Tik Toks Only GenZ Can Relate To | Daily Memes

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WAIS approachment is special like another show on my calendar so but if any of you like are not available I brought our race coverage Jake oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow well mr. funny man is this how you get your sick kicks what it's just an ordinary hey hey yeah this clothes easy all you gotta do is do as he tell you you straight that's it oh yeah that's simple alright class what's an A I do you have any idea how come guys are always like oh come on baby let me be your man boy you are under five ten let me be your man apparently the front camera on your iPhone distorts your face to test that out I'm gonna put my face really close to the camera and then move my camera away from her face and zoom in I hate that I wake up and I look like this you guys wake up with your messy buns you know I mean I'm messy hurt I might have so hard me and your mom need to talk with you so being the living room oh really yeah yeah I'll be there it's just uh I'm can I finish this game first I'm so close sure but make it quick okay you got it my time has come they figured out I'm not the innocent Christian boy they thought I was what a shame years of secrets all comes down to this it was a good run but whatever they know about me now is irrelevant I must use these final moments to my advantage with only two years till my 18th birthday victory is practically in the palm of my hands I've tried my best to be the good guy but I did what I had to do I was cautious but unfortunately nobody's perfect why must life be so cool why must I have to face this alone whatever happens next is for fate to decide I have nothing to hide I have nothing to protect I am an open book but at what cost that we will see you needed me grandma died what can you do it from my tick-tock please to say how y'all doing so at 7:00 p.m. in New York everyone goes outside and they make a lot of noise to show support for health care workers well guys we thought Billy was gonna be a dad I'm going those are all black we haven't let them see yet so this may get kind of crazy oh you got your wittle are you with a ladder you're with a wet on your TR deep whoa hmm gonna gonna use it that witty-bitty wetter in case it gets Wayne you know in case you drive into the river you can climb up your Widow wear it to the tap you loose no just kidding [Music] [Laughter] hi I'm Lani and this is my impression of Beethoven playing at a concert but since he's deaf he doesn't realize that his keyboards on the drum setting I told them Lana and they gave me psyching Michael Jackson oh ma sorry dummy dick I'm trying to sneak around but to collab with Michael depo cheeks so how have things been maybe I was just put on this earth just to die okay like I'm not meant to find love or be happy I got you like I'm just supposed to die it do be like that sometimes it do be like that sometimes but not all the time what if take this if you sit there wonder why you feel nauseous and all you've had in the past 12 hours is a red bowl at coffee intercept nut oh no [ __ ] because you don't drink any water nothing desaad cap I am distraught I just woke up his [ __ ] 5:30 in the morning and I had a dream that I had a dream that I was in like the lazytown world and I was there with all the puppets in the pink hair [ __ ] and everything and we were all having a great time and then like the pink haired [ __ ] disappear and [ __ ] started getting weird and the puppet people were trying to like convince me to become a puppet and the black pup it was like the Papa I was like no it's cool dude you know you can just do it with us come become a puppet and I was like no I'm not into that [ __ ] y'all leave me alone and they forced me come over they forced me to become a puppet and then I could not wake up puppet oh ok apparently if you breathe out all the way and then you clench your throat you can find out what your aura sounds like ok I'm so excited find out ah I didn't don't like that [Music] [ __ ] give me attention give me attention hi welcome to hell do you an appointment yeah I should be on there for a three o'clock and what's the name I think his name is the devil sir is our name for the appointment yeah it's Mike Pence yeah yeah when a girlfriend is pretty crazy like two years ago I didn't talk about feelings like I was disconnected this [ __ ] now your boy just cried in her arms and we painted each other's nails so what's up five stars and this is a way we find white guys attractive they make 30s [Laughter] [Music] okay I just spent a lot of money I'm not gonna tell my wife till I'm gonna fix it some other way hello here got your chick-fil-a yeah it's about 500 bucks at Home Depot I only took forever but I finally found the spot I think I'm gonna stinky leg here for the night and head back on the road tomorrow mom made some cookies over here for Easter you feelin me mom tell him what's a good mom can't do that on camera see for cookies I bet it's good in their mind okay mom come on [Music] cool [Music] you got in trouble young lady your door why won't you just let me float you a few bells I got I don't need your [ __ ] money but I got you babe that's nice I know you struggling out there in them animal crosses over don't don't do that no and my songs I talk like this up and down so that it sounds like I'm singing that I'll yell so you can notice by my screaming my bad I probably say well Alaska's the line that follows after requires a 12-hour this is my impression of Adam Sandler voice saying dr. Doofenshmirtz ah perry the platypus allow me to show you my skinny coochie and a tour [Music] [Music] you this is good because I can barely read so I like looking at pictures write it write it down how the hell you go and complain that you have low iron when you're not even looking for the iron see [ __ ] I found it says consuming this product may expose you to chemicals which are known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm I'll let people judge myself so nice even trophy you need to let me beat your wife I can't take it off I can't take it off like you're helping you clean up your stick and you're over here hanging up on these say [ __ ] you and texting me hell no I said one of my games game on obviously you won't play [ __ ] games so before you keep going on maybe try an apologize first you understand I don't think you do I'm sorry but who made this I mean seriously this shoot is divine I know so line up so your face lines up so you can make you okay okay okay now you're gonna take your finger so it looks like this okay no other hands all right so grab it with your other hand at the tip of the finger and I'll eat your hand put it in your mouth it's gonna disappear eating a let's go go [Music] [Music]
Channel: Monstro
Views: 992,706
Rating: 4.9551535 out of 5
Keywords: Vine Humor
Id: uBctvRLUBn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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