Tiny Home, LARGE Family | House Bus Tour You Won't Forget!

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[Music] Hi I'm James and I'm Maddy.    Did you say secret trap door in the bunk room? Or a king sized bed with a baby hammock? What about a driver's seat that converts to an office? Welcome to our video house bus tour we hope you love it as much as we do. We would love to hear what you think, would you live in a house bus? Let us know in the comments, hit that subscribe button   and get ready to see how chaos and creativity  collide in a tiny space that's big enough for a great adventure. Hi I'm Maddy, welcome to our house bus. I insisted that we have a bug screen because I hate mosquitoes and sand flies, this is amazing it's magnetic so   when the kids are going in and out it just  automatically closes again it's fantastic, highly recommend. This entrance brings us to the  middle of the bus, so we have a wee (small) mud room at the entrance here we have kids jackets and  hats and shoes down the bottom and then over here we hung some hooks up for James and I bigger longer jackets and extra hats as well. Through here we have the kitchen we decided to go with an L-shaped kitchen we spent a lot of time looking at kitchen designs And I really loved the L-shaped and I really wanted a green kitchen so I got those two things thanks to my husband We have cupboards up the top we've got tea and coffee, breads and cups, medicine, supplements, first aid Do I even open it? It's my husband's utility cupboard, as he likes to call it. It does need some more organization though so we'll close that one. We have a full size gas oven here, it is awesome it cooks roast lamb, roast chicken, full dinners for our family of eight no problem. The sink I love this tap it comes off it's got the spraying bit you can move it all around to clean big pots. Pull out drawers that are soft closing, so herbs and spices, wine, juice, bottles go down the bottom We've got dish cloths and tea towels and rubbish bags. Can drawer, corner cupboard It keeps all of our big pots and pans, bowls everything we need for cooking in a regular kitchen it fits in there. And actually we haven't had anything break or smash with travelling, it just all kind of stays in there which is awesome Baking and cooking utensils in here, plates, bowls, cups, Tupperware, plastic containers. We have a magnetic knife holder, when we travel we take all the knives down and  put them into the top drawer over there. Just in case because we don't want knives going flying or  dropping on toes I use this broom handle holder for my rolling pin which works perfectly because it doesn't really fit in any other drawers We've got the full size fridge up here, veggie drawer  and then it's a pull out freezer down the bottom that's like a chest freezer style That's awesome oh and an ice maker! Pantry, again all of the things are pull out drawers apart from the top shelf and that kind of holds all of our bigger bulkier like packets of chips and snacky food I've got like all my baking stuff flour and oats and then down the bottom is rice and salt and any other sort of bigger baking bags that don't fit in those drawers Up here is our very full but this is kind of pasta, dried goods and cereal I saw a really cool idea on Pinterest for turning the toe-kick space into drawers, so we got that done and this is a really big one that pulls out It's got my glad wrap and baking paper and some cookbooks in there and then this one down here has got tuna basically just actually cans of fish in that one but it's extra space but things have to be small to fit in them. We have two bins here which is great and then down the bottom in this cage we've got potatoes and onions it's open air storage for them A little kitchen stool which is very easy to open that's because I can't reach the ceiling fan up there so I have to stand on the stool to do that Chopping boards, sunglasses, scissors, brush and  shovel, things like that all fit on there which is awesome and we hang our mugs, we've got a little  portable smoothie maker, coffee and actually our   little kettle hangs up here when we're traveling,  fits on perfectly If you're thinking about bus life or van life we just want to encourage you it is possible with some determination and some hard work you can do it too. Subscribe to our channel  in our future videos we're going to share about   how we got here, more about the construction  and how you can get here too.    So then we come through to the lounge another reason I liked  the L-shaped kitchen was so that we could have   an L-shaped couch this area fits our family it's  very cozy, but it's lovely we love it, when we've pulled   up to a beautiful spot and there's stunning views  out the window. The kids sit and read, we also   eat our meals here we have a table that's stored  here, and that just sets up in the middle here   and we sit and eat, and we have seven seat belts  on here so the kids can choose to either travel   in the van with me or they can sit in the bus  and travel with James. We just added this shelf in in our latest leg of the journey which I absolutely love. It fits all of our books that we use on a daily basis pretty much so we've got our  Bibles and sort of family devotions up here. We've got plant books and remedy books for like home health and then our current reading books that are our "read alouds" that we're doing or chapter books that the kids are currently reading. On the end we've got Kindles and computers and then  just their school work and it's all labeled and   organized nicely then a couple of baskets for  nappies and wipes and another basket on the   end that just has like bibs and cloths and things  for the baby and that gets all tied down tightly   with a strop things there that that so it's all  nice and firm when we're driving the headphones   for the kids are on little hooks we just added  those as well which is working really really well  we're trying to, as we go fine tune our organizing  because in a tiny space with lots and lots of   little humans it can get messy very quickly  but we're getting there. We've got our window   coverings for the bus which are amazing both in  summer and winter they are made from foam and   then they just have the fabric and binding around  the edge they are stuck on by Velcro so we pull those   off and we roll them up and they kind of sit like  this one is over here or we tuck them down behind   the seat here. In Winter they keep the cold  out and the warmth in and in summer they keep   the heat out in the cool in. We do have down  here with our table we have a foldable washing   basket when we go to the laundromat if we're not  using the washing machine down there or it's a lot   of washing to get through the kids put all their  dirty washing into the washing basket and it goes   in the van. In the future this might be a nice we  spot for a fireplace, but we'll see. So under   couch storage this is a question we get asked a  lot so on this side is all my bulk food storage   so I do a lot of baking I love to bake bread so  I go through a lot of flour and it's a lot cheaper   to buy 20 kg bags of flour than it is to buy 5 kgs  of flour so they get stored under here. They are   a bit tricky to get into because of the Velcro. But we  lift up and yeah there's bags under there, extra   paper towels. This area we've got extra laptops  computer bits and bobs this is a bit of an   odds and ends storage it's the stuff that doesn't  really have a place anywhere else. This has the   kids extra school books it has all of our art and  craft supplies. In this part here we've got all   of our games all of our board games have been  repackaged into these Ziploc bags so they all   stack up really neatly. Behind me is the driver's  area which turns into James's office but he will   show you around there. So when the bus is not  set up in a driving position this is what   it looks like as an office I just got this  little piece of custom plywood that I've cut   here. Starlink internet, laptop, computer docking  station and yeah and this is me for a work   position and it quickly converts back into a bus,  put the steering wheel back on and we can drive away.   I make sure that these curtains are pulled  they come together so the kids know that when   Dad's behind the curtain working, it better be  very important if they're going to interrupt me.    Of course that doesn't stop all the interruptions  but it's a nice idea [Laughter] So coming into the back half of the bus we've got the master  bedroom behind this door which then closes to   close off the hallway down to where the bun cream  is it's a king-size bed from wall to wall we didn't   want to downsize on that so that's awesome and  it lifts up against the wall to access all the   storage underneath. We've got big pull out drawers  they go all the way out. We have three drawers   each I have another big drawer at the bottom  and James has storage at the top and then we   have some hooks and things for hanging shirts or  dresses or just stuff that we need to hang up.   We have some storage baskets up the top here  and I've got like my jewelry box is up here.   We got the ceiling fan which keeps us nice and cool  in summer and then it has a cover that goes on. We got some books here and yeah baby's clothes stay  on that side more books, everything we need.  One thing we've found with eight of us living in the  bus is shoe storage we just, no matter how many   times we declutter or rearrange we're always  ending up with shoes at the entrance ways.   So we've just put these two baskets down here  we've got one here for kids sneakers and one   here with river shoes and sort of bigger adult  shoes in there as well as the shoe storage in here. So we've got our hallway in our bus coming  down here. I really wanted a a barn style sliding   door and my husband delivered. This closes it's  a pretty color and it gives us privacy in our   little tiny bathroom. This is the bathroom so we  have a composting toilet down here which honestly   we actually really love there is no smell it's  got a little 12 volt fan that's going constantly   and it's got a urine diverter in the front  so the weez (urine) gets plumbed down into the gray   water tank and then number 2's are in a bucket  at the back and James empties that every 1 to   2 weeks. Saw dust for the composting toilet is  in this it pulls out there. And then this is our   little rubbish bin for weez (urine) toilet paper cuz it  does not go in the poo bin. This is our shub area   our shower and tub. High sides to mitigate extra  splashing it means our little ones can have baths   and we've also got this, I love our shower, full size  shower, curtain pulls across. Shelves here for shampoo   bath toys. Towels are stored up here flannels  and hand towels are up the top there as well   as extra toilet rolls and Bin liners. Toothbrush  and toothpaste and a little cupboard here that   opens up to hold bathroom things. The strip out and build of this bus was a huge project but to be finally enjoying it actually living the lifestyle that is my favorite part. My favorite thing about the bus would be sitting  here on this couch and looking out at The View   when we've pulled up to a new location. The back of the bus is the kids bunk room. I loved seeing bunk rooms in buses when we were watching lots of videos to see what sort of design we wanted to do because there's a lot of house buses but not many house buses with lots of children, so we have six children, we had four children when we started the bus build But we did plan for a fifth bunk bed because we wanted to have another  one at some point and then we had another one as well. So Evie sleeps with us in the hammock  but in here we've got the five beds so the   two older girls are up the top and then we've  got Reuben and Maia in the middle and wee (little) Joash our   2-year-old he sleeps down the bottom here. Each of  the kids have two baskets each for their clothes   so they just pull out here. Tops and bottoms  pretty much is how it's divided up and these   were just baskets from Spotlight I tied string in  the middle to hold them together and James glued   a bit of plywood on the bottom um to prevent wear  and tear and so that they slide more smoothly and   they're awesome. This is the door we call it the  secret trap door it goes down to the kids toy room. So we've got bookshelves here we do lots of reading  each child has a shelf in their bunk bed and a   reading lamp, they all sort of chose their  headboard design Ruben painted his himself and   they love their little cozy cubbies (beds). The heater  duct comes and blows out here so in winter   when we have the diesel heater going it's super  cozy and warm from both ends of the bus. We have   the girls basket dresses for the girls are all  rolled up they each have a section there's three   sections for Izzy, Lucy, and Maia. Nappies (diapers) and wipes at the back we've got a few wee (small) toys for Maia and Joash  we've got some dolls some play kitchen food and  a big box of hair ties. When you have lots of girls   this is all the hair ties, clips, hair brushes, it  all stays in the pink sparkly box and gets tucked   away under here. These netting pockets are from  the bus seats so they were the original ones that   were on the bus seats sitting behind. We put them on  here and they work great. This is the washing bag   and then each kid has a hook for dressing gowns the girls have handbags and that sort of thing so there's a few hooks there. Thanks to this being a large tour  coach there's a lot of storage space underneath   and we were really lucky when we bought this bus  the the floor was pretty much already flat. In a   lot of buses there's like a channel that goes up  the middle but we had a flat floor and heaps   of storage underneath. I've got diesel heater so  this is our heating in Winter and that diesel   heater pumps into a central duct that runs up the  middle of the bus so the heat comes out in the   living area and the bedrooms and the bathroom  that works quite well we got a backup generator   so if we ever run out of sunshine basically  that's our reserve power supply when we're   off grid and we just got rubbish bags and spare  fuel the vacuum cleaner stored under here and the   waste water can be dumped out of this dump valve  but we also have a pump so I can dump our gray   water through the garden hose basically so just  a matter of connecting the hose channeling where   we want the gray water to go. Be it down a drain  and just turn it on so we can dump as long   as we've got a long hose we can, we don't have to  move the bus too often for dumping if we're in   a good location which is great. This is the  power bay I have a a box of spares which I keep   on here. This is our power system so we've got  800 amp hours of lead acid which gives us about 300   usable amp hours. The reason for that is they are secondhand  batteries they came out of a cell tower they   were a UPS backup. I got them really cheap I would  love a lithium ion battery bank but we just   can't afford that right now so that works great  for us we got a multi-charger 2,000 W inverter   and if we're plugged into sure power that gives  80 amps of charging into the battery bank and   it also serves the shore power through to our  230 volt system. We've got two solar controllers   we have 10 solar panels on the roof 150 watts each  giving us a total of 1500 watts solar and two solar   controllers in parallel to control those and  then we've got a wee (small) DC to DC charger there as   well so for when the bus is running we're  charging our house batteries when   we're traveling. This is our Starlink  router so we have Starlink internet which is great   we can be anywhere. Bottom of the South Island just  recently no cell phone coverage but we had awesome   internet so thanks Starlink, great stuff! Under here  it's pretty simple we've got a mid mount engine   so there's a Cummins Diesel in there. It's like an 8.3  litre turbo diesel Cummins six-speed manual and    yeah so those are the bus batteries and the motor  in the middle so in the back here is my toolbox   I like to be able to do odd jobs I've got all  my power tools, hand tools, socket set, wrenches   screwdrivers, chainsaw, glues, oils, grease. Everything  I need pretty much so with my toolbox and my box   of spear screws and fittings and things there's  there's not many jobs I can't complete on the   road if we need to. Got to have the tools if  you're going to do the job. Also in the back here   is access to the kids toy room you see we can  access from from their bedroom so that's their   library and Legos, all underneath there too. So  this is the kid toy room from the other side they   got a lot more space on this side just because there's no toolbox great to see them playing or   sitting in here reading cool day they'll have the  doors closed it's nice and warm in there and on a   hot day we just leave the doors open and the  breeze flows through and they can be playing   in there uh it's a great space and when we pack  up to travel we put our camping chairs and table   and stuff in here as well so we've got a lot of  extra storage space for travel under here we   have the laundry. So we got a full size 9 kg  Electrolux washing machine. When we're running off grid   it's cold wash only but when we're plugged in the  washing machine heats its own water it's great   to have that especially it's the number of people  making dirty washing in our home. Under this side   I've got spare hoses and uh this is our hot water,  hot water system we've got two 9 kg gas bottles behind   here we've got a water filter as well so this is  where we fill the water tanks from and any any   filling we do goes through the water filter so all  the water in our tanks is always filtered 500 L of   fresh water on this side 500 L of gray water  on the other side and down the back we've got   another 240 L of gray water that the bathroom  runs into. We have lots of water but it's amazing   how quickly we can use use it this our shore power  connection so if we're at a camping ground we can   just plug straight into this if we're off- grid  and we need extra power then I just plug in the   little Honda generator and that gives us all  the power we need thanks for watching our house   bus tour if you enjoyed the video you're still  here watching give us a like we'd really appreciate   that SUBSCRIBE and try and find us on social  media "Radiant Buslife" let us know if you have   any questions in the comments below or if there's  anything else that you would love to see in our   house bus. Remember the best roads are the roads  less traveled, and the best views are shared with others [Music] [Music]
Channel: Radiant Buslife
Views: 397,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Buslife, Schoolie, House Bus, Tiny Home, Tiny Home Tour, Bus Conversion, Bus Life NZ, Beautiful Bus Kitchen, Best House Bus, Amazing House Bus, Best Schoolie, Amazing Schoolie, Schoolie Build, Schoolie Tour, Family Schoolie, Home School Family, Family RV, Beautiful RV, Massive RV, Biggest House Bus, Biggest Schoolie, Schoolie Design, House Bus Design, Tiny Home Design, Family Tiny Home, Worthington Family, Radiant Bus Life, Radiant Buslife, Bus Bunkroom, Bus Bathroom
Id: de7sGVWAEOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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