HOW TO BUILD AN EFFICIENT BASE - Subnautica Tips & Tricks

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welcome back everybody for your daily dosage of MSG today we're going to do something different here on some Monica I decided I would do a tip video because I have been playing the game for a while and I wanted to go over something now originally I had planned to do the most efficient base build design and as I was experimenting with it I realized there really isn't a most efficient base design anybody that tells you here's the most efficient base you can build is just wrong you know it's their opinion but I can tell you right now there is no most efficient bases on because everybody has a different need you may want your base to be a remote outpost just for charging your power cells and batteries you may want to be a starter base you may want a base where you can hop between different locations just in the seamoth because you don't like driving to Cyclops it's really different for everybody but there are three things that are critical I feel in designing a base and making sure it's efficient first being power without power you have no oxygen production you have no you know water being pumped out nothing like that second is food and water production because you do need a way to eat and drink to survive and third is your actual production itself whether it's fabrication of materials recharging power cells and batteries while you use them for your tools and vehicles it doesn't matter but you got your production aspect and then you can always say as a fourth aspect storage depends on how much storage you have so first we're going to look at this with those three concepts on this first design I've got here and this is a starter base design you can see is a single multi-purpose room it is one hatch I've got a whole complement of solar panels and you see I'm getting a pretty good charge because I'm fairly close to the surface just outside the fake shallows and inside I have some storage and then I have my fabrication medical kit fabrication do have communications for moving the storyline Ford battery charging power cell charging and then food and water production now I'm not a fan of the water purifier I like instead focusing on using plants for that my first choice is the Marvel Mellon second choice and third choice are the bubble tree and the Chinese potato okay so I am now switched to survival mode and I'm going to show you I am at 72 and you see 22 the food 15 to h2o level for eating that now if I do the same for the bubble tree I get a sample I get 3 food and 10 hydration so if you are going to stick with something like that you will want to complement with a better food source and you can see this is time the opposite the Chinese potato gives you 15 for food but 3 for h20 so each of these work now as long as you don't eat a lot of these too rapidly I have never had one of these disappear me from overharvesting however the bubble tree will eventually when you you don't run out of room first eventually it will run out of I guess you get some samples there you go so eventually you will have to replant it and at that point wait for it to grow back now I've got fast grow long so I can get it back and going as you can see efficiency wise marvel melons are the best way to go and of course when you're first starting out you're not going to have access tonight you're going to be scavenging fish from around the area so you know any fish you can find and bladder fish are going to be crucial to you because flatter fishing provides you a way to get water can also cook them however I still prefer what you can get to the floating island to get marbled melons and bring them back for use in your base ok so that was most efficient bases on for a starter base now I have the most efficient base design for all around do whatever kind of base is 5 floors and as you can see first floor I come in and I decided to put the hatch at the top you can play at the bottom wherever you want to do it however when you see my full design you'll realize why the hatches at the top I have my fabrication area I've got to Power Cell Chargers and a battery charger so I can do a lot more of course modification station and my always necessary vending machine now the next floor down is for storage like I said number four you can consider to be storage I've done it two different ways so it really depends on how you like it visually or how much storage you want obviously lockers give you a lot more storage comparison to the wall lockers you don't get quite as much going to the wall lockers but they can be a little bit more easier to use because you can place them up higher and then place stuff below unlike a modification station now third floor I have an alien containment now this is not totally necessary if you're in an area that's got plenty of fish going around you probably don't even have to worry about this I did this for a specific reason because reginal Czar very high density as far as food capabilities you see it's even just eating it raw is +25 and cook them they're even better but when you go down to the fourth floor I have a bioreactor bioreactor Reza knows work great they last forever and of course down here I have my food production I can also go in here and toss marvel melons or any other plants that you want to grow in here the catches the plants of course do not produce as much energy or well they don't produce energy for as long as fish do the fish produce for a good wall and from everything I've been able to research and see other people have researched reginal Tsar the best ones to use as far as how long they last and how easy they are to come by you put in a few regionals and won a lien containment and you are going to have ten of them all you know containment laws in a short amount of time and they will reproduce quickly so you don't have to worry out then going out and gathering fish from around the area you could of course also use bladder fish if you want to rely on bladder fish as your source of water and that way you can have them for producing water and cooking for food generally though I only do this if I'm doing the bioreactor and I like the bioreactor because it's a good consistent source of energy and it lasts for a long time but or something with a lot of production especially later in the game you're going to need more than just that so if you are in an area where you don't have thermal vents area where you can get geothermal power the nuclear reactor is going to be your mainstay as far as power production unless you want to build a numerous set of fire reactors so I have the nuclear reactor loaded with four rods and of course I have my nuclear waste disposal that's conveniently just called a trash can after you place it down and then I just have a locker down here so I can store at SRI actor rods now you can see how much power this is producing and that's the kind of thing you want if you're going to produce a lot of power cells for charging so again this is based around your three needs the three needs being your power production which I have the bio reactor and the nuclear reactor food production which is marvel knowings and then your actual production itself which is the fabricators and the power cell chargers and battery charger so if I was doing this as a remote base someplace that I didn't have to worry about food production say a remote outpost just for charging power cells I would simply want something that I could do a lot of power to the power cell chargers maybe a fabricator maybe a little bit of food and then power okay so let's take a look at this variation so right here I am next to a geothermal vent I have three thermal reactors building so I don't have to rely on solar even though I am right near the surface this would work if you are way down and say the inactive lava zone the active lava zone or even just underneath the underwater floating islands at the bottom where they have some zero thermal vents any place where you a thermal vent this will work now inside again this base will be just for a remote outpost if you wanted to do nothing more than have a stopping point for say a seamoth or especially your Cyclops to come in and say I need to charge a bunch of power cells and I just need to sit here and hang out for a little bit while my power cells recharge from this long trip so you have fabrication battery charging medical medical kit fabrication you have food production again the three staples that I use with number one being the marbled melon because again you can see how much that improves my food and water and I can sit there and just eat these and be perfectly fun so this will work well now I did four Power Cell Chargers that might be excessive depending on how many thermal reactors you place around but you know you can also swap it out add another floor below this to put in a nuclear reactor you can always put a nuclear reactor in the middle and then build you know some kind of other arrangement as far as the food I would honestly just say put another level on this and have a nuclear reactor if you want to go that route but of course the thing is if you can build your thermal power you don't have to worry about running out at least not as far as the power source itself but that is again the concept of it being power food and water and your production capabilities so like I said I wanted this video originally to be about the most efficient base design and as I was trying to experiment and come up with one I realize there isn't one it depends on what your needs are if you want the base to be a full-fledged base then you know you're going to have an idea for a different design you're going to need at least one moon for your need you know probably a scanner room things like that at some point I'm focusing specifically on the needs the core needs for base what would make the base most efficient by simply focusing on what you need for that so in this case we have three bases we have the starter base which gives you food water power and production capabilities we have the bigger more fleshed out base that gives you the same thing of a power through a bioreactor and a nuclear reactor you have food and large quantities between the originals in the alien containment and along with your food production from the planters and then you have a large amount of production capabilities up top along with storage capability and in this case for a third design where you have just a remote outpost where you need to go and simply stop the charge and power cells for your Cyclops that is where your main point of operations is then you know this works well you have a single room you have some power you have food and then you have your production capabilities in the form of power cell chargers battery chargers so it really depends again on what your needs are for your bases on but for you to find the most efficient bases on what's going to work best for you if you follow these three principles all first what kind of power are you going to need to power everything you're going to do how much food and water production are you going to need and how are you going to implement it and then what kind of production do you actually need to be able to do at this base is it just for fabrication is it for charging your power cells is it for modifying your vehicle's going with those concepts and then the fourth thing you know if it's a storage location how much storage do you need kind of thing that will let you adapt to any situation you come across where you design a base and you can say well I don't need to be able to fabricate anything but I need to be able to make you know a pit stop here and charge my batteries then you don't have to worry about building a fabricator for the base you may not even have to worry about Bill food for the base because if you're just going to stop in and have all your food on the Cyclops you won't have to worry about that so again the idea of a perfect efficient base is on doesn't really work in this case you have to focus on what the needs for the base are and then go around how efficient can you implement those needs by following the you know principles I've put here power food and water and then production capabilities with storage being the last one to worry about if you actually need storage or not okay everybody that's it for today thanks for watching if you enjoyed this episode be sure hit the like button and hit subscribe and tick that notification bells you can keep up with my content during the week you can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter keep up with everything and if you enjoyed this video in this kind of video be sure to leave a comment below and let me know and as always thanks for watching I will see you guys next time
Channel: MrSpicyGaming
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Keywords: Mr Spicy Gaming, MrSpicyGaming, subnautica sea base, subnautica tips, subnautica how to, subnautica tips and tricks, subnautica getting started, subnautica base building, subnautica how to build a base, subnautica base, subnautica base building tutorial, subnautica building a base, how to build a base in subnautica, how to build in subnautica, subnautica base building tips, subnautica guide, subnautica base tips, subnautica building, subnautica best bases
Id: wfIXj0fCE28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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