Tik Toks That Will Get You In Trouble

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hello friends it's me today we're going to be watching some tick tocks that will probably get you in trouble this dude is just going into random classrooms and turning off the light a menace to society hey bro can you do me a favor can you tell me if that water funnel works thank you for a project oh he's setting him up he's setting him up did it not do again okay no it was you i thought come in he got this random kid in trouble he went from simple water to suspended real quick my parents take my phone at night so i bought a dummy off amazon oh that is smart some next level genius so at night instead of giving them the real phone you give them the dummy phone you know strict parents y'all raise sneaky kids do they not check nah my phone's dead every night it goes to sleep when i go to sleep what the heck is this thing on my dad's car no no bro that is the tint not some wrapping paper oh it's so sticky i can't wait to peel it off how good is it gonna feel for the window once the film comes off apparently just ripped it off like oh yeah a nice brand new window for my satisfying tick tock the one thing that would make a father cry y'all remember this video right we thought she was eating straight up ranch slime the worst part is she enjoyed it but no it's actually corn syrup frosting added some herbs to it oh that is so convincing okay that actually sounds delicious even the mustard it's just food coloring frosting in corn syrup it's sweet there's no actual mustard that is actually very cool this is one of the craziest things i have ever watched on tik tok so somebody from the hotel is recording this so this girl got arrested and then the cop is behind her and somehow she sticks her hand down opens the door and runs away she's running away one second she's in the cop car the next second she running away bro that is sneak level 100. she really unlocked it from the outside and ram that was impressive and it took a hot second for the cop to like realize oh wait that is some piss-poor reaction time bro oh he got some balls doing this just flip this guy's hat off oh i love this dude's pranks he really has no fear and they did it again how are you gonna do it a second time when you were this close to getting carb stomped what to do in this situation uh that's nasty water oh excellent even better ew they slimy they really got some nerve putting their toes on there like excuse me sir bessie my arm rest is not your foot rest go on get out of here bonus damage done if they had socks on washing my girlfriend's makeup palette for her it'll look a little dirty just gonna clean it a little bit oh watching my boyfriend's pc parts for him oh this video is painful on so many different levels we get it y'all hate each other this is your sign to go to the store instead of staying in the car so they actually stayed in the car while their parents went in the store and then this dude is just walking around the parking lot seeing if any of the cars are unlocked this is why you always have to lock your cars because there's always some sketchy people checking all the door handles looking inside for valuables oh y'all got a bag of happy and m m's break through the window snatch it make sure you lock your valuables away today a female customer came to fix a charging port on this phone and then when they go through the charger wait a minute tell my wife it's broken the hundred dollars is yours somebody does not want to fix that phone i wonder what's on it also do you see how deep the money went it went all the way through the phone you're telling me i could put something in here and the hole just goes on all the way i don't think so i think that charger is actually broken someone ripped in a new one this security guard at a zoo is just eating his lunch minding his business and a monkey just comes out of nowhere oh he's like give me the cereal he gave it to him you fool you fell for the monkey's trap you literally just asked for it and you gave it to him don't let the other monkeys watch this video they've become too powerful he really just demanded the food he was terrified took a last bite i was like okay okay okay sure it's yours now just don't hurt me new trailer for the planet of the game's movie looking good when both parents are over six feet so they'll never find your fruit sticker stash sorry this is illegal on so many levels this is years of sticking the fruit sticker on the bottom of the cabinet like nobody's gonna know nobody's gonna look down there in this household we are tall personally i wash them down the drain mother ain't gonna be happy when she sees this when i met you you had really dark windows and your front one too it was just live on the front they're not even that i thought it was nighttime i thought we were sitting in pitch black he said that's not even that dark what do you mean that is night and day that one time i drunkenly broke into kylie jenner's old house by accident stormy no way stormy [Music] no way kylie's house the door is open oh my god i recognize the stairs gotta be a guest or something i imagine kylie jenner's house like top security ain't nobody getting in stormy gotta put in her fingerprint to unlock the door when the customer had an attitude but forgets i'm overworked and gets paid twelve dollars an hour no at first i'm like dang you can order a thing of caramel sauce no it's the sweet and sour sauce but it looks so good that'd look better than the actual caramel why it tastes tangy disclaimer they didn't actually give it to the customer though my boyfriend sent me this live photo [Music] what i never even think to click on my photos like took a photo of my drink and the background she just fell face first into the sidewalk pretending i work at a random hotel i walk into were you calling to a room two days okay and what was the date on that okay friday and saturday night got it a reservation for tomorrow hampton inn oh i am so sorry about that i can come bring you some blankets right now wait the employee behind the desk did he just walk away he's like okay you know what you take over i'm gonna go on my break early like if someone want to come in here and do my job even if it's for a tic tac i'm gonna let them stupid christmas they asked for blankets an hour ago she gonna actually get them blankets she really doing everyone's job out here hi i'm so sorry about the weight thank you yeah have a good night i mean if someone comes in and wants to do your job sure why not until this tick tock ends up on your managers for you page i hear when old people are like you need to respect your elders um you need to count your days get on my face sir you probably shouldn't but wait till mother finds this video you just lost your grandma cookie privilege this is how i get free food all year round and it's super easy step one i downloaded a ton of food apps literally every single one i could think of if i missed any please let me know step number two i spread my birthdays at each restaurant throughout the entire year and i keep track of it all in one sheet step number three just cash in your free birthday food it's pretty simple some places will do a free dessert some places do a free drink and some do food you're wasting money not doing this it's so easy he is absolutely right technically you could sign up for all these food apps and be eating free you know this actually might be worth the effort bestie i think you bamboozled the whole system oh the things i have to do i know you can't do that you can't do that pay your parking ticket keep going you're not going to run much over keep going go she lifted it up so her friend could just drive through oh how do you do that how does that even happen or you could have just paid your three dollar parking ticket now you gotta pay like a few hundred dollars to fix that like you had one job just just go through just straight and still manages to hit it when you watch your son and his friends sneak out you kind of have to mess with them when they come back so they sneaking in through the window but mother knows mother is watching uh oh next time just say you want to go out so you don't need to climb through a window with all your friends i hope you had fun we're safe and didn't crack your pants when i started talking that is embarrassing i would have had it flash lights alexa intruder alert then they would have really cropped their pants i don't know what they were trying to do uh oh we could have just taken the stairs the escalator no we gonna go through the cinnabon oh what is that that is a cinna zero what is that alarm went off they thought they was robbing the place now we wanted to take a shortcut she sitting behind this guy at a baseball game and then took a photo of him and started editing it she edited the baseball in his bald spot this is a violation and the fact that she got caught guys me and my sister about to get a dog and we're not telling our parents hey this light brown one is the one that we're getting keep in mind we already have dogs if you already have dogs what's one more we're gonna like tell her that we're gonna go like get dog food or something like for my other dog i went to get dog food oh just stopped on the way and casually picked up another dog we got the dog [Music] petco's clothes so we i just came to get food and pads and i was gonna be a puppy that's huge i take that back he has small fella he's just got grown dog face some dogs they look rough though like they've been through it but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe during the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 25,737,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, memes, tik toks that will get you into trouble
Id: uofwhLQ1FgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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