Thursday Recharge with Bishop Guns

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good evening good evening thank you for coming in to join us tonight on thursday recharge which it has been a blessing for many many many of us and i'm just thinking about the scripture that says the word that i've hid in my heart so i'm gonna make sure that whatever the word is tonight i'm gonna take that i'm gonna hide it in my heart i'm gonna apply it to my everyday life i'm gonna apply it as much as possible because i know tonight that god has a word for us from the lord from our bishop so i want you to do me a favor right quick i want you to go ahead i want you to go ahead and share i want you to share i want you to invite as many people as you can because i believe the word that's coming for tonight is a universal not just universal but a national word that everyone should hear and i believe that god has put something in the mouth of our bishop for tonight so go ahead and do that for me go ahead and share and invite as many people as you can so let's pray father god in the name of jesus we come before you and we come with grateful hearts for another day god a day that you have made a day that we can rejoice and be glad in so we thank you god so god as we start this prayer of god we just pray that you would be in charge of this atmosphere tonight over the airways god virtually god that you would have your way god that you would touch people where they're sitting you will touch people where they're laying that your hand would be upon them like never before god let this experience tonight just be overwhelming and filled with your goodness and your mercy and your favor and we're just thanking you god because we're in anticipation and expectation of a mighty word that's going to come forth tonight so we're just thanking you god we're just praising you even before it comes god our hearts are open our minds are open and our minds are open and guided to you and so we thank you god for what you're about to speak in the atmosphere tonight so be with us through this service blessed from the beginning to the end let your word accomplish everything that you intend and we bless your holy name in jesus name after some amazing worship the next voice you will hear would be that of our bishop and i just encourage you to stay tuned you don't want to miss what god is about to say tonight in jesus name amen how many know that the victory [Music] can stand against the [Music] who lord stand against the king no one cares here [Music] jesus victory [Music] who can [Music] who can stand [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] trust in [Music] [Music] you're [Music] forever we win [Music] you're a problem [Music] forever we win [Music] him [Music] victory [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] victory belongs to [Music] [Music] victory belongs to [Music] [Music] victory [Music] is he's never defeated yes he's never defeated he's never defeated [Music] he's [Music] [Music] oh oh no matter what a day's on tonight victory belongs to jesus [Music] good evening sons and daughters god bless you and welcome to thursday recharge thank you so much for that powerful time of worship as you know this thirsties are now our mid week experience um but it's also an opportunity for us to as a family of faith gather those who are our guest tonight and the guest there's only someone who hasn't yet put in that put in that chat partner um or connection that's that's the only thing that makes your guess and truthfully some of y'all aren't guests anymore because you show up every week so so i want to i want to say welcome to our family our extended family and our soon-to-be family come on let's pray father in the name of jesus bless our time of of study tonight in jesus name amen genesis begins the journey revelation ends the journey galatians is a part of the oh excuse me it's a part of the journey and so because it's so powerful of a of a book embedded in galatians is 5 22 23 the fruit of the spirit and what's amazing is while the journey begins in genesis and while it ends in revelation there are all these amazing books in between and galatians is one of them it was the first book written the first letter written by paul to the church of galatia it's an amazing book because it really kind of gives us a look into the origin into the origination of paul's theological mind interestingly enough he writes galatians 5 22-23 and these two verses are what we call the fruit of the spirit now as we put up the handout um the thing that i want all of you to understand is that when we talk about the fruit of the spirit we're really talking about the traits of the of jesus christ that are manifested in relationships now there may be others who may disagree with that right who may say no that's not really what it is but if you look at these traits what you see is that you see each trait symbolizing an aspect of the culture that was the life of jesus christ and then you see each trait as being a part of the composition of the overall nature of jesus as he walked among us in human form the thing that becomes so amazing is the fact that this incredible man jesus the christ is so wonderfully capsulized by the apostle paul in these two verses until they are called the fruit of the spirit now remember john chapter 15 when jesus talked about us bearing fruit right well reality is at the end of the day the the the the harvest of these traits allows us to now actively and aggressively do the things that honor god the the get get this the the harvest of these traits allows us to do that which honors god and so you talk about the fruit of the spirit you're talking about traits that are reflective of the lord jesus christ that are experience within relationships and the harvest is that god through jesus christ is honored and the world sees the authentic witness of what it means to be a disciple we live then in the culture of relationships we live within community and even when there is hostility and opposition and even toxic behavior we still live in community and so the fruit of the spirit is necessary for us to effectively and successfully live in community please don't miss this we're called into community um um you know beginning in genesis uh god created all that existed but when he got to human beings he ensured that there was a male and a female everything that lives and breathes has at least two expressions female and male and they are both equally necessary for them to be the full expression of what it means to be the image of god in the earth and so god has created us to live in communion and the fruit of the spirit is necessary for us to effectively successfully and productively live in communion please get this the christian faith is relational from the beginning it's been relational and for those who do not understand the power of relationships and do not work at being better as a relational instrument in the hand of god used for the purpose of god then you do not need to claim to be christian because ultimately to be christian is to be relational a disciple is the disciple is not living their life in isolation a disciple may experience solitude which is time with god but they are ultimately experiencing solitude so they can enter into community now this is key and so today as we look at um as we continue to look at peace and tonight and tonight is kind of the end of this study on peace i want you to recognize something amazing and so and so um um um ray pastor ray we we can now go down thank you sir so tonight what i want to do is i want to conclude our study by talking about this last aspect of peace you ready here it is okay now now remember when i talk about peace i'm talking about being joined or tied together in in in a hole talking about harmony and we're talking about internal calm and so personally when i experience peace i am not flustered easily and because i'm not flustered easily i do not operate in in negativity or in a toxic way in my relationships so peace begins internally and it's this undeniable calm right but then that peace ensures that conflict does not damage my relationships and i dealt with that last week well today i want to talk about the last piece of this and it's more of a corporate church peace all right and this is see right here it is that that the benefit of living in peace with others is that it creates the conditions for the work of god to be accomplished it creates the conditions for the work of god to be accomplished let's go to acts chapter 2. chapter 2 right um and in in in verse 1 of acts chapter 2 it says that when the day of pentecost came all the believers were together in one place that's the expression of peace that's where you see peace they were together in one place that's where you see peace okay okay you don't see the word peace but you see the manifestation and consequence of peace together one place together put that in the thread together one place notice that they not only experience physical space they experience spiritual space and they experience relational space together put that in the thread one place put that in the thread watch this and suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong block wind blowing and filled the whole house where they were sitting then they saw what looked like tons of five that had died touched each person so when there is peace there is this corporate experience no one is left out of the experience when there's peace because watch this when there's peace y'all ready to grow with me when there's peace nobody is operating in the kind of opposition that they would risk someone else not receiving what should be the experience and the benefit of everyone that is so important that is so important that that when we talk about the peace of god we're talking about an experience that is experienced by everyone that's in the experience we've gotten so used to this kind of one person gets it than the other doesn't until we've missed the fact that when we operate in the peace of god that ultimately the peace of god ensures that everybody experiences the same thing i don't want anybody to miss this lesson tonight because i think the lord wants to end this this this this space that we exist in whereby it is picking and choosing no the peace of god is such that everyone in the experience experiences what everyone in the experience is experiencing put in the thread we all get it right it creates the conditions then for god's work to be achieved and i want to put a word in there easily creates the conditions so watch this they will all fill the holy spirit and they all begun to talk in other languages as a spirit and enable them to they they were all jews living in jerusalem religious people come from every part of the country it was amazing that pentecost is the greatest expression to me of what it's supposed to look like when we come together unity the work of the lord jesus christ gets done easier it gets done with no stress on any one person it's amazing to see how many pastors and people who work diligently in church are are experiencing uh physical and emotional challenges you wanna know why it's because i think that because there's an absence of peace the work is too stressful because there's an absence of peace the work is sometimes built and based on personalities and people are not protecting and guarding each other so let me suggest three things then as it relates to peace that causes us to make the work work and for us to accomplish the will of god here's the first one selflessness is a predominant trait selflessness is a predominant trait this is so big because i think that when we talk about selflessness we're talking about the opposite of hey listen i'm gonna say something so that that's gonna be so so so elementary until i'm i'm almost apologizing for saying it but selflessness is the opposite of selfishness and whatever selfishness is selflessness is the opposite i need i i need everybody to get this i need everybody to get this selflessness is the opposite of selfishness right and so and so when someone is um when someone is selfless let me suggest some things when someone is selfless um i'm gonna give you about five or six things when when someone is selfless uh let me suggest that one they are humble put that in the thread they're humble two they're respectful put that in the thread they're humble they're respectful they're teachable they're generous right and they're honest when someone is selfless they're humble they're respectful they're teachable they're generous and they're honest and and then you you can add in you know that they're you know that they're compassionate and kind but i want you to get this with the the reason why so many churches are stuck in trying to accomplish vision and the reason why so many organizations are stuck is because we do not operate from the kind of spirit that causes us to work at our optimum level selfless people are the best people to work with selfless people are the best person to be in a relationship with a selfless person is going to give their absolute best a selfless person is going to give themselves to everything that is for the good of others let's turn to luke chapter 22 42 luke 2242 probably the greatest selfless verse in the bible luke 2 42. jesus is in the garden of gethsemane and he says verse 42 father he said if you will take this cup of suffering away from me but listen at this not my will however but your will be done wow selflessness not my will but your will be done in essence father i don't want my way i want what's best for others selflessness is placing the needs of others ahead of themselves a hell of yourself when you are selfless you place the needs of others ahead of you and yes there'll always be people going to tell you girl i advise you i wouldn't do that and man you must be crazy people are using you but i've learned to tell people this if i choose to bless you you ain't using me i'm using you to fulfill god's will in my life did y'all get that when when i'm kind to you and people say if i was you i wouldn't treat them like that and my attitude to them is the fact that if you want me to be nasty to them then then what you're asking me to do is to dishonor who god has created me to be and in the end when i operate an apostle that's not pleasing to god i now jeopardize not only me but everybody connected to me that's one of the things my mom taught me my mom would say in no uncertain terms i am going to keep a short account with everybody and i used to wonder what that meant as a child and i got older i discovered and deserve what it meant i'm not gonna stay mad at you forever here's why because i don't know when the lord's coming back and so i'm gonna keep a short account i'm gonna make sure that i don't spend six months or a year or ten years holding grudges and angry selflessness is conquered selflessness conquers the kind of behavior that ultimately disrupts the work of god it does it conquers that behavior that ultimately disrupts the work of god selfish people selfish people want credit suffice people get mad when their names aren't called selfish people get mad when they're not celebrated selfish people do things that are clearly behavior and acts of working against what's best for the for the ministry for the organization selfless people are willing to do whatever they have to do i'm willing to give whatever they have to give and so when the work gets done is getting done because there are people who say i will pay the price for the work to get done romans 12 10 says watch write this down romans 12 10 write down the verse love one another warmly as christians and be eager to show respect for one another that's selflessness there's a quote by by the late muhammad ali and it says with faith discipline and selfless devotion to duty there's nothing more worthwhile that you can achieve faith discipline and selfless devotion to duty nothing matters more than that nothing is greater than that i want to challenge you to ask the lord to give you the spirit of selflessness so you will do what's necessary to protect the interests of your church the interests of your organizations the interests of your family because that that's the condition where the will of god is easily achieved here's the second thing the collective goal is important to all wow the collective goal is important to all let's turn the ephesians chapter 4 and verse 3. all right ephesians 4 3. here's what it says ephesians 4 3 do your best to preserve the unity which the spirit gives by means of the peace wow that binds us together i i are you starting to catch this this last couple of weeks when i'm talking about peace and you're starting to notice that peace is connected to unity and relationships peace may begin inwardly but eventually it walks outwardly and when you begin to look at peace or people who are operating in peace what you discover is that they are amazing people to work with the worst people to work with are people who are existing in chaos people who are existing and jealousy envy people who undermine organizations people who sit in positions but they do damaging things to work against the forward progress people people who need to be in charge need to be in control and they do whatever they have to do to make sure that they are they are controlled and they are controlling yeah that's what i want to say so watch this so so watch this in ephesians 4 3 it talks about unity talks about humility it talks about i mean verse 2 talks about gentleness and patience then it says the way you preserve the peace the way you preserve the peace is you no no let me let me back up the way you preserve unity is you preserve unity through peace there you go you reserve unity through peace everybody putting a threat unity and peace you preserve unity through peace right first corinthians chapter 10 verse 1. first corinthians chapter 10 verse 1 first corinthians chapter 1 verse 10. first corinthians chapter 1 verse 10 that's what it is first corinthians chapter 1 verse 10. listen listen what first corinthians chapter 1 verse 10 says by the authority of our lord jesus christ i appeal to you all my friends to agree in what you say so that there will be no divisions among you be completely you united and with only one thought and one purpose so what happens is is in peace people now people now are circle around the goal circled around the objective so if that's the senior pastor of saint paul i speak vision people ain't on the outside i'm the high girl i don't agree with that girl i ain't doing that no i ain't giving no more money girl like no no no what they say is how can i bring my uniqueness to the vision that god has communicated through the leader which means that you gotta kill three things you gotta you know you gotta kill suspicion of leadership you gotta kill um um uh uh sarcasm and cynicism and then third you gotta kill the tendency to be critical before you understand you got to kill this suspicion of the leader you can't you can't think the leader is out to get his own way here's the thing that many people miss is that if she is not what god wants her to be eventually god will deal with her if he is not who god wants him to be eventually god will deal with him reality is is at the end of the day the leader is accountable to god while accessible and available to the people unity then is f primary in achieving the will of god no marriage can be successful without unity and peace is a part of how that marriage is blessed mother teresa once wrote i can do all things i can do things you cannot you can do things i cannot but together we can do great things together we can do great things but let me close and then we'll be moving to the next trait next week here it is order is organically guided by the holy spirit order is organically guided by the holy spirit what does that mean this whole thing about order should be easy when you're at peace order is not the it's not just uh it's not the enemy to chaos order is what makes chaos non-existent right it's not just chaos enemy it makes it makes chaos non-existent then all of a sudden when you are a person who operates organically in order and that order is driven by the holy spirit nobody has to tell you to respect the leader but if the leader is driven by the holy spirit and operates in order nobody has to tell the leader to be kind and compassionate to the people it happens and so what happens is is that when when the peace of god is flowing and we have peace with god then what happens is that conflict don't tend to damage our relationships and peace settles in on the house and the work gets done because there's order selflessness is a trait that we celebrate and not one that we avoid and in the end we have one collective goal and we achieve it together that's the power of peace let's pray together father in the glorious name of the lord jesus christ i pray that your peace will overwhelm your people i pray god that your people will feel such an accountability to be women and men of peace that they will guard each other protect each other they will protect their churches they will they will guard their churches they will protect their families they will protect their country they will they will protect their communities father so teach us to walk in peace in jesus name amen listen if you've been blessed by this teaching just share it with someone else to today or tomorrow and let others hear this don't forget that thursdays is our day that we give and so i want everybody right now to go to spnbc and give or you can do text to give spnbc give and then the dollar amount and in in the dollar amount and you text it to 74483 now i want to strongly encourage that you continue to give on thursdays as if you were in the building as if you were in the building so go right now and give and let's stay faithful and obedient to god in the area of giving and then give i love you guys so much i thank god for you don't forget that we are virtuo on sunday at 9 00 a.m we had an amazing parking praise but we're virtual for the next few weeks and and and then we will return to in-person service so i love you so much be blessed everybody remember to go give and remember to stay connected to stay focused to stay faithful and remember to pursue peace i love you so much i'll see you next week people
Channel: SPMBCJax
Views: 45
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: KRL85M5jWJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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