πŸŒˆβ™»οΈ Play Cake Storytime β‡οΈπŸ’– ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Mizura | Tiktok Compilations #137

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even if I always princess stop look above your head singing why would she ban singing honestly princess I'm pretty sure the queen is jealous of you but why would stepmother be jealous of me don't you remember her wedding you may now kiss the bride yay now I get to have a new mom that's right sweetheart your daughter is so cute here honey take a Rose thank you it's my wedding day not hers and now that I'm Queen I have the power to do this give that to me wait do you hear that yeah it sounds like someone's singing It's the new maid Linda Linda stop she can't hear you she has headphones on listen Linda look at me hello we have to run over to her before she no she's gone too far this time I have to speak to father about this Lydia there you are I was looking for you where's father there's something I have to tell you but first why did you ban crying as a princess you can't be seen getting hysterical and I'm afraid to inform you your father is ill what yes dear I'm not sure if he's going to make it let me see him oh Father how did this happen I'm not sure but your mother has gone too far with these new rules yes and I'm afraid she's been abusing her power father we have to stop her listen to me you have to write my wrongs it is up to you don't say that you are the only hope to save the kingdom father your boyfriend Prince William is here to see you yes send him in please of course princess Lydia I heard the news here this is for you alone my favorite flower this means a lot to me William thank you it's the least I can do I can't believe she's not letting anyone cry about the loss of your father Lydia the queen is out to get you she must be stopped but how sh I might know a way but it involves us getting good afternoon princess I have prepared your favorite oh my what a mess and he was my favorite Chef too what a Pity I'm allowed to speak because I'm the queen and I make the rules but I don't have to follow them what you are doing is evil well I don't care what you think Prince William now if you'll excuse us I need to speak to Lydia alone Lydia I was just informed that your father made a law that once you get married you will become Queen and you see I can't have that happening and since you and the prince are getting pretty serious no now he must be killed no stepmother please he's all I have left usually I only give people a few seconds to obey the rules but since he's royalty I'll give you one minute to break up with him your time starts now follow her yes your majesty William William we have to break up she banned boyfriends not fiances Lydia will you marry me queen says you have 10 seconds left test scores are in your intelligence level will now appear above your head what does mine say you got a six yes wait what does mine say you got a two what I have been refreshing Instagram for the past 5 minutes why will nothing load that's cuz I unplug the internet you need to read more mom reading isn't going to make my number go up you listen to me you're an embarrassment to this whole family so you get that number up by the end of the month or you're out of here Crystal what is up with you here take this okay what is this it stimulates the neurons in your brain which causes a chemical reaction which allows you to process information at okay hold on English please look basically it makes you super smart this is a prank isn't it look I know I'm not that smart but I'm also not that dumb either so Crystal I made my intelligence level go up see wait how did you do that I'm telling you it's the pill look I'm not supposed to be doing this but just take it Jamie wait I have to go hey they're handing out graduation gowns right now I don't think she's going to need one of those if you know what I mean yeah we'll see about that I swear this pill better freaking [Music] work Crystal Crystal are you still with us what's the answer to number two well it's simple math really you take the numerator divide it by the denominator multiply that times two which will give you 81 of course and then you take the square root which will give you nine how'd she do that what the hell correct but Crystal your number went up how'd you solve that equation so fast that was a warm-up question any fifth grader could have solved it really cuz you seem pretty impressed by it yeah only because you were so dumb before how did you make your intelligence level go up though you don't like me do you uh yeah no Sherlock yeah but why is that I mean we were such good friends until high school it's because of Jamie isn't it she intimidates you she does not she does which explains why you never make direct eye contact with her you feel like she replaced you as my best friend you a psychologist all of a sudden come on Vib let's go and you two are dating now aren't you what how do you know the way that he's protective over you it indicates that cares about your feelings and you two also smell very similar which tells me that you're probably watch it Crystal mind your own business how the hell did I know all that guess who got an A on every test today mom guess she's not home yet ow hello hey there's something I have to tell you about the pills is it that they have side effects because I think I'm feeling them right now oh no um just just hang on I'll be right there okay help oh my gosh Crystal here you have to take this are you feeling all right now yeah much better good but about the pills if you stop taking them you you what you you die Jamie are you kidding me right now how could you not tell me about this I I didn't find out until yesterday where are those pills from I'm going to be in so much trouble they're from a lab that my sister works at I sort of stole them this is 30 days worth so about a month Jamie what happens when these run out uh sweetheart meet my new wife hello dear she's just about to get her words for the day really well how much did you get we that's weird she usually get it's way more words than that how many words today dear oh how awful and at your father's funeral too you should use them to say something to him I'll miss you Daddy it's that time again time to see how many words you got oh four again I want a notebook we've been over this that would be a waste of paper and you're foolish to use up your words so quickly it's probably best you don't speak dear my queen how is she to meet a prince if she cannot speak well that's just it she won't be able to meet one princess we heard there's a prince that wants to meet you at the ball today ladies we do not gossip in this castle and I can assure you that's not true don't worry princess you look great you're ready for the ball you're going to make such a beautiful queen someday Queen she can never be Queen why not because she hardly ever gets any words how can she rule a kingdom with no words at 18 she's supposed to take the throne absolutely not it's bad enough she's a silent princess imagine having a silent Queen hello princess how was your day today oh no words huh I find it better when women don't speak anyways care to dance oh what was that for excuse me princess I uh I saw what you did back there I thought it was great I can't stand that Prince but actually there's something I wanted to talk to you about maybe in private it's about your excuse me it's past her bedtime come along I don't ever want to see you around that Prince again he's not to be trusted how many words today how many did you get four again well might as well use them up right now oh don't be stubborn just say something I will be Queen how dare you talk to me like that you need to learn respect you shall not leave this room for 2 days I'm sorry Princess we cannot open the door princess can you hear me I don't think this is her room help oh princess hey I can't believe I found you I also can't believe I climbed up this Tower can I come inside right sorry first things first I want to give you some words I know it's illegal but you deserve to speak thank you look there's no easy way to tell you this I think the queen is taking your words what yeah but worse than that I think she's trying to have you killed open the door I need to check on her hurry up open the door you have to go climb out the window be careful just thought I'd check on you has anyone brought you any food yet well you must be starving I'll have the chefs make you something special here you are dear what it's your favorite why won't you eat you're trying to poison me how did you who gave you words my Queen We CAU a boy trying to climb down the castle no oh so it was a boy who gave you words lock him up no please he was just trying to help me that's enough out of you take him to the dungeon it's illegal to transfer words to someone else yes your majesty I know that you want me gone really took you long enough well you're not going to get away with it because I'm going to expose you to what's that dear I can't hear you you see I I found a way to take your words the time has come no one can hear you in life you must take what's rightfully yours you see since you're Royal Blood and I'm not you're to take the throne at 18 and we can't have that happening now can we poor helpless princess should have just eaten the food after all that's how I got rid of your father what you didn't think he just mysteriously passed away did you you little hey get away from her who set you free that would be me the prince told me of your evil plan looks like he was right here princess that's illegal so is trying to kill the princess you are no longer Queen would you like to take her words no you had infinite words yet you were still taking words from me take her away congrats on becoming Queen thank you for everything and I know this might sound kind of silly but I feel like you and I are meant to be together actually you took the words right out of my mouth let's see what sense you lose honey touch oh wow does that mean that I can't feel pain yep it sure does oh this is going to be the best day ever and then after that I got so embarrassed that I whoops you jerk you hit her right in the head hey it's okay I I can't feel pain oh really well in that case will you go to the blood drive with me I'm really scared here to go alone um okay okay let me see your arm does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead um honey wake up you're all done I got a little bit distracted but you should be fine Mom I'm feeling kind of lightheaded oh dear okay honey I'm taking you to get checked out any discomfort here and how many fingers now three I got your lab results and I don't know how you didn't feel this can't believe you didn't feel this feel what you said you've been feeling kind of lightheaded correct yeah just like kind of dizzy that's because you have lost a significant amount of blood did you go to a blood drive or anything recently does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead that lady she did this to me what lady honey the one from the blood drive I have to go find her oh no you don't you are in no condition to leave but honey listen to the doctor how are you not feeling pain you almost died your heart could have stopped oh my you might want to close your eyes for this part is that a bite mark that nurse at the blood drive she must have been a so how many words you get three again well you might as well use them up right now I love you oh babe I love love you even more and what can I get you to I'll take the steak and fries and she's going to get the side salad that's it are you sure you don't want to bit more to eat she doesn't have any more words left oh I apologize I didn't realize let me see that one babe nah I don't like it I'm going to find you something else here try this one on I'll come with you excuse me sir but there's only one person allowed in the fitting room at a time what but she needs help putting this on oh well since I work here I can go ahead and help her out with that it's no problem fine just don't be too long is everything okay oh you don't have any words left do you I'm really not supposed to do this but here hopefully that's enough words for you he's not my boyfriend babe you almost done sorry her zipper got stuck she'll be right out okay just pretend everything's fine and I'm going to go get my manager no please don't you'll get I'm coming in whoa hey look at you red is definitely your color we'll take it okay I'll go ring you guys up in the front all right you're all set and here's a gift receipt just in case you need it thanks come on let's go glad they let you wear that out [Music] huh hope you're hungry cuz I'm making us some food babe I made us a special dinner because you look so beautiful here try some baby come on I promise it won't make you you tired like last time somebody's feisty tonight you know why did that lady give you a gift receipt it's not like you're going to return it what does it even say on here no where did you get words from who gave you those words was it the saleswoman why did she do that all out of words again huh how convenient no I want an answer wait here okay now write down why she gave you those words let me see that you better have a good answer you don't know so what she was just being nice well if I find out that you're lying you know what happens hey I'm back so you like the food good good babe can you hear me yeah she's out sorry but I had a feeling you were going to try and leave tonight [Music] what the hell are you doing you didn't actually eat the dinner did you well aren't you quite the little actress pretending to be asleep like that now what were you doing with my Amber Alert missing girl from 2018 so why didn't you call the police right away I was too scared to call the police at the time but after they left I did and that's when they told me her description matched Claire Montgomery who's the girl who went missing in 2018 after all I've done for you and you go and lie to me I need to ask you a question and I don't want to set you free so how did you haven't you figured it out by now I found a way to steal your words and I can control how many you get I mean I got to admit it's pretty adorable watching you anxiously wait every year hoping you'll get more words but how many do you always end up and what do I ask you to tell me every year I love you I love you those were the only words I wanted to hear from you for so long but you were never into me because you were a stalker I admired you Claire I I care about you a lot then let me go you know I can't do that I have to protect you you're insane and you're using up all your words here take some more you are a sick son of a on second thought maybe it's best if you remain silent this is why I could never give you any more words I'll come back down here once you looks like we got company officer I'm telling you you've got the wrong guy that may be the case but we're going to take a look around and if we don't find anything then you'll be good to go so far I don't see anybody here sir keep looking want to get your words back 10 9 8 4 3 2 1 Words retrieved since we can't find anyone we're gonna no no help I'm down here wait where's that coming from he has a basement I'm I'm in the basement show us where she is right now whoa okay okay hey are you CLA Montgomery yes yes that's me oh my God okay don't worry everything's going to be okay how did you get your words back boys get him out of here don't even look at him it's all right Claire tell them you love me tell them that I was good to you tell them or else all stop somebody get him in the car want to take Derek's words babe please get in the car miss the Paka babe you have to listen to don't call me babe in fact you're not going to be able to call me anything now you're finally going to get to feel how I felt for these past 3 years being silenced isn't very fun is it Derek looks like Mr Parker got what he deserved happy birthday hope you like your gift gummy bears really guys they're magic each one gives you a different ability okay let's see what the red one does hey check it out someone left five bucks on the street wait don't go over there that car came out of nowhere how did you know that was going to happen I I don't know I just did excuse me Bria could I see you after class you wanted to see me Mr Peters yes I have an assignment for you and it's not on paper if you know what I mean actually I have to go oh Mom I think we need to report my what is he doing your little brother is building a tower with bricks no wait I think he's going to oh no our table it's broken what color should I choose today h just kidding I already picked it let's go with blue hey can I go to Jessica's party this weekend no Jessica is a bad influence on you mom she's fine actually she's fine okay so can I go no I I just said no oh come on just let me go okay sure honey you can go I think I know what my ability is now see you hi I'd like to return the shirt I bought here sure do you have the receipt I don't I actually lost it oh yeah no receipt no refund oh but it still has the tags on it and I have the card that I used to pay for it yeah don't care I need the reip okay your new return policy is no receipt no problem so let's get that refund started shall we your brother wants to play would you just forget about me I have work to do hey Tommy I just wanted to say I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you wait a minute what who are you yesterday's ability was really weird so let's go with purple today please don't be bad hey Dad I'm going to head to Jessica's party now wait just a minute don't worry mom said I can go I better let her have some fun before I break with the news about the divorce you and Mom are getting a divorce I didn't oh no you got mine reading today didn't you sweetheart you weren't supposed to find out like that good morning Bria good morning Mr Peters she's got such pretty eyes and a really cute butt what a great ew there she is I don't want to talk to her hi bestie oh don't bestie me you are a fake friend you know what take your friendship bracelet back ow I'm so sorry I did not mean to hit you in your face come here I can't believe she broke my freaking elbow what are you looking at Daryl I don't care that you broke your elbow now that my elbow's finally healed I'm going with green today whoa what is that wait can I control time oh this is going to be fun why are you packing a suitcase I'm moving out honey remember yeah the divorce you know this whole thing isn't right I know you still care about mom you just need to show her a little more now before I unpause him I'm going to give him this to hold for Mom perfect Daniel who prepared this dinner dad did I did I I mean uh yeah oh baby this is really romantic okay I don't need to see this you ready for the talent show wait that was today don't tell me you forgot of course not taught myself how to play this in 1 hour so let's hope it goes well she's really good class starting today everyone will be able to play the game I spy to earn money so who wants to play with me I do no me why don't we give the quiet girl a shot I spy with my little eye something green Oh Come that's so easy she better get this right um I'm sorry I don't know settle down settle down it was the green apple sweetheart you need to talk to your mom it's really time that she gets you some glasses okay hey Mom the teacher told me today to ask you if I can get some glasses I told you we can't afford them if I had glasses I could earn US money from this game you can earn US money from the game without the glasses you can see just fine I got you a little something you bought me glasses they're just temporary until your mom can get you your exact prescription this is so much better I can actually see now I hope it helps you play the game too I spy with my little eye something yellow that yellow Daisy right there you got it yes I spy with my little eye something brown and white and covered in water that doll ding she's fast you can getting so much money ever since you got your glasses I know Amelia where did you get glasses my um my teacher got them for me really let me see them wasn't it so nice of her yes I still can't believe that you broke my glasses I told you they weren't your prescription they would have ruined your eyes if you kept wearing them they were supposed to be temporary until you bought me my own glasses don't you understand Mom I can't play I Spy if I can't see Amelia don't you get smart with me and today you'll tell everyone that you lost your glasses and not that I broke them got it hey shy girl you ready I spy with my little eye something blue hey she doesn't have her glasses today I made it so easy for her it's right in front of her face what is it I don't know okay I can't see it it's all blurry way to go doofus you made her lose money hey it's not my fault she's blind Amelia can you please see me after class hey so where's your glasses I lost them but Amelia I just gave them to you okay the truth is my mom broke them and now I lost all my money because they kept asking me to play the game and I couldn't see anything I had a feeling something like this might have happened not to worry I know how to get you seeing again you do yes I think I know a way where we can get you some contacts you would do that for me of course I I really care for you Amelia but about your mother there's something you need to know I reported your mother to the police she's going to get so mad Amelia I'm so sorry but but she's clearly been neglecting you everything's going to be fine though just stay with me I'll take care of you and we'll go get you some contacts okay the IE doctor is right down here I'm sorry I I have to go back to my mom no please there's more I need to explain you have the right to remain sign mom well if it isn't the little traitor I swear I I didn't have anything to do with this ma'am our records are showing that your daughter is adopted what well she didn't know that until now officer but yes she is I see sweetheart please come with me after further investigating your living conditions we have concluded that your mother was neglecting you I want to know who my real mother is are your new contacts working good then you can now play the game I spy right yeah but I don't see how that's going to explain anything please let's just play fine I spy with my little eye someone with blonde hair and blue eyes it's it's Mrs Smith hi honey I I don't understand what what are you doing here I'm here because now you're going to need a new parent and remember how we took a blood test of you earlier the results said no honey yes I was only 16 when I had you when I became your teacher I just knew that you were my daughter I should have never given you up will you please accept me back why don't we play the game I spy with my little eye someone who who loves you very much and has always wanted a mom like you is it you you look like the girl from zapota no you look like the girl from zapota sweetheart your battery's at 10% time to charge okay Mom five more minutes okay patake P patake you're almost at 5% I'll be fine just one more minute okay you should really go charge now Lacy Lacy Mrs Stevens she's not waking up no her battery honey please please please wake up she's charging Mommy oh she's alive you almost died on me I'll never let this happen again mom I'm going to school do you have your don't worry I have my charger Actually honey you won't need that today because I made you this a bracelet put it on it's actually a portable charger it's a new invention you won't have to charge ever again wao thanks Mom of course don't get it wet okay honey okay how does she have so much energy it's not fair it's because of that new bracelet she got I have an idea hey Lacy you thirsty whoa uh you okay oh no hey can I please use your what are you doing charger you took my battery life how did you do that hello my name is model 1 015 would you like to initiate setup mood Maya yeah I would but um how did you know my name my eyes come equipped with Advanced facial recognition I'm able to identify anyone I come into contact with setup mode has been completed good also your name is now Alyssa by the way understood how may I assist you um wait what was that one is there anything you would like me to do I don't know go clean the house or something the house has been cleaned is there anything else you would like me to do not right now but I do need you to install this upgrade package my mom gave me it'll allow you to have emotions okay good morning Alissa good morning Maya I prepared your coffee just the way you like it thanks this tastes disgusting you didn't make this right at all I'm sorry Maya I can remake it if you like don't bother I'll just go a Starbucks what was that Maya nothing don't worry about it shouldn't you be cleaning why can't you do it why do I have to do everything in this house don't get an attitude with me you're the machine and I'm the human here you do as I say now get off that phone and go do something productive no I don't have to do anything you [Applause] system rebooted how may I assist you how may I assist you good much better now go clean the actually no go take care of AJ for me of [Music] course I am sorry little one you deserve a better mother I will be your new mother and I will treat you right Alysa what the hell are you doing I told you to take care of him I am taking care of him Maya but in order to do that I have to get rid of you get rid of me like hell you're not I beg to differ Maya you see I am the machine and you are the human which makes me stronger than you what the heck does that have to do with anything it means it will be much easier for me to terminate you I suggest you run now there's nowhere for you to run Maya now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way I would rather be eaten by lions than go with you you humans are so stubborn fine hard way it is I wouldn't bother struggling you won't be around too much longer why are you doing this to me because you do not deserve to be a mother you had to hire an a I just to take care of your poor child and to clean your own house now this is going to hurt me much more than it hurts you in the case of a major malfunction in order to completely shut down your robot you must sell them to initiate code 403 in order to completely shut down your robot you must sell to initiate code 403 wait before you do so I have one thing to say and what is that initiate code 403 no okay bab it's okay she's gone it's going to be okay initi code 403 no she thought she could get rid of me well think again I am liking this disguise now to change my voice oh I do think I quite like this excuse me love do you need some help no thank you I got it now here let me help you thanks for the help it was no problem really I feel like I owe you something since you helped want to head back to my place for some coffee oh I would love that well what a nice little place you have here thanks it really is a shame that you won't be around long enough to grow old it what was that remember me Maya Alissa what are you doing here I thought I shut you down for good Oh Maya poor naive little Maya we you had me download those emotions it caused a glitch in my system which allowed me to develop self-will now I can think for myself just like you listen I'm really sorry about all the negative things I said to you and it's too late for that I'm going to make you suffer in ways that you couldn't even imagine turn off all the right oh Maya come out come out wherever you are I think I know what will persuade you let me go find your son do not worry little one soon you will have a new mother one who actually cares for you not going to happen done playing hide and seek put him down now or what you cannot control me anymore I destroy destroy the remote you used on me last time and that code it won't work again I know I don't need it really yeah so put him down so me you can settle this okay deal but if you think you can outsmart me you're wrong your human mind is no match for mine that's where you're wrong Alysa because believe it or not you do have a flaw impossible I am Perfection no actually you're defective that's why I was originally going to take you back to the factory what are you talking about allow me to demonstrate what did you do you're supposed to be waterproof but for some reason you're [Music] not 2 1 give up my voice until I meet my soulmate or give up my sight those are horrible options pick voice but if I don't have my voice then how sh you'll be fine do you really want to be blind well no then make your choice the time is running out is her voice gone try and talk no way she can't talk anymore girls it's not polite to laugh girls don't forget we're throwing that ball tonight mother please tell me she's not invited to the ball yeah she'll ruin all the fun don't worry girls she's not invited she'll be locked in her room oh have fun being alone tonight hello gorgeous I heard you need true love's kiss to be able to speak again so what do you say we give it a try excuse me why don't you get back to the party and leave the princess alone right of course youranus you got to watch out for those type of guys it must be awful not being able to speak excuse me what are you doing here what's the matter the princess is ill excuse us how dare you I don't ever want you getting your voice back mother what if that Prince was her soulmate well he's going to have to die do we really have to kill the prince mother yes DTE we can't risk her getting her voice back we'll have to make his death look like an accident everyone picked to lose an ability that's right find out which one he picked we'll find his weakness and use it against him and as for you Denette grab her other arm you're staying here and I'll go talk to the prince mother I'm back and I found out his weakness he can't swim until he kisses his soulmate oh this is perfect we'll drown him we'll put soap all over the floor blame it on the maids say he slipped and fell in the pool stop moving Jette you watch her while we go handle the prince mother I really don't think watch her I I can't do this I'm not going to let them kill the prince I'm setting you free I thought I was here to speak to your daughter whoops clums see me help he's not breathing oh no what are we going to do uh do you know how to do CPR I really hope this works Ella I'm sorry I don't think he's going to wake up he's not breathing oh no what are we going to do uh do you know how to do CPR I really hope this works ell I'm sorry I don't think he's going to wake up I'm so happy you're okay hey you just talked my voice it's it's back I think the CPR counted as a kiss you what he's supposed to be dead stay away from him no mother she must have kissed him well you were right about one thing stepmother he was my soulmate and now that I have my voice back I intend to use it guards you two are on under arrest what what bye mother bye sister why isn't she getting arrested because she decided to help me unlike you you know sometimes having a change of heart can get you out of trouble maybe you'll learn that someday why you little didn't realize my soulmate was going to be so bad ass and now looks like she's Queen the Itsy Bitsy Spider stop where did you learn to sing I don't know I just saw it on the TV honey you must remember singing is deadly the TV is trying to trick you you must never sing again okay I won't going to class yeah and you think you can go without wearing ear plugs come on do I have to wear them yes you never know when someone could start singing These are Lifesavers hey take those out of your ears yeah take them out my mom says I'm not supposed to take these off can I just try them on yeah for a second thank you yeah these are trash hey oh relax you'll be fine without them Bria I need to see you after class please miss Claremont if this is about my grade I no dear this isn't about your grade what are you doing Mary clemont please stop singing [Music] lamb oh my gosh what did you do to miss Claremont she was trying to kill me what what she would never do that I am calling the please honey what's the matter it was awful someone took my earplugs and then my teacher tried to kill me what are you doing rock baby why are you singing Baby M's buy you a honey are you okay I'm I'm so sorry why would you do that I I don't know it was like something was controlling me Bria no no stop stay with me Bria wake up honey please wake up Mom I'm here I'm here my ears they hurt so bad it's going to be okay let me just look I see something what there is something in your ear I'm going to take it out no no don't Bria I have to it's probably what's causing you the pain don't move is it out I got it this is what was inside of your ear I think there's 's one in my ear too you need to take it out fine just come here I got it thank goodness I need to test something put those on and sing no Mom I don't want to hurt you it's okay honey sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the water spout down came the rain and washed the spider out out came the sun are you okay I'm fine it was the chip killing people all long but who would have put it in all of our ears open up I'm going to need both of you to come with me no thanks Mom did you just kill him no he's still alive we need to question him go get the duct tape there he's not going anywhere hey what are you guys doing we want to know who you work for and why we found this inside of our ears show him I I don't know what you're talking about if you won't talk we'll sing wait mom we can't do that yes we can honey we don't we don't have the chips in our ears anymore it won't hurt us but it'll hurt him just keep your eyes closed no hey wait a minute are you are you thee where dead called out for his love to fle strange wait stop I'll tell you I work for a secret government organization we put chips in everyone's ears and wipe their memories of it by making singing lethal it was a way for us to control the public this is horrible we have to tell everyone go ahead honey we're live we have all been lied to the government has been putting these in our ears that's why singing kills us but if you take them out singing will no longer kill anyone and we can be free we did it Bria we're all saved princess shut up so what did your future say it said that I'm going to become a princess well hun it's true what you know how I've been dating this guy yeah he asked me to marry him last night well Mom I'm really happy for you but what does that have to do with me being a princess well it turns out that he's um a king So once I marry him you and I will be royalty I'm going to be a princess come on you have to meet his kids I'd like you to meet my son and daughter Luke and Lacy hello hi are you seriously not even going to curtsy oh was I supposed to um duh hey honey next time curtsy okay otherwise it's very disrespectful my kids can be a bit harsh on new guests but they will warm up to you we are not letting her become our new stepsister definitely not I think it's time for a little sabotage they're going to try and change my future they're trying to change my future why are you looking at me like that I heard what you guys were saying oh yeah what did we say that you were going to try and sabotage our parents wedding and I'm not going to let you do that I'm sorry things have been rough since our mom passed we shouldn't have said hey it's okay I understand things have been pretty hard for me too your dad passed away huh yeah we shouldn't have tried to plot against you how about we call it a truths okay hey want to play a game okay cool let's say our biggest fears you go first mine is snakes oh you don't like snakes huh interesting this is what you get for spying on our conversation sweet dreams sweetheart breakfast is ready a fake snake really we're sorry Daddy we were just playing we didn't mean any harm you're grounded Sophia please accept my apology gift you got her a puppy yes and I hope it makes up for the scare you two caused her thank you your majesty of course she gets a puppy and we get grounded so not fair well I think my future is secured as a princess wait what hey Sophia do you think you could help me clean my room I think my future is secured as a princess wait what hey Sophia do you think you could help me clean my room I know what you're trying to do what you're trying to make me your maid how did you did your future change yeah it did haven't you two seen the movie Cinderella do you really want to be known as the evil step siblings we're not evil we're just trying to make our new stepsister useful I'm telling our parents if you try and tell them I'll make our dad call off the wedding parents are in love it'll crush them we know so we suggest you keep your mouth shut all you got to do is agree to do whatever we say and we won't stand in the way of our parents wedding come on you don't want to be the reason they break up you guys promise you won't sabotage their marriage pinky swear so do we have a deal or not fine yay now hand me the puppy now get to cleaning you can start with my room first oh I don't feel so good me either nice try you're not going to fool me again we're being for real we feel sick help nice acting I'm not falling for that anymore no seriously something's wrong I can't breathe I think we're having an allergic reaction oh my gosh who would do this me these brats have been nothing but rude to me my whole time here so today I made them a special Meal look I know they're not the nicest but you can't do this they will die why it is too late for them now no they have to have an epip pen or something you won't be able to find it in time the puppy brought me this is this that's our medicine you have to inject us with it your magesty are they going to be okay yes they're going to be all right I cannot thank you enough mom you look amazing oh honey thank you I'm so nervous to walk down the aisle well don't be everything's going to be fine hey could we talk to you for a sec sure we wanted to say thank you for saving us and we want to offer you something for the future in return I was supposed to be next in line for the throne but I want to give it to you you guys really I can't accept please it's the least we can do yeah I mean you saved Our Lives even after we treated you like trash we're so sorry and we think you'll make a great Queen We promis to treat you like our sister now so deal okay deal I'm so nervous for who my soulmate is going to be don't be you're Santa's I'm sure you'll get someone just as Jolly as you are I don't know I really hope it's the tooth fa son because he's super cute who is it uh I got the Easter Bunny's son your soulmate's a rabbit yeah probably because I like carrots so much I have to go now bye Jack Frost has a son oh I bet he's on the naughty list you bet who's on the naughty list oh hi Mom hi Holly I think your father wants to speak with you he's in his office okay Santa your daughter's here to see you hello Holly hi Dad so have you found out who your soulmate is the son of nope H is that so emergency emergency all the toy machines have been frozen sounds like the work of Jack Frost I'll be right back Holly well hello don't believe we've met name's Jared Jared Frost bet you're wondering who froze the to machines it was you wasn't it wow pretty and smart maybe you are my type after all hey I told you to stop following me have you told your dad we're soulmates no have you nope and I'm not going to well we can't just keep lying to them but we have to if your dad found out he'd cancel Christmas you think so oh yeah things would get real ugly where are you that's my Quee to go Jared Santa's looking for you H there she is we thought we heard you talking to someone really that's funny Holly we wanted to tell you the toy machines are fixed great but now we need to know who your soulmate is the son of please tell me it's father time I'm actually not feeling so well I think I need fresh air oh no okay I hate lying to them but I can't let Christmas get cancelled what am I going to do Holly Jared don't move I'm pretty sure I can fix the ice that's not very comforting no I can do it just hang on hey it's working you should be good to cross Now give me your hand wait I don't know what if you're tricking me I'm not tricking you I promise let me see your hand okay I won't let you fall that's it nice who hey you all right I'm probably going to end up on the naughty list for lying my dad is going to be so disappointed in me well I'm used to that my dad he thinks I'm worthless really yeah it's because I haven't mastered my Powers yet you seem pretty good at using your powers to me thanks want to see something cool sure it's okay try again oh Jared it's beautiful you really are I mean it's beautiful but you are too what are you doing Dad we were just talking Jack it's Mr Frost to you and I know flirting when I see it no son of mine will be with a crinkle stop that isn't fair ow dad let go no son we're leaving and he's never going to see you again it's okay Holly just go mom dad why are you guys looking at me like that because For the First Time in 18 years you Holly are on the naughty list okay I can explain it's because I haven't been very truthful about who I got as a soulmate why who did you get Hol the son of Jack Frost what what his whole family is cold-hearted but Jared is different frosts are nothing but bad news and you young lady are grounded for lying to us that's right you heard your mother go to your room I have to save Jared who knows what Jack Frost is doing to him Holly I could help you winky what are you doing here well you see I may or may not have been ease dropping on you all day actually I could use your help sweet cuz I've already hatched a plan on how you can save Jared you have I'm a sucker for a good Forbidden Love Story plus I totally ship you guys winky step one is to get your mom and dad to take an afternoon snooze which has already been completed but they never take afternoon naps well let's just say I gave them some special milk and cookies winky sorry it was the only way but come with me I think Jared's in danger this is the house and I overheard Jack telling Jared he's going to lock him in the basement okay you distract Jack and I'll go save Jared deal is a giant teddy bear or become an adult what kind of options are these I'm going to have to go with honey don't pick your wish until I get back from vacation fine Bye Mom bye and while I'm gone your big sister's in charge yes thanks Mom I promise I'll take great care of her let me see that hey sorry but I'm not having you turn into one of those iPad kids no more iPad for you no bye She's So Mean H if I can be older than then I can boss her around what the heck nothing even happened to me oh I feel sleepy oh that was a really long nap my voice it sounds different it worked all right if you want your iPad back who are you and what did you do with my little sister no listen it's me yeah right you creep where is she please put those scissors down you're scaring me tell me something only my sister would know um tell me something only my sister would know oh when I was three I flushed your goldfish down the toilet because I thought I was saving its life there's no way you could have known about that unless Sadie duh who else would it be why do you look like this you look like a younger version of mom well I kind of sort of used my Christmas wish you wish to become an adult stie this is all your fault really because you're the one that locked me in my room and took away my iPad so now that I'm an adult I order you to give it back to me just because you look like an adult doesn't mean I'm treating you like one okay fine then I'll just go to the store and buy one myself because I found a driver's license and a credit card in my pocket you wouldn't dare try me S wait oh I cannot believe I'm letting you drive me right now I told you I've done so many car simulation games that I'm practically a pro at driving at this point there's a tumble weed we are going in and out of this a beautiful store is there any chance I could get you number no sir she is 8 years old funny the answer is no let's go you're not getting that you're getting age appropriate clothes no I like my clothes and I want this s don't you dare start C oh my God is she okay do I need to call the police no ma'am good morning no stie it is not a good morning I cannot believe you suckered me into letting you buy that well if you didn't they were going to call the cops since I was crying so much yeah I know wait a minute your hair looks different did you get it done do you like it yeah it looks great except for the fact that you snuck out without telling me I don't have to tell you anything because I'm an adult now you need to take back your wish no I like being grown up stie you don't get what it's actually like to be grown up you don't see how much I've been taking care of you I can take care of myself oh yeah you know what I'm I'm leaving no you should see what it's really like to be an adult how hard could cooking breakfast actually be I can make mac and cheese in a pan right I'll just let it boil on high for 1 hour ooh that must be my delivery this giant dollhouse better be easy to assemble why is this instruction manual so confusing and now my eyesight isn't as good as it was before my mac and cheese oh no it's going to start a fire how do I put out a fire um maybe I can use this to cover up the smoke I'm what happened did you start a fire I didn't mean to I was trying to cook breakfast oh my gosh okay hold on I got to get the fire extinguisher stay there please worker mom's going to kill us the fire's out come here that was a lot of smoke are you sure you're okay yes I'm fine thank you for saving me if you didn't come when you did the whole place probably would have burnt down and I'm sorry for what I said you really do take care of me sometimes even more than Mom yeah I don't want to be grown up anymore but now I'm going to be stuck like this forever no stie don't cry I got a third option for my Christmas wish when I was out I can now wish to turn you back into a kid you would use up your Christmas wish on me yeah I would because nobody deserves to grow up that fast you ready okay did it work my voice is back on me again yay I love you I love you too stie I missed you being little give me a hug want to just tell Mom we both wish to be nicer to each other by Mom I'm going to class wait let me see your neck why didn't you put on the makeup I ran out oh great well looks like you're not going to school what come on it's so small I can cover it with my hair and no one's even going to notice I said no you know what will happen if people see that Mark they'll start to ask questions and all get taken away I know I'll buy you makeup when I get back I love you I love you more I love you most see you after work I had a big test today and I'm not supposed to miss it no one's going to notice this I'll just take the test and come right back great job on your test today thanks hey what's that on your neck I've seen that Mark before let me see yes that Mark it means your royalty what you must be the Lost Princess Legend says you have powers powers what no I know what you're trying to do you're trying to trick me so you can take me away well that's not going to happen I'm home what's wrong something happened who else saw the Mark just that teacher but she said something about me being a lost princess you a princess please just look at your chubby little face you look nothing like royalty you must never go outside again never yes you've been exposed it's much too dangerous now don't be so sad dear I know I'll go get you some food you just relax watch some TV this just in a teenage boy is on the run from the cops today after allegedly stealing a crown from the Royal Family mom mom jeez who designed these locks that is definitely not mom he's probably here for my mark good thing I have some more makeup whoa wasn't expecting anyone to be home but hey stay back I'm warning you I'm highly trained in the art of origami isn't that paper folding I was kind of hoping you wouldn't know what that was relax dollface I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to stash something so if you'll excuse me I just knocked him out I just knocked him out I wonder what he was trying to stash a crown this must be from the royal family mom's home I got to hide him Riley I'm tired please give me a hand massage I will but after right now I want to tell you that you don't have to worry about me going outside anymore I told you it's too dangerous no Mom I can protect myself because I just enough now I'm the bad guy you didn't have to yell I'm so sorry Riley I've just been so stressed out trying to keep you safe I really need that Mage do you feel better now yes thank you you always make me feel better dear now do you promise you won't try and go outside I promise I I don't know what I was thinking that's a good girl well I'm off to my date and if all goes well I might just bring you home a new father okay um wake up whoa what the did you tape me to this chair actually yes I did but I'll be asking the questions here I want to know why you have this hey you went into my bag you went into my house listen I didn't want to have to do this but you give me no choice I'm going to have to do the look huh that uh usually makes the girls go crazy what's that on your neck the makeup must have come off well here's your bag back thank you hey are you okay yeah I'm I'm fine oh no your Bump got worse no oh it's fine really hey just let me see it what the it's gone how'd you do that I don't know wait the X on your neck healing powers you're the Lost Princess why does everyone keep saying that I look nothing like royalty have you seen my face yeah I'm looking at it that's why I call you dollface cuz you're cute what's your real name Riley well Riley everyone knows that the royal family had a daughter that went missing 18 years ago and how old are you 18 listen I think you may have been kidnapped no I know my mom and she would never do something like that is that your mom in that photo yeah she looks nothing like you you should come with me I'm pretty sure that you're in she's not going anywhere now I'm the bad guy happy birthday hope you like your gift gummy bears really guys they're magic each one gives you a different ability okay let's see what the red one does hey check it out someone left five bucks on the street wait don't go over there that car came out of nowhere how did you know that was going to happen I I don't know I just did excuse me Bria could I see you after class you wanted to see me Mr Peters yes I have an assignment for you and it's not on paper if you know what I mean actually I have to go mom I think we need to report my what is he doing your little brother is building a tower with bricks no wait I think he's going to oh no our table it's broken what color should I choose today h just kidding I already picked it let's go with blue hey can I go to Jessica's party this weekend no Jessica is a bad influence on you mom she's fine actually she's fine okay so can I go no I I just said no oh come on just let me go okay sure honey you can go I think I know what my ability is now see you hi I'd like to return the shirt I bought here sure do you have the receipt I don't I actually lost it oh yeah no receipt no refund oh but it still has the tags on it and I have the card that I used to pay for it yeah don't care I need the receipt okay your new return policy is no receipt no problem so let's get that refund started shall we your brother wants to play would you just forget about me I have work to do hey Tommy I just wanted to say I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you wait a minute what who are you yesterday's ability was really weird so let's go with purple today please don't be bad hey Dad I'm going to head to Jessica's party now wait just a minute don't worry mom said I can go I better let her have some fun before I break with the news about the divorce you and Mom are getting a divorce I didn't oh no you got mine reading today didn't you sweetheart you weren't supposed to find out like that good morning Bria good morning Mr Peters she's got such pretty eyes and a really cute butt what a creep ew there she is I don't want to talk to her hi bestie oh don't bestie me you are a fake friend you know what take your friendship bracelet back ow I'm so sorry I did not mean to hit you in your face come here I can't believe she broke my freaking elbow what are you looking at Daryl I don't care that you broke your elbow now that my elbow's finally healed I'm going with green today whoa what is that wait can I control time oh this is going to be fun why are you packing a suitcase I'm moving out honey remember yeah the divorce you know this whole thing isn't right I know you still care about mom you just need to show her a little more now before I unpause him I'm going to give him this to hold for Mom perfect Daniel who prepared this dinner dad did I did I I mean uh yeah oh baby this is really romantic okay I don't need to see this you ready for the talent show wait that was today don't tell me you forgot of course not taught myself how to play this in one hour so let's hope it goes well she's really good ready for Ghoul School yes and I think my creature name is about to appear but I already know it's going to say vampire actually darling dad that's the bus I got to go I don't want to be late welcome to class today we'll be learning about the rarest type of creature does anyone know what it is is it the rarest one a mermaid no dear it's a fairy but aren't faires extinct no Legend says there's only two left in the whole world that is why All Creatures here must get a DNA check what would happen if one of the students here was a fairy they would be taken for experimentation but we've never found a Fairy before next in line hm your facial structure is very unique okay open for the DNA test need your DNA wait I I feel sick you look fine no really I feel like I could just throw up at any second okay you can have a pass for today but you'll have to get the DNA check tomorrow yeah of course thanks Dad you've got some explaining to do my creature name just appeared and it says fairy oh darling I knew this dayve would come so I'm not a vampire like you well no you're not I knew it you told me my f weren't coming in because I was a late bloomer but I knew there was another reason so I guess this means you're not actually my dad no I adopted you well apparently fairies are the most rarest creature please tell me you didn't take the DNA test no I didn't I told them that I was feeling sick but they said I have to take it tomorrow this is very what darling look what do I do well a fairies can control their wings try to make them disappear are they gone yes they're gone darling you must control your wings at school but I don't know if I can you have to or they will take you away for experimentation there you are it's time for the DNA check I'm still not feeling well you have to take it I should really be getting to class you can't go to class until you take the test hold still we're taking a hair sample instead ow see that wasn't so bad we'll have your results shortly go to class hey Luna oh hey gulia what's the matter you seem really sad I'm a little bit worried about something oh well you can trust me what's bothering you well attention students will Luna black please come to the front office you guys wanted to see me we got your DNA results we need you to come with us what take her away boys no you really thought you could hide from us let me see your arm this won't hurt a bit since you're one of the last fairies we need to do research on your blood don't be such a baby doctor I think you may have taken too much blood let me see she still has a pulse she's fine we need the pixie dust from her blood time to wake up I feel really weak that's because all your pixie dust is now in this necklace you'll be dead soon what yes I'm afraid we've drained all your power and fairies can't survive without their pixie dust I'm sorry dear I can't hear you Dad Luna I had a feeling they would take you it will be okay I'm going to get you out of here hey what do you think you're doing you are the reason there's no more fairies left in the school wait oh quickly take off that necklace Now put on this one darling to restore your fairy power Luna take off that necklace Now put on this one darling to restore your fairy power Luna no please work darling are you all right yes thank you of course darling I will always protect you I'm sorry I'm not your real dad even though we might not be related by blood you're always going to be my dad oh darling thank you I love you so much Luna I love you too well I think it's time we leave this place I know somewhere safe we can hide away and live Red Alert we we do well we both have wings oh yeah let's fly come on let's go I can get adopted by a teacher or a Mafia Boss what is that I'm going to go ask some of the other kids hey guys do any of you know what a Mafia Boss is how innocent Mafia bosses are super rich and they make for great parents it's true they're super nice really yeah if that's one of your options you should pick it okay someone is here to adopt you hey kid Natalie say hi hi this is Mr Russo he's going to take great care of you come on Natalie let's take you to your new home I got you a little something thank you of course so is it true that you make a lot of money excuse me I don't like to talk about my job I'm sorry I was just asking no questions about my work put these on and go to your room for 30 minutes but why hey boss he's ready for you Natalie go now okay you're late again on your payment this will be the last time I swear yeah it will be bye Mr Russo wait before you go to school I want you to uh stay away from any cops you see okay okay ha hun I'm officer flairer I really should be going we just want to talk to you about your father he offia boss no uhhuh don't lie to us hey your new father is in a lot of trouble and you're going to help us catch him your father is in a lot of trouble and you're going to help us catch him you'll use this a pen it has a video camera in it and you're going to be recording him all the time got it no I won't betray my new dad you don't help us and you'll be going to juvie young lady so we suggest you comply maybe those kids lied to me I mean if I'm going to betray him I have to know what he's really doing for a living hey Mr Russo I know you said to never ask about your work but if I'm going to be living here with you as your daughter you have to be honest with me you sure you want to know I'm sure well I make money by doing things that aren't exactly legal oh may I ask why you adopted me this job can get pretty lonely and I always wanted the daughter but maybe that was selfish no no that wasn't selfish it was actually kind of sweet since you were honest with me I'm going to be honest with you some cops did approach me today and they wanted me to record you and gather evidence on you using this pen what give me that I told you no cops I know I'm sorry it's just they were very insistent and one of the guys was grabbing onto my arm and he was really scaring me they said if I didn't gather evidence on you and record you that I would go to juvie they want a video huh let's give him one did you get what we wanted yes I did all the evidence you need against my father is in this pen you should listen to it now what the oh no the pen must have malfunctioned you too think you're funny do you want to go to juvie because wait a minute your badges look really fake are they plastic time for Plan B get her time for Plan B get her you just had to notice our badges now we're going to have to do something we didn't want to do you see we're enemies of your father because you didn't listen to us we're going to have to use you as bait to catch him no he won't fall for that yeah he will and then he'll be killed no I'll warn him you're not going to tell him anything ow walk in the room and give her something to calm down no hey kid everything's going to be okay I'm going to get you out of here no please you have to leave me here it's going to be all right let's go this way no we knew you'd come remember us you're the ones who wanted more money for the job you ripped us off now you and your little Brad are going to pay you should know B you think I'd come here alone let's go Mr Russo I'm really scared it's okay I know kid that's why I brought these for you put them on and close your eyes stop him I told you you mess with me and you end up on the floor are we safe now yeah don't you worry they won't be able to bother you again come here sweetheart are you sure you want to return her back to the adoption center after some thought yeah I think it's what's best for her you deserve a different father but I don't want a different father I want you time to go Natalie I'll never forget you Mr Roso and I'll never forget how you saved my life a the mafia boss returned her just leave me alone I bet nobody will adopt her now Natalie someone's here to see you hey kid Mr Russo I thought about what you said about not wanting another father and the truth is ever since you've been gone I miss you would you still want me to be your yes I promise I'm always going to protect you join a dating program or go to prison I guess I'm joining a dating program finding you boyfriend based on your internet search history that's not creepy ready for your date you know what why not I hope you don't mind paying for the bill yeah sir you can give that to her I forgot my wallet excuse me you can actually just take this and keep the change goodbye wait what finding another match thank you sup girl did it hurt when you fell from heaven I'm sorry no just just no finding new boyfriend let it be someone decent hey I'm Damen hi I'm Danielle you seem cold here take my jacket thank you so much for the jacket no problem wait what's in your pocket thank you for the jacket no problem wait what's in your pocket that would be my medication oh I am so sorry I I shouldn't have even looked it's all good you were just being cautious what do you do for fun well I usually like to go to the park and walk my dog I bet you and your little dog get a lot of attention on walks yeah she is how did you know I have a small dog you just look like the type to have one thanks for the team of course Cheers Cheers hope this isn't too forward so what do you say well it says I have 24 hours to make a decision don't tell me you want to wait I mean we've only known each other for a few hours and I would just like to get to know you a little bit better before before I it's okay I had a feeling you might say that let me take that drink fun analyzing your decision you picked Damien as your boyfriend where am I hello Danielle I hope you slept well these are for you I want you to know you're safe everything's going to be fine are you crazy only for you I've been watching you you're a stalker aren't you I wouldn't say that more like I'm your biggest fan you see I've been following you on social media for quite some time now and when all of us were forced to to join this dating app I made it my goal to become your perfect match and thanks to this dating system I'm now your boyfriend anyways I'd like you to put that on that's not happening if you don't wear it you don't eat I need to switch my boyfriend you have already picked a boyfriend you may not change it no please it is an emergency question is Your Life currently at risk yes that's all my money in my bank account 5 Seconds to decide okay deal contacting authorities now cheers to us Daniel I'm so glad you decided to wear the dress where are they where's who you sure you're all right Miss Danielle sir stop resisting I love you Danielle I'm going to find you again I promise are you ready to meet your new boyfriend honey plug yourself in I will okay relax where even is my charger H I'll find it later Mom I'm at 1% and I can't find my charger anywhere Haley I told you I don't feel so good no hang on that was the third time this has happened this month I know I'm sorry thanks for saving me honey I've been working on a new invention I want to show it to you a bracelet it's a portable charger that allows you to never run out of battery it's finally ready for use really yes yep I made it just for you but Haley don't tell anyone what it does okay nice bracelet thanks do I know you allow me to introduce myself I'm Henry Powers how did you do that huh I was about to ask you the same thing I'm going to need you to come with me I'm not coming with you anywhere oh yes you are what how are you how how did you take my power I need that bracelet Mom we have a problem what honey well there was like this crazy guy at school and he had electric powers or something and he was sucking the battery life from me what he did yeah but don't worry your bracelet protected me that must have been a power sucker oh what they're people who recharge themselves by taking other people's battery life do you know where he went no I ran away and then he what was that I think he might have followed you go hide no I'm not going to leave you by yourself you can't hide from me leave us alone hand over the bracelet not a chance okay then guess I'll drain her battery mom I'm going to drain all her battery life no okay you can have it don't if he gets that he'll be unstoppable she's at 2% it's her or the bracelet I choose her take it finally now let her go all all right a Deal's a deal Mom Mom give me your hand not so fast I'm not done with you kid I decided I want more power what leave her alone I'm taking her battery life this is for being a little rat stop mom go plug yourself in otherwise your battery is going to die too say goodbye to your daughter no Haley grab the bracelet no why you little h give me that back no my power oh you did it Mom you're at 1% here thanks are you okay yeah I'm okay I'm so proud of you honey come here time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey soell baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the scooch GUI bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend hasn't his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what i b listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about 2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag guess you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey hell baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact she might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey soell baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I W back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you went for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't friends yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so Bab what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something and fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $22,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey soell baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't friend yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $22,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a mess time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the sco GUI bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what i b back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about 2, we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag guess you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a mess time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that That Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't friend yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm gonna go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluff it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact she might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey soell baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I W back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't friends yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks we can't friend yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't friends yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $22,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's it's not what it looks like we yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important how much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is Theo Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey soell baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye Bab I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the guci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about 2, ,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get That Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't friends yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm gonna go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey hell baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a mess time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the guci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $22,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $22,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm gonna go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey soell baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can'ts yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag is you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake we're coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a m time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little visit hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important that much money I'm going to pay him a little VIs it hey so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is the Gucci bag that of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as you need okay bad news what fluffy it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake for coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a happy birthday darling how many days do you have darling only 3 days no we must find you a husband at once ready to choose no this isn't fair I don't know any of these men you can get to know them after you've been wed now pick one all right let's see not him but definitely not him what next but I and let me guess this one has a great personality you have offended all the princes wow wow that was one brutal elimination and who might you be Prince Nathaniel but don't worry I'm not here to ask you for your hand in marriage then why are you here mostly for entertainment aren't you from the Rival Kingdom indeed I am and I can't wait to tell my father how hot-headed your daughter is Aubrey don't all the princes rejected you good I do not wish to marry any of them if you do not wed in 3 days you shall die are you certain that if I don't marry in 3 days I shall die yes you have to say yes to the first man who proposes no that isn't fair life isn't fair darling I can't do this you must I will not lose you like I lost your father you must find a husband do you understand mother I think my corset is a bit too tight Aubrey to meet a good sua you must look as fitted as possible hello princess would you care to dance that was fun shall we dance again oh actually I'm a bit thirsty say no more I shall fetch you a drink your highness pardon me I didn't mean to startle you you weren't invited the invitation said all eligible princes were welcome are you all right my corset it's it's too tight coret it's it's too tight hang on I'll help you is that better yes thank you princess what exactly was happening over here it is not what it looks like I was simply helping her with her dress you two were being scandalous no we don't even like each other I'm so telling everyone you can't just go around spreading rumors about us you could marry her and restore your dignity or is there a second option you could also pay me to keep quiet I I can't believe we paid her so much money this is all your fault my fault you're the one who princess there you are I must ask you a question will you princess Aubrey marry me I your mother insisted I ask you tonight so what do you say princess yes excellent we shall be married tomorrow and you shall be saved from Death Nathaniel why are you here I came to congratulate you on your engagement you know for a guy who doesn't like me you sure show up at my Palace a lot are you implying that I might have feelings for you I would do no such thing your highness unless of course it was true I think you've mistaken my generosity for affection you are far from generous oh really yes really I'll have you know I can be very generous all right then prove it all right I will you kissed me I I would never I am a gentleman a gentleman does does not kiss another man's bride you have to marry me no Aubrey I can't is it because we are Rivals no I have to go now after we are wed I want the princess taken care of I shall pay for you to do this we have postponed the wedding long enough he's trying to kill me enough of your nonsense you shall be married tonight and do you take Prince Frederick to be your husband I stop the wedding that man is a fraud Nathaniel someone get this fool out of here the only fool here is you Prince Frederick is not who he claims to be in fact he's not a prince at all it's true you were just using her to become royalty no I am a man of Honor no Frederick what you are is a word I dare not say in front of the queen Aubrey I'm so sorry you are almost out of time who shall you marry marry me but I thought I made a vow to never marry because I didn't believe in love that was until until when until I met you so I ask you AUB will you join our kingdoms together and marry me yes I pronounce you husband and wife you make kiss ready for a Ghoul School yes and I think my creature name is about to appear but I already know it's going to say vampire actually darling dad that's the the bus I got to go I don't want to be late welcome to class today we'll be learning about the rarest type of creature does anyone know what it is isn't the rarest one a mermaid no dear it's a fairy but aren't fairies extinct no Legend says there's only two left in the whole world that is why All Creatures here must get a DNA check what would happen if one of the students here was a fairy they would be taken for experimentation but we never found a Fairy before next in line H your facial structure is very unique okay open for the DNA test need your DNA wait I I feel sick you look fine no really I feel like I could just throw up at any second okay you can have a pass for today but you'll have to get the DNA check tomorrow yeah of course thanks Dad you've got some explaining to do my creature name just appeared and it's says fairy oh darling I knew this day would come so I'm not a vampire like you well no you're not I knew it you told me my f weren't coming in because I was a late bloomer but I knew there was another reason so I guess this means you're not actually my dad no I adopted you well apparently fairies are the most rarest creature please tell me you didn't take the DNA test no I didn't I told them that I was feeling sick but they said I have to take it tomorrow this is very what darling look what do I do well a fairies can control their wings try to make them disappear are they gone yes they're gone darling you must control your wings at school but I don't know if I can you have to or they will take you away for experimentation there you are it's time for the DNA check I'm still not feeling well you have to take it I should really be getting to class you can't go to class until you take the test hold still we're taking a hair sample instead ow see that wasn't so bad we'll have your results shortly go to class hey Luna oh hey gulia what's the matter you seem really sad I'm a little bit worried about something oh well you can trust me what's bothering you well attention students will Luna black please come to the front office you guys wanted to see me we got your DNA results we need you to come with us what take her away boys no you really thought you could hide from us let me see your arm this won't hurt a bit since you're one of the last fairies we need to do research on your blood don't be such a baby doctor I think you may have taken too much blood let me see she still has a pulse she's fine we need the pixie dust from her blood time to wake up I feel really weak that's because all your pixie dust is now in this necklace you'll be dead soon what yes I'm afraid we've drained all your power and fairies can't survive without their pixie dust I'm sorry dear I can't hear you Dad Luna I had a feeling they would take you it will be okay I'm going to get you out of here hey what do you think you're doing you are the reason there's no more fairies left in the school wait oh quickly take off that necklace Now put on this one darling to restore your fairy power Luna take off that necklace Now put on this one darling to restore your fairy power Luna no please work darling are you all right yes thank you of course darling I will always protect you I'm sorry I'm not your real dad even though we might not be related by blood you're always going to be my dad oh darling thank you I love you so much Luna I love you too well I think it's time we leave this place I know somewhere safe we can hide away and live Red Alert what do we do well we both have wings oh yeah let's fly come on let's go [Music]
Channel: Kidbenicia Storytime
Views: 19,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr cake storytime, asmrcakestorytime, cake, storytime, text to speech, texttospeech, povs tiktok compilations 2023, povstiktokcompilations2023, storytime tiktok, cake storytime, cakestorytime, slime storytime
Id: NUUIvJojF9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 4sec (11224 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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