How We Built Our Mortgage Free Cabin: From The Ground Up. The Birth Of Our Homestead.

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all right so this is where we're at on the cabin so far um i did this in a five part series and i'm combining them all into one long video now um but during the series i think a lot of people were under the impression that this was a how to build a house series and that's not what it is at all it's just you know me and my girlfriend we're a couple of young dumb millennials that are just carving out our own life i'm not a professional i'm not a contractor i've built some stuff a couple log cabins and stuff like that but i'm by no means a professional but yeah we're just trying to live a more debt-free self-sufficient lifestyle this is the start of our of our homestead here and uh i'll show you guys how we got up to this point well sierra and i got our foundation pad so we we're at the point where we're hauling we're hauling material over to the build site we have 15 of these concrete pads they're about 80 pounds apiece and i know in my previous video i mentioned i was going to do sono tubes we decided to go with this method instead i think it's going to be a lot better for our application here and it's a proven method that works well in our area so that's what we're going with but like i said there's 15 of these and i'll get into how this foundation is going to be built pretty soon here all right sierra and i got our four corners marked out you can see we got a stake in all four corners some lines going here we're uh right on and square so i can start laying out our pads and these pads are gonna hold up the three beams so we'll have one on this outside wall one down the middle and one on this outside wall and there's gonna be a pad every eight feet supporting these this beam um or each of these beams and they're gonna be uh three wide two by eights so they'll be spliced together each seam will be resting on cinder blocks which will be on these pads so um that is how the beams are going to be laid out and then we'll build our floor on top of that so i got some of this all-purpose gravel at home depot and we have some class five on the property already and so we're gonna have a good solid four to five inch thick base of class five packed really well and then this on top of that um about four or five inches of this as well and then our pads will sit on top of that all right we got our these green x's indicate where each of these pads are going to be going so right now we're just going to move some material get it get a pad next to each x and a couple bags of uh that good gravel and that way everything's prepped and ready and we can just start flying all right so you can see here we're starting to dig these in it's probably really hard to tell but um we have pretty hard clay where we're at but we've dug down a little bit and right here we have about four or five inches of class five and then this will go on top of that class five and the pad will sit on top of that so it'll be a good base and your base work is really important you know i worked with asphalt all last summer and uh if your base isn't right i mean your products gonna fail you know you have a soft base that's when tar cracks you know same as concrete so your base works really important to get it perfectly level and packed really well well it's getting dark pretty fast here so i think sierra and i are going to call it for the day but this is just for demonstration purposes so you can see these pads will be sitting on that gravel we still have another big to add on this one but um we have the gravel base all done on this side the class 5 base that we still got to add this other gravel and all that and then we started getting some of these dug in here but we ended up running to home depot tonight earlier in the night to get 15 more of these bags of all-purpose gravel so tomorrow we should be able to get these all in i would think if everything goes smooth i don't know if you guys can see this tree here this is the only one that is in our way right now and it's not going to be in our way for a while we'll be able to get all the pads in and everything because this one down the middle here goes next to it so uh we'll be able to get this all done and get our beams built and everything and get them on our pads and then at that point we'll be able to transplant this one here i really want to save that one that's one of the bigger ones we have to transplant it looks like it's going to be a really nice tree so i do not want to waste that one all right well we're starting day two here we only worked on this for probably a couple hours yesterday because we were hauling materials all day but um i started on the the middle beam here getting these pads uh situated this side over here is done it's got class five and all those i still gotta add the bags of gravel here though but i think i got eight more to dig out like this and then i'll add class five and then we'll add this all-purpose gravel and start leveling these out with each other sierra just had to run into town because last night you know we keep our food out here because it's a little cooler of course so we could hear something underneath the cabin on wheels here um all night you know i would bang on the walls and scare it away and it would come right back about five minutes later i don't know it's probably a skunk or a fox or something but um i kept looking out the windows and stuff you know with my flashlight trying to figure out what it was but never saw it and then um and i did i wasn't going to go inside because you know if you open the door just a crack skeeter's a wizard at getting getting outside so and if it was a skunk like i said you know i don't want them getting sprayed so um anyways i thought it was pretty funny but we got robbed stole our buns for our brats and i think sierra had some cantaloupe and a couple other things but yeah those are all gone i've walked around tried to find them and can't find them so whatever it was took them but i guess that's living in the woods you know the uh the animals steal your stuff not people but anyways i thought that was kind of funny so pad one's level and now we've gotta level them all with each other so i'm gonna start in one corner here i'm gonna level off all these so they're all the same height and all level and then um i'll work my way shooting out the sides here and there's going to be a lot of adjusting and you know triple measuring you know so it's a tedious game but um i don't know once this part's done it gets a lot more fun but this parts like i said by far the most important so here's how i'm getting these pads leveled here um i got an eight foot board it's exactly eight feet and it's a really really straight board so um it makes a good straight edge and um i get the pad level here now if we come up a little bit on that one edge the hair it's like i said it's just a tedious thing it's pretty good this way and then now i know these are leveled to each other i gotta drop this one here down just a little bit because this has to be exact and if you're off just a little bit even like you know millimeters from here to there but then you keep doing it this way then you're going to be way off by the time you get to the last pad so you got to make sure all these are 100 level before you go on and um like i said it's not the funnest thing in the world but it's important and as you can see i got a lot of them to do so if i can get this accomplished today i would consider that a pretty good win but i'd say these two of these first two here probably took me 30 minutes honestly but i'm kind of starting to get a system down now so it should go faster so you can see those two bags giving a pretty thick base here and i just kind of get it roughly level with the level here it's kind of using it as a edge you know so you can see i just use this eight foot board here cut it exactly eight feet to make sure i'm in the center of each pad and i just eyeball it um it doesn't need to be a hundred percent exact but it's got to be pretty darn close because i'll have cinder blocks on top of these now and when i build these beams they're going to be two by eight spliced together and each one of my seams i want them to land on one of these pads so that way that splice is landing on a pad all right guys there's the completed cabin footprint right there all these pads are level and square to each other um some of them might be just a little bit turned you know here and there but um we'll adjust those when we put the beams on but center to center they're all perfect so this part went well it's my least favorite part and we can get onto some more fun stuff now i want to point out this because i almost made a big mistake here well not a big mistake i would have realized it later later on and then it just would have been a lot harder to correct uh when i you know measured the way i laid this out was 20 foot from the center of this pad to the center of that pad and the reason that wouldn't really work very well is because you know my beam's three boards wide so um i would have had about this much of my beam sticking out past my rim joist and there wouldn't have been very much uh my floor joists wouldn't be resting on very much of the beam so i had to account for the width of the beam you know and move these in a little bit so now my beams lay right on the middle of these pads and then the rim joists will come up flush to the outside edge of that uh my beam so otherwise the rim joist would have been sitting like in on the beam like like center on the beam and then i would have this much my beam sticking out which would look dumb and wouldn't have been as good so okay so i have this set up here for demonstration purposes uh this is day three we've started hauling these blocks i can only haul 30 at a time in my little ford escape but we need 60 so i got to run back and get one more load here but i wanted to set this up just to show you what it'll look like so we have these blocks that will be sitting on all of our pads and the advantage of doing it this way rather than having a continuous poured piece of cement for a footing is if we ever have to make adjustments this makes it really easy you know if we have to jack up the cabin and adjust something it's going to be a piece of cake because it's all individual pieces rather than having to wrestle a big heavy continuous piece of concrete so i think this is the route to go and then like i said they'll be green treated lumber on top of this in between our beams and the concrete because you don't want your beams sitting on concrete because of moisture issues so this is what they'll look like when they're done and i have to add that i would not recommend this type of pad foundation for a real large building you know this is a smaller building it's just a few hundred square feet so it'll work just fine for that but if you start getting into larger buildings then i would probably go a different route than this so i've started laying these blocks on top of the pads like so and as you can see we're perfectly level so um this part of this of the process is turning out good so far but this gives you an idea of how my beams will be sitting on here you know the full length of course but yeah so far so good okay so you can see here this is that green treated wood i'm talking about because if you lay untreated wood on top of these you know concrete absorbs moisture and that'll rot your wood so we'll by having uh this green treated wood here that gives us a buffer between the concrete so that's why we have these on here so you can see we're perfectly level here and this is what i mean this is just we have another row of boards to put on here but see how these seams are where they're scabbed together they land right in the middle of the pad so that's what i was going for just like so we do have to adjust this a little bit and push it that way but you get the idea all right here's a look at beam number one so it's a perfectly level nice and straight centered on each pad all the seams line up so this one turned out good so how we do it is we have them we have this upright when we start and i just kind of tack it in with a few nails just to keep everything flush and then we flip it down um flat like this because it's much easier to nail and we're nailing on both through both sides and these are 16 penny three and a half inch long so and as we're nailing these we're doing it in a w pattern like this i'm told that that's stronger i don't know how you're going to fix this one because this one's doing the same thing huh this side's pretty good though this is the side of the flipping outlet this is good to me i'm not finished what do you think ziggy this is fun you guys are sticking around pretty good sucker in pretty good feels good dirt holy yeah we had one bad one well you got to get it up there though we have a pretty ugly board here that's just got a lot of bows in it here this outside one so i'm putting a few extra nails in it and uh just going along and my dad's lifting up on it or pushing down whatever he's got to do and uh that way we end up with a flush top here ready if you wanted to make this stronger or better you could use wood glue you know or adhesive in between these but we don't skip on the fasteners so not needed for us and people were building homes long before wood glue all right so we got all three beams done here we're getting ready to start on the floor joists once we get our beams all plumbed up which i'll show you some of that in a minute here but people were asking about these pads and frost heaving and stuff like that and they will heave but you're talking about tiny tiny amounts and by not these won't be secured to the pad these are going to be free floating and then you know we'll nail our rim joists and floor joists all into this but by not nailing it into these if when these heat that doesn't put any unwanted force on the cabin at all so by not mounting them down because if you had this mounted if they were secured to all these pads this would be keeping it here while let's say this pad heaved this would be staying here while it's trying to lift up so it's putting shear pressure on this which can cause windows to stick and doors to stick and stuff like that i've heard some cases of people saying windows break i don't know if that's true or not but by having it just free floating on here that keeps the cab the cabin will move with it you know but you won't you won't ever notice it it's not like you'd see it unless you've got a tape measure or something you're talking tiny tiny amounts but after you know five to ten um freeze you know freeze and thaw seasons um you know we might have to adjust these we probably will at some point and that's why i i when i made the pad video here i talked about how easy these are to adjust so we got to jack this up around a little bit do whatever we got to do to get this back situated it'll be a piece of cake when i lived in fairbanks alaska you know they have permafrost up there so you always build on top of the ground because the ground is kind of always doing this and that and moving ziggy so you see a lot of different methods but my first cabin that i had was 18 by 28 um the one i rented when i first got there and that just sat on railroad tie pads um so and that like i said it of course the ground was heating but i never noticed it in my cabin so it's little amounts but over time it can become a problem if you don't adjust it and watch it right so my my grandpa has a cabin that he built over 40 years ago that's probably about a 45 minute drive from here so the same area same soil all that same climate and that's just been sitting on just railroad thai chunks um in each corner it's a 16 by 24 cabin and that thing i mean it's been sitting in that spot for 20 some years and the thing is still level you know you can't even tell that it's ever moved or anything so i'm not too worried about this you know like i said it's easy to make adjustments if and when we need to which we will have to at some point but it won't be a big deal when we do so when you buy dimensional lumber in the store you know these we have 16 foot boards here and they're actually 16 foot by one inch that's why they kind of look funny here and don't line up at the end but i'm gonna put a mark at 32 feet on all three beams and then use the chainsaw to cut them all flush [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we're starting on the rim joists now here all three of our beams are in place and they are square so we have the same measurement diagonal here from this corner to that far corner and the same measurement from there to there so both those are the exact same measurements so we know that we have a perfect rectangle right now for our rim joists they're going to rest right on this outside board of the beam and then our floor joists will rest on these two but we're going to start by toenailing our rim joists in the full 32 feet on both runs and then we'll put the uh start going with the floor joist here so you can see our rim joist here is all secured to the beam um at least have it tacked on here but i'm gonna go along now and nail it every foot or so with 16 penny nails toenail down into the beam really sure what to do with this and then of course until we get this thing built we're camping here's my dad's room all right so you can see we're laying out the floor joists here we have this side done well they're just nailed into the rim joists here we're laying out the other side so now you can see it it'll make more sense they overlap here on the middle and they're going to be nailed together of course and then nail down into these beams and then we'll put our blocking in to keep to keep them from twisting right all right here's what our floor looks like so far all the floor joists are nailed into the rim joists and then where the overlap here we have these all nailed together so now we'll start in our blocking in between each floor joist to keep it from twisting all right here's the completed floor joists we got our blocks going down the middle to keep these from twisting and rolling keep our spaces even now we got to put down the reflectix insulation and then it's time for subfloor and then we'll have our floor built so the rim joist is toenailed really well into the beams all the floor joists are toenail both sides on the beams so we did not skimp out on the fasteners and we got a good solid level square floor some people are asking why we're a little bit higher off the ground here and there's a lot of advantages to that but mainly um we can store things under here if we ever have a problem with anything you know like when it comes to adjusting these pads or whatever i can crawl underneath here uh just fine there's plenty of room and you just have a lot more things you can do in the future doing it this way if you ever got to run a wire plumbing anything like that but mainly there's just a lot of storage room under here now so that's why we did that and i'm sitting at the front of the cabin here and we will have a porch that we'll add on here once we get this all dried in hold on [Music] and i would say just come up this side yeah i don't i i hardly attack this stuff because like i said the plywood is going to have every nail going through it anyway so just so it doesn't come off in the wind right now if we go the other way though i or by square footage when i got it five five times eight that's 40. how much is left in there this one this is 25 foot roll by four feet still have five foot left over kind of soft says you know [Applause] the reflectix insulation is all tacked on and the seams are all taped this is a reflectix tape that goes with it that you know you're supposed to tape every seam of course so turned out good the floor is insulated and we're gonna start throwing some cheating on here now what's for breakfast today scramble got ham lessons onions cheese in there when i'm done looks hardy perfect so we started feeding this whole first run here was full eight foot sheets and then we cut for the next run cut that one in half at four feet and now we're going to continue with eight footers and that way now when we lay our eight footer down this seam ends up middle of that piece of plywood that way all your seams don't line up all the way down it's not as strong the sheeting is going on really good and that's what we want to see right there how do you boys like the deck so all you're doing up until you get to this point you're just trying to get a level platform that is square so same diagonal diagonal measurement from that corner to that corner that to that corner should be the same measurement and as long as you're level um that's that's the goal so uh once you have this built this is a good feeling because you know that you're starting on a perfectly level and square platform which means the rest of the house is going to be square and level so far all the tools that i've used are right here so you can accomplish this with next to no money invested in tools you know i mean if you don't want to truck with the money for you know to get all new no table saws and stuff like that i just you know just to show you this is as simple as it gets here you know we got our string line level saw tape measure a square and a hammer we're hand driving all the nails on this place so you can anybody can do this with with basic tools and if you didn't want to get a skill saw um you can do it with a handsaw of course it's going to take you a little bit longer but that is that's doable as well so you don't need to have all the the top-notch you know tools to accomplish this so anybody can do this whether you have carpentry background or not like i said it's just that if you can read a tape measure you know how to read a level it's about all you need to know and that and the most important measurement like i said on this until this point is your diagonal measurement that way you know your square so anybody can do this stuff here's what underneath the cabin looks like you can see all the beams are resting perfectly on those pads and we're level square all of our joists are 16 inches on center things are looking good up until this point i'm excited to start on the walls [Music] well i just about got the floor all nailed off here well actually i'm about half done only so it's a lot of nails i think it's like 82 nails per full sheet of plywood you're supposed to have or something like that so it's a lot to ham or a hand nail but it's doable and as you can see here we got ourselves a nice solid level floor it's a good feeling man you know with the price of lumber we're starting to get some money invested in this so i'm glad everything's going well and i will uh have all my receipts and i'll show you guys how much this entire building costs you know at least to get the shell up you know get the metal roof on and everything to get to that point then the inside everybody's going to have their own ideas and what they want to spend in there but i'll show all the receipts and add everything up i've kept every receipt so i'll be able to show you guys how much it costs and everything which it's been a lot but of course with the price of lumber we knew that it's a little chilly at the job site today so we're going to have a campfire going all day so we got some place to come over and warm up all right so the front wall is complete so you can see we got the door on the left obviously big window on the right so that's what the front of the cabin will look like now we're going to head back and do the back walls the back walls are just a window centered in each room so those should be pretty easy to frame and then it's 1 30 right now we'll see if we get a start on one of these sidewalls or not all right so this is what we got done so far here so that's the door window we're heading to the back back wall here so you can see it's just a window centered on each of those two rooms good okay so you can see where we get our 16 inches on center framing here now i'm framing in the window and that's the bottom of the wall um because we're going to stand it up this way obviously right now i'm putting jacks you can see how those go those go right here next to the king studs this here is the header just two by sixes which will sit like so and then we'll have our cripples here and those cripples transfer the weight down to the header which acts as a bridge over your window so that transfers the weight back over here to your studs [Music] so as you can see we're framing in a 36 inch by 36 inch opening here so we're right at 36 so my dad's cutting the studs and i'll go here to make our uh our opening here so [Music] [Music] a little bit i think yeah yeah much better let me start my nail first sierra's cooking us up some lunch for lunch today we're having some johnsonvilles [Applause] all right so we're getting ready to start on the sidewall here and we're doing this in two 16 foot sections what's nice about grid paper um well you know this is two scale so each box represents a foot so i know exactly where this window is going to fall on this wall here so it looks like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten feet in on the walls of the start of the four foot window so it's just nice having having a plan like this to go off of [Music] okay i got it okay you just gotta tap it over on the end probably all the way here come back over here and tap this corner out that's it all right okay you just get that one in and then i'll level it up [Music] morning i think it's good right there okay well how's that that's perfect okay so this three stud corner here you can see that allows us to uh we have something to nail to here for our inside sheeting on this wall but then that gives us this lip to nail our whatever we decide to do on the inside sheet rock or wood that way so plus it makes a good strong corner all right here's what we got so far we started that sidewall but obviously it's snowing pretty hard so we're calling it a day but pretty happy with what we got done today what do you think skeeter what's up with the snow huh so we're laying out our 16 inches on center here for the side wall so we have our tape hooked to this wall the outside of this wall because we have to account for this three and a half inches because our sheeting will start you know from here over so if we went 16 inches and just butt it up from here then we'd be off so um from the outside of this wall you know we mark 15 and a quarter and then put our x on this side that way our stud lands in the middle on the 16 inches and you always go you know by 16 inches 16 inch intervals because that comes out to four feet which is how wide your sheetrock usually is we're using t111 for the siding so that four foot will put us dead center on a stud so when the end of our uh feet or the end of one of our sheets will end right here in the middle and the start of our next one will end right in the middle that way that ties to the stud which is tied to everything else so everything ties together so that's why 16 on center is so important so we're flying on this wall here it goes quick when you don't have a window for a while because you're just getting big sections of walls walls done and they're all just 16 on center so it's pretty straight forward this window here is a little bit different size um the windows in the bedroom are three foot by three foot this one's going to be centered on the sink so it's three foot wide by only two foot tall though because otherwise this would be hanging below the counter top so um just a three foot by two foot wide window and then once we get this one done right about where my dad's standing there is going to be the bathroom window and that's a two foot by two foot window and then we'll have all four walls done man then i'll give you guys a walk-through tour of where everything will be so it'll all make sense and show you and then i'll show you guys how we tied everything together and all that too all right so here we are i'm on the corner of the cabin here you can see that's perfect this way and then this way whoops is also perfect so we're dead center level both directions but if we weren't you know we had to pull this a little bit but that's what this brace is for here um not only does it hold the wall up you can also kind of adjust your wall that way so my dad holds the level you know on the on the wall here and lets me know if i need to if i need to pull this or push the wall out or whatever you can kind of move it with these and then once we get it perfect when he says all right it's perfect then we nail it off and that holds it you know so that way it doesn't it can't flop as much and it's sitting level right now but we're getting ready to tie um this last section of wall in here so all of our other walls are all up right now you can see so that's the last section over there and um so i'm just going around and double checking making 100 sure that all of our corners are level both ways um that because once we tie in this last wall it's going to be pretty it's going to be a little bit more challenging to try to level level the walls off so so far we're perfect in every corner so we're getting ready to frame up this last wall and we'll have all the walls up in the cabin okay come here steve come come is arizona cbs here's the last wall going up on the cabin here ready almost like we measured in stuff one more time another light tap down there there you go flushing all that nope verify before i know it all the way in uh it doesn't get too much better than that doesn't it so that's what we read all the way around all four walls all corners so we're perfect we got a level floor and we got level walls now so we're gonna start shooting and stiffen all this up um you can nail your top plate on while you're framing on the floor that'd be easier and then you wouldn't have to be up on a ladder doing it but i wasn't i don't think i'm good enough yet to i don't know to leave it long so the walls can tie in and stuff so i just said i'll do it after but you can certainly do it on the ground if you want okay so we left this top plate three and a half inches short i don't know if you can see that or not but that allows us to slide this one in now to continue with this wall which ties these two together at the top which makes it strong [Music] all right so we got all four walls stood up here so just to give you guys a kind of an idea of how it'll be laid out this will be the living room area here this back corner is a bedroom a 10 foot by 12 foot bedroom this is a smaller bedroom right in here next to this is the bathroom so there's the bathroom window and then the kitchen will be in here and this window is centered over the sink and then of course the loft will be in the back up here um 12 foot out from the back wall there [Music] accessories this way yep all right here's the first wall complete with the t-111 siding our wall is perfectly level we still got to cut out the windows on this wall of course and this will get an oil based stain just a clear coat but we like the we like the look of this looks nice i feel like you accomplished something when you get the uh siding on and then we'll have black trim around all windows and doors so i think it'll look pretty nice so one wall is done with the siding it's nice i keep going around putting a level you know in different spots all the time and everything's perfectly level so what i'll do is i'll take a sawzall and cut the windows out and as far as tyvek goes underneath this you know like house wrap there's mixed you know people say oh you know you should do it or oh you don't need to with this t-111 uh my grandpa used t-111 over 45 years ago on his cabin and there's no signs of rot on the studs at all um and you know like i said he didn't put it on there so i'm gonna go buy that i see a lot of people that don't put it on so i don't think it's necessary plus with the overhang we're gonna have on our roof this thing will never see rain anyways so um i'm pretty confident that it'll be just fine without the tyvek hose wrap [Music] so door you can see we nailed the board here um plus with this beam and where the rim joists uh meet here so that we're actually nailing into the rim joist here which will tie the rim joists to the studs so anything we can do to tie everything in to makes make it stronger the better so that's why we're doing that a lot of people don't do that but it only makes it stronger all right here's what we got going here our ridge beam is officially set there are two 16 foot sections right here the set of rafters is where the ridge beam meets you can see we have these kind of supporting the ridge beam up there pretty hard to do with two guys kind of challenging but we have you can see we built a cradle up here that way the ridge the ridge board can sit in between that supports it keeps it nice and uh keeps it from sagging and stuff too and then we have you know our scaffolding set up of course and we're getting ready to fill in the front rafters here and then we'll just fill in all of all the rest of them so we start with our two on the back here to get this going and then here in the middle where they join so we're getting our ridge beam set first then we then we'll fill it all in 24 inches on center 2x8 rafters 12 12 pitch there bud thank you right there so me [Music] just for you because i know you like to be perfect so good all right so i was originally going to do a 10 12 pitch on this roof um but decided to do a 12 12 mainly just because the angles are so much easier because all this is a 45 degree angle so we just take the end of the board mark a 45 measure short point down here to short point right there and then that's this is the inside of the top plate where the bird's mouth will sit and then this is just a 45 and a 45. so it makes it easy there's no uh you can't really mess that up because your speed square is at a 45 degree angle so makes it a lot easier and there's never going to be snow on this roof all right all the rafters are on some of them turned out better than others but they're all pretty good and then i'm going to run a i'll run a 2x4 across here right below the ridge board there just to tie them apart even better so they can't come apart and then right now we're going to start on the blocking and then the strapping and this thing will be solid all right we got our gable studs in here i need to add i am going to add one more here i just don't have the board for it but we're gonna start getting we're gonna cut our rafters now our rafter tails all flush so we can put our fascia board on and we're gonna start running our strapping for our metal and get that all done today and hopefully throw a metal on tomorrow um galvanized spiral how is it up there it's pretty good it's becoming a ladder so we have this block right here that i think is twelve and three quarter twelve three quarter yeah twelve and three quarters inches and that's what i use to keep our spacing right so we're 16 inches on center that way we don't have to measure and snap a chalk line every time so this speeds things up a lot out a little yeah there you go then we have lines here that i'm going off of that i keep flush with this outside rafter which will give us our overhang so that way these are all these are all plumb with each other now that way we don't have to cut them when we put our fascia board on yeah at some point might even be easier to just hand them from the inside probably we're going to call it a night that one side's just about done we just have a little bit to fill in on the back side there and then tomorrow we'll do the other side and should get a good start on the metal might even get it done but i'm gonna wind down with some land of the sky blue waters that's it good boy a good dog so here's a look at the roofing we have one last piece to put on the end here but we're trying to figure out a good way to do that since i can't stand on the strapping anymore um are you just hanging yeah i'm ready yep dead center we got all the metal installed here came out perfect the chef's getting some breakfast going here this side's complete we're going to start on this other side here um and then install the ridge cap and we'll be done with the roof will be dried in besides the gables of course we gotta fill those in but um the main goal is i want to get a roof on this place so that way we don't have water coming in here anymore cause i'm kind of sick of this plastic walking on it and the water just kind of pools so um i want to get this roof on and then we'll be weathered in at least and then uh probably tomorrow i'll have these gables filled in um sheeted in and everything and we'll be we'll be done or dried in at least then i'll start doing doors and windows but today that's our mission right there get this other side on the metal and then the ridge cap show you how i start the metal here i measured this is the overhang in the front of the cabin here i measured from the end of this strap over here 36 inches and pounded a nail because i'm going to hook my chalk line to that and snap a line all the way down on the strapping here to guide my first sheet of metal but the sheets are actually 38 inches wide but you get 36 inches of coverage because you have this overlap here but 30 um six inches means it'll overhang two inches out the front here and i'm gonna have a one inch thick fascia board so then it'll stick out an inch past that and that rib on the end here will act as my drip edge because i'm not in i'm not putting on drip edge or any of that stuff it's not necessary i know a lot of people use it it looks nice and all that but um if you do it this way you just you don't need it so um save a few bucks there all right we got the metal just about on this side here you can see i started on the ridge cap up here but it looks nice we've got this little bit to fill in here so uh yeah once we get this uh last little bit in we'll be done i had to sincerely go get screws though so we're kind of at a stand still but um yeah that first run of ridge cap looks nice it comes in ten foot sections so i'll have four sections and then just overlap accordingly so the 32 foot comes out good um but yeah i'm really happy with the roof it looks nice so so drop screw took my eye out green light green light so we need to go down here and kind of adjust it on the end and then come back that probably looks goofy but that's the only way i can do it [Music] out i'm gonna screw it guys okay let me look at your let me look at your line here looks fine yeah professional today we're going to stay in this cabin we picked out so our original plan was we were going to do a black roof with a black trim around the door and windows and leave the t-111 kind of as is and just seal seal it uh at the color that it's at right now but because we're doing the white roof now i think brown sierra and i both think brown's gonna look really really nice and a dark brown building always looks really cool against the snow anyways so this is the color that we have picked out here so it's gonna be dark but i like that it still leaves you know the wood grains here kind of the characteristics of the t-111 um so i think that's going to be it's going to look really nice but i have one more uh sheet to fill in on the back gable here and then i'm going to do the doors or the windows today excuse me and then um i'm the door is gonna be homemade i'm building that myself and i'll probably do that tomorrow but i want to get you can see that there's the sheet i gotta finish there this little piece there um and then uh yeah get all the windows installed today and probably do the door tomorrow but this place is going to look a lot different by the end of the day today window while sierra's getting ready to stay in here we're letting our new friends get some sunlight during the day skeeter's keeping an eye on him he's been pretty good with him he's curious about him but he's been pretty pretty good to him oh she did it no going back now dries a little lighter but uh i think this is gonna be a good color what do you guys think of the color scheme here yeah this one's a little heavier do you need help no i got it perfect does it look like to you left hand's gonna come up let me look um honestly i feel like it looks good how it is you want me to hold it and you can you can come let's start look just putting one in here just to hold it and i am using power tools on the window installation just because i don't want to hammer this and wreck it what do you think adds character trim will cover it i already put a level on this make sure it's level and when it comes to i'm just tacking these on right now but uh pretty much the most important part of installing a window is the insulation and that'll be in the installation video so but right now i'm just getting them tacked on since we're done staining out here and then going around putting trim around them and then like i said the insulation of the window will be in the installation video i just kind of put them in randomly you don't have to nail them in every single hole these windows are pretty light and they're not i'll have trim around this and the trim gets screwed through the snailing flange anyways so it's not going anywhere so i don't need to get too overkill with the screws [Music] that one's in after we installed this other one this other window here next to this one looking at them it looked like this one was kind of a little bit lower which would drive me nuts so um i ended up lifting this up about a quarter inch or so now it's the same height as that one so it looks a lot better and that's why i was saying when you framing your windows you know you leave a quarter inch all the way around for that reason you know you can shim it whatever you got to do to get it sitting level and at the right height so it looks good now though back two windows are installed here sierra and i's bedroom is right here this is kind of the little office area um kind of a little a smaller spare bedroom and then we got these two in these ones are trimmed out so we got we have two more windows to install and then the door and we're completely dried in i just snapped a line here on all these raptor tails you see that little blue mark there and so i'm going to cut these off a little bit just so they're not they're just kind of barely hanging down where you can see them you know from inside looking out they're kind of been kind of blocking the window a little bit so i've snapped them to where i'll cut that off it's not going to hurt the structure of you know the wrappers any or anything um but it'll make it a lot better just so that's not hanging down because that'll kind of annoy me a little bit so yeah i'm gonna buzz all those off get the fascia board on that'll make this look a lot cleaner but let's go check on the chickens here it's kind of chilly out today so i got the little buddy heater going inside the camp the camper here hi chickens kind of an interesting situation here you know two adults a dog and seven chicks now living in a 8 by 12 camper but we're going to be moving into the cabin soon okay i cut all these rafter tails um cut them down a little bit so i'll show you what i mean here now so now when you look out the window you don't see them you know before you can see them kind of hanging down so this right here is the start of the front door that i'm i'm building i build all the front doors in my cabins because you can build a pretty cool rustic wood door for pretty cheap you know plus it's kind of hard to find these in the store and like i said they're pretty easy to make so this is obviously the frame for it and then i have these 1 by 12s and i try to pick out cool ones that have nice grain and all that because we are going to stain these um so it will be three 1 by 12's wide they'll get nailed to this actually i'm going to put reflectix insulation down first then nail these 1 by 12 to this frame flip it over put another layer of reflectix insulation and then nail the other three to this side then we'll basically have a box that'll have reflectix and then on both sides and then uh air gap the width of a two by four so a three and a half inch air gap on the door to the camper over there i have foam board i did the same type of door but i had foam board in there and that worked really well but i want to try the reflectix and see how warm that is with that air gap in there i think it's going to work well so this side's nailed off you can see i got reflectix in here then it'll be this air gap i'm getting ready to nail the 1 by 12 to this side now here's the front door all finished up here so we went with the x pattern i think that looks pretty sweet we're going to stain this too there you go that's a pretty simple rustic wooden front door exciting day today i'm gonna get everything 100 done outside so all the fascia boards here trim on all the windows we're gonna get this door installed that way every last nail is driven um outside so we can start inside and know that everything outside is 100 done as much as i want to get started inside you know then then this stuff kind of gets put on the back burner and those birds are going nuts but then everything gets kind of put on the back burner and then it never really gets done and then you kind of forget about stuff so i like to get things 100 done and then move on to the next thing that way i know i'm good so everything outside will be done except for the porch and the skirting underneath the cabin here but that'll be later on so last window going in we're officially dried in all windows and the door is installed foreign looks perfect no it looks good well the outside of the cabin is almost 100 done doors installed all the trim boards are up fascia boards we do have to add skirting around the perimeter of the cabin as well as a porch but that'll be in later videos we have a lot on our plate right now you know we're starting this homestead from scratch we just got chicken so i have to build a chicken coop wood shed we got a pound of sandpoint well yet we got to till up our garden area which we already have seed started for that so we're going to be pretty busy here uh this summer there's going to be a lot of videos and the videos are going to be a little bit more more random uh at this point here i still have eight cords of firewood to put up so there's a lot to do but i'm gonna give you guys a quick tour here of where things are gonna go inside because i am starting on the interior rooms and loft today i will have videos of all this stuff when i finish the inside here as well but as you come in here this is going to be like a coat rack area a little bench put shoes underneath this is gonna be the kitchen right here so this window is centered over the sink this right here is the bathroom this right here is a smaller bedroom this right here is gonna be sierra and i's bedroom and then above all these interior rooms is going to be the loft and then from the loft you'll overlook the living room area and the kitchen so pretty pretty straightforward floor plan you know the more simple you keep things the faster it goes and the easier it is but yeah we got a lot going on here so um i am going to include a price list in the next video a lot of you guys want to know how much it costs to get us to this point especially with the current lumber prices we actually came in right around what what i thought we would so it wasn't it's probably not as high as you guys think but i am going to add up all the receipts and everything and i will have a video of that soon but for now stay tuned like i said the videos are going to get a little more random just because we have so much work to do and other things to do i have to transplant all these trees get rid of a lot of these popple so like i said you know we're starting this homestead from scratch this summer so this is going to be the busiest summer of our lives we've got a lot going on but it's exciting you know sierra and i are creating our dream from scratch here and we look forward to sharing it with you guys so as always thanks for watching um i'll have that price uh the video of all the prices um next and then stay tuned you know there's gonna be a lot of like i said a lot of different videos of different things now um you know we're like i said we're starting this thing from scratch so there's a lot to do but we look forward to sharing it with you guys we'll see you guys on the next video
Views: 257,231
Rating: 4.8958564 out of 5
Keywords: Cabin, off grid, off grid cabin, building a cabin, cabin build, Simple cabin build, how to build a cabin, bushradical, Log cabin, my self reliance, diy cabin, Simple living Alaska, life below zero, tiny house, building a tiny house, Off grid living, living off grid, off the grid, Remote cabin, Alaska cabin, homesteading, homestead, Self sufficient living, mortgage free, mortgage free cabin, living in a cabin, cabin living, RV, van life, exploring alternatives, rustic cabin
Id: nq1ADifJs28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 37sec (5557 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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