Tik Tok Made Me Buy It

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some cool gadgets that i saw on tik tok there's a fork and there's a spork and then there's this thing a double fork a knife fork oh whoa no that is very satisfying that's cheating that is the best part of the watermelon and you just got it on easy mode just skirt i wish i was there i love watermelon i would love to take that piece you just cut why cut with knife when you can just cut with string very good i need this immediately it is a pet brush but when it's full of hair you just press a button and it injects the clump of fur and my dogs this a lot why haven't they made this for humans like a brush instead of like pulling the hair out you just press a button and it's released this is genius i will be purchasing one let they brush the cat and then when it fills up it's a snack for the cat oh no snack just snatched it it came from me it will go back inside me that's gross there's this ice maker that makes mini ice cubes but wait when it's frozen and you open it you just flip it over tap it a couple of times and we'll bam you have a whole container full of ice and then it's the small kind that's very cute as a professional ice connoisseur i approve of this i want one of these simply genius see i thought we saw the world's smallest phone in another video but no this is actually it this is a real functional phone you can actually call people call grandma because you don't have any friends i don't know but look how tiny this thing is it is less of the size of a finger you have space for a micro sd card in it it's got a little case what's the point of the case that thing looked indestructible it's giving me nokia phone vibes you can even charge it goodness gracious they gotta be using these in prison they'd be smuggling those things in every hole this is actually really cool i am just finding out what this is so all of these cans aren't real cans they're containers tied your snacks in your snack like you just open them up but they look exactly like the real thing the coke even has liquid inside it but you cannot drink it even a spray can but they're all empty i'll be hiding my snacks in there this is one of the coolest things that i have seen on tick tock but wait it takes batteries why does it take batteries what does it need batteries for yeah i get it dispenses the milk but i gotta put batteries in it i thought it just works with gravity or like a soap dispenser oh but it's so satisfying you mean i could just have milk instantly mango juice with the press of a glass but you gotta put batteries in it and it's probably not gonna come with the batteries i hate when they do that no batteries included no purchase on this airplane in japan instead of having a shade on the window that you just pull down and close you can turn the sun off there is a dark mode for the window i have never seen this before so like you could still look outside and look at the sky look at the clouds but it's darker how insanely awesome is that there's a sink attachment that you can buy at first i was like what's the point hey who turned the sink on floor mode oh it's in a bucket somehow i feel like it could go closer why is it going so far gotta take a uber all the way to the bucket i like the fountain part of it for me that's the only thing that makes it worth it that you can just push it and then the water goes out on the top and makes a fountain kitchen must-haves from amazon i bought this as soon as i saw it it makes washing dishes so much easier like you take the dish soap pour it in the little container and then you just smack the sponge in there hey that's the wrong side why you put the soap on that side what about the abrasive side that's the real scrub inside the only thing annoying about this is you gotta like pump it a lot several times i like my sponges soapy where's this makeup sponge shaped like a pineapple and every time you want to use a sponge you just rip off a piece of pineapple until it is no longer a pineapple only yellow and she ripped that apart real quick she unboxed this light bulb but it's not just a regular light bulb it is a floating light bulb those gotta have some magnet magic going on in this that allows it to float they even got a plant a floating rotating plant it's a party now every time i walk by it i just put my hand between it make sure there's no funny business going on in the force field amazon bathroom favorites this magnetic care holder will pick up all your bobby pins or catch them if you toss them into the bowl surface you telling me there was a device for that to pick up all the bobby pins on the counter and on the floor or in the inside of your cabinet i mean i've just been letting them rot in the corners of my drawer but no you can take this magnet holder and just hover over them and it picks it up there is this sticker net that you can put on your drain that captures all of the hair so it doesn't go in the drain it goes on the drain and when it's got enough hair to make a wig for your dog that's when you peel it off and throw it away unless you're renting a soft little ball squishy squeeze it she poked it with something the ball is soap i thought ball was life but in this case the ball is soaked and that whole she poke activates the soap so when you're like lathering it up the soap comes out of the hole that she poked i never seen nothing like it so i am washing my hands with a soap secretion i don't know about this one they peeled off the stickers off a case put an iphone in flipped it over wait wait a second why is it invisible what kind of voodoo magic is this gotta be a green screen iphone have backing how to make invisible pack the backing you do not because impossible unless you have a green screen then anything is possible i thought my wife was crazy making us spend fifteen hundred dollars on a bassinet but now our newborn baby is six weeks old and sleeping eight hours every night only smart financial decisions she's ever made put the baby in a straight jacket you know i would pay any amount for having a good night's sleep that is a small price to pay not being awoken by the cries of a baby every single hour of the night who like wraps the baby into a burrito and does the rocking i don't know much about babies but this is pretty good what is this a light bar it's got colors on it i love ripping off the plastic only when it comes off and one fell swoop otherwise i hate it oh my goodness it connects to your music whoa okay that's really cool unnecessary but kind of necessary there's nothing worse than having to handle a toilet seat with your bare hands so i bought this pack of four pastel toilet seat lifters that allow you to lift or lower the toilet seat without getting bacteria directly on your hands they made a device for it you stick it onto a toilet seat so you can like lift it and then clean the underside lift it so the boy can go pee that looks illegal this dude bought this mirror off amazon and it is a very long mirror that you can attach to your regular rear view mirror and it's longer it allows you to see more on the side so you don't have any blind spots a panoramic rear view mirror it even has a night mode so the lights don't look as bright you just attach it onto the regular one that's so easy and i bet it's sold out i don't know how necessary this is but there's this little cap that you can buy for your soda can it just clips right on and then you could turn it and close it will it stay bubbly i open a think of soda i drink it immediately all right you know hear me out buy the bottled one it's got a lid real fancy i thought this was to preserve carbonation but it's so bugs don't get in your drink now i'm thinking about all the time i have ingested flies and not realized it vegan teacher don't come at me oh no the poor flies they didn't want you to drink them maybe they shouldn't be going inside my drink hole this is an instant soda can cooler how fast is that oh it's spinning it it's gonna be cold but it's also gonna explode what's the point sorry you want a cold drink now you gotta pay the price it will explode when you open it there are these bathing suits that change color once they touch the water whoa how is it doing that the orange turns into yellow they already look wet maybe it depends on the temperature of the water i've seen things like that but not bathing suits go to the beach in an orange bathing suit commit a crime jump in the water suddenly it's yellow wait by the way if you're wondering i am doing a wig test for a future cosplay what do you think in this store there are two kinds of baskets that you can pick up if you get a pink basket it means help i need assistance help me when i'm shopping but if you get a black one it means leave me alone don't talk to me don't even make eye contact i know exactly what i'm looking for i can shop by myself karen's will take the black one and still ask for help my side of the bed we got wires chargers very messy my wife's side of the bed she has this one device that wirelessly charges her iphone apple watch and airpods at the same time you know it's probably gonna take all night i got one of those wireless chargers thinking it would be so cool they take so long to charge your phone i ain't got time for that my phone always low battery i feel like the only time i get to charge my phone is in the car a tube but it changes colors stuffing in the car oh i know what they're doing oh whoa you mean anybody can do this and i thought my car was special when i had it she just shove them in the little cracks suddenly you have a gamer car color changing ambient lights very cool i feel like every car should just have this by default jam box the tiniest little macbook it's not a real macbook it's a mirror it's not a laptop cannot even check your email not even one no accepting cookies on this bad boy only mirror he says this is the best way to clean dishes they made a robot for it now dirty pasta dishes that's gonna break that is going to break the wine glass inside there uh-uh the fragility of the glass cannot handle that also i feel like this is gonna take so long and then you have to actually clean the thing that's cleaning the dishes when you're done cleaning the dishes with the dish cleaner i feel like when you have that many this is just pop them in the dishwasher this is a no for me super easy to make a pancake she's watching tv while she's making pancakes it's gonna burn you just dip it into the batter and then when it's done it falls off and what about the other side you didn't cook the other side those look more like crepes i already know if i bought this the batter would stick it would burn there would be smoke the smoke alarm goes off and the way she unbox this egg looking thing put some batteries in it that's not an egg it's a projector and it projects rainbows onto your wall i mean with how gloomy it is outside this is very necessary forget the led strips when you can have a whole indoor rainbow there are these suction cup hangers i have not had good experiences with these she says they can hold up to six pounds it could be a few weeks it could be a few months but one random night imma wake up to a random of whatever was hanging on the hook there is a grout pen that you can buy because let me tell you my grout is filthy it i feel like it's never going to be white again if it's dirty you can just paint over it landlords taking notes what is that a brain no it's a shell a clam where's the pearl oh the pearl is the light this is just a very fancy little lamp so you charge it and then turn it on and you have a clam light the pearl of light speaking of light there is this squishy light you put it on a color it has a color sensor you squish it and then it changes colors that's pretty cool first part is i would have no pancakes there's an automatic shoe cover machine no filthy feet in my house you either take off your shoes or you gotta wear one of these and they make it so easy you just step in it what if your foot doesn't fit what if you're digital next and have a size 18 foot then you got to take off your shoes but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the coolest one that you would actually buy and if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,644,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, memes, funniest tik toks, tik toks, tiktok meme, tik tok, tik tok made me buy it
Id: TtA8UPLg2Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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