Tik Toks That Define GenZ Humor | Daily Memes

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for three so I've never done meth but I'll make a virtue for a parent's why don't you name your kids sandy anymore I like that name it reminds me of the beach well we got a drug deal on our hands I know you can't do it yeah come on do it let's play two truths one life I'll go first I don't have a crush on Jason I have two fingers at least and I get a pedicure on Fridays which one's the liar Jason please I'm gonna go do my makeup show me your favorite nails your most expensive nails your most recent nails your longest nails your shortest nails the nails you've hated the most your favorite color of nails it's the role there it's the rules it's the rule why can't I have one of those cute soothing girl voices well I gotta sound like a man ayoh shadi why me why me God why I gotta sound like this I want to sound like Cinderella but I saw my cinderfella this little [ __ ] just came up and snatched there's no way around the fact what's up I'm [Music] man I am tired of companies always lying to us this toothpaste says whiter in one week Nagi I've been using this for two years why am I still a Giunta not oh my gosh oh that's gonna be spicy okay so boomer humor is I hate my wife millennial humor I hate my life gen Z humor butter knife girlfriend makes me take my glasses off when I'm at the beach and I can't look at other girls check out those girls over there dude I don't like when I take a shower like I love taking showers but when I take a shower my hair that Abby you saw flash [Laughter] hi this is my audition for the volcano in Moana and no filter [Music] hi-yah here's the Yankee order oh you wanted that scrambled go inside thank you I like the problem with our society is that they don't accept people who don't look the way that they want them to look hi I'm Kate and this is my story about segregation my man's flexing on me what if I touch a girl what's the most expensive haircut in the world chemotherapy ah the owners on your pockets and just fine since I felt you know that moment when you're just like walking in your room and then all this so you're like there's a wet spot on my floor and you soon come to see that it was just the cold Abraham Lincoln loin daddy are they gonna have sex Oh No hey dear can you blow out the candle too - no you would not know things so this says that two of these gummies provides as much vitamin C as 10 tangerine I haven't done the math but I've probably had like 600 tangerines today alone I've been eating this [ __ ] like candy should I be concerned this is my impression of people who brush their teeth twice a day [Music] look at this flashback on this powder are you ready 70% of your hearing 70% what the hell no way this is Shakira yelling at her kids to get in there Tahoe get in the Chevrolet hey the Shepherd what the [ __ ] you choking I'm a simple girl I have one Talent and it's doing a really bad impersonation of Kermit the Frog winning the Super Bowl Miss Piggy are won the big turn [Music] [Applause] I'm so tired of that sound no don't do that no hey bud how you doing no you gotta you gotta stand there a little longer come on mommy and dad you don't want to Pisces so how do you [ __ ] order a quesadilla with no cheese the first ingredient in a quesadilla he says hey so do the [ __ ] and then when it's on the menu when it says no Jesus in all caps cuz he knows you are all capping excuse me as long as we're around you'll never touch a normal lady Amanda if you ever want free [ __ ] at a party just say I've never done that before it works like a charm it's golden hour you can't see the Sun yes you can look it's hitting the trees mom's hitting the trees what yo man it's on it's actually been insane oh I love it stop yeah you're gonna wake up dad I can hear you all the way from my room when I was in second grade a kid called me a nerd because I knew what a kaleidoscope was and I just found out that he's going to school to become a doctor and I just recently started smoking crack again so who's the nerd now Nicholas who's Ryan if this like a thing now if you're watching the sunset somebody on the opposite side of the world is watching the sunrise thing goes why would I get arrested for deadly hugs what do you want to eat for dinner what about Sonic but he's so fast how would we catch him
Channel: Monstro
Views: 5,459,416
Rating: 4.9410458 out of 5
Keywords: Vine Humor
Id: iMytOtBPW9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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