We answer your (gamedev) questions | Q&A

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somehow you guys really like us and that has turned into over 15,000 subscribers at this point so we figured you know we should do a little celebration and we decided to do a Q&A because that's what all the YouTubers do nowadays I feel I don't know they've always been doing it so we asked you guys on our YouTube community and in our Discord server what do you want to know about us could be gamee related could be anything else really there's some really weird ones in there as well and we're just going to go through them I don't know if we're going to be able to cover all of them that's up to edit Marx and like however long this video is going to be and like how much we get sidetracked because if our tier lists or anything to go by we can get sidetracked very easily it's always Marx's fault no it's your fault too and I'm here with Thomas as well because there are some of the more technical questions as well that I have no clue about so I got someone who knows a little bit more at least just a tiny bit about programming who can help me out as well and I think we should start with a question of D X on that technical regard and it is to what degree should you worry about keeping your code clean and trying to to keep the number of heart references down depends on your team size it depends on the project you're working on depending on where you are in your Project Life Cycle we need short answers um if you're a solo IND game developer this might be controversial I wouldn't give a about it just make sure you write code quickly and efficiently and just try to keep in mind that down the road if you need to extend a system that it's ready for that that's the only thing you should worry about references itself they are bad in coding practices but if you're a solo inie game developer I think it's way more important to write functional codes than to write clean codes yeah whole take okay next up is Alexa ETF what do you recommend Indie devs do to manage their motivation levels there are days where I feel exhausted for no apparent reasons and some days I can go 24/7 without issue you answer right I mean I can go for it I go 24/7 always um that's not the way to do it I think there's a video I made a while back something about why you're not doing Game Dev or something and it's like capital Y and the concept of that entire video is that motivation I don't really like as much but it's having a strong reason to exist and a strong reason to want to make your game that drives me like am I motivated to work on sound effects or whatever no but it needs to be done and I think because I have that why of why am I doing this cuz this is my job I want to prove the world wrong that like game def can be a thing because motivation can help but it's not something you can depend on yeah motivation is temporary dedication is what you actually need and bite me is eternal and also a thing that really helps me personally aside from drinking way too much energy drink is I really like the idea of an accountability partner I have the luck that I have MX and William with me mostly MX because William is bit more relaxed but Marx has high demands I have high demands and this way we keep each other accountable to work because if we don't make progress quickly one of us is going to say what the you doing mate and that's something that even if you are Solo in the game developer just find someone that can hold you accountable for your game even if he not working on it we have a Discord where you can ask for people to be your accountability partner Link in description next up is another question for you Thomas it's from PG scap and it's I found that coding data structures UI malt and physics from scratch were very beneficial for the speed of the development of my games do you have any libraries that you've coded yourself that often are like the foundation of your game Maybe audio or Graphics yes so after we made for industry we made the strive to create our custom Unity packages so basically we hosted also on our GitHub we can start using the unity package manager and we have there some things that we often use for example helper methods extension methods now with songs of ever8 we've written code that uh William and I already discussed that once songs of ever8 is done we want to like extract from there make it more generic and put it again in in our uh generic library and I think this is also something a lot of games do a lot of things in in the same way so once you tackle the problem once and you find a good solution because there are quite a for example I'll be Concrete in Forge industry we had a different way of handling options than we have in songs of ever jate if we are for example happy with how we tackle the in songs of ever jate no need to reinvent the wheel just take that code make it generic put it in your generic library and move on but only do it if you're happy and I also wouldn't worry about it if it's your first game so just like always focus on making your game first after you've made your game and you're like in the like post launch phase and you don't have to spend all your uh days like fixing bugs then I would think how can I make use of the code that I've already written in another game again but first focus on your game then of course you can make your generic libraries next up we have sharp dressed bear how do you come up with the game concepts for forry and songs ever date do you just come up with a bunch of different ideas and then you choose whichever you feel most interesting or how do you do it marketing wise preparing stuff I think for Forge industry it was very simple it's like we're good at programming and we need to learn Unity let's take something that is we could almost put Forge industry in like a business application front end and like have it as a program instead of a game so that's why we went for for industry really songs of ever jate I think we didn't like over complicate the market research either yet because I feel like we weren't good enough yet to make quality games yet songs was another one of those games where we just put in the Reps we get better at game development which we have and then for our next games we can be like more hardcore of course we did like a little bit of market research but there's no point in doing like a month of market research of why this platform is or isn't going to work when in the same time you could have just started on it and found it out for yourself for our next game that we're like going to be starting to plan soon we are going to have like multiple ideas and then figure out okay what are the strengths and weaknesses of all of them in the past we've always decided to make the game we really want to make for was something Jamie really wanted to make songs of every is more something that Marx wanted to make from now on I think it's best since our studio is grown like the team has gotten a lot better at making games that we should more consider like the financial side of things because we still have like Marx to feed and stuff like that so if you if if you're like us and you want to make games just start with things you want to gain experience and once you're ready you know when you are ready yourself then I would also take a look into market research because that's something we kind of neglected a lot of the time we did like the basics off does this game still sell don't make a 2d platformer there's no market for it there's like a a graph I'll put it on screen of like the the different genres and how much they earn on average don't make Battle Royale either those are horrible market research wi but don't make multiplayer in general as your first game okay but watch our tier list or I guess what's your tier lists yeah multiple three gen lists speaking of game ideas next up we have game def Journey 4231 with a question of how much of your initial idea for your games are still in the game at release songs of ever8 more than for so songs of ever8 is pretty good right now I think that's also because it's such a short development cycle but Forge industry the game design documents versus the released game completely different the the core is still there of you know you have the buildings and you connect them with each other with routes but that's about it we had a point where our research tree for example was completely going to be different instead you would invade other countries or like have trade relationships with them and then they'd send over Consultants basically who would teach you how to make their certain weapons we did not do that I don't know why probably because it was too much work or I don't know even what it shifted but it's just not I think there were a lot of questions on how do we like actually want to implement this and I think we never found answers to how we wanted it to be behave like exactly yeah I think songs of ever Jade is better because once again it's been 3 months in development a little bit more only so when I wrote the original game idea it just hasn't been as much time as with Forge industry 18 months that's a lot of time for your scope to drift I think our blessings have been reworked a little bit and the I don't know yeah no actually it's been all right yeah I also think this is because songs of ever jate is a lot more standard of a game I think with forun you try to do something more exotic because we we wanted to have our own spin on a lot of things while songs of ever jate is a bit more tried and true Rog light and there are already already a lot of examples of course we have our unique things like the blessing system I guess our setting even though that's not a USB I also think Forin is straight a lot more from the part because first of all we didn't really have any experience and also we had some had no experience in game yeah we were no game designers we just were like H guess this will work and then we just did it I think you should like do some planning of what should your mechanics be but also don't write those giant game design documents because it we did that for forry I think it's like 14 pages which is still smallish in the grand scheme of things onepage game design documents Marx has a link yeah link that below as well man we're going to keep plugging stuff all right next one is from leslo gaming how much of a mistake is it that I'm not willing to budge from a certain graphical level of appearance and these things sometimes slow down the progress of developing my game several years means 5 to six years so development is going slower because you have a certain graphical standard you want to hit 5 to 6 years is a lot of time guys honestly I'm I'm going to be really blunt here I think you're doing game death completely wrong man you just want please direct your hate towards him yeah I don't mean this in a bad way let me explain what I mean if you're an indie game developer I mean 5 to six years I assume it's your first game maybe it's not that's also fine but if you are working five to six years on something it's a lot of time if you ever want to be profitable like I think the Indie Game Dev dream is still quit my job and go work on Indie Games fulltime then the five to six years is really hard to justify I think you should first find the fun in your game so make it white box levels for all I care and just give it to people find the core gameplay Loop that you like this is something that is really apparent for example in songs of ever jate we put a play test out there that was visually like completely crap let's be honest yeah but that already gives us feedback and it's like this is good this is bad and we can iterate the iteration is really important if you're working five to six years just to hit a graphical level I think that's not really a good idea yeah I think a good way to visualize it as well that like what we did with songs of ever jate is the songs of ever jate play test has more play time than the forge industry demo that's the play test when the graphics were ugly as hell and it was just fun focused I think also I don't know if it's like a true story but it's like you have the the photography teacher or the pottery teacher and it's like he divides the Clause into two groups one group is okay you have a whole semester to work on taking one picture and you'll be great on that single picture and however good it is and then the other half is we don't care about the quality you just take as many as you can and I'll grade you on like how many You Take by the end of the period the people who just had the hundreds of pictures or the hundreds of pots made they deliver better results than the people who like focus on getting one Perfect Image because you just learn so much more by doing stuff doing as much as possible that's why I like don't like the Indie developers who spent like multiple years on their first game yes it's probably going to fail if you spend only a few months on it but it's also probably going to fail if you spend three years on it so statistically almost no first game ever made has a good chance of success don't talk to me about stard Valley please I know yeah Eric Baron is an exception if if you know or are pretty damn sure like 99% % sure that you are going to fail you better fail fast man we were going to make these questions shorter yeah but the people love us for giving detailed answers I'm sure of it this one is from Destin he has three questions but because I like the guy he's in our Discord a lot we'll answer all three of them lightning rounds lightning round the first one is balancing work life how many hours do we put into our main job versus our like regular like game jav job for me the answer is simple I don't have a main job anymore so I just put all my hours into that yeah I do a 30 hour work week for my main job and I think I do a 40 hour work week for bite me if not more there's a reason I need that energy drink next up what's our sales Target for songs of average eight o that's a rough one honestly I don't really have a sales Target I kind of just want to beat Forge industry in Revenue that's it that's what I have as well beat Forge industry in Revenue uh the game is going to be priced lower so we'll need to have to sell more copies but like double the sales for the same profit yeah but I think even with that like we don't don't expect monster successes we have the YouTube like kind of funding us still as well and like patreons shout out patrons we also need to keep in mind if we release songs I ever did in like 6 months versus 18 months for Forge industry that's already still more profitable for us and then the last one is do you ever worry that your inexperience makes you not great for giving advice despite people wanting to hear it I guess this is more directed at me uh the answer is no because I always say this like I really like John Carmack he's like one of my Idols but put me in a room with him and I can't ask him anything because he is just so many leaks above me same with like if you put me together with Todd Howard or whatever I have no clue what I would even ask him like it would be a cool experience but they're so different to me that I can't do anything with it whereas I just give advice to myself six months ago because I know what I should have done I know what like should have gone right and most of you people are similar to that you don't need to learn how to make a AAA game you just need to learn how you can launch your first game and I know how to do that so I think I'm qualified enough in that regard next up this was one for you again from XC Creations 9590 how do you increase your general programming knowledge you just program you want to tr answers right ah basically he he started over two years ago and like only recently started using scripts that weren't like derivatives from mono behaviors how like his General programming knowledge how would you impr improve if you already have knowledge of the basics so I mean objectoriented programming things like inheritance all those things then I think experience is the main the most important thing because over time you will make codes and like in a week or in a month or in a year whatever you will look back on that code and think it's and you will know why it's if you don't have a grasp for the the basics yet things like inheritance like I said for example or uh polymorphism all those things I would probably suggest you to either take a course University whatever just somewhere you can learn the basic concepts because those things are the foundation and once you have that Foundation all you need is to do stuff next up is from venicius Antonio 2253 do you guys at Bite Me games think about opening a recruiting season or using the community to your favor mods I.E I don't know what you mean with mods do you mean like Discord mods or do you mean like Community Workshop in this case of community Workshop this is always so awkward when people comment this we do have moding support Forge industry you guys are like commenting sometimes like oh you should add like mod support because the community will really bring the game to life if you don't have another Community that's not going to happen yeah in terms of actually people working for us I feel like it's very weird to begin with it's a very slippery slope we it's you don't have a lot of Integrity if you abuse your viewers for free labor in my opinion yeah speaking of abusing for free labor we are getting interns uh soon what a transition mate but but I think that is where it's going to and because with interns there's still a bit of a it's also Belgian interns yeah and we can learn them things yeah we can teach them stuff whereas we also get a lot of people like sending us their Unity resumés like oh I can be a programmer bite me I'm sorry but we're not going to be like needing that anytime soon and it's also just weird like you guys sometimes are like oh I offer to do like stuff for you for free even and it's like that's cool but I feel kind of icky about it still of just doing that even like Discord mods we should at some point it's just I don't know I feel weird about it the benefit is we're three people already so we like more easily I guess manage the Discord server it's just we're all in the same time zone yeah so not not for long you're going to Japan so yeah we're probably not planning on getting any like bite me viewers to join us unless they're like interns who were already fans of bite me because we get a lot of internship requests as well also if you want us to hire more people just make sure songs of s sells millions of copies and we will expend the them that's a pinky promise next up is from camel the camel 794 marketing really stresses me out as an indie so I would like to ask what are the most efficient marketing ways both free and paid aside from the usual just post your stuff everywhere that's a very loaded question mate there is a video idea that I've been wanting to do for a long time but it's probably never going to happen because it will happen not anytime soon and is a marketing tier list but I asked Chris zukovsky this question in a recent one-onone I had with him and it comes down to having a demo up on your steam page is s tier having a pretty game is s tier and reaching out to YouTubers or streamers or whoever and letting them play your game is s tier and online Festival so if something like a steam nextfest or something like the Y cost tiny teams those are really good as well some of the other festivals are kind of crappy such as the dream hack summer Expo or something it's like 10 wish list a day we got from it that's not worth it but I mean it's free I also asked him about paid stuff so for example ads and we at the scale that we are at he's like don't do ads you're not big enough for it yet because ads aren't just something that you can throw a bunch of money towards like one time we're like oh we're going to put $1,000 in ads and we're going to get 5,000 wish lists out of it or whatever that's not how it works you need to spend like for 3 months at a time like $10 a day then figure out like what kind of ads convert well and doesn't and only after 3 months then throw in like $1,000 at least to get that actual conversion rate so I don't think that's worth it for us especially if it's like your first kinds of games you don't have that budget basically to work with and also your game's probably going to be too shitty so you'll be wasting a lot of money yeah but if you want to know how we manage the advertising like experience for Sons of average eight just subscribe because we will'll surely make a video about it cuz we have some plans yeah we have some plans on like trying out some stuff we we just don't know yet how it will go so we can't say if it's good or bad advice yet so stay tuned next up is a question from DSO 2518 it's very long but I basically just summarized it to he has a main job and he's like how do I make sure that once my main job is over I don't just want to chill and not work on my game okay I think it's in my opinion it's AIT bit of the same question as a motivation one just drink a lot of energy drink and find an accountability partner I think it comes down mainly just to having that why again having a good drive just motivation alone isn't going to cut it you need dedication it's about drive it's about power I don't know the rap song from The Rock no okay well he's a Zoomer speaking of Zoomers Andre 21 what do you think about the day before situation because it looked really good all of the trailers and everything oh but then the game actually released I mean yeah that this is yeah I I don't know what to say about it but it's it's it's just but it's also marketing genius because yeah but this is something marketing is King you don't need a good G you just need good advertising this exactly because for example Among Us VR the game didn't exist when the trailer was made for it they just chose something together in unity like I think it was Unity probably that just looked like the game but they had zero actual mechanics and code implemented so I think the day before had a similar issue where they were like let's just see if this is Market viable they made a trailer for it turns out it was okay now we have to make that game actually and I think that's where it went wrong of course there's whole conspiracy theories about mismanagement of funds and whatever I don't really know those yeah also things like that they are actually Studio that did is before or we'll do it again branding and change their name and do it again I don't think that's really something that we should look at as Indies but it's a way you know doing that trailer first to find out that hey is this game even going to be viable I think if you're a solo developer this is like a strategy you're too small for but if you're running like a midsize Indie Studio Define midsize for the people if you have actual artist so you have basically like five people at least in the team I think you can like try out something like this like make a very simple trailer and then just put it on Steam and then see what goes along with it because trailers are really good for marketing as well next up we have a question from Chen Ash that's more directed to me I think am I going to be making videos about being a YouTuber and what does it require basically for my job like making these videos I don't think I'll make like a dedicated like this is what I do as a game theft YouTuber video I'm planning at some point to make a day in the live video where I'll like cover it a bit more but it comes down to I make games half of the time and then the other half I make the videos about it so we do two uploads a week which is a pretty brutal upload schedule but it has allowed me going back to that story of the the photos or the pots like because we've made over a 100 videos at this point I can really make them very fast I don't need to script that much anymore so I can just turn on the camera talk to the wall for a bit generally the the raw footage of a video you see is about 20 minutes then like cut down it's like between 12 to 15 minutes I can go through the edit in about 2 three hours if it's not like a tier list or a video like this and it goes pretty quickly and then you know our thumbnails they're kind of but they also only Take 5 minutes for me to make I just make a prompt in mid Journey or like a low poly stylized something related to the video I have a Photoshop template I throw it in and that's it I try to also batch the YouTube videos so we have a backlog so I can do like two three videos together and then I don't have to worry about it for a week and I can just focus on the game next is a question from edorium why do so many great games such as Celeste or stardew Valley or undertale have horrible steam Pages now I haven't actually looked at them that much but you know you have Chris ovsky is all about like oh you need to get the gifs on the steam page and things like that I think it's just because those games have transcended the need for a steam page you don't go to the Celeste steam page to find out if the game's for you you go to the Celeste steam page to buy it and nothing else because your friend tells you oh I've played this game it's great you should get it as well I think I bought stard Valley just because so many people online were like this is the best game ever I never even looked at a store Page yeah and I also think most of the games you mentioned are from a different era of indie game development right now every year like the amount of indie game developers increase the amount of indie games released also increase so the competition is just a lot more Fierce like first of all you're not only competing with Indies but you're also competing with The Witcher 3 wild Hunt for $9.99 that is cheaper than your indie game but has like 9 out of 10 a lot more content no matter what you say so I think as time goes on yeah you have a lot more competition just because you're not only competing with current games also past games AAA games in sale so I think the longer time goes on you need a more sophisticated steam page and the most games you mentioned are already quite old by Gaming standards next up is from kingart this is a question that has also saw some of our tier list is what do you think about a Roblox as a game engine so we kind of mentioned this concept in our in one of our game genre tier list another engine tier list of like modding existing games I think it's pretty good similar fortnite has it as well now where you can make custom maps you can even get epic Mega grounds for making fortnite Maps that's quite epic I think think they're really good to get started with another game for example unturned started as a Roblox mod as far as I remember the issue is getting scale and getting marketability is hard what for un for example did is their V1 was in Roblox indeed but then they switched to Unity once they found out that their game concept was viable that's when they realized oh we're going to switch I would put it in B tier yeah something like that is fine because the games the specific examples you mentioned at least they have a pretty young audience so I think if you ever want to make money it's a bit harder like they don't yeah Roblox has like some monetization system but it's still very suboptimal I I think it's fine at least when you're getting started to get to learn the ins and out of game though Lou bow Studios how do you keep your hair so luscious and vibrant uh well I have like one shampoo that I've been using since I was born basically and any other shampoo my hair does not get this soft and Luscious so I just keep using that one also get regular haircuts I know they're like 20 bucks just get them like once every month or something don't let them grow out completely or if you're really cheap go to Gamescom and unity has a boot there where you can get free haircuts and tattoos but yeah that's it there's no big secret also I use like Wax don't expect to just roll out of bed and look this pretty uh you need to put some effort into it why are you all boosting his ego I why I have a question for you again I was thinking about this but I couldn't find find one really from David J 3048 what tools in our workflow have we changed throughout using pite me really because we started with gitlab for our main thing we still use gitlab oh we started our documentation process we started with one note one note is garbage then that's a bit extreme but it's it's not ideal compared to the competition of like notion and things like that one note is garbage now we've switched to a like Wiki I think but that's also because we're like a bigger team already if you're solo having a Wiki is overkill I think having a notion page is a very good blend did we change something else we think we removed some stuff as well uh we stopped testing uh kind of kind of one other thing we did for a while but we stopped with it was time tracking oh yeah we I think we did it for like 2 months yeah but it was Mo mostly for like third parties that we were planning ahead of it we had applied for a grant and they were like oh you need to do time tracking so you're like okay we'll do it if you're like time tracking at least for us we just work it's like we don't need to know exactly how many hours we spend I don't think I want to know all yeah it was pretty rough with me some weeks as well like the total hours worked that is something that once again don't have too many tools just make games don't have like 17 different project management tools yeah if you want a really concrete answer in my opinion use Unity use blender use aprite if you're making a pixel pixel art game audacity probably for your audio like tweaking a lot of sound effects and I think that's about it notion for documentation it's pretty good uh we don't use it for documentation but it's I'm I use notion myself yeah just try to keep it simple Robie shil asks how do you get good game ideas as a programmer I don't feel like I'm that much of a designer really so where do you get the idea to make a game I don't think we have good game idas yeah not yet at least uh I don't think we're the best to answer here just make something songs ofj is very basic it's just a game that already exists the formula is tried and TR we just gave it a little spin that's it don't over complicate it your first games are going to suck anyway next up is A9 yle e who picked the company name and why okay this is a story time moment yeah this is a story time moment I picked it because before I adopted these fellas I was working with another friend of mine and we created an app on your mobile phone that was called bite me and the concept of bite me was to meet up with strangers so for example if you having if you're in a country and you're having lunch like for example in ANP or something you could say hey I want to have lunch somewhere and someone else could like join you and you could go have lunch together so you won't be alone you can get to know more people bit like that it's a bit of a dating app and then with the same person we start making a game there's also a video on the channel at why that the first game why it sucked sled we're like okay we're just going to cre keep our name because a couple of people will recognize it so we make Bite Me games no bite me Studios bite me Studios sorry and then later on when I adopted these fellas like I made the biggest mistake of my life we were looking for a domain yeah there was no bite me studios.com only bem games.com yeah so we rebranded yeah that's basically it don't over complicate a name yeah but it's a good name I know everyone is saying why didn't you use a why so for bite because bites and I'm like that was never the intention to begin with next up oh this is a familiar name uh William Von Bowell asks Wu industry when this is I I put it in not just William a this a lot of people had like similar questions so we just grouped them together I cannot legally answer this question yet because of our massive publisher deal uh so we are very conflicted at Bite Me games yeah we kind of want to make an adult only game it's probably not going to be the next one but we kind of do want to make one just because it I can swear right just because it sells it's so it always hurts me to see like mediocre games at Best I'm being very generous with that term selling a thumb having thousands and thousands upon wish list I already pitched the idea to MX like if if we don't grow rapidly enough we quit biting games and we just create sellout Studios and we make adult only games NFD games whatever and we probably break in a lot more money but for some reason we all have Integrity so that kind of sucks yeah I think the one thing we have is we're like we could make an adult only game that's also fun to play yeah the problem we have is we can't get the art right now that's the main thing holding us back if you're like a smart artist and you want to make a game with us that is just adult only garbage send us an email I guess but that is the main thing holding back as for waiu industry specifically I don't think we're going to be remaking Forge industry as an ult only game no but we do want to do something with it also just because nobody else on YouTube is doing it so it I mean it would reflex it would be pretty amazing I just want to go to a gaming convention and like talk to people and they're like oh what are you like working on and they're working on like some VR game or whatever and I'm like oh yeah I'm making a game where you're like this cute little girl who just gets like smashed every 5 Seconds uh it it would be an experience I guess so stay tuned I guess maybe next year like 2025 we'll uh get our around to it Go full degenerate mode next up is p Planet 9730 how much do I bench I bench uh four times 95 I don't do one rep Maxes next up we have is that well is that your all time maximum or what you mention right now I think that's like I'm hope I'm not throwing you under the bus no it's I I bench a little bit less now because I had a few WIS where I didn't but it's my alltime Max is I mean he has some cannons and it's for free more on only flance link down below there there is no link I'm sorry but there is a patreon you can click next up we have uh londes game Def and this was once again one of those questions that we got multiple times is like how do we manage our planning our project structure can band boards whatever maybe we'll go in like a 30 second answer but this is something that we're going to make an in-depth video with uh I think in like the next few weeks it should come out where we just go through how we plan our entire Studio basically you can now give the 30 second answer oh okay we basically use a gitlab with our issue board we create Milestones like every month is a milestone for us this is basically that you have a Sprint but we just took it for a month then we see what we want to finish in that month like description pure text like this is what we want to get ready then we fill those things with issues related to that and then we just work our asses off don't over complicate it once again I see people who are like going too deep into like the issues we like we have no descriptions often for like our issues just the title like one sentence and only if it's like more comp or needs more Nuance then we like write out the full description if you're solo you don't need description if you're in a small team like us if you have good communication even then you also don't need a description in my opinion and then uh the last one we're going to end on a banger from Royal sexy how much do we work together/ apart we both look dead equally in these videos I'm so happy you say this man for like some guy someday commented that I look dead on the inside or that my dog died or ey bags that yeah I know but they someone said I look dead on the inside and that my dog died and so on and he's like weird Vibes and he's like you look so weird and and I'm so happy you say both you really made my day so what was the question how much do we work together versus apart oh okay like 99% apart yeah I don't know what you mean like apart like physically or like working on the same things usually the only times we work together is when I'm trying to figure out like some recently was like a sound effects there was like a custom implementation for sound effects and I couldn't figure it out and it's like yo you have like 3 minutes to explain to me why this isn't working but it's not that we actively sit together and work on the same things because he's a programmer I do stuff that's not programming yeah it it's basically we don't really do PA programming we do merge request reviews that's how we get to know each other's code and aside from that it's basically everyone works on their own this is the way you make the most progress and I think in our culture progress is very important and if you mean physically then it's like when we make these videos when we make these videos or when we like celebrate something like a birthday or something the work never stops exactly and probably even on that birthday party 99% of the talking points are Bite Me games we have our priorities straight anyways those were all of the questions that you guys submitted I don't know how many we actually covered because I'll have to be editing this I don't know how long this video is it's going to be long otherwise so our video that's not going to be the case thank you for watching thank you for all of your support watching the previous videos 15,000 people is a lot of people I hope that it's
Channel: BiteMe Games
Views: 12,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, indie, indie developer, game development, unity, c#, blender, game design, game studio, devlog, development, startup, forge industry, flega, steam
Id: p3lKcq-bfUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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