John Kilpatrick speaks of Gods Glory

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[Music] [Music] how do you introduce somebody that every one of us is in this room knows how to introduce somebody that for most of us has had an incredible part in our life as a father of revival an apostle of revival we have learned so much over the years to the things that god has imparted to john kilpatrick who's coming in a moment to share the word of the lord with us so i thought i'd put it this way and pastor kilpatrick kerry robertson said to me the other day you tell pastor john i said hello and i'm praying for him and but here's what kerry robertson said to me he said i've learned this now for those who didn't know kay robertson served as as the senior associate with pastor kilpatrick and kerry said i learned two things john talks to jesus jesus talks to john and i believe that jesus has been saying some things to john that we need to hear would you stand with me and let's welcome john as he comes john kilpatrick coming to share what jesus has been saying to him [Applause] you may be seated thank you i may preach with my coat on tonight is that okay i'm from south alabama and this weather's a little bit cold up here i woke up this morning and i was not chilled but i had the window open in my coach and i got a little bit cold and so i just wanted to let you know that i'm good don't anybody worry i lost my sense of taste and smell this morning but i'm good i'm good [Applause] i can't quit coughing i'm i'm good i'm gonna be fine i'm gonna be fine no i'm cutting up with you let me get situated here just remember cut me down a little bit guys [Music] i'm going to speak with this codon and um a little bit got a little bit cold this morning with my window open and so i'm just going to take care of myself you know i feel called to watch out for my wife's first husband i always enjoy coming here i think this is my fifth or sixth time being here always enjoy coming man [Applause] there's some people in this building man i think this is the biggest crowd i've ever seen here pastor god bless you where you at cut me down a little bit cut me down just a little bit guys pastor you made me sit this morning back there in that room i didn't ever get to preach i'm really upset about it but i completely understand i'm cutting up with you now you know i always enjoy coming to terre haute i used to pastor in evansville indiana cut me down a little bit more guys i used to pastor in evansville indiana and yeah somebody from evansville [Music] god have mercy on your soul [Applause] we lived there for three years i pastored calvary temple in evansville and i used to have to go through terre haute all the time when i went to the hospitals in indianapolis and i remember coming through here on 70 and getting off and going back down to evansville but i have i have a lot of memories of indiana and made a lot of friends up here in this part of the world and i especially love coming here to terre haute pastor is one of the greatest friends he's just a great friend he really is this guy loves god him and his wife rides harley's can you believe that they ride hearts you don't look like the harley tight you look more like the honda type what do i know [Applause] for the live and good where's brother alive and good there he is god bless you man so good to see you still going to new zealand a lot are you yeah this is a dear brother you're still doing a lot of work there in new zealand yeah how many ministers do we have here tonight if you if you're in the ministry full time just stand up if you will goodness gracious look at this man man up in the balcony there's a lot of preachers here man so good to be here and so good to be able to have this opportunity to speak into your lives um cut me down just a little bit more because i sound like an episcopalian right now but i will sound like a pentecostal in a few minutes i have some messages with me i'm just going to take just a minute and talk about them i'm not going to talk about them at length i um some of these are single messages but i'm just finishing a series right now at home it's entitled when prayer alone will not work and it how many of y'all have heard that wow goodness gracious so we're still preaching that i'll be preaching the last part of it this week it deals with fasting it's a different angle on fasting i think that some of you may have heard but when prayer alone will not work jesus said this kind cometh out only by fasting and prayer and right now what the lord is speaking to me is that there's so many things that's going on in the nation and in the world that prayer alone is not going to get the job done it's going to take some fasting and back in the old days in abraham lincoln's day george washington's day and many of the other powerful presidents that we had that were god-fearing presidents they would call occasionally when the nation was facing big issues they would call days of humiliation fasting and prayer and i hear a lot of conspiracy theories and i see a lot of christians get worked up about different things and i hear a lot of talk and a lot of discussion but i don't hear a lot of prayer and i certainly don't see a lot of fasting and prayer so i think fasting is going to be the key that's going to put it over and we'll turn things i'll be preaching the last part this coming sunday at home but anyway there's five parts i preached already i've got one more part to preach would be six parts i'm thinking seriously about writing a book on it as soon as i finish the part so i'm thinking about having it translated into a book trans transcribed into a book because it's a different slant on on prayer it's a different slant on fasting just different maybe than a lot of things you've heard so it's interesting i've been fasting some my church has been fasting wow you want to hear a testimony let me tell you a testimony real quick our church has been fasting i've been fasting my wife's been fasting many people in the church have been fasting well i get this email today or yesterday i can't remember from this lady that i used to pastor she was a teenager back then i pastored them was in my second church in georgia i was there from the time i was 23 years old time i was 29 years old before i went to evansville and so i was the pastor there and they were teenagers but i was just a few years older than them well now she's 60 years old she's in the hospital in emory university and she said a heart transplant and was dying literally dying they got on hospice at emory so last sunday morning i got up and i had a guest speaker and i was getting ready to introduce the guest speaker getting ready to have someone introduce a guest speaker and i just all of a sudden felt led to pray for people that's going through mental battles mental battles mental attack mental really mental attack not just dreams and nightmares but mental attack heavy attack so i started praying for people and then i said i want everybody in the church to turn around and face the camera on the gym so my whole church turned around i said extend your hands toward the camera well the doctor was in this ladies room she's 60 years old now her brother had been watching our worship that morning and she said right before we came on and started praying she heard her brother and she looked over and he was crying he was laughing and crying in the spirit and she said tears was running down his face and so the doctor just given her a major shot because her heart her body was rejecting the heart and it was kicking off blood clots that was going through her lungs and her heart and it had done so much damage in her heart that the doctor told her that he said we got you on hospice because he said you're you're all you're more where you're going than where you are now you're dying and you don't have long so she said while we were praying she looked in the camera and while we were praying we had our hands stretched forth like this and she said the doctors gave her that shot and he said it's a very powerful shot and he said the likely likelihood of you coming out of this is not good so when they gave her the shot we was praying had our hands extended we were praying and she couldn't even get up out of the bed couldn't even lift her arms to even drink water out of a glass and so all of a sudden she said she felt warmth come over her and she pushed up and set up in the bed just set up in the bed and the doctor said whoa my goodness i think it worked i think it worked well [Applause] she told me today i called her today on the telephone she wanted me to call her i called her on the phone she told me the story first time i heard it this afternoon she said pastor she said a while ago the nurse came in and said honey you look so good and you're doing so good we're not going to send you to the hospice across town the doctor says we think we're going to send you home now i i attribute a lot of that to people's hands that was raised toward that camera that was fasting and prey i attribute a lot of that to people that was fasting and praying i believe right now that we're in a time where god is god is up to something i can't quite define what he's up to i can't quite describe it to you but i know he's up to something i can feel it i can feel it in my own life i can feel it in my own ministry which leads me to come here tonight and just just tell you real quickly that i have some things that i want you to pick up if you want to go to our table back there we're not going to be back there long because we're heading home tonight right after the service but i just got through preaching the message about spellbound and this has to do with covet and it has to do with the medical aspect of covet but it has to do with the spirit that came in with coping and how many of you knows it as a spirit that came in it is a bewitching spirit it's a witching spirit that came in with code and i wish i had time to talk about it i don't i don't want to take up my preaching time i just got through preaching this message at church it's called high places god's dealing with high places i i walked through the old testament i dealt with this i'm dealing with high places today including our own lives and so this is very interesting i would really encourage you to pick a pick up a copy of that you preachers especially i think you can get some really good messages from that this is a message concerning jezebel i preached on the uh i preached about the power of place the power of position and what jezebel is after is she's after your position and she's after your place and she's after your power and everybody has been designated a place by the holy spirit everybody cares an authority that god intends for you to carry if you're nothing more than just a father or a mother whoever you may be there's a position of place position and authority and that's what satan's after when satan came in the garden he didn't go to the hippopotamus when satan came in the garden he didn't go to the giraffe he went to adam and eve what was he after their decision their position and their authority and i want to tell you something preachers he's after your position and he's after your authority and don't you let him have it god is giving a special anointing right now to ministers and their families and their staff to hold on to your position and god's going to give you more power now than you've ever had just don't capitulate and give in this is called power brokers unmasking the deception of the jezebel spirit you need to hear this this is not a typical jezebel sermon and then back in december of 2019 the lord gave me a word and i gave it to my church and everything was looking great and trump was president the stock market was bordering on 30 000 the economy was hitting on all eight cylinders everything was cooking like a pressure major just everything going great i woke up one morning i went to the restroom i came back home i came back to the bed laid down and i just laid there for a few moments i was thinking and i just turned over in the bed when i turned over in the bed i turned over into another world never heard a word and i never heard a word spoken articulated in and out loud but whenever i turned over i turned over into another world and the lord said to me in my spirit he said tell the people extremely perilous times are coming this was december the 19th of 2019 this is before covet or anything tell the people extremely perilous times are coming he said but tell them not to be concerned because i'm sending my angels to hell and so he said they will come and the angels will help what the lord gave me was he gave me a series of messages on angels the angels are coming that's what he said the angels are coming but what i began to see was a revelation that god was giving me that i'm not taken away from christ i'm not taken away from the holy spirit whenever i talk about angels but i want you to hear what i'm saying the holy spirit is a comforter god the father is like the paternal spirit he's the father jesus is like the brother the holy spirit is like the mother the much arnold spirit the holy spirit hovers sits on the eggs like a mother hymn the holy spirit comforts the holy spirit guides the holy spirit goes with us as apparently stands beside us but you don't see the holy spirit taking the authority when it comes time to have to have muscle god looks to the angels from muscle he looks to the angels for muscle and so the holy spirit is there to comfort those who mourn to guide and to illuminate and to give revelation but you don't see him taken on things like delivering peter from prison and the gates open up and peter's leaving the prison and he's going out and the angels are leading them out they're the muscle of heaven the angels are the muscle and the lord said to me tell the people that i'm sending my angels and they're going to help them and in the wilderness when israel went into the wilderness after they left egypt the bible says that moses told the lord he said lord i am not going on this journey unless you go with us and what the lord said okay he said i'm gonna send my angel. so when the angel led israel through the wilderness the angel is the one that went before them when pharaoh was coming up after him when the when the pharaoh's army was coming up behind him and israel was trying to get across with their animals and their children and the women they were crossing over and the red sea was heaped up and here comes the the egyptians and they're coming up fast on the rear the bible said that the angel of the lord left the head of the nation of israel the 200 2.5 million people went to the rear and the angel defended those jews crossing the red sea and put darkness between the egyptians and the jews and the jews had light so in times of great crisis the angels are there to help us so i just want to say this don't get all spooky and start trying to talk to angels don't get all spooky and start praying to angels but i'm just here to tell you all hell is going to be breaking out but be encouraged the angels are coming i said the angels are coming and it's going to be it is going to be an amazing time between now and the time that jesus returns and catches the church away it's going to be an amazing time there's going to be so many things written in the next little while about the church and the final days on the earth before the rapture that i want you to get in on it i want your name to be included in the great things that god's about to do with the people of god i want my name in there and i'm not talking about an extension of the bible i'm not talking about that i'm just talking about god keeps chronicles of everything that he does and so these are the days of chronicles and i want to be right in the middle where john kilpatrick believed god john kilpatrick didn't get discouraged he didn't run off after some woman he didn't he didn't get discouraged and quit he didn't go into depression john kilpatrick believed god i want to hear you believe god in the worst of times it's not time to give up it's not time to give out it's time to press ahead somebody shout amen so the title of this message is the angels are coming and i really enjoyed preaching this there's a lot of good stuff in there hey where's some pastors at let me just see what about you that okay somebody get him a new pair of glasses well today i want to speak to you tonight on the subject of something that until i started preaching on it i can't say that i ever heard a sermon on it and that does that's not putting any roses on me i'm not saying that don't get me wrong but i had never heard a sermon on this subject until i preached on it and when i experienced it for the first time on father's day of 95 at brownsville it it really set me back on my heels i've never felt anything or experienced anything like it and since i experienced it i can't get enough of it i'm gonna be preaching on the glory of god we'll be tonight on the mysteries of the glory y'all want to stay with me [Applause] there's a big difference between the glory of god and the anointing of god i'm going to explain that in just a moment let me read my scriptures first if you'd like to stand stand with me and we'll look at these scriptures together this will give you a chance to get the blood flowing because believe me i didn't get to preach this morning and buy crackies i'm going gonna make up for it tonight in exodus chapter 33 and verse 18 moses said to the lord i beseech thee show me your glory that's what moses asked god you said i beseech thee show me your glory and then habakkuk chapter 2 verse 14 it said the earth shall be filled with the knowledge then say be filled with the glory and i said be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea before the lord comes back now let me tell you what i feel like god has me on the road for right now i pastored church i'm there just about every sunday rarely miss and i love being behind my own footbed i love my congregation but whenever i travel i really feel like the lord has me on the road to talk about the glory because many people don't know about it many people don't understand it so in talking about the glory the bible said in the last days that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory so i feel like the lord's got me out here because i've experienced it and that doesn't make me special but i've experienced it so i can talk about it with a little bit of intelligence i'm not an expert on it but a little bit of intelligence and the church where i pastored in brownsville and pensacola four and a half million people came through the doors in five years so there was something there that drew that many people how many of you know you can't put an advertisement in the paper draw four and a half million people it's just impossible you can't do it so something had to be there i happen to have a place on the platform i had a seat on the platform i had a parking place and i saw god do great and mighty things that five-year revival but one of the things that has stuck with me and will always stick with me to my dying day will be the feeling of the weighty presence of the glory of god it is the most therapeutic wonderful peaceful feeling that i've ever had in my life so i want to talk about it tonight i will tell you this i used to go on the road and and i had a series of sermons about 10 sermons that i preached on the glory and i'd go on the road and i'd hold my product up be talking about my product and i'd hold that up on the glory and i'd say the title of this series is the glory and i start talking about the glory while i started talking about people started getting under the glory and started falling over in their seats i had to quit talking about my series on the road they got where they just fall over in the sea you know and i got to wear myself i'd be talking about it i had to quit talking about it run back up on a platform and shake it off where i could preach what you talk about will come you talk trouble trouble will come you talk sickness sickness will come you talk division division will come but you talk the glory and the glory will come that's what i want to do tonight i want to talk on the glory of god and i'm going to speak on it for about an hour and whenever i get through we're going to believe the lord that god is going to pour out his glory in your life and in your church in your ministry can you say amen so in habakkuk it says and the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea you may be seated thank you if you will please everybody cut your cell phones off and give me your best ear for about the next 50 minutes to an hour tonight i want to make it crystal clear before i get started in preaching on the glory of god that i'm in no way trying to put more value on the glory than i am of the shed blood of christ could i please say to you right up front that there's nothing more important and there's nothing more valuable than the shed blood of jesus christ on the cross of calvary for all of our sins there's nothing more important than that the next thing is i don't want to uh make anybody feel like that i'm preaching on the glory of god and i'm putting that above the uh holy spirit the ministry of the holy spirit because i'm not the ministry of the holy spirit he's the second he's the third person in the adorable godhead god the father god the son god the holy spirit so the holy spirit is one of the godhead so you can't top that but when i start talking about the glory of god i'm not going to not talk about the glory of god because i feel like right now this is sort of the way things are trending and i feel like in light of everything that's happened in 2020 and i feel like in light of every thing that's going on right now and has been going on this year from january to now in march i feel like that the glory of god is now beginning and about to manifest in tremendous ways that may take many people in the church world by surprise and they might not know what it is so my purpose in being here is i want to talk about it so when it begins to manifest you can say i know what that is that's the glory of god right there so here we go i was asked recently brother kilpatrick why all this talk about the excitement concerning the glory of god and so i asked the lord i said well lord people's asking me this question what how do i respond to them he said well didn't i say in my word that the latter house the glory on the ladder house would be greater than the former he said the former had some major glory on it but if the latter is going to have more glory on the ladder house than the former you better be talking about so the holy spirit is a person but the glory of god is not a person the glory of god is not a place the glory of god is an environment that's what it is now let me say those two things again before i get started the holy spirit is a person the glory of god is not a person it doesn't have a personality the glory of god is not a place the glory of god is an atmosphere it's an environment so god is everywhere he's omnipresent that means he's everywhere you go to the furthest planet in our solar system and beyond and the lord is there david said if i make my bed in hell he's there if i go to the highest mountain he's there god is everywhere he's omnipresent but he does not manifest his presence everywhere the days of the old testament god didn't manifest his presence among the malachites the hittites the perez eyes he did not manifest his presence in other nations he manifested it through the seat of abraham because he was in covenant with abraham god manifest his presence only among his people because his people reverenced his presence and they reverenced his glory and god will manifest his glory to those that love it and reverence to those that don't they won't have a manifestation of the glory of god most likely now god usually manifests himself in two different areas he manifests himself where he's worshiped in spirit and truth and also where he's continually honored and reverenced god sometimes will reveal his glory as shekinah shekinah glory means that he'll manifest his presence to humans through physical phenomena such as fire clouds are a light that can be seen oftentimes the second way god reveals his glory is through the kabad k-a-b-o-d kabad or k-a-b-o-u-d which means glory in the body the word the liver in your body is a similar word to kebab k-a-b-o-u-d the greek word in your body for the liver is is kabad because it's the heaviest organ in your body the word for the glory is a root word called kabad and it means that's where god manifests his presence by a weighty manifest presence that is felt but not really seen but it's felt it's holy it's comforting it's therapeutic it's weighty in the bible you find that whenever god made adam and eve and he put them in the garden they were clothed with the glory adam and eve was clothed with the glory and they met with the lord and when they had the glory on them they could talk to god face to face no intimidation no inferiority complex at all he could look at god in the face and correspond with god god could look at him in the face adam was the highest order of intelligence the highest order of homo sapien his face was chiseled with intelligence no sickness no death no evil thoughts no double mindedness he was chiseled as a god-man right under god god's son not his only begotten son but god's son that he had placed all of his creation under adam and adam was a beauty eve was of the highest order of homo sapien and they were clothed with the glory they were naked they were clothed with the glory and they were always naked only when they sinned did they start reaching out for leaves and whatever to try to cover their nakedness why was they trying to cover the nakedness because that weighty presence of god lifted off of could i tell you something ever since man in the garden has lost the glory he's been reaching for things to try to bring that weighty presence back investments won't do it money won't do it popularity won't do it a new home won't do it alcohol won't do it pornography won't do it only the presence of the glory of god will bring you what you're looking for come on get in prayers and the bible says that when they sinned the glory lifted off of them and mankind began to reach immediately for leave trying to cover up they and the lord said who told you you were naked well they felt so light they felt so vulnerable they felt so exposed that weighty presence wasn't on them anymore so in the beginning i want to contrast the glory with the anointing in the beginning many people don't understand the glory of god in the anointing of god they use it interchangeably like it's the same thing and it's far far different the glory is not the anointing and the anointing is not the glory well what is the anointing the anointing is god's authorization on your life to do the works of the ministry in the earth it is god's stamp of approval like ford manufacturing company out of detroit has a dealership here in terre haute ford manufacturing in detroit has a dealership in south alabama where i live anyone that's anointed is authorized by heaven to do the works of heaven in the earth under the anointing it means you're an authorized representative of god's power god's supernatural power so that means you're authorized and you're anointed to do the works of the ministry in the earth you have the anointing but let me tell you about the glory when under the anointing there's power coming from you like for example jesus said who touched me when all denied peter and they that were with him said master the multitude throngs you and they press on you and you say who touched me jesus said well somebody has touched me because i felt virtue go out of me what he was saying is somebody got close enough to me to lay a demand on my anointing and i felt the anointing leave me and go into somebody now who was it so the anointing is when the power of god flows out of you into somebody else but the glory of god the glory of god is different when we experience the glory it's not us that's working anymore now it's god that's working now it's a realm of rest we don't do anything we don't need to touch anybody we don't know direct we need to go around and give a prophetic word to anybody we've already moved in that anointing we've already prophesied we've already preached we've already laid hands on people and that's where people leave is when the anointing gets through moving but we're leaving too early we need to wait until the glory shows up our forefathers in early pentecost the way pentecost was in early america years ago is they would operate under the anointing they would fast they would pray they would pray for people to receive the baptism of the holy spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues they would pray for the sick they'd lay hands on them they'd be healed and just have a great service but then before they went home people would be gathered around the altar people be sitting in the floor people be crying and praying with one another and they would wait in the presence of god until the glory would show up now what's the glory the glory is when you don't do anything the glory comes and you've got to be sensitive to know when to stop moving in the anointing and be quiet and be still and wait upon the lord and they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength now listen to me real quickly here's one thing that i have that's a problem for me now i'm not criticizing i'm just telling you what i see what i observe i'm not criticizing these people but when it comes to a lot of these churches today they want to have a service that's an hour or less and that may sound pretty good to people that don't want to spend much time in church and don't spend much time in the presence of the lord that may sound pretty good dip in get you a little bit go home maybe it'll last you for a few days since i've got back next week but here's what happens you have these churches that are growing like crazy it's because they have an hour or less service people come in they hear some worship they hear the preacher preach our lecture at least he's not preaching his lecturing really just giving a little lecture there's no speaking in tongues there's no manifestation of the gifts of the holy spirit there's no moving of the holy spirit so they come in we heard them in and heard them out y'all leave hurry up we've got other people waiting to get in everything's in a hurry but there is no waiting on the lord to come into the church and to minister to his people the old-timers used to call it the glory and what they'll say is we're going to pray and we're going to preach and we're going to prophesy until the glory comes and then we're going to wait for the lord to touch us and refresh us listen to this when the glory comes you realize now there's no longer any need to operate in faith or in the anointing now it's just time for everybody to be on a level playing field and to wait for the lord to touch us we work under the anointing we work under the anointing but we rest unto the glory so you've got to learn to balance between operating and the anointing and allowing the holy spirit to come and refresh people people get real nervous in church today in america when it comes to being quiet and letting god do his thing everybody's comfortable when the preacher does his thing and everybody's comfortable when the worship team does their thing but when we're waiting on god to do his thing we get real spooky about that and we're thinking oh this is weird no friend this is exactly what you need you need for the presence of god to come in and oh come on give him praise right i feel that now let me just share this with you before i go any further than the message i want to say this before i forget it here's what i believe now this is what i believe i just want you to listen to it you check it out and see what you think about it i will always treasure the anointing and i'll move under the anointing and i can't function without the anointing trust me but i believe that god is about to introduce to the people of god in the church world now a level of his presence called the glory and i believe in the glory there's going to be a greater level of miracles than we've ever seen before i believe it's going to be a greater level of miracles i believe in the glory there's going to be a greater level of divine healings even with limbs growing out even with eyes being replaced all kinds of things in the glory i believe in the glory now i'm explaining this to you just a minute i want to talk about jesus believe that the church is about to transition we haven't transitioned just yet but we're about to leave this place and we're about to go to this place and there's a lot of trepidation in leaving this place in order to go to this place but let me just tell you something i've had a peek don't be afraid to leave this place because where we're going is going to be a much better place it's going to be a much better place but i believe that we're about to enter into a level of the glory of god where there's going to be miracles that will be absolutely undeniable and indisputable i remember one time at brownsville the glory of god would come in during worship and linda cooley would lead us into areas of worship in the brownsville revival and that's when the glory would usually come in is in deep worship it wasn't spooky it wasn't put on it wasn't fabricated it wasn't conjured up it was just holy and pure it was a pure worship i i've seen the glory of god come in so strong that when it would come in i'd literally be on the platform sometime and thinking to myself lord i hope i get to make it home tonight because the power was so strong i didn't even know if i'd even be able to make it home that night i didn't know if i'd be able to live under the kind of presence that was coming in during that worship it was awesome so during that period of time revival hadn't been going on for just a few weeks maybe a couple months at the most maybe three months and the place was packed out at brownson people everywhere you couldn't get in the building people everywhere and i remember linda was in worship and the glory came in the building and it was like jesus holy spirit my god i've never felt anything like this and you'd have to just brace yourself and keep your balance because you just fall right in the floor so i remember there's a woman down here with her husband her husband was a big burly man and she was a tall slender lady and all of a sudden she's looking at her husband she just started screaming you know and even though we're in revival and i'm a pentecostal preacher if you're going to scream in my church you need a pretty good reason to scream in my trunk so she's done that and he's staring at her husband so i reached over and grabbed a handheld microphone like this and i ran down there she never saw me come and didn't care that i was counting and so when i got down on the floor level i looked at her eyes and i looked at what her eyes was looking at and she was looking at her husband's hand and he was a former vietnam veteran and when he was in vietnam they threw a bomb and i threw a grenade in on him in his tent with his soldiers and he reached in and picked up the grenade and was throwing the grenade and he threw it but when he was throwing it it exploded and blew all part of his hand his hand was growing back i saw it i saw it it blew the meat off of his fingers his fingers was dry and gnarled up and i looked over there and she was ah like that when i saw it i said [Applause] we screamed to do it for jesus hallelujah but anyway anyway i s here's what i saw i looked over there and it looked like it honestly looked like an invisible laser came that you couldn't see the laser but it was creating skin whip stitching skin like that just whip stitching skin over those fingers like that and i got in on the tail end of it and it was finishing up on these fingers and when it got through he was looking at his hand like that but the meat on his fingers matched the tan on his hand exactly my god don't do no junk friend come on and help me i said god don't do no joke come on give me praise come on give him praise then i looked at the meat on the pink part of his hand and the meat on the pink part of his hand matched his pink over the rest of his hand it was a perfect match now wouldn't it have been bad if the lord had said oh shucks i came close i just couldn't do it yeah i mean it matched perfect you couldn't tell that man came back to brownsville i can't tell you how many times and testified to that miracle and so what the holy spirit showed me was in the days of the brownsville revival when the glory of god would come in we'd begin to see those kinds of miracles now please hear me please hear me just listen to me i've seen it i know that it's real i beheld it i felt it and i know that's where we're headed and god is about to do great and mighty things and believe me revival can break out like a wildfire and sweep almost the whole nation up in just a matter of days in just a matter of days god can break out on march the 7th and by the 14th the whole nation could be ablaze oh come on give god praise stand to your feet foreign send the glory send the glory come on say it to the glory [Applause] man [Applause] thank you all we're ready for the glory lord send the glory lord send the glory lord send the glory lord send the glory lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you may be seated if you can if you can't just keep saying it's all right i just made up my mind i'm a lot like a drug addict once you get a shot of this [Music] nothing else will ever satisfy you know what we had all kind of criticism at brownsville we had major preachers blasting us and saying it was of the devil and it wasn't of god and it was all hype but you know what you know what kept me is every night when i went in there every time i walked in i felt the presence of the glory and when you're in the glory it don't matter what anybody says it just doesn't matter what anybody says you know you're safe you know the lord is with you and you know that this is real and you know that's going to eventually die off but the glory is going to remain [Applause] let me talk to you about moses for a minute moses first encounter with god was a glory encounter i don't know if you've ever thought about it or not but let me explain it to you the bush burned moses drew near and the bush is burning but it won't be consumed let me tell you something about the glory the glory fire is a powerful fire but it's not deadly it won't consume nothing but it's a fire so now moses is in the presence of god like adam used to be revelation came to moses while he was at the burning bush on how to deliver two and a half million jews from egyptian bondage now let me explain something to you about moses real quick moses life was divided up in the 340s moses's life was divided up in the 340s from the time he was born and he was raised in pharaoh's household he spent 40 years now think about this just go back with me and think about it for a minute he was raised in pharaoh's household he used to crawl around pharaoh's throne was raised in pharaoh's house he was raised in pharaoh's throne room pharaoh's daughter would take moses in because she adopted him as her own she found a wet nurse to nurse him not realizing it was a kid's own mother don't god have a sense of humor and she's walking around with this baby she lets him down on the floor he's crawling up to pharaoh he's crawling all around the throne he's getting acclimated to the throne he's getting acclimated to power he's getting acclimated to power kingly rule he sees all these people around pharaoh his guard and he sees power raw power and he sees the palace and he sees the regal he sees the regalia and all the regal power and all that kind of raw power and he's used to it he's raised around it he's used to it yeah i see that yeah okay i got it but one day he kills an egyptian and he asked to flee well john brown when he flees he can't come back to egypt he has to run for his life as a fugitive and he goes out in the desert and there's a man out there tending sheep well who was that that was jethro of the beverly hillbillies [Applause] there was jethro out there and what's jethro doing listen when moses was in the first 40 of his years of his life he saw raw power when he goes out in the desert and he's running for his life he comes up on the shepherd and the shepherd is a sweet shepherd man he's a sweet man he tenderly watches openness shoe now god's got moses out of the halls of power and he's got him under a shepherd and the shepherd shows them how to care for god's people how to pet them how to make sure when they eat there's not briars that's going to hurt them how to put salve and oil on them when they come in at the end of the day how to hold them and speak nothing to them sweet nothings moses married jethro's daughter spent 40 years with it jethro taught him how to bring water out of a desert because when moses gets in the wilderness leading the children of israel in the wilderness they're going to need to learn all these things that shepard's going to teach you after that 40 years was up now moses has learned to be a shepherd he's going to be a king shepherd is what moses is going to be he's going to be a man of power he's going to be the greatest man besides christ the leadership greatest leader that ever lived he learned it in the halls of power and pharaoh then he learned the tender part of it about how to be a shepherd under jethro and now the last 40 years of his life he's out keeping the sheep and the bush starts burning and the lord says moses take your shoes off the place where you're standing is holy ground in other words what he's saying is you're in the glory son come over here but don't approach me haphazardly approach me with respect so moses went over there and here's what the lord said to him he said i'm going to give you a plan and i'm going to show you how to deliver these children of israel from this grip of pharaoh and god said i want you to go back in to egypt i want you to go back into pharaoh's household once you go back to pharaoh's court and i want you to tell him i am that i am said let my people go moses said say what say what go back into pharaoh's house yeah what god's saying is i'll put you 40 years there where you get acclimated to it not be intimidated by it i'm going to send you back in there it's going to be familiar territory and don't you be afraid of anybody you know sometimes god will put you in situations where he's going to use you at a later time but he's trying to teach you don't be afraid of anybody anywhere at any time because i am with you and i will never leave you and i'll never forsake you open your mouth wide speak what i give you and don't you run well moses went back in there and he said pharaoh i am that i am said let my people go pharaoh said says what say who and so pharaoh called his magicians in and they all threw their rods down you know all the big boys got to play you know they've got they got to show their strength like so they all threw the rods down and moses held his rod to the last theirs became snakes but you know god always holds a trump card no pun intended [Applause] god always holds the trump card and watch this moses threw his rod down and his rod was a king snake it ate all their snakes up let me tell you something about god god will let the devil show out and show off but in the end god's going to have the last word you can bet on i said heart is going to hell the last he's going to have the last word say it with me he's going to have the last word but now watch this now moses says okay god sends the plagues all this thing and so finally moses go before pharaoh he said okay we're leaving they left when they got out to the wilderness and they got out to the red sea god told moses he said now when you cross the red sea and you get over in the wilderness he said you're going to be in there for 40 years and it's going to be a journey under and in my glory for 40 years because you said you wouldn't go without my presence so he said here's my presence you'll see it coming in the morning you'll see it coming like a cloud out of the east he said look like a cloud and he said that'll be my glory and he said there'll be a pillar of cloud at night and it'll be on fire he said when you see that pillar of cloud at night that fire at night he said that's my glory and in the daytime i'll have the temperature perfect where people won't be sunburned they won't faint they won't get sick he said be a pillar of cloud by day and pillar fire by night so at night time whenever they got in the wilderness and got all settled in at night time there were kids that was born in the wilderness and when they were born in the wilderness right after they left egypt there were kids that all they ever knew their whole life for the next 40 years many of them just newborns all they ever knew was the glory they lay down at night those little kids and they grew up every night like the roar of an engine the glory of god fire fire and in the daytime hell of cloud by day and when it came time for them to go into the land of promise many of them didn't want to go in the land of promise why because they said we don't want to leave the glory is the glory going in with us and he said joshua said dawg the man is going to stay out there and that presence is going to stay out there many of them didn't want to go in you remember remember that you remember some of the tribes that won't go in they're settling listen to this moses the last 40 years of his life lived in that glory every night fire every day the daytime the glory the glory was so strong that the bible said their shoes wouldn't wear out because when you're in the glory nothing wears out everything's renewed now follow me just for a minute follow me just for a minute so they're in the wilderness the clothes won't wear out the shoes won't wear out that's bad news for women the clothes wouldn't wear out the shoes wouldn't wear out and the bible says it came time for moses to die now he'd been in the glory for 40 years it came time for him to die it's time now for joshua to take over and here's what the bible says moses the servant of the lord died in the land of moab according to the word of the lord and stop right there just for a minute it's not that the bible is saying he died according to the word of the lord he died it's saying that he died according to the word of the lord the lord had to give him command to die you know why because he had so much glory in him he couldn't even die and he's 120 years old three sets of 40s look what he says now look and moses the servant of the lord died in the land of moab according to the word of the lord and he buried him god buried him in the valley of the land of moab over against beth pure but no man knows of his supper to this day moses was 120 years old when he died his eye was not dim you know why his eye was not dim because he was in the glory all the time you know what that means there was no opticians in the wilderness there was no there was no glasses and it said his natural forces was not abated that meant he was still able to have children he still was a viral man at 120 years old why because he's in the glory and his body wouldn't wear out he still produced testosterone so the lord had to say come over here minute moses it's time for you to go but i got a problem i'll have to give you the word son die [Applause] but listen this is this his body was under the glory so his body wasn't ready to die he'd been in that glory for 40 years and the glory causes you to be renewed day by day that's what i'm talking about about glory in these last days see there's people that we all know we're about to face some stuff we all know that things have changed in 2020 we all know that nothing's the same but what i'm trying to tell you is even though we're going into some extremely difficult days we're going to have two things with us the glory and the angels the glory and the anger come on come on help me the glory on the end go ahead give me praise go ahead all right so their clothes wouldn't wear out their shoes wouldn't wear out and the bible says when moses got ready to die he called all the children of israel around him all two and a half million of them he said he said unto them you've seen all that the lord has done before your eyes in the land of egypt unto pharaoh and unto all of his servants and unto all this land and the great temptations which your eyes have seen the signs and those great miracles yet the lord has not given you a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear unto this day i led you these 40 years in the wilderness and your clothes did not wax old upon you and neither did your shoe wax old upon your foot now what moses is saying there is god is having to give me a command to die because i've been in the glory so long my body don't want to die your clothes and your shoes wouldn't wear out because you've been in the glory all this time they kept their teeth they didn't go blind they didn't have to have uh radiology in the wilderness they didn't have to have ekgs in the wilderness god kept them everyone the glory kept them that's another thing i want to say i'm not worried about vaccines and i'm not worried about pandemics listen because the god that kept israel can keep us in the days to come somebody praise god now i'm not going to go i'm not going to venture out in that territory about vaccines and all that because i know a lot of people's taking them and i know a lot of people are afraid to take them so i'm not even going to go there that's not that don't that i'm not going to concern myself with that i'm just saying this that the presence of god in the glory of god is well able to take care of you see there was no there was no hospitals there was no ambulances there was no funeral homes in the wilderness god just took care of them and i believe today is coming where god's going to take care of us the very same way but i'll i'll get if i if i don't get off that i'm gonna get messed up let's talk about elijah just for a minute did you know right now elijah told elisha he said now son if you see me when i go you've asked for a double portion he said if you see me when i go i'll grant you a double portion he said okay so god sent a vortex he sucked elijah up off the earth in a vortex like a tornado there was a fiery chariot waiting there it was not a chariot manufactured on the earth it was a fiery cherry it was glory cherry it was a glory wagon there's a glory wagon moses flopped down in it i mean elijah flopped down in it there was an angel driving the chariot how many of you knows if you don't get in the chariot you better have a driver because you don't know where you're going and about that time the angel said and just as they were heading straight up elijah said oh i forgot elisha and he pulled his mantel off and he dropped it down and it just went floating down to the earth and elijah went into heaven and i want to tell you something now listen to me listen to me everybody elijah is still in heaven to this day in his natural body that means he's got his natural eyeballs he's still got his teeth there's no dentist in heaven he doesn't need glasses he doesn't have respiratory problems he doesn't have coronary problems he's still alive in heaven right now perfect health after thousands of years why because in the glory you can't die you remember what our forefathers used to say our old grannies and grandpas and the lord used to say honey one day i'm going to die and i'm going on to the lord i'm going to be with the lord in glory you ever heard him say that i'm going to glory you know what they were saying i'm going to a place where you can't die and i'm going to a place where there'll be no more tears there'll be no more labor there'll be no more sorrow i'm going to glory and i believe we can have some of that glory on this earth before we leave here now listen to this so the bible said there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire in verse 11. so he's still alive to this day and he parted them both asunder elijah went up the whirlwind and elijah went over and picked elijah went over and picked up that mantle and so in heaven time does not exist in heaven so elijah has not grown old in heaven and you can't die and grow old in the glory even clothes won't wear out the glory shoes won't wear out in the glory the body won't wear out in the glory and so that's where elijah's been but now this is interesting i i've been trying to get here all night and i'm skipping a bunch of stuff to get here it came to pass after eight days i just listened to this this is so good this is so good somebody said this is so good say it one more time this is so good it came to pass after about eight days he took peter and james and john and went up into a mountain to pray as he prayed oh my goodness look what happened here the fashion the structure the architecture the dna of his face changed and was altered and as raymond started glistening like glitter his his garment started glistening like glitter and the structure of his face changed and behold look who shows up two glory men elijah that's still alive and hadn't died and he was caught up into glory and moses who god said had to say just flat out die boy come on you know so now here they are and they're with jesus on the mount of transfiguration okay now watch this who appeared in glory now they appeared in glory they didn't appear in heaven but they appeared in glory what does that mean they appeared in an atmosphere of the brilliance of god and they spake jesus spake of his deceased which he should accomplish at jerusalem but peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep and they were awake when they were awake they saw his glory and two men that stood with him now y'all anybody ever remember brownsville howard always lay over in that chair on the platform i deliver in that chair and i wasn't asleep i was always totally awake but i just lost i couldn't set up anymore i understand the scripture now about peter when it said and when they were with him were heavy with sleep my eyes would drop i'd be totally awake i could hear everything but i had no control over my body it's just like i had no body now i understand that i was in the glory see was in the glory and so the bible said when they saw his lorry and the two minutes leave with him there appeared a cloud and overshadowed them and they feared as they entered into that cloud and they came a voice out of the cloud saying this is my beloved son hearing but here's something i want you to see it says after six days he took with him peter james and john led them up into a very high mountain apart by themselves and he was transfigured before them now look this way just for a minute listen to me the only way that the disciples had ever known jesus was under the anointing but now they're seeing him for the first time in the glory and now they're seeing his face is configured and altered his face is altered it's like he's who is this oh my god look at this wow and that glory is so powerful that the bible says you remember that their clothes wouldn't wear out well god let the disciples see the glory get on jesus clothes and they started sparkling they even got in the cloth that he was wearing you remember the bible says that when moses went up and met with the lord that the glory was so strong they had to put a veil over his face and when he came down his face even veiled was so bright israel couldn't stand to look upon him the glory of god got in that veil that covered his face they were wearing masks back then [Laughter] social distancing back then but what happened was the disciples had been around jesus for three and a half years and all they ever knew him as was anointed he said this day is the spirit of the lord upon me has anointed me to preach the gospel et cetera et cetera et cetera lay hands on the sick cast out devils and they only knew him in the anointing but now before he left he wanted to take them apart to a high mountain he said i want to show you there's more i want to show you this more and i want to show you that his face the visage of his face was altered and he started glistening like he was in full of glitter and the glory of the lord was all over him now they saw him in glory and they awakened the disciples awakened to see a different dimension so that they could see jesus listen let me let me give you this passage about moses this is in exodus about moses now this is not christ when moses came down from mount sinai with the two tablets of testimony when he came down from the mount moses did not know that the skin of his face shone listen to me just a minute when the glory of god gets on your clothes they'll glitter and glisten and it even gets in the skin it gets in the skin and the skin of a human being the bible says will cause your face to shine cause the face to shine you know what the bible says in heaven there'll be no more need to the sun you know why because jesus christ himself will be so bright he's going to light the whole planet of heaven just his face just his face and he said the skin of his face shown in verse 30 and they were afraid to come night to moses let me let me close i'm gonna close i've been going a long time how long have been going 50 minutes i'm gonna close i got five or six more minutes can you stay with me just for a minute i'm having to eliminate a whole bunch of stuff out of here but if you want to get this you can go to my website and just order mysteries of the glory and you can get it all let me let me close somebody says brother kilpatrick how do we how do we if we if we start seeking the glory of god how do we begin to move in the glory we understand how to move into anointing but how do we move in the glory well i'm glad you asked that question because here's the way it happens look at this in closing paul said our light affliction which is but for a moment works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory now wait just a minute let's back up afflictions that we go through misunderstandings people persecuting us attacking us the devil attacking us the devil attacking us through people the things that the hardships we have to go through he said our light afflictions which is just but for a moment they work for us and they work in us an eternal weight of glory in other words what it's saying is the things that you suffer will cause your glory to increase the things that you suffer in other words when you suffer for him and you go through things and you're wondering lord why in the world do i go through these things you got to remember this when you come out of it on the other side there's always a heavier weight of glory on let me show you something watch this you remember when jesus was in gethsemane and the bible says that the lord gave him the cup to drink remember that and jesus said i've got to drink this cup it was a cup of it was the sins of the world he said i've got to drink this cup he was afflicted he was he was under a heavy a heavy burden he was going through it his sweat turned into great drops of blood it was the most horrifying thing that you've ever seen a human go through it was a physical thing but it was a spiritual spiritual spiritual battle and when he cleared that when he cleared that gethsemane thing then he goes into the tomb or he goes into the garden rather excuse me he's sitting around with the disciples and in just a minute here comes judas and he's got the soldiers with him they all got lighted torches they come walking in the garden and jesus sees them come walking in and he just says in a casual voice whom seek ye it through his just his voice threw them around like rag dogs the soldiers was tumbling around like like like a bomb exploding in the garden you know what that was when jesus went through what god made him go through god increased the glory of god so much on jesus that when he just spoke a normal word it threw men around like ragdolls and that's why peter said that's why peter reached over and took that that sword and he thought boy here's my opportunity i'm gonna get me some head i'm gonna cut me a head off here and so he swung and he hit malcus's ear and cut it off jesus walked right over there and just put it right back on i think i've said jesus what foot you know just put the ear right back on but when jesus just said in a casual voice whom seek you here's what i'm trying to say i believe the day's going to come that we're all going to go through things that may shock us to even think about it what's coming but if you'll go through it and keep a sweet spirit and don't bail out when you come out on the other side there's going to be such an authority in your voice when you preach people have a hard time setting up under the words you're preaching when you preach under the glory of god there's going to be such a wave of the glory of god that's going to come in that place even when you talk to people behind the counter in a department store they're going to have a hard time standing up why because there's glory that's been increased upon your life [Applause] when the worship team sings when the worship team sings they're going to sing with such glory on their voices when preachers preach and evangelists and pastors preach there's going to be such glory on their voices that people have a hard time sitting up in the pews that's the kind of power that's coming and i close with this the thing that i preached to you tonight is not some kind of an ethereal mystery the thing i preached to you tonight is it's coming just as soon as i stand here i want you to be ready for it i have felt it i have experienced it it's real i've walked down off the platform at brownsville many nights and tony's right here with me he's traveled with me all these many years 25 years together i'd walk down off that platform he'd be right by my side i'd walk off that platform on that main floor and there'd be such a river of the glory of god running through that church that when you got down on the main floor it would just take it was a glory river and just take you and i have literally done this before put my feet in the carpet trying to not go that way and it just it was that strong just that strong now you might be sitting out there saying oh my brother killed patrick are you serious well do you think i'd get up here and preach something like this if i wasn't serious i mean really come on i'm not going to talk about stuff like this if it's not if it's not something that god's about to do i just want you when you see it to remember what i'm telling you it's coming as sure as i stand here god bless you thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: Cross Tabernacle
Views: 7,675
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: cross tabernacle, crosst, cross tab, church, outporing, Keith Taylor, unashamed student ministries
Id: iguR0by62zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 20sec (4940 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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