Tik Toks That Radiate Pure Gen Z Energy

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really freaking tumble we just went across the road hello i want this can i have it wait ow oh my gosh it's prickly oh whoa gosh there are spines in my customer announcement we'd just like to inform you this store is now closed thank you very much for shopping with us today and we hope you have a lovely evening stay how does safe keep happening wow not a single mask and a huge party you know we're in the middle of a panty right [Applause] are you from new york even yeah are you from new york even do you have a big black puffer jacket even um look at how i have to eat my cracker because of my mask i bet you can't touch your shoulders with your nails to my nails look try it with the same hand like this no same hand same shoulder nope no i can't no but like the other way this one no the other way like this like this [ __ ] oh oh damn ham oh a [ __ ] sandwich sandwich so i'm pretty sure i just found an infinite money hack check this out what if you bought an atm this is going to cost you a couple hundred bucks and then you put that atm in your house and then every morning you took a little bit of money out so you pay an atm to yourself but if you got a debit card that reimburse you for those fees then basically the bank's just cutting you a check every day you will not believe what happens when you tune down bird sounds hold on one second just check this out real quick all right you know how it is i open up little altar boy turn down the pitch and the formant hey we've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty this is your final warning call hello got your cake pop thanks oh man i locked myself out of my house not a big deal for me because i always keep a key under my mat so that's fine i also keep a little lamb a little walking around money and i also keep a passport in my bank codes everything to put on my chipotle salad is their hot salsa it is hot but is it busting janelle i i want to get rid of this feeling so bad i'm not taking my eyes off you three days later spongebob hi patrick oh no what yo is that a mockingbird oh nowhere yo is that a mockingbird shut the [ __ ] up kid you guys look what i found that's so i i know it's a dollar tree but i mean you know what it used to be just saying here you know what it used to get 20 be pump students be like no cap like bruh you worried about the wrong cat i just feel like i'm at this juncture in my life right now why is it that every time there's a pause during a concert the entire audience develops freaking bronchitis i have adhd you went to school to become a doctor that's phd i have adhd you're in 1080p that's hd i have adhd you're coming to the party that's attendee i have adhd you're a baked chicken strip that's literally a chicken tendy like why would i be a big cheese strip i just got back from the store right and i got this little packet of rubber bands and the lady that was checking me out as she's scanning the stuff she goes oh rubber bands for shooting people and i was like lady i'm 30 years old okay those aren't for shooting people those are for uh my pokemon cards you see this you see this piece of bread right here yeah we call it the butt i call it the hoe why because everybody touch it but nobody wants it my nagging wife died suddenly on a trip in jerusalem sir it would cost about forty five thousand dollars if we send her home back to the states or five hundred dollars if we bury her hair in jerusalem ship her home but sir why don't you bury her here in the holy land and you can save money a long time ago a man was buried here and three days later he rose from the dead i can't take that chance i hate whenever i'm checking 50 bills or 100 bills and the customer goes i just made that right now it's actually fake um i don't know if i'm supposed to laugh but that's actually illegal so i have to call the police now can i please go to manager and register i was about like five i was in the dentist they were putting this pink stuff in my mouth to get like a form and they said don't breathe through your through through my mouth there's only two places you can breathe through so he said don't breathe through my mouth and i read through my mouth i didn't believe him and i threw up all over the doctor and she was like [ __ ] she said that really all things considered guys i think i'm doing a great job thanks the guys do that's hot as [ __ ] and they probably don't even realize it's hot when they run their fingers through their hair do you ever wish you knew how deep you were getting yourself into before you got into it because in eighth grade i downloaded this shark tracker app and made the mistake of out of all of these sharks only looking after one her name is yolanda she typically is around the galapagos area and i couldn't find her on the list so i searched at least she came up here's her track in the galapagos doing her thing why is her last pin 2014 you can't tell me yolanda's dead i'm mourning the loss of a shark i've never met on a sunday i made a mistake i put my apple pen down on a [ __ ] blanket evaporated carol's rich what the [ __ ] martin's still doing his laundry cool janice is do you live in a barn oh is that a cat cute uh penelope you that's a it's a really nice house saturday morning 5 a.m guess i'll go ahead and start cleaning without telling anybody i'm cleaning nobody wants to help nobody wants them i guess i have to do everything myself hey everybody here's my first single it celebrates sexual intimacy while condemning the hatred and arrogance that's present in organized religion basically it's about how getting railed is a better expression of spirituality than sitting in a church for an hour every week oh i really like this song it's got a good pro christian message for my kids it's it's got a what did you listen to good morning i hope you're having a wonderful day i have taken the liberty of curating 17 playlists that you might enjoy and here are some artists that you might enjoy as well and some podcast if you'd like can i pay you to use my services i have somewhere to be the music is there do whatever you want find it yourself but if you don't pay if you if you do not pay let me catch let me catch you in our [Music] pain [Music] [Music] how much is the five dollar foot long how much is it what is the five dollar foot wall it's five dollars if you say it five dollars okay and about how like how big is it a 12 inch okay thank you now so these are the facial hairs that we're allowed to have at we got walrus mun shops are not allowed if anybody wants to ride on some handlebars maybe if you're really feeling wild you go for a painter's brush or even a toothbrush what is this huh i want to be a pig oink oink one circle one circle [Music] hey man let me get two of my pants backed up let me get uh bag of chips while we add it uh two cigarettes cigarillo do you need something two two of those we are good to go talk to me damn it or else i'm gonna throw you in the fire hey mom your laundry's ready i didn't know you were jewish this is the number one sign that your man is happy oh then you must be extra happy i'm cheating on you mcdonald's hot sauce on chicken omg this is so good it's going to be busting blessing yeah yeah ever wonder what you're supposed to do when you find money on the ground well here's what the law says in most states it's legally required to return the money to its owner if you can figure out who they are and even if there's no identifying information you're still supposed to put in the effort and ask around if you don't most states actually consider that to be stealing and they could bring charges against you i bet you 10 bucks you can't draw a circle on this piece of paper with a circle inside it except when you do it you can't have the pen leave the page it has to be touching the whole time yeah you see you can't draw a line circle out inside the circle without leaving the page wait no you i said your pen can't you can't do that though that's the only thing you can't do i just she will take you back to her dorm room so i'm walking there's a piece of lettuce and if you turn around another piece of lettuce but guess what another piece of lettuce all right let's hear it stitch your best excuse while you're speeding hey what's up officer i seen you off in the distance so i decided to speed up so that way uh you'd pull me over and i wanted to see if you had time to talk about jesus christ in the latter day saints okay so this is like my hidden talent say i was forced to swallow a pill this is what i would do ready when they walk away i just bring it up or if they make me swallow water no big deal and then i just so my pronouns are him he and i don't want to assume things but it looks like you're a hershey that's so disrespectful man guys you're not warning right now because the sun hasn't set but i have powers oh you don't like that or do you just not like me sorry i don't treat you like a goddess is that what you do i can't get out oh my god
Channel: Monstro
Views: 1,444,757
Rating: 4.9518838 out of 5
Keywords: Tik Tok Memes, Funny Tik Tok Memes, Tik Tok Video, Tik Tok Funny Video, Tik Toks That Radiate Vine Energy, Tik Tok, Tik Toks, Monstro, Best Tik Tok Memes, Cringe Tik Toks, Tik Tok Compilation, Funny Tik Tok Compilation, Funny Tik Tok Videos, TikTok Memes, Funny TikTok Memes, Gen Z Tik Toks, Tik Toks That Radiate Pure Gen Z Energy
Id: mVwKNZS_nK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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