Tik Toks That Are Actually Funny And Made Me Laugh

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oh my god it's Timothy to omelet I love this poster look these guys are a new happy family and this kid hasn't cut so I like my coffee like I like my men I don't like coffee my little sister wrote my turtle a No oh my god I love you amber you have been a part of my life for so long and I just was a thank you and she's reading it okay this is my impersonation of an Austrian father and he's making breakfast for his son but everything he does is still way too sexy maxi-pads come into kitchen daddy make egg for baby you've all scrambled Wow you've outdone yourself I love it open your think something stupid okay now think of me what's the difference it's day nine of quarantine and they're making a gender reveal cake nobody's pregnant oh dude no way that is so badass hey Garcia do you think we could should have gone to college instead are you sure but we're serving our country that's enough that's enough that's enough no that's not the way that role here's the difference between how my girlfriend and I have you money I used coupons and got all of this stuff right here for $12 and what did you spend your $12 on what are you gonna do with all that bread oh my god who [ __ ] cut your hair scrappy Coco so yeah that's what happened when my friend Mikey shaved his head and instantly I thought of this guy quick question I just got my heart broken what do you recommend did you know that if you mix borax and honey and put it out where you have an ant infestation all of the ants will come you know I may be colorblind but at least I'm not a ginger I have some bad so order these by accident there's about a hundred in there and everyone's been saying I should do the watermelon challenge but I'm thinking instead of a watermelon I'm just gonna use my head instead I am literally shaking I think someone broke in my house I the door open if I open up this fridge what am I going to find there slushies made of one [Music] how successful people start their day a successful person will eat something light put a nice outfit on have a cold shower hmm okay max your new life starts now yeah I'd like to make a complaint about an article on your website yeah from now on if you make a list you have to tell people the exact order things were supposed to happen in [Music] hey see this look at the butterfly words Korean people can't say with my Appa number one peel and pill you know I speak English right whoo-hah things in my ghetto American home that just makes sense this part of the wall is actually hollowed out this is where the previous owner would hide his drugs while the cops searched that oh I must need toys I've just discovered the most profound book everything men know about women thank you people always ask me what's your sexuality I am as straight as the edge of this grave if anyone would like a senior people I'm not gonna give you away for real baby I'm sorry y'all feel like Floyd in this mayweather it takes so much effort to produce a smile these days [ __ ] it here's my impression of Lois Griffin and Marge Simpson if they were cheating on their husbands with each other Marge I realized I was never in love with Peter it was always you mm Oh Lois I love you too I just don't know how leaving homie will affect the kids so if he does if I can get you to say ready [Laughter] what are you up to not much I'm chillin it's late oh yeah just in the hot tub well she could be there oh I'm sure I seem like that well I found this stick nice long stick whoa she's hot are you guys gonna get a divorce just so everyone knows if you see me in a restaurant and I'm eating a salad I have been kidnapped and I am trying to signal you no no bro and you know what I'm gonna do about it nothing like shaking in my those are sneakers Oh [Music] I have a tall iced latte on the bar honey this is me hot sorry hi I'd love a minute to talk to you about our prayer group hey honey can you come here for a minute yeah hi oh we're gay friendly damn yeah I got a spoon with some worms and some turtle food in it you want to see a turtle freaking out dude just make your move just [ __ ] hold her hand she likes you don't you want to become a cult leader since the death of God there's been a vacancy open you could fill that void here's a provider cuz I'm a provider making my fifties because I'm on the phone cuz she cheated on the dad and then he kicked her out of the house and I have to make supper hi I'm Chloe from my life and Quarantine in here watching Disney Channel Bam Bam pow oh heck heck how does it taste hmm it's good thank you did you know my chef [Applause]
Channel: Monstro
Views: 9,678,144
Rating: 4.8679476 out of 5
Keywords: Vine Humor
Id: iaWiYtqL-4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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