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come see our bus! so this is our entryway we have two shoe shelves  they fit pretty much everybody's shoes comfortably   we change them out seasonally so that we don't  have big winter boots in there in the summer and   we don't have sandals in there in the winter right  now we're between seasons so we have kind of some   of our summer stuff still out and bringing out our  fall stuff so it's a little bit more full than it   usually is on the wall on the other side of the  driver's seat here we hang all our sweaters our   hats in the winter if it gets cold enough we hang  jackets there it gets pretty packed if we have   coats on it but it works well for sweaters here  we keep two guitars a banjo we have two ukuleles   on board and there's usually also a violin here  this is our living room we have two really good   sized couches because there's 10 of us and we can  all fit comfortably on here and even if we cram a   little bit we can fit a couple guests in here at  the same time and we eat here on these couches i   sewed these covers they're kind of like fitted  bed sheets so they all come off and are machine   washable quite easily no zippers or anything like  that involved so we wash them pretty regularly   the couches also pull out all of these panels they  pull out and they don't quite meet in the middle   but they make two really good sized beds so we  can have guests over to sleep and they also lift   up and we have storage under all of them this  one is almost completely full of books at this   point because we homeschool and so we have a lot  of books on this side i actually keep a nine tray   excalibur dehydrator that i use quite frequently  it fits under there and a lot of sewing fabric   because i do a lot of sewing the other side  of our shoe shelf we have a little bookshelf   that we keep books that we are currently working  on and library books and some wild edibles books   this is our kitchen our kitchen  is a really good size for an rv   i have no complaints about it we have a five  burner gas stove that we cook on we opted out   of an oven we decided not to do a full-size oven  we just use a convection countertop toaster oven   and it does pretty much anything that we need  it to we have to do things in a lot more batches   maybe than we would with a full-size oven we  can't cook 48 cookies in there at one time but   it does what we need it to just takes a little  longer so then we have our food storage in here   pots and pans are in the bottom we went with  pretty much all drawers so everything is drawers   which is pull out it uses up a little bit more  space to do full drawers but in terms of keeping   everything organized it just works a lot better  so sometimes organization is better because in   the end you fit more or you can find more of your  stuff this bottom drawer actually holds my sewing   machine and my serger so that is my sewing drawer  and the rest is designated for kitchen other than   our one very large drawer that has a piano  it has a plug-in inside that we wired in   there and so it just turns on right here and  the kids can practice and play it right here   and don't have to pull anything out and  that's what we like full size double sink   and a full size refrigerator which when you have  eight children is absolutely necessary we in our   first trip had a standard rv fridge and we only  had five kids at that time and even then it was   miserable so a full-size fridge was necessary we  got the smallest size full-size fridge but it is   larger than an apartment size fridge and it's  doing the trick this is our berkey water filter   this is a gravity-fed water filter system that we  pretty much take everywhere with us when you do a   lot of rv parks they tend to if they're running  off of their own wells their requirements are   really high chlorination that's just what a lot  of places require of their rv parks and so the   water can taste really bad so we used to on our  first trip have to buy a ton of bottled water and   trying to store bottled water is crazy so we just  spent a couple hundred dollars and we got this and   we can filter water from anywhere we have actually  filtered water out of a river before when we got   stuck at the side of the highway and there was a  creek right there we filtered our drinking water   out of that so it's great you you gotta have a  berkey i also keep my vitamix one of my essentials   i love it we use it for everything we make  smoothies almost every day i make nut butters   in it a lot of different things so that thing's  awesome next best feature in here is our washer   dryer combo this machine is huge it's a great size  for family i only need to do laundry every two to   three days when it's cooler weather and we're all  wearing jeans in the summer i can go four or five   days it washes and it dries people tend to either  love it or hate it and i'm one that loves it and i   hate laundromats they destroy our clothes we did  that for so many years when we were on the road   and it's not my idea of a good time some  people prefer it they think that it's faster   i personally find loading up all my laundry and  all my kids are going to a laundromat for a day   not my idea of vacationing so i will take this  anytime and it will just wash while we sleep this   is our kids clothing cupboard every kid gets their  own cubby and it goes back pretty deep it's a good   size but it's not a lot for clothes in terms  of what most kids usually have what most people   usually have for clothes and they only get as much  as fits in there so if it doesn't fit anymore then   they have to get rid of some stuff if we are in  much colder climates like canada where we're from   then we would keep some of the extremely cold  winter clothing under the bus through the summer   so that it's not taking up space in there and then  just pull it out and put away the summer stuff   but when we're in a milder climate like we are now  in the south then everything should fit in there   and there's no reason we don't need extra extra  layers of sweaters and under clothing and all   that so it all fits in there right now we don't  have anything stored under the bus at this point   and so that's how we keep the clothes  and then on this side of the cupboard   this is our food pantry we do keep a lot of our  dry goods in some of the drawers but the rest of   it fits here and it's a pretty good size maybe not  what people with eight kids would normally stock   up on but we just shop more frequently and that's  what we keep the top cupboard has our homeschool   and craft supplies in it and we do a lot of our  learning online but whatever book work that we do   use it is in there along with craft supplies  extra paper some reading books we also keep   a mini printer that works great it stores up  there really nice and i can still use it to   photocopy things print things and we do turkish  towels for our towels because we can store   everybody's towel folded up nicely up there which  is something you could not do with a standard   towel it would not fit we installed on our bus  three max air fans they work fantastic they keep   the air moving really well and if it's quite  warm but not really hot enough to have an ac   running they do an awesome job of keeping  things cool you can use them as a ceiling   fan and with the lid closed so even when it's  colder out you can still keep air circulating this is our bathroom it's a pretty good size for  an rv or for a bus we had originally a sink in the   middle of the floor but it just took up a lot of  room and made it feel really tight so we ripped   it out and actually just put the tap right over  the tub so it drains into the tub we use tongue   and groove cedar all around the walls of the  shower and made a cedar lip on the edge of the   tub so that the water goes into the tub instead  of outside of it and for the shower curtain we   just right now tack up a shower curtain around  the other two walls and are not the cedar panels   this is our composting potty and we catch  all the solid waste and the toilet paper   and all that in a bucket in the back and then  the front has a urine diverter on it after you   use the bathroom you just put sawdust on top of  it we keep the sawdust right beside the potty   and that keeps all the smells down and we also  have some more organizational stuff that we need   to work on in the bathroom it's been probably the  hardest part of the bus to design and to make use   of that space we're working through that this  is our bedroom area we have three sets of double   bunks and they're good size they're slightly  smaller than a twin size bed but they are a lot   bigger than we had in our airstream when we did  triple bunks in there so the intention was that   every kid had enough space to sit up on their bed  so they could play Toby is getting a little tall   for that so he cannot sit up on his bed anymore  but everybody else can still comfortably sit up   and play or hang out whatever on their beds we  also made it so that every bed has its own storage   shelf so they can keep their toys their books  whatever are their belongings on their own shelf   so everybody has their own also each bed has  its own outlet so that they can charge ipods or   plug in lights we have an outlet here if it gets  cold enough then we can put two heaters back here   to close off the bedroom space this curtain it  just hangs up on either side it's just a regular   curtain from target and it does a great job of  insulating i didn't realize it would do that well   but when we close it off and we put heaters in  the back or put an ac in the back you can feel a   very dramatic difference when you walk through the  curtain from the back to the front which is really   great when you don't want to heat or cool the  whole thing in the middle of the night and then   we're not wasting electricity to heat a really  long bus that we're only in the back half of it these are the next set of bunks and  again just the same thing everybody   has their own shelves their own toys  and books on it and their own outlet   and then this is our last room this is the  master bedroom which is really just a bed we   have a queen size bed it's a full size not an  rv size so my husband who is six feet tall is   very comfortable on there since we bought and  originally started the bus we had another baby   which meant that we needed to move one out  of our bed to make space for baby our babies   usually sleep with us for about two years and i'm  okay with that but we needed to move this one out   so the baby could sleep with us so we actually  just built another bunk on top of our foot area   so he sleeps up there it is the same width as  the other bunks but it's not as long so it will   not last him for a lot of years he won't make it  there in his teen years but it'll do for a while
Channel: Boyd Family Adventures
Views: 942,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bus tour, Coach bus, Huge, Large family, Large family vlog, Tiny home, big family, bus, bus conversion, bus conversion tour, bus life, daily vlogs, day in my life vlog, diy skoolie, diy tiny house, large family homeschool, living big in a tiny house, school bus, school bus conversion, skoolie, skoolie build, skoolie bus conversion, skoolie conversion, skoolie conversion tour, skoolie life, skoolie tour, tiny homes, tiny house, tiny house tour, travel tips, vlogs
Id: ozHuJrIEjLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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