Tik Toks That Will Make You CRINGE

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hello friends it's me today we're gonna try not to cringe very hard if you get to the end of this video you might level up your cringe watching abilities daddy can i play a game on your phone no daddy's not in the mood no daddy please just one game no daddy's not in the mood no daddy's not in the mood is this how british people get mad oh man he was so close to punching that wall oh that was the softest punch i've ever seen it's like mommy and dad you're asleep i gotta make this tic-tac quietly no daddy's not in the mood does this guy have like real-life kids was this based on a true story daddy can i play games on your phone no and he going through it i bet i can make you smile just give me like five seconds okay five seconds oh you made me frown also what was the why are you rubbing dead skin cells on me it gave me the most illu face the actual puppy dog eyes what are you trying to accomplish sure did not make me smile smash like if you did not make you smile go from scared to scary okay he's scared oh whoa there buddy did he just bark at me no he tried to bite me don't mess with this guy or he'll bite you time for a haircut i reckon no it's not grow it out he looks menacing guys watching this i don't know why you don't just like let your hair grow out why are you cutting it short it does not look good grow it out if it gets hot put it up in a ponytail you forgot your pumpkin i'm your pumpkin can't you see i'm all orange pumpkins are not in season i leave my pumpkins on my doorstep i don't bring them with me i'm your pumpkin bro this pumpkin's insane time to slice it open take the seeds out can't you see i'm all orange orange i am so ready to go with you what do you mean you're so ready to go with me my pumpkin does not go anywhere with me what would you do if i was your mailman and i ranged your doorbell and when you came outside we made eye contact and then i asked you slowly why are you looking to this is the package you ordered what would you say it's at my house yes leave it at the door and remove yourself from my doorstep also i'm making eye contact with no mailman i sit inside and watch them wait for them to drop off the package wait for the car to drive away then i slowly open the door snatch the package and go back to hiding in my hidey hole i would feel so awkward if someone did that like made eye contact then started licking their lips bro i would run do you think if i can sing loud enough they will ask me to go on stage so she's at a concert she starts singing [Music] [Applause] nah they go kick you out i cannot tell you how annoying this is when i'm at a concert and i can hear everybody singing louder than i can hear the artist singing sure really fashionism girls are like candles they smell really good okay they're warm and brighten up your room and can even make you melt how does a girl make you melt how does the candle make you melt no the candle melts but it doesn't make you melt melted all the hair off his head but if you forget about them they will burn your house down what my dude was writing this down in his notebook probably like so proud of himself making this analogy like crazy like candles i ain't never heard of nobody burning somebody's house down because they didn't get a text back also i've left a candle burning throughout the night it did not burn my house down i will not stand for this candle slander last time people saw me in year seven wait so nobody has seen you since then since middle school i got smarter i got hotter bro are you trolling dang girl slay it's all i gotta say i cannot believe that is the same person in what way did she get smarter i thought this was gonna be a glow up can you please scream slay gotta take the first sip of the day that was a good scream nothing cringe about this wait he has his gum pierced like right above his teeth like his literal gum i don't even know you could do that i mean people get their tongue pierced all the time but like i've never seen anyone literally pierce their gum it's like a little mini septum i mean i'd be messing with that all day my guy got fortnite chatted on his fists bro he go hard what those fists do they take this out my name's charmander and i recently learned a new trick uh well i can turn myself into a wolf so i think i recently got cancelled for not knowing the difference between a person who thinks they're an animal and a furry so what category does this guy classify as and am i allowed to say anything hear about he can turn himself into a wolf and show you bear with me here or should i say whoa put me here okay one second okay let's see it don't howl don't howl he's going howl he's going howl he building one up i can't do this i can't do this no wrong edible bro that was it all that build up he didn't even do an owl that was pathetic that's coming from me i howl on the daily but i don't think i'm a wolf but your name is sniper wolf that's not a smartphone that is a nokia there's just something about this voice that awakens an anger within me mini smartphone freak phone that's not a tablet that is a thick nokia phone cursed object [Music] my sleep paralysis demon waiting for my foot to dangle off the bed what position are we in like are they laying down where's the camera just hanging from the ceiling if you were trying to scare the six-year-olds on tick-tock i think it worked send this tick-tock to your friend to surprise them with an attack from the nibble monster i'm the nibble monster if you're wondering i like to nibble and i'm very much scary so watch your back i will be watching my back and my front all around me to make sure that i stay within 500 feet of the nibble monster hey good thing i don't live in whoville dude looks like he could be one of the grinch's minions you cannot nibble me without my consent what starts with d and ends in egg drumstick oh you did i don't like this guy i don't like his movements what starts with s it ends with op making tick tocks what starts with d and ends in egg drumstick you're dead i am actually terrified of this man my alpha waking me up wake up kitten we have to go let's go alpha opens curtains i aided him you fool never show sunlight to vampires unless you want to get aided oh my name is pearl sorry go ahead sir my name is pearl cooley and this is my audition for america's got talent yeah ain't nothing but the hound dog crying all the time you ain't nothing but [Music] that is the most talent i have ever seen in the parking lot of an in-n-out oh gotta stop med meltdown to greet the npc you know the world really is just full of npcs and you can just do whatever you want huh she's really taking advantage of that respect making a traditional americorps drink so other countries think this is what americans drink sour candy and monster energy baby bottle pop my mouth is actually watering but like why is it watering i don't want to drink this should be doing the opposite should be drying can you handle eye contact what a horrible day to have eyes not you were right i can't why are you staring at me while you munch on your chain also no offense this right here this is probably the ugliest hairstyle a man can have i'm sorry i hate it introducing my male friends as my boyfriend p21 hi guys i wanted you to see my boyfriend thank god loki be offended the way he just stepped back so quick like no uh hi guys i'll introduce you to my boyfriend i mean that's how you know that they're actually your friends and don't want anything more anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which was the most range and if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and i just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at og wolfpack.com i'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,708,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, memes, tik toks that will make you cringe
Id: 42clT-5N6rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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