How To Design 3D Printable Hinged Anything in Tinkercad

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Chris from today's 3d print he made this awesome hinge to make anything articulate flop around like that then he showed you how to use it in Tinkercad well I can show you a lot faster way to use it in Tinkercad using parametric design and the duplicate tool parametric design the Tinkercad that's right all you fusing 360 users you can do parametric design and I'll show you how on today's film of Friday filament Friday is brought to you every week by the generous donations of my patreon supporters and they get special access to chap club comm here's the articulated hinge that Chris designed and it's available on Thingiverse along with that he gives you a cutout to put slices in the model for where the hinges are going to go and then he gives you a cutout to cut out for the actual hinge and he showed you how to use these to make his own Batman articulated Batman the problem I had is all the cutouts and all the positioning of the hinges he did manually like this from this point again ctrl C V one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve he was using the spacing of the grid and pressing the arrow key to move things over and you can do this parametrically in Tinkercad and you can use the duplicate feature to repeat your movements so that's what I want to show you but first I need to get his designs into Tinkercad so I downloaded each of his STL files and then use the import command to bring them in but I want to show you how you never have to do this again once you do it once so I'm gonna take the cutouts and I'm gonna make them into holes and then I'm gonna come over here to the right menu and select part collection and then click on capture new part and then select each one and add it to my library you give it a name cut out save part it's not here in my library and then I'll grab the hinge capture new part give it two name hinge you can be more descriptive if you want and then the hinge cut out capture new part hinge cut out save part and now I've got these in my library and I never have to do the import again so I can delete these guys and I'm ready go work up my design for my project I'm going to use this Batman symbol from users anus on Thingiverse I imported it in made a little bigger brought in the hinge and the slicers and then I took the hinge and noticed that it's 8.1 millimeters tall so I made my Batman the same height 8.01 then I positioned his cutout on the hinge the way he suggested so it just goes inside the hinge makes a cutout for this thing then I grab that and set it aside so I'm ready to use that in a minute and now I'll get into the parametric design so I brought in a ruler I positioned it right at the center of my build area on the ruler I click on these three lines and I can use midpoint instead of endpoints so now everything is positioned relative to its midpoint each object rather than its endpoint so I can change the X&Y offsets here Batman to zero zero and he's now centered to the X and Y axis now I can do the same thing with Chris's cut out I set it to zero and then the other one I got a twist a little bit and there it is zero and now it's centered to the x and y axis and just to verify I'm gonna grab the align tool and you can see it's gray in both the X and y direction so this thing is completely centered but I use parametric measurements instead of the align tool now what I can do is duplicate that Center one and offset at fourteen millimeters and it produces a duplicate and then hit duplicate duplicate duplicate and each one's gonna parametrically be offset fourteen millimeters from the other one then I grab the center and duplicate it again set it to a minus fourteen and it's gonna offset in the other direction so I got a duplicate there and then duplicate duplicate duplicate I got all the cutouts done he did this all manually one two three four copy and paste this is so much easier let Tinkercad do the work so I grab them all after deleting the center one because I didn't want that group them all together and all my slicing is done I got all the cutouts for the articulating movement now I want to do the same thing with the hinge so I had the hinge and the cutout already positioned together the way I want them so I made a duplicate of that and then brought it into the bat and I'm gonna zoom in here and position the gap of his hinge so it matches the gap we just cut out that's what he told me to do in his video and I'm gonna just do this manually not parametrically because I want to make sure those gaps are lined up and once I've got that set I will have a parametric offset in fact I can Center this by changing the parametric offset here to zero and now this thing is centered to the Batman so that's awesome how I can easily do that so now I'm gonna make a duplicate of that guy and here's the offset it's minus 12 or plus twelve point two I'm gonna add to it 14 millimeters and then that one's offset exactly 14 millimeters and matches the next slot so I can just hit duplicate duplicate duplicate and all the hinges on the right are now perfectly lined up with those cutouts because I did it parametrically now I'm gonna make a duplicate of that hinge and cut out again and I want to mirror it so I'm gonna merit by clicking on this arrow and now it's 180 degrees so it's set for the other side so now I need to slide this over now I probably could have parametrically done this so it's the same distance from the center 12.2 only in the negative direction but I want to manually do this just to make sure I got it lined up and if I did the numbers should match so I'm just gonna slide this over so it looks the same and then I can check it and sure enough it's minus twelve point two so now I can offset that minus fourteen so a minus twenty six point two is what I'll set it to and that should offset it to the first to the next gap and there it is and then I can just hit duplicate duplicate duplicate and all my hinges are in line there's zero there you know to the center there in place so the only thing I need to do now is the grouping so I'll grab each of these cutouts and I probably could have done a drag function but it's easier to just hold the shift key and click on each one and then I'll grab Batman and I'm not grabbing the hinges just the cutouts and Batman group those together and it's going to cut out the space for the hinges leave the hinges but you can see they're perfectly in position so all I have to do now is group the hinges with the Batman and I've got the complete articulated Batman this is not intended to be a knock on Kris I just wanted to show you guys a much simpler way that parametric's can help you in Tinkercad so now I can export the dead STL file load this into cura 3.2.1 and I'm going to use a 0.2 layer height they call it draft quality and then I'm going to or wait I got a except my acceleration settings that I changed and then I'm going to set it to 50% fill 205 degrees on the filament and it says 5 hours and 5 minutes to print so I ran it on my CR 10 Mini now this CR 10 Mini has been reflashed with open source Marlins so this meets the GPL requirements I just wanted that out there this is a legit CR 10 Mini so I used my thin painter's knife to get this guy and I put too much glue down because I wanted this to be flat but Wow way too much this thing doesn't want to come off there we go and here we have it I printed it nicely this thing works great Chris's hinges are awesome I love the way this turned out so anyway that's it if you like this type of project maybe check out some of my other videos on Tinkercad if you want to help support the channel support me on patreon and you get access to chap club and if nothing else click on that Shep logo right there in the corner and subscribe that's it I hope I helped you I'll see you next time I'm filament Friday
Channel: CHEP
Views: 90,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, printing, hinges, moving parts, moving 3d print, how to, 3d printable hinges, print in place, 3d printer, tutorial, living hinge, How to design 3d, how to design 3d printable hinged anything, how to design 3d printable hinge, articulated batman, articulated 3d print, articulated design in Tinkercad, parametric tinkercad, parametric design, parametric design in tinkercad, chep, chuck hellebuyck, filament friday, Tinkercad, Fast Tinkercad, Fusion 360, Tinkercad Part Selector
Id: OOqH3nxt3XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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