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I just found out that there's a fetish for migraines so now I know that every time I've been in class and I said that I had a headache some creepy guy in the back of the rooms been posted up like no what was that my queen please wait your pain on a scale of one to ten come on guys take me seriously I don't I really serious I don't know how to turn this off okay take me seriously this is a business meeting we have to be 100% professional I don't know this is my kids computer I don't know what happened just take me seriously okay so our percentage is for the rest of the month are going Oh a perfect warm potato my daddy did say [Applause] this is the crazy thing when you close both eyes all you see is black but when you close one eye you've seen nothing in that eye you did you just don't see anything you just wait give me that flight was cheaper than one in Italy that one was free you know what that's gonna look like yep you got it is a parabola Hey I'll be shopping at Walmart save money live better save money live better guys my sister is sitting down I'm gonna break her and solid this is a lollipop she's sitting down doing her homework she'll never know hey sis I got you a lollipop our uni all that fatty Nick what are you wearing dude star help me brother wait I don't remember what cigar sets my life into that [ __ ] and what my what do cause you don't mind take your milk this is why your water fire and these are the elements that the avatar requires oh don't touch me Capri Sun no Capri Sun this week we're going to believe dance competition outside of chunky Mississippi let's go look if you draw minus two minus two plus equal on your pillow it sounds with your fingers it sounds like chim chiminey it really does Jim Jim [Music] like Prince and I said Prince is black and then I said no I'm sorry oh really think the Statue of Liberty doesn't be moving did she be like free give it someone is asking what the lease spoken language was in the world and I said I don't know and they've had sign language Oh need a six-pack part one what happened on this exam they got totally good well mr. Kelly it is what it is Oh see you I love you happy Mother's Day I'm sure this is Ryan Kelly with TMZ today I've got an exclusive interview with the ocean would you deal with Amelia Earhart you rat best so I just went to Dutch rose for the first time and they do this thing where they put like whipped cream on the straw and you're supposed to like you did but it's like low-key kind of big so I don't really know I'm gonna do this but I'll try crocks brand condoms kindly delete your tweet crocks as a family brand what tweet the tweet fantasizing about Crocs making contraceptive for devices seems like coms with holes and the [ __ ] be very pro-family that's not funny delete the [ __ ] what's wrong with your sandwich I'm not like other girls I'm this is such a beautiful place you can see for miles and miles beautiful rocks sunshine you guys would go down to get me some marijuana [Music] parents whispering in the kitchen it's a phase he'll grow out of it I'm sure six-year-old me in the living room high PSA whenever I hand you your card in your receipt you don't have to caress my hand I don't know you like that does it someone just pulled up [ __ ] hate this job hi welcome to smoothie can't give me for a moment I'll be right with you you don't have to touch me to take your card you can just grab it would you chain your grandma outside abso-fucking-lutely that [ __ ] is out of to good for too long Oh finally you're here [ __ ] you got a diamond so I can craft a sword I know you're [ __ ] lying let me see open your chest I see right there give it so what are you guys doing in your improv class tonight I don't know whatever the next thing is you're gonna pretend to be refrigerators and [ __ ] what well isn't that what you guys doing those acting classes you know pretend you have [ __ ] grilled cheese sandwich something like that that's supposed to get you ready for Hollywood what's up guys I just got some of these new like jelly filled candy things this one's really big though I don't know if this is like the extra large version or something go like here let me try it out hey I get all the jokes but label him women's bathroom sandwich makers come on I thought I was the girl of your dreams you are the girl of my dreams I just walk right now that's a lot of maggot cheese this [ __ ] you Oh POV I'm your boyfriend you asked me to punish you in bed and I'll pull out my pocket whip 3d app roblox death sad I can't be the only one who is tired of seeing guys like this I want to punch them and when they smile and take that to go please repeat that for the statement for the plaintiff say it has come to my attention that the defendant currently has do you ever feel like a Pringle chair [Music] YouTube is kind of scary sometimes I watch YouTube more than I watch TV like I grew up on that website but there are some [ __ ] weirdos on there bro well you could just tell who has a criminal record by the way they intro their videos what's up daddy's little munchkins its Papa Bear back with another wacky reaction video forget the bull [ __ ] let's get right into it [ __ ] left her purse on the ground to go take pictures again [Music] [Laughter] explain put a finger down if you've ever taken a shower and then looked at your shoulder for some reason and then when you look back at the mirror you couldn't see anything so you thought you were just having a head rush but then your sight doesn't come back and then you start to not be able to hear so you stumble to your room like running into every wall until your towel falls off and then you start screaming and crying for your mom then your mom comes and carries your naked body to her bathroom and you throw up in her shower pass out on her toilet and when you wake up she tells you you had a heat stroke because your shower was too hot Yurika be very come here come here hurry you ever just put ornaments on the back of a Christmas tree because you feel bad for like the backside now that they're gone you think people in comas have their teeth brushed every day and what about if you had go through puberty during a coma what happen was so stupid she returned a doughnut because it had a hole in it so I believe all my life and I never noticed that this is do not microwave cook you supposed to boil water and pour into this [ __ ] damn that's crazy learn some new it the amount of people who Sutter follow me lately is crazy I mean look at this guy he's famous and he won't stop following me the other day so friends I've asked something a lot of Americans don't know is that a citizen's arrest can be applied to a lot of different laws for example jaywalking
Channel: Monstro
Views: 4,130,500
Rating: 4.8974695 out of 5
Keywords: Vine Humor
Id: GdqlXeiEWMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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