Inside the USA's Largest Luxury RVs: Deluxe Life on the Open Road | USA Super-rich Documentary

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[Music] pki on the shores of Lake Michigan in the north of the United States on the outskirts of patoski Lies this small shik Paradise reserved exclusively for Luxury Motor Homes Kirk Rose is the boss here hi welcome to heartside Grove be here yeah all right we'll take you over to your site and just follow me sounds good thank thank you what only topof the range Vehicles make an appearance palaces on Wheels which park up in this comfortable and not always very natural setting you turn the the remote control is the on and off here okay and you just press the button hold it yep and it it will uh click and then some holiday makers build lavish Villas next to their motor homes Terry and Richard are regulars these two retirees from Florida arrived in their bus a Marvel that cost them €2 million marble floors and worktops leather sofas everything was tailor made to their taste this is is a our KingSize [Music] bed with just a click Richard unveils the four side extensions expanding the living space to a total surface area of 40 square m a bathroom with a walk-in shower marble sink heated toilet washing machine and dryer we can't forget the fridge also king size of [Music] course the only difference to a normal home is that the decorations are glued down so as to avoid any breakages while the vehicle is in motion and there's storage space everywhere for cooking the pots the pans we have hidden storage under here so that we're only the best technology everything in this coach is controlled off of this iPad watch TV we're going to watch satellite and the TV comes down and there you go right here we're ready to go and this seat is adjustable in 12 different ways has massage to it I can put massage on and if I'm going down the road feel a little tired and get my back rubbed or whatever up here we've got cameras all the way around the coach if I put my left signal light on it goes to the left side of the coach you put your right signal on it goes to the right side of the coach and then you can watch going up the road that is the rear view camera in this Bay here we have our entertainment center our outside entertainment center and we have our wine cooler here and our TV comes out and comes out and we can face it any way we want to face it for the people sitting over here and I think you did a good job Richard and Terry use their mobile home to travel around the US every summer they flee their Florida home and the scorching weather to enjoy the mild warmth of Michigan in the United States retirees are not the only ones embracing the nomadic lifestyle even active workers are getting in on it Robert filippovich is what's known as a part-timer a senior executive in a large Supermarket group who works while leading a part-time nomadic lifestyle two weeks a month he hits the road working from his camper and they give us just show you they give us a dashboard which tells us everything that's been going on Monday through Friday Jennifer and Jr on the other hand are Fullers they sold their house to travel all year round with their children and their dogs full-time Nomads they work remotely what I like the most is the freedom like them over a million Americans have adopted this lifestyle in the United States the land of driving and wide openen spaces motor homes have existed since the creation of the automobile there's even a Hall of Fame dedicated to showcasing the most impressive models far from the motor homes of yester year today's motor homes are the epitome of luxury and high-tech this is an electric fireplace so it actually has a heater in it so the heat comes out here in the United States factories are running at full capacity in 2020 orders Rose by 53% the motor home industry as a whole has completely sold out this past year in the United States the market has also been boosted by Hollywood stars Brad Pit arrives at his shoots in his house on Wheels a large family room a professional kitchen and a bedroom with a makeup room [Music] Will Smith's camper van is an 18-wheeler and is towed by a semi-trailer Mariah Care's motor home surpasses all others in addition to its side extensions a second floor extends transforming into a dance [Music] floor each vehicle is worth several million dollar some prototypes are even more extravagant like this amphibious model or this bus with a helicopter pad on the roof an investigation into a social phenomenon that is sweeping Across America you get the door y Robert filippovich is a senior executive at Macy's one of America's largest Supermarket chains he's responsible for overseeing the group's entire computer network his wife Michelle was a nurse together they chose to become nomadic employees two weeks of the month you have the air turned on yet yeah I just flipped it on we just got to turn the back one off there all right oh it just started there we go now it fall down there about to hit the road in their giant camper van no since Crossing ourselves those you can put up in the snack cover where the chips are with them 15 days of rations and a suitcase that never leaves their side oh give me your guns these are our weapons we carry um our guns with us um you just never know oh yes thank you the filipovic's own several pistols the law in Georgia allows them to use them but never to show them before each trip Robert cleans his motor home even if it means taking some risks all right [Music] the roofs they take the most damage CU they're in the sunlight all the time using this so it just keeps it protected it's not the funnest part but it's it's got to be done so before leaving a final visit to the house the journey is short only a few kilomet but it's still dangerous to drive an 18-ton truck that is 13 m long the biggest thing about driving a coach this big is you have to actively drive all the time because at 65 M an hour you need a minimum of 450 ft to stop this vehicle 3 minutes later an oncoming lorri overtakes a tractor normally I would scream at somebody on that now they've arrived in front of their house one last task to secure the Jeep at the back because you can't go everywhere in this R okay it's too big I can't I can't go shopping at the small little towns and the carriage is now 16 M long and here A Simple Car license is enough to drive it the Philip viches are very proud of their €200,000 investment particularly of one small detail the plastic cup holders before leaving Robert wants to show us the problem this is the cup holder that came in our rig it comes in a bunch of other rigs this was designed for a cup like this this is a normal coffee mug everybody has them fits in there perfect it doesn't move right well except it's going to spill out the top but when people started going to cups you know this is probably the first one that's called a turis it's a big cup get a lot to drink out of it you don't have to get up and down you put that in there and and it you well doesn't even hardly stand up just sitting there right that's the problem my wife's like why don't you just make a cup holder and I made ended up with this these types of cups that go down in there and actually hold them there's that Cup's not going anywhere everybody we talked to that was their biggest complaint is that the cup holder so Robert had an idea as with him business is never far away he bought five 3D printers to manufacture large cup holders and to sell them on the Internet four 3D printers that It Go pretty much 24 hours a day so so we've been doing this about 3 months we're somewhere between 600 and 650 individual cup holders at €1 each he has already earned over €6,000 enough to pay off two of his 3D printers at this rate his business will be profitable in less than 6 months Alexa turned in off all right guys you want to go potty One More Time come on and we also felt bad about leaving the dogs in kennels we could all travel together all right guys for a fortnite the filippovich will share their 30 square m with their three dogs each weighing 80 kilos hold on the couple will leave their home in Gainesville Georgia for Nashville not the famous Tennessee city but Nashville Indiana they'll spend one night there before heading back to ship Shiana their final destination where they'll meet up with friends a 10-day trip a 2,400 km roundtrip Journey but this nomadic lifestyle doesn't come without its dangers at 120 kmph overtaking is sometimes trick like here where Robert's camper van passes within a few cenm of this truck this rig going down the road when the wind's 20 M an hour it it we're this is a sail it it it just it it moves and when I see him driving like this it makes me nervous oh no I'm not driving an advantage of the camper van is that Michelle can cook while Robert drives well what she calls cooking the filippovich is eat to pass the time crisps and a peanut butter sandwich Michelle keeps an eye on the little cuph holder business on her mobile phone she has good news all these orders keep coming in as we're riding down the road it makes us extra extra happy after driving 800 km the first stop is Nashville Indiana where they'll spend the night so far everything has gone well but parking is proving to be more complicated than expected in the campsite their spot is very narrow wedged between a pole on the right and an electric post on the left to avoid any scratches to the van Michelle is in charge of the maneuver now straight straight they must account for 1 meter on each side of the vehicle to accommodate for the side extensions the coach has to be parked on a completely horizontal floor so that the 18 ton load is evenly distributed except that here the terrain is sloping they come prepared they bring out the hydraulic stabilizers which compensate for the difference in height no time to hang around Robert has a business meeting the meeting will get started in one minute Macy's employs 75,000 people like Robert since covid many managers have been telecommuting they give us a dashboard which tells us everything that's been going on everything that is going on right now when our CEO talks to us we'll have thousands of people in there because he's just delivering out any incidents anyone needs to make us aware of logistics Logistics is green thank you merchandising merchandising is green thank you marketing if I'm in an office maybe I don't have anything until the next meeting but I'm in the office I can't do anything here if I got another meeting I just click the button and I go to the next meeting and if I don't have a meeting like this morning I have a little break then I'll go out and sit with Michelle and the dogs or maybe we make breakfast it creates a much better work life balance and efficiency around productivity is amazing now his working day is well and truly over Robert and Michelle can enjoy the great outdoors a th000 kilomet away the next day a young couple begins their day good morning you what you yeah you want to um eat breakfast and brush your teeth and all that um I'm going to a little bit Jennifer and Jr have chosen to live year round in their motor home with their two children for the past year they've been traveling the east coast of the United States from campsite to campsite to the rhythm of their desires I'm going to show you the house that we used to own in Richmond Virginia was three bedrooms 2 and a half bath 27 almost 2800 sare ft had a nice backyard it was a really nice stone patio that had a koi pond had very expensive koi in it um we sold everything Land Rover mer Mercedes Corvette $500,000 home in the suburbs yes so we we pretty much pinball machines as well and you don't regret it we we have zero regrets um as you can tell I still have a smile on my face no regrets even if there are some drawbacks every morning they have to tidy up the decorations before they set off they also have to disconnect the electricity and water supply a total of 1 hour's work and the camper van is so big that they found a way to talk to each other hey Jennifer yeah I'm just going to go ahead and move on to the gray tank and I'm just going to seal it up and you do your thing okay sounds good be good Dad we have four of those two for the kids and two for Mom and Dad but as you can tell uh throughout the day it's just easier than holding a cell phone it's just push a button hey I want to tell you I love you good morning and maybe she responds right I need so much this bus is a 2009 model bought secondhand for €10,000 Jr looks after it with care I have to lubricate like see all this this rubber right here and those rollers I I lubricate those probably every 60 to 90 days because if you don't with anything it dries out it rocks it's a constant in one second it's a constant maintenance inside and out just to maintain because if not then you're just pulling out your wallet fix this fix this fix this is it in all the way yes it is okay we're good now they're ready for their 1150 km [Music] Journey they leave Richmond Virginia heading for Sevierville a picturesque Countryside city in Tennessee then they'll head to Louisville Kentucky where they'll meet Jennifer's father this new nomadic life has been a big change for the children Lane 9 years old and Kelsey 13 they no longer go to school since they've been on the road their mother homeschools them times with my maou it's easier for me multiplication yeah multiplication still hasn't cured touch so let me see no how many tens in 45 oh but so this book is not a school book but he likes it so I would rather him read this because he likes to read it if I give him a school book He's not interested in he won't want to read it so we just kind of go up their interest a rather spontaneous syllabus with shortened classes of only 15 minutes kids yes we basically do the school how we want except we have to include reading we have to include math um and you know like social behaviors and things like that like huh hopefully it helps it's easier yeah I mean just like a big big rock something definitely Jr is self-employed he supervises the sale of printer in cartridges a job he does online compatible with his new lifestyle what I like the most is the freedom to be able to experience new things pick up and go and explore people do think it's a constant vacation but it's it's no different than being in a normal house it's just today my house was in Virginia this morning and and this evening it's in Tennessee it's also a really good thing for the kid a house that experiences an odd incident every once in a while something just hit the wind screen I don't see anything obvious sounded like a gunshot it was loud meaning it was loud fingers crossed because I can't and put this in a garage for weeks because then I have to find a place to live I have to find an apartment or I have to find an Airbnb that accepts dogs so it's really hard to do by A Stroke of Luck the family arrive at their first stop in Seville Tennessee worried Jr goes out immediately to see the damage but it had to be a bird cuz if it was a rocket it would have crack the window it's between $2 and $33,000 to replace a big window like that and it takes weeks to get them everything with the RVs is delayed manufacturers they're all behind because of Co and all of that so everything and then the demand supply and demand the demand's really high and the supply is really low less damage than expected Jr is relieved the family always chooses a beautiful place to stop like here by the riverbank the children immediately take the opportunity to relax cycling and even swimming the nomadic life looks like one long holiday even if in the evenings Jr and Jennifer must gather with the other campers to connect to the water and electricity at a price of €55 a night three times less than a small [Music] hotel since they chose this itinerant life they've reduced their expenses by about 25% the travel is over but Dad is still working finally connected to the internet he can process his customers orders the children are back in their room that they [Music] share scarest person ever I love my Gravedigger Monster Truck love running around this is the collage that I made um in my um reading light this side um I have my individual TV do do you miss your old room um a little bit sometimes yeah just because I had um I could easily just leave um everything [Music] alone bedtime let's go the cramped quarters are starting to weigh on the children so Jennifer has found a solution we recently put the curtains up just for them to have a little privacy they can read a book or watch a movie and as far as all their things we sold a big majority of their things when we sold everything when we sold the house it was not just cars and home it was furniture and toys and such but they do have small drawers that they have for their books and their toys and they also know that when they bring something in one thing that comes in another thing has to go out so it's nice cuz it teaches them to not be too attached to too many things material things tomorrow they head to Kentucky where they've booked themselves into one of the nicest campsites in the region not an easy place to get to for an 18 T truck pki on the shores of Lake Michigan in a five-star campsite Richard and Terry are not short of space opposite their 2 million euro motor home the two retired Floridians have built a 1 million euro Villa oh hello Stephen hello welcome we're so glad you're able to come and visit this is where we have a great Gathering area as you can see we have more bar area so we come back in as part of my one of my favorite areas is the kitchen area we have a master s and in the master suite you have again plenty of space do you sleep in this bedroom often we sleep upstairs we call it upstairs that's in our motor coach why well this is such a lovely room but we're very comfortable up there and it's just a nice cozy environment all right so this is only about Terry used to be an accountant Richard started out as a machine operator and ended up owning his own Transport company which he sold for several million dollars when he retired behind their bus and their Villa they have a garden our lot was a very bare lot with nothing on it at all so we put in and designed the fountain that come down the stream that feeds into the pond which created the pond we also have enjoyed seeing the fountain in the the distance a little Garden of Eden that they return to every summer they escape the scorching Florida heat and head up to Michigan where the climate is much milder in the Autumn they return home an annual migration of 5,000 [Music] km hundreds of thousands of Americans have adopted this lifestyle to enjoy their retirement here holiday makers can buy their own camping space but it's not cheap €50,000 for this small plot of land 20 by 30 m connected to water and electricity the nicest locations with pergola or Villa go up to more than a million euros this is camping luxury Camp luxury camping yes Kirk used to run a small traditional campsite he studied the trends of Mega rich Nomads and opened this establishment 13 years ago it's been expanding ever [Music] since in addition to the current 150 spots 17 new ones are under development even more luxurious we're offering people one and two acre lots probably about six times bigger than what those other ones are so estimate things you know to go from a half million to probably 2 million just for the properties actually has been so popular that in the last 6 weeks we pretty much sold uh 95% of all the lots already whose Partners you and Julia partner oh okay tonight Terry has been invited by her neighbors also Rich Nomads to play botche the Italian version of ponk M moist yay we're in green we have two points these migratory retirees lead a very relaxed [Music] life we make our fun it does not have to be a fancy game you don't have to go out and spend a lot of money to have fun you come you meet friends you enjoy life gathered around a remote controlled [Music] campfire are you going too such a beautiful clear night even if they don't drive around much these wealthy Nomads change motor homes every 2 years on average this buying fever has not escaped the attention of luxury car dealers the next day there's an event at the campsite a free buffet disco band and tombler I'm Randy last number is 301 all right once again thank you everyone for coming tonight what a great night so thank you so much for coming thank you the organizer of this little fate is the man in the light green polo shirt his name is Randy van kenberg and he sells luxury campers of the marathon brand Randy had a motive for organizing this party he plans to sell three motor homes including this huge Red Coach a 2022 model brand new and priced at €2 [Music] million what's doing this one well probably some of the newer things is the paint job um the Reds the black the silver and then you can see um we're doing a little bit of a blackout on the rims uh this is a little bit of a combination of a blackout and a chrome so let's take a quick look inside a minute [Music] inside state-of-the-art design and Equipment carefully selected with luxury and refinement in mind this is something new about 2 years ago so you got a cappuccino if you don't want to look at it I can I can hit a button and it will cover the the appliance up so if someone's in here they don't even know that you have Appliance the refrigerator doesn't look like a refrigerator this covers up the microwave covers up so that's all nice and then you can actually light this up unexpectedly the covid crisis triggered a boom in sales especially at the very high end of the market there's a lot of people who have a lot of money who maybe didn't think about rving but now because of the pandemic didn't go overseas you know didn't go abroad didn't fly anywhere so then they looked into you know all the holiday makers here already have their motor homes in the United States the land of extreme consumption Randy has managed to use this to his Advantage even though these are two plus million they're impulse buyers you know it's not like a lot of times someone will have no intention of buying a coach but they'll come to this event they'll walk into a coach and they go well I got to have this and then you'll sell a coach so most of them I would say 75% of them aren't planning on buying it's it's impulsive buyers nice place if you want to get away just to get away a 2 million euro impulse buy the Red Coach is arousing curiosity yeah now this is a brand new one to 22 okay okay to access this motor home Marvel you have to take off your shoes just like in a normal home I think there's enough room okay in that's a fr oh my gosh look you can sit here and put your makeup on it's nice it's like um glamorous you know like Marilyn Monroe every time well if you want to go full custom M you're not going to see it till the end of next year the show is over and no one has made an offer for the brand new bus but Randy hasn't given up hope a prospective buyer just called him to reserve another one of his Vehicles a reconditioned 2015 model sold for only slightly less € 1,700,000 sold as for the Red Bus he won't have to wait very long another retiree from Florida bought it a few weeks later in 7 months Randy has already sold 14 buses an incredible average of one luxury vehicle sold every 15 [Music] days the filippovich continue their Journey when it's time to fill up Robert can bypass the lines of cars to reach the pumps reserved for trucks here you can fill your tank with two guns at the same time on the other side thanks to this efficient system the fuel stop only takes 5 minutes we can fill up on both sides I know you probably that a full tank of diesel that doesn't cost an arm and a leg only €190 for 215 L half the price than in France at that price the air conditioning can run 24 hours a day not exactly environmentally friendly travel but not enough to make Michelle and Robert feel guilty is it contributing to a change in a climate or in this cycle probably um to a certain extent but so are the trains and so are you know According to some of our politicians so is the methane gas released from cows if I didn't drive this it wouldn't make a difference either it would still be happy in a few hours they'll arrive in ship Chiana in Northern Indiana an agricultural region that produces the best corn in the United States corn grown by the Amish rigorous Protestants who live as they did back in the 19th century no cars no electricity they Advocate strict adherence to the Bible alcohol is forbidden across the whole City even giving an interview would be a sin with 15,000 followers the ship Shiana Amish community is the third largest in the country they live at their own pace in the middle of the modern world after a 4-Hour Drive the filippovich is arrive at their destination the advantage of their nomadic lifestyle is that Michelle can meet up with her childhood friend Cindy same as it did when I sent you pictures it wasn't it wasn't the driving I love you too Dennis is Cindy's husband hey Dennis you ready all right and everything else Cindy you did a beautiful job with the painting wow it was a team effort team effort not den of course but Michelle brought gifts oh you made me a quilt it's one of my quilts thank you for the bed here I brought some from home but I I bought as a bonus a cup holder custom designed by Robert for his friend's motor [Music] home a simple moment of Happiness made possible by their nomadic [Music] life your neighbors are very close aren't you bothered by this yes you do when you have bad neighbors just like at home okay when you have bad neighbors you you know wish you had propy unlike home you don't like it you pick up and leave you're right got a bad neighbor while the filippovich enjoy the quiet of Indiana in Michigan at the nomad's luxury campsite they're back in business this time it's not only one manufacturer that's coming to offer their palaces on wheels but actually five brands with the latest models vehicles that are all different well in [Music] appearance as in reality only the interior fittings change Chassy and Bodywork are all identical this strange white bus is the basis of all the models on display it comes from Canada manufactured by the Quebec brand prevor Catalin kovler is the company's sales representative hi nice to meet you when someone orders a motor home this is exactly how it comes we call it a primer paint so it's this kind of white gray paint that gives a canvas for the artists to just build whatever they want on the outside paint it beautifully and on the inside which I can show you guys as well it's completely blank there's nothing in there so it starts from nothing and it gets built into the motor home of your dreams so what happens at this point is someone who wants a motor home we'll work with one of our five converter partners and we'll customize it completely prvo sells about 100 empty hulls each year to American manufacturers in Canada this vehicle is a simple bus that carries dozens of passengers every day in all weathers with endless cargo stops a robust structure that interests Luxury Motor Home sellers they're very proud to display the Quebec brand next to theirs the interior outfitting takes place in huge factories like the one in Marathon on the other side of the country this is where pror sends its empty hulls and the American company equips them from floor to ceiling here the motor homes are shining spotless Jay Graham is an engineer at the factory in the back are one of the next things to go in because it as you can see there's a lot of electronics Marathon has its own patented electronic system and then here's a lot of customer customers would interface with these controls here virtually everything is built from scratch so we have a lot of just panel products the interior design is directly inspired by the Marine Furniture found on Yachts each customer of course adds his or her own personal touch the owner of this bus wanted it to be inspired by the desert Alan Christensen The Decorator is very proud of his work zebra pattern on the tiles animal Trinkets and crocodile print cupboard doors uh The Croc is just giving uh a pattern it's also bringing in the gold metallic in the Tipping I've got gold inserts here so again it's a balance of the gold I don't want to go heavy on the gold gold is on a comeback one of the most important tasks is painting the paint job can take at least 23 days and can cost up to €75,000 Pete Sutton designs the patterns on the buses according to what his customers want who are not always inclined towards modesty specifically they just wanted to see it and go wow and that's a challenge for a designer because you don't have a starting point this was hand airbrushed marbling um we had uh blue flames trailing out through the candy with uh little Sparks business think small grow big uh which is kind of his for almost 40 years Marathon has been making an average of two luxury buses a month but nowadays it can no longer keep up with the demand so welcome to coach this is coach 134 two we'll take you inside and show you what it is Americans are very fond of their gadgets and motor homes are the perfect way to incorporate them absolutely everywhere this is an electric fireplace so it actually has a heater in it so the heat comes out here and it works out really well for for the salon area particular one the customer wanted one that that swung out and tipped down so it's it's a pretty neat feature it swings out this way and then it's on a swivel it's a popup phone charger and an outlet so you can set your phone on it and it'll actually charge your phone but when you cook a lot of times if you're using oil and things it can splatter and so rather than get grease on the window the customer had us install this backsplash it's on a lift and so it pops up to protect the window so here's one of my most favorite features of the coach I'm walking into the shower and the shower is kind of in the hallway so it doesn't offer a lot of privacy so we solved that by adding a privacy panel in the door so now you see me now you don't a €7,000 gadget a mere trifle on a total bill of € 2,200,000 year after year manufacturers keep coming up up with new inventions so uh yeah it just it tips down just like you'd see in an airplane what in it for them the selling price keeps going up we kind of celebrate 1 million it was that was kind of a big deal and then we hit2 million on a coach and that was a big deal we're getting close I anticipate here in the next couple of years we're going to be getting close to a $3 million coach which is it's pretty incredible when I started here you could buy a coach for 350,000 so the price is getting close to 10 times from when I started [Music] here an increase that proves the American Obsession for a nomadic lifestyle in the land of driving and The Great Outdoors homes on Wheels have been part of American culture for over a 100 years there's even a Hall of Fame dedicated to these vehicles while while Robert is in a meeting in his RV Michelle has come to visit this incredible Museum inside very rare and often unique models [Music] beautiful the oldest recorded ancestor of today's mobile homes is this 1913 rolling dining room pulled by a Ford T the first industrial car in history the most expensive model this Chevrolet estimated at 400 20,000 it belonged to 1930's film star May West yeah to lure her away and she said no I'm not going out on this set so they actually built this as her dressing room no way and would take her that's amazing that they built this for her y over the decades the motor home has adapted to all styles of family holidays from the 1960s onwards it became popular with Californian Surfers and hippies from all around the [Music] world after his meeting Robert met up with his wife this is the second time this year that the filippovich have come to ship Shiana a town close to their hearts we like to see horse and Buggies going down the road it's just something you you don't see everywhere I wish I could live that way but I can't no I need electricity because I need air conditioning Michelle you think you could live without technology no probably not beautiful Michelle and Robert also like the Amish town for its many home decoration shops my mom has hundreds of these that's that's probably yes Michelle went shopping and the couple took advantage of their stopover to have a new sofa installed in their motor home the philipovich arrived to get it installed but the problem is that they're way behind schedule due to traffic jams and Robert's meetings are about to start have their own space and so you go do your thing I'm going to tell them about the how we got a Jerry ring is that one our where's the uh I'll show you today his meeting is very important Robert tries to find a place to sit down in the warehouse eventually he finds an empty office right here are you on time or running a little late just run uh few minutes late hold one second let me get the passcode here so they can see me come into the meeting so at the last minute Robert logs onto his meeting his colleagues who are already on the line will know nothing about the little hiccup in the meantime the workers have started on the bus the old fabric sofa was removed and replaced with a beautiful leather grain recliner with a built-in motor how much cost sof like this just under $4,000 would it be more expensive or less expensive if it was just for your house I just bought the big couch for our house and it only cost me 2500 mhm um but it was a you know it was a holiday sale and the RV furniture There is no holiday sale that's very true very true yeah oh beautiful we'll be here tonight watching T the puppies kiss to sit with us this is awesome in Tennessee Jr heads to Kentucky where he spotted a Charming little campsite online the couple will meet Jennifer's father there but the journey will not be [Music] easy do you have the exit after 300 km the road gets narrower and the driving more dangerous in front of them a car breaks suddenly and stops in the middle of the [Music] road did you see what happened I mean the guy could have turned three times times just the main number one problem is cars and traffic on the road they don't give people that are pulling big weights ample time to stop they think they can just cut over in front of you and stop and turn and you're supposed to just stop on a dime I'm supposed to stop 35 40,000 lbs like that and it's not going to happen that's definitely the worst part other drivers suck now I have to take a deep breath calm down bring my blood pressure down you know and it's like I still have to focus I still have the the house here I have the kids the wife the dog so it's still all on me you think just because I don't have a truck driver's license that I don't know how to drive this but I can drive this a lot better than most people can drive a car Jr isn't out of the woods yet the road Narrows again the huge bus has to drive in the middle of the road to avoid hitting the trees when it comes across another vehicle Jr is forced to turn right when suddenly he hits a branch 10 minutes later the couple arrived at the Louisville campground on the Kentucky [Music] River a beautiful sight but Jr is not in the mood to admire the landscape as soon as he gets off the bus he inspects the RV if you look above the door on it you can see the scratches from the trees so and look back there I get to do that now I want to see it I don't want to see it sucks man that's a lot of compound buffering it out and then polishing it out and it's just a lot of work but I'm I'm I'm upset but I know it's fixable he parks next to his father-in-law's Caravan they all spend the next N9 days together hey how are you Wade Jennifer's father travels in this huge Caravan he bought 2 years ago meanwhile back on the bus Jr wants to get to work but he discovers that there's no Wi-fi okay we've already talked about it right red is not good sweetheart this is not going to work okay we've already had this conversation though like multiple times yeah but we knew that coming into it and you told me you were going to just roll with it you didn't tell me that it was Zero WiFi I told you that it was zero that's what the that's what the okay well I I get to get back in the Jeep and go work [Music] okay says that they don't have it what are you going to do with our children for 10 days with no Wi-Fi they're going to play honey okay in this Valley in the middle of the forest the Wi-Fi is not the only problem there's no mobile connection not to mention power cuts which could damage the bus Jr decides to leave the campsite the next day to ease the tension Wade the grandfather invites everyone to dinner helmet burnt is always the best how did you react when you when she told you that she to set house I loved it really I loved it cuz we're basically doing the same thing we got our H we're we're having work done on our house right now getting ready to put it on the market we're going to be doing a lot of traveling too and traveling with them later or will you have house I don't know depends on what my boyfriend or husband would be like because if he's not a good driver I wouldn't like to live on the road that's [Music] true despite the unpredictability and inconvenience of the traveling life Jennifer and Jr will not give up like millions of Americans they have embraced the lifestyle for good they've even bought a piece of land in the north of the country to open a campsite for American [Music] Nomads Robert filippovich hopes to expand his cup holder business and he has another dream when he retires to become a noad himself with Michelle they've just bought a piece of land in Florida to build a house and they're looking for a second one in Michigan to park their camper at the five-star campsite Terry and Richard have plans too to change their bus for the 14th time in 30 years and above all to buy another plot of land a bigger one to build a new Villa even more luxurious for Rich Americans freedom is priceless
Channel: Java Discover | Free Global Documentaries & Clips
Views: 1,724,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: java films, javafilms, javafilmstv, documentary
Id: ZXJ8tBBeoBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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