Tip on Storing Loose Flour Sugar Potato Flakes in Mylar Bags for Long Term Storage

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hey everybody call me brother here carrying on with the adventure of vacuum-sealing mylar bags but today we're going to be handling this amazing goodie um you can see that there but basically this is a cupcake mix that I got on special after Halloween and they were marked down to 49 cents and really cupcakes are just cake mix and they call them cupcakes but it's the same stuff okay so um I was asked the question the other day about how to vacuum vacuum seal loose powdery substances in mylar bags and not have it all go up into the Dustbuster to forget grandma alright back in action okay now I just want to show you what comes in these boxes and you can do this a it could be any kind of flower um potato flake something like that but in one of these boxes yes isn't that lovely you can make brain cupcakes um not so much more about the brain these grapes maybe my brain vanilla white cake mix comes inside and you know this package actually gives you victory little skull things and they have attack of frosting so I'm going to pass on the skull wrapping but I'm going to keep the frosting and the cake mix now the good thing about these packages is that the cake mix already comes in a plastic bag and what it would recommend that you do is poke a tiny hole or two into these plastic bags so that when you insert them in the mylar bag and the air is drawn out the extra air that's in these bags will also thrown out as well okay now let's say you have a product for example flour or some other mix that does not come in its own little individual bag you could always put it in a ziploc bag and poke a couple holes in the ziplock bag and you could do the same thing that would also work with the potato flakes for mashed potatoes if you're interested in doing that okay so okay not exactly a little poker but all you need is a hole in there so that's fine okay see how many comfortably fit in here great in there I think I can get all five in there easily and you can do these separately in separate bags and separate mylar bags or do it all together nice big hole senri back there you could also put your frosting in there you could do the frosting separately totally up to you I think I'm going to do my frosting separately I don't know what I'm going to use it it's not going to be the marine cupcakes okay all right so tap that down go ahead and add an oxygen absorber I'm going to use a 300cc oxygen absorber I buy these in bulk on eBay or Amazon here and then what I'm also going to put in there are the directions and the instructions of how to do this with the frosting all people defrosting you can put these on the outside of the bag or you can tuck them in and I'm going to tuck them in just because they don't get knocked off that way and they're always at the ready and I can just pop them back in the bag okay so using this process I'm going to use the flat iron I'm going to go ahead and heat seal about 7/8 of it I'm going to close leaving an opening so that I can insert my desk Buster in there is great okay yeah bag is very forgiving if you make a roomful or something it's okay this way you can see it okay now all right and hopefully have getting a little better at this now done few more since I kept all my spaghetti I finally doesn't need to be a perfect fit as long as you get the vacuum seal going in there vacuum draw it's gonna work okay we go okay so you just seal below your where the the tube inserts from the Dustbuster and then just finish the seal up the top there we go that's it if you can see that there's a very good vacuum seal in there it didn't suck the air out of the bags inside which is good and the oxygen absorber inside will absorb any remaining oxygen in there so there will be no bug infestations in here you know technically you wouldn't even have to sorry you wouldn't even have to freeze this stuff first to fracture any bug eggs if you really don't want to have any bugs because the vacuum will prevent anything from growing inside so there you go folks um basically the tip is to put your loose flour or potato flakes or something like that that might get sucked up by your dust buster using this process into a bag a ziploc bag or the bag it came in just put a little pinhole in the bag and then you can carry on with the same process everything should work dandy hopefully that might be a helpful tip and take care of a buddy happy and healthy prepping
Channel: HealthyPrepper
Views: 61,081
Rating: 4.8290596 out of 5
Keywords: emergency, preparedness, healthy prepper, reserves, Haul, Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Store, Walmart, CVS, couponing, coupons, prepping, prepper, disaster, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, zombie apocalypse, zombies, stockpile, stock, pile, food storage, doomsday, economic collapse, catastrophe, grid down, saving money, extra bucks, extrabucks, extra care bucks, garage sale, estate sale, yard sale, save money, emergency preps
Id: ahXDldmzos8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2013
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