How To Make Money FIXING CARS ($1000 AN HOUR!!)

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today I'm going to teach you how to make some good cash by using basic DIY skills and fixing cars now last episode Mighty completely wasted his time wasted our friends time and most importantly wasted our money by fixing up another Subaru it was an absolute piece of they put about 100 manh hours into it and only made about 100 bucks we're talking $1 per hour that this episode we're making some real cash we're aiming for $1,000 per hour how do we do it just like this you want to make some good cash flipping cars then forget your stupid JDM turbocharged manual Ultra Niche cars JDM Cars are dead rubbish you you want to buy a car that's cheap and boring that you can sell for a lot to a boring person what car do you do that with the ultimate of all boring cars I know you're saying Camry but no it's not there's something smaller it's the Toyota Corolla people what does Corolla mean it's Latin the small crown cuz Toyota makes a bigger car it's a bigger crown worn by the losers that drive them I actually like crowns I think they're pretty cool let's get back to Corollas you want to buy them cheap sell them high we're going to buy the cheapest one in the country let's do it the first step is to jack up your internet you want to get onto a car sales site then search by cheapest and find the absolutely cheapest version of the car you're looking for then give them a call and try and do a deal right there and then on the phone I'm calling up about your Corolla is it still for sale um yeah it is in the photos it looks pretty rough like I'm just wondering has it like do you know if it's got a service history or anything uh honestly I can't remember exactly is there anything broken one day someone hit my car but I tried to fix it by myself so I can't I can't promise you something very good I can't promise you something [Music] you're asking for 3,200 is that right yeah because I'm leaving soon I need to sell it very quickly would you consider taking $2,800 if I transfer you a deposit and then come and pick it up straight away yeah I think it will be good so we've managed to get the cheapest Toyota Corolla in Australia uh site unseen uh asking 3200 uh 2800 so I'm going to send a deposit which is a really good way of like making sure that the seller knows that you're legit by the way if you ask for a deposit and someone doesn't give you a deposit they're probably not legit there could be something wrong with it I do have to check its red Joy status but even at $2,800 without red jo it's going to be a good deal so I'll send some money and then um let's go pick it up on arrival it's pretty clear that this car is just as bad as it looks in the pictures it looks like it's spent its life underneath trees and because of that it's just in really poor condition inside and out there's lots of damage on the bumpers there's lots of dirt all over it and it looks like it's had zero love look at this someone's keed it so rough they need some avocado this is I mean this is a really really rough example of a Corolla which makes it perfect the last Service uh was 10 years ago in 2014 cool inside uh it's a little bit smelly uh pretty dirty I guess what you expect for a car that only cost about $3,000 look at this like just baked on foliage it actually doesn't smell too bad but it just smells really damp and um that that would probably be why can you see under there so the back of the car uh is full of water and to see a gross that's a big leak all right there is definitely uh definitely something not right up there it's got tire that's good all right under here more Forest it's got some wer riding on it so maybe it's had an engine it does actually appear to have some oil in it which is shocking compared to how the rest of the car presents it's just really really neglected like someone who just just does not care at all fancy versions of this same year are going for $115,000 so there is definitely meat there there is definitely money to be made and at 2,800 bucks I reckon this is an absolute bargain forget the idea of what you think is a cool car and get the opposite we're trying to make the net as wide as possible you want cool rare JDM stuff no you need to get common boring stuff you want manual no you want Auto you want boring and auto cuz that's what most people want um let's see how it goes all right so somewhat shockingly the car actually drives well so it's straight back to Mighty Car Mods to start fixing it up all right people this here is the cheapest Toyota Corolla in Australia 2,800 bucks we're going to fix it up we're going to flip it today and see how much money we can make but before we do that there is a bunch of stuff that we have to fix like this this that this this gross that this this this that this this that this not this that this this this that this and that apparently somewhere in the world someone buys a Corolla every 36 seconds but in that same amount of time the human population farts over 11.6 million times which I think is more interesting hanging out like I don't give a I get you filled up like a garbage truck I see you on a Tuesday maybe if you want to stay I'll be jumping on you like I'm crazy bring a beat like you know you're not alone you got me fired up like a d so there is a little bit that needs to be done but it's nothing major people we're not overthinking this we're going to clean it repair it service it and sell it and we're going to do all of this in just 3 hours the first thing you should do when you're selling your car is to wash it at least put in the most basic amount of effort to make sure that it looks presentable because otherwise no one will buy it we'll accept for me and I'll probably pay you too much for it I've done it before and I'll do it again after a proper wash and pressure clean on the outside I'm moving onto the interior for a vacuum a wet back of the seats in the carpet and then I'll give a proper scrub to all of the hard surfaces to remove years and years of human slime okay the car is clean inside and out and I'm going to make a bold claim iren that is already worth 500 bucks more but there is still obviously so much to do now the headlights here are looking cloudy as there are a couple of ways to fix that if you're straight out of low cach you can use urine and toothpaste we've shown that before in the past when we made that video maybe 15 years ago we also showed that you can clean it with avocado skin but these days avocados are expensive you can check out that video up there um I'm going to get my mate Jackie in because he loves cleaning headlights he's going to give me a hand with that while he's doing doing that I'm going to remove the rebar there is too much repair that needs to be done we're not doing plastic welding we're literally going to pull it off throw it in the bin and then just replace it with a new one because it's cheaper and faster look at this bar people 1 2 3 four and the factory white that is five different shades of white on this bar to get that fixed we got a quote on the cheap 600 bucks ain't no one got time for that ain't no one got the cash for that this is no Subaru junkyard rest restoration this a Toyota Corolla there are Parts everywhere and they're cheap and check this out a rear bar in I would say average to excellent condition and that was only 100 bucks so we take that one off we throw it in the bin and then we put this one in and we're moving on of course we are all for the DIY repairs and in a previous episode on a Renault Cleo we fixed up a bumper using plastic welding and painting on the rear bumper but because the Corolla is so common and so boring it's actually really a much better use of time and cheaper just to throw on another one there's a few Clips under the car in the wheel archers and four more bolts that you need to access from inside the boot tighten them all up smash it on and this one is done all right people that is rear bumper on that's like 5 minutes look how much better that is already even though the rear bump is damaged because this is a Corolla all of its parts are worth something to someone so we're going to throw it up online for 50 bucks to see how we go Meanwhile my mate Jackie is moving on to the headlights personally I like the urine and toothpaste method but he's doing well with Polish rear bumper is done one of the headlights is done it's looking great but now people come and have a look at this we've got to move on to the more significant damage I don't know what precipitated this car being keyed but that there is going to be a more significant fix so people I want to tell you a little story put your Tik Tok down and just try and concentrate for more than 8 seconds about 12 years ago when we're making this show yes it was a long long time ago we were having a great time doing YouTube there was no sponsorships people w chasing the algorithm people weren't setting businesses up around it and stuff like that it was just people having fun and at that time Mighty and I were enjoying doing YouTube so much that we said to people hey you know what would be really cool start your own YouTube channel and we'll help you out by making you some graphics by making you some music and sending you a camera so you can do your own and we made a little competition and we ended out sending our gear and music out to people one of those people didn't actually win the competition but has kept making videos all these years I've never met him though I've never met him and 12 years ago he did send us in a video so I decided to contact him because his channel is about painting cars and say can you come and help us out and sure enough he's coming down today hey Dave how you doing how's it going everybody this is Dave he has a YouTube channel called custom spray mods that started 12 years ago and he also has a paint shop which is VG Auto Paints thanks for coming down to help me out with this nugget can you just take me back to like 12 years ago and tell me how you first interacted SL found out about mighty come OD yeah so um I did uh enter that video competition U basically you guys let make a video send it to us ited bit competition and um yeah that was all good so I got some stuff made a video painting a wheel and um kind of forgot about it and then uh viewers were voting on it I believe on a forum you guys back on the mighty coms forum and um and and and the video 10,000 views 30,000 VI 40,000 and um and the competition went ahead I didn't win but um I kept making videos and actually that moment changed it actually changed my life like I started getting into YouTube and uh and making videos and I was getting a little high off off the videos getting out and getting popular and um yeah and having the shop was good because I get to meet the viewers they come in and thank me it's helped them you know do their projects and and get good finishes and it's yeah super satisfying so AES I got to say thank you to you as well really good good so nice to meet you like we've legitimately never met before we just spoke yesterday really briefly so thank you so much for coming down this little nugget um we've got a bit of a time limit on there so I've set 3 hours we're already an hour deep just cleaning the thing so I reckon I can realistically allocate you between like 60 to 90 minutes this is the main one but I also want to color code all the other bits and pieces can you run me through like what the game plan is yeah so um there's a pretty big scratch on this Bonnet here so yeah it'd be a good idea to sand that out prime it paint the Bonnet it's gone right down to metal and there's a bit of rust there so the door handles I mean the quickest way is to just mask them up yeah let's just do that spray a primer spray color and um that's the that's the deal for them the mirror col over there's that mirror there actually can just can H it that can't that is the quickest way to that that one there don't worry about that but the other one we've got to paint the cover white other than that white white and that's pretty much about it yeah like tape is the quickest and easiest way I mean sometimes you remove stuff and doesn't go back on properly you break CPS remove stuff so that Dave and I can both work on the car at the same time we're going to remove the Bonnet in preparation for paint while I give the car a basic service now Dave thinks that he's going to be using one of his fancy paint guns today but that is not actually happening I want to see what kind of result we can get with the cans plus I think it's actually going to be a little bit quicker so meanwhile I'm going to get under the car so I can drop the oil and put in some new stuff also with new filter and check all of the other fluids and that means when we relist the car this afternoon we can include in the ad that the oil has been done and I think for many potential buyers this should be an extra enticing reason to buy My Little Nugget because they probably don't service their car themselves one of the easiest things to do to increase the value of your car is service it it's a really simple thing to do it's an easy skill for you to learn plus when you're selling a car it will stand out from all the other nuggets like this one unwashed unserviced just the wash and an oil change will massively increase your value and that's why I buy buy my cars from people who haven't serviced them cuz they're cheap when it comes to finding out what kind of fluids you need for your car you can use the REO to oil app so basically here it's REO to oil I'll link it down below you enter your number plate in and then it comes up with a car so Toyota Corolla it's a 1.8 L 1 ZZ FE engine and then down here it will show you all the different fluids you need for your car including the best option which for us is Castrol Edge 5W30 it'll also tell you the amounts that you need as well so in our case it is 3.7 L so one once you know that then you can go down to your super cheap auto and you can buy the exact oil that you need uh tell them we sent you say hey Mighty mod sent me I want some oil that'll help you out uh all right I'm going to put the oil in it now I'm going to have to get back to do a little bit more on the engine afterwards because I have noticed that there's a leak but in the meantime it's time to move over to the Bonnet because we need to make sure there's enough time for the paint to dry and I'm about to learn a few tips and tricks from the master so why don't you go this way you're being more effective with the Sandpaper so the Sandpaper is going across the scratch you're using all that sandpaper and do you have to go down the middle for all of it or only the rusty part uh pretty much all of it until the scratch is gone I am so excited to see how this Bonnet looks from a can because as long as you can get some color match paint at home that means you can have a crack at fixing up your car yourself with minimal tools but for now I've got to get back to fixing this leak that I've found from the engine all right so it looks like we are leaking over here and sweating some horsepower out underneath the rocker cover so I'm going to do the gasket while we're here was was going to do the spark plugs anyway so I'll literally whiz all of that off clean this up redo the gasket and then hopefully there'll be a little bit less uh little bit less leakage hold on any longer I tried that I was not strong enough it wasn't easy trying to find the words to light you so i r i [Music] everything I okay The Rocker cover gasket is in so now that can go back on the car then we're going to lay some paint on 90 minutes left people 90 minutes how you going over there Dave you're winning yep we ready to like lay some color on yeah pretty soon great [Applause] [Music] the car does feel a little bit floppy when you drive it so the cheapest way fixing that is changing the bushes you can get them from wh line or alternatively you can actually get this whole lower control arm assembly also from wh line the good thing about this it goes in fairly quickly it's only a couple of Bolts Plus you don't need a press because that there is already attached so that there can go in on both sides and that means when somebody goes for a test drive the car is is feeling nice tight and new it's worth making the point that if you really just wanted to totally maximize your dollars you don't have to change this stuff but personally I like the idea that this car is going back out onto the road better than the way we found it anyway now we're onto the paint so I'm going to Prime this area and one thing I always see people do when they're priming a little area in the middle of a panel is they get some tape and they put a square box around the area that they're going to Prime and then prime it and then when they peel that tape off they've got a box of primer like that's I really don't like doing that because it's going to create a hard Edge and sometimes you can see that in the final finish so I just sand the whole panel and just spray primer over the area let the over spray go sand it off later Dave is laying on some primer in preparation for our color match paint cans and meanwhile I'm removing the driver side mirror housing to replace with one that we picked up from the Wreckers this is an easy swap and an important one to fix do it look like I actually got in there not really good I missed completely in case you didn't notice the new mirror is attached and now we can mask up for our color matched handles to make sure that we get really good coverage on these door handles when we're doing our color coating we're going to use a little hack with a split pin here so inside the door handle you'll see there's a little hole and we're basically going to pull this out and then drop the split pin down there and you can see now it's hanging out that means we got good color behind and good color on the side the last couple of cars that we fixed and flipped ended up with some new Wheels but not today though we're going to give these steelies a mini makeover which should maximize dollar without having to buy any Replacements but more on that soon we're now going to finish off masking the car because time is tight and I want to start laying on some color both on the black parts of the car and on the Bonnet itself what are we do now mate basically we've scuffed these up we're just going to spray plastic primer then spray color and clear probably going to take about 30 minutes okay to do the whole thing start to finish all it what does this stuff do uh that helps the paint stick to the plastic if you have bare plastic plastic primer is the best thing G like that that's it is that actually it perfect is that actually perect I'm I'm in a rush now mate is is how's this dting going on this type of primer that's exactly how you want to do it nice and light don't need to be too heavy that's great how's that that's I could have done it better myself okay cool that goes over there all right so next up 5 minutes and then we put some color on there yep I'm pumped color and clear under Dave's watchful eye I'm laying on some paint and the important tip here is to do many light coats now we're going to do around 3 to four light coats with just 1 to 2 minutes between each coat with the aid of a heat gun this is not the perfect way of doing it but it is the quickest and who wants Perfection anyway if we wanted Perfection we'd be working on a Holden CA or a scoda Yeti [Music] [Music] after laying on some paint are you seeing what I'm seeing this Bonnet looks freaking incredible next thing I'm going to do is paint the wheels black even though we're running hubcaps I do want them to look nice and new through the little gaps in the hubcap so I'm going to use my Ryobi power scrubber again spin the wheel and lay on some color and hopefully uh we get some success with that Aran that looks pretty good thank you so much for coming down um this looks incredible this is actually the best paint I've ever seen out of a can can you tell me like what's the secret other than you well I mean one thing I see people do a lot is they don't overlap enough so I made sure to overlap and you probably saw I was going like really a thousand passes across with the can and that's just to make sure it's even no tiger stripes and um she's nice and you happy with this I'm very happy with that yeah yeah that's great I mean for this car we could put it on and it's done but if you want it looking just as good as your factory finish sand in a buff the car is looking amazing with some paint but one of the things that I have to do is try and fix that leak and find out why there's so much water pulling down there now I had a look underneath the headlining here I can't see any water damage but what I can see come and have a look at this is inside this light I can see some condensation so what I think is happening is water might be coming down here and then leaking there into the boot now in other news Roy Obi just sent us one of their new USB lithium products this is the little inspection torch they also make an inflator and a soldering iron this is really cool because it's USBC chargeable which means you can charge it in your car I'm going to crack this out and have a look and see if I can find where that water's leaking in and then fix it now this is not a repair that has to be done in order to sell the car but if there is a problem with it and you can fix it I reckon it's the right thing to do or at very least make sure you tell the new owner about it all right so I can see a little bit of water down there and sure enough it is wet so yeah it's that light going to pull that out reseal it hopefully that fixes the problem I just dropped a nut down there and I actually don't know where it is but I'm going to try and use the magnet on my light to see if I hear the right noises hey so after a bit more investigation I think I've worked out what's going on it looks like there's water coming in where the tail light is into this little cavity and then it fills up with so much water that that spills over into where the spare tire is so I'm going to dry that out and then remove the tail light and see if there's a wave sealing it up all right let's have a look and see I would say that is it look how wet it is that's foul the most shocking thing about trying to fix this light is that Toyota do not have the seals required to repair it it would take take them a week to order that in and I do not have the time so I'm going to clean up the area as much as I can dry it off with a leaf blower and then add some goo to the original rubber to try and make it seal with that done I'm getting close to running out of time but there's still a bunch of important little fixes that I can still do to make the car look a whole lot [Music] better I'm changing the cabin filter because as you can see it looks like it hasn't been done in years I'm also going to be changing the wiper blades and you may be wondering why are you spending money on this stuff when you don't need to to sell the car because I'm hoping to get a premium and by changing all of these things you can show the potential buy that the car's really had some effort put into it and that effort I'm hoping should equate to a premium in the price that I can get now normally when a car gets to this point I start thinking lowering springs put on some mad Wheels put on an exhaust put on an intake I can guarantee you when selling a car like this every single one of those modifications will lose you money we're going Stock People stocks the future stocks stocks the stuff we like we love we don't like modifications we like hubcap covers now these should fit cuz that's a Toyota corala we got these from super cheap auto that there I think is meant to look like that but the picture on the box is an actual wheel anyway we're going for maximum Normy people because that's where the maximum dollery dos are so basically going to grab one of these it's got a little uh retention ring that goes on the back of it we're going to throw that on the wheel and it's going to look fantastic you've got to remember the person buying this car doesn't know about core Wheels it looks great what are you talking about it is easy to get stuck in our little bubble of thinking that everybody cares about cool Japanese cars turbo stuff and mad nuggets from Japan but the truth is most people do not care but what I can say is that this car looks a whole lot better than it did just a few hours ago and I'm actually really proud that it's going to go back on the road as a car that has had a little bit of care we're putting this black product on there because basically that brings back the shine to all of these areas it'll give a nice contrast between the White and the black and now the last thing to do a few little touch-ups with some color match paint that Dave brought and then we are done all right people the Corolla is finished look at it it looks absolutely incredible so now we got to start our marketing campaign we want maximum dollar dues and how do you get the most attention well Facebook Marketplace is just like Automotive Tinder from what I've heard so the thing is you want to get everybody's attention with some epic photos hey James how you doing thank you very much for coming down all right you've taken uh potentially well we think maybe 2 million shots of close to 2 million shots I'm going to put you on the spot what are the five tips that we can give the people to help them sell a car and take photos firstly wash your car you've done a good job of that it is spotless and photo ready okay cool tip number two good location just go to a park it's the easiest way to do it no people around just the car looks good tip number three lighting so during the daytime obviously night time is generally terrible you got harsh lights just du in the daytime good sunny day or even overcast is good is it like when the sun's directly above is that bad compared to when it's on an angle like what time of the day is is Magic hour 12:00 is good because it looks nice and even but if you want to make it look a little bit spicier you can go closer to Sunset nice all right tip number four you don't need a big camera like this you can use your iPhone no worries at all but a good tip is to use a polarizing filter and it doesn't have to screw on it can just go in front of your camera holders and it's sweet wait get your iPhone hold that in front of it and take a photo through that exactly it takes away all the reflections that you don't want to see on the on the car and it brings out the color of it all right and tip number five last one your first photo on Marketplace is the most crucial you want a good front 3/4 shot of the car let's go take a couple of photos get our add up and then everybody we got a Corolla for sale come and buy it please right now uh Thanks James no worries how long will it take you to take a couple of photos like can you do that in like 10 minutes I'll run around in five nice all right on let's do it sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] with the car looking amazing and a bunch of new photos ready for a Facebook Marketplace ad I can honestly tell you that the moment this ad went live my inbox started going nuts and very soon after I had my first person come to look at the car but fully Service registration like there's nothing you need to do like it is ready to go all I'm just my I toing first person to see it sold but how much did we get okay people the Corolla is gone it's time to run through the numbers Martin Come On In mate let's see if we could do a little better than your Subaru project that wouldn't be that hard I'm still freaking broken oh that that was you did well man turned out so good if you haven't looked at that yet by the way click on it and have a look anyway let's run through some numbers for the Toyota little Crown mtin that's what it means that's Latin for little Crown all right the car itself 2,800 bucks it was the cheapest one in the country bargain uh now I know why uh running through some numbers quickly $200 for the service stuff $100 for the bumper $100 for the paint all out of a can uh $10 for the antenna the lower control arms thank you to Whit line they actually sent them to me for free so zero cost for me if you wanted to do the same thing at home you could get some cheapies for about 60 bucks or just the bushes um or just the bushes you'd have to try and press them in so all of that those costs come to 3,270 bucks I also sold the old bumper unbelievably for 50 bucks I sold the car for $6,200 now to me I'm pretty impressed with that number but that is on the low end of Corolla they are between 4 and $115,000 why why M yeah you know what you don't see many of them on Marketplace and you don't see many of them cheap cuz I think the only people selling them cheap are motivated like they got to get rid of it so it's either broken or they're you know leaving the country whatever it is but they seem to just not be sold people if you've got one why would you get rid of it and when they when they come up for sale they go so quick like you put a good car up that is registered serviced and clean within half an hour the inbox is just full it's people like going I want it I want it 90% of those people are just lowballing if you if you are selling a Cora or an iPhone 4,000 messages yes still available still available still available so let's get down to the profit people um I don't know if we're doing any better than your Subaru project Martin but all in all when it was all done our profit [Music] $2,980 in look it was 3 hours worth of work on the car there was a little bit of extra time taking photos and cleaning it up but I'm still calling it 3,000 bucks done and I'm calling that how to make $1,000 an hour fixing up your car that's what the thumbnail is going to say that's what the video is going to be called even though we were $20 shy of that and we can take these profits and do another one yes only thing I want to know is which would you rather drive Cora or a mad Liberty wagon dropped Wheels roof box ready for the snow Corolla 100% wouldn't you no what a dumb question no i' I'd honest I'd take Cora over any I guess as a boring daily it's perfect for going to the station I I guess the station you don't need to go to the station you got a Cora dude no you definitely driving to the station if you own one of those okay anyway cuz you prefer trains over cars come on man we are assembling as much money as we can we're trying to get mtin we're trying to get to 10,000 bucks sure um I've contributed a reasonable amount to that you've contributed um to be honest um so I don't know that means I should choose the next car or you should but we're going to keep going till we get to about 10K because then we're going to be buying something special we'll put it all on the line yeah I don't know exactly what's next but I got some ideas we will talk about them I don't have any ideas I do but I'm going to get straight back on Marketplace just find some cheap stuff anyway there it is if you do want to support the show uh you can get this this is pretty much my favorite Mighty come on shirt this is chopped uh it's blue it's red it's white it's kind of cool this is my favorite you can also get super it's super comfy nice and long tall lots of different sizes very nice quality uh thank you very much for watching we do hope you are enjoying this series because we know we are enjoying them very much and the money that we're making from these nuggets are going to be going towards the good stuff the cars live on which I really really like I love they're being driven around so cool you know what all jokes aside that is what was better about you Subaru project than the Corolla the Corolla would have lived on until it just got driven into the ground your car was going to the scrap the Renault was going to the scrap and they both got saved so Good Feeling Good Feeling fixing them up fix them up feels good all right that's it everybody see you next time on another episode of either our favorite thing which is boring stock cars or our other favorite thing which is modified cars that we actually like that you make less money with it's pretty accurate all right see everyone you want to piggy back or you okay no I'm right I'll walk want a cuddle no okay oh actually yeah can I have a cuddle yeah here you go I'll go on the front you the back thanks man how's that what's that that's my arm
Channel: Mighty Car Mods
Views: 552,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mighty, car, mods, mcm, MCM, moog, marty, turbo, how, to, diy
Id: Y--3ayFZ3EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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