Jim Gaffigan Rediscovers His Flop Sweat Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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my eyes are even watering be be careful oh yeah that's right Jesus hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones the show with hot questions and even hotter wings today I'm joined by Jim gaffan that's hot season two of The Jim Gaffigan show returns to TV Land on Sundays it's coming to a city near you with the fully dress tour this summer welcome to the show Jim well thank you for having me I you know in my show there's always a point in the process where we ask the question what is Jim eating in this scene cuz I'm eating in every scene what about this what are you thinking on this one I'm a little nervous but this is I'm a man I can handle this all right ready to do this we say grace first Sriracha no big deal plus you're a food guy so you know what's up is that code for your fat I feel like Sriracha it's so big now it's it's like the coconut water of hot sauce what do you think of it Sriracha I like it it's also I feel like it's going to Peak and disappear it's going to be like bell bottoms we're going to be like remember Sriracha so I know that you were kind of a high school football star and ended up playing at Georgetown I was a lineman I look like a lineman not in your picture you look like oh well I look like out you do look exactly like Greg Olson actually my assistant saw a photo of me and when around around that time and he just looked at me he said what happened I said food happened how would you describe your game on a scale from Little Giants to Friday Night Lights the weird thing is is like I you know I was an athlete but in acting I always get roles of like nerdy people so I'm always cast as a nerd and often when I'll meet people on the street they'll be like you're bigger than I thought like people think that I'm going to be this really wimpy guy but I noticed Joe gaffan also on the roster at that time did you play with your brother I quit the football team when my brother was the captain and I quit before I told him and he was not happy I didn't fit the personality of the football player but uh I guess I I don't know I don't know if I fit a type I'm very good-looking you did standup comedy for Pope Francis no I I opened for the pope mobile I did stand up then Sister Sledge went on and then the pope mobile came in did a lap and the PO popped out did his bit how's that experience differ from say shooting a Netflix special at the Vic theater it was a completely ridiculous experience people were going there to see the pope and I was going to do stand up beforehand so it made no sense whatsoever and so I'm kind of I tried to address it saying look I know after my set you're probably going to want to leave but you should stick around see the pope it was a no- win situation but I couldn't turn it down see this is too hot for me uh-oh I'm going to die am I going to die so I want to give you some um food head-to head since you're kind of the food God East Coast versus West Coast cuz it's very contentious Shake Shack In-N-Out oh that's a good question I love In-N-Out but that's like the high school girlfriend and then Shake Shack is the woman I'll spend the rest of my life with but that being said I've been you know in La doing press and I've gone in and out at like 10:00 a.m. they're like we're not even making Burgers yet and I'm like oh wait Chipotle versus Koba that's no comparison I mean so like the idea is that people just can't do the interview right it's a brilliant concept how is that to be on the other side cuz I don't really know what it's like it's almost kind of like a manufactured flop sweat when you first start doing standup you're like I'm sweating my tongue's swollen and it's like I haven't felt that in a long time how about uh Subway versus Jimmy Johns Jimmy Johns is beyond better than Subway okay first of all Subway is kind of corporate and Jimmy John's has Jimmy John it's a romantic story of a guy who went to University of Illinois and where I went too opened a sandwich shop and now he's like he's a white trash hero are you from Illinois yeah uh you were born in Elgen right I was born in Elgen where are you from uh I was born in Evanston and then uh spent quite a bit of time in Crystal Lake Northwest BBS you familiar with that that one I lived in barington for a little bit and then I moved to uh Indiana my parents met at barington high school no way yeah did you ever go to Hackney hackes with the burgers with the burger with the Rye aant onion always get the onion loaf that was my dad's move like when I was a little kid we'd go to Northwestern games and then on the way home we'd stop at Hackney that's right and my dad was like you always got to get the onion that's right that's right see we we go together look it even looks like it's an injured baby yeah be careful with this one all right really all right you know one of the many pitfalls of being a father and I know you have five kids is that you have to endure a lot of horrible movies and a lot of horrible TV shows yes a lot of entertainment that's horrible my dad used to have to do the same thing but there were two shows that he lowkey kind of liked even if he wouldn't admit it to us yeah and that was where Pete and Pete on Nickelodeon and he liked elf what are the shows that your kids make you watch that should be horrible kids shows but that you lowkey actually kind of like I don't think it's that bold of me to say that SpongeBob is good SpongeBob is good right I mean the irony is you'll be watching something with your kids that you don't want to watch and they'll walk away doing other stuff and you'll just sit there and you're like I'm watching Jesse it's pretty bad so this is the point where you just see someone coming undone right and I'm like not even halfway through you automatically go all the way through automatically but you've had practice but like does a boxer feel punches in the face less just because he boxes more I think so probably I would say definitely yes yeah this is a delightful one the hot ones you like it it's good this would that would be a good one to eat while you watch the Jim Gaffigan show Sunday night 10 9 Central so you've made a name for yourself with all the uh hilarious observations that you've made about junk food but people shouldn't get it twisted because you've really traveled the country and hit some of the best Regional spots in the United States what are some of the things that bother you about restaurants or chefs or Foodies I would rather get a HomeTown special than a super high-end restaurant like you know here's a a quail egg and a bean the restaurants that are the regional favorites you don't really see them with Michelin stars all that often but then the restaurants that are price fixed with guys doing chemistry experiments you know those rack them up the super rich are always hiding they always want to be by themselves and so they establish country clubs and then they go over here and they do this or that and so some of these restaurants that are like super fancy are not any better than other ones they just want a group where they can be around rich people anyway I'm a great guy can't bring you on hot ones without asking you about Hot Pockets I know the Hot Pockets routina change your life I've never eaten a Hot Pocket and then afterwards been I'm glad I hate that I'm always like I'm going to die probably get asked about it in every interview that's quite all right we interviewed a guy Versace Pop-Tarts AKA thought pocket aka the guy who was kicked off a Vine for making love to a Hot Pocket how'd you snag that interview that exclusive I can't believe we didn't win a Pulitzer in all of your hot pocket interviews has this story ever touched your radar yeah no about the guy having sex with a Hot Pocket yeah every single thing that's happened to a Hot Pocket gets tweeted at me like people will go into a grocery store and they'll be walking by a PO a hot pockets and they'll tweet a photo like I'm dying to know every update and it's the same with bacon but it's fun it's like a [ __ ] all right [Music] is there any part of you that understands where this guy's coming from Versace pop making love to a hot poet look I'm a comedian who goes on stage and seeks the approval of strangers but that's a pretty desperate move was he popular on so he would like have sex like a box of poptarts and that's how he'd get like followers this wasn't this wasn't the only food that he Hot Pocket was just the straw that broke the camel's back with Vine that's the threshold that vine establish like you know poptarts who hasn't gone there but Hot Pocket come on that's the food of Champions so he did he do this did he make love to these no no no we didn't have them on this show no I mean even we can't put you can't you can't get [Music] him my tongue is like three times the size it normally is what is are you ahead of me now no so I just took a bite out of this it's called pain really does anyone ever quit so we've had three people quit who are they they were Tony yo he's a rapper he's in gunit DJ khed you know DJ khed similar to me yeah and Mike apps yeah he quit really at 7 all right I got a funny story about Mike apps all right so I was at an audition in Queens and Mike caps was there and he was like he goes hey can I have a dollar and I go yeah he goes for the subway and I go yeah sure so then like 6 months later I see him doing stand up and he goes white people will just give you a dollar just go up to a white person and say give me a dollar and they will give you a dollar and I was like Jesus Christ that's me that's hilarious how bad is this to me it's like the worst not making me want to do it my sales [ __ ] isn't actually there you like Chicago I do like like Chicago I like Chicago I like the food in Chicago Chicago deep dish I know Chicago ends do if you were to pick a deep dish place what would you go with would you go with Goos would you go with lumel natis would you go with lumel natis that's my favorite too do you have an opinion uh cuz it pops up all the time on the New York vers Chicago thing well I pick Chicago I do I mean I don't think there's really any comparison though there always think that they're so different that there is no comparison and I'm always with New York I'm like all right that like thin pizza that's always o that you can get like three slices for a dollar plus a can of Sprite to compare that to what you get in Chicago 4 hours but then again you have to wait 4 hours for the Chicago deep dish it's worth it yeah all right so this is D bomb you know a lot of people credit You For Better or For Worse for thinking about Dunkin Donuts better wor donut breakfast sandwich and kind of willing that into reality flattering but I think you look at some of the fast food products it's inevitable I mean they're there's literally are you kidding me that's not even real how about have you uh tried red robins ramen burger they have the ramen instead of the bun that's wrong that's a sin against humanity God is not happy with that ah all right so now I think I'm getting punked unnecessary unnecessary [ __ ] why that's a fair question to ask us and I'm not sure I have a great answer it's not going away that's unnecessary all right you're fired that's just unnecessary Jim are you out I'm out [ __ ] this thing y I think I'm going to stop here bro I'm going keep it can't I'm not doing it man I'm done man I can't do no [Music] more I'm a quitter well I'll keep going cuz I think I have two more questions for you you don't feel it at all no I do but I feel a sense of responsibility you know there's uh people who watch this show I think they would be let down if I didn't take it all the way to the house you know what I mean no not at all the house take it to the house you're eating wings does anyone have like a bowl of mash potatoes or something so the word Dad it's become such a buzzword in popular culture there are dad jokes there are dad bods there are dad shoes on Twitter people call their favorite celebrities dad and I feel like you've been kind of carrying the dad brain for quite some time but right now it seems like dads people laughing at dads not with dads the reality is is that there's nothing cool about your parents right even if you like them there's nothing cool about them until you become a parent then you're like oh all right I mean we're dismissive of dads you know like I said I don't really care but it's a little bit like I don't know if it's serving us does that make sense yeah it does do you have any kids no I don't that you know of right that's a dad joke Mega Death sauce with liquid rage made by blares the hottest sauce we have where is it made Highlands New Jersey that's where you make sauces right it's kind of tradition around here to dab the last Wing I'm going to do that so that's made with what poison you think there in here don't do it will cause anus to bleed please use with Extreme Caution all right well here's my extreme ction it's novelty there's no one sitting at home going honey grab the Mega Death sauce I'm making some pasta I hope not makes no sense like this whole thing is ridiculous and this is a lot it's most I've ever done on a wing how often do you get told you look like Peter sar's guard never but I'll take it Mike AB said I looked like a smeagle from Lord of the Rings I get Neil Patrick Harris sometimes I'll take that one all right so what if just blood started coming down my might happen that could happen right you're such a calm and uh gregarious guy but I'm sure you know somebody who spends as much time on the road as you do in traffic and in airports there has to be a lot of rage oh that's you know I mean I love living in New York but it's a there's a different timing in different parts of the country like you'll go in and you'll be like hey I'd like to uh get something and people are just having a conversation you're like I'm in a drugstore I just want to buy this and get out of here this isn't my only human interaction for the day they're just like how y'all doing and you're like I don't want to talk to you I just want to get my diarrhea medication and get out of here the you know it should go like this and then the last one should be Pepto Jim we did it I did it you did it I'm a little impressed I'm glad that I stopped I'm glad cuz I have other things to do today besides sitting on a toilet yelling this is like a food concussion like I quit the NFL before I got couple years early everyone is just like he's in his prime why would he hang up the cleats I got the money I don't need to have CTE let the people know what you have going on in your life well I just wanted to reach out and tell everyone Oh you mean the show oh yeah yeah maybe the Jim Gaffigan show is on TV Land and then it rears on Comedy Central set your damn DVR I'm going to take some plug to and I'm going to take this time to address something that I see in the comments every once in a while oh the it's a fake show the sauces aren't actually on the wings all those different things Jim can you just tell the people these are these were a real distinctive different flavors most of them horrible but they were authentic and you I mean you are part satanic that's why you can do it right that's not a skill that's not that's just sticking food in your mouth all right take it from a guy who makes a living eating but I was impressed and you're a better man than me thank you and I'm proud of myself for it Jim thank you coming in appreciate [Music] it
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 3,431,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex mediaCook (Profession), jim gaffigan, hot ones, hot sauce, homeboys hot sauce, sean evans, comedian, hot wings, spicy wings, hot wing challenge, food challenge
Id: 2j9N2eS_pzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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