Rob Corddry Cries Real Tears Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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ah no job wiping the tears away because it's good it's good TV hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones the show with hot questions even hotter wings today I'm joined by actor comedian hello bald icon Rob Corddry enjoyer and if you want to see Rob season 2 of ballers returns Sundays to HBO yeah that's right I think that you'll be good through the first five or six but I'm when we start to get to this area that's what about you are you like this is nothing for you so I've done it so many times that I know what to expect so you are kind of going against a stacked deck over here I'm already getting like the aroma of some of these and it's probably down here I'm just assuming it's a little bit violent Stephen get started first one is sriracha that's no big deal everyday sir it's like ketchup to us right I'm sorry this is just rude of men so the dynamic of the daily show field assignments have always intrigued me as somebody who interviews people all the time it looks like it must be so bizarre behind the scenes to be messing with people and then edit that together so that the humor comes through here the most uncomfortable thing was when I was on the show we only had one camera we could only afford one camera we would do the interview first I'd be asking you the questions and then at the very end if we just turned the camera around over here when I would react the questions and that's when you can see it they start to realize they hear the questions the second time and they start to realize like all I'm screwed the act of hearing a question a second time solidifies the reality wait a minute is there a field assignment in particular that kind of stands out to you as being especially uncomfortable or weird it was a really fun one I love the guy but he's this doctor wrote a book on germs and we were trying to prove how voting booths are contaminated and can kill you and he found we tested the booths and he found fecal matter he's trying to sell his book among germs and we're just talking to him well we're fixated on the poop and he was yelling to his assistant like Doris get them out of here he was having fun as well but he realized he's probably not to sell a lot of books let's have another wing while we talk about I'm just a patio Tapatio is no big deal another household name another classic you've appeared on The Daily Show Curb Your Enthusiasm Arrested Development I think a lot of people would say that those are three of the most defining comedies of our era I'm wondering how you pick roles is it safe to say that you maybe go for the best project with the funniest people rather than being the star would that be a fair this show is gonna be a defining show I'm gonna to know how much yeah that's exactly what I do I mean my only plan in life my only real plan with my career solid plan is to do cool stuff with with people who aren't jerks I might not get paid as much as I as a lot of people but it's like it's nuts it's worth it to like have a good time I've had this before right it's a standard a little less standard than those two but yeah is it true that you were a security guard on tomorrow yeah I watch oh my god I have about a thousand questions about that go you ever see anybody on a first date are there certain things that you can key in on yeah how do you know well we have these nights they're their words they would open up the roof garden and it would be like a cocktail look at our cuttin it was always always like almost exclusively first dates but I think it's kind of a lame first date that's what I think I think you know because I think it's a little pretentious you're trying too hard you're trying too hard oh I like art yeah indie than the other side of that people take a first day to like no let's go to Gray's papaya like my favorite hotdog stand it's like now you're trying too hard to be real what sorts of issues would a security guard at the Met have to deal with um my one real job my only job there was to keep people from touching art now you think who's gonna touch the art that's what I like everybody knows not to touch it a lot of people really want to get their hands on that I wish there was like a high school class one day looking at this famous it's like the death of Socrates or the death of Plato which one drank the hemlock I think it's the death of Socrates it's like this masterwork right and there was a guide telling these kids about the painting and then and some heat some kid goes which one's Plato and this kid comes all the way from the back and makes a loop and he goes this one and he starts banging on Plato and like across the room suddenly like moving in slow motion by gambling oh and it had a divot in this real estate it was a little dig on your watch and it disappeared they had their uh yeah they were paired off the wall because that jerk kid well yeah they gotta pull it off the wall there there's a ding in it this is Louisiana style right pinky cuz its habanero this I had think as a kick because Nate put the sauces on and I can tell that this is a generously sauce episode I read it was your decision to close the curtains on Children's Hospital sort of ride off into the sunset that might have breathed in a little Hut's up don't inhale hot sauce alright I'm good and you said that you wanted to go out sort of on top you know while the show was still good close it out while the show is still like that yeah which is very unamerican usually usually we drive shows right into the ground can you talk a little bit about that this is Janice yeah yet it really is it's like not the way we're supposed to think about this you know I think it's disrespectful to a show that I love to like let it go and die basically like let it go and become something that no one cares about not funny anymore and it's just like a job to people and it was really special to all of us there and I wanted to go out as special so this next one is actually our hot sauce it's the hot ones hot sauce here on the Hoffman show oh the hot ones fiery Chipotle get it while it's hot we have to write you a check for like 25 grand now right we'll work it out so there are a lot of kids these days stereotypes and I think that if I were a father I'd be so worried that like my kids playing Pokemon go on active railroad track so they're spending all their birthday money on Kylie Jenner lip kits as the father of daughters can you talk about some of the challenges you face raising years in 2016 yeah ma'am my seven-year-old since she was four has wanted to be a tattoo artist and we thought oh a cute thing for this four-year-old child to say but she's still saying it and she just bought like we just got her a Fender Strat and she's playing guitar and she was like I don't want pink I want to keep them authentic to what they who they are so they don't have to go out and you know try on these different personalities and all this other garbage I just do what my my boy and my wife does what does he wife - she's good at it I just copy her mmm whoa that one you just hit him up with the high river Rover I believe though let me add a kick yeah that one was way more intense than that one I know that you're a big Howard Stern fan well go ahead and everyone has their favorite whack Packers and the ones that they don't like so much and I was hoping I could just bounce a couple off going yeah you could give me the first kind of comes to your matter what you think of them okay then my favorite job to do that comes back it stucks it yep it's got a little uh yeah a place for you taunting me right now Jeff the drunk I could do without him how about Beetlejuice yeah Beetlejuice fan he's the best he's my favorite I'd say what about a Bigfoot like Bigfoot yeah anyone that they can prank they can prank call with uh with their own voice and that's a Class A that's immediate when they got Bigfoot's like try to fight himself yeah a [ __ ] is I am NOT a [ __ ] huge me what awesomeness as a fan of the show when you went on the show and you and Benji got into it was that kind of exciting as a fan Drew's a bummer it was a bummer it was a real bummer the wrap-up show is when we really went at it right and we spent 21 it's whole bet there's some hold it yeah we spent 20 minutes just screaming at each other basically and I saw red it was one of those moments where I was like I felt that adrenaline I was like am I gonna fight Benjy Bronk and the wrap-up sound like that's not good I feel bad about it I would someday like to apologize the better because I don't like attacking someone's manhood you know what I mean like just eating them at their job and in perhaps threatening that you know I don't really understand what it is he does there so I have no place to say that and I'm just trying to be funny I think and I feel bad for 100% pain not 90 not 89 do something and ballers you play this financial advisor who's really more of sort of this backroom deal maker kind of awfully guy you see like the Kevin Durant go into Golden State maybe you think about it differently because you've kind of played a role as somebody who does that behind-the-scenes thing I wasn't listening to a word you were saying oh it's changing in my mouth Oh whole head it's it on a wipe embrace the challenge what if I run out of milk we've got only 11 we got milk on deck zoom in on my eyes shaking at the cheers whoo how you feeling you're tapping out ah unless you don't know this is the bomb beyond insanity hot sauce it is no joke Rob you want them you're talking a big game gonna know you can taste that it's coming I got that's terrible mm-hmm is the worst is this your favorite shetland I'm running down my face oh yeah real tears third time ever only the third time every fluid in my body is I just peed my pants that's a hot ones first make sure not to put these fingers on my eyeballs Sam this is the worst thing I've ever done tapping out Rob I don't want to give up one more I'm done I'm done I can't do it you're doing the stop here but I'm here but I can't live with it I'm done I'm out [ __ ] that's name so you chill I'm gonna eat and I'll just ask you questions you just try to relax over there no Joe not wiping the tears away because it's good that's good TV do you remember the story behind your first fistfight or maybe your most eventful fistfight and it was quick to go down I got punched in the face and they stole my lacrosse stick I was just hitting balls against the side of a wall all I want to talk about is sauce right now all right howdy so can't even imagine this is a show we always have to apologize for every time I know I think there's a best idea for however you do I do thanks for being here very good you really were that you want to power through those questions and I'm done answering those questions always it happens I'm just talking about my mouth so this next one is Mad Dog 357 ready I'll eat it if I can just loosely out of jokes what if have you ever had anybody throw up I think riff raff might have and pass out I don't know if there'll be a first why are you closed now I was exaggerating for the mere purposes I'm still but you don't go in saturating that much I'm not a judgment how much it hurts now to ask me questions about my mouth how's your mob doing it's on fire make a death sauce with you're not gonna put more on that that's the tradition around here we dab the last wing is not a fun experience but it's one you got to go through you know I did this yesterday seen a window to my right that was really excited I love wings all right so I'm gonna take this bite let me ask you a question okay I need a little advice from you go ahead can you tell me about coming to terms with baldness because for a while there you were like me where you were kind of caught in this no-man's land so yeah God give me some advice like what when did that hit you were when I comfortably I came to terms with it when I was a little kid because every male in my family is Bob some of the females of all if I started losing it when I was like 19 20 and I just wanted to go get this part over you know kind of close there you go beautiful maybe I should do the same thing you don't you have a full head of hair yeah but it gets kind of like it's starting to look like Florida that's cool but it'll be to the back I'm going to the top you're doing fine how do you how are you doing with our way somehow made it through yeah cleared the board one of the most heavily sauced episodes we've ever had unfortunately for you Rob I was on a heavily sauced episode the floor is yours this camera or that camera let the people know what you got going on in your life I don't know I got nothing what do you got let's do it let's do this mean and also watch ballers in on HBO at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday ah easy no usually I take some plug - I'm pretty blasted out after this fire yeah I'm glad that you're having trouble too you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 2,725,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex mediaCook (Profession), rob corddry, rob cordry, children's hosptial, adult swim, ballers, hot wings, sean evans, challenge, spicy wings, hot sauce, interview, hbo, scoville, food challenge, hot wings challenge, wing challenge
Id: YmNt0kpaZGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2016
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