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today i'm surprising my cousin maddie with a hundred dates in 24 hours and at the end of this maddie will be getting a first kiss but before that we are destroying all of the items of maddie's ex-boyfriend maddie i like the jumpsuit thinks it's from rebecca's so is this oh well now it's time to destroy all those ex-boyfriends items so we can start over my ex love mcdonald's and this was the first meal we had together the things that you do for boys birds one of my exes always used to wear this hat burn do you mean a [Music] how do you feel maddie i'm ready for that blind date and to get that first oh yeah have you been practicing oh yeah you don't have to show them what maddie does not know is that i'm not surprising her with a blind date i'm surprising her with a hundred dates now to get the boys ready maddie's not good at picking boys obviously so we need to help pick them for her we're not gonna find anybody good enough look maddie's gonna date somebody they're gonna have to come through me her dad you're not her dad hello hi whoa we got some boys for maddie today what are you doing here you want to go on a date with maddie no why not what's your type of girl alive ah hello hot confident self-aware kind of considerate goal thank you guys you can head on out let's just bring in the next one i'm sure that guy's not from the um friend hi i guess it's not the only person that we've seen would anybody be willing to dye their hair specifically you yeah i'd be able to dye it red orange or even crimson we're gonna have to eliminate you i'm sorry more ginger date on ginger describe your first kiss in one word awesome mwah we'll talk to you guys consider i need to check on maddie and then scoop out these guys text them a little bit rebecca don't make him take off the shirts though come on i might i have to just remember you have to go and do something i did not hear what you can say you're a dad just be her dad b maddy's dad you're leaving me all alone are you kidding me there are so many guys here and maddie is definitely going to find a boyfriend in this group you guys comment below who you think maddie is going to choose now it's time to prank these guys with a little fart spray just like when maddie has dairy what happened why you guys clear the area if you're looking for love you have to expect this every so often right no one said you can sit tell me about your first kiss i was watching the smurfs 2 in 7th grade and i took emily to the back and you know how it goes i don't know how to go show me my name is benjamin williams and i'm an axa where's your accent from south africa that's right below north africa can you please give me a hint about my date i can't give any details but i can guarantee that you will be surprised it will be romantic it's not what you're expecting and at the end of this maddie you are going to have a first kiss okay yeah i'm so excited okay can you like tell me what he looks like you know what i have to get going just keep getting ready my makeup's all here you got the zamfam glitter put that on you can get that at along with the back to school backpack and i'll be right back i am a pediatric registered nurse you're not breathing one two three four we're gonna skip the mouth-to-mouth gonna get a handshake sir no oh i just wanna illuminate have you had a first kiss before define kiss it's pretty easy you kiss i kissed my mom on the cheek show me how it goes not on me this is the abs challenge all of you guys have to take off your shirt and whoever has the best abs gets to move on to the next round you guys ready to take your shirt off oh yeah okay whoa oh my god actually i'm not the one who's gonna decide it's gonna be maddie so you guys can just stay shirtless for the rest of the challenge all right i gotta go check it out don't do that it's eye shadow that's a lip gloss do not put that on your eyes you look so beautiful the boys are going to love you you say boys boys like that boy he's gonna love you and just remember this is going to be the biggest thing that you have ever done in your entire life i thought it was just the first date it is a first date maddie but you're about to get a first kiss i'm just gonna close your eyes why can't i cover my eyes because i'm your cousin and i'm a chair okay okay okay i'm sorry fine cover your eyes we got this look graceful okay maddie are you nervous a little nervous but i'm ready for my date what does he look like on the count of three open your eyes one two three yes maddie you don't have one date you have a hundred days there are a ton of guys here but now is the first impression and you have to narrow all of these guys down to 10 are you ready wait i don't get to date all 100 of them maddie what's the quality that you guys look for in a girl she's got to be smart sense of humor funny how many serious relationships have you been in none of course please you kiss on the first date if she's strong enough if i feel like she can pick me up for the kids then that's what i do that's great that's great hey what really you're gonna go with me and then you're just gonna show up okay you need a random girl like you didn't even know with me you i didn't need to invite him let's just oh wow i love your eyes what are you stop focusing on focus maddie likes athletic guys you seem very athletic yes could you talk to us for a second can i talk to you for a second oh british accent south african actually oh i have an accent okay you look pretty fit would you do five push-ups for a girl i would do 500 push-ups for my love oh let's go let's oh okay just five just five we got a lot of boys to get through he looks kind of cute did i interview you uh yeah maybe matt did ricardo ricardo i think we can keep going like what's like your favorite thing to do i i like to do math and walk dogs i love to do math and my dog is named after algebra his name's algebra my dog's name is mia okay i think we should meet better guys i really like your hair you were eliminated you're trying to separate true love no no we've had bad luck with redheads i'm so sorry so sorry guys how old were you when you had your first kiss 17 12 14 13. still waiting oh we like a guy who weighs maddie there are a ton of cute guys here but i have narrowed it down to the top ten now i narrowed it down to the top no no i did maddie clearly you have chosen the wrong guys i know the best guys for you but i get to date them i should narrow them down half and half i pick five you pick five exactly game on okay thank you thank you thank you we want to thank all of you guys for coming out today there's a paper by the door believe your number i'll call you no no this is an elimination and at the end of this maddie we'll find one guy to have a first kiss with when we tap your shoulders step on forward you are in our top ten um you you you really really he's really cute i'm gonna go with colin i'm no no no you're not even supposed to be here no i'll go with you i believe everyone gets second third fourth fifteen no no no no no no no no sorry i just think that he actually just come on fine i choose the guy with accents this guy he's so tall there was this one guy that i feel like i had a connection with ricardo see you later see you later and you yeah and finally i'm picking a gentleman for you oh okay he's cute that is it thank you all for coming all of you for showing up so maddie could find love you guys can head out the door because they'll call me and these are our top 10 finalists moving on to our one-on-one dates at our warehouse [Music] now that we're at the warehouse the competition has officially begun and maddie doesn't want to date a chicken so if you want to earn a sunflower from her you've got to catch a chicken and put it in the pen three two one look at you oh we got another one you don't get a chicken you don't get a sunflower ricardo's got a chicken hey man for you oh my god oh my god guys look nine chickens are in the pin there is only one left which guy do you think is gonna get that last and final chicken i got one guys i finally got one okay the guys over here all got chickens into the pen but unfortunately you two did not catch a chicken for maddie which means that means that everyone here gets a sunflower from maddie and gets to move on to the next round diary and found the top five personality traits that she looks for in a guy and i base challenges off that but first she needs to get to know them better this is the speed dating round i'll be asking the questions and if maddie likes their answer she'll press yes but if she doesn't like their answer she will press no and they will get a punishment oh no i've never i don't know anything ricardo says start the challenge best pickup line most people call me isaac but you could call me anytime oh if you were a booger i'd pick you yes i already called an uber if you want to leave you know it's kind of whack no oh man i'll just go myself then that's fine no no no you're not eliminated she's so desperate why is my number not in your phone yet but she's already got my number though why did you press yes you know i've played golf i've dated a caddy i live in los angeles i've dated a baddie well the one thing i really want to date right now is maddie ricardo thinks maddie is sweeter than 3.14 that's pie i don't golf much but i have dated my caddy i am in la so i have been with a baddie but now person i want to date most is maddie that sounds a little familiar but i love it honestly i've never had to use them they usually just come to me oh i see why you think you can help me out with some directions i'm a little bit lost in your eyes oh maddie i'm missing something uh can you help me find it your number have you ever dated two girls at once oh no not yet it doesn't count if they're related right sorry i think that was a yes you better eliminate him we'll see of course what sorry javier i have to do this i know you're right it was more like three three okay okay okay show us your abs [Music] yes maddie caught you cheating how do you talk yourself out of it ricardo would not be caught cheating ricardo is not a cheater nah that's her fault like she shouldn't have come home earlier [Music] you're on a date with maddie and your ex shows up what do you say you're maddie has a lot of exes so it's probably one of her exes not one of ricardo's you don't know that record for ricardo i am i'm so sorry ricardo's in pink don't mess with maddie's exes i tell her hello and ask her if she wants to sit down ew cue the paintballs [Music] we've gotten to know the boys a little bit more and now maddie gets to make her decision moving on to the next round is marcus shazzy benji thank you very much ethan matt kind of knew that already isaac oh there are four boys left but only one sunflower which means only one of you gets to move on to the next round go ahead matty ricardo what ricardo that's right ricardo unfortunately that means that you three guys have been eliminated and will not be going to jail why do nice guys always finish last always man don't even get me started okay give them another chance no why are we in jail one of the things that maddie looks for in a guy is that she can trust them and each of you guys have a different secret of maddie's if you leave this jail you have to reveal that secret why aren't the doors locked because you guys can leave at any point but then you are not guaranteed to move on to the next round i'll stay for you first kiss with maddie who wants it i've got another dick really you're just gonna leave like that but i mean he's kind of cute you're out which means we get to read maddie's secret maddie has multiple accounts on tinder but uses her same profile pic don't look at me like that that's not a good look challenge number one everyone knows maddie likes a little you can leave if you want talk it out what are you guys smelling right now you're gonna have to get used to the smell if you want to date me 20 bucks if you come out to reveal her secret easy yeah sure what bye maddie oh thank you maddie wears her underwear two days a row she just turns it inside out i'm glad i chose this it's a day number two for me same for ricardo you guys think that maddie can trust you right yeah and you guys aren't gonna spill her secrets at all never no way and you'll stay in there no matter what no matter what yep unfortunately then i'm gonna have to tase you guys five four three carter already got tased i'm not gonna tase you guys today actually maddie still talks to three of her ex-boyfriends they never reply though maddie skips a shower every third day ugh i kind of knew that okay it's true maddie has never french kissed a boy never you two both like maddie yeah of course because i have 20 more dollars you're not guaranteed to go to the next round but you have a very strong chance who wants the twenty dollars not twenty dollars forty dollars forty forty dollars here is your forty dollars which means ethan is the winner of lost to leave the jail come on out here congratulations for 40 dollars you're revealing maddie's secret and that is that she has hacked into one of the boys phones here comment below whose phone you think maddie hacked into i'll never tell who it is ethan won the last to leave the jail challenge which means he is the most trustworthy and now he gets to pick two guys here to eliminate right now i'm sorry guys you've got to go bye your time is up be careful in those orange jumpsuits you might get arrested in real life maddie wants a guy that's romantic but she's getting married to someone else which means one of you guys is gonna have to stop this wedding we have daniel here who's gonna be her soon-to-be husband where's daniel lucy i've gotta fix i'll be right back i'm not sure where he is this daniel guy sounds like a chump no he sounds like a really nice guy he's probably running late yeah he is really nice that's why he's finishing last night i now pronounce you and your husband in the name of love wait are we in love i'm really impressed with this so should we get this guy out of here and like i am canceling the wedding that was way too easy you make a wedding i know this is your big day but i can't let you marry this man why not he's a fraud it's a blank piece of paper this is the best you got yeah wedding is cancelled oh yeah i now pronounce it object whoa oh do you want to get with this deflated dummy maybe or just done it before yeah with a hard body oh oh let's get married right now so are you canceling the wedding let me think about it maddie yes i now pronounce it i'm going to skip all the nonsense because everyone seems to be clowning around 20 bucks says you ditch this guy and get with me oh you think you're only worth 20 bucks i've got abs too i've already seen some abs daniel i will come for you in your sleep you inflated little little what i don't know but it's a no for me can i take that 20 though what i already spent 20 today more than that i now ricardo objects and ricardo does not mess around [Music] daniel what are you doing here that's daniel do i have to stand right here i just was trying to protect maddie maddy i'm sorry but i don't like any of these guys none of us like you either this is super awkward his accent is really nice to listen to but i don't like him right now this is a competition for maddie to go on a hundred dates with new guys so i'm sorry but yo i'm still coming for you maddie i'm sorry he snuck in i had no idea yeah i know i mean it's not that cool or anything exactly maddie wants a guy that strong which is why we are doing the battle royale sumo suit challenge this is lastly the circle wins but before we start let's see some dance moves it's down to four guys and i have no idea who maddie is going to choose which one do you think is gonna actually be able to treat her right she deserves that now that we have that taken care of it's time to start the challenge lastly the circle wins the only catch is that you cannot use your arms enjoy boys let's see how strong you are now okay careful push me out push him out bow and don't forget no arms isn't it supposed to be about maddie yeah like where even is she these guys are getting off way too easy i'm gonna make things a little bit more challenging you're all strong but maddie is here now and she's got an overprotective dad oh yeah wow i've got a date guys i gotta go okay i'm sorry i'm so glad that guy's got another date i can't believe that you picked him what i didn't pick him i thought you picked him i didn't pick him you guys have one minute to keep him out of the circle otherwise you're eliminated let's go crazy seriously matt you have to be my overprotective dad doesn't even know how to use the nunchucks [Music] sorry overprotective dad i got my eyes on all you guys right now i know where you sleep you guys are strong but are you guys honest we are doing a lie detector test for this next challenge and we brought in a professional polygraph examiner this is john he's going to be able to tell if any of you guys are liars john you have anything to say they're lying i will catch them question number one have you ever cheated on your girlfriend no that's a lie no that's true no that's true would you date two girls at once no why oh you would yes that's true oh come on dude i'm sorry it's the truth no why so you would look at you i see you laughing do you think maddie is cute yeah true yes true no that's a lie you do why would you lie about that you're trying to date her i'm testing the system do you think maddie is crazy i mean yeah true crazy okay like in a cool like crazy cool no it's alive oh obviously i'm not the crazy one okay okay we're not showing the crazy she's crazy for you buddy crazy for you yes absolutely true they all think you're crazy maddie every single one thinks they're crazy but you know i think you all are crazy i disagree with that well this is this is romantic jon i want to see what you think of who maddie should date i don't trust any of these pretty boys and now it is time for maddie to give out her last two sunflowers maddie to the guy who told the least amount of lies isaac and benji which means that i'm sorry ethan maddy you got rid of one of the nice guys do you really think benji or isaac are gonna be able to treat you right well isaac is cute and benji has an accent maddie the boys are gonna be doing the touch my body challenge however they are not allowed to talk and at the end of this you have to pick the guy on the left or the guy on the right we're gonna call you a and you be touch my body challenge is to massage her for five seconds a go ahead oh it's nice but a little bit of pressure and next oh this might be the best massage i've ever been given who gave the best massage b maddie take off those shoes it's going to smell oh man why don't you give her a quick little foot massage don't smell too deep but i like it i hear you because it tickles next okay just massage you gotta actually massage where is mama oh oh are you just like tapping at my feet who gave the best foot massage a or b a it was the only foot massage well it's best out of five each of them have one point kiss her hand oh oh oh that's a little weird who had the better kiss on the hand maddie this hand b is in the lead crest maddie's face oh b oh a or b a hey it is time this is the last and final touch my body challenge whoever wins this will get to move on to the date with maddie you are gonna now get to reach out and touch their bodies see what you think let's start with this one ooh very firm chest oh you can feel the six pack out okay okay so real not drawn on matt would be so jealous right now and now you get to touch b rebecca what are you pranking me are you pregnant again maddie it's not me that's a pregnancy belly rebecca good one it may be blindfolded but i can sense it maddie thinks i'm pranking her which i'm not but if you want me to prank her in another video smash the thumbs up if it gets a hundred thousand thumbs up i'll do it a or b definitely a take off your blindfold tada that wasn't a pregnancy out of a hundred guys benji is the one that is now going on a date with maddie and i'm so excited are you guys ready definitely yeah yes i hope you're ready for a first kiss enjoy your first date at cafe zamfam thank you thank you the first thing that i want to know is all those secrets that were exposed about you are those true no totally no i don't wear the same underwear two days in a row if i'm being honest i do flip it out don't worry so it's like clean do you flip it and then reverse it too maybe we don't talk about the underwear anymore that means you've been french kissed or was that also a lie no i've never been french kiss that one was true have you ever been kissed at all no yeah yeah just not like you know like french kiss like with tongue or anything do you mind if i kiss you you do mine no i mean i don't mind kiss me kiss me please he just asked her to kiss oh my gosh this is actually happening [Music] [Music] i'm so sorry maddie i don't know was that your pedo was it are you okay yeah i mean i still got my first kiss
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 9,799,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100, DATES, 24 hours, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: K82oj0HyEWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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