Tierlisting ARTSTYLES for indie games

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you guys suck at Art I suck at Art luckily the person next to me hopefully doesn't suck at Art cuz she's our intern Alexandra hi hi in this video we're doing a tier list of all the genres and we thought it would be a great idea to have one of the best artists in our team together with by far the worst person for art in our team and give our opinions about these art styles there won't be every art style by the way it's the ones we can think of that were like important enough so if you're like this specific Niche art style I'm sorry but it we we we're not not going to sit here for 10 hours it's it's the ones we like so alexand what are we rating on so we're rating on how easy it is to make it and like the flow of of of making it in general and like I know Vibes as well like how does it feel all right so how the how the hell am I supposed to know how hardart something is to make when I can't make any of it because you I have an outsider perspective yeah you you're at the programmer side so you can like think how is this implemented into the game how how how will it work let's just dive straight in first s we're going to talk about is low poly why because we made Forge industry and Forge industry is an S tier game so we'll surely put this run in stier um and also another example is project zbo if you want a bit of a like lower tier game good good game it's a very good game but okay that's beside the point so what do you think about this low poly so it's decea hard actually um in some cases I don't know how it was with with you guys but uh you you have to like in again in low poly in a very stylized way you have to find as much detail in it as possible you have to really think about everything in cubes in triangles but still find the essence of it I personally am a fan of low poly I think it's it's it's very nice to to look at things in an objective way and just really see okay what is the basis of everything I like it a lot but I don't know what you think of it I think this is one of probably one of the easiest art styles I'm not just saying that because marik's V our art and I think it wasn't very hard like I can't do what he did by far by the way but like I think this is probably one of the easiest styles to get into at least because later on we'll probably have a genre a lot of people that are watching this think is the easiest which I think is by far a trap we'll talk about that one very soon but I think for like a programmer perspective it doesn't really matter if it's low poly or hard poly so if it's just a 3D game whatever honestly I think this is a pretty decent one I would I would rate it decently High I also think with low poly you like even if you don't go the stylized route with a special Shader and so on it still has you can just with colors have a certain feel of Pop I think there's a lot that can be done to make your game look unique in this style as well like low poly Forge industry doesn't look like project zomboid no but that's the difference because project zomboid I think is a much more difficult style than Forge Industries because it while it is still low poly so it can evolve with the artist yeah it is it's based on how you want to make low poly so there is like that's why I say deceivingly hard cuz if you're like oh I want to remake this style of project dumboy I think you're going to fall into a trap while Forge Industries was a bit on the easier side so I think it's like a spectrum for low poly where are we putting it because is it easy to Market you think most games like if they don't have a special feel I think it's hard to stand out you have any idea about that or you just think I make art I think it just depends on the type of game you're making um art style at the end of the day is supposed to elevate the game play and while in some cases it can indeed be a good marketing tool to be like hey we are in low py we are in high po we have whatever I don't think low poly is that special that it is a a tool you can use for marketing unless it's something like Minecraft um which has that speciic feel and that is what people know of it um so I I think in 99% of most cases I don't think it has any impact on the marketing so that's why I think think it's a or b because it doesn't really impact I'm leaning towards the B now because I just know what other genres are coming up in I think it has some competition okay maybe I'm to generous maybe I am the nice one you aren't okay I'm putting it in B next up is cell shaving something that I think is pretty damn beautiful and also some examples of this if in case you weren't aware is for example The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker very clear example of it or things like Sly Cooper I I don't know what was the subtitle this was a suggestion from you Sly Cooper thieves in Time all right the PS3 specific one not the remade one for I think PS4 or PS5 clearly an artist they they're using a different type it's still cell sating but it's it's a little bit different what do we think about this genre is easier or harder to make do you think it has more potential what do you think about it the thing is these this cell shading was made specifically for the older consoles because it's what it could it's what it could handle for like lighting and stuff so I think now in the more modern times with modern lighting and modern things I think it would be more difficult to make it which is why if you see if you look at the this The Sly Cooper remake it does feel different because the lighting is different so if you really want to remake that same PS3 feeling those old old Nintendo feeling I think it would be very difficult in this category just because I'm a programmer and I don't have an artsy brain we also include things like bre of the wild here yes I mean I'm so subjective probably but I love the art style so much it is a beautiful art style but it's just hard to make you mean yeah because on the Nintendo it's Nintendo specific like the switch and stuff it's the the console is made for that type of shading but it is harder to make but do you also think it has more potential than a low poly like to stand out to pop for marketing I think so because it's it's not very out there anymore like there's not a lot of games anymore that use shell shad and because it is it has that low poly it has that PS3 feel and it's a bit older um I do feel like if you use it and you do it correctly it could really bring in that Nostalgia feeling of people I do think there is that that trap where people are going to say oh it just looked looks like Nintendo you're trying to rip off Nintendo or Pokemon or whatever I I don't think anyone would see that as an insult though no it is it is very much an insult in the in the art industry that I mean maybe if you like the new Pokemon games but that's not real who does but I personally love it I just think making it is very difficult what makes it hard to make the models are very like similar I assume from the low poly is it just a shading or it I mean it is it's it's a little bit different so it's a little bit more High poly than low po of course but it's the texturing itself has shading in it and it's the lighting in the scene that influences it quite a lot because again in the old times you couldn't have as much Lighting in the scene it had all be baked in like everything in in those lighting is like it's baked in it's it's there and you can't change it which now a lot of it is dynamic lighting and even if let's say in unity you use baked lighting it is still going to have some real time effect in it because the computers and the consoles are way better now than they were before again if you want to recreate that style it's GNA take a little bit more effort to get there but once you have it down I think from then on it's going to be a just flow just the beginning stages are going to be very difficult so if you had to put a rating on it where would you put it on a spectrum visually visually it's like an a visually It's s super subjective so we will not argue about this no no we're not going to argue about that I think on a technical standpoint I think it's D or C I'm leaning more towards D on a technical standpoint by the way it feels very wrong to put cell shading in D so I C is the lowest I can go no no d by far okay on a technical standpoint before any visually it's like visually it's it's beautiful so the next that we're going to talk about H is voxel so I think about Minecraft think about Cloud Punk Cube World tear down all those all those games I personally don't like this style I agree I think it looks cheap it does except for Minecraft which no Minecraft also looks cheap there's there's a reason it's like it just yeah it just makes me think of the like old iPad games back in the day in like 2010 like those those type of games that's what makes me really think about and I don't like it I think it's not fun to make because it's like low poly but with like extra little cubes everywhere I I personally don't like making it but again it's a personal style I don't like how it looks the the thing is visually I'm not a big fan but that asight I think pixel art is much harder than people give it credit for and now you're doing 3D Pixel Art basically yeah which also sounds like a big trap in my opinion I don't think it has as much marketing potential as other genres because it feels very childlike I think if you make a game for child for like PE smaller children I think voxal art is is great because it's it's low poly and but you can still add some funest to it yeah true but for older Generations like any anything above like a 10-year-old I don't think it's it's going to you probably offended half our audience that's fine that's fine if you like those game is cool but like for marketing purposes for getting new audience in I don't think like a a 20-year-old is going to play a fox game I think so since I think the marketing potential is limited yeah since I think it's a trap to make yeah I would put this quite low I like f or oh immediately F immediately F I do not like this think I was thinking e tier but I can see an F so but why e why why why e why not F because someone watching here will probably write a 10 like 10,000 line comments and say why voxel is great sure but that's that's their opinion like why voxel is great and that's great if you love voxel like view your thing like I I am I am love Minecraft and everything but it's just from a technical standpoint and a marketing standpoint it is very difficult to make and it's if I ever go into a business and they're like we're going to make a voxl game I will bash my head against the wall because that sounds like a lot of work all the time now you phrase it like that I would probably like put this as one of the styles that I would do the least likely Bite Me games no matter if Marx William you whatever came with the IDE I think this is probably the thing I would give the most resistance for so I guess it's fair to put it at like the lowest point possible I think there's also a reason why there's not that many games that many foxal games because it is very difficult to make while it does have that childlike feeling I think it's easy to make but hard to make good cuz I can make a cube but yeah but it's a cube with extra cubes yeah I know it's yeah but it's not pretty what I mean f i can live without that um there you go okay so the next one is my personal favorite so I'm sorry if I'm a little biased it's the tune style so think about Borderland like Telltale series bmers cyber funk all of those games with the like little outline and like the the the shading with the I absolutely adore this style is guilt architect dude no okay no cuz it's like Telltale is more specific it has like that specific style and like the the way of um making the textures I think it's more flat yeah yeah it's more flat with literally like the line shading as if it was like a drawing that they put on a 3D person I love this style visually I think it it it's very marketable because it has it is this this this outside it is this extreme it's not you don't see it a lot um I've also know a lot of people that also know a lot of people that have made this style for like projects and stuff throughout the years at at my school and while it is difficult to get into because there's a lot of technical parts of of course tell tail doesn't exist anymore so you have to look at the older things once you have it down it is beautiful the way that it looks and what's the process to make this because I mean like I said I'm a programmer I'm not sure how I would even start making this like what makes this style unique is it the Shader is it so there is there is a Shader on there as well but in the models itself so the models are like mid to high poly I think I think more mid poly um but within those you have to think about you know they put the lines and stuff on on there as shading and as like debris or whatever which you have really have to think about where you're going to put it so it doesn't look muddy from a distance but you can still see the detail in it so once you have that down once you get the technical aspects of it I think it'll be much easier but in the beginning like I said in the beginning I think every style is a little difficult in the beginning but you really have to think about it and if you don't have that Shader down that outline Shader it is going to be very difficult it also has like that like a lot of the tell games have that muddy feeling so that like dirt feeling like everything's dirty and everything's grimy but it's still everything is still crisp if you look at it closely it's just all in the textures which I adore so do you think this is easier to market then than low po yes I think yes but also easier to make no it is it is it is difficult to make but I think it's more fun to make because you can have a little fun with it in the Shad in the in the shading and the texturing and everything like that so I think that's more fun than than low bully I think the trap with marketing is a lot of people are just going to be like you're remaking Telltale you're not Telltale like you're a lot of people are going to say that because I knew that it took Telltale a lot of time to make those models and to get to shading ride and everything which is why a lot of their games are just they weren't coming out fast enough and they weren't they had to put too much money into it which is why they failed because they wanted to stick to that specific style from what I hear it's not a very sustainable art style then I think no but also they were very perfectionist and they had they made a couple mistakes throughout the way I don't know if you know like the history of of I I know they they went bankrupt and that they made some very fun games to watch for YouTubers play yeah yeah yeah yeah because their games were story-wise if you're just playing them alone they can be a bit boring but if you watch somebody play it it can be very fun which of course it tanked the things a bit but I guess if you make a game with that same style that is not story-like I think it would be very marketable and it could be very fun to to to to play and to make as well I love making it a lot of my friends loved making it rating time what do you put it gosh this is hard because it's again it's one of my favorites I I'm immediately as but yeah I oh I cannot give it as by far I think B because of the mark ability and the fact that Telltale kind of went down with the style because of the style I mean from what I hear it's harder to make So It Goes Down Below low poly but I also hear it's easier to Market so it also goes up again so I we're not putting it in the middle if they are evening it out I can live with a B okay good we're not putting anything in the middle this time I I that was my run rule I'm refusing I will fight this laptop away from him to not put in the middle next up is low poly stylized now this is a very broad term you can imagine things like Team Fortress 2 very stylized already but also things like super hot like very basic looking completely different looking as Steam fors do also for those people who also love low poly stylized art cnti assets they are low poly stylized also if you want to buy them we have a unit affility link uh click it or something plug what do you think about this one I like it but CTI assets are very popular you see them everywhere this this type of style you see it everywhere so it's it's it's mostly in video games that were made by people that didn't have like an artist or maybe they had like one artist and they they couldn't keep up or whatever so it is very general in in the games to see low poly stylized especially those again those assets but it is fun it is fun to make because most of the time you just kind of you make a model and you just start pulling [ __ ] out you're like this is this is too detailed and then you just end up with this like funky looking thing I I like it I'm person not a fan of making it I know a couple again a couple of my friends love making low poly stylized the thing about this style is I love it for t for 2 super hot there are more examples of low po Styles working really well but now that we also think about marketability a bit I think the cinty part is dragging it down a bit yeah because it's everywhere you're not going to stand out yeah it's getting harder and harder to stand out I feel unless you have a completely Unique Style like for example super super hot because it's all white with just red it is low poly but it's it's it's so unique in its style if you're purely gring on cinty I would put it quite low even though I love cinty and we have used cinti for fortun see a bit I personally think if we don't put it above or on a sea people are just going to shoot us down I think that's going to happen but I think a good low poly stylized looks so good does I mean I guess it depends on what stylized thing you do yeah you you you get the gist there's also again a r in L style there's range on how how stylized now look I mean someone will always comment like but this one game did so good with this genre that you put in fer and there are rules around what is low poly what is mid poly like how many faces there are and everything but it's mostly just about how it looks like you could have a low poly Style with a high poly mesh like I'm just going to say that but it's it's what it look like rating time I'm going to say C I'm going to put it next to cell shading I kind of like cell shading more but then we put it in D and that's awesome yeah yeah but we're not putting it in the middle we can move celling up no that's B yeah but that's like the lame steer list or yeah it's like everything is beat here except voxel games for a reason which is like the best way to trigger some people I'm sure of it they're going to hate us C sure c yeah just because it's so general just because it's everywhere yeah if you do cinti I I would probably put it lower if you don't do cinty I can live with C or maybe low poly is easier but it's saier so once that out shell shading is harder but if you do it you will stand out that's why they they even each other out that's why they're both Inc next we have high poly stylized so think about OverWatch and firewatch now there will be some people in the comments OverWatch is actually midply no okay you could they they will probably say it it is still Hyo stylized there's still a lot of detail in those assets purely from an art style I really love this I really love it as well because you can really make it unique yeah you can push everything as far as you want like from that point of view I love it but I think this is a really hard style to make no it is it is because anything High pulley and even mid pulley to to high pulley it is hard to make because you have to spend a lot of time in it in our school we had an assignment where you had to like remake some some models and we had actually an artist that were there from OverWatch and he said that he could spend on a weapon 3 to four months of course he did work for OverWatch yeah it was three to four months for for for some for some places fer so but again this is a high company with a lot of standard and you have to go through all of these processes it can take a couple like a two weeks or something for a for for a good like if you want to get like the OverWatch style it can take quite a long time but it is very beautiful and depending on how you shade it like look at o look at firewatch that is beautiful yeah firewatch is beautiful OverWatch also beautiful in my opinion but if it takes that much time we can't put it high because yeah at some points I want to make money probably people there want to release a game visually it's very beautiful and I think you can you can like find people on Fiverr to make you like a high buly model in a week so I think marketability is very very good very good I think creating it sounds like the biggest Spain of my life depends on how good you are at it like I think I mean I'm horrible at it think I can't make it C I think our utter intern she would be way faster that than me because I was I was I'm trained low pully mid pully she's trained mid pully High pulley so she would be much faster that than I am I know people like a a good friend of mine she can make one of these models in 2 days she can just crank them out because she that's what she loves doing it's what she's doing all day every day so I think it just depends on your artist and what person you are I think for a lot of the indie game developers here they're not going to be able to to make this alone without help from a especially seem like 60% or something I don't know what exact that Marx will put it on the screen somewhere it's like just a programmer yeah so I think this is not a good not a good showing unless you Outsource it I mean yeah but if you're a bigger Studio I think this is great but like if you're watching this you probably aren't so I don't know was firewatch a big Studio there were like six or seven people I believe there was like a GDC talk about it one day there's not a big studio right no it's pretty small they spent a long time on this game yeah but we always preach to have short death Cycles yeah if you want to do this do it in a short death cycle and that's basically possible if you're a small team I feel either way D or E it hurts but I what do you think I think just based on fact that it takes so long but the mark ability is so good I'm going to say d what am I going to say d now now I'm doubting myself cuz the E is calling to me as well I would put it E I think it's so difficult the largest problem with this is we haven't really talked about it for the past few ones like some of these are so stylized and so unique it's hard to find pre-made assets like if you want to compensate for like very easy things like some tools or props that you're like I can just use an aspect for this for this genre it does not work it's very pulled apart because stylized is so objective like honestly to a certain point except for the the realistic ones which we're going to get into they're all stylized and you can see the they're just so far apart so depending on how you want to which style you want to get you're going to have to get somebody to make it for you etier eer sadly I love OverWatch it's my it's my my Prime en Joy next up very realistic games you think super high poly games like the last of us that look like almost like you're in real life or things like The Witcher basically every new AAA game I guess or a great example is also unrecorded which went viral because just how it looks so I think if you have great graphics and you throw it in something like let's be honest not Unity but unreal it can look amazing so I think like marketability if you do it well you do very well well we were just talking about stylized this is way harder but hear me out yeah this is something you can get a lot of pre-made assets for because it doesn't have a unique style true so you the the things you have to make yourself you can make make him unique for you like for example your main character or something but like if you just want to have a light bulb there are like a thousand very realistic light bulbs already that is that is very true so it's very easy to mix and match I feel like Yeah because it is it is realistic but if you think of like the last of us I don't think that's a very specific because it's such a fantasy world I don't think you're going to find as for if you want to make something like csgo which is just gun and people sure that you can find assets of that all over the world CS go high po realistic no I think it looks pretty it's like mid poly realistic but just a a general because that's just like the it's just a house with people in it sure you can you can remake that with assets but it is going to cost you quite a bit of money because people do want more money for things that I think as an indie it's very hard to do high polygraphics I agree because like from what I can imagine if I have to do 10 like things in programming or I have to like 10 million I probably choose the 10 and it's easier to do but I also think it gets like a bit of a bump just because there are a lot of assets assets and this is probably the easiest genre out of all of them to mix and match but you do have to think about a lot of hype bully there is some difference in it because you can't really get that real feel as it is in real life if you want to make it yourself you really have to think about the The Uncanny Valley parts of it cuz if you look at some I don't have any games at the top of my head but some games you look at them and you're like this does not look like a real person it looks like some [ __ ] dream can I curse yeah okay like it doesn't look like anything real it just looks like a [ __ ] dream like it doesn't look like a person you should think about that as well about The Uncanny Val Valley feeling when you put l the assets together like does it match what are you feeling like so for making it f tier it is very difficult to make if you would told me like oh we're going to make a realistic game go make about 10 tables no tables is like easy but like 10 houses I I I again i' bang my head against the wall but because there's a lot out there you can I think you can get away with it by buying things I think you're still going to have to commission some people to make some things specific but I I don't know if it's a hot take or not but I would put it above low poly stylized just because of the just because of the assets like there's a nice spot in D tier waiting for it there is indeed a nice spot in D tier we're almost making the be of Bite Me by way oh would be very nice this is the goal of every the list now I'm making the be of bite me no I see Marx in like the cor is like no he's having fun let him be I get why you would want to it's it hurts me to put above stylized like I think stylized personally I think it looks better but just because it's the assets it's out there there's a lot of them out there I get it I would like there's enough engine flip games or whatever uh it's called or acid flip games you have things like Mega scans from unreal true so you have like a thumb of things that are just forgot about Mega skins forgot about those there you go nice and D so the next St we're going to be talking about is Anime think about D Roma think about persona we put Guild architect on there because there are some anime inspired things in there and we want to talk about our game you know a little bit marketing are we have You released your uh steam Page by now okay no you cannot wish list it yet but do so soon we'll we'll let you know join the Discord and then uh you'll get a notification anime it's a trap because it's a very if you want to get like real anime like anime anime Vibes it's a real trap I don't think Guild architect looked like animated no it's inspired and it's called marketing don't all right but just pretend it's anime so the weep is buy it no we're going to say it's inspired by anime oh why is this a trap how hard is this to make anime the sty like the drawing style of anime is very difficult in Japan specifically there are specific schools where people go to to just learn the anime style but are we then talking about 2D anime yes but a lot of the games like dongan rampa and Persona as you can see in the little Persona is great it has those like 2D drawings of the of the of the people yeah it looks like it's 3 even though it's really you mean no like little little when you talk to them oh the character portraits okay and then dongan rampa is just like little cutouts there's like no 3D there so that's like fully anime also a good anime to watch by the way I recommend it and a good game to play sorry so that's a trap because if you really want to go for that anime style you're going to have to find somebody that's specific to that because if you have like a thousand animes and you put them all next to each other there's going to be differences in every anime on the style so it's not like you can get some asset I mean probably for the 3D part you can get asset but for the 2D part you're going to have to commission it or hope for a friend that used to be a wee in middle school and uh can draw real good anime style and then just kind of ask them to join the team but for 3D I think a lot of the assets are just like low to midply with like a little outline on it so I think that's that's a bit easier but like the drawing part and the making of the of the people I think that's going to be a little bit more difficult so it's it's a double-sided it's double-edged sword marketability wise I think this is a pretty decent one as well it is very great people love anime games all right right so rating Wise It's why do we always make these steer list so hard because like is it better than high H poly stylized yes is better than yes also over ultra realistic yeah over tun shading yeah just because the pure marketability of it but it's you said it's hard to make it is it is but if you have somebody is is it better than just low ply I think if you're looking at an indie standpoint because I'm looking at an artist standpoint and and like the feel of the game I think if you find somebody that can make that style the anime style I think you're set I think finding the people is going to be a little bit hard again you have people on Fiverr you have contractors that you can you can have again friends but once you have it is style down I think the marketability is just going to go through the roof because again people love anime games it gets somebody some like Japanese voice actor to have some like and and you're literally set like literally like it's you're going to rack up money no matter how [ __ ] it is no matter how simple the game is people love I would put in 8 just pure for the marketability but is it really the marketability is I mean weeps have money so they buy weeps have a lot of money what was the second one it was low poine BN tune tune style that's lower because just pre marketability people are going to be like Telltale and they did go bankrupt I'll just put it in a tier because we mentioned guilt architect and we can't put ourselves lower than everything else right guilt architect is going to be stier I I I love and I know a lot of these people are going to be weeps and they're going to be like yeah yeah H ti so next up pixel art honestly good pixel art looks amazing think about hyperlight Drifter absolutely stunning or things like stard Valley Master Card in pixel art Terraria as well the bummer is songs of ever is all right I can't say that with good conscience but I think this is probably the biggest strap on the list it is because it looks easy and honestly to make something visual that is representable of what it is is also easy but to make it look good is hella hard this is something we experien with songs of ever jate we made Pixel Art we commissioned it they made it for us it looked all right but still it wasn't popping enough and even though we thought it looked all right it like the first comments we get is like it still looked like an RPG Maker game and I think it's very hard to stand out also something we experienced as well you have a very hard vendor lock in we didn't notice at first but like there's pixel art my my tiny programmer being can't understand this but like you have like 16 x 16 or 32x 2 pixels and somehow in those pixels people can make such different styles it's really a big trap in my opinion yeah it is you really think it's easy and then you start it and you're like what the [ __ ] is this I think this is like the easiest gen to get into because I just pressing some pixels but to do it good is probably one of the hardest finding a good pixel artist is difficult also a lot of times these are games that are very saturated but you have to find the balance so it doesn't just like blow your screen up like again yeah look at stard valy you can see little little thingy I mean s Val pops it is pops but it's still you can still there's still a difference while it is super saturated Marx will put a side by side from songs of ever in start value spot the differences we're going to make him like editing like look like follow the hands or something no he's not going to do that not going to track the hands no nope he's never going to do that L editor we're going to put him on an F the editor or the editor no Marx is stier so about pixel art I think it is a trap I think marketability if you do it good good it is there because there's not a lot of games that are good pixel art a lot of pixel art games not all good games yeah but I think if it falls short even just a little bit people are going to notice and it's going to be cheap like it is very people are going to think it's like a cheap game yeah exactly that also now that you mention it good a good mention is I think a lot of people see pixel art and it immediately devalues your game because it indeed looks cheap I think if you have other art style except foxel you can probably ask for more money if you make the same game even if it's also TW game and you just like hand draw everything I think you can still ask more money if it's not pixel art pixel art does have that cheap feeling you really have to have the gaml to boost it up even though youve spent probably 99% of the time just on that goddamn pixelart I would put it it doesn't it doesn't deserve to be next to foxal Art I despise foxal art I'm sorry it has its own tier in my head it's not F tier because but we're not going to put it next to OverWatch I mean we are going we're not putting it in the middle no it's better than Fox Arts it is better than then it's eer but are we really going to put it next to over I'm so biased we really going to put it next to stylized welcome to tier this where you think in the beginning oh this is easy after you put like five things down it's like but it's better than this and worse than this and then you end up putting things in the middle objectively I think it is like the same with like marketability and as foxel no as stylized as OverWatch marketability as how hard it is to make the only difference is pixel art looks cheaper than stylized so people are going to pay more more for stylized so we're going to do the classic thing that YouTubers do and we're going to be like look this is more eter so B okay here so in we usually just put them like above and below each other and you just like like I I put it to the left yeah because it's more eer than it is because you read from left to read from left to right you put something in the middle I also I explained this to Mar on he was like no we put it in the middle so you you just do the same yeah but I'm correct so basically this this is an e+ is what Al I say the next St we're going to be talking about is monochromatic think about limbo plug andplay dark I think is how you pronounce it limbo looks cool it is cool I think it's also in some way a trap because you're in one color you have to really play with those values and it can't become too muddy you still have to have that contrast you also have to draw less Detail no not always but it's black and white yeah but you have to think about the like normally you can think about things with a color like oh to have more contrast here to like show it we're going to have orange and green next to each other and then you know the difference now you have to think if you're doing in black and white cuz monochromatic isn't always black and white you can also just put pink all over it's still monochromatic you have to think okay lighter and darker values whites and you have to think about those kind of details limbo of course is a very a lot of the the monatic games are simpler because you don't have to think about the values that much am I am I thinking too much as a programmer to think this is just Tod art and I put a black and white filter over top that is that is wrong to think about it like if you put a black and white filter over all of this I think a lot of them are going to fall flat like you're not going to see the contrast and you have to really think like at Art in general you have to think about the contrast but you you can think about the contrast between colors and contrast between value and once you have you so you have like a a t thing and once you have monochromatic one of those things just Falls away so you have to think about it which again is why a lot of monochromatic games are simple so you don't have to think too much about it I see what you're saying which is why if you want to learn art it's good to start drawing in black and white so you really think about those values adding colors is easy think about the values is difficult how about marketability I think this is an easy way to stand out no it is an easy way to stand out because again there's not a lot of games out there but it's sounds like it's also much harder to do than I imagin because I was like just draw something and put black and white over it but also I think the monochromatic ones they kind of fall into a category except Plug and Play which is just funny it has this like darker more groomy more more gloomy more deep meaning behind the game you can't make like a funny haha game and then just put make it black and white so if you want to make it you have to think about the the type of game I think it's very genre specific and even plug-and play has like a little deeper meaning behind it but this entire list is so hard for me cuz I can make none of these Styles but think about marketability because it's such a genre it's a specific genre yeah if it's good it's great if it's bad you're failing so talk to me in like tears now what are you thinking about because I have no clue about this genre to be honest so I I'll completely trust you and and then you say something and I'll be like no that's a stupid take and I'm leaning towards D you would put it over pixel art because it is easier to do than pixel art it is easier than pixel art or at least easier to do good it is easier to do good than pixel art again because it is quite simple like you can see with limbo it's just a little character with wide eyes but you do have to think about the contrast and the value I think what dragged it down I think the easiest is I would put like B think what drags it down is just the marketability of it I I can live with that I have no clue what I'm talking about so alter you in this one yeah we've put nothing in s tier by the way there's still one left there is still one left you want to talk about it and the last one and maybe least one we'll find out soon I guess is dy handrawn things like cth absolutely stunning game Marx puts footage on it up now another example is Binding of Isaac isn't okay hear me out is this not monochromatic with color oh my God you've just explained drawing what what do you mean yes but that's just but yeah yeah okay like what do you mean it was a stupid statement stupid what I mean is like does the adding the color make it harder or easier I think it makes it harder no easier easier this is why I'm not an artist I have to do more but it's easier what the hell because you have to because you can create contrast with the colors you can create interest with the colors if you have to create interest with just one color it's way more difficult if you have to create interest with a lot of colors that's way easier because you can show like this is green this is red this is whatever and if you just live black and white or pink it's just going to muddy all together because it's the same value I think this is also because it's basically just draw something that you can draw something in so many ways I think this is very easy to stand out as well it is easy to stand out look at cuphead like I have never seen a game that even even close yeah but I know a lot of people are like oh cuphead easy oh no cup is like I think it's a hell to make hell to make because it's once you have a a genre once you have a style down you have to continue that style throughout something like Binding of Isaac is a little easier because it is way simpler to draw it's like a little Jiggy cuphead sorry you cannot create recreate cuphead I I don't know how long it took them to make this game but years just the research alone on on all those like old timey Styles and I think they interviewed some people about it as well some old artists like it was they put this was a passion project to the max you cannot create cuphead I'm sorry but if you have an artist with with a good style even one artist or two artists that can work together I think you'll you'll be you'll be good but again it has to be a good style people have to like it yeah like like every sty it is subjective yeah I know people that don't like the cuphead style I think marketability huge if again if you have a good style huge I think cuz it kind of Falls with that like anime marketability like people if it's a good style I think it's also very easy for like fan arts to be made of because you already have that drawn style and then look at cuphead I mean the amount of things that are on the internet but the C head style is just huge what do you mean no not going to go into that but I think making it can be a little bit more difficult but once you get in once you know the style and you have an artist that knows the style inside out I think the flow will just go it'll just be about being creative with it because look at cuphead do do you think 2D still devalues again I I personally don't think 2D devalued yeah but okay maybe but do you think people think that it devalues a game cuz a lot of games are not three open world whatever and almost no big studios are making 2D games still is there a reason for that yeah because it looks pretty and then they can show off their console and look at what we can look how realistic we can make things but I know and personally I am a person like that I miss those like stylized 2D 3D games that's personally me and I know a lot of people do they're like okay cool Red Dead Redemption beautiful game fun gamepl but like just sometimes I just want to game I don't want to like if I want to run around I'll just go outside give me give me me something to shoot at for like fun that's why GTA kind of falls into that same thing but you can just do so much in GTA there's so many missions like it kind of falls out of the boat but I know that a lot of people miss those like the time when when AAA games were fun and just out there and you could just see it was just one producer who was like you know what we're just going to [ __ ] around and find out and then you created a game that people still played it this day yeah I think it's it's better to stand a test of time but I also from what from what I heard from you at least you would put it very high yeah I wouldn't I would put it somewhere in the middle no I would put it C or B A or S too I think C or B because like you said stand the the thing of time like if you look at some older realistic games of like 5 years ago you look at them now and you're like this looks like dog [ __ ] it does it doesn't AG well yeah because it doesn't evolve but and I I agree that it stands at T of in cup cuphead you could play within 20 years and still be just as good because it's just the art style isn't realistic so it just it stays good be best like can do really you're going to put anime as the highest one it's also a mistake God damn it I'll be fine to put it next to anime again marketability the way it looks the way it it it evolves I still think people pay more for 3D games than 2D games and just because of that it sounds like bad advice to say just 2D games is one of the best things you can do okay we're not talking about making 2D games we're talking about the style and marketability yeah but if you make 2D art you make 2D games right like Hol night for example examp it's like I mean no think about dangun rmpa dangun Roma is is 2.5d 2.5d 3D paper Mario's 2.5d and that is 2D that's 2D mixed with 3D you can do that it's just to say the marketability of a 2d game of a hands drawn game not a 2d handrawn game if the style is good it can go a long way and people if it's a good game and the style is good people can play it for years to come that's rated all right so you were saying something like Sr a I was thinking B yeah what do you want to do with it compar to the the things are already on there yeah it's worse than low Po in my opinion but why I still think Dy even though I don't agree with the statement devalues your game I think I think that's like the difference between an artist and a programmer or something that somebody doesn't know art because I when I see a 2d game and it's it's made well I'm more inclined to buy it just because I know like cuz I love the style and I want to see what it does with it while you guys I don't think don't really think about it like that and just like oh Dy we look we I just look at a game I think oh looks pretty yeah that's it like I've never played cuphead I bought cuphead just because I'm like I want to support the artist I want to I want I know how much time went into this [ __ ] I want I'm just want how many people are there like you you think the all the artists I think a lot of artists don't think like this all right then then a tier is the best I can do just because people buy it and will not play your game from what I hear no but that's just me I no I tried playing it I sucked ass and I'm a rage squitter at heart if I don't pick up a game within the first two minutes never playing it again you know GTA 5 I have like 20 minutes in that game GTA GTA 4 I have like five five like it's not s tier I cannot give you that a tier is already stretching it but I can live with it if you think that it devalues your game you're probably going to think like 90% of the of the gamers out there beat then but you said it was lower than low po but yeah you said something like the more to the right the better it was so it's more beer no wait it's worse than low poly but it's better than the things we put below it it's like the worst of the B tier okay the worst of the B tier so it's more B tier it's more sure more B tier more B tier there we go we put nothing in s tier because it art is subjective people there is no such thing as the perfect art apparently there is such thing as the worst art and that's Foxhole I will die on this hill I'm sorry to the person that commented anyway that about reps with arist let us know in the comments how trash it is why are suck and why you maybe agree with some of our statements and where would you put everything let us know maybe maybe you have like a good argument about things yeah foxel Ester Alexander I will fight you in the comments anyway thanks for watching if you want to discuss this in person with other people go to our Discord whatever just leave me out of it I suck at Art thanks for watching see you in the next time and bye
Channel: BiteMe Games
Views: 12,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, indie, indie developer, game development, unity, c#, blender, game design, game studio, devlog, development, startup, forge industry, flega, steam
Id: cn7n1mF6Ejw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 20sec (2600 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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