Titanic II | Full Action Adventure Movie

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] coast guard sector command i'm mad to wreck your call sir lilac don't you have a new baby to get home to i'm here as long as you are sir you have noaa on line four captain mayne here what how big okay i'm on my way problem sir get me snipes right away sir he called for me sir snipes don't fly with anybody else it's honor sir good morning snipes i don't think there's going to be anything good about this morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] watch it buddy swear to god i would rather watch some of these people drown and give him cpr still no shahan oh i'm sure he's on his way you're hopeless hey look your boyfriend's here [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] it's so big airplanes are big babe trying to bake this this is monumental shall we i changed my mind your dad needs to get here now oh really why is that uh so somebody will introduce me to hayden [Applause] what i thought you were over him besides doesn't your dad like hayden no the hayden that i knew he doesn't exist anymore well you want to do on a ship didn't he continued how you doing how you guys doing you have a good time enjoy yourself let's go man hello hello good what's your name darling tammy i love that there you go tammy can you sign my channel please sure what's your name [Applause] these boats don't look any safer than the old ones just for showdown real bad boys are down below [Music] hi dad amy let me guess work well there's a calving glacier up in greenland they want me to investigate [Music] dad the ship is amazing there's nothing to worry about it's not the outside of the vessel that i'm concerned about honey look we've had this conversation i don't want you on that boat we agreed that this was good for me yeah well that's before i realized the rush job that they had committed to in order to make this anniversary date dad did the [ __ ] pass inspection barely [Music] five minutes sir uh honey i gotta go we'll check back in later okay bye-bye something wrong sir no it's fine [Music] [Applause] hey dwayne amy mayne it's great to see you good to see you too welcome aboard the titanic too thank you have a good day amy glad you can make it thanks yeah everything looks really nice you did a good job how's your dad doing he's good we'll see you right bye [Music] ladies and gentlemen i'd like to thank you all for coming for joining me on this day that will go down in this nation's history a day where an eye to the future triumph over our defeats of the past a day where the lives lost on board this ship's predecessor were remembered with the creation of the greatest fastest most sophisticated ship ever created the titanic ii standing next to me here i'd like to introduce you to the man at the helm with this vessel our ship's captain captain will hauer please i ask that all of you enjoy yourself as we embark on our maiden voyage across the atlantic ocean and into the history book [Applause] hey aren't you coming up for the launch um we were on the clock five minutes ago boring don't let dog catch you up there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all passengers aboard sir elmer let's make history hi sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] mission control this is uh coast guard six five six five over we read you six five six five how we looking captain we're going to be landing in a couple of minutes in the meantime i have the coast guard on standby have another one of your bad feelings captain well you can say that it's nice two o'clock yes sir it's here just got to really [Music] they should have given you the drop zone radius of 300 yards ride is too close to the edge so we'll keep the blades running in case the ground shakes dr kim patterson noah nice to meet you you're wondering why i asked for you instead of any other sector commander it's because your reputation precedes you and i need someone to take me seriously when i tell them we're standing on a ticking time bomb well i'm listening the wave from yesterday's collapse was felt as far as baffin island in northern canada the piece of ice that broke off this glacier was about the size of manhattan imagine what a piece the size of rhode island would do well i imagine it would push a swell halfway across the atlantic try all the way across these mass balance measurements show that when the temperature is warm the balance tips the ice begins calving and retreating these geodetic images tell us that the glacier we're standing on now has thinned over 60 meters in the past year that's unprecedented exactly i think there's something that you need to see of course there's no such thing as global warming right you want to tell me what the hell i'm looking at yesterday's collapse jesus you ever throw a pebble in a pond captain watch the ripples spread outward if yesterday's collapse was a pebble the next one will be a cannonball now picture the atlantic ocean as the pond admiring your masterpiece yeah it was as a matter of fact aren't you gonna be late for your party that's my ship i figured they'd wait for me besides i kind of like to make a late entrance [Music] you know i called you yeah it only took you six months well your father punched me in the nose what'd you expect he caught you joyriding in his boat at 2 am i think he had a right still a daddy's girl huh oh look who's talking i didn't mean it i was really sorry to hear about your dad i know how close you were don't mention it so it looks like you left you in charge ceo of walsh industries i always thought you'd end up in the coast guard yeah well when you're offered the keys to an empire it's kind of hard to say no [Music] you still got the uh earrings i gave you yeah well i have a lot of bearings so yeah well i like those he could have called me back you know then what hey pretend like everything was the way it was let's face it you cared a lot more about your money and your votes you did about me yeah well i did need your uh paranoid father looking over my shoulder my whole life i wasn't talking about my father i was talking about us you chose a different life that's fine i understand besides it looks like you're pretty happy with your decision well uh you better get back inside you don't want to miss your party we're flying sir she'll have us to the titanic by dawn well done elmer keep her standing water readings at 31 degrees ironic isn't it how's that same reading it's 100 years ago well fortunately for us we have enough lifeboats this time plus i think we're gonna avoid that ice field as well yes sir listen sir i uh i need to remind you we haven't fully stretched her legs yet if we should need to speed up a relax elmer she may look like her predecessor underneath she's anything but yes sir how long do we have before it collapses it's hard to say but when it does the entire north atlantic will be devastated by the shockwave how was that god get her in here so hey [Music] um the noaa is tracking it admiral but we don't have a lot of time you have to issue an immediate atlantic wide tsunami alert already done james the warning is being issued as we speak good good we're going to need the navy and the coast guard the national guard everybody we can get our hands on when this thing hits it's going to hit on how much time do we have from what i could see i don't have any time at all get me through to the warning center they're gonna need the dart readings asap we gotta find out how fast this thing is moving and have them relay back to me all the data we gotta move fast sir what about ships at sea well they should be fine the tsunami only forms up when it gets close to land ships at sea should be unaffected uh that's not entirely true captain ships at the surface may be fine but everything underneath will be affected this is the north atlantic ice exactly the base of an iceberg can reach depths hundreds of feet below the surface so if the wave hits things can get pushed see where you're going all right admiral listen we need to issue a radio alert to every ship in the atlantic tell them to steer clear of any signs of ice i repeat tell them to stay away from the icebergs consider it done james one more thing do you have any eyes on the titanic too we're watching everybody james what do you need let's see what the navy has in the area tell him we're gonna have to get him into position copy that sir we've been redirected where to latitude 40 degrees 46 north longitude 50 degrees 14 west all right confirm settings plot the chart let's get this cigar smooth this is the coast guard there is an ocean wide tsunami alert in the north atlantic repeat there is an ocean wide tsunami alert captain atlantic did you know titanic was warned six times about icebergs and still did nothing ignorance is bliss right hey about hayden infirmary ladies i need one of you on deck uh doc we're kind of in the middle of an important conversation doesn't matter i need one of you on deck to start escorting passengers down to the lower decks we're on it why are they escorting passengers down to the lower decks do you want me um [Music] yes uh good evening ladies and gentlemen i'd like you to have your attention please um could all of the passengers aboard titanic too please uh exit these doors right here head to your left to the elevators and go down to the lower deck at this time this is strictly a safety precaution again no need to worry thank you how long ago just now sir the coast guard has issued an ocean wide alert coast guard that's great what the hell caused it the nice glacier collapsed off the coast of greenland we're well prepared for icebergs it's not the iceberg mr walsh it's the 800 mile an hour tsunami that has everyone concerned how much time noah's mapping travel time now sir stay in line with the coast guard captain this thing's gonna pass right beneath us we're in deep water we won't even feel it captain coast guards of the vhf monitors this is captain howard captain howard this is captain james maine u.s coast guard we're listening captain do you see any ice fields in your area that's a negative sir sir i need you to reverse direction of your ship sir this wave is moving with incredible force now any ice in its path will be moved along with it now i need you to head west as quickly as your engines will carry you the warmer the water the less chance you'll have it running into any ice for god's sakes james i know looks can be deceiving but can i remind you this is titanic too this ship is equipped with state of the art ice detectors that'll sound if we get within 500 yards of an ice cube hayden this wave is clocking in at 843 miles per hour now 500 yards isn't going to make a damn bit of difference now you get hit by any ice it's going to tear your ship in half do as he says yes sir how much time do we have what's the time to impact 15 minutes at most you got 15 minutes at most [Music] jesus [Music] what's our distance northeast 40 degrees and headed our way sir about 13 miles how much time any minute sir sir five thousand meters sir two thousand sir it's gonna hit praise for impact [Music] captain take her to 50 knots i'm already pushing 40. it's not fast enough mr walsh can i remind you that these engines have not been thoroughly broken in yet if we push them she's built for speed she can handle it take her to 50. yes sir ticker to 50 knots yes sir everyone please head to the nearest door immediately head down below no need to pen madeline he's getting crazy in here what's happening weather concerns i guess what they turned the boat around now they're speeding up over weather concerns that's all they told me yeah something's wrong come on amy pick up hi you've reached amy main please leave a message after the meep yeah amy this is dad listen uh listen to me something has happened there's a tsunami it's headed south through the atlantic it's going to reach your ship in a matter of minutes and i want you to pay attention now stay off the lower decks there's ice in the water it's being pushed in your direction i need you to get as many people to the upper decks as you can just keep in the center of the ship get away from the railings and if anything happens just be calm just get to a lifeboat all right be careful honey your daughter um sir we're running extremely low with you sir where can you refuel canadian coast guard regional operations center in st john sir okay get there fast yes sir we're at 50 knots captain very good [Music] sir we just lost engine one shut them down we can't we have to we could blow another one we can't stop this ship this ship has three more engines exactly you want to blow all three you and i both know that the ship's engines have not been properly broken in they need to cool down turbines turbines add additional power but we can't run on them alone we're drifting we're being pulled sound the alarms [Music] attention attention this is your captain speaking all passengers acquire your life all passengers acquire your like that this is not a drill i repeat this is not a drill [Music] attention attention this is your captive speaking all passengers acquire your life madness all passengers acquire or like that this is not a drill i repeat this is not a drill this is not a drill i repeat this is not a drill [Music] i i know as much as you know and i'm sorry i'm gonna figure it out as soon as i can i'll talk to them i'll let you guys know okay you guys need to calm down no stop pushing [Music] captain fire all emergency thrusters now it's gonna help mayday mayday this is the ss titanic 2 calling the united states coast guard mayday i say again this is the ss titanic 2 requiring immediate assistance titanic 2 this is captain james man u.s coast guard what is your situation sir we've experienced an iceberg collision we need immediate assistance captain i think we have another problem we're taking in water fast the entire starboard side is folded inward there are cracks up and down the hull it crushes the life ramps to the boats on the starboard side now many of them all of them has half the lifeboats on board what about the boats on deck those are showboats they don't even float the bulkhead the watertight bulkheads were designed for a head-on collision we never anticipated being hit from the side what are you saying she'll continue to list as we take him water she'll tilt further and further to starboard how long two hours maybe three at the turbines and if they don't when the ship goes down the entire thing will be underwater within 30 minutes okay begin the evacuation fill all the boats that we have women and children first looks like history's repeating itself [Music] we gotta get you off this ship no no come on procedure okay get in sir wait a minute what about the passengers we're handling it you need to get in the air okay listen to me i want you to get as many injured people as you can on this chopper now mr walsh procedure care about procedure this is my shift do it yes sir okay casey don't worry we're gonna get you up okay put your honor on me it's okay we're gonna get you inside seismic readings from the helheim glacier picking up a number of minor quakes beneath the area of the break-off if they're correct it means the ice is continuing to destabilize so what are you telling me doctor if it collapses a massive landslide of ice into the atlantic will create a mega tsunami that will dwarf the last one how big everything in its path will be swept away you need to get the people off the titanic too and off the water james we're deploying search and rescue now navy's got a destroyer about 40 miles west it'll reach the titanic within an hour admiral that ship does not have an hour now we need planes and we need choppers in the area immediately captain titanic is fitted with more than enough light boats we may not have seen the end of this glacier collapse sir if there's another wave those lifeboats aren't going to do anybody any good sadly my daughter's on that ship i understand everyone too stay calm come on please take care of me women only women only how far 30 minutes sir what about the refueling c-130 is on its way now sir but we're pushing it okay we'll tell them to refuel us and then carry forward to the ship yes sir [Music] patterson [Music] it's happened i want every available sar aircraft we have get them in the air now what is it lily think you need to see this this is a pre-existing guard model right no sir that's a live feed [Applause] i need another group of women come up here we gotta get to the light bulbs on come on put your light best on put your life vest on my head get in there kelly i have not seen her i heard she was in the infirmary i'll check on her get off her amy you okay yes yeah i'm fine no we got to get you to do it no i have to go infirmary i think kelly's hurt that's all the way down you won't make it back up in time well i'm not leaving this ship without her hayden okay i'm going with him it's all your fault what's wrong with you get off of him i suggest you worry about more important things and get on the lightboard and save yourself you okay yeah i'm fine come on let's go i know another way uh [Music] oh put the pressure on it put some pressure on the wound whatever you gonna do do it fast okay you're okay you're gonna be okay okay hurry grab a credit card give me a credit card okay we just have to cover up the wound okay here's some tape you're gonna be fine please hurry hold it up hurry where's the tape where's the tail kelly keeps a deep breath okay he's coming just hold on okay all right all right i got it okay you gotta hurry breathe kelly you okay okay okay we gotta get you out of here okay we're gonna get you out of here what's the best way to fly folks come on no anyone [Applause] this is chief damage if anyone can hear this i'm headed for the turbine mode if anybody else comes make sure they get over here yeah [Applause] oh um everybody all right everybody hang on tight we're deploying the elevators we don't have a choice uss titanic too come in i repeat uss titanic 2 come in i repeat uss titanic 2 come in this is the u.s coast guard over captain mayne captain talk to me we're going down on the starboard side 30 degrees okay captain you need to get your people out of the lifeboats half the lifeboat ramps were crushed on impact the lifeboats are death traps get it do you understand me captain there's another wave coming [Music] wow captain are you there captain sir time to refuel coast guard six five six five we gotta do this quick fellas six five six five we read you deploying trump copy that sir we have to pull up pull up i repeat pull up hang on so [Music] uh [Music] baby you okay yeah all right kelly you all right yeah kelly okay okay here take my shirt what just happened i don't know i think the turbine's blue the whole ship's gonna be underwater you're bleeding i'm fine you need stitches tell you what we get out of this alive i'll let you stitch me up all you want come on we're gonna lift you up ready step on my hands come on on three ready one two three push keep pushing it's stuck the shaft must have collapsed this isn't good are you in a lifeboat no no we're trapped the ship's thinking what do you mean you're trapped i'm with hayden kelly we're stuck in an elevator okay okay listen to me listen to me now help is on the way so am i just i want you to stay away from the lifeboats just stay out of the lifeboats what what do you mean honey there's another wave coming it's bigger than the last one when it comes it's gonna be big what when it comes it's gonna wipe away everything that's in the water including the lifeboats they're not gonna make it so your best bet is to stay on the ship now the wave will roll it but it's strong and uh the wave won't take it with it james how much time do we have uh about 30 minutes listen hey are there any diving tanks so important yeah the diving facility can you get to them i think so good we'll get to them and hang on until we get to you listen you uh you made me believe you were an honorable man once hey i want you to make me believe it again get my daughter to those thanks dad i'm so scared i know sweetie it's all right it's all right just do what i told you it's gonna be fine if i don't make it don't don't even say that well it's gonna be fine we'll be there honey we're on our way goodbye dad [Music] james if she does what you said she stands a chance okay okay kelly take my hand ready come on what's up come on keep climbing up you gotta hurry go keep climbing [Music] okay [Music] okay follow me ah the door's jammed i thought the doors open manually you're supposed to the entire frame of the ship's pet [Music] [Music] i can't get through the opening's too small [Music] come on i know pull it back pull back kelly i'm so sorry [Music] listen you did everything you could okay we gotta keep moving please if we don't keep moving she died for nothing okay come on let's get out of here go go go the whole ship's coming apart oh we'll fry oh well we got to figure our way through we can't go back okay we're gonna have to climb over we're already wet what difference does it make as long as we don't touch the wires their feet aren't on the ground we won't be electrocuted right i don't know you're a nurse i'm not an electrician i don't know there's only one way to find out [Music] uh [Music] come on your turn i don't know if i can do it i don't think i can jump up that high amy you can do it come on we gotta hurry my hands are wet what if i slip amy we're gonna be at the bottom of the atlantic you don't hurry come on jump up okay okay okay you can do this come on work your way towards it come on let me make it keep coming [Applause] okay hang on i'm coming to get you hurry i'm coming with you hold on [Music] okay give me your arms okay okay okay okay you good all right okay stay right behind me okay come on we're almost there wait wait listen did you hear that what is that we have to help him okay look i'm gonna get you the dive locker i'll come back and help you no we don't have time for that okay come with me who's there damn it the door's jammed he's gonna suffocate if you don't get him out of there listen to me the door's jammed can you find another way through are you there oh come on anthony are you there [Music] [ __ ] i killed him hayden it's not your fault it is my fault listen hayden now you made a promise to my father that you would get us to the dive locker okay now let's go come on let's go guess we're not the only ones who thought of it what do we do now what we came here to do quickly don't worry about me but the water's freezing don't just put it on amy hurry okay step in come on hurry hurry what's up get into the locker so how far we're close sir about 30 miles or so from the crash site are we gonna make it it's gonna be close you okay yeah what happened look excised the whole shit's flooded can you move yeah yeah we gotta get up try to stand up oh my god give me your hand it's crazy okay we gotta get out of here come here you okay something's leaning against the door oh what are we going to do the water's going to rise the fast thing's gonna be underwater after five minutes okay we gotta get this on you all right turn around ready are those the schematics yeah if they made it to the diving facility they'd be right about there it's no use what budge okay every diving harness has an emergency alert unit how does it work it sets out a distress signal i don't know i say you're out holding frequencies we got it okay i hated the water's freezing don't worry the suit will keep you warm it's one or two i think the temperature might be the least of my worries [Music] sir just picked up a loss diver beacon on the sore frequency looks like it's coming from titanic too look [Music] how low can you get me okay listen i'm gonna take off the wetsuit forget about it it's not enough tayden you're gonna freeze to death i'm gonna drown before that okay then we're gonna share we're going to share the air tank we can take just breathing okay why i'm going to freeze to death anyway then what's your plan okay listen to me this ship has air pockets water tight ropes it's gonna slow the thinking this tank holds about 30 minutes in there you'll break as long as you can help come here buddy wait wait i don't they've probably already gotten the signal hold on a second they can find you what about you i drowned if they get here soon enough i could be revived no this is the only way no no hayden listen me damn it be logical if we share the tank i'm dead anyway from the cold and you're half out of here what is this cold to turn my blood like ice water i have a better chance to survive on this kind of temperature but i don't have any chance if you're dead too okay this is my father amy no no come on [Music] what's your plan mr finder how do you know where you're gonna need to know where james as the shift goes down the pressure will increase no i know i know anything past 60 meters and now i'll have to keep an eye on that look take the end of this leave it slack what's this for find my way back now we got a thousand feet there just let it out as long as you hold on to that i'll be fine what happens if i run out of rope well then i'm dead just cut me loose tell me when sir oh you're here now i guess i did what i did [Music] what the hell okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ma'am you're gonna have to jump there's a life raft in the seat ma'am you gotta [Music] mom so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm oh [Music] come on breathe freeze come on hayden party come on [Music] [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] shhh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes feel your presence knee and i just wonder what it all means to believe that we could live [Music] a forever in my dreams [Music] strange times lust and innocence black days in time memories [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] i try desperately [Music] once again [Music] i was
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 5,911,950
Rating: 4.534256 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube
Id: cSfSGKmmFrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 50sec (5390 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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