TIME TO START LIFTING! | Survival Challenge CO-OP | FS22 - Episode 30

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hello everybody and welcome back to survival challenge as you can see across the water there we do have another fi which is ready it's another sanfield so we're going to get straight into there today we'll take the hland off and then hopefully a worker can do most of the work for us but now that we have this new bigger combine it shouldn't really take us too long hopefully yeah the price for soans I would imagine is still pretty good because it's June when they're at their best and it's only July and it's actually early July so I think we should be able to just get these straight to the cell point today from the field to the store instantly that'll be the best option and then I suppose yeah we'll be focusing on turning this field around but it really shouldn't take too long there's two of us with the drills we've got four drills so that's going to be really fast and yeah hopefully this combine is going to be able to do it pretty quickly I hope it is filling quite quickly as well so we need to have a trailer alongside very very soon but I just basically need to make enough space for the worker to turn around so that'll either be two or three laps of the Headland so yeah I hate to start the video with a time lapse so early on but we just need to do this [Music] w [Music] so I'm just going to unload this uh we are just over 50% full but we've got a nice straight line there for the worker to continue on and as you can see we've already done this really really quickly but we now need to focus on the big job of today and that is potato harvesting because the first fit of potatoes is ready which I'm very excited about because I've been wanting to do potatoes for quite some time we've been having a look at the two machines which we could go for uh well there are more than that but obviously they're way out of our price range I think they're probably about half a million pound so no chance but the two possibilities one of them will harvest and then just drop them on the ground it's got a working width of 1.6 M the other one will collect them but it only has a working width of half a meter so um and it's also slightly more expensive yeah we would love to have the one which collects but we're going to have to go with the one which drops because it's three times the width if more than three times the width and it's cheaper we can just use buckets to pick up the potatoes from the ground so we'll leave that there to get on we'll have to keep going back uh now well chain has got the um Z tractor I just need to get this tractor set up with the front loader and bucket we have the front load apart we need the bucket I actually don't think we have a bucket also we obviously do need a trailer it's a bit unfortunate that the one over there is being used um so we can either get another trailer or we can and wait until that one is ready we did have another flat bed but I think chainsaw has sold it at some point I was going to reconfigure it but it has indeed gone I've just checked but the rate that that combine's getting on at we might just be able to sell everything from that field and then use that trailer so we'll get the be the bucket get the B that would be an abbreviation yeah we'll get the bucket so I've just found this the MX bucket and has a capacity of 2,395 L not bad because the standard one is only 1,000 L I think if we have a rear weight on the tractor we'll be fine so let's go with that and is it free to have a different color no uh that's unfortunate we'll just have to stick with the default then okay I just had to sort of well not really an issue but chainsaw couldn't get it to work I've used this before and I knew that it was a bit sensitive this particular Harvester it only seems to work going across and even sometimes when you go across it's sensitive it sometimes it only works in One Direction like you can see yeah there it's losing quite a bit here it's harvested it all so it is strange I'm not too sure what the reason is behind that wow combine's almost finished that's a good thing we obviously do need to have that as soon as possible the trailer uh but this is all ready to go and yeah there's the weight for it I thought I was aligned but no okay 83% full well I think what I'll do then is I'll actually just take over again there's no point wasting money on workers um I can get that done in probably 5 minutes so yeah we'll finish harvesting then we'll sell this trailer load this may fill the trailer I'm not too sure and then yeah we'll go from there start to load the trader with potatoes yeah it probably will fill it and I can't remember exactly how much we were making per Trail load but I think it was around £25,000 plus the bonus the price will have probably come down slightly since that previous episode oh it has yeah uh so yeah we're probably going to be looking more like 20,000 now but still quite good right okay so there we go all aboard [Music] uh yeah I think we have actually already hit 20,000 though maybe it will be about the same as the previous Lo just a bit less 23460 plus 2382 the signage Bells will be ready to sell but the price for those is currently at their worst so we do not want to be selling those just yet um unless of course we are desperate for the money but I don't think we are I'll be interested to know actually what the price of potatoes is the best thing to do with potatoes is probably to put them into a production but we don't really have the money I think the next big purchase is going to be land for the next expansion which I'm guessing is going to be further up that hill as we've started to go up that hill I know there's something in the combine but probably about 200 l oh keep going oh I shouldn't have said that 691 okay well it's not too bad it's probably still ,000 or so indeed 1500 very nice that's freed the trailer up anyway oh there is another Bucket over here for this tractor so if chainsaw manages to finish the harvesting before I can catch up which I think he will do then yeah we can both pick up potatoes uh now I did actually buy the smaller bucket this wasn't intentional I'm not trying to just give him the smaller bucket uh it was just because yeah I I don't think we need to have two really expensive ones and and chances are I will be almost caught up so he'll just be sort of finishing off uh but we can upgrade it if we want to I was just not wanting to spend however much it would have been quite a bit of money most of our money yeah so we might not even need this extra bucket I'm not too sure if CH wants to take it in turns but as suspected it is only working in One Direction I don't know why it's like this but it's not the map it's been like this on every map I've done it on this Harvester so um yeah I just guess it's the way that it's somehow configured on the hitch I don't know but it doesn't really matter the point is it works obviously there might have been an update for it actually it was a while ago that we downloaded these mods but it is we couldn't do without it it's been very helpful on both this series and my previous vintage Survival series a good bucket very good yeah so yeah that proves that the 1,000 liter bucket would have been not enough by a long way and it looks like we are doing okay for counterbalancing just need to make sure they crash into the trailer that's good that's very good okay right so I will continue getting these scooped up this method does work quite effectively in farming SM anyway it probably wouldn't work very effectively in real life I think you'd be taking quite a lot of soil and other stuff with you rocks and all that [Music] right okay so there has been a development um yeah the price okay that was entertaining the price couldn't be worse so what we're going to have to do is just pile them here it's unfortunate but the price really couldn't be worse um yeah it's showing that the worst price is usually around 248 which it is but it's actually lower than that it's 240 so yeah it just it literally is the worst month ever January is the best time so if we just keep waiting we can load these up again into the trailer and get them sold just trying to keep this out the way as much as possible I think just here will be fine be good to do a bit of both do a bit of harvesting and doing a bit of clearing I've done the clearing so if cha wants to swap we can do there we go we don't actually need the trailer anymore as it turns out there we go right uh that's a tree we won't crash into the tree just taking the scenic route back to the field and making myself look like a buffoon ah there we go right so yeah so the MX loader is obviously the best one well the MX bucket is the best one to go for whoa whoa what's going on there what's going on okay Cy good job that PTO has a shaft extension huh no idea what's going on going to have to reset it well for whatever reason it wasn't on the reset l so I've just rammed it with the V TR and that seem to have worked so I don't know mystery anyway I think that's sorted it hopefully it still works after being rammed at full speed by another tractor yep that seems not right there we go I don't know what don't have a clue what happened to I just jumped into it and it was like that anyway now we can continue we can get this field finished chainsaw can continue producing the pile over there but we do have to keep lifting and going round so that we are harvesting every potato plant we're getting close to the end but we do have also another field which I think will be one month behind this one uh not that there's a rush with the price where it is yeah that's working okay so we'll get this finished off and we'll see how big the potato pile is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] final bit so yeah obviously this was just like a last minute thought this field uh that's where shape eventually this area will probably look completely different the field shape will change it will much more organized as we expand but yeah our boundary is just literally on the top of that field so if we were to buy plot 22 wow look at all that that is just huge that would be an amazing purchase how much is that 69,000 it's actually not that expensive that's pretty cheap and there is that area which will be incorporated into either this grass field or into that field probably that field anyway yeah this is going to be required probably in the next episode in the other Potato field so we'll take it over there cross the bridge the canola is growing nicely looks like the hertin spraying did work effectively as well but as soon as we have the money we will get the spot I think it's called spot and spray which is basically oh no C and spray C and spray it's a spots sprayer so it will reduce herbicide consumption dramatically so this is the uh the next field should be ready next time good yield so that's going to be good anyway I think Chance lost connection so I will just continue piling up and hopefully he's back in just a minute but as you can see not a bad size pile [Music] oh no this line here is out of bounds oh chainsaw is managing to get it there somehow why would it be different for him that's weird oh well at least we've got it and I think that is actually the final piece good so yeah all in all pretty good it's a decent sized pile but of course we can't see the total because it's not a root crop Storage Point is just a pile in the yard but it' be very easy and fast to scoop that up again yeah no total um but chainsaw has got some more but I guess now we have well we do have got that field over there which needs to have something done to it I will probably spread some lime uh that would make sense it's always a good thing to do as for the bucket that can stay over here but actually yeah when we do come to sell the potatoes the price will be at its best and we'll have two Fields combined so that should be quite a good payday now that we have the extra working width on this sprad we should be able to get the lime done really really quickly uh in fact maybe just a quick lap of the Headland and then just fill in the middle really fast it's always so good when you got some big machinery right is that going to make a difference does it actually need it yeah it's making a small Improvement so I think it's always worth doing we might as well we've got nothing to lose and we certainly won't need to refill but whether or not we redraw this today we'll be able to chainsaw and um also the crop that we put in uh I think maybe another canola crop is a good idea I say another because the F over there is canola we've just done a load of slow beans so maybe doing a load of canola would be a good idea the other good thing about canola is it's worth a lot and it doesn't grow overnight so we can sort of focus on other areas without this field being ready to harvest yet again [Music] done really Ed Too Much chainsa is there with the drill uh we probably should put that in there actually yeah so we we do have um another set of drills but I don't think we really need to use it on that field I would be probably better off getting the rolls so we can start rolling oh not doing very well here am I let me uh just correct my reversing there we we go try not to go through the back wall either that would be embarrassing yeah so I have to obviously let chainsaw get ahead slightly otherwise I'm going to get in the way but I think everything else is going well the Sheep are producing wall not too sure if we're going to get a spinner or something like that but anyway yes let's just allow chainsaw to go around again or start to go up and down more fertilizer required so chel is obviously going to get quite a long way in front so we can just do the rolling with these without getting in the way now thing is can we pick up four bags with these tins it would be good and I know we don't need four bags for this particular field but we do need four bags at some point so I'm hopeful I think we probably will be able to get this can't really see the times normally much easier from first person view but I guess I've messed up let me reposition yeah I don't know why I can't see the times very well and embarrassing ah not set wide enough does help I suppose if you set the times to the correct width oh that is not going to happen right well we just take these two for now it won't go very far though um I think one full bag in each one will probably only fill it at a guess about 30 or 40% I don't know exactly but not too much well we finally arriv the forklift certainly wasn't putting uh much power into its transmission when coming up that hill right and CH almost finished anyway so what should I just I'll put it over here is he taking it other side getting confused is this one for one am I right in thinking it's only this one that needs it must be it's gone again lost connection again anyway we have the rolls we have an area it's not quite finished but we have an area to do so we'll do it let's go and then well there is herbicide spraying not essential for this episode can be done next time when the crop is germinated the rolling is essential though cuz the the crop will germinate between this episode and the next one control when we're moving to the rhy of Love yeah the Ry of [Music] [Applause] [Music] love I'm spining out of control when we're moving to the of love [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the well um this is going to be interesting when it grows yeah one of those drills is putting oats in and the other one is putting canola in so this is going to be one weird looking field I was thinking if we could somehow do whole crop harvesting then it wouldn't even matter that it's two different crops but yeah it's getting to that stage being able to afford a machine that can do whole crop harvesting failing that we could try and harvest two different crops but we just have to see it is going to look quite strange as you can see there it's like some kind of artwork right okay well that is the field done uh it will be interesting to see what it all looks like next time but we'll put this in the yard and we'll call it a day it's been good to get those potatoes done and in fact the the soybeans it feels like a long time ago now thank you so much for watching Everybody hopefully you enjoyed it and until next time see you again soon bye for now
Channel: Daggerwin
Views: 26,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming simulator 22, farming simulator 2022, farming simulator 22 daggerwin, farming simulator, fs22, farming simulator 22 gameplay, let's play, gameplay, farming simulator 22 lets play, farming simulator 22 let's play, competitive multiplayer, farming simulator competitive multiplayer, survival challenge, survival challenge multiplayer, SURVIVAL CHALLENGE KORPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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