be fighting like that what would Jesus do what do you be doing some of the things that you're doing friend right now we're gonna ask the Lord to forgive us if you need forgiveness today if you're backslidden or you've never known the Lord I want you to be honest and I'm gonna ask you to do something but ask you to raise your hand in just a minute and that's signifying there is something in my life between men me and God what pastor preached on today has hit home and I'm gonna get back on that wheel I'm gonna stay on that wheel and I'm gonna let him make me into that vessel he wants me if there's something between you and the Lord and you know it's a sin that has separated you I want you to slip up your hand right now put it up high put it up high in the balcony it may not at or even the chapel slip it up high you can put your hand down before we pray before communion let me explain something about sin first of all since every we know that but there is habitual sin that is you do the same thing over and over and over again now Jesus died for that he died to set you free from that he came to take away the sin of the world whatever you're in bondage to and somebody raised your hand it is a 50th time you've had to deal with this sin in your life it is habitual friend I'm telling you it's time for you to do something about it it's time if your problem is pornography then whatever it takes to never get around it again I'm talking about before we pray make up your mind then you need to do that whatever it takes to get away from it if that means never going into a Circle K store again that's what's gonna have to do if it means never pulled over to a magazine rack in any store that's what you're gonna have to do if it means staying away from Blockbuster Video if it means staying away from television totally then that's what you're gonna have to do for him because the Lord is fed up and I speak as a vessel of the Lord of this constantly constantly coming back to him with the same old same old when he's trying to make a man a mood of God you you're stuck in the mud when you're supposed to be taking cities for Christ I'm telling you this morning before we pray determine in your heart to get it out of your life those of you that are caught up in this financial world with merry-go-round Lord Fred had to live under a budget cut up the credit cards whatever make up your mind now rather than constantly coming to God with this same o thing God I'm forty two thousand dollars in debt and I still don't own a home I still don't own a car I've got all this junk that's the same prayer you broke free months ago st. pray you're pretty much ago same well you're pretty here ago here you go again that's habitual friend and it's time for you to do something about it pour the alcohol out burn pornography rip up the videos whatever it takes friend get the sin out and there's other sin which is something that happens something in a core occurs and it's sudden you mean till you lash out at your wife you're angry with your husband you do something wrong with the kids and and and that is something that is not pre-planning premeditated it happens I don't know what I'm talking about the Bible says when we if we sin we have an advocate with the father that means he'll forgive you it wash you he'll cleanse you that's a whole different ballgame friend that's why I talk about constantly being washed in the blood of the Lamb when your eyes focus on something they shouldn't focus on and you it's becomes impregnated in your mind okay Jesus wash me wash me I didn't mean that Jesus you've know me Jesus that is not habitual sin for me that's something to happen forgive me Jesus wash me we have an advocate with the father you're gonna be forgiven everyone right now I want you to pray with me those you raised your hand and those of you that didn't everyone pray with me right now out loud dear Jesus thank you for speaking to me thank you Jesus for this message on suffering and today Jesus I have Beth of the wheel I want your will be done in my life keep the wheel spinning keep your hands on my life I asked you today to forgive me I have sinned I have hurt you I've heard others and I've hurt myself forgive me Jesus wash me Jesus cleanse me Jesus make me new I asked you today to be my Savior my Lord and my very best friend from this moment on I am yours and you are mine come live your life through me in your precious name in Jesus name Amen now the usher is going to come Linda is going to lead us in worship as a matter of fact everyone sit down as he Usher's distribute the emblems the Lord has prompted me to say this as Yeshua's began then I must sit down some of you need to rectify some things with people is everybody listening some of you need to get some things right with people so whatever it takes where there be a letter a phone call or personal visit take care of it let that be a a chapter of your life that's over close the door close the door if someone has abused you forgive them forgive them [Music] search me Oh God and all my thoughts nothing is hidden from you lead me along your path of life that are they walk in truth bring me close [Music] to you [Music] to your ways to your will to your see it again [Music] to you my [Music] to [Music] creating me [Music] ha right spear [Music] sir Lu let's see [Music] Syria [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to to [Music] while you continue to be served I just want to share a few things with you about communion before we're let into the partaking of the elements George Whitefield once said that when he was persecuted he embraced it because it made him feel closer to Jesus and like any of you I hate suffering from my own foolishness and in both Peters epistles he addresses that issue and says there's no great credit and honor if you do something wrong and pay the penalty for it if you if you take that well that's not saintly it's not saintly if you go out steal break the law get caught and go to prison and say judge I accept the punishment that's not saintly you deserve it but it's a saintly thing we don't deserve it and you're mistreated and you just take it gladly and honor the Lord it's an honorable thing and you're identified with Jesus and it's our privilege to stand with him to be rejected because of him to be misunderstood because of him it's an honor that God has given us the apostles were flogged think of it being flogged their backs bloodied agonizing pain and they leave the Sun Hedren rejoicing because they were counted worthy of suffering reproach for Jesus name I was thinking the other day I've been reading some about the Methodist persecutions the people coming against the Methodist leaders and the Methodist preachers in the 1700s in England and often it was the religious establishment that came against them and reading the descriptions how they'd be trampled in the mud all kinds of junk thrown at them violence done to them some of them blinded by beatings one of the Methodist preachers was beaten to the point that he was blinded and then later beaten to death by a crowd and I knew at that moment that there were some people probably attacking me by name saying all kinds of junk against me by name and I thought man I don't have the privilege right now of going through with some of these methods this Methodist leaders wanted through nobodies beaten me or beaten any of us and we've gone blind or it physically trampled us in the mud I said at least for the sake of the gospel and for the sake of revival our names are being trampled in the mud and I want to give you something just to think about as we partake of communion I want you today as you partake to not only partake of the life that comes from communion symbolically eating his flesh and drinking his blood receiving a fresh forgiveness of sins in life and healing but I want you to embrace the cross to embrace the suffering to say as the master so also the servant jesus said if anyone would come after me this is the universal entry requirement for discipleship for everyone if anyone would come after me let him deny himself and take up the cross and Luke's Gospel it says take up the cross daily and follow me as we take communion today let every one of us say Lord I follow you Lord I follow you and most of us even in the tough times we go through we can look at a whole lot of others around the world and say man I don't even know what suffering is compared to what they're going through and God will give us grace in the midst of our situation I turn to Pastor after his message because being in revival you we always knew there'd be attacks by critics and of course the texts get uglier and heavier the more God moves the man it's a blessing that the attack comes from a critic on the radio as opposed to happened to be married to your thorn in the flesh but even if you're in the midst of extraordinary hardship because of the gospel which very few of us in America really understand extraordinary hardship and suffering because of the gospel embrace it friend don't fight it but embrace it I just want to read something - very short and then chaplain is gonna lead us in communion this was a poem written by Amy Carmichael missionary to India one of the outstanding Christian workers modern history this was from the Lord to one of his servants a poem called scars passed down those scar no hidden scar on foot or side or hand I hear these sung as mighty in the land I hear them hail thy bright ascendant star hast thou no scar pass down the wound yet I was wounded by the archers spent lean me against a tree to die and rent by ravening beast that compassed me I swooned passed down the wound no wound no scar yeah as the master shall the servant be and pierced are the feet that follow me but dying her whole can he have followed far who has no wound nor scar every one of you is you partake of communion today say Laura embrace the cross again I embrace death to the flesh death to my will death to my agenda I embrace your will I embrace righteousness and I embrace reproach because of righteousness Lord I embrace every way you want to use me whatever the cost whatever the consequence is whether I'm loved whether I'm hated whether I'm known whether I'm unknown well then I'm understood whether I misunderstood Lord I embraced your call your purpose I take up the cross afresh for through the cross comes resurrection through the cross comes identification with the sufferings of our Savior and a fresh release of his power on our behalf amen please stand with us if you will hold the bread which is the symbol of the suffering of Christ we'll be ingesting this into our system in a moment and may the same willingness that drove Jesus Christ to the cross drive us to the cross that we must bear may as we ingest this symbol of his suffering into our lives make us willing to endure whatever needs to be endured in order that he may be glorified in us let's pray father I ask you now that you would bless us as we take this bread into our system and I pray that you would make this spiritual meat unto us that it would strengthen us Lord that when we come into those places of persecution in those places of trial and suffering that like you we might stand as a lamb before its slaughter and open not our mouths in any complaint Jesus not one word of complaint ever escaped your lips as you went to the cross for us you did it willingly how much more should we go to our crosses and endure the suffering that will be inflicted upon us for your name's sake how much more should we do it as willingly as you sow Lord as we eat this bread today let a new strength come into our hearts and lives that we would not whimper and complain when things don't go well but Lord that we would see through your eyes that this is a part of your plan and a part of your purpose for our hearts and our lives that you might bring from glory to glory in that the glory might be in us father bless your people now and bless us as a family as we remember once again the crucifixion that paid for our salvation thank you for that now in Jesus name say before you eat this bread lord I remember let us eat together and now the cup jesus said this is a new covenant in my blood as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show forth the Lord's death and as often as you do this do it in remembrance of me Jesus shed blood that you and I might have our sins forgiven most of us here have never been called upon to shed blood for his name's sake some of us may do that before this is over may as we drink this juice which simply symbolizes his shed blood may this juice soul strengthen us with a resolve that if it comes to the place where we must shed blood for his name's sake that we would be willing to do so right now would you pray with me before we drink this cup Jesus I thank you for shedding your life's blood I thank you for pouring your life out Lord you hung on that cross and the life gradually drained away because the life is in the blood and your blood continued to run down it ran down Lord that day and it's run down through two thousand years of history and it covers our life today and washes us totally completely clean Lord we've never been asked to do what you did and should you ask us I pray today that as we drink this juice that it would give us the strength and courage to be willing to do and suffer whatever would be required of us at your hands that your glory may be formed in us Lord we remember we remember say before we drink we remember Lord let us drink remain standing as pastor comes to give us his pastoral blessing I want to bless you this morning if you'll stand everybody to end your hand this way will bless you out of my heart father I bless this congregation to have eyes to be able to see and to know what they never learn father I bless his congregation to have a willingness to stay on your will and if they're all to get back on it have a willingness to get back on it and father I know that I cannot impart patience but I ask that you would give them a willing heart to let patience be formed in them the Lord I blessed his congregation this morning especially those that are bleeding in their hearts and vexed in their minds that the assurance and the peace of God would come over them like warm oil and flow down into those bleeding hurting areas and bring them a steadfastness in the peace that passes human understanding and father as they look around and they see the vicious fangs of the dogs of the Damned they see the saliva dripping off the mouths of the demons that seemingly will consume us where they look at that and smile and say God is with me none shall hurt me and a weapon that is formed against me shall prosper I bless you this morning Brownsville in the name of Jesus amen one moment please the Deacons would like to read a blessing over our pastor an evangelist at this time Deacon did you come forward please brother Alvin Pop's will speak to blessings over our pastors and evangelists stretch forth your right hand for pasture and Steve and his families please bless our Shepherd and evangelist with the words of God which are true and everlasting we bless and accept your ministry to us and pray that the father of glory granted you the spirit of wisdom and revelation to the mysteries and the secrets of life may those are your heart be flooded with a life so that you can always know and understand the hope to which he has called both of you may your study times prepare you to preach the gospel of good tidings to the meek the poor the afflicted to bind up and heal the brokenhearted and to set the captives free we bless your families with a calm and undisturbed heart and mine for their the health and life of the body may God grant you all the treasure of his glory to be strengthened with mighty power and in a man by the Holy Spirit indwelling in your innermost being in personality we love you and we bless you both in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit god bless you lift up your hands you're so powerful you praise in church [Music] [Music] young career senility on [Music] three three polygons for the weary straight for the weary street [Music] raining down upon us holy go [Music] sail away or die or go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] someday [Music] [Music] capice thank you Lord for your peace be strong be strong terms be strong in the power of his might the weapon formed against you will prosper remember God's not looking to build a stalk out of you he's looking to build a steel person how do you make you out of steel god bless you ix ugly too
Channel: RevivalFireOkie
Views: 2,754
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: Brownsville Revival, Pastor John Kilpatrick, revival
Id: TbSQhMnB5Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 6sec (6006 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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