T.J. Miller Talks Deadpool, Hecklers, and Relationship Advice While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Jesus. They get wrecked by the end.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/Tigershark2112 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

That was a hilarious fucking interview.

👍︎︎ 102 👤︎︎ u/FrickleFart90 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

During the opening credits they considered (I assume) T.J. Miller as "The Comedic Relief". I knew going in that Deadpool was supposed to be hilarious (and he was) but Miller had me almost falling out of my seat at times, like a super-comic-relief. So in that logic, T.J. Miller played a super hero in Deadpool.

👍︎︎ 185 👤︎︎ u/Tigershark2112 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

Interviewer: "What do you think happens when we die?" TJ: "Who cares?" Hilarious

👍︎︎ 128 👤︎︎ u/thunderup_14 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

There's another unreal interview in this series with DJ Khaled where he fails to make it past the third wing, then basically just spends the last 10 minutes calling out the interviewer on how dumb his format is, and how fucked up he is by the two and a half wings he ate.

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/scootation 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/muneeeeeb 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

Watch Tommy Chong on this show hes really stoned and he eats them like a champ


👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/JoeDurp 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

If ya like TJ Miller I'd recommend the podcast, Cashing in with TJ Miller.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/thejpn 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/MutthaFuzza 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2016 🗫︎ replies
hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today I'm doing oddest intros and they'll keep going to because we're joined by TJ Miller you might recognize from Silicon Valley a name defines the company it has to be something primal something that you can scream out during intercourse like a yacht them I know you from Deadpool and I'm not even exaggerating when I say this or just saying this cuz you're in studio but alongside Creed probably the best movie I've seen in the last 12 months you you look like the inside of other people's [ __ ] we hope it will be a bit of a game changer because I'd like to see more comic book movies that are r-rated right that that are a little bit left of center I think it has to be otherwise that genre is gonna keep going but just become more more tired changing the game are you ready to start this game yeah I've been waiting for this talking before the game to end cuz I'm very hungry let's do it all right so the first wing sriracha I know your hot sauce guy I am I have my own hot sauce with the Scoville brothers shout-out to Scoville brothers hot sauce you can see him on a Facebook page so we start with sriracha now have you already done er so they're already tossed but if you want to add go ahead and add yeah i'm not afraid of anything yeah savagely I'm naughty I'm not DJ Khaled DJ Khaled's like who's this kind why is there such an issue with me I want to congratulate you underling getting married thanks to him do you have any advice addition to me condolences to Kate oh poor Kate stuck with you the rest of your life with this weirdo do you have any advice for how to win over a girlfriend's parents or fiance's parents because I think a lot of people fall on their face with that one a lot of questions about them about their lives people love to talk about themselves and then just keep emphasizing how much you're gonna take care of your fiance alright so this next one is Tapatio again hot sauce guy this is not gonna bug you at all much for us so I think that it's interesting that you're in Deadpool in Silicon Valley because in my opinion both of those shows kind of have a subset of the audience that to me is the most unbearable group no I'm dead a rosette are ya and Deadpool you have like the comic-con guys comic-con dude and then with Silicon Valley you have startup bro yeah and I wonder which to you is the more insufferable audience oh god they're both so inseparable so is everyone in Hollywood I'm Silicon Valley I mean I like comic book nerds other they're so specific about you know isn't that this suit wasn't exactly like the suit from the third issue from the 89 collector's edition but they were that way because they feel so connected to the material it's important to them and the person that bothers me the most is like the self-righteous pompous Silicon Valley person I did this award show called the crunchies which is kind of kicked the [ __ ] for that one well I kind of kicked the [ __ ] out of them and they couldn't take a joke they hired the guy that was like you know from the show making fun of them and then when I made fun of them they like freaked out so I just I don't like a lot of people in San Francisco in Silicon Valley take themselves too seriously and I'm just not into it so yeah definitely be that do you think that it was like at all weird that you know these tech companies take heat all the time for being take misogynistic all the time that's not on accident or being sexist like don't you think it's like a little bit weird that they were like clutching their pearls and like so indignant about some jokes of course and I love the young milk that's a true you guys definitely know hot sauces if you've got that um yeah absolutely I was kind of like what what are you guys talking about I mean one of the people that said Oh TJ says the B word one more time what is the B word by the way what kind of little [ __ ] does the B word [ __ ] what a [ __ ] and but he had the the B word if he says the B word one more time somebody's gonna beat him up in the parking lot of me and that guy had pending sexual harassment charges it's like that they are such baloney over there it's ridiculous it's hypocrisy incarnate it really is el you can't echo Caribbean habanero I think you like this one right mm-hmm I think this is my favorite awesome interview I've ever done in my life be serious huh well you're gonna watch this guy bring my own Scoville brothers hot sauce with me to restaurants I mean this is a fun interview well I have plenty of time to [ __ ] it up Silicon Valley such a good show because you guys are really laid out you guys are really good at lampooning these you know ridiculous dumb ideas that come out of Silicon Valley but I think that by proxy you have to have had some ideas of your own that you think could be huge and if you do can you just give me an elevator pitch I'm one of your big ideas tell you the truth I was really mad when I found out about Leafly the marijuana the Yelp for marijuana like damn it that was my idea number four what are we on to now dj khaled I'll clean the wings I'm not out of [ __ ] I'm not like DJ Khaled DJ Khaled unable to finish the words DD DJ Khaled alright only made it through three wings dude your color congratulations you played yourself hi River hellacious hot sauce you actually just are now passing DJ Khaled if you eat this wing excited for this one every Duty here we go so you star alongside Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool and I feel like in 2010 Ryan Reynolds was on everybody's sexiest man of the year cover and then I think something happened where now they just pass it around between like David Beckham and Chris Hemsworth and they might throw Zac Efron a bone every once in a while but when I saw Deadpool I was alone throw ever honor by wrapping the sexiest man alive would ya when I saw Deadpool I was like I don't think Ryan Reynolds has given up his throne yet yeah acting with him is tough I got lost in his eyes during one scene and I wasn't able to get out and for like two or three weeks I don't blame you one minute so what I'm hoping I can do is show you some classic Ryan Reynolds magazine covers you can play like editor-in-chief and what sort of feedback you would have for the creative director okay do it so here he is on Miami Magazine 2015 why is he ashamed of his chin he's hiding his little chin right there I think one of the reasons Deadpool is so successful is cuz he's too handsome for comedy until if you cover his face for the entire movie or most of it then people stop antigen that and start paying attention to the truth which is he's hilarious he's so funny he's so funny men's health circa 2010 Oh mm I know he loves motorcycles but this was during the phase where he was like I'm the cool one like this is like Zoolander for real I mean which don't see Zoolander see Deadpool Zoolander is over I got it I got one more for you 2009 era Entertainment Weekly why have you given me this toddler body God uh I mean this is so sad like yeah you put ton of snorkel and water wings and it's not funny that's still you look at that going like wow he's handsome you resent him I wish I had a body so that's really I think a big part of it now that being said he said to me one time something I thought was really interesting which was um he was like so what if I if I am proud of the way I look and I work out a lot right like what's the big deal yeah don't buzz everybody get us everything it's like because none of us have the rigorous we don't have your face and body and none of us have that drive and ambition but it's true it's hard to be funny if you're not relatable and he's like that's not relatable that's why I look the way I do success um and then this we talked about is my favorite this is my favorite hot sauce growing up this is Pena's good louisiana-style yeah batch it wasn't bad 218 that I love but this is very good a lot of my family's from now on so how do you do so put some right over here you're really good at plain to objects that aren't actually in the room you know with Cloverfield or yogi the bear even Deadpool and then on the Super Bowl I see you talking to a shocked top tab this is so good do you like it so I'm about to try it but I want to step aside for this question because since you're so good at like speaking to objects that aren't actually there charger the wing I wonder if maybe I'm just gonna step aside and you can ask yourself a question from the perspective of the wing don't answer it TJ will you please not eat me I will eat you you have no choice you're going to die and it's gonna be a delicious death this to me is like kind of the turning point in the game mmm you know it's pretty heavy already I don't like this area uh-huh I just think it's like it's like a stunt or something like that it's no normal person would put that on a sandwich or like put that on eggs like you but Kumail Nanjiani from um from Silicon Valley who it's getting real now is um he does he puts his type of stuff on eggs is he a psychopath I know he's Pakistani she's just practically the same thing all right so we're done a pain is good hi rip of rogue I was broke I remember I would've put a little pain as good on there that's interesting you go with the high road huh like you know like the suicide drink at Taco Bell when you every single one throughout all the time I'd like to hear the story behind either your first kiss your first fistfight or time in your light right Marissa fisting or yeah your first fisting if you have that definitely was that summer camp no my wife Kate okay that's better and then uh and then uh or are you like clear chief this is me yeah definitely and it ruled ah there's like a very girl with small hands guys no ma'am all right I'm outta sauce he's going to make me quite for time in your life where you just got just dumped by a chick just [ __ ] on by a chick and she broke your heart and how you got over it so one of the three my first kiss was with Holly Matthews um behind the bleachers at his school dance very coming-of-age story um and we French kiss and I didn't know what the hell I was doing I mean that was like later on the first go I had sex with four months when I went down on her I thought it was doing a great job she was just being nice I thought her clitoris was above her vagina just above it it's not mmm we're both in trouble ah yeah but then also she dumped me this is before we had a French kiss but Holly dumped me and I don't blame her because I was so nervous when we were going out I was so nervous that I couldn't talk to her when we're in the same room so she eventually it was like I'm not gonna be your girlfriend if we talk less you know well um I totally get it but can you imagine nervous TJ being like don't talk to her you're gonna screw it up and then that's the reason that I screwed it out I'm crying Wilson because of the road stuff not anything else all right this is pain 100 100 percent spent a lot of state a lot of time on stage improv in standup and those are kind of two different kinds of hecklers because on improv you might be like oh can we get an audience suggestion and then you just have like some jerk-off screaming out Banta cause it's just one of the ones that creeps up on you yeah yeah it's time time son like o'clock time labs and then um you stand up you'll just have somebody who's just trying to make the show all about them I would have to think that you have a good heckler story in all those years ago I'm still room whoa do the interviews all start to go south I'll go a little bit late at this point um yeah I'm great heckling sorry um I uh there was a heckler an iguana and almost punch me in the face you rushed the stage holy smokes he rushed the stage and he wanted to beat me up and they had to like pull him off the stage so I once got a fight because I was high I was making fun of his wife who would not be quiet you haven't that's the end of that story oh what's got punch all right number eight we have the bomb insanity 24 times hotter than a jalapeno what it's nice little fun fact did an amazing job filling in for Chelsea Handler's dude I wonder do you have any so I think you're a good person to ask do you have any advice for our show maybe some constructive criticism for me cuz we're kind of amateur over here oh yeah oh my god I'm running out of milk um um advice for what the show don't do this join us again and the show stop doing this show that's my advice it is this very hot this is painful there's a problem alright maybe with a [ __ ] Apple Store and give a talk of this well it's like all the talk press command is phase mark and they want to do a spotlight search yeah Maddog 357 at number nine I understand that you're a philosophy major no what's with you son of a [ __ ] what have you made me do I'm talking about nihilism all the time these podcasts another major oh but I studied on my own would even get the Annihilus what do you think happens when we die who cares uh-huh what effect does we'll find out on Megadeth I mean this is no-go you may throw up first one more so yeah no nothing kind of a tradition here did you have the last one god it's like the dumbest show sorry Shana alright I said to do improv maybe we can play the ABC game are you familiar with that one definitely go throw up for her okay well so we'll take a bite and then we'll play the ABC game we can either blow my nose we're weasel and wait in line for easy season three laughs all right for what season through jeezy season three Kanye's her here this was a terrible interview are you gonna cop a hoodie boy can't believe how expensive these clothes are turn on that's enough [ __ ] oh no you ain't sorry all right so wait sorry we what e-e-e-e um I mean you're the interviewer in you look you can't even talk I'm off my game we can just stop it there holy [ __ ] right it's the way the show works make it all the way through 30-second plug is all yours the floor is yours but let the people know you need to give me the hospital I plug um so good um Deadpool this sucks I do so many things I can't talk about any go right up I'm Deadpool you should see that Gore burger my podcast some people the reason they like hot sauce is because you're experiencing euphoria with her once it gets hot enough it I should see comedy maad let's go check out Carly I'm doing it every medium amazing oh my god but now I would like to perform my magic trick now I'm gonna go sell these on the screen in New York if the police come I can ride
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 6,225,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex mediaCook (Profession), The Silicon Valley, hot ones, T.J Miller, Deadpool, The SIlicon Valley, Hot WIngs, Wings, Sean Evans
Id: I3RUflwPlH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2016
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