DIY Greyhound Bus Conversion w/ HUGE Kitchen & Bedroom

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[Music] thank you must have have to have the ice maker we love our views this was the whole purpose of Designing the bus around the windows you know you have to think of what's important to you and that's important to us hi I'm Tracy I'm Chris this is Destination Unknown h345 let's go inside and take a peek oh [Music] Welcome to our kitchen um we took a lot of time and thought into this design process we wanted to make sure we didn't have a tiny little skinny area to walk through because we do travel with our 105 pound Cane Corso um so she likes to be involved whenever we're cooking food with this design it allows us to have this nice wide walkway so we went with all drawers and I really love the drawers they're nice and deep you can put a lot of stuff in them we have a propane stove and oven love it it's just the right size for us we don't do a whole bunch of cooking inside we do most of our stuff outside on our Grill the fridge is great so when you live in a tiny space you have a tiny fridge so I do love this fridge it has a nice little freezer on the bottom has three drawers in it which is just enough space for four or five days which is when we would typically kind of refurbish our fresh vegetables milk that sort of stuff what I didn't anticipate was when something's on sale the local grocery store had a good deal on steaks well I couldn't stock up because I didn't have space so what we did was we went and bought a second fridge which you'll see later we store it underneath the bay when we were building the bus we didn't know where we would need extra power turned out that we had put a four plug behind the fridge not realizing you know it matches with this one not realizing we wouldn't be able to easily access it so since we've been on the road Chris has wired us another plug up top so we kind of use that as our charging station uh we like our ice and can't live without this handy little machine love it love it um another little thing that I wanted to have when we were doing this build was a white tap or hard to come by you know when you live in a house you typically have two sinks our personal home only has one large farm type sink which I love at home I wanted to kind of go with that here I do love just having the one sink if we need to have two spaces you know washing and then rinsing space I have a little round bucket that I put in there just to save water but we have a lot of under storage water so we don't use a hole we don't have to worry a whole bunch about running out of water we had our countertops custom made they need to be extra deep to incorporate the window frames and such so that was a nice touch that we were able to find a business locally that could do this for us we have a washer dryer combo which we absolutely love we don't use the wash or the dryer feature very often it does take a really long time to dry just a little tidbit of information so we use the washer hang our stuff out to dry we have a ton of built-in storage here in the front these all pull down we've store our officey type stuff there and then this side has a printer and some more storage we've got some games and stuff in that side the center does not come down because of the AC we have two ACS in the bus one in the front one in the back we bought this hide a bed couch while we were down here it folds out to a queen size so because we have all these really nice windows that we wanted to keep and incorporate into our design and when you look out the windows you'll see all these nice Mountain views but they do get hot so we bought these lines that are blackout lined and just a sheer shade so we've put these on all of our windows so that at night we can have a sheer shade we don't have to have a blackout until it's really super hot in the desert then we can put up the shade [Music] the whole journey started out with us buying a boat we were going to buy a boat on the coast of Florida we were going to sail it around to the Bahamas and back to Florida and we decided due to family situation that we wanted to be closer Home to Canada so we thought well let's build a bus and we've or I have researched schoolies for quite a few years and and looked at the schooly lifestyle and thought man I'd like to do that and one of my all-time dreams and goals with this lifestyle was to come to schooly pluzon and here we are schooly plooza 2023 so awesome so we've lived out or I've definitely lived out one of my dreams I feel like that we've Incorporated our life into this bus as a whole but just on a smaller scale so we packed the bus with all of our things that we were going to use every day we took it on a few trial runs to make sure that this and that worked and we had everything we needed because you don't want to eliminate everything that you have at home all your luxuries at home to do this you can incorporate it and I think we've done that well here I personally feel a everybody should experience this that's number one a b do your research that's a great answer because you just I don't feel you can come out here blind there's enough YouTube information out there that you know we research BLM land didn't know anything about that we researched LTV long-term visitor areas we researched all the stuff before we decided to take a 45 foot Highway coach into the middle of the desert can we get here what's going on for a perfect example before we pulled in here we pulled over we got in the truck and we did a little run to see if we could make it because there's a lot of places a unit like this can't go foreign Welcome to our bathroom it's closed off to the main area with this nice door we put in these two medicine cabinets I think you can see one of them they are perfect he had to adjust this one a little bit the other one has a little shelf underneath but this one didn't have the space these back windows I'm in the bathroom this is just a frosting on it that blocks out people from seeing in you can see Shadows but that's it um so that's we wanted still light and knew we didn't want to put blinds in here so that works back here so in our shower we went with an all tile shower um it wasn't advised because people said the grout will crack the tile will crack when you're driving on the road it's not meant for you know driving around and I I get that but we took our time and put in the proper backing board and a nice little Nook that holds all of our um shampoo and body wash and that sort of stuff and we haven't had any problems we have um our handy Norwex mat um and it absorbs all that water like literally it is the best bath mat in the world I think the vanity which is just a dresser actually and then we have tons of place to put all of our personal items um the toilet we spent a lot of time figuring out what sort of toilet we wanted we knew that we would have loved to have had a composting toilet but that was not in our budget so we went with uh this tetbury toilet and we haven't had any problems with it it's I know it's plastic but it's really durable [Music] another thing that I absolutely needed was a king size bed I know it seems a little bit extravagant when you're kind of off-grid living or pulling your home your tiny home around the country but we really enjoy our big bed and it fit and so it was no problem to incorporate it this bed however does fold up to half its size when we travel so what it is is two mattresses two single mattresses and one plumps on the other and this whole section will push in again the bed from Ikea with lots of storage underneath drawers that we have um clothing in and we've got little latches that Chris installed there to lock them in place when we travel so that the drawers don't come out we managed to find two tiny night stands that fit perfectly on either side of the bed um we have this gigantic closet in the back which used to be the coach's bathroom so we've turned it into our actual closet um so it just stores our clothings we've got a big cube shelf here that has little baskets there's also a diesel heater in the front and in the back we don't have to turn it on very high on the lowest setting works great the emergency hatch here gives us a little bit of Breeze when we don't want to actually use the AC we just pop open that emergency hatch and gives us a nice airflow again in the back we have blinds these ones here are just blackouts so they we didn't feel the need to have a sheer in the back we thought that blackout was good enough because we don't want to block our beautiful views [Music] [Laughter] being away from families really hard for me that's definitely a con con would be that you just don't have endless power everywhere you know you always have to be 10 steps ahead with groceries with water with that sort of stuff the pros is I think kind of a way a lot of those negatives the pros would be that you can literally go anywhere you want you can park anywhere you want you have the best views ever um you know there's just so many Pros we're not in the winter we're not at home in Canada at 40 below with seven feet of snow that's a pro when you get older those uh winners really hard on your body and the cleaning ability here is uh you know as opposed to being home you're looking at gleaning 3 300 square feet to 300. the other real main piece for myself is I feel that you need to be able to repair stuff on the road we've already had roadside repairs we had a fan go out I had to rig it up so the fan worked all the time just to get off the road just to get to the next truck stop to get it repaired so those are my advice uh pieces of advice for sure [Music] this is the exterior of our Prevost h345 coach the H3 chassis is basically higher than a normal coach or higher than a school bus let's say or a schooly for that reason foreign we have a ton of storage within our storage we have our diesel heater tank inside our diesel heater inside we also have a fridge so we have plenty of storage underneath one compartment we have three compartments plus a generator compartment plus a water system compartment this is our Water Bay on the other side of that pantry I wanted to show you what we've done here you saw our shower inside you probably talked about you know we like to have showers we like to have a lot of water with us so what I've done is I've Incorporated a tote into our build so that's uh a thousand liters Canadian or about 300 gallons U.S we can fill it to about 250 gallons due to the air air vent on the other side will start to slosh and and get wet but we've got 250 gallons of fresh water we've gone with a household jet pump so that's 110 volt jet pump I didn't want to play with a 12 volt pump I have a big enough generator I can run a house a household jet pump without without any issues we decided to go with a gray black combination after doing countless hours of research with the gray tank and a black tank separate we thought if we put it all together it'll dump and we won't have any issues so far this gray black combination has been a hundred percent right from the get-go we've had no issues we love it I'm glad we combined the tank [Music] [Music] well we've done a few different things for work we have a VRBO or an Airbnb rental at home so that's one Revenue stream next Revenue stream is we both have jobs in the summer time we go to work and we do this just in the winter time to get away from home our third job is we have a company called shots to go and it's it's a plastic reusable bottle great for camping golfing screwing motor biking anything you want to take a plastic unbreakable bottle with you we Market it strictly for Booze we fill up one side or yeah we fill the bottle up and then we squeeze the measuring spout and it gets you exactly the right amount of liquor that you want so for an example we'll just do this one this is a smaller bottle does come with a lanyard on the smaller bottle you just squeeze and there's one ounce so if you want your drinks to taste exactly the same all the time that's the reason we came up with this so we do have this on Amazon we sell it from our website on Amazon us and Amazon Canada so we do have a few different revenue streams okay guys thanks for coming by thanks for showing up for the tour we absolutely loved having you here we love showing off our our home built bus basically if you'd like to follow along our journey we have YouTube Instagram and Facebook YouTube and Instagram is destination on known h345 all one word and on Facebook our page is Destination Unknown Corso or Connie Corso as they're called Roma and she has a tick tock Roma the Cane Corso one and of course if you want more information on our bottle shots to go you can see that at if you ever see us on the road make sure you stop come and grab a tour we love having people through the bus we love showing them what's going on so absolutely stop us and come on in come visit come visit bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 265,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house england, tiny house uk, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, off the grid, small space living, tiny house life, tiny home uk, diy tiny house, diy home
Id: Ukw2IuzpXQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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