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hi i'm jeff and this is a hedgehog i modeled in tinkercad a free 3d modeling software why because there's a teacher named rachel who watches my videos and asked her students at wilby east lake school of innovation what they wanted to see modeled and this was the first thing on their list a hedgehog now in my last video i made this lobster using the shape generator shape shape generator shape to make all these complex organic shapes but in this one i'm going to keep it a little more simple i'm only going to be using these shapes and since so many schools are going virtual this year if you're a teacher or a student and you want to see something specific modeled in tinkercad just email me your ideas here and i'll be sure to put it on my list of things to make what are you doing you already have a long list of things to make from the kids at willowy east lake school event i will be sure to put it on the list of things to make so without further ado i present to you rachel the hedgehog as always the first thing i'm going to do when i model something is define reference images to get an accurate shape to aim for and i'm seeing mostly a sphere but i like this shape the best so i'm gonna go ahead and see what i can do [Music] and throughout this process i'm going to refer back to the image a couple times to make sure i get the right shape i like this so i'm going to align it group it and then move on to the face now this nose it kind of has a curve to each side and then a top curve i see three curves side side and then top so let's work on that and this brings me to my first trick that i like to use if you tilt an object and then scale it in one direction it kind of skews the whole shape and what's great about this shape is that it has a variable slope which means i can play around with more or less slope as i see fit so let's just see what happens that looks good to me so i'll mirror it and move it over but as you can see it's difficult to know that you're taking off the same amount on both sides so we're going to use the ruler [Music] place the ruler near the midpoint of the blue body and first we want to make sure that we're using the midpoint for the origin measurement so click this button and it will show you the distance between the origin and the midpoint of anybody you select if your blue body is off by one or two then just change the measurement to zero and then you know that its midpoint is aligned with the origin so then when you click on this object that we're cutting out we'll just change this to a whole number then once we click on the other object we'll make it the opposite value so first was negative 28 this one will be 28 and now we know that they're perfectly spaced [Music] and now i'm going to work on the top of the face which has a slight slope to it i like it so before it goes away i'm going to duplicate it and then use it for the bottom again we'll check our reference images and see what the bottom looks like and it's it's kind of got a sharp drop off to it so that shape we have is gonna work really nice and again there's there's a sharp drop off i like that so let's move on to the quill when i look at this i see two slopes i see a gradual slope for the for the main part and then a sharp slope at the end yeah all of them have these two slopes a gradual one and then a sharper at the top so let's make that with the cone and we're going to use two cones but the first one we'll make real small and just stretch it until we see a good gradual increase and i think that's right so we'll put a smaller cone on top and guess at the base diameter and we know it'll be smaller than one so let's just do 0.5 and see how it looks and we'll play around with it from the oh oh it it looks dead on okay you may not get this lucky so let me show you what to do if yours is off first you'll align them to see how close they are and then adjust the two dimensions and align them again until it looks like a flush joint like one shape [Music] i like this but i want to check the proportion of the quill to the head this proportions are everything and making something look like the actual thing and i think when i put it up here it looks about the same and i know i made it a lot longer than it needs to be but that's going to help us later and you'll see why so we'll go ahead and duplicate these but as you can see it just doesn't look like actual quills because it's too organized so we're just going to hit the randomize button and what that does is it'll automatic no no there's no there's no randomize button i wish it were that easy but it's not so we're just going to grab little groups and rotate and move them around until we're happy and what i'm doing is i'm looking for patterns i'm looking for the same ones that look like they're aligned and i'll select those and then play with those and once i have this in a good spot i'm going to flip it upside down and then group all the circles the bases together so it's a nice little cluster once i do this i'm going to flip it back and see if it kind of makes sense up top and if it doesn't fix the ones that don't and i'll add some and or take some away if they just look better [Music] i'm happy with that so i'm going to group all of these and it doesn't matter if they intersect they'll just be grouped into one big bunch delete the other one and we're gonna start moving it around and again they're a lot longer than they need to be but that allows us to play around with different angles let's go back and check to see the angle of the quill kind of all follow a backwards trend so we'll try that first and then i'm just going to duplicate them and position them until they look right i do need to check the side to see kind of what what profile it follows as it moves back and there's a bit of a curve to it so we'll put that in [Music] and remember if you don't deselect it after you duplicate and move something it follows the exact same spacing as the last one so duplicate duplicate duplicate so that helps a lot sometimes [Music] i don't really like how sparse the grouping is of these quills up front so i'm going to duplicate them rotate them and make them a little more dense i'm going to go ahead and grab one and make the new grouping just as done so i don't have to keep on doing this so let's move this out duplicate it rotate it and then group it all together [Music] do now sometimes what i like to do to get rid of the repeated pattern look is to take one group out rotate it a couple times and then put it back in and that helps achieve a more organic look okay i've got to say this there's no fast or easy way to do this part it's duplicating moving and then rotating the model to see if it looks right over and over and over again this is one of the non-glamorous parts of 3d modeling that is sometimes required and i'd skip it if i could which i'm going to give you the option to do i'm going to go ahead and speed this up but if you don't want to watch even that skip ahead to here [Music] [Music] [Music] so now if you notice i'm only doing half of this because once a half is done i plan to duplicate that whole group of quills and then mirror it and then combine it and then we're done my papa always used to say work smarter not harder i'm happy with the way that looks so we'll select it all group it and it's probably going to take a little bit of time since this is hundreds of bodies we're grouping and i actually wouldn't be surprised if finger guide crashed oh okay yeah awesome so i tried multiple times to group all of this but it didn't work so i ended up starting all over and trying to minimize the amount of quills and i think it looks pretty much the same so since the quills are done i'm going to move on to the face and i'll start with the eyes i just need to check the position and size on the real deal and then we'll try to match that [Music] that looks about right so we're gonna move on to the nose and we'll just take one of these spheres and stretch it i think and then once i'm happy i'm just gonna duplicate it mirror it and then move on [Music] [Music] so the ears are next and i think that should be pretty easy i see a dome i think or a half sphere duplicate it make it a little bit smaller make one a hole align them and then cut it so that it looks like an ear there we go make it pink and we'll go ahead and make the body a little more appropriate color again let's check back to see if the scale and position is right we're happy duplicate mirrored now let's move on to the feet and they're not like normal circular legs they're kind of boxy this is another great feature i like to use a lot it's the radius on the box so it gives all corners or all edges of the box a radius now to get the toes i'm going to use the same shape but i'm going to use this trick again of deforming it while it's at an angle so that the slope of the front toe is captured [Music] i'm happy with that so i'll just make five now position them and move on to the nail after that for the nail i think i can make it out of this taurus i'll just cut it off at a slope with a cylinder to get the end of the nail kind of like a talon and then i'll use a box [Music] i like that so i'm just going to move it around until it looks about right and then duplicate and i'll go back and i'm going to look at again the position of it and how big it is in proportion with the body i think i need to make it a little bigger [Music] so then we'll make four mirror them and we're done so here she stands in all her glory rachel the hedgehog i hope you enjoyed that so again if you have any ideas that you want to see made in tinkercad leave a comment below or email me
Channel: CUG Labs
Views: 6,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tinkercad, TinkerCAD, 3d model, 3d modeling, tutorial, learn, education, beginner, animal, hedgehog
Id: a2BGZQ6brMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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