Tim Allen on Quarantine, Working During the Pandemic & Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor

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our first guest tonight is a golden globe winning actor tv handyman and the world's greatest classic astronaut the season premiere of his show last man standing airs january 3rd on fox please say hello to tim allen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't worry i've been come on i've been tested i've been milked oh god how are you greeting people did you say milk i've been milked yeah a few times yeah tested milk how's it going thanks for coming in to be here how are you greeting people now i still have this weird thing where even though with the elbows i feel like and i know you're not supposed but i feel like there has to be a touch a bump i don't i i did it i think this is oddly enough i got involved in this exotic car thing for charity it was a ferrari club okay in in michigan and they they were like didn't didn't know i said is this a good idea to be driving cars and steering wheels they're all wiped down and everything but when you got there everybody was hey tool man i love it so i kept doing hey yeah you know hey it was one guy after another no one notices hey that's wow are we supposed to be doing can i ask you did you hide the purell from oh it's right out it was a huge bottle yeah right and everything yeah but the guy said oh you're he goes you're you're worried about the pandemic ah i hope you mispronounced that but i didn't want i just didn't want to get into this stuff you're back at work now right yeah back at work at the same the same situation where i i said they've taken the show out of show business you're just doing your work and the lighting guy's got to come in separate it's it's disney protocols and they're doing it to save everybody's life and all that it's just it's weird our show is based on it's like theater but stand up we have 200 300 people live audience we love our live audience show right not there no live audience no live on you so we have a bunch of uh penalty boxes that first time you did it how did you uh it was very sad and uh didn't know what it was dry and no one knew what to do in the the we have paid laughers in penalty boxes oh you do but there's and they're just up in these boxes and then they were getting dry after a while so we had a paid warm-up guy to warm up the paid laughers and you're going you got to be kidding me this is come on people let's go oh come on wow that's like a hooker paying for sex yeah i'm glad you said a little weird hey come on it wasn't that funny so you have you've got people that are why do they feel like if they pay the people that it's okay they even get the job yeah you're right how deep how do you work hard i can i can laugh at anything i mean oh you're good that's great you should get a job as a paid laugher and i'm working these people all during the week now now now we've gotten into a rhythm and they actually are laughing at it but they watch the every rehearsal that they're you know through protocols once you get into the set you can't leave so they we got to make sure that they're there all week and it's different but we've gotten used to it i'm more sad about this is our ninth season and i don't want to i i'd prefer it not in this way sure yeah of course not of course not if the vaccination works maybe the last eight episodes or the last four episodes we'll get our live crime it is hard to tell what's funny anymore because people not only is you know they're doomed in the air but people are wearing like everyone's dressed like boba fett now and and so you can't is there doom in the air is that what it is yeah there it quite literally is doom in the air wow yeah a little dramatic and wait well maybe we'll see i don't know uh tell rudy giuliani it's a little too dramatic but it's i understand i understand yeah but but uh what i'm saying is though it's like people can't even hear you you can't see like people's lips i i just i feel like i'm living in a nursing home no i can't hear anyone i can't they can't hear me it's just i get it i get it that's one of the things that's really taken the the shine up in comedies really hard to deal with right now yeah yeah i think it's harder than being a doctor and what i what if you're a funny doctor oh man they're really screwed you're patch adams they're in a lot of trouble you don't want to be funny again looking for prostate before you had to go back to work where were you were you here in l.a we were in la to we've got we got up to bat our last show of the season right i mean it was monday we shoot tuesday monday people it was coming on so we said we'll wait and no one wanted to come in the next day disney didn't want to open it up so we didn't shoot our last show and then my kid it was on spring break if you if i'll recall and then all of a sudden she says oh we'll be back after this this would probably you know get better in may or june boom nothing so we went back to our cottage in uh michigan oh okay then it that's nice were you out in the middle oh was it it's a small house it's you know a couple weeks in the summer yeah but you get in there with the i'm blessed i have a great family but it means you you get up and you go how are you again it's that you know you have solitude i mean you're i don't like the women no right a little small town and it was a small town and they didn't they weren't michigan's difficult to pinpoint they were kind of rebelling against it and it's not that bad and some people will or don't you we care about old people of course we do the next door neighbor 90 year old dutch woman she was always in her yard doing i don't want to get the rash the whole summer it was i don't want the rash and i go that kind of i like the word rags it makes it seem like you know just stay over there i'll bring some smoke tearing over but i don't want the rat and i want whatever that is you brought a photograph of your i assume this is your house right now uh this is your studio this is your zoom room i it's this business eventually i was you know you people want i'd do some interviews on right all of a sudden you're going this looks terrible because you realize there's people in this business that do this stuff right and all of a sudden i go i got to call my lighting guys oh you're going to need a fill light and all this and i saw all people al roker early i go how does that dude look so good where is he that's first thing you look at and his background looked good so i called my people at apple and they said well we sent these kits out and how does that the the not the voice this the singing show with uh uh blake shelton how does he look good at his house yeah he always looks good well they smell yeah even in person he looks good yeah they sent two cameras they said we'd have two iphone 11s well i don't have two iphone 11s when you have to this this so i set up the studio but now that i'm like a nut every time my wife's on with her family i'm in the room going no honey you get let me get yeah can i look speaking of being a nut can i see who did now it appears that you have a microscope in that uh studio maybe i shouldn't have showed you that are you working to find a cure for the coronavirus i i am a fascinating guy i have a microscope and a periodic truck back there yeah i noticed i tell my kids the only way to solve a problem is you got to get to the bottom of it you know so you every time we do something i want her to look through a microscope if we can figure it out basically that's because i've got this thing a science fiction book called uh children of time it's about spiders so i'm fascinated by spiders and if i kill them by mistake i will not kill spiders because they're all girls by the way most of them really the big ones are and so i make friends with them my my family hates it i talk to insects because i got time i got time i do so you get close to them and i take pictures and if they die i put them under the microscope when i show my young the youngest that they're they're scary as hell tim allen is a very lonely man um we're gonna show his last man standing more with tim when we return we'll be right back i was pretty famous myself i had this tv show for eight years called tool time and yet here you are you ran eight years they called me the tool man kind of my thing because it was you know oh oh oh oh little annoying that is that was tim taylor from home improvement with mike baxter from last man standing meeting in some kind of marvel cinematic universe type of situation they call this episode duel time duel time that's good it was it was pitched to me by the showrunner who he said let's he just he comes up with these weird ideas a standalone episode what if we could get the two guys to meet then it gets into this weird world where the only other character i've done this far is buzz lightyear sometimes i'll say buzz wouldn't say that uh-huh i it inevitably people are telling me how to grunt ah you know the writers are going i want a curious grunt and they write it is it that's a curious grunt g-r-r with a question mark and then i got so into it i said tim taylor wouldn't number one i'm not sure he translates to uh mike baxter it was very difficult to be the two guys more than because i did most of the scenes obviously what did one side did the other side yeah but what's tim taylor like nowadays and i got way into this well his hair's white you know that one that's one of the better jokes in there taylor goes we look just like each other except i don't color my hair and it was really clever it's a standalone episode i appreciate so much that these writers came up with a clever way to be fun yeah yeah it was real fun to bring tim taylor to to and its stand alone has nothing to do with the regular episode you're doing another show right now for history channel right richard karn um which is um it's the idea of the show is a great idea and correct me if i have this wrong but people um workers people who builders etc fix things i've always been fascinated by my crew on both shows where i bring stuff from home this toaster i don't what i don't want to get a new toaster what's wrong with this toaster and it's always amazed me it's always a little thing and but i love people men and women that take stuff apart instead of throwing stuff out they can make it better even so i said let's get a show where we just celebrate the women and men build people that solve problems unlike in politics and everything else i'm talking about the people that cause them i'm telling them people go give me the give me the details again and let me go fix it or at least try to fix it and then i we found it was supposed to be done in a big studio here when we set up instead we had to go to their homes because it was coveted it turned out to be even more interesting to me and the big side of it was i'm out of my mind because it's a kind of a reality show so there's no end to it right you're in a thing and then pretty soon i'm out of my mind i'm sweating and the director goes you've never been in this situation when does it stop because you got to watch 90-minute builds and then when do i go to the bathroom when you've got stuff to eat where's the where's the was the snack but karen was great because he would calm me down and some of the best acting we're acting like real people that's what it felt like because we're supposed to be hosting this and it turned out so dramatic because you get the people that really can fix stuff and me i wanted to go at one point maybe we will in the future we've shot 10 episodes and it's amazing what the men and women we found all over the country that can do stuff amazing stuff and they don't say no they go let me figure it out and i wanted to throw because i'm so disheartened by the homeless in los angeles yeah and i've worked with the midnight mission downtown anything i can do and it's nobody knows what to do even and i wonder if you took people that build stuff what would you do how would you solve at least chip away at this instead of throw money at it or talk about it but if you if you know what it is here it's very difficult it is a very very complex subject yes yes and i said bought what if what if a person that was let me just uh instead of talking about it they just dug in and said maybe we just give them all tents with phones in them or anything just one idea to move it forward and give us the have facilities or i want to help you out give me some ideas what i could do with it rather than just chat about it because literally in my area it's so frustrating to watch people around this area homeless improvement just an idea is the kind of thing that i think the show is called last man standing january third on fox and assembly required coming on the new history channel uh tim allen everybody we're right back with stacey abrams hi i'm jimmy kimmel if you want to see all our latest videos click the subscribe button and if you don't click anyway and close your eyes when they come on
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 402,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, Tim Allen, Actor, Last man Standing, Fox, Tooltime, Paid Laughs, Showbiz, Michigan, Stand Up, Comedy Clubs, Jay Leno, The Voice, Home Studio, Home Improvement
Id: -vYDoea8XkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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