Soulwinning with LaDonna Osborn - Part 1

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welcome to today with marilyn and sarah and i want to tell you i love you partners and appreciate you no end and i have a great testimony to share with you this woman wrote in and said while i was watching today with meryl and sarah i saw from our window and neighbor a thought came to mind to pray for him your program gave me boldness to minister to my neighbor isn't that great and we want you to call us with your prayer requests we want you to watch today we want you to receive because we really have a special guest share with us about the gifts we do we have a great guest and and i'm going to share that in just a minute but i want to encourage you if you're watching right now and i just feel in my heart you some of you watching you're needing to make a decision and you need god's input on this particular decision it's been weighing heavy on your heart and we want to pray for you that god would direct you and really that you would know with certainty how god wants you to move in this particular decision so hop on the phone get on the website we love praying for you and we know that god answers prayer a lot of ways that times that god does answer prayer is ways that we don't anticipate and also remember god's timeline is different sometimes than our timeline so trust god god's got good things for you god's got answers god's got help god's got solutions provisions absolutely let's get on the phone now call ask for prayer and let's see god do amazing things in your life and the guest that we have today is ladonna osborne oh my goodness she's a legend and her parents are were legends they are very powerful this whole family is very powerful and expressing demonstrating god's love throughout the whole world so i want you to put your remote control down relax let's settle in here because you're going to be encouraged motivated and empowered with god's love pouring into you as well as god's love pouring through you mama what is your family suffer when i wondered streets outside my friends they're dots there's things they don't want me to see when you can see my ribs my hair was falling out you can do everything it takes thank you so much for joining today oh my goodness am i excited to introduce to you ladonna osborne thank you so much for joining today thank you sarah thank you i love you marilyn and we're thrilled that you get to participate and hear this conversation rich conversation so ladonna can you give us a little bit of background why people might know know you and some of your upbringings yes my parents were the well-known ones tl and daisy osborne in the context of evangelism among the unreached missions miracles that whole world my parents would be right in the middle of beginning in the late 40s on through until they've gone on to be with the lord so i grew up in the environment traveling the world from the age of nine months actually and so it was it was my life my normal so it didn't seem like anything unusual and so the the ministry continues the osborne ministry continues it's a the vision has never changed the methods have expanded of course as our world has changed but um i'm i'm thankful for the legacy that i walk in i told sister maryland just just a few moments ago that i reap where others have labored yes i do go into new territory but my parents are known all over the world and loved for the message of jesus that they brought confirmed with miracles so that's where i came from who i am and how people might know me and you might be watching now and and i just encourage you ladonna and tl her dad have a really cool book called soul winning and that's one of the things i love about this family is their passion for jesus and helping people connect with jesus so grab your copy of soul winning and when you do of course we'd love to pray for you whatever the needs are in your life we know that god answers prayer and donna i i interrupted i was like hey you guys need to do this for a tv because you guys are in this rich conversation and you were talking about when your parents went to india when they were 20 and 21 yes and tell us about that yes they were they were both very poor from large families on the farm my father oklahoma my mother california when they met they married at 17 and 18. and they were so sincere they were in their denominations learning what they were supposed to learn and gradually they became pastors they were they were so talented so they really rose that that corporate ladder in the denomination and so while they were pastors they were in portland oregon and um a missionary set up probably by their denomination from india came to visit their church and during her presentation to the people they she was talking about the needs of india well my mother my mother and father prayed they talked about that and they said well the need is greater there than here there's lots more preachers here than there are in india they made they were always what would be spontaneous in obedience obeying the lord so they sold everything resigned from their church my older brother was six months old and this was in 1945. so the war the second world war was just at this this phase of of wrapping up and they took up an army freighter to india and they were they were missionaries there they didn't last long because they were told by the missionary the senior missionary that it's very hard to win souls in india he had been there 25 years had not won a soul my father couldn't understand that so so he to make a a wonderful long story short i'll make it very short he went out determined that day to win a soul to christ he ultimately confronted a young muslim man and they began talking about god well my father didn't know anything about muslims or hindus and he was surprised that this young man would talk about god he called him allah or something well my father never heard of allah and so then my father got bold and talked about jesus and to my father's surprise the young man knew all about jesus that he he was a teacher he was somewhat of a prophet my father was bold he stepped in and he says yes he was the son of god he died on the cross for the sins of the world and he's alive today and the young man says no no no no he said how can you prove that because he says if if god would not raise his principal prophet muhammad why would he raise a lesser prophet oh that's a good question and so he says can you prove it my father got his bible out and started thumbing through and the muslims says what's that what's that oh the holy bible the word of god it happened and this is so cool that young man had a quran with him black just like the bible gold edges just like the bible is quran my father said holy bible when my father realized that he had no proof of the resurrection of jesus other than scripture he came back to my mother and says sell everything we brought we're going home they came home broken-hearted but you see god took them while they were there they saw the masses of india being led by mahatma gandhi as he was leading india in this peaceful revolt at that time yes that was the timing and so my folks saw the masses of people they had never seen masses and they saw the empty eyes of people of of religions they're devout followers of these religions but they're hopeless and when my parents came home they couldn't get those scenes out of their eyes out of their heart and so they began praying one prayer and they prayed it every day they became pastors again and their prayer was lord how do we convince people of other faiths that you are the true god that the bible is your word and that jesus is who he claimed to be and is alive today they prayed that every day at the end of one year jesus walked in my parents bedroom and that was the beginning and you said what was really the encounter that they had that changed everything they had been ordinary wonderful christian sincere but they were ordinary and traditional teaching and preparation wasn't enough when jesus appeared to my father it changed him completely it changed my mother and they did a most amazing thing they began reading the four gospels and the book of acts as though they had never read them before and my father says let's read them and let's forget everything we've been taught and and let's believe two things number one that everything jesus told his followers to do we will do and everything he said he would do we'll trust him to do it that was it he resigned their church sold everything by this time i'm nine months old and they decided to go and jamaica was their first target and my mother told my father well the children and i are going with you sounds like another bold woman i know and oh my father says i don't know if it's even safe let me go first and let me see if i can get something set up and i'll simply just know we're coming with you well they argued a while and finally she said okay you go ahead and go but stay at the airport because the children and i will be on the next plane to kingston jamaica wow and he said well so that was the beginning of us traveling as a family going from nation to nation and in jamaica they purposed to prove if what they had seen in scripture was true they hired a hall and they took out a newspaper ad to say come bring the sick jesus is a healer the same yesterday today and forever and the people came they had services three times a day in that hall for 17 weeks wow and during that time they saw so many people come to christ and the miracles every kind of miracle i don't know all the stats there's probably a lot of it in this soul-winning book but 90 totally blind people were healed cripples cancers death everything so they proved no jesus is alive he is the same if we'll just tell it he'll do the work and that was the beginning say that again if we'll just tell it if we'll just that's all he told us to do exactly we have nothing to prove we have no reputation to keep it's all him and you know i love your book on soul winning of course you know your family are in my genes i know that's true i know that's true sorry for crying but i so know how jesus loves the world and this will help you to love the world and he will love through you so i want you to have the book and of course you can call us we want to hear from you and we're going to be right back with much more and i'm not going to cry do you know how to win souls when it comes to evangelism many believers don't even know where to begin for your gift of 25 or more we will send you t.l osborne's book soul winning recently updated by his daughter ladonna osborne this book will empower you to reach outside the walls of the church where christians are out of touch with the unconverted world we will also send you marilyn and sarah's cd teaching daring faith sarah's booklet first steps on your journey with jesus and our new step-by-step witness card to help you lead those around you into a relationship with jesus christ for your gift of 100 or more we will include our star of david and cross necklace this lovely piece will help you honor the jewish roots of our christian faith call or click today for this empowering offer mama what is your family suffer when i wonder states of night my friends it dots those things they don't want me to see when you can see my ribs my hair was falling out it'll do everything it takes i am so delighted you are watching today because let me tell you you're going to see what can make you crazy about jesus or why you are crazy about jesus because we have the most wonderful guest we have ladonna osborne and daisy and t.l osmond her parents were the ones who influenced wally and me and you know i don't know how many countries i've gone to but you say well where did it start it started with daisy and tila and i'm so happy we have their daughter with us so she's going to be sharing and what would she share on soul winning and what what is important to god souls what does god love souls what do you love and what do i love and madonna what do you love share with us yeah that's it it's such a joy to be with you marilyn you know there's an atmosphere of the lord here it's really very strong and i i'm sure your your viewers can sense it yeah as well because when you i've i've learned that when you talk about the things that jesus once talked about he shows up yes he does and he shows off he does he shows up and he has a way of clearing our perspective and put things putting things in the right focus for us right this this book i'm i'm so excited it happens to be a an edit a an um an upgrade if i could say of my father's first book oh really he first wrote a small a small little pocket book and published it he didn't publish it he printed and sent it free to over a hundred thousand preachers all over the world in the early sixties now it was this book in that first edition that began to stir the revival of evangelism through the believer at that time it was unheard of for anyone to win souls but the pastor or maybe the special evangelist everybody else just sat in their pew and did what they were told paid their ties didn't get in trouble and so this book was revolutionary now this this enlarged version is for this generation has so many uh historical pieces and and techniques for how a person can bring another to christ but the whole purpose of the book is to is to tell an individual believer this is the new testament model you don't need to to have a great um popular crusade yes we're crusaders right we are but we can't do it all no the new testament model was every believer to share a witness of jesus and in two years correct me if i'm wrong in two years that handful of spirit-filled believers turn their world upside down well that's because they were doing the thing that they were empowered to do and so they did it with effectiveness this is what i do all over the world yeah but i'm not just a soul winner behind a pulpit in front of a mass right of people every person i see i i pray that i will always see them through the eyes of jesus god loves people right he loves people i wake up in the morning with that god loves you yes god how is he going to love them he's going to love them through me today i'm going to be available that's right now i want you to call with your prayer needs of course we love to pray for you but you've got to get the book and you know people say what makes you so crazy this will show you i'm telling you you get crazy about jesus it is just awesome if you want a fantastic life above everything else get the book it's soul winning isn't it it is soul burning and marilyn you haven't said but let me say you wrote the foreword for this book you put your endorsement on it yeah you're in it you're part of it this has been your life oh yeah we're one family we are in the same in this same ministry we don't know any other life no and uh and so i appreciate that your your reputation may i say you're known all over the world you're a historic character you're legendary you're in your lifetime and for you to say to people in such a straightforward way you can do this too oh oh that's empowering and it's the happiest life it is it is and i think we always think well i won't do it just right just do it that's exactly it you know i believe the enemy of god that's satan he's the one who who lies to people yeah and he says you'll forget what to say you haven't had training right you're going to look stupid there you don't want to be bothered you're going to look narrow-minded all those are lies people are hungry for the love of god that restores they are they're very needy and i find if you just open the door a little bit and tell them an experience you know something they've respond and especially now i mean the world is really shaky and we have the thing that can stabilize and bring life to them so i want you to call and i want you to get the book because i think a lot of the reason we're not winning souls we don't know how and we think well i'll say it all wrong but i'm going to tell you even saying it wrong god honors it and gives you results so when i share this book i want to share it with everybody i want to share it with all of you i want all of you to have it because i want all of you to have a passion and you're going to see the pictures of huge meetings here but folks it's not just huge meetings it's one-on-one i share in my neighborhood and you know you can have them for coffee and cookies and share jesus there's lots of opportunity and you'll be the happiest when you share him don't you agree you might be watching right now and maybe your family you're frustrated or discouraged because your kids aren't following jesus or you've got parents who are not connected and we would love to pray for you pray for your family that they would come to know christ in a personal way for them you might might have tried to share with them it's been frustrating and awkward and maybe it's been even contentious but we want to pray for the family members in your family that they would come to know jesus so hop on the phone get on the website and of course grab your copy of soul winning so encourage you in your heart and the love that god has for all of humanity and us as individuals and that was something from from your parents from you as well that love god's love is kind of the central motive and why do you why does that come through you you know sarah even though i was raised in this wonderful family in witnessing miracles every day i had to make a personal decision for jesus every person does you can't be born in a christian family and be a born-again christian no it takes a personal choice when i was seven years old i was i was hearing a preaching i don't know what it was even about some woman in guatemala was preaching i was there and i had a vision of jesus he was hanging on a cross it was a large cross he was hanging there he was bleeding it was so graphic you know some people say don't share the real gospel of the cross with children i'm against that because i was a child seven years old and i saw jesus with all the blood and the suffering on the cross and there were two revelations that i had at that moment now only god can do this number one was he was on that cross because of my sin and number two he was on that cross because he loved me he loved me now i hadn't been a bad girl i was a very obedient child i loved jesus we had devotions every day i love to hear the word of god but that does not make this miracle change in your heart so my born-again experience was birthed in the image of the love of god demonstrated through christ and that love is the message that he sends us to give we don't go to tell people about their sin we don't tell people about how imperfect they are all the mistakes they've made religion does that religion puts people down jesus and his gospel brings people up to his level it's so true for god so loves the world that he gave that's the message and it makes a difference i think in this book when you read it you have more of a heart to want to reach people because i think we always think that's somebody else's ministry so i want you to pick up your phone and call us and of course we'd love to pray for you you can leave a prayer request but i want you to get several of the books i think this is so important and this is my lifestyle i'm so happy you know i'm so old and i'm so happy and that's why so i'm going to tell you if you want a supernatural life get involved in soul living and don't say you'll do it all wrong because he's all right do you know how to win souls when it comes to evangelism many believers don't even know where to begin for your gift of 25 or more we will send you t.l osborne's book soul winning recently updated by his daughter ladonna osborne this book will empower you to reach outside the walls of the church where christians are out of touch with the unconverted world we will also send you marilyn and sarah's cd teaching daring faith sarah's booklet first steps on your journey with jesus and our new step-by-step witness card to help you lead those around you into a relationship with jesus christ for your gift of 100 or more we will include our star of david and cross necklace this lovely piece will help you honor the jewish roots of our christian faith call or click today for this empowering offer we're so happy that you have watched today and if you don't have your own relationship with jesus or you've walked away ladonna would you help us with this and connect us to jesus perfect this is your time i believe that you've tuned in at this particular time because god is sending a message to you he loves you it's so easy all you have to do is decide right now that you're going to turn from your old way of thinking turn to jesus say i receive your love i allow your work at the cross to be the action that forgives my sin do you know jesus takes your old life all your stuff and he gives you his life he gives you his stuff he gives you peace he gives you joy he gives you relationship my friend today let this day be your new birthday maybe you've been away from the lord for a while but today you say i want the good life i want the life of happiness and joy that i'm full of what is needed to bring peace to my circumstance and to my world let me pray for you would you just would you just join me in faith and i'm praying for you now in jesus name lord look at these who are making a decision to take you as their lord and savior together we say yes to your plan of salvation yes to your love yes to the deliverance that we have in you we receive now in jesus name and i want you to say today is the best day of my life because jesus christ was big in me today you
Channel: Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Views: 1,279
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: marilyn hickey ministries, today with marilyn and sarah, bible teacher, Christian, marilyn hickey, sarah bowling, Bible, God, Jesus, ministry, global miracle ministry, teaching, prayer, encouragement, evangelism, healing, miracles, God's Word, Miraculous, Live Miraculous, building bridges, share the gospel, gospel to the nations, international organization, love, impact, truth, God's Promises, scripture, Christianity, Word of God
Id: n6awA4o4axs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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