Tik Toks Only Siblings Will Understand

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be watching some sibling tick tocks how do we check if our siblings are okay you know we got daily mandatory checks this ain't a household it's a prison just got to make sure you're not having fun without me also i am nosy i want to know everybody's business the adult equivalent of this is going into your friend's house and like checking all their cabinets when your younger sibling asks you to do stuff with them hey i'm going to play basketball outside you want to play um yeah okay hey i kind of wanted to go to the lake do you want to go i got stuff i got to do cool hey i just got some money from mom's purse you want to go to 7-eleven with me no i'm going out with friends okay um can i come no fine but when your younger sibling asks you to do things do you want to hang out with me [Music] no no get out of here oh how the tables have turned for some reason everybody always want to hang out with the oldest it's funny how nobody wants to hang out with the baby at the house i asked my family how they would make miami moji dad oh dad knows how to make him emoji brother made you actually cute with this job i know you're true form i would have thought the brother would have done the ugly one me and my sister getting into an argument don't call me don't come by my house we're done i walk in the path y'all just can't stay mad at each other for long like at the most you go to sleep angry angry and then you wake up fine you're like you're trying to get food when you don't have snacks but then you realize you have a younger sister hey ramona hi you're my best sister you're the cutest sister in the whole world you're so beautiful i love you so much okay do you have candy yeah can you give me one okay oh thank you thank you yeah this is how you train them and they're too little to realize that they're being taken advantage of oh i love you suddenly you are my favorite now go get me a glass of water everything's going according to plan pretending to hide someone in my house as my sister walks past who's that who are you hating i'm not hating anybody [Music] i'll give you five seconds don't put it on me wow she a snitch mother will fork it over respectfully respectfully whatever you want to do is now your business she's smart you know get her money and go you gotta literally pay me to mind my own business okay okay okay just shut up i hate people that make their siblings cry i hate people that work at the bank shh i work at the [Music] you know as always the baby baby sister the youngest one do i always want to cry for the slightest inconvenience they are in fact babies and crying will usually get them what they want unfortunately oh man it says please do not touch the gumballs why are they there then when i was a kid me being the oldest i would make bets with my brothers bets that i know i was gonna win and then i'd be like if i win you have to be my servant for a week guess who lived a life of luxury tell me you're related without telling me you're related you all have the same face literally the same face it didn't even switch that's crazy i can't tell if they're twins or like brother and sister like that's crazy they all can catfish as each other me eating dinner my siblings i mean they was asking for it like making all these loud noises for what what was the reason y'all can't you let your mouth close y'all want to sigh audibly after taking a sip of water i don't think so your whole presence is disturbing the peace my brother never texts me and when he does he sent me stuff like this why isn't it in a pot dot hog don't you mean hot dog that is one big glizzy she tried this thing out where she randomly texted her brother updates about her day just left work and head at home now might go to the gym why are you telling me sir damn i forgot to get dog food why are you telling me when did i ask do you not care about my day not really i mean i feel like you lucky he even replied my brothers couldn't even be bothered to reply they'd be like okay xd six-year-olds are different look at this girl what are you doing dora do you have friends yeah i got friends not me bro no just myself is this what six year olds are like these days she said no cap she's really chilling in that house like she just paid the bills if she has no friends with all that personality there and hope for the rest of us if y'all thought your siblings were destructive then what is this it was locked you won't lock your door i'ma still find a way to let myself in there is no privacy in this household well you have to eat in the car because you didn't buy enough for your siblings i would rather eat in the car than i have to share my food other people sharing their food with their siblings one two entry no they get three and you get one i don't think so i feel like this is how most people are are we ain't sharing if you look here you don't even look at you tell me check it out you take what i give you and you be grateful i am the type of person my favorite food i will not share it absolutely not it all started in the third grade i asked my best friend for some of her fruit roll up and she was like okay gave me barely a fingertip where'd the fruit roll up and i was just like is this how much food you're supposed to give to your best friend after that i ain't never sharing my food again i'm gonna unplug the wifi no this has got to be the most disrespectful thing that you could do to your sibling or any one of your householders anybody in general like they play in a game they doing their homework unplug the wi-fi funny joke i don't think that's funny this is serious unless they were playing roblox and go on ahead when your twin gets curvier than you tell the truth it's horrendous it's horrendous it's modern don't lie i'm not i look like a pencil you you don't look like it's okay it's not okay it's not okay so one twin was on birth control and the other one isn't and that difference is insane what the heck when your little siblings come to you after getting a butt beating this is the realistic talk i have ever seen you know all of us homies we gotta stick together like they just got in trouble fresh tears we gonna go to our other mom the one that doesn't hit us that is a good sister right there we besides full minute tick-tock at their expense i would do the same my brother was in the restroom so i decided to tape his mouse to his desk it's gotta be the same dude who pulled the wi-fi same type of beat dude get out of my room class is about to start dude get out of my room bro i'm just chilling about you my mouth dude what do you do to my mouth are you recording oh no my mouth thank you i feel like you could like just lift it just a little bit of force that's all you need i think you're overreacting how to piss off your sibling i'm not even in the room get out i'm not in the room i'm not she's clearly not in the room she's outside of the room even the floor is different where she is standing are you making uh perhaps possibly tick-tock be being made you know what's real funny when you want to torment your sibling totally fine don't even think twice about it don't even feel bad about it but if someone else want to do it literally end your existence if they want to mess with your sibling remember that time my brother proved how special he really was so the smoke alarm was going off sir is that an air freshener he's fanning the air freshener like it was the thing smoke alarm i was just doing a fit check when my sis says this [Music] i'll pay for you yeah this has got to be like a silent language or something i never heard anybody actually say it like are you paying for me today i feel like it's a given it's like an older sister has a job makes money pays for the rest of the siblings that's what i think when your older sibling takes you everywhere and always pays for you yeah i am she but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,964,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, memes, funniest tik toks, tik toks, tiktok meme, siblings, brother, sister, tik toks only siblings will understand
Id: gxqvpoFdT9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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