Storing Cake Mix, Crackers AND More In MYLAR Bags! LONG TERM Storage!

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hey everybody what's up it's tj you guys today i'm putting a whole bunch of food in my lower bags okay so right now i have out mashed potatoes just instant mashed potatoes and you guys what i've done is i have frozen those for over a week okay you need to freeze your food if you're going to just put it into a mylar bag and put oxygen absorber in there and let that be it you need those oxygen absorbers and you guys i have a pack you know a couple of packs of them like this and i'm gonna get all my bags full first then i will open these and put all the oxygen absorbers in each one and then seal them okay so i'm gonna start doing that now and you guys i have a lot look at this everything you see in a white bag there's two of them over there there's a a cart full i have a lot i finally got my model our bags in and i got my canning lids from eyes to see in she's over in california you guys so yeah it takes some time to get here i'm in georgia and y'all if it wasn't for her i don't know what in the world i would do but also i wanted to tell y'all that i i think i've told y'all before that i had two people in the neighborhood that gave me some lids and some jars i had another person deliver me some jars and left them on my front patio so i got jars yo i got jars all right so the first i'm gonna do my mashed potatoes and what i'm gonna do is just put them in here lined up leave them open until i get a whole bunch of them done and then i'll open my oxygen absorbers and put them in there so yeah that's my plan y'all that's my plans and get this off of here me in packages y'all i'm just gonna pour it directly in here and i think i can fix fit two in here most definitely so i'm not gonna have that many bags of this and you guys i have been slowly buying containers um to put things in like this you know if i need to open this i'll have a container to put it in that's what i've been doing check out my new cereal boxes right there you guys remember i did all my cereal i had bought buy one get one free i put them all in mylar bags so i bought those containers so i have something to pour them into and they'll be readily available you know as i need them so and if you got if you guys if you need to you need to put the directions on the front of these okay just in case just in case yeah two most definitely let's do that so i'm just gonna put that right there all right so let me get the potatoes in bags and i'll be right back all right y'all i have all the mashed potatoes in bags it was just four bags it's all it takes and you guys these are gallon size okay and i ordered these from usa emergency food something usa food supply so i don't know i have to look at that later and show you guys i showed it to y'all once and then i think maybe i was alive i think i did it in the live stream i showed y'all who i ordered from and i got exactly what i ordered okay people ain't been sending out what you order lately i have two boxes of pancake mix i'm pretty sure i can fit both of them in one bag but you guys look you see how i have this rigged up to stand up let me show you how i did that anything to make your job easier you guys and that's why i showed you that and that just makes it so much easier so i'm gonna write pancake mix just add water i put the date and my handwriting is terrible y'all and i know that that's okay at least they can read it okay so i'm gonna put these two in here go ahead and open both of them before i start pouring them so i'm not trying to hold a bag let's cut another bag this is the easiest way to store food in my opinion especially food like this is don't forget to freeze it first and then if it comes out wet i don't i don't understand why people think it comes out wet i just take mine and put it in a large uh garbage bag and tie it off and it it's fine i haven't had any problems with my food getting wet from the freezer so i don't know why people have such problems with that okay so there's that i wish i had the stand-up ones but i didn't see them and that's what i had ordered before and i got the wrong size instead of sending me a gallon they got me this they gave sent me this which i know good and will i ordered this kind that stands up by itself and i didn't get it okay so let me move on to my next one y'all [Music] i found more pancake mix four of them so imma get them in bags and you guys can see what's next all right y'all so i got the pancake mix in the bags it took two bags because i found four boxes two bags so now i've opened up my oatmeal and i'm gonna see how many fit in one one gallon bag i'm thinking i might can get two in there i don't know we'll see of course i wrote it on here what's in there and you guys this is something you may want to put directions on the package and i may go back and do it i don't know we'll see okay maybe one and a half oh no i got it in my hair y'all yeah about one and a half something like that but you guys i'm just gonna put this in bags but what can i do with this i'll put all the lids over here what can i do with it do i just save it and put it back in there when i'm ready to use it is there some kind of craft i can use it for you guys come up with some ideas and let me know and put it down in the comment section below so let me get back to this i get it in bags all right y'all so here's one of the ones that i thought was going to be tricky to do but it's not going to be so bad okay which is the angel hell posture what i'm gonna do is leave it in the box you guys this stuff was frozen also so anything that's on the outside of the box should be you know i shouldn't have to worry about it so what i'm gonna do is just cut a little hole you see the flap is still there the air can come out when i put the oxygen absorber in just make sure you got that gap there okay and what i'm doing is just setting them straight had it in here a second ago and i may even fit one more this way on the top let me see yes so i can put three of these in this in one bag and i don't have to worry about them as much getting crushed okay so i'm just going to try to cut off the top here so i have a hole there and that's how i'm going to do that and you guys my box is about full here so now i'm going to start putting them this way let me get this done and i'll be back all right y'all so i have them in there now this one only has two bags in it so what i'm going to do is cut this down so it doesn't have to the oxygen absorber doesn't have to work quite as hard so i'm going to cut this off this much okay that's how you would do that all right now you see what's next yes you can do this this has been frozen and because i only want to put one in a per bag i'm gonna cut these in half okay so i'm just gonna fold it over and cut it and of course it's not even but i really don't care so that one has the seal on it you know that it comes with this one has two open ends so i'm going to take this and do the end it's as easy as this so now i have two bags okay and what i'm going to do i have three different kinds here of yellow oh i have four i have yellow chocolate fudge milk chocolate and white so i'm going to write the full directions on this well let me do that and i'll be right back all right y'all so i have the directions down on here you guys i know how to put this together but if one of my boys want to do it or something you know they don't have to come aggravating mama to figure out how to do it okay so i have my bag open and i'm just gonna pour it in here these were frozen y'all so anything you know i shouldn't have nothing to worry about i don't have anything to worry about and look i still i probably could have third you know done these into threes you see how much room is still there but i'm not going to worry about it i'm gonna let that be it all right so i have a whole lot of cakes here and a whole lot of writing to do so i'll be back all right y'all so i have all my cake mixes in bags see little tiny shorter bags yeah all right so now i'm gonna do graham crackers and you guys i have a bunch of graham crackers and i'm not gonna worry about them getting crushed i was sitting here thinking about it you know putting the whole box and all in there but i'm not gonna worry about them because typically when we're having something like this it's for a dessert and you crumble them up anyway you guys if you want them whole then just open the box okay take out your packages slit a little you know make a little slit in it leave your top off no matter what and then stick it back in there you know you want to make a slit in the package so that the oxygen is over it can take the air out of it is my what i'm trying to say i made to go ahead and do a couple like that i'm not really sure i'm gonna see um how it fits best in this package okay let's see if we get some of them out all she can keep a hold of it all right now i have got boxes everywhere those are all empty okay let's see what we can do here we would definitely have to put it that way so i'm going to go ahead and like cut the ends off see how many i can fit in here [Music] [Applause] i was hoping i could get one down the side of that but i don't think so oh well keep on going see how that one's already cracked i don't care it's still edible i think we can fit five packs in most certainly let's see there okay so that's how i'm gonna do that let me show y'all how much i have see that flat the blue boxes that's how much i have i'll see in just a second all right y'all so here we go here's my oxygen absorbers and i have a mason jar here for whatever i have left in which i know i'm going to have a pretty good bit left because there's not a whole lot here i mean it looks like a whole lot but you guys only order 40 bags and i still have about 20 left you got to remember i have to some of them so and then i'll vacuum seal what i have left so i'm gonna cut these open and go ahead and start putting them into bags that's a lot wow and just enough for that so put it in here and you guys these things are not going to hurt your food and while i'm waiting to do all the rest i'm going to just kind of put this up underneath here like this to kind of hold as much air out as possible in the meantime okay so you can do that all right now i'm just going to sew them better if you do it like this just like that and i have a lot of them this one is going to be a little bit tough because there's so much you know so high that's okay and then it's sealed and you guys put it in boxes like this really does help get that down in there and y'all this to me is the easiest way to do it is using one of these an iron just makes it aggravating because you have to lay it over and iron it you don't want to have to do that you want to do it standing straight up trust me okay so having one of these and you can buy these pretty cheap now at walmart or dollar general anywhere you guys ron's here today working on my shed all right so i have one box then i'm gonna do the rest i'll be right back y'all y'all right quick i want to show y'all you see how this is only like halfway full go ahead and fold it over like that and take out as much air as you can so that oxygen absorber is not working as hard as it's gonna have to if you don't seal it down that far okay so seal it down as far as you can i'll be back all right y'all so i have all of them sealed every single one of them and what i'm going to do now is push this out of my way remove that bring it over here with me now and i'm just gonna sew [Applause] and i may not have to have more than one jar because there's 200 in each of these packs and i got two bags stuff it as full as you can get it all right i'm gonna take this and put it back up underneath something like that [Music] so [Applause] look at that let me show you what to do when it does that give me just a second all right y'all so what you do is you have your lid on here take a second lid and put it on upside down okay and then put this on i'm gonna go ahead and burp this [Music] let's try it again i've been having trouble with this i may need to replace it i don't see anything in here usually this method should work i mean it works maybe this just needs to be scrubbed really well i don't know so oh it's sealed okay it's sealed there we go that's how you do it you guys and i'm doing the rest of them in another jar if i can get it to sell but yeah and you guys when you use the the um heating the hair iron make sure it's on the highest setting okay when you use it so that's it y'all i'll talk to you guys later y'all have an awesome day don't forget to hit that like button share and subscribe y'all 80 85 somewhere around in there of my views are coming from people that's not even subscribed to the channel so you guys do me a favor hit that subscribe button hit that bell and y'all have an awesome day bye
Channel: TJ Preps
Views: 7,431
Rating: 4.9531775 out of 5
Keywords: emergency, long term, food, stockpile, prepping, cake mix, oats, pancake mix, graham crackers, pasta, mashed potatoes, mylar bags
Id: zEgaJT04t7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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