Fidget Star Tutorial using Tinkercad

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welcome to the next tutorial my name is adrian and we are going to get started with the fidget star if you've been anywhere on youtube or instagram or anywhere where you see 3d objects being printed this one's pretty popular so today i'm going to show you how to make your own and i got to tell you it's a lot easier than the previous fidget tutorial and i'll show you why in a little bit but first let me show you something this is about 20 millimeters it's pretty thick and since i've designed this one i think i would change it to 10 so about half the height i think that would be better and um so that's what i'm going to go with i'm going to change this one to 10 millimeters and you'll see why later also i want you to see this i want you to notice let me see if i can get this at the center by clicking there clicking the top and then just zooming in okay look check out the thickness of this bar right here and now compare it to just this one right here and then compare it to that one and then compare it to the one that's very very uh far on the outside so you see how thin it is here compared to the outer one and that is because when you're doing this there's a little bit of an illusion that happens when you are doing it just by looking at it there is something that happens where it's like well it's closer so it must be thinner well it has to be the same width as this one but it's not so you're gonna have to check because you're doing this by eye and i'm gonna show you how to do this so let's go ahead and get started i'm gonna move this over and let's go ahead and start with the star and the star i'm gonna get these lined up using the align tool centered and centered we are good to go now i personally do not like working um i want these two right here these two points of the star to be on a line or just uh perpendicular to these lines so let me focus on this thing whoa forgot about that one let's focus on this i'm going to rotate it oh i want a little more control over that and then i'm going to move them both let's just move them right there and let's let's see how close they are to being aligned this one's a little bit high so let me just move it a little bit and is it gonna let me no i gotta move it out a little bit okay i think that's good right there nope still a little bit off a little bit more right there okay now usually i give tutorials numbers and all that stuff so that you can see hey this is the number you should make this the star i didn't manipulate any and this start under here i haven't changed at all so no need to worry about that what i'm going to do first though is i'm going to make this 5 millimeters why because if i make this 5 at the end of this i'm going to duplicate this and then invert it and it'll make it a total of 10 when i put them together that's why now i'm going to do something to this yellow star out here so you can see it better and that's pressed the letter t it makes it transparent now the star that's sticking out i'm going to raise that to 50. very important that you do that with the center okay with the center now as you can see i'm not sure well maybe you can't see this this part right here this yellow part looks like it it's perfect but it's not yet because you want the inside to be angled but you also want the outside to be angled and if you can't have both of them you don't actually have a fidget star so here they're perfectly aligned but we don't want perfect we want some space so i'm going to click on here but hit shift and i'm going to go down to about 42. all right now there is some space here and the reason we want space is because we're going to create this same angle on the outside so we need space out here to create the same angle and you'll see in a little bit what i'm talking about but this process that i just did right now is exactly the steps you're going to be taking several times to make your fidget star so i'm going to make this one a hole i'm going to group them and that is now the beginning of what the fidget star is going to be all right so i'm going to click on here and i'm going to duplicate it before i click on anything else i'm just going to click on hole now when you expand this do not click on any of these corners you want to click on the center one and drag it up with the shift shift shift will make everything grow excuse me grow in the same direction at the same time if you just click over here it'll grow in that direction if you just click this which i'll do nothing actually grows it just gets taller which is a form of growing i guess but check this out i'm gonna hit shift and i'm gonna make this go up oh forgot to change something down here in the snap grid i'm just turn it off right now i'll be turning that off and on throughout so i'm going to click on this and i'm going to hit shift and now i get to decide how thick i want this to be okay that looks fine right here you can't really see it but that angle right there is going to go straight down so by the way this is the other thing that you do you're just going to group them and there we go we have created the first part of the fidget star now how do we do this the same exact way that to get the next one same exact way first of all i'm going to duplicate this and then i'll move it over to the side so you can see this one right here i'm going to ungroup and get rid of the outside layer now mind you these are the same exact steps you're going to be taking i'm going to ungroup this one again so i can get that other star in there now here's what i'm going to do i'm going to select both of these and then i'm going to drag them over here now are they aligned no not so i'm gonna select everything again and i'm going to align them make sure they're good that one's already aligned so we're good there all right so now let me click away i'm going to change the yellow one down here to transparent so you can see what we're doing and i'm going to select the pyramid and i'm going to make them both grow at the same time so i'm hitting shift hitting shift and holding shift and i'm now going to go straight up okay let me uh let's see if i can get a better angle here no let me go back a little bit okay i'm going to still shift and go up but i want you to see this part right here right there is what i want you to look at i mean you can look at the other one too but i'll be looking the one at the left this is the space in between the stars there it is there's the space is it centered from this angle it doesn't look centered in fact i'm looking right here you see that space right let's see if i can show you a little bit better let me click on the top so that is thin this is thick i'm going to look look at it from underneath thick thin i don't like that because that means your your shapes are going to be distorted slightly so i'm going to center this again oh already centered so according to this this is all good i don't care i'm going to change it because i don't like the idea that this will be thicker than this so i'm going to select the hole and the transparent star and i'm going to move it down slightly with the arrow so there's slight movement going on unfortunately i was going the wrong direction all right let's see can you see a difference i do a little bit i think i fixed it too much and again all i'm doing is using the arrow key and i'm going again the wrong direction this should be getting wider as you can see right there and this is thinning i like i'm going right there that's what i like okay so i'm comfortable with that now i'm gonna group the whole and the transparent star together so again this one and this one i'm gonna group it i'm gonna give back the color actually no here's the important part here's the important part okay because so far you're learning how to do this i'm going to duplicate again this one just like before duplicate duplicate and i'm going to give the transparency back there but i also want to make that larger i'm going to hit shift hit the center so i'm going to make another star over here but here's the thing you can't really see that because it's transparent that's what i want to see all right this is the part i was telling you about earlier you see the thickness down here it seems pretty thick now doesn't it and right here so again all we're doing is we're checking to make sure our thicknesses are similar so i'm going to go up a little bit with the arrow key i'm going to move that i'm going to move this one right here this transparent outer star because i want it to be uniform okay we're good now so i'm going to group the this one here the outer star and this one together and you're going to see that you're going to have the beginning of your fidget spinner now before we go on very important part i'm going to make this i should have just got grabbed the hole but i didn't okay i'm gonna go back a little bit okay right there now i'm gonna move this up to five because i would just want to make both of them exactly the same height and i'm going to select that one and this one and i'm going to group it there it is now they're both the same height here's what i want you to see because in when you're making something like this you got to make sure it's actually going to work before you print it i'd hate for you to do all the work and be like yeah that didn't work so this is how how you can tell your fidget spinner is actually going to finish so or uh finished correctly i'm gonna hit transparent so you can see now i'm gonna move this one the inner star straight up of let me focus on here a little bit more all right okay this is what i want you to see what what makes a fidget star work is that this part does cannot get past that part so let's move it up and see if it actually touches so if you were to print this it would have just gone straight through and you would have had a bunch of weird looking stars that's it so that tells me that this is not going to work now luckily it's very easy to change the dimensions so i'm going to ungroup the outer star and i'm going to i guess just i need to separate these two by clicking away i'm going to raise this one so i don't see it i guess i should go farther back all right that's better so this one like i said is too far away from the previous one so what am i going to do i'm going to ungroup again i don't need this one right now and this one i'm going to ungroup again now i can adjust the transparent one and the hole what i want to do is move down let's see i hope you can see that the bottom ones are actually moving so you can see this is moving closer to there and i think that's good all right so i moved it in and i'm going to group these two i'm going to duplicate this one i'm going to make it transparent i'm sorry make it a hole now with the shift button i'm going to move this one up and just to make it easier to see i'm going to change that to yellow on the inside yellow and i guess i didn't click on it yellow why isn't it working all right let's try it again yellow am i clicking on the wrong thing here i want that one what is going on here oh it's already yellow my bad i need to make the transparent go away all right so we're good except for down here it's super thick up there not so much so i'm going to move the star up so that this will be thinner so i'm going to watch the watch the thickness change a little bit and that one's good now okay so i'm going to select the outer star and the hole and there you go i'm going to bring back this part right here and i just want it to be five from the ground so there you go we're gonna do another test just to make sure all right now for the test i'm gonna make this one transparent and this one's gonna go straight up and let's see if it will actually touch this corner right there barely touch this thing is in danger of falling apart anytime you you play with it so one more time i'm going to move it down now let me just move this back back okay good i'm going to undo this one hope you're going to be really good at undoing these things i can tell you're going to have a lot of practice oops let me ungroup and then go higher even higher okay so this one i'm gonna ungroup i'm gonna get rid of the outer shell right there i keep forgetting to do that there now this one i'm going to ungroup again now i'm going to select the transparent star and the hole and i'm going to make it just a little bit smaller remember it already works we just want to make sure it works a little bit more so i'm hitting the shift while i'm moving it down okay i'm going to say that's good right there and now i'm going to select the transparent and the whole go ahead and put them together i'm going to change that to a solid one i'm going to duplicate it now that i've duplicated make that a hole i'm going to hit the shift move that up i'm going faster now because this is the third time i've done this and i'm hoping by now you already see that i'm going to move this up with the arrow keys yep that looks better all right i'm going to select both of them this one and this one group now that block that i put in midair i'm oops did that wrong down here that should be five hit enter all right now mind you i did not select everything to group because that would group the insight star too and i don't want that i want to be able to move the inside star separately so i'm clicking here clicking out here and then grouping just the outside now last time transparent now let's see if this is going to work i'm going to move this up and it will get caught right there it will not go past that right there you are good to go let's continue now look at the spacing look at that spacing okay because that's what you're going to be using when you're making the other ones so far we've made two i'm going to change that to transparent or to color solid i'm going to i'm going to duplicate this and move it out over here now i'm going to ungroup get rid of that box don't eat it right actually you know what i can use that later so i'll use that later and then go over here zoom in and ungroup get rid of the outer star don't need that ungroup and then now i'm going to drag this to the right i'm hitting the shift by the way when i drag it that way i don't have to mess with that many that many options here i'm going to group everything again but i'm sorry not group i'm going to align let me center this first of all and hit align everything now is aligned okay but what i'm going to do is i'm going to make the next level but to do that i'm going to select the transparent star and the hole and hit shift to move it up i'm looking down here by the way i want to see what kind of space i have all right now what i'm going to do is i'm going to see if the space is a line so here's what we're looking at space space does it seem bigger does it seem like it's too much it seems like it's wider here than down at the bottom so i'm going to move that both of these the transparent and the hole up okay now i'm going to group them make this solid again so you can see that i'm going to duplicate this one here and then make it a hole and now i'm going to create another star shift now again the hard part is that thickness the same as the other thicknesses i went underneath if you couldn't tell they look okay there a little bit off here so i'm going to move the outer star that way down the goal is to make them as even as possible so right now i'm going to collect or click on that the outer one and then that one now i'm gonna bring that block i had hanging up there you see the shadow there there it is oops well i guess i can make it bigger because i'm gonna be moving it all right let's move it down and i want to go to five again and again i'm only selecting the bottom one right there and i click on the corner otherwise i might be able to select other ones i don't i just want the outer one and i'm grouping it there it is now just to test my theory i'm gonna hit t i'm gonna select let me uh get a better focus here i'm going to select this one right here the one that's next to it i'm going to move it up just to make sure it will not pass so here it gets stuck there i could make it a little bit smaller i'm not sure i want to but i i could i'm fine there but the thing is you got to make sure because we're not doing this mathematically we are just playing it by by ear we're just checking it out you have to check to see if it's gonna work so i'm gonna do the process one more time very quickly that way you can get a feel for it here it is i'm gonna duplicate what i already have i'm going to move it over to the right i'm going to ungroup i'm going to leave us this giant block and we're going to put in this separate this giant block is going to go up and now this one i'm going to ungroup again that's two ungroups i'm going to get rid of that one click away and then then i'm going to ungroup again now i'm going to move those two back here i like to align it because it's it's only a few seconds and and make sure that everything starts aligned okay now with these two selected the transparent and the whole i'm going to increase it i'm going to increase the height hitting the shift button i'm going to move it out remember this is where i make the space in between the stars all right that looks fine so there's the process okay i'm going to finish this off again right there i'm going to group make that one back to to solid so i can see that again i'm going to duplicate this one and change it to a hole i'm going to hit shift and then move this up so i can see the one that's underneath all right that looks pretty thick so not good let me uh let me move this all right that looks better however what i want to do is now with the arrow key i'm going to move this up slightly because i just think it's too thick down there all right and again i'm just pressing the arrow key now i'm going to group this one and this one right here there it is now i'm going to drop the giant cloud to 5. drag it over here and it might be too small now yeah i think it is so i'm just gonna make it bigger again i'm going to select this right here let me click over here now they're both selected and should work again i'm going to try the test because i get nervous with these things i don't want to print something it's not going to work so let me move this one up i selected the one that's solid right here and i'm gonna move it up that right there would fail not good that's why you test it that's why you test it so i'm gonna undo what did i undo oh then that then that i'm gonna get rid of that undoing undoing undoing ctrl z ctrl z and ctrl z there it is this is the part that i want i'm going to click this and click that so now i want to move it down so i can get a closer that's what i want right there let me look under here just to see how the space is i know this is a weird look here i want to move it down i want to go in this direction so i'm going to use the arrow key because this one is thicker than this one okay that's about right yeah now it's about right okay now group i'll make this solid so you can see it i'm going to duplicate it make it a hole hit the shift button and move it up i'm gonna check the thickness that actually looks good i'm gonna move it up a little bit with the arrow keys yeah that's good and now i'm gonna group them the outside one now i'm gonna bring the giant cloud the cloud here and then i'm gonna move it down there it is change that to five and i'm just gonna increase it so it covers all the parts of the star i think i've got it all covered i'm going to click on the outside here group and there we go you see the process those are the steps if you forgot well then keep on rewinding and checking and you know doing all the things you have to do by the way since we're already here and i'm going to skip over to to the last part so you can see how it's done you can make a fidget design of most shapes check this out if you wanted to make a circle what you need i'm going to make this let's say 5 and let's put this one right here what you need actually is let's group them all right they're already grouped great what you need is for there to be an inner angle i'm going to change that so you can see what i'm talking about oops i need to focus over here look this angle right here is what you need to create your own little fidget circle for some reason you wanted to do that which i'm not sure why so you would just group those two right there group forgot to make it a hole make it a hole and then you group it now this one here you would duplicate make it transparent and then you would do the same thing we're doing over here see and there you go if you wanted to you could create another one of these fidget starts with a circle and you would just duplicate this over and over again if you could if you wanted to you could do it with a square wow that's amazing a square and let's align these two things here let's just make sure they're right there and right there okay we're good let's make this one five oh let's click on five and let's make it transparent so we can see now because what really matters is the bottom shape the bottom shape is what really matters and that there's an angle going inside so i'm going to make this smaller so you can see right there that's good i need to make this one hole group them i'm going to duplicate this thing make it a hole and i'm going to make this one go up and now if you really wanted to for some strange reason wanted to make a fidget square there you go you just keep on duplicating this and cutting it could you do it with anything else apparently yes but it would require some thinking good luck and let's just fast forward to more of these in the end of these let's just focus on there and don't forget to subscribe and do all the things you do to make sure you get the latest videos process is pretty much the same you want to select all if you haven't grouped them yet select all of them you want to duplicate and then you want to flip them so that they are facing the other way we're going to now raise or lower depending on what we have here looks like we lowered them and i'm going to change this to off and i'm going to raise them both so i can see what's going on here a little bit better let me change that to uh let's see if i can get that to zero and check to see yeah it's touching there and they look like they're off by a little bit so let me try it again i'm gonna raise or lower see how there's a two two lines there i wanna see if i can just get it to one line without did i just select everything mostly everything that's awesome all right let's try this again see when you're selecting these things there's a slight chance you're going to be selecting yeah if you see there's a little blue line there so at this point i'm just going to be happy with what i have because it seems like it is grouped for some reason i mean i could just try this individually let's see if that'll work so far the blue line does not go all the way down i'm going to hit shift shift and hold and then just select the individual ones and hopefully that'll do the trick and the last one and again the goal is to move so that there's only one line there that's what i want but what i don't want is space in between so let me see yeah i don't see any space in between we are good don't mind that that's just another project i'm working on okay so now i'm going to group these things right there and now it's time to print export as an stl and i'll just leave it there you guys don't forget to like subscribe do all the things you do to make this thing more available to everybody else thank you for watching and enjoy the next lesson
Channel: Teaching3DPrinting
Views: 16,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, tinkercad, fidget star
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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